Climate Change and Tropical Andean Glaciers Past, Present and Future. Vuille Et Al

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Earth-Science Reviews 89 (2008) 79–96

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Earth-Science Reviews
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / e a r s c i r ev

Climate change and tropical Andean glaciers: Past, present and future
Mathias Vuille a,b,⁎, Bernard Francou c, Patrick Wagnon c, Irmgard Juen d, Georg Kaser d,
Bryan G. Mark e, Raymond S. Bradley b
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science, University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, USA
Climate System Research Center, Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
IRD-Great Ice, Laboratoire de Glaciologie et de Géophysique, BP 96 38402 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex, France
Tropical Glaciology Group, Institute of Geography, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Department of Geography and Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA


Article history: Observations on glacier extent from Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia give a detailed and unequivocal account of
Received 30 May 2007 rapid shrinkage of tropical Andean glaciers since the Little Ice Age (LIA). This retreat however, was not
Accepted 8 April 2008 continuous but interrupted by several periods of stagnant or even advancing glaciers, most recently around
Available online 24 April 2008
the end of the 20th century. New data from mass balance networks established on over a dozen glaciers
allows comparison of the glacier behavior in the inner and outer tropics. It appears that glacier variations are
quite coherent throughout the region, despite different sensitivities to climatic forcing such as temperature,
glaciers precipitation, humidity, etc. In parallel with the glacier retreat, climate in the tropical Andes has changed
climate change significantly over the past 50–60 years. Temperature in the Andes has increased by approximately 0.1 °C/
water decade, with only two of the last 20 years being below the 1961–90 average. Precipitation has slightly
increased in the second half of the 20th century in the inner tropics and decreased in the outer tropics. The
general pattern of moistening in the inner tropics and drying in the subtropical Andes is dynamically
consistent with observed changes in the large-scale circulation, suggesting a strengthening of the tropical
atmospheric circulation. Model projections of future climate change in the tropical Andes indicate a
continued warming of the tropical troposphere throughout the 21st century, with a temperature increase
that is enhanced at higher elevations. By the end of the 21st century, following the SRES A2 emission
scenario, the tropical Andes may experience a massive warming on the order of 4.5–5 °C. Predicted changes
in precipitation include an increase in precipitation during the wet season and a decrease during the dry
season, which would effectively enhance the seasonal hydrological cycle in the tropical Andes.
These observed and predicted changes in climate affect the tropical glacier energy balance through its
sensitivity to changes in atmospheric humidity (which governs sublimation), precipitation (whose variability
induces a positive feedback on albedo) and cloudiness (which controls the incoming long-wave radiation). In
the inner tropics air temperature also significantly influences the energy balance, albeit not through the
sensible heat flux, but indirectly through fluctuations in the rain–snow line and hence changes in albedo and
net radiation receipts.
Given the projected changes in climate, based on different IPCC scenarios for 2050 and 2080, simulations
with a tropical glacier–climate model indicate that glaciers will continue to retreat. Many smaller, low-lying
glaciers are already completely out of equilibrium with current climate and will disappear within a few
decades. But even in catchments where glaciers do not completely disappear, the change in streamflow
seasonality, due to the reduction of the glacial buffer during the dry season, will significantly affect the water
availability downstream. In the short-term, as glaciers retreat and lose mass, they add to a temporary
increase in runoff to which downstream users will quickly adapt, thereby raising serious sustainability
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

⁎ Corresponding author. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science, University at Albany, State University of New York, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222, USA.
Tel.: +1 518 442 4472; fax: +1 518 442 5825.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Vuille).

0012-8252/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
80 M. Vuille et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 89 (2008) 79–96

1. Introduction and advance throughout the past millennium can be found in Jomelli
et al. (in press). We focus exclusively on glaciers in Ecuador, Peru and
In the arid and semiarid regions of the tropics and subtropics more Bolivia (Fig. 1). Venezuela still has a few glacier remnants totaling less
than 80% of the freshwater supply originates in mountain regions, than 2 km2, but they have lost more than 95% of their glacier-covered
affecting populations downstream (Messerli, 2001). Much of this water area since the mid-19th century (Schubert, 1998). In Colombia six
is initially stored as ice in mountain glaciers and then gradually released different mountain ranges still have glacier coverage, but glaciology
over time. More than 99% of all tropical glaciers are located in the Andes remains a very young science in this country where detailed ob-
(Kaser, 1999) and Andean countries, such as Bolivia or Peru, rely to a servations and mass balance studies are just starting, so results from
great extent on freshwater from glaciated basins during the dry season. these programs are not yet available (Ceballos et al., 2006). Finally Chile
Mountain glaciers, such as those found in the tropical Andes, therefore also has a few glaciers in its northernmost corner along the border with
act as a critical buffer against highly seasonal precipitation and provide Bolivia in the Cordillera Occidental that can be considered tropical in
water for domestic, agricultural or industrial use at times when rainfall is the broadest sense.
low or even absent. At the same time these glaciers are particularly
sensitive to climate change because they are constantly close to melting 2.1. Ecuador
conditions. They are arguably the most visible indicator of climate
change, due to their fast response time, their sensitivity to climate The glaciers in Ecuador are located on two mountain chains, the
variations and the clear visibility of their reaction (glacier growth or Cordillera Occidental and the Cordillera Oriental. They are found at
shrinkage) to the public. lower elevation in the Cordillera Oriental because it is exposed to the
This looming threat of changes in water supply associated with moisture supply from the Amazon basin. Various historical sources
tropical glacier retreat has received little attention so far, mostly because indicate a rather extensive glaciation from the 1500s to the first part of
the climate change community is very much focused on observed and the 1800s, with a maximum glacial extent around AD 1730 (Jomelli
projected large climatic changes at high northern latitudes. However, et al., in press). The following ice recession was interrupted by several
these global projections rely on models, which due to their coarse smaller advances around 1800, 1850 and 1870 but otherwise con-
resolution, are inadequate to resolve the steep topography of long and tinued to the present time (Hastenrath, 1981; Jomelli et al., in press).
narrow mountain chains, such as the Andes. As a consequence, climate Between the 18th century and today the estimated rise of the
change at high tropical locales is not well simulated in these models. Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) is approximately 250 m (Jomelli et al.,
Indeed, when considering the rate of warming in the free troposphere 2008b). More detailed information is available for the last few de-
(e.g. Bradley et al., 2004, 2006) rather than at the surface, it becomes cades, thanks primarily to the tropical glacier monitoring program,
evident that warming in the tropical Andes is likely to be of similar spearheaded by the French Institut de Recherche pour le Développe-
magnitude as in the Arctic, and with consequences that may be felt ment, IRD. Detailed measurements on Antizana 15 glacier (Fig. 1),
much sooner and which will affect a much larger population. including monitoring of glacier length changes and glacier mass ba-
A number of studies have investigated various aspects of this lance have been conducted since 1994. This ice cap, located only 40 km
problem, including case studies of glacier mass and energy balance (e.g. east of Quito is of special interest given the use of its glacial runoff for
Wagnon et al., 1999a,b, 2001; Francou et al., 2003, 2004; Kaser et al., the capital's water supply (Francou et al., 2004). Aerial photogram-
2003), observational studies on past and future climate change (i.e. metry, starting in 1956 has been used to put the on-site monitoring,
Vuille and Bradley, 2000; Vuille et al., 2003a; Bradley et al., 2004, 2006), which started in 1995, in a longer-term perspective. Results show a
or consequences of glacier retreat for water resources downstream (i.e. rapid retreat between 1995 and 1999, which was 7–8 times faster than
Mark and Seltzer, 2003; Mark et al., 2005; Mark and McKenzie, 2007; during the previous period, 1956–1993 (Francou et al., 2000). Between
Juen et al., 2007). A comprehensive analysis however, linking glaciolo- 1999 and 2001 glaciers advanced, due to a cool and wet phase asso-
gical, climatological and hydrological aspects of this problem, has been ciated with persistent La Niña conditions in the tropical Pacific
missing. The goal of this study is thus to combine all these factors in an (Francou et al., 2004). Since 2001 glaciers have again been rapidly
integrated, multidisciplinary synthesis in order to assess the current retreating (Fig. 2). Results from a study on nearby Cotopaxi volcano
state of knowledge, but also to document where our understanding is (Fig. 1) confirm the observations on Antizana. Cotopaxi glaciers were
still inadequate. Ideally such a synthesis should also provide a scientific almost stagnant between 1956 and 1976 and then lost approximately
basis for stakeholders and decision makers when discussing adaptation 30% of their surface area between 1976 and 1997 (Jordan et al., 2005).
measures to future hydrologic changes in the region. The calculated total mass (thickness) loss on selected snouts of
Section 2 documents observed historical changes in glaciation in Cotopaxi between 1976 and 1997 equals 78 m, or 3–4 m w.e. yr− 1, very
the tropical Andes since the end of the Little Ice Age. A review of similar to the values obtained on Antizana.
observed changes in climate during the 20th century in Section 3
helps to put the observed cryospheric changes into a climatic context. 2.2. Peru
A detailed description of how glaciers interact with and respond to
changes in climate by adjusting their mass balance, and how the The Peruvian Andes contain the largest fraction of all tropical glaciers
energy received at the glacier surface is consumed by melting and (~70%), and glaciers in Peru are among the best studied in the tropical
sublimation processes is given in Section 4. A brief discussion of 21st Andes. In the Cordillera Blanca (Fig. 1), the world's most extensively
century climate change projections is followed by an assessment of glacier-covered tropical mountain range, and in other parts of Peru,
the potential ramifications of the observed and projected future glaciers reached their maximum extent between 1630 and 1680 (Jomelli
glacier retreat for glacier discharge and downstream water supplies et al., in press). An earlier glacial advance occurred around AD 1330 ± 29
(Section 5). We end with some concluding remarks and some reco- (Solomina et al., 2007; Jomelli et al., 2008a, in press), but was overlapped
mmendations as to how the scientific network in the Andes should be by the LIA maximum glacial advance around AD 1630 ± 27 on most
expanded and how collaboration between disciplines could be im- glaciers. During the 17th–18th centuries at least three glacial advances
proved (Section 6). were recorded synchronously on several glaciers (AD 1670 ± 24,1730 ± 21
and 1760± 19). Significant glacier recession started in the middle of the
2. Glacier variations since the Little Ice Age (LIA) 19th century (Ames,1998; Kaser, 1999 and references therein; Kaser and
Osmaston, 2002; Solomina et al., 2007). From the LIA maximum extent
In the following section we focus primarily on glacier fluctuations to the beginning of the 20th century, glaciers in the Cordillera Blanca
since the end of the Little Ice Age. A thorough review of glacier retreat retreated a distance of about 1000 m (~30% of their length), comparable
M. Vuille et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 89 (2008) 79–96 81

Fig. 1. Area map with location of key sites discussed in the text.

to the rate observed during the 20th century. Estimates of paleo-ELAs Glacier retreat was accompanied by significant loss of ice volume.
show an increase in altitude of about 100 m from the LIA maximum From 1948 to 1982 volume loss on Yanamarey was estimated at
glacial extent at the beginning of the 17th century to the beginning of the 22 × 106 m3, with an additional loss of 7 × 106 m3 between 1982 and
20th century (Jomelli et al., in press). Much of the glacier shrinkage and 1988 (Hastenrath and Ames, 1995a). Mark and Seltzer (2005a)
tongue retreat of the 20th century in the Cordillera Blanca may have estimated a glacier volume loss of 57 × 106 m3 between 1962 and
occurred in the time between 1930 and 1950, when a significant rise of 1999 in the Queshque massif of the southern Cordillera Blanca. This
the ELA, which separates the accumulation from the ablation zone, was translates into an area-averaged glacier ice thinning of 5–22 m and an
observed. Yet there is evidence for at least three phases of advance, one estimated ELA rise of 25–125 m, depending on the aspect of the glacier.
in the mid-1920s (Ames, 1998; Kaser, 1999), one in the late 1970s (Kaser A comprehensive overview of the entire Cordillera Blanca based on
and Georges, 1997), and most recently at the end of the 20th century SPOT satellite images and digitized maps, suggests an overall decline
(Georges, 2004). These advances however, were short-lived and did not in glacierized area from ~ 850–900 km2 during the LIA to 800–850 km2
stop the general trend of retreat. On Huascaran–Chopicalqui for in 1930, 660–680 km2 in 1970 and 620 km2 in 1990. The ice coverage
example, the glacier extent decreased from 71 km2 in 1920 to 58 km2 at the end of the 20th century was estimated to be slightly less than
in 1970 and the ELA rose by ~95 m (Kaser et al., 1996a). On glacier 600 km2 (Georges, 2004). A similar study on the basis of Landsat TM
Artesonraju a tongue retreat of 1140 m was observed between 1932 and data detected 643 km2 of glacierized area in 1987, and 600 km2 in
1987 (Ames, 1998), while the glacier surface area decreased by 20% 1991 (Silverio and Jaquet, 2005). These differences are mostly due to
between 1962 and 2003 (Raup et al., 2006). Nearby glacier Broggi's different methodologies and definitions as to what should be included
terminus retreated 1079 m between 1932 and 1994, despite a slight as ‘glacier’ (e.g. peripheral snow fields, snow covered ground above
advance around 1977 (Ames, 1998). Glacier Pucaranra and glacier the glacier accumulation zone, stagnant debris-covered ice, etc.).
Uruashraju lost 690 m and 675 m respectively in length between 1936 While glaciers in the Cordillera Blanca have received the most atten-
and 1994 (Ames, 1998). A similar analysis on glacier Yanamarey showed tion, some case studies on glacier retreat in other regions of Peru exist,
that its tongue retreated by 350 m between 1948 and 1988 (Hastenrath such as in the Cordillera Vilcanota (Seimon et al., 2007), on Qori Kalis, an
and Ames, 1995a) and 552 m between 1932 and 1994 (Ames, 1998). At outlet glacier from the Quelccaya ice cap (Brecher and Thompson, 1993;
the end of the 20th century glacier retreat on Yanamarey continued Thompson et al., 2006), or on Coropuna (Fig. 1) in the western Cordillera
unabated with an estimated 20 m yr− 1 (average 1977–2003), four times Ampato (Racoviteanu et al., 2007). These regions have all experienced
the rate observed between 1948 and 1977 (Mark et al., 2005). similar glacier retreat as the Cordillera Blanca, with the glaciated area on
Fig. 2 contains a summary of the observed terminus retreat from five Coropuna decreasing from 82.6 km2 in 1962 to 60.8 km2 in 2000
Cordillera Blanca glaciers: Yanamarey, Broggi, Pastoruri, Uruashraju and (Racoviteanu et al., 2007) and with a retreat rate of the terminus of Qori
Gajap. In general glacier retreat was rapid in the late 1980s and early Kalis that was 10 times faster (~60 m yr− 1) between 1991 and 2005 than
1990s and then slowed down in the late 1990s and early 2000s, in the initial measuring period, 1963–1978 (Thompson et al., 2006). It is
consistent with observations in Ecuador. Over the last few years the noteworthy to mention that the tongues of both Artesonraju and Qori
retreat seems to again have gained momentum. Kalis have retreated from a flat basin into a steep rock face and, in the
82 M. Vuille et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 89 (2008) 79–96

Fig. 2. Change in length and surface area of 10 tropical Andean glaciers from Ecuador (Antizana 15a and 15b), Peru (Yanamarey, Broggi, Pastoruri, Uruashraju, Gajap) and Bolivia
(Zongo, Charquini, Chacaltaya) between 1930 and 2005.

case of Artesonraju, beyond; changing retreat rates therefore have to be the early 1970s, which shows that the glacier is losing more mass than
interpreted very carefully. is replenished by precipitation (Ribstein et al., 1995). Probably most
notable however, is the rapid ice wastage on Chacaltaya glacier, which
2.3. Bolivia lost 62% of its mass between 1940 (0.22 km2) and 1983 and whose
remaining size in 1998 was only 0.01 km2 or 7% of the extent in 1940
Glaciers in Bolivia can be found in two main mountain ranges, the (Francou et al., 2000). On average the glacier experienced 3–5 times
Cordillera Occidental along the western border with Chile and the higher ablation rates in the 1990s than in previous decades, with an
Cordilleras Apolobamba, Real, Tres Cruces and Nevado Santa Vera Cruz average loss of 1.4 m w.e. yr− 1. The glacier also lost 40% of its thickness
in the east. Glaciers in the Cordillera Occidental are limited to Nevado in only 6 years from 1992 to 1998, as well as two thirds of its total
Sajama and its neighboring volcanoes on the border with Chile (Fig. 1). volume (Ramirez et al., 2001). The small elevation range covered by
They consist of small summit ice caps on extinct volcanoes, which due the glacier (270 m in 1991) essentially meant that it had lost its
to the dry conditions have the highest minimum elevation on earth, accumulation zone, as the ELA had moved above the uppermost
with an ELA several hundred meters above the 0 °C isotherm (Messerli reaches of the catchment. In the early 1990s the glacier still functioned
et al., 1993; Arnaud et al., 2001). Most glaciers, however, are located in as a small ski resort, while today the glacier has essentially disap-
the eastern Cordilleras and consist of ice caps, valley and mountain peared and disintegrated into a few small stagnant ice fields (Coudrain
glaciers. Because of the limited precipitation, no glaciers exist today in et al., 2005). Chacaltaya is a very small and low-lying glacier, and
southern Bolivia (Messerli et al., 1993). therefore particularly vulnerable to climate change. The retreat of such
Most information on past glacier extent stems from the Cordillera small glaciers is accelerated once they reach a critical size, below
Real (Fig. 1), where IRD started a detailed monitoring and research which ‘edge effects’ become important. At the edge of tropical glaciers
program on several glaciers in the early 1990s. The maximum neo- air temperature above surrounding rocks can exceed 20 °C at daytime
glacial advance occurred during the second half of the 17th century (Francou et al., 2003), and hence advection of warm air above the
(Rabatel et al., 2005, 2006; Jomelli et al., in press). As in the Cordillera glacier can become very important. Nonetheless Chacaltaya must be
Blanca two smaller glacial advances occurred in the Cordillera Real in considered representative of many glaciers in the region, since more
the 1730s and 1760s respectively (Rabatel et al., 2008; Jomelli et al., in than 80% of all glaciers in the Cordillera Real are less than 0.5 km2 in
press). Afterwards glaciers started to retreat with a major recession size (Francou et al., 2000). Indeed mass balance on Chacaltaya and the
occurring in the late 19th century and an even more rapid retreat after much larger Zongo glacier feature very similar interannual variability
1940 and especially since the 1980s (Jomelli et al., in press). Glaciers and longer-term trends (Figs. 2 and 3), although data from Zongo are
on Charquini for example have by now lost between 65 and 78% from the ablation zone only. The negative trend on Chacaltaya was
(depending on aspect) of their LIA size and the ELA rose by interrupted briefly in 1992/93, 1996/97 and 2000/01. On the other
approximately 160 m from ~4900 m during the LIA maximum extent hand the glacier lost a third of its entire volume (6 m w.e.) in an
to ~5060 m in 1997 (Rabatel et al., 2006). Recession rates have in- exceptional 18 month period between 1997 and 1999 (Fig. 3).
creased by a factor of 4 over the last decades and Charquini glaciers In summary, observations on length and area variations from
experienced an average mass deficit of 1.36 m w.e. yr− 1 between 1983 glaciers in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia give a detailed and unequivocal
and 1997. However, the apparently large retreat observed on account of rapid retreat of tropical Andean glaciers since the LIA.
Charquini is put into perspective, when considering that these glaciers While the climatic forcing behind this retreat may have varied over
are all very small. In absolute terms all glaciers on Charquini have lost time and may not necessarily be the same everywhere, evidence for a
less than 1 km2 of their surface area since the LIA (Rabatel et al., 2006). coherent regional pattern is beginning to emerge (Fig. 2). Mass
On larger glaciers, such as nearby Zongo, the relative mass loss is balance records from Bolivia and Ecuador similarly show a very cohe-
therefore much lower. Nonetheless Zongo glacier is equally in im- rent picture, featuring a generally negative mass balance, that appears
balance as demonstrated by a reconstruction of glacier discharge since to be driven by the same background forcing throughout the region
M. Vuille et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 89 (2008) 79–96 83

(Fig. 3). Superimposed on the generally negative trend (Fig. 3a) are seven stations in the central Andes of Bolivia, showed that both mini-
occasional periods of equilibrated or even positive mass balance mum and maximum temperatures have increased between 1918 and
(Fig. 3b), that tend to slow down or even temporarily reverse the 1990, but the trend for the minimum temperatures was much larger,
negative cumulative trend (Fig. 3a) These periods often coincide with thereby effectively reducing the daily temperature range (DTR). Similar
prolonged La Niña events, such as between 1999 and 2001, which are results were obtained in a study from Ecuador, based on 15 stations
associated with cool and wet conditions in both the Andes of Bolivia between 1961 and 1990, revealing again an increase in both minimum
(Vuille et al., 2000a) and Ecuador (Vuille et al., 2000b). and maximum temperatures, but a decrease of the DTR (Quintana-
Gomez, 2000). Vincent et al. (2005) later confirmed these results with a
3. Observed 20th century climate change limited data set from South America, showing that the DTR decreased
from Ecuador to Chile. They also reported that the coldest nights are
To accurately attribute glacier retreat to a particular climate forcing getting warmer and that the percentage of extremely cold (warm) nights
requires detailed knowledge and understanding of the climatic is decreasing (increasing), thereby confirming the strong nighttime
changes that have taken place in the 20th century. In this section we warming. Analyses of changes in freezing level height (FLH) over the
will review regional scale, observed 20th century climate change by American Cordillera and the Andes, based on NCEP–NCAR reanalysis
focusing on variables which are relevant for the glacier energy balance. data show an increase of 73 m between 1948 and 2000 and of 53 m
between 1958 and 2000, a period for which the data is considered more
3.1. Temperature reliable (Diaz et al., 2003). A simple regression analysis with the Niño-3
index shows that a 1 °C warming of tropical Pacific SST equals about 76 m
Fig. 4 shows an analysis of near-surface temperature trends based on rise of the FLH. Diaz et al. (2003) concluded that the increase in tropical
a compilation of 279 station records between the 1°N and 23°S. These Pacific SST accounts for about half of the observed rise in FLH, consistent
results are based on an update of previous studies by Vuille and Bradley with similar results obtained by Vuille et al. (2003a). Further evidence
(2000) and Vuille et al. (2003a) through 2006. Individual station records for recent warming comes from the Quelccaya ice cap, where shallow ice
have been assembled into a single time series by using the first cores reveal that the seasonal δ18O signal is no longer being preserved.
difference method and by first gridding the data to avoid any regional This indicates that melting is taking place on the summit and that
bias (Vuille and Bradley, 2000). The results show that near-surface air meltwater percolates through the snowpack, thereby destroying the
temperature has significantly increased over the last ~70 years. An seasonal δ18O signal (Thompson et al., 1993; Thompson, 2000). This
ordinary least squares regression analysis indicates a warming of 0.10 °C/ hypothesis is consistent with recent temperature recordings by an
decade and an overall temperature increase of 0.68 °C since 1939. Of the automated weather station at the summit, indicating that temperatures
last 20 years only 2 (1996 and 1999) were below the long-term (1961– reach above freezing during several months every year (Hardy, pers.
90) average. This rate of warming is similar to previous reports of 0.10– comm., 2007). Thompson et al. (2003, 2006) also reported a significant
0.11 °C/decade between 1939 and 1998 (Vuille and Bradley, 2000) and enrichment of the δ18O in their cores during the 20th century that they
0.15 °C/decade between 1950 and 1994 (Vuille et al., 2003a). have interpreted as a sign of rising temperatures. The correct
On a more regional scale a number of studies provide additional interpretation of this signal, however, is controversial and most evidence
evidence for significant warming over the last decades of the 20th suggests that it may not be directly related to a temperature increase
century. In central Peru (9–11°S), Mark (2002) and Mark and Seltzer (Bradley et al., 2003; Hardy et al., 2003; Vuille et al., 2003b,c; Hoffmann
(2005a), based on 29 low and high-elevation stations, found a tem- et al., 2003; Hastenrath et al., 2004; Vuille and Werner, 2005; Vimeux
perature increase of 0.35–0.39 °C/decade between 1951 and 1999. Vuille et al., 2005, in press).
et al. (2000a,b) based on a principal component analysis of station data
found a significant warming trend since the mid-1970s in southern 3.2. Precipitation
Bolivia and northernmost Chile. Toumi et al. (1999) reported significant
warming (0.20 °C/decade between 1954 and 1987) at La Quiaca, a high- Changes in precipitation are much less notable than the changes in
elevation (3462 m) station at the border between Bolivia and Argentina temperature. There is however, also a lack of long and high-quality
by utilizing station pressure change as an indicator of warming. precipitation records, which would allow for a detailed assessment of
Quintana-Gomez (1997), based on daily temperature records from long-term trends. Vuille et al. (2003a) used 42 station records between

Fig. 3. Comparison of a) cumulative and b) annual mass balance on glaciers in Bolivia and Ecuador. Note that the hydrological year is September–August in Bolivia and January–
December in Ecuador.
84 M. Vuille et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 89 (2008) 79–96

Fig. 4. Annual temperature deviation from 1961–90 average in the tropical Andes (1°N–23°S) between 1939 and 2006 based on a compilation of 279 station records. Gray shading
indicates ±2 standards errors of the mean. Black line shows long-term warming trend (0.10 °C/decade) based on ordinary least square regression.

1950 and 1994 to analyze trends in precipitation in the Andes of Ecuador, between 1950 and 1995 of up to 2.5%/decade. The most prominent
Peru, Bolivia, and northernmost Chile and Argentina. Besides determin- positive trend was in northern Ecuador and southern Colombia, while in
ing the statistical significance, Vuille et al. (2003a) also analyzed the southern Peru, western Bolivia and northernmost Chile the increase was
trends for spatial coherence and elevation dependence. There is a more moderate (0.5–1.0%/decade), To the east of the Andes the trends
tendency for increased precipitation north of ~11°S, in Ecuador, were much lower or even negative. Given the significant increase in
northern and central Peru both on annual time scales and at the height temperature and the rising relative humidity levels, it follows that vapor
of the austral summer precipitation season (DJF). In southern Peru and pressure (or specific humidity) has increased significantly throughout
along the Peru/Bolivia border on the other hand, most stations indicate a the Andes as well. However, since the CRU05 data are partially inter-
precipitation decrease. Even though this appears to be a quite coherent polated from synthetic data (New et al., 2000), these trends need to be
regional signal, individual station trends are mostly insignificant. Of the interpreted with caution (Vuille et al., 2008).
42 stations analyzed only 5 (2) show a significant increase (decrease) in
the annual precipitation amount and there is no apparent dependence of 3.4. Convective cloud cover (OLR)
the trend on elevation. These results were later confirmed by Haylock
et al. (2006), who also found a change toward wetter conditions in The most comprehensive data set available to assess changes in cloud
Ecuador and northern Peru, and a decrease in southern Peru, albeit cover over the past decades is the International Satellite Cloud
based on far fewer stations. A few studies have looked at precipitation Climatology Project (ISCCP), which has been used in the past to study
trends on a regional scale and found notable precipitation increases over cloud cover variations in the central Andes (Vuille and Keimig, 2004).
time. It is interesting that all these reports come from the eastern slopes Unfortunately it is not very well suited for linear trend analysis because of
of the Andes, or even the lowlands to the east, such as the reported its short duration (start in July 1983) and the lack of an independent
increase along the eastern slopes of the Andes in Ecuador during the confirmation of the long-term calibration (e.g., Rossow and Schiffer,
MAM rainy season (Vuille et al., 2000b), or along the eastern slopes in 1999). Another commonly used data set is based on measurements of the
NW-Argentina (Villalba et al., 1998). outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR) emitted by the earth's surface and
the overlying atmosphere and constantly monitored by a number of
3.3. Humidity polar orbiting satellites since 1974. OLR is sensitive to the amount and
height of clouds over a given region and time and has been applied in a
Changes in humidity are very relevant in the context of glacier number of studies to investigate tropical convection and convective
variations because of the significant impact humidity has on the cloud cover over tropical South America (e.g. Chu et al., 1994; Aceituno
partitioning of the available energy into melt and sublimation (see and Montecinos, 1997; Liebmann et al., 1998; Chen et al., 2001; Vuille
Section 4.3.). However, in the Andes, no long-term and continuous in- et al., 2003a). In the presence of deep convective clouds, the satellite
situ records exist to document such changes. New data sets of tro- sensor measures radiation emitted from the top of the clouds, which are
pospheric water vapor have become available thanks to improved high in the atmosphere and thus cold, leading to low OLR values. In the
remote sensing techniques, but they have their own calibration issues case of clear sky conditions on the other hand, high OLR values reflect
and the records in general are still too short to meaningfully distinguish radiation emitted from the earth's surface and the lower atmosphere. In
between low-frequency variability and actual trends. NCEP–NCAR and the absence of convective clouds, OLR is thus strongly influenced by
ERA-40 reanalysis data equally have large biases, particularly in their other processes, such as changes in surface temperature, low-level cloud
moisture fields and over the tropics, making them ill suited for any kind cover or water vapor content. Fig. 5 depicts OLR trends between 1974 and
of trend analysis (Trenberth and Guillemot,1998; Trenberth et al., 2001). 2005. The largest changes have taken place during austral summer, DJF,
In their assessment of near-surface humidity changes in the Andes, when OLR has significantly decreased over the tropical Andes and to the
Vuille et al. (2003a) therefore relied on CRU05 data, which is based on east over the Amazon basin (Fig. 5b). This observed increase in
station observations, spatially interpolated on a regular 0.5°× 0.5° grid convective activity and cloud cover in the inner tropics is consistent
(New et al., 2000). They found a significant increase in relative humidity with earlier studies over the Andes and the Amazon basin reaching
M. Vuille et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 89 (2008) 79–96 85

Fig. 5. Trends in OLR (in W m− 2 yr− 1; 1974–2005) for a) annual mean and b) DJF. Contour interval is 0.1 W m− 2 yr− 1; 0-contour is omitted and negative contours are dashed. Regions
where increase (decrease) in OLR is significant at the 95% level are shaded in light (dark) gray.

similar conclusions (e.g., Chu et al., 1994; Chen et al., 2001; Vuille et al., the upper tropospheric circulation shows a clear trend towards
2003a). In the outer tropics (south of ~15°S) the trend is reversed, enhanced divergence over tropical South America, while the lower
featuring an increase in OLR (Fig. 5a). This pattern however is more level (850 hPa) features increased convergence (Fig. 7b). Both of these
difficult to interpret because OLR in the outer tropics is only a good proxy fields act to reinforce and sustain enhanced upward motion and con-
for convective activity and cloud cover during the rainy season (DJF). vective activity in the tropics, consistent with the notion that there has
However, OLR has indeed significantly increased in the outer tropics indeed been a trend toward a strengthening of the tropical circulation.
during DJF as well, suggesting that cloud cover is indeed trending Chen et al. (2001) came to very similar conclusions, showing that the
downward (Fig. 5b). This overall pattern is consistent with the changes in regional hydrological cycle over the Amazon basin has strengthened,
precipitation reported in the previous section, with changes in vertical and vapor flux convergence over the basin has increased. Chen et al.
motion associated with the Hadley circulation (see next section) and (2002) also report a strengthening of the Hadley circulation, based on
with results by Wielicki et al. (2002) and Chen et al. (2002), who reported satellite observations, which show that equatorial-convective regions
intensified upward motion and cloudiness in equatorial-convective have intensified in upward motion and moistened, while both equatorial
regions and drier and less cloudy conditions in subtropical subsidence and subtropical subsidence regions have become drier and less cloudy. It
regions in the 1990s. However, questions have been raised about the should be noted however, that this trend seen in atmospheric reanalysis
reality of the variations in these latter two reports (Trenberth, 2002). is not observed in rawinsonde data nor is it reproduced in most General
Circulation Models (Allan and Soden, 2007). Nonetheless the trends are
3.5. Atmospheric circulation dynamically consistent with observational data (both OLR and in-situ
precipitation) and help to explain why the Andes in the inner tropics
Although the significance of the observed trends varies widely, the appear to have become wetter and the subtropical Andes are becoming
previous sections on precipitation and cloud cover seem to suggest that drier. In-situ observational data, satellite information and reanalysis data
the inner tropics are getting wetter and cloudier while the outer tropics all seem to indicate such a strengthening of the tropical atmospheric
are becoming drier and less cloudy. This behavior could be explained circulation.
through an intensification of the meridionally overturning tropical cir- Whether such a trend will continue in the 21st century, however, is
culation (the regional Hadley circulation), with more vigorous vertical not clear. Climate model simulations performed for the Intergovern-
ascent, favorable for convective activity, in the tropics, balanced by mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report
enhanced subsidence and accordingly clear skies in the subtropics. A (AR4) suggest a weakening of the tropical circulation in response to
trend analysis of the vertical motion (Ω) and the meridional wind field increased greenhouse gas concentrations. Most of this relaxation in the
(v) along a north–south transect at 65°W in South America does indeed tropical overturning circulation however, takes place in the zonally
support this notion (Fig. 6). The result shows that over the period asymmetric (Walker) circulation, while the Hadley circulation seems
analyzed (1950–1998), the regional Hadley circulation has indeed less affected (Vecchi and Soden, 2007). The simulated weakening of the
intensified, with more vigorous ascent in the tropics between ~10°S Walker circulation over the tropical Pacific domain is consistent with
and 10°N and enhanced descending motion in the subtropics, in parti- observations by Curtis and Hastenrath (1999) which showed that sea
cular in upper- and mid-tropospheric levels between 10°S and 30°S. This level pressure (SLP) increased in the western and decreased in the
pattern is robust both in the annual mean as well as in the seasonal eastern tropical Pacific throughout the 20th century. Vecchi et al.
analysis, although the trends are larger and more significant in the (2006) attributed this change to increased anthropogenic greenhouse
northern hemisphere. The upper and lower tropospheric divergent gas forcing. The observed SLP changes in the Pacific lead to a weakened
wind field were subjected to similar analyses and the trends are zonal SLP gradient and hence to a shift of the mean conditions toward a
dynamically consistent with the above results (Fig. 7). Although the more El Niño-like state. This is relevant in the context of our discussion
divergent wind field is only a fraction of the total wind field, it is more of Andean glaciers because of the strong dependence of the glacier
directly linked to monsoonal precipitation, gives a better representation mass balance on tropical Pacific SSTs and ENSO in particular. Of course
of the anomalous large-scale overturning (Hadley and Walker) circula- a change in the mean state is different from a change in El Niño
tion and it allows for an easier depiction of the centers of large-scale intensity or frequency, and it is not clear what the exact ramifications
convergence and divergence (Trenberth et al., 2000). As shown in Fig. 7a, of these studies for Andean glaciers are. Nonetheless future changes in
86 M. Vuille et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 89 (2008) 79–96

Fig. 6. Trend of vertical motion (Ω, in hPa s− 1 yr− 1) and the meridional wind field (v, in m s− 1 yr− 1) along a transect from 40°N to 40°S at 65°W between 1950 and 1998 for a) annual
mean and b) DJF. Trends of enhanced ascending (descending) motion, significant at the 95% level, are shaded in dark (light) gray.

tropical Pacific climate need to be carefully observed, given the tight tropics, almost constant precipitation near the equator), tropical glacier
coupling between tropical Pacific SST and tropical Andean glacier mass mass balance and its sensitivity to climate change are fundamentally
balance, discussed in the next section. different from mid- and high-latitude glaciers (see Kaser, 2001 and Kaser
and Osmaston, 2002 for a detailed review). Unlike mid-latitude glaciers
4. Tropical glacier mass and energy balance where accumulation and ablation are separated into a winter accumula-
tion and a summer ablation season, tropical glacier ablation and
The principal processes that drive energy and mass fluxes toward accumulation can occur at the same time. Also, because temperature
and from the surface of a tropical glacier, and link a glacier with its does not change much throughout the year, ablation occurs predomi-
surrounding climate, are exactly the same as on any mid- or high- nantly in the ablation zone below the ELA, and accumulation is restricted
latitude glacier. Yet the characteristics of tropical climate require a to regions above the snow-rain line that remains at more or less constant
careful examination of each component of the energy and mass altitude throughout the year.
balance in terms of its efficiency on daily, seasonal and interannual Apart from the pioneering work on energy balance by Hastenrath
time scales. Such an assessment is crucial for understanding the (1978) and early mass balance measurements carried out by Alcides
glaciers' sensitivity to changes in climate. Ames in the 1960s and 1970s (Kaser et al., 1990) (pre-1970 records
Because of the lack of a pronounced thermal seasonality (tem- were lost in the 1970 earthquake (Patzelt, 1983), detailed energy and
peratures stay more or less constant throughout the year) but a clear mass balance studies in the tropical Andes only started in the late
differentiation between dry and wet seasons (one each in the outer 1990s. These mass and energy balance studies are restricted to glaciers

Fig. 7. Trend of velocity potential (χ, in m2 s− 1 yr− 1) and divergent wind field (udiv, vdiv, in m s− 1 yr− 1) between 1950 and 1998 for a) 250 hPa and b) 850 hPa level. Divergent wind
vectors are only shown where the trend is significant at the 95% level.
M. Vuille et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 89 (2008) 79–96 87

that are easily accessible and safe to work on due to logistical reasons. timescales, but this apparent correlation does not reflect the real physical
In effect this means that they are usually rather small and relatively processes present at the glacier surface (Francou et al., 2003). ENSO plays
low-lying. This in turn may affect the results to some degree, as there an equally important role in dictating interannual mass balance
are indications that small and low-lying glaciers have more negative variability, with El Niño years featuring a strongly negative mass balance
mass balances and have experienced greater loss than colder glaciers, and La Niña events producing a nearly balanced or even slightly positive
located in higher, inaccessible terrain (Francou et al., 2005). In mass balance on glaciers in Bolivia (Francou et al., 1995, 2000; Wagnon
addition, mass balance measurements are often limited to the ablation et al., 2001; Ramirez et al., 2001). These results do not come as a surprise
zone because of safety concerns, but also because the lack of a clear since climate in the tropical and subtropical Andes is significantly
annual stratigraphy makes accumulation measurements very difficult influenced by ENSO on interannual timescales (Vuille, 1999; Vuille et al.,
(e.g. Kaser and Georges, 1999). Finally the limited sampling density 2000a,b; Garreaud and Aceituno, 2001; Garreaud et al., 2003; Vuille and
(estimates for entire glaciers are often derived form a limited number Keimig, 2004), with La Niña years tending to be wet, while dry conditions
of stakes) can lead to inaccurate or biased results, especially during usually prevail during El Niño years. In conjunction with dry conditions,
extremely negative or positive years (Sicart et al., 2007). These the Andes also experience above average temperatures during El Niño
limitations should be kept in mind during the following discussion. events (Vuille and Bradley, 2000; Vuille et al., 2003a). On average, near-
surface summer temperatures are 0.7–1.3 °C higher during El Niño as
4.1. Seasonality of mass balance and climate compared to La Niña (Vuille et al., 2000a). Tropical glaciers, such as
Chacaltaya, thus do not only experience a deficit of summer precipitation
The longest continuous mass balance measurements with stake and consequently reduced accumulation and a lowered albedo during El
networks are located on Zongo and Chacaltaya glaciers in Bolivia. On Niño events, but are also exposed to higher temperatures and an increase
these glaciers, large year-to-year differences in mass balance occur in incoming short-wave radiation due to reduced cloud cover (Wagnon
during the wet season, October–April, while mass balance is always et al., 2001; Francou et al., 2003). It follows that mass balance anomalies
near equilibrium during the dry and cold months May–September on Chacaltaya are largely governed by climatic conditions in the tropical
(Fig. 8a). Accordingly, the annual mass balance largely reflects the Pacific domain (Francou et al., 2003). This is consistent with observations
variability in wet season accumulation and ablation. On Chacaltaya, for indicating an accelerated negative mass balance and glacier retreat in
example, the three month DJF alone account for 78% of the total many tropical Andean locations after the mid-1970s, concurrent with the
variance of the annual mass balance (Francou et al., 2003). In the Andes 1976/77 Pacific climate shift.
of Ecuador, on the other hand, mean ablation rates are nearly constant Results from Antizana similarly indicate a strong dependence on
all year round (Fig. 8b), although the periods February–May and ENSO, with a mass balance that is negative all year round during El
September show much larger variations from year to year. The large Niño periods but remains close to equilibrium during La Niña events
variability during those months can be explained by the dominant (Francou et al., 2004). While the response to ENSO-related climate
influence of ENSO on the glacier mass balance (Francou et al., 2004) variability is very similar on Antizana to what is observed on glaciers
and the large differences that occur in the seasonal cycle during the in Bolivia, the seasonal dependence and the physical mechanisms
two opposite phases of ENSO (see Section 4.2.). linking ENSO with mass balance variations are very different (Favier
et al., 2004a). Unlike in Bolivia, the impact of El Niño is primarily
4.2. Interannual mass balance variations and their relationship with through increased air temperature, which favors rain over snowfall,
climate but to a lesser degree also due to weak and sporadic snowfall, in-
sufficient to maintain a high glacier albedo, low wind speeds, which
On interannual time scales there is a clear inverse relationship bet- are more favorable for melting than sublimation, and reduced cloud
ween mass balance on Chacaltaya and temperature (Fig. 9a). Periods of cover, which increases the incoming short-wave radiation. La Niña
negative (positive) mass balance values coincide with positive (negative) events on the other hand are characterized by colder temperatures,
temperature anomalies. Temperature in this region, however, is strongly higher snowfall amounts, and to a lesser degree, more constant winds,
correlated with humidity, cloudiness and precipitation, especially on factors which increase albedo and sublimation and therefore reduce
interannual timescales. Since temperature integrates all the fluxes, it melting at the glacier surface (Francou et al., 2004). Hence on in-
appears to be significantly correlated with mass balance on longer terannual time scales mass balance is equally closely related to

Fig. 8. Whisker box plots of monthly mass balance for a) Chacaltaya (data from Sept. 1991 to April 2005) and b) Antizana (data from Jan. 1995 to Dec. 2005). Plots show monthly
minimum and maximum (black dots), 10th and 90th percentile (error bars), 25th and 75th percentile (gray box), median (horizontal line) and average (white dot). Note that scale on
y-axis is different for a) and b).
88 M. Vuille et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 89 (2008) 79–96

Fig. 9. Time series of monthly mass balance anomalies and 500 hPa temperature anomalies for a) Chacaltaya (Sept. 1991–April 2005) and b) Antizana (Jan. 1995–Dec. 2005). NCEP–
NCAR 500 hPa temperature data was extracted from grid cells closest to glaciers (15°S–17.5°S/67.5°W for Chacaltaya and 0°/77.5°W for Antizana). Both time series have been
smoothed with a 12-month running mean.

temperature variations (Fig. 9b). Here however, the impact of tem- glacier thickness is through a decrease in precipitation by the amount of
perature appears to be more direct through changes in the snow–rain imbalance, in this case,1.5 m. Alternatively Hastenrath and Ames (1995b)
line, which reduces accumulation in the lower zone of the glacier, calculated that a cloudiness decrease of 10%, a temperature increase of
exposes the snout to rain as opposed to snow and thereby lowers the 2 °C, a specific humidity increase of less than 1 g kg− 1 or any combination
albedo (Favier et al., 2004a; Francou et al., 2004). of the above, could have led to the observed glacier thinning. On
In the Cordillera Blanca, mass balance is also dependent on the Uruashraju glacier Ames and Hastenrath (1996) estimated an average
phase of ENSO, but the influence is generally not as strong. Kaser et al. surface lowering of 1.04 m yr− 1 between 1978 and 1988, equivalent to an
(2003) and Vuille et al. (2008) found a significant relationship energy surplus of 12 W m− 2. Their calculations suggested that the energy
between ENSO and reconstructed glacier mass balance using a 41- increase could have been produced by a cloudiness decrease of less than
year long mass balance time series, but they also pointed out that this 10%, a temperature increase of 1.5 °C, an increase in specific humidity of
relationship does not hold in all years. Because the teleconnection less than 1 g kg− 1 or any combination of these (Ames and Hastenrath,
mechanism linking ENSO with precipitation is spatially unstable and 1996). Kaser et al. (1996a) performed a similar sensitivity study in the
oscillates latitudinally, it affects the Cordillera Blanca in most, but not Cordillera Blanca, calculating the energy surplus responsible for the
all ENSO years (Vuille et al., 2008). observed ELA rise of 95 m between 1920 and 1970. According to their
results either a temperature increase of 0.51 °C, a precipitation decrease
4.3. The processes driving mass balance — the surface energy balance of 1177 mm, a global radiation increase of 1.076 MJ m− 2 d− 1 or an increase
(SEB) in evaporation of 157 mm yr− 1 could have caused the change in ELA
position. Comparing their results with actual observed changes in
The SEB quantifies the amount and direction of the various energy climate, Kaser et al. (1996a) concluded that a temperature increase could
fluxes from and to the glacier surface and thereby describes the pro- only explain about half of the observed rise in ELA and that precipitation
cesses which can explain the observed mass balance — climate changes were too small to have had a significant impact, consistent with
correlations discussed in the previous section. A detailed SEB can only observations by Vuille and Bradley (2000) and Vuille et al. (2003a). The
be established through accurate measurements on the glacier itself, remaining half of the observed ELA change was therefore attributed to a
which requires the installation and maintenance of automated combined effect of the remaining factors. Similarly Kaser and Georges
weather stations (AWS) for a period long enough to properly under- (1997) attributed the observed ELA increase in the northern Cordillera
stand diurnal and seasonal cycles, as well as interannual variations. Blanca between 1930 and 1950 only in part to a temperature increase,
Such detailed monitoring programs are relatively new and therefore, but more so to decreased humidity and its indirect effects of reduced
until recently, energy balance studies instead focused on quantifying precipitation, reduced cloud cover and hence increased incoming
the amount of energy needed to produce an observed change in glacier radiation. They also observed large differences in ELA rise across the
mass balance (sensitivity studies). Here we first discuss results from Cordillera Blanca from east to west and argued that this differential ELA
early sensitivity studies (Section 4.3.1) and then present more recent rise was inconsistent with a temperature forcing, which should have had
analyses from SEB measurements (Section 4.3.2). a similar impact throughout the region. Mark and Seltzer (2005a)
performed a similar sensitivity analysis on Nevado Queshque, also in the
4.3.1. Sensitivity studies Cordillera Blanca, to assess the causes of the observed ice thinning
Some of the earliest sensitivity studies were performed by Hastenrath (353 mm yr− 1) between 1962 and 1999. Assuming that 20% of the mass
and Ames (1995b) in the Cordillera Blanca. They estimated the average loss was due to sublimation and the remaining 80% due to melt, they
surface lowering on Yanamarey glacier between 1977 and 1988 to be concluded that 9.3 W m− 2 was required to produce the observed mass
1.5 m yr− 1. Given the latent heat of melting, Lm = 33.4 × 104 J kg− 1, the loss. According to their results this energy surplus was most likely
energy required to produce such a change corresponds to a positive caused by a temperature rise of 1 °C, combined with a specific
energy balance (directed toward the glacier) of 16 W m− 2. Sublimation, humidity increase of 0.14 g kg− 1, as this scenario was most in line with
which is much more energy-consuming (latent heat of sublimation actual observed changes in climate over this period. They also
Ls = 283.4 ×104 J kg− 1) was neglected by the authors in their study. In pointed out that this estimate was inconsistent with the observed
theory, albeit unrealistic, the easiest way to account for this change in average ELA rise of only 72 m, which they explained with the fact that
M. Vuille et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 89 (2008) 79–96 89

the glaciers are not in equilibrium and lag behind the climate forcing. accumulation during the wet season lead to a large mass turnover (e.g.
On Chacaltaya glacier Ramirez et al. (2001) estimated that an average Kaser et al., 1996b; Sicart et al., 2003; Kaser et al., 2005).
increase in heat supply of 10 W m− 2 was responsible for the excess During the dry season on the other hand, the LW balance is
melting since 1983 (assuming no sublimation). According to their negative due to low incoming long-wave radiation related to reduced
calculations it would require a ~ 200 m drop in the ELA to counter- cloudiness, and weak vertical gradients of air temperature and the
balance this increase in heat supply and to again stabilize the glacier. large vapor pressure gradient lead to enhanced sublimation. As a
Such a scenario would bring the ELA down to a level near 5220 m, result melting is reduced and mass turnover limited. Consequently
close to the average ELA in the period 1940–1963, before accelerated tropical glaciers are highly sensitive to changes in atmospheric
glacier recession began (Francou et al., 2005). humidity (which governs sublimation), precipitation (whose varia-
Another, rather simple but effective way to qualitatively attribute bility, particularly during the rainy season induces a positive feedback
observed changes in glacier extent to various climate forcings, is to on albedo), and cloudiness (which controls the incoming long-wave
assess how the glacier geometry changes over time and where glaciers radiation).
tend to lose the most mass. For example if changes in cloudiness and Wagnon et al. (1999a,b) based on measurements from an AWS
hence solar radiation were the main cause of changes in glacier extent, installed on Zongo glacier found a marked seasonality of mass loss and
one would expect to see a differential thinning in accordance with the runoff that cannot be explained by the sensible heat transfer, which
radiation geometry of the glacier (e.g. Mark and Seltzer, 2005a,b). shows little seasonality and is generally small. Instead net all-wave
While tropical Andean glaciers do indeed reside preferentially in radiation and the turbulent latent heat dominate the SEB. During the
locations that receive less short-wave radiation than non-glacierized 2006 dry season for instance (Fig. 10b), albedo remains low (~0.35
areas at similar elevation (Klein et al., 1996), there are no studies corresponding to bare ice), leading to high net short-wave radiation,
indicating that a preferential thinning has taken place on tropical counter-balanced by a strongly negative long-wave balance (due to
Andean glaciers, which could be attributed to changed radiation very low cloudiness reducing LW↓). Consequently, net all-wave
receipts. radiation is moderate and rather similar to what we observe during
the wet season (Fig. 10a) where albedo is higher (~0.7 due to snow at
4.3.2. SEB studies based on energy flux measurement the surface) leading to lower net short-wave radiation. The various
While the sensitivity studies discussed above are very interesting terms of the SEB, averaged over the two 20-day periods, are listed in
and insightful in their own right, they fall short of clearly attributing Table 1 for comparison. These measurements demonstrate that the
observed changes in glacier mass and extent to one or several factors. incoming energy is quite constant throughout the year and that instead
There is always a variety of potential combinations which could it is the partitioning of this energy into melt and sublimation,
explain the energy imbalance at the glacier surface. The only way to controlled by humidity, which causes the much higher mass loss
solve this problem is to measure all the relevant fluxes at the surface during the wet season. For example sublimation consumed 63% of the
over a long enough period of time. The surface energy balance (SEB) of total available energy during the hydrologic year 1996–97 to produce
a melting ice surface can be written as: only 17% of the mass loss (Wagnon et al., 1999a). When humidity is
high, the available radiative energy is directly consumed by melting
(wet season), while the enhanced vapor pressure gradient and the
SWA ð1  aÞ þ LWA þLWz þH þ C þ P þ Ls S þ Lm M ¼ 0
stronger wind velocities during the dry season favor sublimation,
thereby leading to reduced discharge. This shows how sensitive
where SW↓ is the incoming short-wave radiation, α the surface albedo tropical glaciers are toward changes in specific humidity and that
(reflectivity), LW↓ and LW↑ the incoming and outgoing long-wave increasing humidity is an effective climate change scenario to enhance
radiation respectively, H the turbulent sensible heat flux, C the sub- glacier retreat, at least in the outer tropics. These SEB calculations are
surface conductive heat flux, P the heat supplied by precipitation and consistent with mass balance measurements from stake networks,
Ls S sensu stricto the turbulent latent heat flux and Lm M the mass sublimation measurements using lysimeters and proglacial stream
consuming terms, with Ls and Lm the latent heats of sublimation and discharge measurements, thereby increasing the confidence in the
melt respectively and S and M the rates of sublimation and melt. All results (Wagnon et al., 1999a; Sicart et al., 2005).
energy fluxes are considered positive if directed toward the surface Interannual mass balance variations, such as the large mass loss
and negative if they are directed away from it. C and P are negligible during El Niño years, discussed in the previous section, can equally be
compared to the other terms of the SEB (e.g. Wagnon et al., 2001; explained with SEB measurements. The much larger mass loss on
Favier et al., 2004b). All these terms in turn depend on a number of Zongo during the El Niño 1997/98 for example, was not directly linked
climatic factors. SW↓ for example depends largely on cloud cover, α is to higher temperatures (and hence higher sensible heat flux), but to a
controlled by the amount and timing of snowfall and LW↓ depends on significant precipitation deficit (Wagnon et al., 2001). This led to low-
atmospheric temperature and moisture content, LW↑ depends on albedo bare ice exposed for a much longer time of the year and over a
surface temperature and H depends on the vertical gradient of air much larger glacier surface (the ELA was 450 m higher in 1997/98 than
temperature and wind velocity. The mass consuming term (latent heat during the previous year). Absorption of short-wave radiation was
flux) Ls S is controlled by the vapor pressure gradient between the therefore greatly enhanced and consequently the measured glacial
glacier surface and the air above, which in turn is related to surface runoff at the glacier snout was two thirds higher than normal (Wagnon
temperature, air humidity and wind speed. et al., 2001). Decreasing precipitation (or changes in the phase or the
The terms of the equation also show pronounced seasonality on timing of precipitation) is therefore also a very effective climate change
tropical and especially outer tropical glaciers, with very different scenario to enhance glacier retreat in the outer tropics.
behavior during dry and wet seasons. SW↓ for example is potentially Measurements on Antizana glacier in Ecuador reveal that the SEB
higher during the wet season due to higher solar inclination, but at the in the inner tropics is equally governed by net all-wave radiation and
same time it is modulated due to increased cloud cover. Albedo α is hence albedo (Favier et al., 2004b). However, because of the absence of
generally very high during the wet season due to frequent snowfall. thermal seasonality, the ablation zone is exposed to oscillations of the
LW↓ and LW↑ almost cancel each other, H is reduced due to low wind 0 °C isotherm throughout the year. These small fluctuations in
speeds and sublimation is reduced because of the high humidity and temperature determine the rain–snow line on the ablation zone and
low wind speeds. This effectively means that most of the surplus hence have a major impact on the albedo. Consequently air
energy is consumed by melting, which is an ablation process 8.5 times temperature significantly influences the energy balance through
more efficient than sublimation. As a consequence high melt and high changes in albedo and net short-wave radiation receipts (Favier
90 M. Vuille et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 89 (2008) 79–96

Fig. 10. Daily cycle of the various energy balance terms (net short-wave radiation SWnet, net long-wave radiation LWnet, turbulent sensible H and latent Ls heat fluxes) on Zongo
glacier during two 20-day periods representative of a) the wet season and b) the dry season of the hydrologic year 2005–06.

et al., 2004a,b; Francou et al., 2004). Interannual variations of the SEB reduced LW↓, resulting from generally clear skies. Sublimation was
on Antizana are also strongly affected by the ENSO cycle. During El estimated at ~1 mm w.e. d− 1, which is of the same order of magnitude
Niño, increased air temperature, which favors rain over snowfall, as at lower elevations in ablation areas.
weak and sporadic snowfall, insufficient to maintain a high glacier
albedo, low wind speeds, more favorable for melting than sublima-
tion, and reduced cloud cover, which increases the incoming short-
wave radiation, are the main factors affecting the SEB and causing high Table 1
melt rates. La Niña events on the other hand are characterized by 20-day averages of the various terms of the SEB and meteorological measurements at
the surface of glacier Zongo. The time periods correspond to the data shown in Fig. 10.
opposite climatic conditions, which reduce melting at the glacier See text and Fig. 10 for detailed explanation of terms
surface (Francou et al., 2004).
Most SEB studies in the tropical Andes are based on melting surf- 11.–30. May 2006 18. Nov.–7. Dec. 2006

aces in the glacier ablation zone. To date there is only limited in- Rnet (W m− 2) 36.3 31.3
u (m s− 1) 3.0 2.2
formation available on the energy balance from the accumulation
Albedo 0.36 0.72
zone at high altitude, where no melting takes place. Wagnon et al. Relative humidity (%) 26.4 79.4
(2003) performed some experiments and measured the SEB for a short Air temperature (°C) −3.6 0.8
time in austral winter near the summit of Illimani, at 6340 m in the H (W m− 2) 7.9 8.1
Cordillera Real. Their results show that here the net all-wave radiation Ls (W m− 2) −57.3 −6.4
Sublimation (mm w.e. d− 1) −1.8 −0.2
balance is mostly negative due to a constantly high albedo and the
M. Vuille et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 89 (2008) 79–96 91

5. Future climate change and implications for glaciers and water 5.2. Implications for water resources
Given the projected future changes in climate and the high sen-
5.1. Projected 21st century climate change sitivity of tropical glacier mass and energy balance to climate change,
negative impacts on glacier mass balance will be felt throughout the
Studies on future climate change in the tropical Andes and, more Andean Cordillera. Glaciers will retreat and many will completely dis-
generally, South America, so far have focused exclusively on the two appear, with significant consequences for local populations. It is likely
parameters temperature and precipitation. Because of the poor that the change in streamflow, due to the lack of a glacial buffer during
resolution of most GCMs the topography of the Andes is not adequately the dry season, will significantly affect the availability of drinking water,
resolved and the projected temperature changes for the Andes are too water for hydropower production, mining and irrigation (e.g. Barry and
low. Some studies have circumvented this problem by instead ana- Seimon, 2000; Barnett et al., 2005; Francou and Coudrain, 2005; Bradley
lyzing temperature changes in the free troposphere. Bradley et al. et al., 2006; Diaz et al., 2006; Vuille, 2006; Vergara et al., 2007). In the
(2004) for example analyzed free tropospheric temperature changes tropical Andes this problem is exacerbated when compared with mid-
along the American Cordillera based on simulations from 7 different latitude mountain ranges, such as the Rockies or the Alps, because
General Circulation Models (GCMs), forced with 2 × CO2 concentra- ablation and accumulation seasons coincide, which precludes the
tions. Compared with control runs the temperature changes were large development of a long-lasting seasonal snow cover outside the glaciated
and increased with elevation to reach 2.5–3 °C in the tropical Andes areas. Glaciers are therefore the only major seasonally changing water
after CO2 doubling. In a follow up study Bradley et al. (2006) in- reservoir in the tropical Andes, as demonstrated by the high correlation
vestigated how annual free-air temperatures changed in 8 different between a catchments' capacity to store precipitation and its percentage
GCMs between 1990–1999 and 2090–2099 along that same transect of glaciated area (Kaser et al., 2003, 2005).
from Alaska to Patagonia in IPCC-scenario SRES A2. The results indicate The potential impact of glacier retreat on water supply for human
a continued warming of the tropical troposphere throughout the 21st consumption, agriculture and ecosystem integrity is of grave concern
century, with a temperature increase that is again enhanced at higher (Buytaert et al., 2006; Young and Lipton, 2006). On the Pacific side of
elevations (Fig. 11). By the end of the 21st century, following this high- Peru most of the water resources originate from snow and ice in the
emission SRES A2 scenario, the tropical Andes will experience a Andes. Many large cities in the Andes are located above 2500 m and
massive warming on the order of 4.5–5 °C. (Fig. 11d). Analyses of thus depend almost entirely on high altitude water stocks to com-
changes in surface temperature show that tropical South America will plement rainfall during the dry season. Hydropower constitutes the
warm more (by 3–4 °C in the SRES A2 scenario) than the southern part major source of energy for electricity generation in most Andean
of the continent (Boulanger et al., 2006). However, while all emission countries and a growing population with increasing water demands
paths tend to show the same pattern of warming, they differ further aggravates the problem. Furthermore, as glaciers have re-
significantly in amplitude. While SRES A1B reaches about 80–90% of treated and lost mass, they have added to a temporary increase in
the warming displayed in the SRES A2 scenario at the end of the runoff (Mark et al., 2005; Mark and McKenzie, 2007). This increase
century, the more moderate (and optimistic) SRES B1 path displays will not last very long, as the frozen water stored in glaciers dimi-
only about half of the warming of SRES A2 (Boulanger et al., 2006). nishes. Yet downstream users are quickly adapting to enhanced water
Most models used for the IPCC-AR4 report predict an increase in availability and plan future development accordingly, which raises
precipitation in the tropical Andes during the wet season and a sustainability concerns (e.g. Mark, 2008).
decrease during the dry season, effectively enhancing the seasonal There are signs emerging that these are not just future runoff scenarios
hydrological cycle (Vera et al., 2006). The spatial pattern of change is but real changes which are already taking place. On Yanamarey glacier in
quite similar for all emission scenarios, but again the amplitude of the the Cordillera Blanca for example, an increase in stream discharge due to
change is much stronger in the A2 scenario, than in A1B and B1 glacier thinning was already noted in the 1980s. Later studies concluded
(Boulanger et al., 2007). However, intra-model differences are much that about half of the mean annual glacier water discharge of ~80 l s− 1 is
larger for precipitation than for temperature. supplied by non-renewed glacier thinning (Hastenrath and Ames,1995b).
The projected changes in temperature will likely affect the inner Similar studies on nearby Uruashraju glacier confirmed these numbers
tropical glaciers more than glaciers in the outer tropics. Glaciers in (Ames and Hastenrath, 1996) and raised concern about the future water
Ecuador for example are very sensitive to changes in temperature, as supply in the Rio Santa valley downstream. Today it is estimated that 30–
the rise of the 0 °C isotherm has an immediate impact on the rain– 45% of the discharge in the two Rio Santa subcatchments Yanamarey and
snow line and thus on albedo and the net radiation balance (Favier Uruashraju is from non-renewed glacier melt (Mark and Seltzer, 2003).
et al., 2004b). This impact is seen interannually through the Over the most recent measurement period, 2001–2004, this number
immediate and severe impact of El Niño events on the net mass increased to 58% in the Yanamarey subcatchment, up from 35% in 1998–
balance (Francou et al., 2004). In the outer tropics, changes in tem- 99 (Mark et al., 2005). If applied to the entire Rio Santa watershed, which
perature are generally less relevant, given that glaciers are mostly drains the western side of the Cordillera Blanca, this value is still 10–20%
located above the freezing line. In fact, the difference between the ELA (Mark and Seltzer, 2003). To make matters worse, the number is
and the 0°-isotherm, which is a good indicator of the sensitivity of considerably higher (~40%) during the dry season, when water is most
tropical glaciers to global warming (Favier et al., 2004a), rises needed (Mark et al., 2005). This situation raises a number of serious
significantly from below 0 (i.e. the 0°-isotherm is above the ELA) in sustainability concerns, especially in the light of the rapidly increasing
the inner tropics to several hundred meters in the outer tropics of population in the valley (Kaser et al., 2003).
Bolivia or northernmost Chile (Kuhn, 1980). Glaciers in the outer When future water shortages will become acute depends not only
tropics therefore may be more easily affected by changes in pre- on which climate change scenario will unfold, but also on the site-
cipitation, as it governs the albedo and the radiation balance (Francou specific response of glacierized catchments to climate change, as has
et al., 2003). A mid-tropospheric warming of several °C, as projected in been demonstrated by a couple of recent modeling studies. In one
Bradley et al. (2006), of course will impact glaciers throughout the approach Pouyaud et al. (2005) applied a uniform and very
tropical Andes. Nonetheless it is important to keep in mind that conservative linear warming rate of only ~1 °C per century, to simulate
glaciers may respond differently (both in sign and magnitude) to the runoff coefficient for several catchments in the Cordillera Blanca
changes in temperature, precipitation, humidity and cloud cover, until the year 2300. According to their results, runoff will continue to
depending on their location and their sensitivity to certain climate increase for another 25–50 years in these catchments before a decrease
parameters. eventually sets in. These results, however, should be interpreted
92 M. Vuille et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 89 (2008) 79–96

Fig. 11. Projected changes in mean annual free-air temperature for a) 2026–2035, b) 2046–2055, c) 2066–2075 and d) 2090–2099. All Panels show departure from 1990–1999 average
along a transect from Alaska (68°N) to Patagonia (50°S), following the axis of the American Cordillera mountain chain. Results are the mean of eight different general circulation
models used in the 4th assessment report (AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) using CO2 levels from scenario SRES A2. Black line denotes mean elevation
along transect; white areas have no data (surface or below in the models).

cautiously as the glacier evolution in their model depends solely on direct runoff. Similar results are found when this approach is extended
temperature, assuming that sensible heat transfer alone can ade- to other catchments in the Cordillera Blanca (Fig. 12). In general it
quately represent the energy balance of a tropical glacier. Juen et al. appears that the overall discharge may not change very much, but that
(2007) used a more sophisticated approach to assess how the the seasonality intensifies significantly. Fig. 12 also clearly demon-
seasonality of runoff in the Cordillera Blanca changes, by using a strates that climate change will affect glacier extent and hence runoff
tropical glacier-hydrology model (ITGG 2.0-R). The model was first behavior differently in the various catchments, depending on their
calibrated over a ten year period (1965–75) and then validated with percentage of glaciated area, catchment hypsometry, etc. In general the
independent runoff measurements. Next changes in future runoff predicted changes in runoff seasonality are larger in catchments where
characteristics were simulated based on four different IPCC scenarios the degree of glaciation is high. In several of these catchments the
(A1, A2, B1 and B2). These simulations are all based on the respective impacts under the A2 scenario are more severe than in the example
steady-state of the glacier, i.e. the glacier area is gradually reduced from Llanganuco. The Pachacoto catchment for example will be ice free
until, under the new climate background conditions, the specific mass by 2080 under the A2 assumption and Quilcay and Paron will have lost
balance is zero. Dynamic effects and response times, however, are not 92% and 95% of their glacier extent respectively (Juen, 2006). In this
accounted for and therefore this approach excludes an exact prediction context, it is noteworthy that the results of A2 are much more dramatic
in time. As expected, glacier volume is significantly lowered in all in 2050 than they are 30 years later, in 2080 under the more moderate
scenarios, but glaciers do not disappear completely. In the Llanganuco B1 scenario (Fig. 12). These results illustrate how uncertain the future
catchment for example, which is 31% glaciated today, a new steady- extent of glaciation and therefore the changes in runoff really are,
state glacier in 2050 has an extent that is reduced somewhere between depending on which emission path we will ultimately follow. Since the
38% (B1, ‘best case’ scenario) and 60% (A2, ‘worst case’ scenario), when IPCC explicitly refrained from assigning likelihoods to these emission
compared to 1990. By 2080 these values increase to a 49% (B1) to 75% scenarios, no single outcome is more probable than the others, but the
(A2) reduction in glacier size (Juen et al., 2007). Consequently, dry results from Fig. 12 can certainly put some upper and lower bounds on
season runoff is significantly reduced, in particular in the A2 scenario. the changes that are to be expected 50–80 years from now.
During the wet season, however, runoff is higher, which can be In the Cordillera Real, Bolivia, the situation is generally similar as
explained by the larger glacier-free areas and therefore enhanced portrayed above for the Cordillera Blanca. On Zongo glacier proglacial
M. Vuille et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 89 (2008) 79–96 93

Fig. 12. Simulated change in monthly runoff in 2050 and 2080 (in %, compared with 1961–90 average) in 5 different catchments of the Cordillera Blanca based on the IPCC climate
change scenarios B1 and A2. The catchments exhibit a decreasing degree of glaciation (1990 values): Paron 40.9%; Llanganuco 31.0%; Chancos 24.1%; Quillcay 17.4%; Pachacoto 9.7%.

runoff has been monitored since the early 1990s, with earlier gauge unknown and significant scientific progress needs to be made. In order
readings by an electric power plant going back to 1973 (Ribstein et al., to monitor the ongoing changes in climate and cryosphere, a much
1995; Francou et al., 1995; Caballero et al., 2004). Measurements show better network is needed, which does not only focus on certain target
that runoff is generally higher than catchment precipitation, indicat- areas, but provides for an actual connected network of sites along
ing that the glacier is losing more mass than is being replenished climatic gradients from north to south as well as across the Andes from
through snow accumulation. On average a 410 mm annual deficit east to west (Francou et al., 2005; Coudrain et al., 2005; Kaser et al.,
(1062 mm precipitation versus 1472 mm runoff) has been recorded 2005; Casassa et al., 2007). Despite the logistic difficulties, large glaciers
between 1973 and 1993 (Ribstein et al., 1995). Sublimation was not must also be monitored, probably based on new techniques such as
accounted for in this study, which would have increased the deficit repeated laser scanning (i.e. Keller et al., 2007). A high-elevation
even further. Highest discharge occurs during warm El Niño years, observational network of automated weather stations is needed to
despite dry conditions in those years. This is further confirmation for monitor climate change at the elevation of the glaciers and not simply at
the role of glaciers as very efficient buffers, which tend to smooth low elevations, where the changes are likely to be much less dramatic
runoff compared to precipitation, not just on seasonal time scales but (Bradley et al., 2004). Moreover, improved stream discharge gauging is
also interannually (Ribstein et al., 1995, Francou et al., 1995). needed to quantify the net hydrologic yield of glacierized watersheds.
Many of the weather stations and stream gauges currently operating
6. Conclusions were installed in the middle of the 20th century, and lack technical
maintenance (Mark and Seltzer, 2005b). They are old and outdated and
The rapid retreat of tropical glaciers and the projected changes in need to be replaced with more up-to-date instrumentation. The
regional hydrology mandate that some practical measures to adapt and available observational network is inadequate to accurately monitor
prepare for future changes in runoff behavior (e.g. conservation, shift to and document the rapid changes taking place at high-elevation sites in
less water-intensive agriculture, creation of water reservoirs, etc.) the tropical Andes. Networks of mass and energy balance measurement
should be implemented without delay (see Bradley et al., 2006 and sites are important and needed but they are also costly, labor-intensive
Vergara et al., 2007). However, it is also clear that much remains and by their very nature limited in space. They should therefore be
94 M. Vuille et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 89 (2008) 79–96

complemented by increased use and application of available remote was funded by the National Science Foundation (EAR-0519415), with
sensing techniques and data sets from space. New advances in additional support from the Consejo Nacional del Ambiente, Peru
combining digital elevation models, SRTM data, GPS and satellite data (CONAM). BGM received funding through the US Fulbright Commission,
such as Landsat, ASTER and SPOT, offer the opportunity to give a more GSA, OSU grants (Department of Geography, Office of International Affairs,
detailed large-scale picture of changes in both the atmosphere and the and College of Social and Behavioral Sciences) and a NASA New
cryosphere. While they are no substitute for on-site measurements, they Investigator Program award. Work on Zongo by BF and PW was funded
can provide a much needed complementary picture. The Peruvian by the French Observatoire de la Recherche en Environnement (ORE)
Andes, for example have been selected as a priority site to monitor GLACIOCLIM (IRD, French research ministry). Data from Antizana and
glaciers with ASTER data under the Global Land Ice Measurements from Zongo glacier was obtained with support from Javier Mendoza, Instituto
Space (GLIMS) umbrella (Mark and Seltzer, 2005b; Raup et al., 2006). de Hidraulica e Hidrologia, La Paz, Bolivia and Bolivar Caceres, Instituto
Apart from the needed improvements in on-site and remote Nacional de Meteorologia, Quito, Ecuador. The studies performed by the
monitoring, it has also become increasingly clear that we need better Tropical Glaciology Group in Innsbruck (GK and IJ) have been supported
and more detailed scenarios of future climate change in this region of by the Projects P16113 NO6 and P13567 GEO of the Austrian Science
steep and complex topography. Output from GCMs can at best provide Foundation (FWF) and have been carried out in cooperation with the
us with a broad-brush perspective. High-resolution regional climate Unidad de Glaciologia e Recursos Hidricos of INRENA, Huaraz, Peru.
models, which allow for a better simulation of climate in mountain
regions, coupled with tropical glacier-mass balance models, such as the References
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of what encompasses the most likely climate change outcome. Vuille Allan, R.P., Soden, B.J., 2007. Large discrepancy between observed and simulated
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One of the challenges to scientists is therefore to provide scientific Bradley, R.S., Vuille, M., Diaz, H.F., Vergara, W., 2006. Threats to water supplies in the
information which is not only scientifically relevant but also socially tropical Andes. Science 312, 1755–1756.
applicable (Mark, 2008). Likewise, an often tragic history of living in Brecher, H.H., Thompson, L.G., 1993. Measurement of the retreat of Qori Kalis glacier in
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Acknowledgements Ceballos, J.L., Euscategui, C., Ramirez, J., Canon, M., Huggel, C., Haeberli, W., Machguth, H.,
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This paper is dedicated to the memory of Alcides Ames Márquez Amazonian deforestation by the global circulation change. Bulletin of the American
(1937–2007) who was a close friend to several of the authors working in Meteorological Society 82, 2209–2216.
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the Cordillera Blanca. A Peruvian native and lifelong resident of Huaraz, general circulation in the 1990s. Science 295, 838–841.
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Diaz, H.F., Eischeid, J.K., Duncan, C., Bradley, R.S., 2003. Variability of freezing levels,
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