ECA CAT Solutions

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(a) For the circuit in Figure Q1, calculate the initial charging current of capacitor using Laplace
Transform technique. [2 marks]

Figure Q1

(b) A low pass filter circuit consisting of a resistor of 4k7Ω in series with a capacitor of 47nF is
connected across a 10v sinusoidal supply. Calculate the output voltage ( VOUT ) at a frequency
of 100Hz and again at frequency of 10kHz. [3 marks]

Voltage Output at a Frequency of 10,000Hz (10kHz).

(c) Define the following terms: [5 marks]

i) Time response analysis
ii) Transient response
iii) Steady state response
iv) Natural response
v) Forced response
i. Time response analysis is nothing but the analysis of performance of the
system in the time domain. In other words, it’s knowing how different system
variables change their state with respect to time.
ii. The time that is required for the system to go from one state to another state is
what we call transient time and the response of the system during this time is
called the transient response.
iii. If a system is stable and well-designed, the system will settle close to the
desired output and this response after the system settles is the steady state
iv. Another way to look at the time response is by analyzing how the system
responds to the stored energy of the system with no input given which is called
the natural response of the system.
v. Then how the system responds to a given input but with no energy stored
initially in the system is called the forced response.

(d) Using graphs, mathematical expressions and the Laplace transform, explain each of the
following basic test signals as applied in electric circuit analysis [20 marks]
i) Step Signal
ii) Ramp Signal
iii) Parabolic signal
iv) Impulse signal

1. The Step Signal.

Consider the circuit below.

Let the switch be closed at time t = 0.

Now, Before the switch is closed,

After the switch is closed,


This is a step signal and more often used is the unit step signal which is denoted
by u(t) and is defined as

The Laplace transform of the step signal will be

The step signal represents the sudden application of an input to the system.

2) The Ramp Signal.

A ramp signal starts from the origin and rises linearly with time with a slope K.


Let r(t) be the ramp signal,

Where K is the slope.


The Laplace transform of the ramp signal will be

With K = 1 for the unit ramp signal.

3) The Parabolic Signal.

The parabolic signal starts from zero and is a quadratic function of time.


Let p(t) be the parabolic signal,



The Laplace transform of the parabolic signal will be

And K = 1 for the unit parabolic signal.

4) The Impulse Signal.

An impulse signal [δ(t)] is a tall and narrow signal which is obtained as shown.
As a becomes very small (almost zero), 1/a becomes infinitely tall. This means
that the width of the above shown rectangle becomes essentially 0 and the height
becomes infinite yet their area remains equal to 1.

Hence the impulse signal or the impulse function takes zero value for all values of
time except for t = 0.

As the area remains equal to 1, we can define the impulse signal mathematically

The Laplace transform of the impulse signal will be

The impulse signal represents a sudden shock to the system.



(a) A first-order differential equation involving current i in a series R–L circuit is given by:

𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝐸𝐸
+ 5𝑖𝑖 =
𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 2

and i = 0 at time t = 0, Use Laplace transforms to solve for i when

(i) E = 20 [3 marks]
(ii) E = 40e-3t [3 marks]
(iii) E = 50 sin 5t [3 marks]

(b) Distinguish between parallel and series resonant circuits by detailing the circuit layout,
characteristics and application of each of the circuits [6 marks]

Series resonant circuit

A series L-C circuit in which magnitudes of capacitive and inductive reactances
are exactly equal is known as series resonant circuit. It is also known as acceptor

Characteristics of series resonance circuit:

• Minimum impedance
• Maximum circuit current
• cos(φ) = 1 , hence current and voltage becomes in phase.
• Circuit current becomes proportional to circuit resistance i.e. I ~ 1/R
Uses of series resonance circuit:
• As frequency selection circuit in radio and TV tuner circuits.
• As band pass filter circuit.

parallel resonant circuit

A parallel L-C circuit in which magnitudes of capacitive and inductive reactances

are exactly equal is known as parallel resonant circuit. It is also known as
rejector circuit.
Characteristics of parallel resonance circuit:
• Maximum impedance
• Minimum circuit current
• cos(φ) = 1, hence voltage and current becomes in phase
• Circuit current depends on circuit impedance, Z = L/C or I ~ -(1/R)
Uses of parallel resonance circuit:
• As a Band Stop Filter
• As a tank circuit in Oscillators
• As a plate load in IF and RF amplifiers
• As I.F. trap in aerial circuit of radio as well as TV receivers.

(c) A series resonance network consisting of a resistor of 30Ω, a capacitor of 2uF and an inductor
of 20mH is connected across a sinusoidal supply voltage which has a constant output of 9 volts
at all frequencies. Sketch the circuit layout and calculate,

(i) The resonant frequency [2 marks]

(ii) The current at resonance [2 marks]
(iii)The voltage across the inductor and capacitor at resonance [4 marks]
(iv) The quality factor [2 marks]


1. Resonant Frequency, ƒr
2. Circuit Current at Resonance, Im

3. Inductive Reactance at Resonance, XL

4. Voltages across the inductor and the capacitor, VL, VC

Note: the supply voltage may be only 9 volts, but at resonance, the reactive voltages
across the capacitor, VC and the inductor, VL are 30 volts peak!
5. Quality factor, Q

(d) Using the respective frequency and phase response curves, explain the operations of a low pass
filter [5 marks]

Low Pass Filter

A Low Pass Filter is a circuit that can be designed to modify, reshape or reject all
unwanted high frequencies of an electrical signal and accept or pass only those
signals wanted by the circuits designer.


1.For the circuit shown in Figure 1(a), the inputs are applied at different times as indicated.
Compute vout at: [20 marks]

i) t = -0.5s
ii) t = 1.5s
iii) t = 5s

Figure 1(a)
2. In detail, describe three types of compensating networks [9 marks]
3. What is a second order circuit? Provide an example [1 mark]

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