MIT15 281S16 SpeechAssign
MIT15 281S16 SpeechAssign
MIT15 281S16 SpeechAssign
Motivate employees to achieve a real stretch goal, or to meet an extremely challenging deadline to achieve
something for the organization.
Pitch a social enterprise idea to a specific audience.
Inspire a group to become involved in a community service activity, a non-profit organization, a movement, etc.
At the time of your presentation, hand in a typed Presentation Planner . Before your presentation, you will have one
minute to share your context and audience with us.
1. Strategy/argument: Did you construct a sound and inspiring argument to motivate your audience? Did you
articulate an overarching goal? Did you communicate high expectations and show confidence in others? Would
you have been motivated by your presentation?
2. Structure: Was the presentation structured in such a way that it met the audience’s information needs and was
easy to follow?
3. Language: Did you use language that created a concrete, sensory vision of what the future could be? Did you
use effective stories, metaphors, and analogies?
4. Delivery: Did your delivery reinforce the message in the talk? Did you look and sound credible, confident, and
passionate about the cause you were advocating?
5. Visual aids: If you used them, how well did your visual aids contribute to your message? How well did you
interact with your visual aids?
Your Written Self-Assessment, due to faculty and TA 72 hours after the presentation.
After you present, you will review your video as many times as it takes to assess the effectiveness of your 1)
strategy/argument, 2) structure, 3) language, 4) delivery (verbal and nonverbal), and visual aids (if used). Write your
professor and TA an email that synthesizes these observations into three areas of strength and three areas of
development to focus on in your next presentation.
Grading Key for 15.281. Note: You will receive one grade for the Presentation & Self-assessment.
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