Important To Sepic

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May 2014

SEPIC Converter Design and Operation

Gregory Nathan Sharp
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

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Sharp, G. N. (2014). SEPIC Converter Design and Operation. Retrieved from

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Sepic Converter Design and Operation

Submitted 5/1/14 in partial completion of the requirements for a

BS degree from WPI

Gregory Sharp

Advisor: Alex Emanuel

Table of contents
I) Abstract 2
II) Introduction 3
III) Topology 4
a) Operation 4
b) Specifications 6
c) Duty Cycle Calculations 6
d) Inductor Calculations 7
e) Simulation results 7
IV) Potentiometer Controlled PWM 10
a) PWM Demonstration 12
b) Circuit diagram 13
c) Simulation results 13
V) Feedback Controlled PWM 15
a) Feedback Flowchart 16
b) Feedback Results at Various Levels of Gain 16
VI) Summary 19
VII) References 20

Table of Figures
Fig 3.1 SEPIC operation 4
Fig 3.2 SEPIC Simulation 5
Fig 3.3 Graph of Vout and Pulse 5
Fig 3.4 Graph of ICout, IL1 and Pulse 5
Fig 3.5 Graph of Vout 8
Fig 3.6 Graph of Pout and Pin 8
Fig 3.7 Graph of Vout, D and VCin with Vin=10V 9
Fig 4.1 Graph of Triangle wave and Sinusoidal control wave 12
Fig 4.2 Graph of controlled square wave 12
Fig 4.3 Labelled schematic of SEPIC converter using a potentiometer to control PWM. 13
Fig 4.4 Graph of 555 and Triangle wave 13
Fig 4.5 Graph of Comparator output to MOSFET, Triangle Wave and Potentiometer Control Signal 14
Fig 5.1 Flow chart for feedback operation 16
Fig 5.2 Graph of Vout, as Vin increases. Gain is almost zero 17
Fig 5.3 Graph of Vout, as Vin increases. Gain is too low 17
Fig 5.4 Graph of Vout, as Vin increases. Gain is too high 18
Fig 5.5 Graph of Vout, as Vin increases. Gain is at a good value 18

I) Abstract
The purpose of this project was to design and optimize a SEPIC dc/dc converter (Single

Ended Primary Inductance Converter). The SEPIC converter allows a range of dc voltage to be

adjusted to maintain a constant voltage output. This project talks about the importance of dc-dc

converters and why SEPIC converters are used instead of other dc-dc converters. This project

also goes into detail about how to control the output of the converter with either a potentiometer

or feedback to show how it can be implemented in a circuit. From this project, one learns dc-dc

converter optimization and control.

II) Introduction
Circuits run best with a steady and specific input. Controlling the input to specific sub-

circuits is crucial for fulfilling design requirements. AC-AC conversion can be easily done with a

transformer; however dc-dc conversion is not as simple. Diodes and voltage bridges are useful

for reducing voltage by a set amount, but can be inefficient. Voltage regulators can be used to

provide a reference voltage. Additionally, battery voltage decreases as batteries discharge which

can cause many problems if there is no voltage control. The most efficient method of regulating

voltage through a circuit is with a dc-dc converter. There are 5 main types of dc-dc converters.

Buck converters can only reduce voltage, boost converters can only increase voltage, and buck-

boost, Cúk, and SEPIC converters can increase or decrease the voltage.

Some applications of converters only need to buck or boost the voltage and can simply

use the corresponding converters. However, sometimes the desired output voltage will be in the

range of input voltage. When this is the case, it is usually best to use a converter that can

decrease or increase the voltage. Buck-boost converters can be cheaper because they only require

a single inductor and a capacitor. However, these converters suffer from a high amount of input

current ripple. This ripple can create harmonics; in many applications these harmonics

necessitate using a large capacitor or an LC filter. This often makes the buck-boost expensive or

inefficient [2]. Another issue that can complicate the usage of buck-boost converters is the fact

that they invert the voltage. Cúk converters solve both of these problems by using an extra

capacitor and inductor. However, both Cúk and buck-boost converter operation cause large

amounts of electrical stress on the components, this can result in device failure or overheating.

SEPIC converters solve both of these problems [2].

III) Topology

a) Operation:

All dc-dc converters operate by rapidly turning on and off a MOSFET, generally with a

high frequency pulse. What the converter does as a result of this is what makes the SEPIC

converter superior. For the SEPIC, when the pulse is high/the MOSFET is on, inductor 1 is

charged by the input voltage and inductor 2 is charged by capacitor 1. The diode is off and the

output is maintained by capacitor 2. When the pulse is low/the MOSFET is off, the inductors

output through the diode to the load and the capacitors are charged. The greater the percentage of

time (duty cycle) the pulse is low, the greater the output will be. This is because the longer the

inductors charge, the greater their voltage will be. However, if the pulse lasts too long, the

capacitors will not be able to charge and the converter will fail as shown in Fig 3.6.

Fig 3.1 SEPIC operation [4]

Fig 3.2 SEPIC Simulation

Fig 3.3 Graph of Vout and Pulse

This graph shows the output ripple as a function of the input square wave.

Fig 3.4 Graph of ICout, IL1 and Pulse

This graph shows the ripple in the inductors and how the output capacitor charges and discharges
based on the pulse.

b) Specifications:

The converter should meet certain standards

Fsw=50 kHz
An acceptable output current ripple is io, pp< 0.5 A
An acceptable output voltage ripple is Vo, pp< 0.1 V

c) Duty Cycle Calculation:

The amount that the SEPIC converters step up or down the voltage depends primarily on the

Duty Cycle and the parasitic elements in the circuit.

The output of an ideal SEPIC converter is

D * Vi
Vo 
1 D
However, this does not account for losses due to parasitic elements such as the diode drop VD.

These make the equation:

D * Vi
Vo  VD 
1 D
This becomes
Vo  VD
Vi  Vo  VD
The maximum Duty Cycle will occur when the input voltage is at the minimum. If VD=.5V, the

Duty Cycle is

10V  .5V
D min   .64
6V  10V  .5V
The minimum Duty cycle will occur when the input voltage is at the maximum.
10V  .5V
D min   .37
18V  10V  .5V

d) Inductor Calculation:

In theory, the larger the inductors are the better the circuit will operate and reduce the

ripple. However, larger inductors are more expensive and have a larger internal resistance. This

greater internal resistance will make the converter less efficient. Creating the best converter

requires choosing inductors that are just large enough to keep the voltage and current ripple at an

acceptable amount.
Vi min ( D max) (6V )(.63)
L   151.2uH
io max f sw (.5 A)(50kHz)
Inductors with low internal resistance and around 150uH will be ideal for both of the inductors in

the circuit.

e) Simulation Results:
V 1 0 10
RL1 1 1.5 .07
L1 1.5 2 150u IC=0
S 2 0 20 0 SWK
VP 20 0 PULSE (0 10 0 1n 1n .01045m .02m)
RCl 2 2.5 .08
C1 2.5 3 10u IC=0
L2 3 3.5 150u IC=0
RL2 3.5 0 .07
D 3 4 Dix
.MODEL Dix D (RS= .07 BV=480 N=.01)
C2 4 4.5 100u IC=0
RC2 4.5 0 .08
R 4 0 10
.TRAN .005 .1 .099 10u UIC

Fig 3.5 Graph of Vout

Fig 3.6 Graph of Pout and Pin

This graph shows that the efficiency of the Converter=Pin/Pout= .91

VC 30 0 PWL (0, 0 100m, 1) D increasing from 0 to 1
V 1 0 10
L1 1 1.5 150u IC=0
RL1 1 2 .3
VD 2 3 0
E 3 20 Value= {(1-V(30))/V(30)*V(5)} MOSFET V=Vo*(1-D)/D
VF 20 0 0
C1 3 3.5 1u IC=0
RC1 3.5 4 .08
L2 4 4.5 150u IC=0
RL2 4.5 0 .3
G 4 5 Value={((1-V(30))/(V(30)*V(30)))*I(VF)} Diode I =Iin*(1-D)/D2
C2 5 5.5 100u IC=0
RC2 5.5 0 .08
R 5 0 10
.TRAN 0 .1 0 10u UIC

Fig 3.7 Graph of Vout, D and VCin with Vin=10V

This graph shows that as D increases from 0 to 1, Vout increases exponentially, reaching Vin
around D=.5. When D gets too high, VCin cannot stay charged and this causes Vout to drop as

IV) Potentiometer Controlled PWM
The SEPIC converter is able to either increase or decrease an input voltage by controlling

the Duty Cycle of a pulse to the MOSFET. One way to do that is to directly control the Duty

cycle using a potentiometer. There are some applications for which this control method is

suitable but it is insufficient for many other applications.

In order to drive the MOSFET, a pulse is needed. A 555 timer is used to produce a square

wave with a set frequency and a Duty cycle≥50%. However, the duty cycle from the 555 cannot

be easily changed without switching resistors. In addition, the SEPIC requires a duty cycle below

50% to buck the voltage when the input voltage is low. The pulse width will need to be modified

separately from the 555 because the 555 cannot change or produce a duty cycle less than 50%.

First a resistor and a capacitor are used in lowpass to produce a triangle wave from the square

wave output of the 555. Afterwards, this is sent to the negative pin of a comparator. The positive

pin of the comparator receives a controlled voltage signal. Whenever the controlled voltage is

greater than the triangle wave, the comparator will output voltage and otherwise it will be off.

The greater this signal, the greater the duty cycle of the comparator output will be. One way to

control this signal is to step down voltage using a potentiometer. Luckily, this signal can be kept

in the same range as the triangle wave by using the same input that drives the 555 timer. The

duty cycle will not change when the input or the output voltage changes which means there is

full control of how much the SEPIC steps up or down the voltage. This has both advantages and

disadvantages for the circuit.

Full control of the circuit can be useful. The potentiometer allows the SEPIC to output a

wide range of voltage from a wide range of input. This could be useful in battery applications

that need to run on various levels of power. One example would be a flashlight with adjustable

brightness. This SEPIC converter could allow it to run on a large range of power with greater

efficiency than simply reducing the voltage with a potentiometer to control the output. However,

this control method does have its drawbacks.

Most applications of the SEPIC converter control the voltage automatically. The problem

with relying on controlling the input for circuit control is that there is no circuit feedback. When

using a potentiometer, the only way to maintain the correct output is to watch the output and

adjust accordingly. Visual feedback is only useful in certain circumstances. Usually it is best to

use the SEPIC converter to hold a single output without the need for control when using a SEPIC

as part of a large circuit.

a) PWM Demonstration

Fig 4.1 Graph of Triangle wave and Sinusoidal control wave

Fig 4.2 Graph of controlled square wave

This graph shows the resulting output of the comparator with the inputs shown in Fig 4.1. The
pulse is high when the control signal is greater than the triangle wave. This results in a higher
duty for high control signals.

b) Circuit Diagram

Fig 4.3 Labelled schematic of SEPIC converter using a potentiometer to control PWM.

c) Simulation Results

Fig 4.4 Graph of 555 and Triangle wave

This is the output of the 555 with the triangle wave produced by the capacitor in lowpass.

Fig 4.5 Graph of Comparator output to MOSFET, Triangle Wave and Control Signal from Potentiometer
This graph shows that the comparator turns on soon after the triangle wave falls below the
control signal (which is a simulation error) and turns off immediately when the triangle wave
rises above the signal.

V) Feedback Controlled PWM
While a potentiometer allows for control of the SEPIC converter output during operation,

it is unable to hold a constant output with a variable input that changes. This is used in the

majority of SEPIC converter applications which require automation to correct an input voltage.

The simplest way to maintain a constant output is to use a feedback loop that will change the

output automatically instead of by manual control (using visual feedback from a voltmeter). The

feedback loop should be able to increase the duty cycle to raise the output when the output is too

low and decrease it when the output is too high. To do this, the output will need to be compared

to a reference voltage which remains constant even if the input changes. The error between the

output and the reference voltage is then amplified and added to a set bias voltage. The resulting

voltage is then used as the control voltage for PWM. When the output is too low, the amplified

error increases which causes the control voltage to increase. The increase in control voltage

increases the duty cycle until the output is correct. When the output is too high, the amplified

error becomes negative which decreases the duty cycle to correct output. Both of these scenarios

work together to constantly make slight adjustments to the duty cycle so that the output remains

stable. The simulations for feedback show how the output changes with the gain of the amplifier

a) Feedback Flow Chart

Fig 5.1 Flow chart for feedback operation

b) Feedback Results at Various Levels of Gain


Feedback loop Gain
Ve 30 0 10
Ee 33 0 Value={(1+7*(V(30,0)-V(5,0)))} Gain*(Vref-Vo)= Gain*Error
Eb 34 0 Value={.5*(1+(V(30,0)+V(33,0))/10)} this value equals D
SEPIC averaged model
V .5 0 0
VC 1 .5 PWL(0,0 100m, 20)
L1 1 1.5 150u IC=0
RL1 1 2 .07
VD 2 3 0
E 3 20 Value={(V(34,0)-1)/V(34,0)*V(5,0)}
VF 20 0 0
C1 3 3.5 1u IC=0
RC1 3.5 4 .08
L2 4 4.5 150u IC=0
RL2 4.5 0 .07
G 4 5 Value={(V(34,0)-1)/(V(34,0)*V(34,0))
C2 5 5.5 100u IC=0
RC2 5.5 0 .08
R 5 0 10
.TRAN 0 .1 0 10m UIC

Fig 5.2 Graph of Vout, as Vin increases. Gain is almost zero

This graph shows that if the gain of the amplifier is around zero, Vout is uncontrolled.

Fig 5.3 Graph of Vout, as Vin increases. Gain is too low

This graph shows that if the gain of the amplifier is too low, Vout is controlled, but too high.

Fig 5.4 Graph of Vout, as Vin increases. Gain is too high
This graph shows that if the gain of the amplifier is too high, the converter cannot boost
sufficiently and Vout does not reach 10V until after Vin is greater than the minimum value.

Fig 5.5 Graph of Vout, as Vin increases. Gain is at a good value
This graph shows that with the correct amount of gain, Vout will be at the correct value as long
as Vin is greater than the minimum value.

VI) Summary

Most battery operated circuits require dc-dc conversion to maintain full operation. In

most circumstances that require stepping up and down the input voltage, SEPIC converters are

worth the price of the extra inductor and capacitor for the efficiency and stable operation they

provide. While this project does go into detail about simulation results for the SEPIC converter,

the physical potentiometer controlled SEPIC converter built was unsuccessful. Additionally, a

cost benefit analysis to determine peak efficiency with the cheapest cost for the inductors and

capacitors was never done. These are both things that could have been done with extra time and

group members. From this project, one learns dc-dc converter optimization and control.

VII) References
1. Falin, Jeff. “Designing DC/DC converters based on SEPIC topology” 2008, Texas
Instruments. December 2013 <>

2. Dr. Ridly, Ray. “Analyzing the Sepic Converter” 2006, Ridley Engineering. March 2014

3. Durán, E. Sidrach-de-Cardona, M. Galán, J. Andújar, J.M. “Comparative Analysis of Buck-

Boost Converters used to obtain I-V Characteristic Curves of Photovoltaic Modules” April 2014

Pictures from

[4] Wikipedia user Mclausma <>



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