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Design and Development of Spray-Dried
Microsystems to Improve Technological and
Functional Properties of Bioactive Compounds from
Hazelnut Shells
Tiziana Esposito, Teresa Mencherini * , Pasquale Del Gaudio , Giulia Auriemma ,
Silvia Franceschelli, Patrizia Picerno, Rita P. Aquino and Francesca Sansone *
Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132, 84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy;
[email protected] (T.E.); [email protected] (P.D.G.); [email protected] (G.A.); [email protected] (S.F.);
[email protected] (P.P.); [email protected] (R.P.A.)
* Correspondence: [email protected] (T.M.); [email protected] (F.S.); Tel.: +39-089-968294 (T.M.);
+39-089-968146 (F.S.)

Academic Editor: Jolanta Sereikaitė 

Received: 13 February 2020; Accepted: 9 March 2020; Published: 11 March 2020

Abstract: An extract obtained from hazelnut shells by-products (HSE) has antioxidant and
chemopreventive effects on human melanoma and cervical cancer cell lines, inducing apoptosis by
caspase-3 activation. A clinical translation is limited by poor water solubility and low bioavailability.
Dried plant extracts often show critical characteristics such as sticky/gummy appearance, unpleasant
smell, and instability involving practical difficulties in processing for industrial use. A spray drying
method has been applied to transform raw HSE in a microparticulate powder. The biopolymeric
matrix was based on l-proline as loading carrier, hydroxyethylcellulose in combination with pectin as
coating polymers; lecithin and ethanol were used as solubility enhancers. A Hot-Cold-Hot method was
selected to prepare the liquid feed. The thus prepared powder showed good technological properties
(solid-state, particle dimensions, morphology, and water dissolution rate), stability, and unchanged
chemopreventive effects with respect to the unprocessed HSE.

Keywords: hazelnut shells by-product extract; spray-dried microsystems; multicomponent-based

matrix; long-term stability; improvement of the chemopreventive effect

1. Introduction
By-products of agro-food manufacturing chains contain polysaccharides, proteins, vitamins, fats,
and phytochemicals. The recovery of bioactive components with health-promoting benefits suggests
the exploitation of vegetable residues as functional ingredients in developing nutraceuticals, functional
or novel foods, and pharmaceutical products [1–3]. Today, there is an increasing interest in the use of
nutraceuticals, based on plant extracts or food by-products, as potential chemopreventive agents, to be
used in combination with chemotherapeutics, as a new strategy in cancer control [4–6]. In previous
work, we have produced a polyphenol-rich extract (HSE) from the hazelnut shells, major by-product,
together with skins [7] of the kernel industrial processing. The neolignan lawsonicin was identified as
the HSE chemical marker. Moreover, the extract antioxidant and inhibitory effect inducing apoptosis
on human melanoma and cervical cancer cell growth were demonstrated [8]. Due to its functional
properties, the production of HSE represents an efficient way to re-use and up-cycle hazelnut shells,
turning these by-products, destined for landfill, into a resource of human health-promoting molecules.
However, as all dry plant derivatives, HSE appears as crystalline sticky material, not completely
soluble in water and aqueous biological fluids [9,10]. These critical features could limit the real use of

Molecules 2020, 25, 1273; doi:10.3390/molecules25061273

Molecules 2020, 25, 1273 2 of 19

natural polyphenol derivatives as therapeutic/nutraceutical agent, negatively affecting the absorption

process, the bioavailability after the intake, the handling, and the storage during the industrial scale
use [11]. Moreover, the potential phytochemicals degradation process over time may reduce the active
ingredient content and, consequently, the functional value of the plant extract [10,12,13]. In the present
research, a particle engineering approach, involving the production of microparticles by spray drying
technique, is proposed to overcome the stability and bioavailability problems, converting the raw HSE
in a powder, suitable for the final administration in various dosage forms (mainly oral or topical ones)
as an active ingredient [14,15].
The spray drying is an atomization technique, widely employed in the food and pharmaceutical
field, to transform a starting liquid feed into a microparticulate powder [16]. This microencapsulation
technique has been successfully applied to heat-sensitive materials such as plant extracts to obtain a
processed material showing enhanced technological properties (solid-state, particle dimensions,
morphology, and water dissolution rate), stability of active components within the polymeric
matrix, and an efficient release to target site of application/action, with respect to the plant raw
extract [13,17–20]. The design and development of plant-based powders are a technological challenge
involving the study of several critical aspects (solvent system, liquid feed preparation method,
polymeric matrix components) and the optimization of the experimental plan also considering both
the chemical-functional characteristics of the plant extract and the intended use of the final product.
The combination of natural products can make it possible to obtain biomaterials with new potential
biological functions. In this sense, the association of plant extracts with functional carriers may offer a
promising strategy for obtaining new drugs [21].
Amino acids (arginine, phenylalanine, and leucine) are often used in the microencapsulation
process as effective dispersibility enhancers able to load active ingredients [22–24]. Among amino
acids, l-proline (P) possesses the highest solubility in water and alcohol, and it has been proven to
be essential to produce collagen and healthy joints, tendons, and skin [25]. Some research reported
the multifunctionality of P showing a protective role against cellular osmotic and oxidative stress,
protein chaperoning, cell signaling, programmed cell death, and extracellular matrix (ECM) integrity.
As ECM degradation plays a critical role in the formation of tumors and metastasis, P seems to present
an added value as a loading polymer of chemopreventive ingredients [26,27]. P metabolism affects cell
survival and death outcomes by influencing the intracellular redox environment during oxidative and
nutritional stress conditions. Moreover, the proline oxidative catabolism induced apoptosis through
the mitochondrial (intrinsic) pathway [27–29]. Furthermore, P acts as an antioxidant by upregulation
and stabilization of antioxidant enzymes, scavenging of ROS, metal chelation, the equilibrium of
intracellular redox homeostasis, and improvement of cellular resistance to hydrogen peroxide [30].
There is no reported information on P as a carrier for encapsulation of functional natural extract.
Moreover, this is the first microencapsulation study focused on the encapsulation efficiency and in vitro
biological activity of hazelnut shells extract loaded in microsystems.
Despite high functionality and technological versatility, the P high crystalline degree makes
it difficult to use for microparticles production countering the amorphization phase during the
transformation process [31]. The main protective role of microencapsulation technology is to form
a membrane/shell (wall material) around particles or droplets of active ingredients that are being
encapsulated (core material) [10]. Thus, in this work to obtain a satisfactory spray-dried product, the use
of hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) as coating and stabilizing agent during the microencapsulation process
by spray drying was necessary. HEC is a non-ionic, biocompatible, non-toxic polymer (average molar
mass of about 120.000 Da) derived from cellulose [32]. The HEC high water solubility and stability
in the pH range of 3.0 to 11.0 make easy its combination with saline solutions also in the presence of
metal ions [33]. HEC is a versatile pharmaceutical excipient with many applications, as tablet binder,
modified-release matrix former, film-forming agent, and thickening agent. The mechanical properties
of HEC gels are also useful in the design of topical formulations, making easy the removal from the
tube, the application and retention on the skin, and the feel of the product after application [34].
Molecules 2020, 25, 1273 3 of 19

A good encapsulating agent (wall material) should have emulsifying and film-forming properties,
display low hygroscopicity, have low viscosity at high solid contents, be biodegradable, soluble
in aqueous solvents, bland in flavor/tasteless, low-cost, non-toxic, and food-grade [10]. However,
no single encapsulant possesses all these properties, and because of that, two or more encapsulants
must often be used in combinations. Pectin (PEC) is a structural component of the vegetable cell
wall. It is recovered from higher plants and widely used as a gelling agent, stabilizer, and thickener
in foods (E440). The polymer viscosity depends on the molecular weight, pH, ionic strength, and
arrangement of carboxyl groups [35,36]. PEC is a heterogeneous polysaccharide made up of linear
(1→4)-linked-α-d-galacturonic acid residues partially broken off by (1→2)-linked side chain consisting
of l-rhamnose and some other neutral sugar residues [37]. Pectin can be classified in low methoxylated
pectin (DE < 50%) and high methoxylated pectin (DE > 50%) according to their degree of esterification
(DE), expressed as a percentage of carboxyl groups [36,38]. High methoxylated pectin (DE > 50%) form
a particularly stable gel polymeric network, both at acid pH (pH ≈ 5) and in the presence of sugars,
without adding divalent ions as occurs for pectin with a low DE or alginates. Moreover, the high
methoxylated pectin is characterized by a low hygroscopicity; an important property to improve
product stability during storage [39].
The lecithin (L) molecule is a food additive (E322) used as an excellent natural emulsifier, stabilizer,
and dispersing agent. The amphiphilic properties allow them to increase the water affinity of non-polar
ingredients (fats), arranging the hydrophobic portion around them, and the hydrophilic moiety in the
aqueous phase [40].
The aim of the present research was the production of new polymeric microparticulate HSE-based
powders by spray drying technique. The appropriate polymeric matrix, as coating polymers and
loading carriers, able to transform HSE in a microparticulate powder form, was selected. The influence
of instrumental and operating parameters on yield and encapsulation efficiency was evaluated.
The produced microparticulate powders were characterized for solid-state (particle dimensions,
morphology, amorphous or crystalline form), and water dissolution rate. The optimized formulation
was subjected to accelerated stability tests under harsh storage conditions (ICH-International Conference
on Harmonization). Finally, the functional stability of the HSE-loaded particle system was investigated.

2. Results and Discussion

2.1. Microencapsulation Process, Morphological, and Dimensional Characterization

The technological studies start with the design and development of a tandem system polymeric
matrix processable by spray drying technique. The matrix system was designed to be able to both
efficiently load the polar extract HSE and transform it into a stable, functional, microparticulate powder
useful as a therapeutic ingredient.
The viscosity was a limiting parameter to process a liquid feed by the spray drying technique [16,41].
A too high viscosity could obstruct the atomizer nozzle, also causing incomplete solvent evaporation,
and low process yields, which negatively affected the particle morphology [35]. Thus, a series of
pilot experiments were conducted to determine the appropriate HEC concentration giving a liquid
feed compatible in viscosity with the spray drying process. Among the applied HEC concentrations
(between 0.1% and 1.0%, w/v) the best instrumental processability was obtained using the 0.1% and
0.2% (w/v) concentration of HEC (relative viscosity 68.31 cP and 75.56 cP, respectively). More than 45
pilot experiments (blank and loaded powders, Table 1) were carried out to find the optimum of liquid
feed in terms of polymer concentrations and weight polymer ratios with respect to the process yields,
loading ability, and resultant powders technological characteristics. As an example, only three batches
(3,9,12) of blank powders and two batches of loaded (13,15) ones have been selected, discussed in the
text, and reported in the Table 1 as demonstrative samples of the taken experimental steps. Additional
information was included in the Supplementary Materials.
Molecules 2020, 25, 1273 4 of 19

Table 1. Composition and characteristics of raw materials and spray-dried powders.


Sample Yield % AEC a % AAC b % EE c %
g/100mL g/100mL g/100mL g/100mL g/100mL (span) e
HSE raw - - - - - - - 3.16 ± 1.5d - -
HEC - - - - - - - - -
P - - - - - - - - -
PEC - - - - - - - - -
Batch-3 5.00 0.20 - - 39.8 ± 4.2 d - - - -
Batch-9 5.00 0.20 0.50 - - 45.0 ± 3.1 d - - - -
Batch-12 5.00 0.20 0.50 0.20 - 50.0 ± 2.0 d - - - -
Batch-13 5.00 0.20 - - 0.25 39.8 ± 9.42 d 4.30 3.11 ± 0.90 d 92.10
Batch-15 5.00 0.20 0.50 0.20 0.25 43.00 ± 3.54 d 3.90 2.10 ± 0.93 d 95.12 3.02 (1.21)
P: Proline; HEC: Hydroxyethylcellulose medium viscosity; PEC: Pectin; L: Lecithin; EtOH: Ethanol; Actual Extract
Content; b Actual Active Content; c Encapsulation Efficiency; d Average of triplicate analyses ± standard deviation;
e Span value calculated as (d − d ) / d
90 10 50

Preliminary satisfactory results in terms of matrix processability were obtained with an HEC and
P concentration of 0.2% and 5.0% w/v (Batch-3), respectively. Normally, the morphology of P shows a
needle crystalline form [25] (Figure 1a) and the unprocessed extract appeared as a material in a cluster
form with irregular shape and surface (Figure 1b) and exploiting red and yellow fluorescence due to
the different nature of polyphenols present in the extract (Figure 1b).
Spray-dried Batch-3 showed a P interaction with HEC, involving in a spherical agglomeration
process, without totally losing its crystalline state (Figure 1c) [42] causing fractures and clusters on
particles surface. Moreover, the loading with HSE further negatively affected the agglomeration
process of the matrix system (Batch 13, Figure 1d). After the spray drying process, P, in combination
with HEC and HSE, did not lose its crystalline state, leading to an irregular and not homogeneous
solid-state Batch 13, Figure 1d).
With the aim to both promote the particle formation and reduce the crystalline surface, also
increasing process yield, high methoxylated pectin from citrus (PEC) was selected as an additional
coating polymer, separately included in the basic polymeric matrix. The presence of crystals can
fracture the outer surface of the particles and promote the release of the extract. This is a cause
of instability because the extract was exposed and, therefore, subject to degradation. In previous
work, PEC has proved suitable to stabilize maltodextrins as a carrier of sticky plant extracts [35].
The percentage of PEC was tested in formulation from 0.25 to 1% w/v. The resultant strategy was
best effective (yield 45.0%) at the 0.5% PEC concentration (Batch-9, Figure 1e, Table 1). The highest
concentrations (1.0% w/v) of PEC, in combination with HEC, led to a drastic reduction in process
yield (15.6%), probably caused by an increase in the viscosity of the matrix. As shown in Figure 1e,
the addition of PEC as coating copolymer improved the spherization of the particles, and no aggregates
were detected.
Once the polymeric matrix conditions were established, the next step was to load the HSE extract.
Lecithin (L) as emulsifier dissolved in ethanol (EtOH) [43] was added to the liquid feed preparation
to overcome the critical solubility characteristics of the plant extract. Moreover, a “Hot-Cold-Hot”
(H-C-H) method preparation was used. The formulation of a multi-component matrix requires,
for reasons linked to the different characteristics of the ingredients, a multi-step preparation method.
The Hot-Cold-Hot method depends on the solubilization conditions of HEC that need heating to
dissolve in water. Subsequently, the extract needs a lower temperature because it is a thermosensitive
substance. The thus prepared liquid feed reflected in the best-obtained result in terms of process
yield (50%) and particle morphology (Batch-12, Figure 1f) for unloaded powders. The best HSE
concentration, compatible with the developed polymeric system, resulted in the 0.25% w/v (Batch-15,
yield 43.0%, Table 1), with respect 0.50% w/v (Batch-13, yield 39.8%, Table 1).
The actual extract content (AEC-HSE) of Batch-15 resulted very close to the amount of extract used to
prepare the liquid feed (theoretical extract content, TEC-HSE). Consequently, the loading efficiency (LE)
Molecules 2020, 25, 1273 5 of 19

value, calculated as the ratio of AEC to TEC, was very satisfying (95.12%, Table 1). However, for optimized
powders, the process yield did not exceed 50% probably for the low amount of material sprayed (100 mL)
Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 20
and the loss of the smallest and lightest particles with the exhaust of the spray dryer [15].

Figure 1. Fluorescence (FM) images in bright field (a) P, proline spray drying, (b) hazelnut shells by-
Figure 1. Fluorescence (FM) images in bright field (a) P, proline spray drying, (b) hazelnut shells
products (HSE) raw material in crystalline form; scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs
by-products (HSE) raw material in crystalline form; scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs
(c) Batch-3; (d) Batch-13, (e) Batch-9, (f) Batch-12, (g) Batch-15, FM image (h) Batch-15.
(c) Batch-3; (d) Batch-13, (e) Batch-9, (f) Batch-12, (g) Batch-15, FM image (h) Batch-15.
Molecules 2020, 25, 1273 6 of 19

Morphological analysis showed that for Batch-15 (Figure 1g), spherical, well-formed,
and completely coated microparticles had been obtained during the spray drying process. Furthermore,
the extract was homogeneously distributed and better encapsulated within the microparticles
(Figure 1g,h).
Molecules 2020, 25,In fact,PEER
x FOR Batch-15
REVIEWmicroparticles showed a pale-yellow fluorescent (Figure 1h), which was
7 of 20
the result of the combination between red/yellow-HSE and blue blank powder as evidence of interaction
in forming a homogeneous matrix.
As reported
2.2. Thermal Analyses in Table 1, Batch-13 and Batch-15 microparticles also had different size distribution
(d50 18.41 and 3.0 µm) with the lowest mean diameter observed for Batch-15 (Table 1). This difference
was To
to the rightinformation on solid-state
physical interaction and matrix
between extract-polymer
componentsinteractions, as rearrangement
leading to the well as on the of
physical stability of materials after the technological process, differential scanning
P crystals in spherical agglomerates during the spray drying process. The use of the organic calorimetric
solution towas used
better [44]. To
expose the evaluate
extract tothe
polymeric after the formation
feed seemed of the affect
to positively particles
during the spray drying process, the thermal trends by DSC of all raw materials with respect
interaction of extract with the matrix components, resulting in the reduced dimensional distribution to the of
the obtainedformulations
particles. were shown (Figures 2 and 3).
The heating curve of the HEC raw material showed a slight endothermic event at the baseline
above 100–120
2.2. Thermal °C, due to the dehydration phase. The water loss up to 120 °C was generally followed
by a two-step thermal event of cellulose, depolymerization, and decomposition [45]. In the
To provide information on solid-state and extract-polymer interactions, as well as on the physical
thermogram (Figure 2, blue line), only an exothermic transition was visible (at around 310 °C), which
stability of materials after the technological process, differential scanning calorimetric technique
may be related to the depolymerization of cellulose material. This event anticipated the pyrolytic
was used [44]. To evaluate the physical interaction after the formation of the particles during the
decomposition [46], which could occur in a 400 to 470 °C range of temperature, and was not detected
spray drying process, the thermal trends by DSC of all raw materials with respect to the spray-dried
here. The proline raw material showed a first endothermic peak at 217 °C with the final melting peak
formulations were shown (Figures 2 and 3).
at 246 °C (Figure 2, black line).

Figure scanningcalorimetry
black line; HSE extract raw material, green line.
black line; HSE extract raw material, green line.

The heating curve of the HEC raw material showed a slight endothermic event at the baseline
The thermal profile by DSC of the unprocessed HSE raw extract (Figure 2, green line) exhibited
above 100–120 ◦ C, due to the dehydration phase. The water loss up to 120 ◦ C was generally followed by
a series of endothermic events due to the melting of the active components, mainly polyphenols, in a
a two-step thermal event of cellulose, depolymerization, and decomposition [45]. In the thermogram
range of temperatures between 130 and 250 °C. As for other natural extracts, it was not possible, for
(Figure 2, blue line), only an exothermic transition was visible (at around 310 ◦ C), which may be related
HSE, to see a single melting peak as for pure components [17,18,35].
Figure 3 shows the thermal behavior of the spray-dried powders. The first endothermic event,
at baseline, in the temperature range of 50 to 100 °C, was due to free water loss. As shown by the
thermogram (Figure 3), the amount of residual water was lower for Batch-15 with respect to Batch-3,
and Batch-13 could positively affect the stability of Batch-15 powder.
Comparing DSC thermal profiles of Batch-12 and Batch-3 (blank powders, Figures 3, dotted
Molecules 2020, 25, 1273 7 of 19

to the depolymerization of cellulose material. This event anticipated the pyrolytic decomposition [46],
which could occur in a 400 to 470 ◦ C range of temperature, and was not detected here. The proline raw
material showed a first endothermic peak at 217 ◦ C with the final melting peak at 246 ◦ C (Figure 2,
black line).
The thermal profile by DSC of the unprocessed HSE raw extract (Figure 2, green line) exhibited
a series of endothermic events due to the melting of the active components, mainly polyphenols, in
a range of temperatures between 130 and 250 ◦ C. As for other natural extracts, it was not possible,
for HSE, to see a single melting peak as for pure components [17,18,35].
Figure 3 shows the thermal behavior of the spray-dried powders. The first endothermic event,
at baseline, in the temperature range of 50 to 100 ◦ C, was due to free water loss. As shown by the
thermogram (Figure 3), the amount of residual water was lower for Batch-15 with respect to Batch-3,
and Batch-13 could positively affect the stability of Batch-15 powder.
Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 20
Comparing DSC thermal profiles of Batch-12 and Batch-3 (blank powders, Figure 3, dotted black
and red line, respectively), proline showed an anticipation of melting peak probably due to the effect
of agglomeration on P crystals [31,42], shifted by 8 Celsius degrees in Batch-15 (221.45 ◦ C) with
respect to Batch-13 (228.81 °C). This event was accompanied by a reduction of enthalpy, indicating a
respect to Batch-13 (228.81 ◦ C). This event was accompanied by a reduction of enthalpy, indicating
reduction in crystallinity. Even if there was a melting peak attributable to a crystalline residue of
a reduction in crystallinity. Even if there was a melting peak attributable to a crystalline residue
proline, the produced systems could be defined as an amorphous multicomponent ingredient. The
of proline, the produced systems could be defined as an amorphous multicomponent ingredient.
structure of amorphous solids was not random at the molecular level but may possess short-range
The structure of amorphous solids was not random at the molecular level but may possess short-range
order, residual crystallinity, polymorphic states, and regions of different density. Many
order, residual crystallinity, polymorphic states, and regions of different density. Many pharmaceutical
pharmaceutical formulations (multi-component systems) are formed by either single or multiple
formulations (multi-component systems) are formed by either single or multiple active substances and
active substances and drug excipients. One or more of the components can be present in the
drug excipients. One or more of the components can be present in the amorphous state [47].
amorphous state [47].
Finally, in all thermograms, it was possible to observe a thermal event around 290 ◦ C, due to the
Finally, in all thermograms, it was possible to observe a thermal event around 290 °C, due to the
final product degradation. This event possessed a lower intensity for Batch-15 (Figure 3) for Batch-13
final product degradation. This event possessed a lower intensity for Batch-15 (Figure 3) for Batch-13
(Figure 3), indicating that the extract was completely encapsulated in the matrix. No new peaks
(Figure 3), indicating that the extract was completely encapsulated in the matrix. No new peaks
ascribable to chemical interactions were detected.
ascribable to chemical interactions were detected.
The thermal analysis of the optimized formulation Batch-15 confirmed that extract well interacts
The thermal analysis of the optimized formulation Batch-15 confirmed that extract well interacts
in forming microparticles with the polymeric matrix. Moreover, DSC confirmed SEM (Figure 1g)
in forming microparticles with the polymeric matrix. Moreover, DSC confirmed SEM (Figure 1g)
results that showed microparticles well-formed with a reduction of proline in a crystalline state, also
results that showed microparticles well-formed with a reduction of proline in a crystalline state, also
supposing a consequent better behavior instability [20,35].
supposing a consequent better behavior instability [20,35].

Figure scanningcalorimetry
and Batch-13.

2.3. In Vitro Dissolution/Release Tests

The water dissolution/release profile of Batch-13 and Batch-15 microparticles was improved,
showing a doubled release of HSE for the Batch-15 with respect to the raw material (Figure 4). In 15
min, 88.5% and 91.2% of the release/dissolution of the extract was obtained from Batch-15 and Batch-
Molecules 2020, 25, 1273 8 of 19

2.3. In Vitro Dissolution/Release Tests

The water dissolution/release profile of Batch-13 and Batch-15 microparticles was improved,
showing a doubled release of HSE for the Batch-15 with respect to the raw material (Figure 4). In 15 min,
88.5% and 91.2% of the release/dissolution of the extract was obtained from Batch-15 and Batch-13,
respectively. At the same time, only 33.12% of the unprocessed extract (HSE) was dissolved. This
result can be explained by an increase of the microparticles-water interaction due to both the smallest
dimensions (d50 3.02 and 18.41 µm) and amorphous state of the particles [44]. The improved HSE/matrix
interaction, combined with the use of lecithin and further dimensional reduction, promotes the release
of HSE from Batch-15 compared to Batch-13, to achieve 100% dissolution in 30 min. The very low
standard deviation obtained confirms the homogeneity of the formulation also in terms of loading
Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 20
and distribution of the extract in the matrix. The increase of solubility in aqueous media is of great
importance because this characteristic can enhance the functionality of the spray-dried powders [9,13].

Figure 4. Dissolution/release profile of Batch-13 and Batch-15
4. Dissolution/release Batch-15 microparticles compared with HSE
(unprocessed extract).

2.4. Stability Studies of Batch-15

2.4. Stability Studies of Batch-15
Based on the results obtained, Batch-15 proved to be the best formulation in terms of process
Based on the results obtained, Batch-15 proved to be the best formulation in terms of process
yield, encapsulation efficiency, thermal profile, and the improved release of the functional compounds
yield, encapsulation efficiency, thermal profile, and the improved release of the functional
from the extract in water. The extract, as previously demonstrated, contains a high polyphenols
compounds from the extract in water. The extract, as previously demonstrated, contains a high
content. The polyphenols possess several biological activities, such as antioxidant, antimicrobial,
polyphenols content. The polyphenols possess several biological activities, such as antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, with beneficial effects on human health [8]. However, some of them
antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, with beneficial effects on human health [8]. However,
(phenolic acids, flavonoids, neo-lignans), if exposed to environmental stress, are unstable, because they
some of them (phenolic acids, flavonoids, neo-lignans), if exposed to environmental stress, are
could undergo oxidation and degradation processes, which take place especially during the storage
unstable, because they could undergo oxidation and degradation processes, which take place
period [48]. This causes a reduction of active compounds, and consequently, a lower nutritional and
especially during the storage period [48]. This causes a reduction of active compounds, and
biological value [3]. In order to evaluate the shelf life and the effect of the spray drying process on the
consequently, a lower nutritional and biological value [3]. In order to evaluate the shelf life and the
stability of HSE under storage conditions, accelerated stability test was performed according to the ICH
effect of the spray drying process on the stability of HSE under storage conditions, accelerated
guidelines (International Conference Harmonization), under harsh storage condition, for 6 months,
stability test was performed according to the ICH guidelines (International Conference
at 40 ◦ C and 75% Relative Humidity (RH%). Microscopy and DSC analyses were used to evaluate
Harmonization), under harsh storage condition, for 6 months, at 40 °C and 75% Relative Humidity
changes in structure and possible degradations. Before further characterizations, Batch-15 has been
(RH%). Microscopy and DSC analyses were used to evaluate changes in structure and possible
stored for 48h in a hermetically sealed desiccator (25 ◦ C), in order to evaporate the residual process
degradations. Before further characterizations, Batch-15 has been stored for 48h in a hermetically
sealed desiccator (25 °C), in order to evaporate the residual process humidity content. Figure 5 shows
the thermal profiles of Batch-15 after a storage period of 1 month (black line) with respect to Batch-
15 at t0 (48h in a desiccator, gray line). The results displayed the presence of a small percentage of free
water, absorbed during the spray drying process, after 48 h in a desiccator. The peak was already
visible after 1 month (Figure 5, gray and black lines). However, the presence of water, only affected
Molecules 2020, 25, 1273 9 of 19

humidity content. Figure 5 shows the thermal profiles of Batch-15 after a storage period of 1 month
(black line) with respect to Batch-15 at t0 (48h in a desiccator, gray line). The results displayed the
presence of a small percentage of free water, absorbed during the spray drying process, after 48 h in
a desiccator. The peak was already visible after 1 month (Figure 5, gray and black lines). However,
Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 20
the presence
Molecules of water,
2020, 25, onlyREVIEW
x FOR PEER affected the morphology of particles without causing no degradation10events
of 20
or formation of chemical interactions (Figure 5) because no new peaks have been detected.

Figure 5. Differential scanning
5. Differential scanning calorimetry
Batch-15(48 desiccator)atatt0,t0,
(48hhinina adesiccator) 0,

and after
after 1 month.

In fact,
In fact, in the
fact, in the SEM images,
SEM images,
images, nono breakings
no breakings werevisible
breakings were
were visible inthe
in the microstructures,
themicrostructures, althougha aahigh
although high
degree ofof aggregates and
of aggregates and particles
particles showed
particles showed an
showed an irregular
an irregularshape
irregular shapeand
shape andsurface
and surfacewith
surface withthe
with thepredominant
the predominant
crystalline aspect evident (Figure
crystalline aspect evident (Figure 6 and
(Figure 66 and b).
and b).

Figure 6.
Figure 6. Scanning
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of Batch-15 (48 hhininaadesiccator)
att0tt(a) and
Figure 6. Scanning electron
electron microscopy
microscopy (SEM)
(SEM) images
images of
of Batch-15
Batch-15 (48
(48 h in a desiccator) 0 (a) and
0 (a) and
after 1 month (b).
after 11 month
month (b).
The physical
The physical instability
instability was
was probably
was probably due
probably due toto the
the residual
residual process
powder. Hygroscopicity
powder. Hygroscopicity results indicated that during the harsh storage conditions, a water loss
powder. Hygroscopicityresults
resultsindicated that
indicated during
that duringthe harsh storage
the harsh conditions,
storage a water
conditions, a loss
occurs, gravimetrically determined, of 2.40 g/100 g ± 0.82. The mobility of this amount of residual
occurs, determined,
gravimetrically of 2.40 g/100
determined, g ±g/100
of 2.40 0.82. gThe mobility
± 0.82. The of this amount
mobility of thisofamount
free-water was responsible for morphology changes.
was responsible
free-water for morphology
was responsible changes. changes.
for morphology
Thus, the storage period of Batch-15 in desiccator was extended to 72 h, and the accelerated
Thus, the storage period of Batch-15 in desiccator was extended to 72 h, and the accelerated
stability assay was repeated, in the same condition. The results obtained exhibited a clear reduction
stability assay was repeated, in the same condition. The results obtained exhibited a clear reduction
of the free water (gravimetrically quantified, 0.41 g/100g ± 0.03) (Figure 7), and the morphology of
of the free water (gravimetrically quantified, 0.41 g/100g ± 0.03) (Figure 7), and the morphology of
the particles resulted unaltered, also after 6 months (Figure 8 a,b).
the particles resulted unaltered, also after 6 months (Figure 8 a,b).
Molecules 2020, 25, 1273 10 of 19

Thus, the storage period of Batch-15 in desiccator was extended to 72 h, and the accelerated
stability assay was repeated, in the same condition. The results obtained exhibited a clear reduction of
the free water (gravimetrically quantified, 0.41 g/100g ± 0.03) (Figure 7), and the morphology of the
Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 20
particles resulted
Molecules 2020, unaltered,
25, x FOR also after 6 months (Figure 8 a,b).
PEER REVIEW 11 of 20

Figure Differential
7.Differential scanning
scanning calorimetry
calorimetry (DSC)
(DSC) thermograms
thermograms of Batch-15
Batch-15(72 (72
(72h hin ah desiccator)
ina desiccator) t0, t0, at t0,
in a desiccator)
at at
and after 6 months.
after6 6months.
after months.

Figure 8. Scanning
Scanning electron
microscopy(SEM) images
(SEM) of Batch-15
images (72 h (72
of Batch-15 in ahdesiccator) at t0 (a)at
in a desiccator) and
t0 (a) and
after 68.months
(b).electron microscopy (SEM) images of Batch-15 (72 h in a desiccator) at t0 (a) and
after 6 months (b).
after 6 months (b).
The lawsonicin content, the major compound of HSE, and the free radical scavenging activity
The lawsonicin content, the major compound of HSE, and the free radical scavenging activity
wereThe lawsonicin
verified, both content,
after the the
dryingcompound of HSE,
process (after 72 hand the desiccator)
in the free radicaland scavenging activity
after 6 months
were verified,
verified, both
both after
the spray drying
the spray
process (after 72 h in the desiccator) and after 66months under
under the storage condition and drying
compared process
with(after 72 h in the desiccator)
the unprocessed extract (HSE).and after months
The results,
understorage condition
the storage
summarized in Table and
condition compared
2, showedand with
thatcompared the
Batch-15 didwithunprocessed extract
the unprocessed
not exhibit (HSE). The
extract (HSE).
a significant reduction results, summarized
The results,
of the lawsonicin in
Table 2,
summarized showed
content (lower that
in Table Batch-15
2, showed
than 1%) after thedid
that not exhibit
Batch-15 did not
transformation a significant
process reduction
anda6significant of the
months ofreduction lawsonicin
storage. On of the content
the contrary,
lawsonicin (lower
content provedaftersignificantly
(lower the transformation
than 1%) after(p the
< 0.05) process andprocess
lower active
transformation 6content.
months of storage.
and 6 months ofOn
the the contrary,
storage. Onactivity HSE
was proved
the contrary,
evaluated by(p <
the 0.05)
DPPH lower
test to active
verify content.
that the Moreover,
formulation the antiradical
HSE proved significantly (p < 0.05) lower active content. Moreover, the antiradical activitynot
process and the activity
storage was
period evaluated
have wasby the
DPPH testby
evaluated theto the
free DPPHthattest
radical the to
scavengingverify thatprocess
activity of HSE and the storage
the formulation As processperiod
reported in have
and the 2, not altered
storage periodthe
effect free
have radical
altered after
the free the spray
radical drying
of scavenging
HSE As (ECof
activity 50 33.20 ±[35].
0.61 µg/mL)
in Table
HSE 2, the
As and until
reported 6 months
in Table ofeffect
harsh after
the storage
the spray
conditions (EC 50 32.80 ± 1.01 µg/mL). On the contrary, at the same conditions, HSE raw extracts
± 0.61
unaltered process
after (EC
the 50 33.20
spray drying process
µg/mL) (ECand until
50 33.20 6 months
± 0.61 µg/mL) ofand
6 months conditions
of harsh(EC 50 32.80 ±
proved a significant
conditions (EC50 32.80(p±< 1.01
0.05) µg/mL).
reductionOn of EC
the50 values
contrary, fromat33.42 ± 1.40 µg/mL
the same to 40.04
conditions, HSE± 2.11
proved a significant (p < 0.05) reduction of EC50 values from 33.42 ± 1.40 µg/mL to 40.04 ± 2.11 µg/mL.
Molecules 2020, 25, 1273 11 of 19

1.01 µg/mL). On the contrary, at the same conditions, HSE raw extracts proved a significant (p < 0.05)
reduction of EC50 values from 33.42 ± 1.40 µg/mL to 40.04 ± 2.11 µg/mL.

Table 2. Actual Active Content (%) and free-radical scavenging activity of extract before (HSE
unprocessed extract) and after microencapsulation process (Batch-15).

0 6 Months 0 6 Months
Materials AAC% a,b DPPH test EC50 a,c,d
HSE Unprocessed extract 3.16 ± 0.80 1.15 ± 0.40 * 33.42 ± 1.40 40.04 ± 2.11 *
Batch-15 2.10 ± 0.40 2.00 ± 0.60 33.20 ± 0.61 32.80 ±1.01
α-tocopherol e 10.1 ± 1.32 10.12 ± 1.20
aOne-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by and Tukey HSD test; means ± SD, * p <0.05; b Actual Active
Content (AAC): Content of lawsonicin calculated by HPLC-DAD; c EC50 ± standard deviation (data from three
experiments in triplicate); d In a unit of µg of HSE or Batch-15/mL; e Positive control of the DPPH test

The results demonstrated that the optimized matrix and process parameters allowed to protect
the antiradical efficacy of HSE, obtaining a long-lasting, stable microparticulate system.

2.5. Functional Activity of Batch-15

As demonstrated previously, HSE possesses not only a significant scavenging activity in vitro
against the radical DPPH but also an inhibitory effect on human melanoma and cervical cancer cell
lines. To investigate if the spray drying process affects HSE functional properties, the inhibitory effect of
the optimized batch (Batch-15) on the growth of human normal (HaCaT) and cancer (A375, SK-Mel-28,
and Hela) cell lines was evaluated. The results of the MTT test (Table 3) showed that the inhibitory
effect of Batch-15 (AEC% 3.9%, w/w) remained unchanged for SK-Mel-28 (IC50 10.550 mg/mL containing
0.411 mg/mL of HSE) or resulted in improved for A375 and HeLa (IC50 4.550 and 8.070 mg/mL,
containing 0.177 and 0.315 mg/mL of HSE, respectively), proving as the spray drying process did not
affect HSE efficacy. On the contrary, the produced amorphous microsystems were able to improve
the wettability of HSE and the release of HSE active components in water cellular environmental [13].
Moreover, the occurrence of proline in the multi-polymeric Batch-15 matrix will affect the cytotoxic
properties of the HSE raw extract. An adequate supply of amino acids, such as proline, allows an
adequate formation and structural stability of the extracellular matrix (ECM). The microenvironment
of ECM plays an important role in several phenomena occurring within the cell. Alterations in its
structure, determined by changes in the molecular composition, can destroy the microenvironment
homeostasis, causing the formation of tumors, and metastases [49–51]. In particular, the proline
metabolism, generated by the proline oxidase (PRODH), seems to be able to catalyze the generation of
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), usually produced in high levels in cancer cells [52], and to induce
apoptosis in several tumor cell lines [50]. Moreover, PRODH helps to maintain the ATP levels of
the cell during oxidative and nutritional stress conditions, because changes in the intracellular redox
environment are responsible for cell survival and death [26,50]. Finally, the IC50 of Batch-15 resulted
> 15 mg/mL on a normal skin cell line (HaCaT) used in the assay, supporting its safe use at active
concentrations in cancer cells (from 8.070 to 10.550 mg/mL). The results suggest that the developed
spray-drying method is suitable to transform HSE raw material in a water-soluble, easy handling, and
functional powder that can be used as in topical or oral dosage forms, useful as an adjuvant in cancer
forms treatment or prevention.
Molecules 2020, 25, 1273 12 of 19

Table 3. MTT assay of raw extract (HSE) and optimized batch (Batch-15).

Cell Line a IC50 HSE Raw mg/mLb IC50 Batch-15 mg/mL c

HaCaT 0.500 ± 0.731 d >15 d
SK-Mel-28 0.459 ± 0.831 d 10.550 ± 3.010
A375 0.584 ± 0.900 d 4.550 ± 1.240 d
HeLa 0.526 ± 0.890 d 8.070 ± 2.150 d
a A375 and SK-Mel-28, melanoma cells; HeLa, cervical cancer cells; HaCaT immortalized human keratinocytes;
b IC50 , required concentration of extract to inhibit cell proliferation by 50%; c IC50 , concentration of Batch-15 required
to inhibit cell proliferation by 50% expressed as mg/mL; in this case, the result is depending on the Actual Extract
Content (AEC, 3.9% in Batch-15); d IC50 ± standard deviation (data from three experiments in triplicate).

3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Chemicals
Analytical grade methanol (MeOH), HPLC-grade methanol (MeOH), isopropanol, ethanol (EtOH),
1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH), α-tocopherol, and l-proline (P) were obtained from
Sigma-Aldrich (Milan, Lombardia, Italy). Medium viscosity hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC, Natrosol
MR) and lecithin (L, E322) were supplied by ACEF Spa (Fiorenzuola D’Arda, PC, Italy). Pectin (PEC
09/051, 76% degree of esterification) was recovered from the citrus peel obtained during the processing
of Agrumi Gel s.n.c. Company (Barcellona Pozzo DI Gotto, Messina, Italy). HPLC-grade water (18 mΩ)
was prepared by a Milli-Q50 purification system (Millipore Corp., Bedford, MA, USA). The hazelnut
shells extract (HSE) was prepared with the extraction method previously reported [8].

3.2. Liquid Feeds Preparation and Spray Drying Conditions

Before spray drying, the viscosity measurements of liquid feeds were carried out by a Visco Basic
plus viscometer (FungiLab s.a., Barcelona, Spain) at 25 ◦ C, with a Spindle L1 between 0.3 and 100 rpm,
every 60 s after the rotation speed started. The results were expressed as centiPoise (cP), and the
accuracy of the measurement was expressed in terms of instrumental reliability value (valid range 18
to 100).
Preparation method used:

- Hot-Cold-Hot method (H-C-H): The liquid feed was produced using 0.2% w/v HEC, 5% w/v P
and 0.2% L at 85.0:3.4:8.2:3.4 P:HEC:PEC:L ratio (total amount 6.15 g). PEC was added in 80 mL
of water at 75 ◦ C; at room temperature P was included, and finally, at 50 ◦ C, HEC was dissolved,
leaving under stirring overnight. Separately, 0.25% or 0.50% w/v of HSE was dissolved adding
20 mL of ethanol and 20 mL of a 1% w/v L solution by homogenization with an Ultra-Turrax
T-25 (IKA ULTRA-TURRAX T25 digital) at 10,000 RPM for 5 min. The suspension containing the
extract (HSE) was slowly poured into the feed under continuous magnetic stirring.

All the liquid feeds were spray-dried using a Büchi B-191 Mini Spray Dryer (Büchi
Laboratoriums-Technik, Flawil, Switzerland). The Mini Spray Dryer operates according to a co-current
drying gas (e. g. air in open mode) and product stream. This means that sprayed products and hot gas
have the same flow direction from downward.
The experimental conditions were drying airflow 600 L/h, air pressure 6.5 bar, aspirator 100%
(maximum gas flow rate of about 35 m3 /h), inlet/outlet temperatures 125/85 ◦ C, Ø nozzle = 0.7 mm,
spray flow feed rate 3.8 mL/min.
Each preparation was produced in triplicate. Before characterization, the powders were stored in
the desiccator (48–72 h).
Molecules 2020, 25, 1273 13 of 19

3.3. Powders Characterization

3.3.1. Yield and Loading Efficiency

A gravimetric method (balance Crystal 100 CAL—Gibertini Novate, Milanese, Italy, max 110 g d
= 0.1 mg; +15 ◦ C/30 ◦ C) was used to determine production yield, and the result was expressed as the
weight percentage of the final product compared to the total amount of the materials present in the
liquid feed.
The Theoretical Extract Content (TEC) was calculated as the percentage of extract (HSE) content
compared to the initial total amount of all feed components before spray drying.
Actual Active Content (AAC) of the unprocessed extract HSE and spray-dried microparticles
(Batches 13 and 15) was determined by HPLC-DAD method, according to [8], and expressed as the
lawsonicin content percentage to 100 mg of powder.
The Actual Extract Content (AEC) was derived by AAC and calculated as:

AEC% = AACBatch 13/15 /AAC unprocessed HSE × 100 (1)

The extract encapsulation efficiency (EE%) was the ratio of the actual to the theoretical extract
content: [13]:
EE% = AEC/TEC × 100 (2)

Each analysis was made in triplicate and results expressed as an average value.

3.3.2. Quantitative Analysis by HPLC Method

30 mg of each batch was dissolved in 10 mL of mixture methanol and distilled water (8:2) and
sonicated for 20 min. The lawsonicin (HSE chemical marker) content was determined by an HPLC
apparatus (Agilent 1100 series system equipped with a Model G-1312 pump, a Rheodyne Model
G-1322A loop (20 µL), a DAD G-1315 detector, and a Nucleodur 100-5 C18 column (150 × 4.6 mm,
5 µm, Machery-Nagel). An Agilent integrator was employed to calculate peaks area. The analysis was
carried out with solvents, elution gradient, and experimental conditions previously applied [8].

3.3.3. Particle-Size Analyses

A Laser Light Scattering (LLS) granulometer (Beckman Coulter LS 230, Particle Volume Module
Plus, Brea, CA, USA) was used to evaluate the dimensions of the raw materials and all the batches
obtained by spray drying. Isopropanol was employed to suspend the powders, and 150 µL of
each sample was introduced into the analysis cell to obtain an obscuration between 8% and 12%.
The mathematical Fraunhofer model was applied to calculate particle size distribution. The analyses
were conducted in triplicate: The results were expressed as d50 , indicating the volume diameter at the
50th percentile of the particle size distribution. The span was determined as [(d90 − d10 ) / d50 ]; a not
homogeneous particle size distribution was correlated to a higher span value (>3) [20].

3.3.4. Morphological Analyses

The morphologies of raw materials and produced particles were analyzed via scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) using a Carl Zeiss EVO MA 10 microscope operating at 17 kV; the powders were
coated with Au/Pd and eventually observed at different extensions.
The optical microscopy assays were performed in fluorescence and brightfield mode observing
the samples with a Zeiss Axiophot microscope with optical mode, equipped with 40, 63, and 100 × 1.4
NA plan Apochromat oil immersion objectives (Carl Zeiss Vision, München-Hallbergmoos, Germany).
For the fluorescence mode, a standard DAPI (40,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) optics that adsorbs violet
radiation (max 372 nm) and emits a blue fluorescence (max 456) was used.
Molecules 2020, 25, 1273 14 of 19

3.3.5. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

Differential Scanning Calorimetry on an indium calibrated Mettler Toledo DSC 822e (Mettler
Toledo, Worthington, OH, USA) was carried out to analyze the thermal behavior of raw materials
and formulated powders. Thermograms were recorded by placing accurately weighed quantities
(3–6 mg weighed with a microbalance MTS Mettler Toledo, Worthington, OH, USA) of each sample in
a 40 µL aluminum pan, which was sealed and pierced. The samples underwent one dynamic thermal
cycle; they were heated from 25 to 350 ◦ C at a heating rate of 10 ◦ C/min. The instrument automatically
determined the baseline as the difference between the latent heat to sensible heat. For each sample,
the integrated baseline had been considered and automatically released at the zero point. Dehydration,
melting temperature (Tm), and heat of fusion (∆Hm) were measured.

3.3.6. Dissolution/Release Tests

All the tests were carried out in sink conditions, a dissolution system sufficiently diluted thus that
the dissolution process was not impeded by saturation of the solution (<35% of extract solubility). HSE
solubility and in vitro dissolution/release tests were carried out according to the Farmacopea Ufficiale
Italiana, as also reported by Sansone et al., 2013 [53,54].
An excessive amount of HSE was introduced into glass vials containing 5 mL of H2 O; the samples
were stirred and stored at 25 ◦ C for 3 days. After that, samples were centrifuged for 15 min at 3.000 rpm,
in order to remove the saturation powder. Supernatants were filtered with 0.45 lm filters, and the
concentration of dissolved HSE was determined as lawsonicin equivalents by the HPLC method as
described before. The solubility measurements were performed in triplicate.
The determined HSE water solubility (136.74 ± 0.27 mg/L) led to the calculation of the sink
conditions for the dissolution/release tests of the unprocessed extract HSE (5 mg/L) and spray-dried
formulations (150 mg/L, considering the extract content). Briefly, the test was carried out dissolved
samples in 1000 mL of distilled water (sink conditions), using a Sotax AT Smart Apparatus (Basel, CH)
and equipped with apparatus 2 of USP 31 for dissolution tests: Paddle, 75 rpm at 37 ◦ C. The duration
of the test was 120 min and the samples were taken at 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 min. Only the
mean values were reported (standard deviations < 5%). The amount of the extract dissolved was
measured as AAC (Actual Active Content) value was calculated by an HPLC-DAD method, as reported
in reference [8]. The standard curve was analyzed using the linear correlation between concentration
and peak area integration (regression equation y = 9579.9x − 19.612, r = 0.9999, at 5 concentration
levels in the range of 0.01 to 0.00125 mg/mL). All the dissolution/release tests were made in triplicate,
each time in 6 vessels; only the mean values were reported (standard deviations < 5%).

3.4. Stability Studies

Stability was evaluated under harsh storage conditions, according to the ICH (International
Conference Harmonization) guidelines. Glass open vials with 1.5g of each batch were stored for
6 months at 40 ± 2 ◦ C; 75 ± 2% R.H in a climate chamber (Climatic and Thermostatic Chamber,
Angelantoni Life Science s.r.l., Perugia, Italy) to investigate the shelf life of the best formulation
obtained (Batch-13 and Batch-15).
At time 0 and after 6 months, samples of each batch were collected. Extract content was verified by
HPLC method, and morphology and DSC analysis were performed to detect changes in the structure
and possible degradation events, according to the previously described methods.
The free-radical scavenging activity of Batch 15 was also evaluated after the spray drying process
and after 6 months under accelerated storage conditions using the stable 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl
radical (DPPH), according to our previously reported procedures [55]. Briefly, 1.5 mL of DPPH
solution (25 mg/mL in methanol, prepared daily) was added to 0.375 mL of Batch-15 dissolved
in water (at 15 mg/mL). The mixtures were kept in the dark for 10 min at room temperature,
and the decrease in absorbance was measured at 517 nm against a blank consisting of an equal
Molecules 2020, 25, 1273 15 of 19

volume of methanol. α-tocopherol was used as a positive control. The DPPH concentration in the
reaction medium was calculated from a calibration curve (range = 5–36 µg/mL) analyzed by linear
regression (y = 0.0228x − 0.0350, R2 = 0.9999), and EC50 (mean effective scavenging concentration) was
determined as the concentration (in micrograms per milliliter) of sample necessary to decrease the
initial DPPH concentration by 50%. All tests were performed in triplicate. A lower EC50 value indicates
a stronger antioxidant activity.

The hygroscopicity was determined according to the procedure described by Sansone et al. [20]
by sampling during the end of the stability test.
Hygroscopicity was gravimetrically calculated according to the formula:

Hygroscopicity (g of H2 O per g of product) = [(m3 − m0 )/m3 ] × 100 (3)

where m0 and m3 express the moisture of the samples before (t0 ) and after (t6months ) the storage
period, respectively.

3.5. Cell Viability Assay

Human malignant melanoma (A375 and SK-Mel-28), human cervical cancer (HeLa), and HaCaT
(immortalized human normal keratinocytes), and supplements for cell cultures were obtained from
Gibco Life Technology Corp. (Thermo Fischer Scientific, Milan, Italy). HaCaT, A375, and HeLa cell lines
were grown at 37 ◦ C in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium containing high glucose supplemented
with 10% fetal calf serum, and 100 units/mL each of penicillin and streptomycin, and 2 mmol/L
glutamine. Human melanoma (SK-Mel-28) cell line was grown at 37 ◦ C in minimum essential
medium (MEM) supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum and 100 units/mL each of penicillin and
streptomycin. The potential cytotoxic effect of Batch-15 and the unprocessed extract was investigated
by MTT (3-[4,5-dimetiltiazol-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide]) assay, as reported in reference [56].
To perform the assay, the cells were grown in 96-well plates, in numbers of 7000 per well, and after
24 h were treated with Batch-15 and Batch-12, dissolved directly in the culture medium to obtain the at
15 mg/mL. At the end of treatment, the plates were centrifuged at 1200 rpm for 5 min, the medium was
aspirated and added 100 µL of 1 mg/mL MTT to each well, and the plates were kept at 37 ◦ C for the
time necessary to the formation of salt formazan (1–3 h depending on cell type). The solution was
then removed from each well, and the formazan crystal within the cells was dissolved with 100 µL of
DMSO. Absorption at 550 nm for each well was assessed by a Multiskan Spectrum Thermo Electron
Corporation Reader. IC50 values were calculated from cell viability dose-response curves and defined
as the concentration resulting in 50% inhibition of cell survival compared to untreated cells.

3.6. Statistical Analysis

All results were shown as mean ± standard deviation of 3 experiments performed in triplicate.
Statistical comparison between groups was made using ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni parametric
test. Differences were considered significant if p < 0.05. The free radical scavenging data were subjected
to one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by and Tukey HSD test (p < 0.05), using GraphPad
Prism version 7.00 for Windows.

4. Conclusions
Hazelnut shells extract has antioxidant and chemopreventive effects on human melanoma and
cervical cancer cell lines. However, as all dry plant derivatives, HSE appears as a sticky material,
not completely soluble in water and aqueous biological fluids, as well as quite unstable under
environmental stress. Our research showed the possibility to successfully transform the raw extract
HSE in a spray-dried powder suitable for the final administration in various dosage forms overcoming
Molecules 2020, 25, 1273 16 of 19

the stability and bioavailability problems. The tandem polymeric matrix was based on l-proline as a
synergic loading carrier, hydroxyethylcellulose/pectin as a coating system, and lecithin as an enhancer
of dissolution rate. The development of a multicomponent polymeric matrix, the optimization of the
liquid feed preparation method, and the selection of all the spray drying operating parameters led to
obtain a stable powder (Batch-15) with high functional content, and both improved water solubility
and chemopreventive effects against human cancer cells (A375, SK-Mel-28, and HeLa), easier to be
processed for an industrial use with respect to the unprocessed HSE.

Supplementary Materials: Supplementary Materials are available online.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, F.S., T.M.; investigation, S.F., T.E., P.D.G., G.A., F.S.; supervision, F.S.,
T.M., project administration, R.P.A., data curation, P.P., methodology T.E., F.S., writing original draft, T.M., T.E., F.S.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this paper.

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Sample Availability: Samples of the raw extract (HSE) and Spray-dried powder are available from the authors.

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