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MODULE 4 | Investigating Rangeland Systems and Practices

This material is based upon work that is
Middle School: Grades 6, 7, 8 supported by the National Institute of Food and
Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
KEY TERMS under agreement number 2019-38640-29879
through the North Central Region SARE program
Soil, organic matter, sand, silt, under project number LNC19-419. USDA is an
clay, parent material, climate, equal opportunity employer and service
weathering, arthropod, bacteria, provider. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations
soil food web expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
This material was created by the following South Dakota State
SD Science: University employees:
- MS-LS2-3 • Krista Ehlert, Ph.D. – Assistant Professor,
NGSS: Extension Range Specialist
- MS-LS2-3 • Christine Wood – Extension 4-H STEM
Field Specialist
TIME NEEDED • Jessalyn Bachler, Former Extension
Range Field Specialist
Activity 1: 40 min For questions, contact Ehlert: [email protected]
Activity 2: 50 min
Activity 4: 10-15 min

MATERIAL LIST Students will learn about factors that influence soil formation.

- Chalkboard or whiteboard
Students will learn what soils are composed of and how soil types
- Print items in Appendices
can differ based upon area and land characteristics.
- Computer w/ projector
- Materials listed for each activity OBJECTIVE 3
Students will learn about rangeland soil ecology and the animal-
interaction component, as it relates to the cycling of matter and the
flow of energy.

Funding provided by USDA North Central OSARE Award #2019-38640-29879

Students will learn that less disturbed soils have more “soil glue”
compared to more disturbed soils, demonstrating why it is
important to protect soils from disturbance.

Figure 1. The importance of soil.


Soil provides us with lots of benefits and helps to support land-based animal and plant life and is a critical
component of rangeland systems. It makes up the outermost layer of Earth and is where plants and trees
grow. Soil can sometimes be called other things such as “earth” (‘Earth’ with a capital ‘E’ refers to our
planet; ‘earth’ with a small ‘e’ refers to soil) or “dirt.” Dirt is simply displaced or loose soil. Soil is made up
of air, water, inorganic mineral particles, and organic matter (25%, 25%, 45%, and 5%, respectively).

The inorganic materials in soil are the non-living parts of the soil – these parts will be referred to as sand,
silt, and clay. The inorganic materials are highly important for building soil texture. In contrast, the living
parts of the soil are the organic materials, and are known as “soil organic matter, or SOM.” SOM has a lot
of nutrients in it that are important for plant growth and the overall health of soil, plants, crops, animals,
insects, and other beneficial bugs.

Several factors influence how soil is created, which is a process that can take 100s to 1000s of years. There
are five main factors that influence soil formation: climate, organisms (vegetation/biology), topography
(land features), weathering of parent material, and time.

Climate helps explain why soils are not the same across the world. Different temperatures and moisture
levels influence the amount and speed of weathering. As an example, rocks break down more quickly in a
warm, wet climate compared to a cold, dry climate because reactions happen quicker. The type of
precipitation (rain, hail, snow) that occurs in each area, as well as the amount, force, and timing of it also
influence weathering rates. Climate also influences the number and types of plants and animals in an area,
and how fast or slowly they decompose after they die, ultimately producing soil organic matter.

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Organisms, like plants and animals (that students learned about in Modules 2 and 3, respectively), play a
role in soil formation. Bedrock, i.e. parent material, is first broken down by physical weathering
(described below), and then is broken down even further by biological weathering. Animals and microbes
(bacteria and fungi) help mix soils as they move around, making tunnels and small spaces in between soil
particles. Eventually, plants and animals die and become part of the soil organic matter as they
decompose after dying. We as humans also count as organisms and impact soil formation. Constructing
buildings, cutting down forests, and agriculture also influence soil formation by changing how quickly soil
is formed or worn away.

Topography, or land features, are the physical features of where you are on a given landscape.
Topography has a large role in soil formation. A hill slope or a mountain can affect the moisture and
temperature of the soil. Soil is easily washed or blown away on steep slopes. As a result, the soil on a
mountain or hillside is often thinner compared to the soil down in a valley – the soil on the hillside erodes
more quickly and goes downhill and collects in the flatter areas.

Weathering of parent material (physical weathering) occurs from just that – the weather. The frost, wind,
snow, rain, sunshine, etc. all act as forces on rocks – this is called “weathering.” Weathering occurs over
100s of years, and breaks the bedrock of the Earth into small particles that make up the inorganic materials
of soil (e.g. sand, silt, clay).

Time is the last factor that influences soil formation. Soil formation takes place over 100s or 1000s of years
and can take that long to form even 1 centimeter of soil!! Unfortunately, that 1 centimeter of soil can be
washed away in hours or days if the soil is not protected (i.e. it does not have a living root in it to help
absorb any precipitation received). Over time, soils develop an internal structure and what are known as
soil horizons are formed. Different soil horizons have different properties, which students will learn about
in Activity #1.

Each state has its own state soil. In South Dakota, the state soil is Houdek. Students will read and learn
about Houdek soils and why they are important from an agricultural perspective. Next, students will draw
their own soil profile to help remember the characteristics of each soil horizon.

A large piece of soil formation comes from organisms. In fact, the diversity that exists within soil is greater
than the diversity that is found above ground, when it comes to organisms. Specifically, there are more
living organism in 1 tablespoon of soil than there are people on Earth (about 7 BILLION people). There
are many different types of organism that live in the soil, including arthropods, bacteria, fungi, worms, and
small animals like moles and mice.

Arthropods are animals that don’t have backbones; instead, they have their skeleton outside their body.
Arthropods assist bacteria in the soil, by shredding dead plant material into smaller portions for the
bacteria to digest. In addition, arthropods spread nutrients, add minerals to the soil through their waste,
and burrow through the soil which helps to create avenues for oxygen to move through.

Bacteria were some of the earliest forms of life on earth and are found everywhere. Bacteria help plant
roots gain nutrients from the soil. In fact, bacteria are extremely important in the process of nitrogen fixing
– they help take nitrogen in its gas form and turn it into usable compounds that plants can use. Other types
of bacteria take nitrogen from decaying matter in the soil and transform it into a usable form for plants.

Fungi include mushrooms, but also a whole host of an underground network that can span for miles. Fungi
have an important role in soil health and soil formation – they decompose organic material into forms that

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other organisms can use. Fungi can help increase water absorption and the ability of a soil to hold water
because they help to hold soil particles together. Fungi make proteins such as glomalin, which oozes into
the soil and acts as “soil glue,” helping the soil particles stay together. When soil particles are glued
together into soil aggregates (clumps of soil particles that are held together by clay, fine roots, and
microbial residues like glomalin), then the pores and channels in soil are better maintained, allowing air
and water to enter and move through the soil much easier. Soil aggregates are better able to withstand
rainstorms, i.e. the soil does not wash away because it is held together.

Worms like earthworms are often thought of as “soil engineers” because of how useful they are to soil!! If
you find earthworms in soil, it is usually a sign of healthy soil!! The tunnels that earthworms create as they
move through soil helps air circulate and oxygen can more easily reach plant roots and other organisms in
the soil. Earthworms also bring nutrients into the soil, by eating the soil and breaking it down into organic
matter. Worm poop or “worm castings” is a way that worms release nutrients into the soil, in a form that
can then be used by plants. One fun fact is that earthworms have one brain, five hearts, and it breathes
through its skin!!

Arthropods, bacteria, fungi, worms, and small animals all work together for the cycling of matter and flow
of energy among the living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem to create a soil food web. Students learned
about photosynthesis in Module 2: Plants and will take those concepts and use them to create a soil food


SOIL: the upper layer of earth in which plants grow

SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: the organic matter component of soil, consisting of plant and animal detritus at
various stages of decomposition

SAND: a loose granular substance; a component of soil

SILT: very fine sand, clay, or other material; a component of soil

CLAY: stiff, sticky fine-grained earth, typically yellow, red, or bluish-gray in color; can be molded when
wet; a component of soil

LOAM: a soil with roughly equal proportions of sand, silt, and clay

PARENT MATERIAL: bedrock found in the Earth; it is weathered and eroded (broken down) into smaller and
smaller particles that make up the inorganic material of soils, like sand, silt, and clay

CLIMATE: the average or typical weather conditions for a specific area

WEATHERING: the breaking down of rocks, soils, and minerals

ARTHROPODS: animals that do not have a backbone and instead their skeleton exists outside their body

BACTERIA: microscopic living organism that are usually one-celled, that are found everywhere

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FUNGI: living organisms that are not animals, plants, or bacteria, and unlike bacteria, have complex cells.
Fungi reproduce via spores. Examples include yeasts, molds, and mushrooms.

SOIL AGGREGATES: clumps of soil particles that are held together by clay, fine roots, and microbial
residues like glomalin, a protein made by fungi

SOIL FOOD WEB: the community of organisms that live all or part of their lives in the soil. The conversion
and exchange of energy and nutrients occurs throughout the soil food web when one organism eats

PRIMARY PRODUCER: organism that get their energy from the sun, eg) plants.

DECOMPOSER: an organism that breaks down (decomposes) organic matter, eg) bacteria and fungi.

PREDATOR: an organism that eats (preys) on other organisms, eg) arthropods or a mole.

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- PowerPoint PDF “How do soils form? CLORPT for short” (on the jump drive) (1 copy per group)
- PowerPoint Presentation “Soil formation – profiles” (on the jump drive)
- Flip chart paper (1 per group)
- Markers (1 set per group)
- Handouts #1 – Soil Formation Factors (1 per student)

1. Get students together in groups of 4-5 students. Hand each group a copy of the PowerPoint PDF
“How do soils form? CLORPT for short.”
a. Ideally, there will be 5 groups.
2. Assign each group one of the five factors of soil formation:
a. Climate
b. Organisms
c. Relief
d. Parent Material
e. Time
3. Ask each group to write down their factor on the flip chart paper and review the corresponding
pages in the PowerPoint PDF.
4. Next, have students use either words or drawings on the flip chart paper to communicate what their
soil formation factor is.
5. Allow each group to come to the front of the classroom and explain what soil formation factor they
were assigned. This allows students to teach one another about a concept they have learned,
helping to enhance their learning.
6. Once students are back at their desks with their group members, provide each student with
Handout #1, which has questions about soil formation that will set the foundation for the following
activities in this Module.
7. Have students work through Handout #1 with their group members, and then go over the answers
as a group, asking students to speak up and share their thoughts.
i. Question 1: What has helped you, as a person, develop over time?
1. Possible answers: where you live (i.e. the climate), what you eat (i.e.
organisms), where on the landscape you live (i.e. relief/topography), parents
(i.e. parent material), how old you are (i.e. time). Guide students to these
ii. Question 2: What is the difference between “weather” and “climate”?
1. Answer: Weather = is tied to a specific place and occurs over a short period of
time. An example is that one day could be sunny, and one day could be
overcast. Climate = the average weather conditions for an area. Climate
occurs over a longer period.
2. Answer: Climate dictates what clothes you need in general for where you live.
If you look out a window, you check the weather, and can decide if you need
to wear a rain jacket or shorts for the day.
iii. Question 3: What are some organisms that are present in the soil that help soil form?

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1. Answer: voles, moles, mice, bacteria, fungi, plant roots – all of these are
present in the soil and as they move around and make tunnels (for voles,
moles, and mice) or create spaces (for roots), then water can enter the soil
and the weathering process can continue.
iv. Question 4: Make sure students understand that location on the landscape has a large
role in soil formation. Where would a deep soil be located on a hill – at the top or at
the bottom?
1. Answer: A deeper soil is on the bottom of a hill, called a “toeslope,” as soil
moves down the hill and collects at the bottom, creating a deeper soil. This
contrasts with less developed soils at the top of the hill.
v. Question 5: What do you think is meant by the words “parent material”? What does it
mean to have a parent?
1. Answer: Like each individual has characteristics from their parents – you
might get your mom’s eye color, or your dad’s hair color – the same is true for
soils. Parent material is the material that soil develops from. This material can
come from transported sediments, bedrock, or organic materials.
vi. Question 6: How does nature move material?
1. Answer: Water, wind, gravity, and ice!
vii. Question 7: How are we different from people who are older than us?
1. Answer: They have had more experiences in life and have had longer to
develop – just like soil! Soils that are older are more developed because they
have experienced more weathering.
8. Next, review the PowerPoint Presentation “Soil formation – profiles” with students.
a. Ask students the following questions as you go through the PowerPoint:
i. Slide 3: How is a soil profile different from a soil horizon?
1. Answer: A soil profile is a vertical view of the soil and is composed of many
soil horizons. A single soil horizon is a layer of soil that is parallel to the
ii. Slide 4: Go through each soil horizon with students, keeping in mind that the
following slides will have greater detail. Will all soils around the world have each
one of these soil horizons?
1. Answer: No – each soil will be different because the CLORPT factors that
influence soil formation will be different depending on where in the world you
are located.
9. Assign students to break into groups of three.
a. Have students create a mnemonic device on their own to remember the soil horizon order
(O, A, E, B, C, R).
i. Some examples of mnemonic devices:
1. ROYGBIV = Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
2. CLORPT = Club Organizes Running Parent Times for CLimate, Organisms,
Relief, Parent material, Time as the factors that influence soil formation
3. OAEBCR = Our Aunt Ethel Bakes Cookies Regularly for the O, A, E, B, C, R soil
b. Allow each group to present their pneumonic device to the class.

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- “South Dakota State Soil – Houdek – Limited” handout (1 per student, on the jump drive)
- Handout #2 – Houdek Questions (1 per student, in the Appendix)
- Handout #3 – Houdek Soil Profile (1 per student, in the Appendix)
- Coloring pencils or markers (hand out per group of students to share)

1. Each state chooses a specific state soil that has significance. The South Dakota state soil is Houdek.
Hand each student a Houdek handout, get them into groups of 4, and have them take turns reading
through the different sections of the Houdek handout.
2. Give each student Handout #2 – Houdek Questions, which has questions that each student can
answer as they read through the handout.
a. Question 1: What are some characteristics of Houdek soils?
i. Answer: (Page 2 of the handout) Houdek soils have a topsoil (A horizon) that comes
from the weathering of glaciers. The subsoil in a Houdek (B horizons) accumulate
clay particles and lime.
b. Question 2: What was your pneumonic device for how to remember the factors that influence
soil formation? How have these factors specifically influenced Houdek soils?
i. Answer: (Page 2) CL-O-R-P-T, Climate, Organisms, Relief/Topography, Parent
Material, Time.
ii. Climate – Houdek soils developed in a sub-humid climate with quite a bit of rainfall
(20-22 inches per year) and a mild temperature (45-47F).
iii. Organisms – Houdek soils were developed and formed with the influence of plants
and animal life. Plants are important in forming Houdek soils because Houdek soils
have mid-grass prairie vegetation, which deposits organic matter through plant root
additions and decompositions.
iv. Relief/Topography – Houdek soils are very deep and are well-drained, and are
found in more upland areas (i.e. not in “bottoms,” or areas that are lower in
elevation). Houdek soils are also not very steep, with slopes ranging from 0-6%.
v. Parent Material – Houdek soils developed from glacial till, which is simply what is
deposited by a glacier.
vi. Time – In general, less time is needed for a soil to develop in a humid and warm area
with lots of vegetation/plants – this is where a Houdek soil is found, compared to an
area that is cold and dry with little vegetation.
c. Question 3: Why are Houdek soils important in South Dakota?
i. Answer: (Page 3) Soil is extremely important for agriculture, ranking in the top 10 for
corn, soybeans, wheat, and many other crops. In addition, soil is also very important
for forage, rangeland, and pasture that exists throughout the state, providing feed for
livestock like cattle. South Dakota typically ranks in the top 10 for beef, sheep, hog,
bison, and honey production!
1. Without productive soils, we wouldn’t be able to produce all the agricultural
products in South Dakota that we do!!
2. Note that large areas of Houdek soils are considered native rangeland.

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3. Hand each student Handout #3 – Houdek Soil Profile and give each group of students the coloring
pencils or markers.
a. Ask each student to draw the soil profile of a Houdek soil, referring to Figure 2 in the
Houdek handout.
b. Note: Students can ignore the sub-classification of the horizons (i.e. “Ap” for the A horizon,
and instead just label it “A horizon.” Likewise, the “Bt” and “Bk” horizons can be grouped
together for this exercise into one bigger “B horizon”.)
c. Once students have some time to draw the soil profile and label each horizon, have them
write 1-2 characteristics of each horizon next to their soil profile drawing.
d. Go through Handout #3 – Houdek Soil Profile with the students, asking students to
participate and share their drawing with the class. The horizons and corresponding
characteristics that a Houdek soil has are:
i. A horizon – topsoil, it has a mix of organic matter and mineral material, dark in color
ii. B horizon – subsoil, the “zone of accumulation” in the soil. The zone of accumulation
is where any chemicals that are present in the upper soil horizons will “leach” or
travel down to the B horizon.
iii. C horizon – parent material, this represents what the glacier originally left behind.

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Materials for Demonstration – Soil Glue

- 2 wide mouth glass jars
- 2 pieces of ¼ inch wire mesh – about 1.5 x 6 inches
- 2 clods of soil, about the size of an egg each
o Take samples from two different areas (e.g. a lawn, a construction site, a farmer’s field
that has been plowed (disturbed), a well-managed rangeland, a forest, a worn down
o Take each sample from the top 2 inches of soil.
- Masking tape to label each jar
- Handout #4 – Soil Glue Demonstration (1 per student)

Materials – Soil Food Web

- Handout #4 – Soil Food Web (1 per student)
- Coloring pencils or markers (hand out per group of students to share)

Demonstration – Soil Glue

1. One main part of soil formation is Organisms, (CLORPT), which are part of the soil food web. The
soil food web is a community of organisms that live all or part of their lives in the soil. As outlined in
the Background section of this module, fungi in the soil produce a protein called glomalin, which
acts as soil glue. Depending on where soil is from and how it has or has not been managed, can
influence how well and how long a soil stays “glued together.” This demonstration will get students
thinking about the microorganisms (fungi and bacteria) that are present in the soil, and will be the
jumping off point for students developing their own soil food web.
2. Provide each student with Handout #4 and tell them where each soil sample has been taken from.
3. Ask one student to fill each jar with water to within 0.5 inches of the top.
4. Ask another student to shape each piece of wire mesh so that it sits about 1.5 inches below the top
of each jar.
5. Next, label each jar with the masking tape, writing down where each soil sample has been taken
from – make sure that the writing is large enough for most of the students to see, as they will be
writing down their observations during the demonstration.
6. Place each piece of soil onto the wire rack.
7. Ensure that students have Handout #4 in front of them to record their observations.
8. Lower each soil sample on the wire rack gently into the jars.
9. Discuss the observations with the class – go through the questions with them on Handout #3.

Activity – Soil Food Web

1. Ask students about the following terms and write their answers on the board or a large sticky note.
a. Primary producer: an organism that makes its own food.
i. Examples of primary producers are plants, which students learned about in Module
2. Plants use the process of photosynthesis to turn carbon dioxide and sunlight into
food that provides them with energy. Other examples of primary producers include
moss, lichens, and algae.
b. Decomposer: an organism that breaks down (decomposes) organic matter.

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i. Examples of decomposers include bacteria and fungi. They help break down
nutrients in the soil such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and calcium to name a few. These
decomposed nutrients are then taken up by plants, the primary producers.
c. Predator: an organism that eats (preys) on other organisms.
i. Examples of predators in the soil include arthropods and moles. They not only eat
other organism, but as they move through the soil they create tunnels and help move
the soil around, allowing oxygen to reach the soil to help break it down.
2. Next, provide students with Handout #5 and have them fill in the table with the definition and an
3. Give small groups of students coloring pencils and markers and have them flip over Handout #5
and create their own soil food web.
a. This will be a great activity to have students incorporate what they already have learned in
Modules 1, 2, and 3. For example:
i. Where is their food web located? Can they draw a soil food web in a rangeland?
ii. What larger animals exist in the ecosystem?
1. Answer: Some examples are sage grouse, hawks, antelope, bison, horses,
coyotes, cows.
iii. What do those animals do?
1. Answer: They eat and pee/poop out important nutrients for the systems.
iv. What happens to the piles of poop in a rangeland? Do they sit on top of the ground
1. Answer: No! Decomposers such as dung beetles start to eat and move around
the poop and bring it into the soil profile where it is decomposed even further
by bacteria and fungi.
v. What process do plants use to create their own food?
1. Answer: Photosynthesis – they capture carbon dioxide and sunlight and form
it into a usable sugar they can use for energy and growth.
vi. What animals graze the grasses and forbs? What happens to the grass as it is grazed?
1. Answer: Herbivores such as cattle and horses graze the plants. When the
grass is grazed, the animals remove the older, less effective leaves, which
helps the plant produce more, nutrient-rich, young leaves that animals really
enjoy eating. Grazing also stimulates root growth and helps the roots grow
more densely.
4. As a conclusion, allow each student to come up to the board and add one piece of the soil food web.
Once the entire class has come up to the board, review what the class developed for the soil food

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3-2-1 Format for Activities #1 and 2
1. Have each student get out a piece of paper.
2. Ask students to write down:
a. 3 ideas that were presented
b. 2 examples of how they can use their knowledge of soils
c. 1 unresolved area/“muddiest” point that they didn’t quite understand
3. Have students get into pairs and share their 3-2-1 with a partner.
4. Ask students to turn in their paper; read through them to gauge how well students understand
Activities #1 and 2, paying particular attention to the 1 unresolved area/“muddiest” point to go
over with the class again to clarify their learning.


Focused Listing for Activity #3
1. Focused listing allows an instructor to determine what students can recall from a lesson.
2. Select an important topic or concept that was covered in Activity #3. For example, you might
pick “soil glue” or “soil food web.” Place this phrase on the board.
3. Set a timer for 5 minutes and ask students to list important words and phrases about the topic
you selected.
4. Review the findings with the class, filling in any key concepts that students missed, as a way to
review the activity.

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Name: __________________________

1. What has helped you, as a person, develop over time?

2. What is the difference between “weather” and “climate”?

3. What are some organisms that are present in the soil that help soil form?

4. Where would a deep soil be located on a hill – at the top or at the bottom?

5. What do you think is meant by the words “parent material”? What does it mean to have a parent?

6. How does nature move material?

7. How are we different from people who are older than us?

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Student name: _______________________

As you read through the “South Dakota State Soil – Houdek – Limited” handout, think about the importance
of agriculture and what you have learned so far about soils, as you answer the following questions.

1. What are some characteristics of Houdek soils?

2. What was your pneumonic device for how to remember the factors that influence soil formation? How
have these factors specifically influenced Houdek soils?

3. Why are Houdek soils important in South Dakota?

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Student name: _________________________

Instructions: Draw the soil profile for the state soil of South Dakota, a Houdek soil. Be sure to include the
soil horizons that are found in a Houdek and include a characteristic or two of each horizon.

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Student name: _________________________

1. What is the source of each soil sample? Where is it from? Record it in the table below.

Soil 1 Soil 2

2. Once your teacher lowers the soil sample into the water, watch the results and record your
observations in the table below.

Soil 1 Soil 2

3. Did both samples react the same way? Did the soil stay together or fall apart?

4. Was the water clearer in one jar compared to the other jar?

5. If the water became cloudy, did it clear up again? How long did it take to clear?

6. Which soil would have more pores in it after a rain storm?

7. Which soil is more likely to resist erosion during a rain storm – which soil held together better?

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Student name: _________________________

1. Fill out the table below with definitions and examples of primary producers, decomposers, and
predators that you would find in the soil.

Primary producer Decomposer Predator

Definition: Definition: Definition:

Example: Example: Example:

(Flip over.)

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2. Instructions: Draw a soil profile with at least three different soil horizons – you can draw a Houdek
soil if you want. Make sure you place this near the bottom of the page. Next, draw in the organisms
that are part of the soil food web. Be sure to label each organism as a primary producer,
decomposer, or as a predator.

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(Source: FAO 2015)

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Angelo TA and KP Cross. 1993. Classroom assessment techniques: A handbook for college teachers.
Second edition. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco, CA.

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). 2015. United Nations Challenge Badge:
Soils challenge badge.

USDA NRCS. 2010. Soil quality fact sheet: Soil glue.

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