Client Architect Agreement Caa-2009 PDF

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April 2009


Published by Knowledge Services, © The Royal Australian Institute of Architects trading as Australian Institute of Architects ABN 72 000 023 012
Agreement made between:

The Client
By signing this Agreement the client Name
authorises the architect to commence the
services as soon as practicable.
ABN (if any) Client’s representative



Telephone Facsimile

If the client is an individual, individual

trustee, partnership, or unincorporated Signed
If the client is an incorporated association Signed officer Signed officer/secretary
or (cross out alternative not applicable)

If the client is a corporation, executed in

accordance with s.127 of the Corporations Signed director/sole director Signed director/secretary
Act 2001 (cross out alternative not applicable) (cross out alternative not applicable)

Date Date


The Architect
This agreement has been developed as a
formal basis for the relationship between
a client and an architect. Under the
Architects Acts in each state and territory, ABN Registration No.
an architect is a person who is registered
by the relevant Architects Registration
Board (or equivalent).
The client should be aware that the
person nominated as architect under this
agreement may not be entitled to use
the title ‘architect’ in the place the project Postcode
is located. The client should check with
the relevant Registration Board that the
person named as architect is entitled to be Telephone Facsimile
described as an architect in that place.

Architect’s representative

If the architect is an individual, individual
trustee, or partnership
Signed director/sole director Signed director/secretary
If the architect is a corporation, executed in
(cross out alternative not applicable) (cross out alternative not applicable)
accordance with s.127 of the Corporations
Act 2001
Date Date


The Project The project scope, its location and the extent of work which requires the architectural services are as follows:

The Budget
This budget may be reasonably relied Agreed initial budget for the Cost of Works (refer Clause C.2): $ (excl GST)
on by the client and the architect in
determining the architect’s fees. Estimates
of the Cost of Works may be revised and the
parties must agree any resultant changes
to the scope of services and fees.

© 2009 Australian Institute of Architects Client and Architect Agreement 

Contents Defined Terms
A. Core Architectural Services 3 The following terms are defined terms under the this Agreement:
A.1 Concept Design__________________________________ 3
A.2 Design Development_ _____________________________ 3 Total Project Cost (as set out in Clause C.1)
A.3 Town Planning/Development Application__________________ 3 The Total Project Cost is inclusive of GST and is defined as the Cost of
A.4 Construction Documentation__________________________ 3 Works plus all other costs to the client associated with the project,
A.5 Contractor Selection_______________________________ 4 including but not necessarily limited to:
A.6 Contract Administration_____________________________ 4
• removal and relocation costs
B. Additional Architectural Services 4
• design and construction contingencies, including escalation costs
B.1 Feasibility Study_ ________________________________ 4
B.2 Record Documents________________________________ 4 • architectural, consultant and other professional fees
B.3 Town Planning/Development Application: Negotiation__________ 5
• authority fees and charges
B.4 Illustration_____________________________________ 5
B.5 Trade Package Documentation_________________________ 5 • legal fees
B.6 Other Services__________________________________ 5
• landscaping
B.7 Changes to Services_ ______________________________ 5
• loose furniture, fittings and equipment
C. Cost 5
C.1 Total Project Cost_ _______________________________ 5 • finance charges, marketing and promotional costs
C.2 Cost of Works___________________________________ 5

D. Time 6
D.1 Protracted Services________________________________ 6 Cost of Works (as set out in Clause C.2)
D.2 Suspended Services_ ______________________________ 6 The Cost of Works is exclusive of GST and is defined as the final cost of
E. Fees 6 all work designed, specified or scheduled by the architect, including
E.1 Percentage Fees_ ________________________________ 6 all work designed, specified and/or scheduled by specialist consultants
E.2 Lump Sum Fees__________________________________ 6 coordinated by the architect, including:
E.3 Hourly Rate Fees_ ________________________________ 6 a the final adjusted contract price (excluding GST) in accordance with any
E.4 Fee Invoices____________________________________ 6 building contract, plus
E.5 Disbursements_ _________________________________ 6
E.6 Payment of Invoices_ ______________________________ 6 b the equivalent final cost (excluding GST) of any work or items supplied
to the building contractor by the client (as if provided by the building
F. Other Specialist Consultants 7 contractor under the building contract), plus
F.1 Specialist Consultant Engagement_ _____________________ 7
F.2 Additional Specialist Consultants_ ______________________ 7 c the final cost (excluding GST) of any part of the project provided under a
contract other than the building contract.
G. Intellectual Property 7
G.1 Copyright_ ____________________________________ 7
G.2 Moral Rights___________________________________ 7
G.3 Electronic Data Transfer_____________________________ 7 The Design (as set out in Clause G.1)
The architect retains copyright in The Design. The Design means, design
H. Insurances and Liabilities 7
concepts, drawings and documents provided under this agreement.
H.1 Insurances_____________________________________ 7
H.2 Limited Liability_ ________________________________ 7

I. Client Obligations 8 Public Information (as set out in Clause G.2)

J. Architect Obligations 8
Public Information means any information containing a 2- or 3-
K. General Conditions 8
dimensional representation of the project, or a part of it published,
L. Dispute Resolution 9
exhibited or communicated to persons other than the client or architect
M. Termination 9
or their representatives.
N. Special Conditions 9
O. Schedules 10

© 2009 Australian Institute of Architects Client and Architect Agreement 

A. Core Architectural Services • review the developed design against the budget and coordinate the
preparation of an updated estimate of the Cost of Works
Core architectural services are the professional services required by most • other Design Development services as shown in Schedule A
clients for a building project from the initial design to completion of
construction. The majority of projects require all core architectural services. Approvals
Some projects may not require them all, or may require additional services
• obtain the client’s approval of the developed design
as described in Clause B.
• obtain the client’s approval to submit Town Planning/Development
The architect will provide the following services in relation to the Application, where required
project [strike out those services not required]:
• obtain the client’s approval to proceed with Construction Documentation
A.1 Concept Design
A.3 Town Planning/Development Application
• confirm statutory authority requirements
• obtain the client’s design brief and other requirements
• attend pre-application meetings with relevant authorities prior to
• arrange, attend and record meetings with the client
submission of formal application
• provide recommendations for the appointment of other specialist
• prepare application, including plans, diagrams, analyses, studies,
consultants as required, including their fees
reports and other information for the submission
• attend the site and assess site conditions and constraints
• assist the client in coordinating required specialist consultants
• make initial inquiries regarding authority regulations and requirements
• assist the client with lodging formal application
• review the project budget
• other Town Planning/Development Application services as shown in
• other Pre-design services as shown in Schedule A Schedule A

Design A.4 Construction Documentation

• arrange, attend and record meetings with the client, authorities, other
consultants and other relevant parties Documents
• arrange, attend and record meetings with the client
• undertake preliminary assessment of authority regulations and
requirements • coordinate and integrate the work of other specialist consultants

• prepare sketches, diagrams and other information to adequately explain • prepare drawings including plans, elevations and sections, together
the concept with other details and schedules to enable statutory approval to
construct the project
• prepare design briefs for other consultants
• prepare specifications in accordance with the drawings and the client’s
• coordinate preparation of a preliminary estimate of the Cost of Works
requirements describing the quality of materials, finishes and quality of
• undertake preliminary selection of materials and finishes work necessary to obtain statutory approval

• other Design services as shown in Schedule A • submit required documents for statutory approval

Approvals • prepare further drawings, specifications and schedules to enable the

construction of the project
• obtain the client’s approval of the design concept
• coordinate the preparation of a pre-tender estimate of the Cost of Works
• obtain the client’s approval to proceed with Design Development
• provide recommendations to the client on the preferred method of
• obtain the client’s approval to prepare the Town Planning/Development
building contractor selection
Application, where required
• other Construction Documentation services as shown in Schedule A
A.2 Design Development
Developed Design • obtain the client’s approval to submit for statutory approval
• develop the approved Design Concept and present documents and other • obtain the client’s approval of all construction documents
information to adequately explain the developed design
• obtain the client’s approval to proceed with Contractor Selection
• arrange, attend and record meetings with the client

• arrange, attend and record meetings with authorities, other consultants

and other relevant parties

• coordinate the work of other specialist consultants

• provide schedule of proposed materials and finishes

© 2009 Australian Institute of Architects Client and Architect Agreement 

Architect’s initials: Client’s initials:

A.5 Contractor Selection • coordinate the construction services provided by other specialist
Undertake one of the following two methods for the selection of a
building contractor [strike out the option not selected]: • assess and determine variations and obtain client approvals where
• assess and determine the building contractor’s progress claims and issue
• assist client in determining the preferred tender process
progress certificates
• prepare tender documents and issue to all tenderers
• assess the building contractor’s claims for extensions of time
• respond to inquiries from tenderers
• adjust prime cost and provisional sums and other monetary sums
• receive and open the tenders
• instruct the building contractor in regard to incomplete work and
• together with the cost consultant, if any, assess the tenders rectification of any defects

• negotiate with the preferred tenderer if required to obtain an offer • assess and determine practical completion and issue the notice of
acceptable to the client practical completion

• prepare reports on tenders and recommendation for client acceptance • other Construction services as shown in Schedule A

• other services as shown in Schedule A, or Post-construction

Negotiated Offer • during the defects liability period, instruct the building contractor in
regard to incomplete work and rectification of defects
• assist client in determining the preferred negotiation process
• if required, advise the client and coordinate the procedure for the
• issue relevant documents to the prospective contractor to describe the
rectification of any defective work by others
scope of the works
• assess and determine final completion and issue the final certificate
• arrange and coordinate negotiations and enquiries with the prospective
contractor • other Post-construction services as shown in Schedule A
• together with the cost consultant, if any, assess all submissions from the
prospective contractor required to establish the contract price and final
project scope
B. Additional Architectural Services
• prepare report and provide recommendations for client acceptance
This Clause describes project specific services that may be required in
• other services as shown in Schedule A
addition to the Core Architectural Services described in Clause A.
The architect will provide the following additional services in relation
• obtain the client’s approval to prepare the contract documents to the project [strike out those services not required]:

A.6 Contract Administration B.1 Feasibility Study

• establish with the client the project objectives and constraints

• prepare the contract documents • arrange, attend and record meetings with the client, consultants and
other relevant parties
• arrange for signing and execution of the building contract documents by
the building contractor and owner • review statutory planning controls and guidelines

• analyse site opportunities and constraints

• report regularly to the client regarding time, cost and progress of the • prepare relevant functional relationship and spatial diagrams.
project • determine key financial indicators for the project
• visit the site periodically to observe the general conformance of • provide report of findings and recommendations
the construction works with the building contract documents and
instruct the building contractor regarding design quality control, • other Feasibility Study services as shown in Schedule A
materials selections and performance in regard to the building contract
documents B.2 Record Documents

• arrange, attend and arrange for recording of site meetings at regular • undertake detailed photographic survey of existing site and buildings
intervals • coordinate survey of existing site and building conditions by specialist
• review shop drawings and submissions by the building contractor consultants

• provide the building contractor with instructions, supplementary details • undertake detailed existing building measurement
and clarification of the contract documents • prepare drawings showing existing buildings, visible services and

 Client and Architect Agreement © 2009 Australian Institute of Architects

Architect’s initials: Client’s initials:

• prepare Record documents showing completed buildings, visible C. Cost
services and finishes

• other Record documents services as shown in Schedule A The client and the architect must agree an initial budget for the Cost of
Works. The client agrees that their initial agreed budget for the Total
Project Cost appropriately takes into account the initial budget for the
B.3 Town Planning/Development Application:
Negotiation Cost of Works.

• arrange, attend and record meetings with the client Estimates of the Cost of Works may be revised during the project and
such revisions must be in accordance with client or consultant advice,
• as directed by the client, negotiate and attend meetings with relevant tenders or offers received and any adjustments during construction.
authorities, adjoining owners or other relevant parties
As revised estimates of the Cost of Works are prepared, the client and
• prepare additional drawings and documentation and/or amend existing the architect must agree the adjusted budget for the Cost of Works. As
drawings and documentation to comply with additional authority revised estimates of the Cost of Works are prepared, the client agrees
requirements that the adjusted budget for the Total Project Cost appropriately takes
• submit additional or revised documentation to the relevant authority for into account the agreed adjusted budget for the Cost of Works.
endorsement Estimates of the Cost of Works are not a guarantee of the actual cost, a
• assist the client in preparing instructions for relevant specialist quotation or a tender.
C.1 Total Project Cost
• prepare additional documentation or evidence for planning courts or
tribunals The Total Project Cost is inclusive of GST and is defined as the Cost of
Works plus all other costs to the client associated with the project,
• attend hearings and give evidence at planning courts/tribunals including but not necessarily limited to:
• other Town Planning/Development Application: Negotiation services as • removal and relocation costs
shown in Schedule A
• design and construction contingencies, including escalation costs
B.4 Illustration • architectural, consultant and other professional fees
• provide 2D marketing drawings • authority fees and charges
• provide 3D illustrations • legal fees
• provide digital animations • landscaping
• other Illustration services as shown in Schedule A • loose furniture, fittings and equipment

B.5 Trade Package Documentation • finance charges, marketing and promotional costs

• assist client appointed programmer (or programmer appointed by The architect is not responsible for monitoring or controlling the Total
selected building contractor/construction manager/ project manager) in Project Cost for the client.
preparation of agreed program trade documentation packages
C.2 Cost of Works
• provide documentation, including relevant drawings, specifications and
schedules in trade package format The Cost of Works is exclusive of GST and is defined as the final cost of
all work designed, specified or scheduled by the architect, including
• provide matching specification for each trade package all work designed, specified and/or scheduled by specialist consultants
• provide set of standard preliminaries suitable for inclusion with all Trade coordinated by the architect, including:
Package Documentation a the final adjusted contract price (excluding GST) in accordance with any
• coordinate client appointed consultants in preparing Trade Package building contract, plus
Documentation for specialist sections of the works b the equivalent final cost (excluding GST) of any work or items supplied
• assist client appointed building contractor/construction manager/ to the building contractor by the client (as if provided by the building
project manager in responding to queries from trade contractors contractor under the building contract), plus

• other Trade Package Documentation services as shown in Schedule A c the final cost (excluding GST) of any part of the project provided under a
contract other than the building contract.
B.6 Other Services At the execution of this Agreement the initial budget for the Cost of
• Other Services as shown in Schedule A Works (excluding GST) is as stated on page 1.

B.7 Changes to Services

The agreed services may be changed by mutual agreement in writing in

accordance with Clause I and Clause J.

© 2009 Australian Institute of Architects Client and Architect Agreement 

Architect’s initials: Client’s initials:

D. Time E.1 Percentage Fees

Where Percentage Fees apply, the total percentage fee is allocated to

The client must inform the architect of their initial program for the specific architect’s services as shown in Schedule E1.
project and from this, the client and the architect must agree an initial
program for the architect’s services. Percentage Fees are calculated and adjusted progressively against
the budget for the Cost of Works adjusted in accordance with Clause
The initial program may be revised during the project by mutual C, subject to final adjustment against the Cost of Works, when
agreement in writing. determined.

D.1 Protracted Services E.2 Lump Sum Fees

If the architect’s services are protracted by any cause beyond the Where Lump Sum Fees apply, the total lump sum is allocated to specific
architect’s control: architect’s services as shown in Schedule E1.
a the architect must notify the client in writing of the cause and If Lump Sum Fees apply and the project scope or any of the architect’s
anticipated extent of the protraction, and services under this agreement are changed, the resulting work is subject
b the architect is entitled to additional fees and to a reasonable extension to the hourly rates shown in Schedule E2, or as otherwise agreed in
of the agreed program. writing.

D.2 Suspended Services E.3 Hourly Rate Fees

Where the architect’s services are suspended for any reason by the client Where hourly rate fees apply, the respective rates for different services
or the architect, the architect is entitled to payment of all fees and or different personnel are shown in Schedule E2.
Disbursements due. Hourly rates are subject to annual review in line with the Consumer Price
Where the architect’s services are suspended by the client, the architect Index.
is also entitled to reimbursement of any associated costs. For fees calculated on the basis of agreed hourly rates, the architect
In either case, all other rights and entitlements of the architect continue must provide, if requested, time sheets or other records to substantiate
as though the suspension had not taken place. all hours claimed.

E.4 Fee Invoices

Fee Invoices may include, but are not necessarily limited to:
E. Fees
a amounts due for services provided up to the day before the date of
Fees for the architect’s services will be on the basis of at least one of the invoice, and
b amounts for reimbursement of Disbursements due in accordance with
• a percentage of the Cost of Works Clause E6.

• a lump sum fee Fee Invoices may be submitted monthly or as otherwise agreed in
• an hourly rate fee

• if applicable, a combination of these E.5 Disbursements

The agreed basis of fees is set out in Schedule E1. Disbursements not included in the agreed fees for architect’s services are
to be paid directly by the client, or paid by the architect and reimbursed
All fees are GST exclusive, with accounts submitted under this
by the client, as shown in Schedule E3.
agreement to be tax invoices as applicable.
If reimbursement of the architect relates to a Disbursement and a
Additional services required by the client after this agreement is signed
service fee is also shown in Schedule E3, the amount reimbursable to
will be assessed at an agreed hourly rate, or as otherwise agreed in
the architect will be the Disbursement plus 15%.

The total percentage or lump sum fee shown in Schedule E1 takes E.6 Payment of Invoices
precedence over any error, omission or ambiguity in the amounts
Amounts due under an invoice must be paid within 14 days of the date
allocated to individual services or invoiced at stages prior to the final
of the invoice.
Amounts due under an invoice and not paid within the above period will
be subject to interest at a rate of 15% per annum.

Interest will be applied pro rata on the outstanding balance by dividing

the rate by 365 to obtain a daily rate and multiplying that percentage by
the number of days the balance is outstanding.

The architect is entitled to suspend provision of services if any payment

in relation to a properly submitted invoice is overdue.

 Client and Architect Agreement © 2009 Australian Institute of Architects

Architect’s initials: Client’s initials:

F. Other Specialist Consultants On completion of all services under this agreement, and on full payment
of all invoices that the architect is entitled to submit under it, including
Most projects require additional specialist consultant services in support of after Termination under Clause M, the licence becomes irrevocable.
the architectural services provided under this agreement.
G.2 Moral rights
F.1 Specialist Consultant Engagement The architect must be attributed in any Public Information about the
The architect and the client agree the project will require the services of project promulgated by, or on behalf of, the client or architect, whether
the specialist consultants specified in Schedule F. the project is complete or not.

Schedule F indicates those specialist consultants to be engaged directly The form of attribution must be as stated in Schedule G, and the
and paid by the client as well as those to be engaged directly and paid architect must obtain any consent of the authors of the project required
by the architect as part of the architectural fees provided for in Clause E by the Copyright Act 1968 to enable this form of attribution.
of this agreement. Public Information means any information containing a 2- or 3-
In relation to any specialist consultant engaged directly and paid by the dimensional representation of the project, or a part of it published,
client, the client will engage each such consultant on the basis that: exhibited or communicated to persons other than the client or architect
or their representatives.
a the architect is not responsible for the services provided by the specialist
G.3 Electronic Data Transfer
b the architect is responsible for coordination of the specialist consultant’s
The client agrees that:
services, and
a the architect may issue data electronically to it and to others involved in
c the client is to pay the specialist consultant all its fees and
the project;
Disbursements, but the client may seek the architect’s confirmation that
the consultant services invoiced have been provided. b the architect is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness or any
contamination of electronically transmitted data;
F.2 Additional Specialist Consultants c the cost of electronic data preparation and file conversion is to be
Where the architect and the client agree that additional specialist reimbursed by the client, as shown in Schedule E3.
consultant services are required beyond those specified in this
agreement, such additional consultants may be:

a engaged directly and paid by the client, subject to Clause F1, or H. Insurances and Liabilities
b engaged directly and paid by the architect, in which case the associated
fees will be charged in addition to the architectural fees provided for in
H.1 Insurances
Clause E of this agreement.
The architect must maintain:

a professional indemnity insurance, not less than the value shown in

Schedule H
G. Intellectual Property
b public liability insurance, not less than the value shown in Schedule H

G.1 Copyright c insurance to cover liability to employees, to statutory requirements.

The architect retains copyright in The Design. The Design means, design
H.2 Limited Liability
concepts, drawings and documents provided under this agreement.
To the maximum extent permitted by law:
The architect grants the client an express but revocable licence to use
The Design for the project on the site for which it was intended, subject a subject to b, c and d below, the architect’s total liability to the client
to the conditions that: under this agreement (including the performance or non-performance
of the architect’s services), whether under the law of contract, in tort, in
a no licence is granted or implied under this agreement other than the
equity, under statute or otherwise, is limited to the amount specified in
express licence;
Schedule H;
b the licence may be revoked by the architect in writing if any invoice
b the architect has no liability to the client in respect of any indirect,
that the architect is entitled to submit under this agreement is overdue,
consequential or special losses, (including loss of profit, loss of business
in which case the licence is automatically reinstated on the architect’s
opportunity and payment of liquidated sums or damages under any
receipt of all overdue amounts, and
other agreement);
c the licence is automatically revoked by any event or action by the client
c the architect has no liability in respect of the architect’s services after
or a third party that changes the client’s ownership or legal interest in
the expiration of 3 years from the completion of the architect’s services,
the site in any way, in which case the client may request in writing the
architect’s consent to reinstate the licence and such consent must not be
unreasonably withheld.

© 2009 Australian Institute of Architects Client and Architect Agreement 

Architect’s initials: Client’s initials:

d if any of this clause is void as a result of section 68 of the Trade Practices e maintain accurate records and keep the client informed of progress by
Act 1974 (Cth), or parallel state and territory legislation, then the way of meetings, reports and other means at all stages;
architect’s liability for a breach of a condition or warranty is limited to
f notify the client promptly in writing when an instruction from the client
or any other requirement changes the scope of services or requires
• supplying of the relevant architect’s services again; or services not provided for by this agreement;
• payment of the cost of having the architect’s services supplied again. g for any required services not provided for by this agreement, provide the
client with:

- an estimate of fees, and

I. Client Obligations - the likely impact on the estimated Cost of Works or on the program;
h notify the client promptly in writing of any matter connected with the
The client must:
architect’s services, ethical or regulatory, that may give rise to a conflict
a appoint the architect to act as its agent for the project as necessary for of interest;
the architect to carry out the services;
i if a conflict arises, notify the client promptly in writing and suspend the
b agree with the architect in accordance with Clause C.1, a reasonable services until the conflict is removed, or the agreement is terminated,
budget for the Cost of Works; and

c provide all information required by the architect to complete the j maintain registration with the Architects Registration Board (or
services described in this Agreement; equivalent) in the state or territory where the project is located.

d cooperate fully with the architect to ensure efficient and satisfactory

progress through all stages of the project;

e pay in accordance with Clause E, all fees due plus the applicable GST for K. General Conditions
the services and Disbursements specified in this Agreement, and any
subsequently required services or Disbursements, and pay interest on Despite anything expressed or implied elsewhere in this agreement, the
overdue accounts; architect and the client agree that:
f engage directly any specialist consultants specified in Schedule F after a the architect is not responsible for ensuring the constructed project
consultation with the architect on the terms set out in Clause F.2, and complies with the building contract documents, but when engaged
pay all fees and expenses associated with their engagement; for contract administration services, is required to instruct the building
contractor regarding requirements of the building contract documents,
g allow the architect reasonable access to photograph or otherwise record
according to the contract terms;
the project before or after completion;
b the architect gives no express or implied warranty that the project or
h allow the architect to publicise the project for marketing purposes
The Design is fit for the client’s purpose;
unless agreed otherwise;
c any natural materials selected for a project may change in appearance
i attribute the architect in accordance with Clause G.2, and
or dimension following exposure to use or climatic conditions and this is
j notify the architect in writing of any details of the project required to be normal behaviour for such materials;
kept confidential.
d the scope of the architect’s services does not include any services
in relation to asbestos, other hazardous materials, or any other site

J. Architect Obligations e upon completion the client is responsible for ongoing and regular
maintenance of the project, including its systems, finishes and
The architect must: equipment;
a provide the services described in this agreement with the skill and f except by the operation of law and as set out in Clause G, neither party
professionalism of a reasonably competent architect; can assign or transfer their entitlements or obligations under this
agreement without the prior written consent of the other party;
b act as the client’s agent for the project and as required under the
selected building contract; g the applicable law of this agreement is the law of the state or territory
in which the site of the project is located, unless it is outside Australia, in
c together with the cost consultant, if any, coordinate the preparation of
which case it is the law of the state or territory of the architect’s address
all estimates of the Cost of Works;
stated in this Agreement;
d coordinate and integrate the work of all specialist consultants engaged
h nothing makes ineffective, or reduces, any protection at law from
for the project;
liability which the architect is entitled to in the state or territory of the
applicable law;

i this agreement supersedes all prior agreements relating to the

architect’s services for the project, and applies to all services provided by
the architect before the formal execution of this agreement.

 Client and Architect Agreement © 2009 Australian Institute of Architects

Architect’s initials: Client’s initials:

L. Dispute Resolution M. Termination

If a dispute arises out of or in relation to this agreement the client Either party may terminate this agreement after giving the other party
and architect must continue to perform their obligations under the 30 days notice in writing without being required to give any reason.
On Termination of this agreement, unless otherwise agreed in writing:
When a dispute arises:
a the client must:
a either party may deliver a notice in writing to the other party outlining
- pay the outstanding balance of all properly submitted invoices
the details of the dispute and requiring a meeting within seven days
delivered prior to the notice, and
of the date of the notice to make a bona fide attempt to resolve the
dispute; - pay the architect for all services reasonably undertaken and any
reimbursable expenses, including those shown in Schedule E3,
b if the dispute is not resolved by the meeting, either party may submit reasonably incurred by the architect since the delivery of the notice,
the dispute to mediation by delivering to the other a written proposal of and
b the architect must, on receipt of payment, issue to the client a copy of
c a proposal of mediation must state the name of a mediator accredited The Design as it exists up to the date of termination.
by the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (IAMA) in the
state or territory of the law that applies, who is independent and willing
to act;

d if the parties do not agree on the mediator in writing within seven days
N. Special Conditions
after the proposal is delivered, the President of the Chapter of the IAMA
Any special conditions applicable to this agreement are nominated
in the place of the law that applies, must be requested to nominate the
at Schedule N and take precedence over any other condition in this
e the mediation must then proceed in accordance with the rules of the
IAMA for mediation except that in no case will one party be required to
pay more than half of the costs of mediation, and

f if the parties are unable to resolve the dispute by mediation, confirmed

by the mediator in writing, either party may take legal action to resolve
the dispute.

© 2009 Australian Institute of Architects Client and Architect Agreement 

Architect’s initials: Client’s initials:

O. Schedules
Other services not listed in Clauses A.1–B.6 (if any)
Schedule A: A.1 Concept Design •
Other Architectural
A.2 Design Development •
A.3 Town Planning/Development •
See Clauses A.1-B.6

A.4 Construction Documentation •

A.5 Contractor Selection •

A.6 Contract Administration •

B.1 Feasibility Study •

B.2 Record Documents •

B.3 Town Planning/Development •

Application: Negotiation

B.4 Illustration •

B.5 Trade Package Documentation •

B.6 Other Services •

Schedule E1: Service Percentage Lump Sum Hourly Rate Amount of Amount of
Fees (excluding GST) percentage fee lump sum fee
allocated allocated
See Clauses E.1, E.2 & E.3 (excl.GST)

A.1 Concept Design □ □ □

A.2 Design Development □ □ □
A.3 Town Planning/Development □ □ □

A.4 Construction Documentation □ □ □

A.5 Contractor Selection □ □ □
A.6 Contract Administration □ □ □
B.1 Feasibility Study □ □ □
B.2 Record Documents □ □ □
B.3 Town Planning/Development
Application: Negotiation □ □ □
B.4 Illustration □ □ □
B.5 Trade Package Documentation □ □ □
B.6 Other Services □ □ □
Total (percentage and/or lump sum) (lump sum amounts exclude GST) % $

Schedule E2: Personnel Hourly rate

Hourly Rates (excluding
Principal/Director $ per hour (excluding GST)
Team Leader $ per hour (excluding GST)
See Clause E.3
Senior Architect $ per hour (excluding GST)

Architect $ per hour (excluding GST)

Graduate $ per hour (excluding GST)

Technician $ per hour (excluding GST)

Assistant $ per hour (excluding GST)

$ per hour (excluding GST)

10 Client and Architect Agreement © 2009 Australian Institute of Architects

Architect’s initials: Client’s initials:

Schedule E3: Item Client to pay Reimbursable Service fee Rate or basis
Disbursements (incl. GST unless stated otherwise)
(including GST) Fees, taxes, levies or charges paid □ or □ □
See Clause E.6 to authorities

Advertisements and notices □ or □ □

Special presentation material, models, □ or □ □

Rental of special equipment □ or □ □

Electronic CAD data transfers and CAD □ or □ □
file conversion

Photographic records □ or □ □
Courier and parcel postage services □ or □ □
Copies of documents other than to client □ or □ □
for client’s own use

Colour reproductions of documents □ or □ □

Building contracts □ or □ □
Travel time □ or □ □
Vehicle use beyond 30km from office □ or □ □
Interstate, intrastate, or overseas travel □ or □ □
□ or □ □
□ or □ □

Schedule F: Consultant Client to engage Architect to engage Notes

Specialist Consultants
Quantity surveyor/cost consultant □ or

See Clause F.1
Structural/civil engineer □ or

Mechanical engineer □ or

Electrical engineer □ or

Hydraulic engineer □ or

Fire services engineer □ or

Certification (building surveyor) □ or

Land surveyor □ or

Planning consultant □ or

Geotechnical engineer □ or

Landscape architect □ or

Interior design consultant □ or

□ or

□ or

□ or

□ or

□ or

□ or

Schedule G: Attribution of the architect must be as shown below

Form of attribution
See Clause G.2

© 2009 Australian Institute of Architects Client and Architect Agreement 11

Architect’s initials: Client’s initials:

Schedule H: Details
Professional Indemnity Insurance Not less than $
See Clause H.1
Public Liability Insurance Not less than $

Architect’s total liability to client Not more than $

Schedule N: Clause No Details

Special Conditions
See Clause N

12 Client and Architect Agreement © 2009 Australian Institute of Architects

Architect’s initials: Client’s initials:

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