Prometheus e Book
Prometheus e Book
Prometheus e Book
Prometheus Revisited
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1 author:
Yasser Aman
Minia University
All content following this page was uploaded by Yasser Aman on 03 February 2018.
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Table of Contents
1- Introduction 2
4- +HVLRG¶VTheogony 11
5- $HVFK\OXV¶VPrometheus Bound 13
6- *RHWKH¶VPrometheus 15
7- 6KHOOH\¶VPrometheus Unbound 18
8- %\URQ¶VPrometheus 25
11-Conclusion 32
12-Works Cited 34
Prometheus Revisited: The Fire Bringer & the Rebirth of Creative Revolutionary Spirit
Yasser K. R. Aman
Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, KSA & Minia University, Egypt.
The myth of Prometheus has been dealt with throughout the ages. It illustrates the ongoing
rebirth of the creative revolutionary spirit though it is sometimes muzzled and muffled by
tyrannical forces. My goal in this paper is to prove that all these below mentioned writers
have reflected a creative mainstream of rebellion against tyranny, hinting from time to time to
the Egyptian 25th January Revolution. Many Greek and Roman authors discussed the
Prometheus myth stressing two points: the creation of man out of clay, and the theft of fire.
Other modern writers stressed this revolutionary spirit. Throughout their works, Hesiod,
Aeschylus, Goethe, Shelley, Byron, Al-Shaby, Hughes and many others build up a series of
images of this spirit. During the Greek war of independence, Prometheus represented the
illustrates a defiant creative spirit that seeks self-assertion. The romantic rebellious spirit
Song of the Titan: or thus Prometheus Sang. 7HG+XJKHV¶VPrometheus on His Crag reshapes
My paper is organized into three sections. Section one discusses the application of the
stressing the absence and emergence of some features of the myth, the adaptation attempted
by each poet to fit his purposes. Section two, which examines some plays and poems that
+XJKHV¶VPrometheus On His Crag. Section three summarizes the findings and concludes the
the purpose of this paper, I would embrace the definition of Morford and Lenardon of the
immortality because its inherent archetypal beauty, profundity, and power have inspired
figure shows interesting mythological elements: the ritual of sacrifice, the origin of fire and
undisplaced myth of two worlds of gods and demons represented by the apocalyptic and the
For Frye, apocalyptic imagery is based on the biblical apocalyptic world (divine
world, human world, animal world, vegetable world, mineral world) which is united in
Christ. In apocalyptic symbolism, man passes not only by earth and air but by water and fire
fire, as does the association of Zeus with the thunderbolt of fire and lightning. In short,
XVXDOO\DSXULI\LQJV\PERO´ (151), despite the fact that it is symbolically often seen as ironic
central themes. Tension resulting from loyalty to the group or the leader is at the core of
demonic human world. Such tension either diminishes the individual or puts his pleasure and
In the sinister human world one individual pole is the tyrant-leader, inscrutable,
ruthless, melancholy, and with an insatiable will, who commands loyalty only if he is
ego-centric enough to represent the collective ego of his followers. The other pole is
the others. In the most concentrated form of the demonic parody, the two become the
The mob, often assuming animal images, is looking for a pharmakos. Monsters, such as the
dragon, and beasts of prey, such as vultures, represent the animal world. A forest, a heath or
an enchanted garden may represent the vegetable world. Similarly, deserts, rocks and waste
land may represent the inorganic world. Malignant demons represent the world of fire, while
symbolism features chiefly fountains and pools, fertilizing rains, and an occasional stream
As a tragic hero, Prometheus combines divine and human aspects since he cannot die
simple structures can be a powerful one, often retains as a central theme even in the most
complex tragedies. Here the original act provoking the revenge sets up an antithetical or
(209). Nemesis happens when the nature is disturbed. The tragic action is caused either by an
narrowing comparatively free life into a process of causation. This happens to Macbeth when
he accepts the logic of usurpation, to Hamlet when he accepts the logic of revenge, to Lear
exposure, the horror of being watched, is a greater misery than the pain. Derkou Theama
Study of Literary Influences, Awad relates the myth of Prometheus, with its alterations
interpretations Zeus (Mind) and Prometheus (Necessity) represent two antithesis that emanate
from one Thesis. When Zeus binds Prometheus, mind wins over necessity. Herakles, who
The distinction between archetypes and myth has often been blurred so much that
myth critics have widely been using archetypal vocabulary (Reeves). LéYL6WUDXVV¶V
of the mythological interpretation of the Promethean figure to the modern situation. The
Promethean figure has contradictory characteristics: he is the archetype of culture god or hero
responsible for all arts and science and at the same time the archetype of the divine or heroic
trickster (Morford and Lenardon 60). A catholic marriage is attempted between the image and
the idea in mythic conception. Therefore, the Promethean image, ignites an idea and strikes a
Works dealing with Prometheus myth are compared in order to uncover the
archetypes, ³the universal symbols´ $OL\HYD that refer to reality. In all works, the
Promethean figure advocates a sense of spiritual unity, a mandala. The contradictory forces
that characterize the Promethean figure-he is a culture god and a divine trickster- is
his own torment, since he was bound by his fear of the tyrant, and his rebellion against the
tyrant echoes ouroboros, a symbol signifying the eternal cycle of life, unity of opposing
forces. However, opposition between two entities that can be reconciled into one unifying
ZKROHDVPHQWLRQHGLQ$ZDG¶VThe Theme of Prometheus, does not fit for the modern spirit
human world. This point can be better illustrated by the following figures:
Tyrant-leader pharmakos
Throughout history, the Promethean myth has gradually lost the reconciliation model and
Studying the development of the Promethean myth crystallizes what the creative
revolutionary spirit can achieve in the future. On 13th November 2012 at the 11th
6SLULW´stressing the function of creativity as it inspires hope: "hope for change, hope for
freedom, hope for the future" (Ashcroft 1). The belief in the future does not stop with
revolution. Revolution evolves and revolves with time which is seen from a threefold
perspective: time as succession, time as duration and time as reality. Ashcroft maintains that
nostalgia but as renewal" (Ashcroft 8). In "The Principle of Hope", thinking which, for Bloch,
LPDJLQHG´ (Ashcroft19). That is why the myth of Prometheus has been revisited throughout
The myth of Prometheus, the fire bringer and the revolutionary spirit, has been tackled
throughout time, gaining features from each epoch according to its social and political events.
As rebel, traitor, culture hero, and protector of mankind, Prometheus embodies the
human condition with all its potential for brilliant innovation and for cruel suffering.
Throughout the centuries since the Prometheus myth first captured the popular
imagination, the fire that he steals for mortals has come to represent the spirit of
technology, forbidden knowledge, the conscious intellect, political power, and artistic
inspiration. (3)
witnessed great changes through the works of Hesiod, Aeschylus, Goethe, Byron, Shelley, Al
Shaby and Hughes. Influenced by the defiant feature of the Promethean myth, Goethe wrote
in 1774. In the drama, Prometheus was portrayed as a sculptor. As a creative spirit, the power
model which is not fit for modern rebels. Theogony is not just a poem written by Hesiod who
was allegedly inspired by the muses. Like his other works, Theogony has strong philosophical
philosophy through the medium of mythology. This is especially true with his epic poem, the
Theogony´ /LOEXUQH The basic theme focuses on a series of usurpations of power, which is
similar to what has been happening in the modern world. Mubarak has usurped the power
and the will of the Egyptians for thirty years. ³,QWKHTheogony, Hesiod discloses the history
of the cosmos1, telling of the birth of each cosmic entity in its turn. He traces the passing of
cosmic ages, characterizing them as successive usurpations of divine royalty. The tale
culminates in the ultimate holy order under the reign of Zeus, the final usurper, in which
events within an established social fabric. Zeus's accession to the throne, establishing a new
world order can be taken to represent mankind's shift from savagery to civilization and the
Egypt from the negative effects of political vacuum, though temporary. After defeating
Chronos, Zeus couples with Themis. Thus authority (of the state) is married to natural order,
whose literal children are lawfulness (Eunomia), Justice (Dike), and Peace (Eirene). And
through his coupling with Msemonye, he begets the Muses (who can be thought of as the arts
themselves). Thus the supposed boons of civilization and the state are born, after generations
of savagery (Lilburne).
bone-and-fat pile, keeping meat for man; a trick because of which Zeus deprived mankind
revenge was the creation of the first woman, Pandora, and then he went on to punish
Revolution tried to debunk the ox trick, but Mubarak and his entourage were clever enough to
outmaneuver them and aborted any attempt of political reform. Because they lacked
sufficient experience and a clear vision, it was foretold that they would be imprisoned and
Whether the trilogy of Prometheus Pound, Prometheus Unbound and Prometheus the
Fire Bringer were written by Aeschylus or not (Ruffell 14-5), Prometheus Bound reflects
both a rebellious spirit and a belief in human progress. Though Prometheus was against the
Prometheus is portrayed as the benefactor of mankind since he had greatly contributed to the
mechanical arts of Hephaestus and Athene, and fire with them . . . and gave them to man . . .
Prometheus is said to have been afterwards prosecuted for theft, owing to the blunder of
defend the idea that political excellence can be taught (Ruffell 71).
approach to spectacle, and political grandstanding are all particularly pointed in the
years around and following the reforms of Ephialtes and the final moves towards a
who would give birth to the child that would topple Zeus over. For this reason Prometheus
received severe punishment in the form of a vulture eating his liver daily. Refusal to tell the
resemble Hermes in this case, to force members of political groups to divulge secrets of their
plans and names of members. Therefore, they were punished severely. Moreover, there is
Just as the unfortunate experiences of the twentieth century have shown, in such
is not only a method of extracting information (unreliably) from victims, but also a
way of attacking and breaking resistance and opposition to a regime ( Ruffell 29).
Resistance in the twentieth century has witnessed a shift from the reconciliation model to the
The Romantic Movement, particularly its Storm and Stress (Sturm und Drang) phase,
priest was Goethe in Germany, Shelley in England and Edgar Quinet in France.. Between
Thomas Morell and Elizabeth Barrett the history of Promethean Scholarship and criticism´
spirit that sees the leader as an opposing force, never to be reconciled with. Prometheus
the Storm ad Stress genius´ Saul 27-28). The poem highlights the defiance of a
Most writers ofStorm and Stress phase, a precursor of European Romanticism, wrote
about the image of Prometheus. Their approach glorified revolt beyond all measures and
(YLORQH´ Awad. The Theme of Prometheus. 177). Moreover, Prometheus criticized both the
selfish nature of the gods and the naivety of mankind, of children and beggars3URPHWKHXV¶
address to Jupiter is an index of the development of the mythological figure into a defiant
VSLULW³I know of no poorer thing/ Under the sun, than you gods!´ *oethe 11). The Storm
and Stress age departed dramatically from the two afore-mentioned theories, those of
reconciliation with the tyrant and opposing him, almost to embrace atheistic tendencies.
My terrified tears?
By almighty Time
The rebellious spirit sides with the people against the tyrant and, according to Frye, the
The mythological figure that shows defiant/atheistic spirit develops an undivided will
In my own image,
The Storm and Stress age heralded a new generation imaged on the Promethean figure who
definition of the self-made man, with the emergence of the bourgeoisie stratum, collides as
much as it coincides with the rebellious spirit, since the former can topple over whoever
stands in his way, achieving his individual aims, despite the undivided will which
characterizes the rebellious spirit. Later, the development of the bourgeoisie was reflected in
burden (15-43). With the Romantic Movement, concepts such as the poet prophet, which
Shelley advocated in his Defence, appeared on the literary arena (65). Awad sees that
his Defence (87-90), expressing the philosophy of the bourgeoisie ( $HVFK\OXV¶V
British romantic poets, such as Shelley and Byron, focused on the political part of the
suffering, Prometheus offered a way to think about the complexities of a tumultuous political
ZRUOG´ 'RXJKHUW\ Byron, Shelley and Keats dealt with the Promethean theme
[T]he Romantics developed certain interpretations of the symbol which they inherited
from the Enlightenment and contributed new ones which only they could read in the
myth. Like their predecessors they saw in the myth an allegory of the Fall of Man and
DQ DOOHJRU\ RI WKH &UHDWLYH $UWLVW« the real contribution of the Romantics to the
akin to the Redeemer or the Man of Light (the Messiah of Gnostic literature) who
combats the Evil Principle, overthrows him, and restores the Golden Age (Awad. The
Because it discussed such recurrent themes of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries as
Aeschylus--the dominant motif in the Romantic era is Prometheus as rebel against the
injustices of a Jehovah/Zeus . . . From this metaphysical basis, Prometheus becomes the rebel
Prometheus Unbound, as the type of the highest perfection of moral and intellectual nature,
Prometheus is the archetype of the Romantic Rebel. This rebellious figure would not
reconcile with his oppressor of mankind. Demogorgon represented the great force needed to
1816, a marked tendency towards the latter was obvious. The Promethean figure endorses
religious ideas are crystallized in an image full of aspiration towards the sublime and hidden
power, a potential political idealism, realized only through revolution (Aman 37). Though
Prometheus and Jupiter represent the champion and the tyrant of mankind, Prometheus was
actually unbound once he realized that he creates the tyranny that bound him, his fear of the
demonstrates a message of love and forgiveness which is at the heart of the Christian
&URVV´ 2¶'RQRJKXH This resemblance to Christ has been noted by many critics,
unshakable faith in the future of humanity despite his torment (Grigorian 44). Act I shows
two worlds: one is fake and the other real. This idea is Platonic in nature; however, it
resembles the political and social division of the world in Arab Spring countries before the
Be it noted that resorting to force means fighting against truth, an act always done by
all tyrants. Throughout his career, Shelley first focused on the omnipresence of the tyrannical
weakness is essential to his defeat. However, in Prometheus Unbound, Shelley asserts the
revolutionary forces that lie in the deep reaches of the human soul. The phantasm of Jupiter
The same defiant spirit showed itself in the rebels who protested against unjust political
practices by Mubarak in Egypt, Bin Aly in Tunisia, Gaddafi in Libya, Saleh in Yemen and
Al Asad in Syria.
These revolts were foretold by the semi chorus I that speak what Prometheus beholds:
attitude that kept Jupiter/ The Freedom and Justice Party, that ruled from behind closed doors
Prometheus gave us a recurrent scene of Tahrir Square and many other squares that
The same cry has been recurrent not only in Tahrir Square, in 2011, but in other squares
throughout Egypt as well. Tyrants have taken many forms: bullies, political opponents,
mercenaries, and the so called third party. They created an image RI³VWULIHGHFHLWDQGIHDU´
undergone excruciating suffering which had been intentionally unnoticed till the revolution
erupted. Their resistance was heard by the whole world. They cried in the face of the tyrant as
Prometheus did:
Whom thy slaves hate for being like to thee. (Act, I, 597-606)
Of course the cry is not against Christ or true teachings of any religion. Rather, it is a cry
against those who misuse these teachings in order to achieve personal interests particularly in
Arab countries as simple-minded Arab people are easily taken in by any religious call,
However, in Act IV, which I see as an unjustified excess since actions do not progress
after the unbinding of Prometheus, Shelley gives an image of the ideal world that a successful
This is alone life, Joy, Empire, and Victory. (Act IV: 567 - 278)
Since hope in the Egyptian revolution has not created from its wreck most of what it has been
Byron¶V Prometheus
(Awad. The Theme of Prometheus. 199), a three-stanza poem. %\URQ¶V poem follows the
Prometheus. 202).
Making Death a Victory´(Byron 266). The free will of the rebellious figure finds it
Al-Shaby uses the Promethean figure in so different a way that the figure is more of a
human being than a titan. The poem opens with an assertion that Prometheus is going to live
despite pain and enemies. He addresses Fate, which may equal Zeus or the misused political
was charged with blasphemy for expressing such opinions. The reaction of the Promethean
figure in this poem asserts his true human nature; for all that, he will play his flute and sing.
revolutionary power of the people in Egypt, Tunisia and the rest of the Arab Spring countries,
tells all corrupt people who are eager to curb the revolution in its bud, that he is immortal, not
˯ίέϷϑλϭϋϭˬϰγϷ˵ΝϭϣϲϣΩϲϓΞ˴ Ο΅ϣϟΏϬϠϟ˯ϰϔρϳϻ
˯ΎϣλϟΓέΧλϟϝΛϣϥϭϛϳγϪϧΈϓˬ ˴ΕόρΗγΎϣϱΩ΅ϓϡΩϫΎϓ
ϲΎϧϐΑ˱ ΎϣϧέΗϣˬϲΗέΎΛϳϗ˱ ΎϓίΎϋˬϙϟΫϡϏέϲηϣϝυ΄γ
because he belongs to the titans or due to any supernatural element, but because his teaching
day-dreaming poet never tied to a rock with a vulture eating his daily renewed liver. Al-
addition, kinds of punishment that might have been inflicted on both figures were similar
(Aman 44-7).
revolutionary spirit that is reshaped by the same thing it shapes: creative revolution. Tied to
his crag, Prometheus feels his plight. ³Chained to his crag for stealing fire and giving it (and
therefore life) to humans, Prometheus is visited each day by a vulture that eats his
Prometheus, tied as he is, believes in his cause. He shouts in order to end the old order and
sheds light on the plausibility and possibility of achieving impossible hopes. The implausible
toppled over if they are debunked. In poem 8, Prometheus feels defeated at a point of his
VSHFXODWLRQ+H³Oay astonished all his preparations/ For his humanity/ Were disablements he
In poem 12, Prometheus gives an artistic expression to his speculation. Like Al-
Whip all things to whip all things/ The light whips the water the water whips the light/ And
revolutionary spirit expresses an undying desire for freedom despite his torture:
In a new aeon
Compared to reality, the dream creates a balance, a psychological prop important for a rebel
in order for him to go on fighting and protesting against tyranny. The antithetical relation
OXFN\WREHKXPDQ¶7KHILQDl lines of the sequence reach for a suggestion for the reintegrated
relationship with the world...µ+HWUHDGV2QWKHGXVWy peacock film where the world IORDWV¶´
(Gifford 44).The final step ends this falter and Prometheus is free to go. Similarly, rebels
fight and protest, sometimes winners other times losers, till they realize their freedom and
freedom, a changed person . . . He treads with a new awareness and a responsibility for his
footprint on the delicate, fragile, beautiful and dusty world´ (Gifford. The Cambridge
Each of the above discussed poems presents a distinct facet of the Promethean myth. Seen
together, all facets crystallize an image of the revolutionary spirit that has been, and will
+HVLRG¶VSRHPFDn be said to represent the first stages of resistance and protest against the
struggle against the tyrant. Reconciliation between titan and tyrant symbolizes the temporary
pseudo peaceful periods that occurred when promises had been made by a tyrant regime.
after promises had been unfulfilled. Therefore, the rebellious spirit/Prometheus shows
unable to rebel. The confrontation with the phantasm of Jupiter let Prometheus give full vent
to his feelings. This is reminiscent of every confrontation between tyrants and rebels in
singing and mingling with nature. However, he warns all corrupt regimes that his teachings
Prometheus on His Crag portrays Prometheus while pondering his punishment. He found a
creative solution to his predicament: endurance. This reshapes his spirit and finally sets him
free to go and start anew. All these facets discussed above, which together form a gem of the
revolutionary spirit, prove that the Promethean myth is ageless, suitable for all peoples and,
Works Cited!. ! .
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