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Growth Characteristics and Biofilm Formation

of Various Spoilage Bacteria Isolated

from Fresh Produce
Young-Min Bae, Ling Zheng, Jeong-Eun Hyun, Kyu-Seok Jung, Sunggi Heu, and Sun-Young Lee

Abstract: This study investigated the characteristics of spoilage bacteria isolated from fresh produce including growth
at various temperatures, biofilm formation, cell hydrophobicity, and colony spreading. The number of spoilage bacteria
present when stored at 35 °C was significantly greater than when stored at lower temperatures, and maximum population
size was achieved after 10 h. However, Bacillus pumilus, Dickeya zeae, Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. Carotovorum Pcc21,
and Bacillus pumilus (RDA-R) did not grow at the storage temperature of 5 °C. The biofilm formation by Clavibacter
michiganensis, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, and A. calcoaceticus (RDA-R) are higher than other spoilage bacteria. Biofilm
formation showed low correlation between hydrophobicity, and no significant correlation with colony spreading. These
results might be used for developing safe storage guidelines for fresh produce at various storage temperatures, and could be
basic information on the growth characteristics and biofilm formation properties of spoilage bacteria from fresh produce.

Keywords: biofilm, hydrophobicity, growth, spoilage bacteria, temperature

Practical Application: Growth of spoilage bacteria was different depending on the bacteria strains and storage temper-
M: Food Microbiology

ature. Between biofilm formation and cell hydrophobicity was low correlation on spoilage bacteria. Therefore, growth
characteristics and biofilm formation of spoilage bacteria might be used for developing safe storage guidelines for fresh
& Safety

produce at various storage temperatures.

Introduction it is difficult to maintain a constant temperature. Therefore, study-

The demand for minimally processed fresh vegetables has led to ing the behavior of spoilage bacteria at different temperatures and
increases in the quantity and variety of products available for the how spoilage bacteria adapt are important for preserving food
consumer. Since fresh products are usually consumed raw, main- quality.
taining the shelf life of fresh products is important. Spoilage is Biofilms have been observed on various food and food process-
characterized as any change in a food product that presents itself as ing surfaces, and can cause increasing risks for fresh product quality
unacceptable to the consumer from a sensory point of view. Micro- and public health (Carmichael and others 1999; Van Houdt and
bial spoilage is by far the most common cause of spoilage and may Michiels 2010; Liu and others 2013). Fresh products and food con-
manifest itself as visible growth (slime, colonies), textural changes tact surfaces often have relatively rich nutrient concentrations, and
(degradation of polymers), or off-odors and off-flavors (NRC together with suitable environmental conditions such as temper-
1985). The growth and activity of spoilage bacteria is mostly de- ature, relative humidity, and pH, can promote biofilm formation
scribed and studied as a function of substrate base, and physical or (Chmielewski and Frank 2003; Fratamico and others 2009). In
chemical parameters such as water activity, pH, temperature, and addition, attached microorganisms and biofilms formed by mi-
atmosphere (Lone and others 2002). Temperature control is an croorganism are not easily removed by washing with water, and
important factor in maintaining the quality and shelf life of fruits are resistant to cleaning and disinfection processes in the food in-
and vegetables (Smyth and others 1998). As microbial spoilage is dustry (Joseph and Otta 2001; Lapidot and others 2006). Biofilm
a major component of food spoilage, the effect of temperature formation is a complex process, which involves genetic mecha-
on the specific growth rate of microorganisms is important, es- nisms and numerous factors, such as the properties of the involved
pecially in stores containing fresh produce. It is suggested that all substratum and bacterial cell surfaces (Shi and Zhu 2009). Of the
refrigerated foods be stored at 5 °C or below by the Food and various factors affecting the attachment of bacterial cells to a sur-
Drug Administration (FDA) uniform food code, because tem- face such as hydrophobicity, surface charge, material properties,
peratures above this promote bacterial growth (Matthews 2006). and mode of growth, hydrophobicity is a significant determinant
However, in the process of fresh produce transport and marketing, of adhesion and biofilm formation on surfaces (Goulter and oth-
ers 2010; Takahashi and others 2010). The attachment to the
surface of fresh products may be considered as a 1st step in the
MS 20140899 Submitted 5/27/2014, Accepted 8/8/2014. Authors Bae, Zheng,
Hyun, Lee are with Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Chung-Ang Univ., 72-1 microbial spoilage of vegetable and fruits; continued microbial
Nae-ri, Daedeok-myeon, Anseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, 456-756, South Korea. Authors presence and growth will depend on their ability to remain at-
Jung and Heu are with Microbial Safety Div, Dept. of Agro-food Safety, Natl. tached to the surfaces of fresh products (Benito and others 1997).
Academy of Agricultural Science Rural Development Administration, Suwon, 441- The cell characteristics of spoilage bacteria, including biofilm for-
857, Republic of Korea. Direct inquiries to author Lee (E-mail: [email protected]
or [email protected]). mation, cell hydrophobicity, and colony spreading, is important
for determining hygiene and shelf life of fresh products, either

C 2014 Institute of Food Technologists


M2072 Journal of Food Science r Vol. 79, Nr. 10, 2014 doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.12644
Further reproduction without permission is prohibited
Growth and biofilm of spoilage bacteria . . .

to prevent or remove bacterial contamination. However, studies fluorescens-2, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia-1, Stenotrophomonas
of biofilm attachment and cell hydrophobicity of spoilage bacte- maltophilia-2, Klebsiella pneumonia were isolated from lettuce, Acine-
ria have not been performed for a wide range of food spoilage tobacter calcoaceticus-1, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-2 were isolated from
bacteria. chicory, and Dickeya zeae, Enterobacter sp., and Pectobacterium caro-
Therefore, in this study, characteristics of spoilage bacteria tovorum subsp. Carotovorum Pcc21 were isolated from Chinese cab-
isolated from fresh produce were examined at various storage bage) isolated from fresh produce were obtained from Rural De-
temperatures, and then a predictive growth model (modified velopment Administration of Korea (RDA), and used in this study
Gompertz equation) was used for confirmation of the spoilage (Lee and others 2013). Also, 7 rifampicin-resistant strains (RDA-
bacteria growth in different storage temperatures. The biofilm R; P. agglomerans, D. zeae, A. calcoaceticus, S. maltophilia, K. pneu-
formation ability, cell hydrophobicity, and colony spreading of the monia, B. pumilus, C. michiganensis) were used. All strains were
studied strains were also investigated. maintained at −80 °C in 20% glycerol and were activated by cul-
tivation in tryptic soy broth (TSB, pH 7.3) for 24 h at 37 °C before
Materials and Methods
Preparation of bacterial strains Measurement of spoilage bacterial growth
Fifteen strains of spoilage bacteria (Chryseobacterium balustinum, At each temperature (5, 15, 25, and 35 °C), 0.1 mL of the
Pantoea agglomerans-1, Pantoea agglomerans-2, Bacillus pumilus, spoilage bacteria was inoculated in 5 mL sterile TSB, and then
Clavibacter michiganensis, Pseudomonas fluorescens-1, Pseudomonas incubated. The optical density (OD) at 595 nm of an 8 mL tube


0.6 0.6

M: Food Microbiology
& Safety
0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600
Time (h) Time(h)


0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4


0 200 400 600
0 200 400 600
Time(h) Time(h)

Figure 1–Growth of 22 spoilage bacteria isolated from fresh produce at 5 °C.

(A) •, Chryseobacterium balustinum; ◦, Enterobacter sp.; , Pantoea agglomerans -1; , Pantoea agglomerans-2; , Bacillus pumilus. (B) •, Clavibacter
michiganensis; ◦, Pseudomonas fluorescens-1; , Pseudomonas fluorescens-2; , Acinetobacter clacoaceticus-1; , Acinetobacter clacoaceticus-2. (C)
•, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia-1; ◦, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia-2; , Klebsiella pneumonia; , Dickeya zeae; , Pectobacterium carotovorum
subsp. Carotovorum Pcc2; , Pantoea agglomerans (RDA-R). (D) •, Dickeya zeae (RDA-R); ◦, Acinetobacter clacoaceticus (RDA-R); , Stenotrophomonas
maltophilia (RDA-R); , Klebsiella pneumonia (RDA-R); , Bacillus pumilus (RDA-R); , Clavibacter michiganensis (RDA-R).

Vol. 79, Nr. 10, 2014 r Journal of Food Science M2073

Growth and biofilm of spoilage bacteria . . .

was determined using a Spectronic 20 spectrophotometer (Mil- where Y is the log cell number (log10 CFU/g), X is the incubation
tomroy Co., Ivyland, Pa., U.S.A.). The spectrophotometer was time (h), N0 is the log initial number of cells (log10 CFU/g), C is the
zeroed using a sterile tube with 5 mL sterile TSB. Growth was difference between initial and final cell numbers (log10 CFU/g),
measured every hour during one day of incubation at 15, 25, or 35 Lag is the lag time before growth (h), and µ is the maximum
°C, and then measured every 24 h. The growth observed at 5 °C specific growth rate (log10 CFU/h).
was measured every 24 h. Every test was performed in triplicate.
Biofilm formation
Each strain of spoilage bacteria isolated from fresh produce was
Growth modeling cultured in TSB for 24 h at 37 °C. To form bacterial microtiter
Growth data were iteratively fit to a modified Gompertz equa- plate biofilm, wells of sterile 96-well polystyrene plates were filled
tion using a nonlinear regression model (Prism, version 4.0, with 90 µL TSB and inoculated with 10 µL of spoilage bacteria.
GraphPad Software, San Diego, Calif., U.S.A.) to determine Negative control wells containing only TSB were included for
growth rates (GR, h−1 ) and lag time (LT, h) at each incubation each assay. The inoculated bacteria were incubated at 37 °C for
temperature. The following modified Gompertz equation, which 24 h. After discarding the medium in the microtiter plate wells
was described by Gibson and others (1988), was used. by inversion, wells were rinsed 3 times with distilled water (200
µL/well). After air drying, wells were stained with 50 µL of 0.5%
Y = N0 + C × exp[− exp{(2.718 × µ/C) × (Lag − X) + 1}], crystal violet for 10 min. Excess stain was removed by washings

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8
M: Food Microbiology

0.6 0.6
& Safety



0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400

Time (h) Time (h)

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400

Time (h) Time (h)

Figure 2–Growth of 22 spoilage bacteria isolated from fresh produce at 15 °C.

(A) •, Chryseobacterium balustinum; ◦, Enterobacter sp.; , Pantoea agglomerans-1; , Pantoea agglomerans-2; , Bacillus pumilus. (B) •, Clavibacter
michiganensis; ◦, Pseudomonas fluorescens-1; , Pseudomonas fluorescens-2; , Acinetobacter clacoaceticus -1; , Acinetobacter clacoaceticus-2. (C)
•, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia-1; ◦, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia-2; , Klebsiella pneumonia; , Dickeya zeae; , Pectobacterium carotovorum
subsp. Carotovorum Pcc2; , Pantoea agglomerans (RDA-R). (D) •, Dickeya zeae (RDA-R); ◦, Acinetobacter clacoaceticus (RDA-R); , Stenotrophomonas
maltophilia (RDA-R); , Klebsiella pneumonia (RDA-R); , Bacillus pumilus (RDA-R); , Clavibacter michiganensis (RDA-R).

M2074 Journal of Food Science r Vol. 79, Nr. 10, 2014

Growth and biofilm of spoilage bacteria . . .

with distilled water (200 µL/well). Dye bound to adherent cells 2 M ammonium sulfate (Kanto chemical, Tokyo, Japan). The
was destained with 50 µL of 99% ethanol, and the OD of each well suspensions were then vortexed for 3 min (Ab). A tube contain-
was obtained at 595 nm using a spectrophotometer (Specronic R
ing 3 mL of the untreated cell suspension was used as a control
20 Genesys, Spectronic Instruments, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.; (Ac). All tubes were allowed to stand at room temperature for
Christensen and others 1985; Knowles and Roller 2001). 30 min. Following incubation, 1 mL of the lower aqueous layer
was removed using a pipette and the OD600nm was measured.
The absorbance ratio of the bacterial assay tubes (Ab) relative
Bacterial cell hydrophobicity to the control suspension (Ac) was calculated as a percentage of
The bacterial adherence to hydrocarbons (BATH) method was bound cells to the hydrocarbon using the following formula, (%) =
performed as described by Goulter and others (2010) with mi- (Ac − Ab)/Ac × 100.
nor modifications. Test strains were harvested at the stationary
phase, collected by centrifugation (8000 × g for 5 min), washed
twice, and resuspended in phosphate buffered saline (pH 7.2). Colony spreading
The OD of the suspension was adjusted with phosphate buffered TSB supplemented (0.24% or 0.75%) agar was autoclaved at
saline to 0.7 (±0.2) at 595 nm. Three microliter of bacterial cell 121 °C for 15 min. Sterile medium (20 mL) was poured into a
suspensions was overlaid with 1 mL of n-nonane (Alfa Aesar, Lan- petri dish (90-mm dia). The plates were dried for 20 min in a
cashire, U.K.) as the hydrocarbon, and was added to 1.5 mL of safety cabinet. Bacterial overnight culture (2 µL) was spotted onto

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

M: Food Microbiology
0.6 0.6


& Safety
0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Time (h) Time (h)

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Time (h) Time (h)

Figure 3–Growth of 22 spoilage bacteria isolated from fresh produce at 25 °C.

(A) •, Chryseobacterium balustinum; ◦, Enterobacter sp.; , Pantoea agglomerans-1; , Pantoea agglomerans-2; , Bacillus pumilus. (B) •, Clavibacter
michiganensis; ◦, Pseudomonas fluorescens-1; , Pseudomonas fluorescens-2; , Acinetobacter clacoaceticus -1; , Acinetobacter clacoaceticus-2. (C)
•, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia-1; ◦, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia-2; , Klebsiella pneumonia; , Dickeya zeae; , Pectobacterium carotovorum
subsp. Carotovorum Pcc2; , Pantoea agglomerans (RDA-R). (D) •, Dickeya zeae (RDA-R); ◦, Acinetobacter clacoaceticus (RDA-R); , Stenotrophomonas
maltophilia (RDA-R); , Klebsiella pneumonia (RDA-R); , Bacillus pumilus (RDA-R); , Clavibacter michiganensis (RDA-R).

Vol. 79, Nr. 10, 2014 r Journal of Food Science M2075

Growth and biofilm of spoilage bacteria . . .

the center of the plates and dried for 10 min in a safety cabinet. evaluated over 3 d, and the resulting growth curves are shown
The plates were covered and incubated at 37 °C for 10 h (Kaito in Figure 1 to 4. As the temperature increased, the growth of
and Sekimizu 2007). spoilage bacteria also increased. At 25 and 35 °C, the spoilage
bacteria reached the stationary phase in less than 20 h on average.
Statistical analysis At 5 °C, on average more than 200 h were required to reach
Data were analyzed by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) stationary phase and less than 100 h was required for 15 °C storage.
method using the SAS version 9.1 software package (Version 9.1 However, the stationary phase spoilage bacteria in this study were
SAS Inst., Cary, N.C., U.S.A.) for the randomized analysis. If the incubated longer at 5 °C than the other 3 temperatures. Like
results were significant (P ࣘ 0.05), the means were compared us- most microorganisms, the spoilage bacteria in this study showed
ing Duncan’s multiple range tests. Correlation coefficients were a relative inhibition of growth at 5 °C, especially B. pumilus, D.
calculated by ANOVA. zeae, A. clacoaceticus-1, D. zeae (RDA-R), and B. pumilus (RDA-
R), which showed almost no growth. However, the numbers of
some spoilage microorganisms (Enterobacter sp., P. agglomerans-1, P.
Results and Discussion
agglomerans-2, and K. pneumonia) multiplied at low temperature
Growth characteristics of spoilage bacteria (Figure 1).
The growth of spoilage bacteria stored at 5 and 15 °C were Table 1 presents the growth rate and lag time of spoilage bacteria
examined over 1 mo, while those stored at 25 and 35 °C were at 5, 15, 25, and 35 °C using the modified Gompertz equation

A 1.0
B 1.0

0.8 0.8
M: Food Microbiology

0.6 0.6
& Safety


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Time (h) Time (h)

C 1.0
D 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Time (h) Time (h)

Figure 4–Growth of 22 spoilage bacteria isolated from fresh produce at 35 °C.

(A) •, Chryseobacterium balustinum; ◦, Enterobacter sp.; , Pantoea agglomerans-1; , Pantoea agglomerans-2; , Bacillus pumilus. (B) •, Clavibacter
michiganensis; ◦, Pseudomonas fluorescens-1; , Pseudomonas fluorescens-2; , Acinetobacter clacoaceticus-1; , Acinetobacter clacoaceticus-2. (C)
•, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia-1; ◦, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia-2; , Klebsiella pneumonia; , Dickeya zeae; , Pectobacterium carotovorum
subsp. Carotovorum Pcc2; , Pantoea agglomerans (RDA-R). (D) •, Dickeya zeae (RDA-R); ◦, Acinetobacter clacoaceticus (RDA-R); , Stenotrophomonas
maltophilia (RDA-R); , Klebsiella pneumonia (RDA-R); , Bacillus pumilus (RDA-R); , Clavibacter michiganensis (RDA-R).

M2076 Journal of Food Science r Vol. 79, Nr. 10, 2014

Growth and biofilm of spoilage bacteria . . .

Table 1–Growth rate and lag time of 22 spoilage bacteria at 5, 15, 25, and 35 °C of 3 replicates.

Strains Growth rate (h−1 ) Lag time (h)

5 °C 15 °C 25 °C 35 °C 5 °C 15 °C 25 °C 35 °C
C. balustinum 0.45ABa 0.32B 0.45B 0.41B 75.36B 4.80EFG 0.00D 2.80B
Enterobacter sp. 0.53A 0.80AB 0.89B 0.81AB 46.13B 5.05EFG 2.62BCD 2.30B
P. agglomerans-1 0.38ABC 0.64B 0.73B 0.75AB 52.27B 10.08CDEFG 6.17BCD 4.10B
P. agglomerans -2 0.54A 0.69B 0.84B 0.65AB 91.58B 13.82CDEFG 6.25BCD 5.00B
B. pumilus NGb 0.17B 0.34B 0.63AB NG 12.85CDEFG 1.03BCD 0.83B
C. michiganensis 0.45AB 0.62B 0.82B 0.75AB 74.32B 19.74BCD 4.91BCD 4.77B
P. fluorescens -1 0.26ABCDEF 0.25B 0.25B 0.23B 96.60B 29.49AB 5.04BCD 1.15B
P. fluorescens -2 0.20ABCDEF 0.25B 0.28B 0.25B 171.83B 7.42DEFG 6.11BCD 3.65B
A. clacoaceticus -1 0.01EF 1.65A 0.20B 0.36B 100.58B 0.75FG 3.19BCD 4.43B
A. clacoaceticus -2 0.04CDEF 0.58B 0.08B 0.40B 63.47B 0.00G 8.10B 4.33B
S. maltophilia -1 0.20ABCDEF 0.22B 1.09B 0.29B 95.70B 8.91CDEFG 3.19BCD 1.63B
S. maltophilia -2 0.26ABCDEF 0.29B 0.51B 1.19AB 78.42B 14.34CDEF 5.73BCD 3.79B
K. pneumonia 0.33ABCDE 0.76AB 0.87B 0.89AB 78.36B 4.78EFG 2.71BCD 1.21B
D. zeae NG 0.61B 0.81B 0.84AB NG 17.31BCDE 5.52BCD 3.07B
P. carotovorum subsp. C. Pcc21 NG 0.57B 0.70B 0.60AB NG 29.07BC 23.26A 24.99A
P. agglomerans (RDA-R)c 0.26ABCDEF 0.59B 0.71B 0.68AB 114.25B 21.03BCD 7.36BC 4.81B
D. zeae (RDA-R) 0.01DEF 0.68B 0.80B 0.80AB NG 16.35BCDE 5.63BCD 2.92B
A. clacoaceticus (RDA-R) 0.14F 0.15B 0.14B 0.12AB 371.62A 10.18CDEFG 2.56BCD 2.86B
S. maltophilia (RDA-R) 0.16CDEF 0.21B 0.22B 0.78AB 138.18B 37.54A 8.10B 4.57B
K. pneumonia (RDA-R) 0.1BCDEF 0.67B 0.80B 0.84AB 97.20B 4.43EFG 3.24BCD 1.40B
B. pumilus (RDA-R) NG 0.23B 7.10A 0.40B NG 7.08CDEFG 3.60BCD 1.56B
C. michiganensis (RDA-R) 0.35ABC 0.49B 0.68B 0.71AB 33.37B 17.93BCDE 3.69BCD 2.84B
Means with the same letter within a column are not significantly different (P > 0.05).

M: Food Microbiology
“NG” means no growth.
RDA-R, rifampicin-resistant bacteria.

& Safety
Table 2–Digital photography of representative spoilage bacteria colonies on colony spreading (0.24% or 0.75% agar) with or without
dextrose in TSB at 37 °C.

0.24% with 0.75% with 0.24% without 0.75% without

dextrose dextrose dextrose dextrose

Enterobacter sp.

P. fluorescens -2

S. maltophilia -2

D. zeae

models. Table 1 demonstrates a significant difference of growth (RDA-R) showed the significant increased lag time at 5 and 15 °C,
rates between the tested bacteria at 5 °C, including B. pumilus, compared to no antibiotic resistant strains, respectively (P < 0.05).
D. zeae, P. carotovorum subsp. Carotovorum Pcc21, and B. pumilus And, the lag time of B. pumilus (RDA-R) was significantly different
(RDA-R), which had no growth in 5 °C. However, at 15, 25, and between rifampicin-resistant and no antibiotic resistant strains at
35 °C, no significant difference between the tested bacteria was 25 °C (P < 0.05). However, except for the case mentioned above,
observed. Lag time also showed a significant difference between the similar growth characteristics of rifampicin-resistant strains and
bacteria at 15 °C only (P < 0.05). For the tested bacteria in no antibiotic resistant strains were resulted for the growth rate and
this study, P. agglomerans-2, A. clacoaceticus-1, and S. maltophilia-2 lag time of spoilage bacteria.
demonstrated the largest growth at 5, 15, and 35 °C, respectively. The psychrotrophic bacterium is one of the factors influencing
Finally, A. clacoaceticus-1 and A. clacoaceticus-2 showed the shortest food storage at lower temperatures. Listeria monocytogenes, a kind of
lag time at 15 °C. A. clacoaceticus (RDA-R) and S. maltophilia psychrotrophic bacterium, is able to grow to a few degrees below

Vol. 79, Nr. 10, 2014 r Journal of Food Science M2077

Growth and biofilm of spoilage bacteria . . .

0 °C and can cause large outbreaks (Fang and others 2013). Valero growth between 25 and 35 °C, spoilage bacteria both reached the
and others (2007) reported that psychrotrophic B. cereus isolated stationary phase in less than 24 h. This result demonstrates that
from fresh vegetable and American salads were able to grow at when fresh produce is kept at room temperature for more than 1
8 °C (3%) and 10 °C (87.9%). Also, Allende and others d, native microorganisms may be already growing. Keeping food
(2004) reported that psychographic bacteria counts increased refrigerated is an effective way to prevent food spoilage or prolong
8 log10 CFU/g in lettuce after 7 d at 5 °C. The spoilage bac- the shelf life of fresh produce. However, because of psychrotrophic
teria including Klebsiella and Pseudomonas can cause spoilage in spoilage bacteria growth at low temperature, extending the shelf
frozen foods and these spoilage bacteria were isolated 6.7% and life of fresh products will require a sterilization process before
6.6% at vegetable samples of total 50, respectively (Manani and storage. And further studies are needed to applied growth of
others 2006). Growth and survival of spoilage bacteria at low spoilage bacteria on fresh vegetables surface.
temperature was a very important issue associated with extending
product shelf life. In this study, Enterobacter, Pantoea, Klebsiella, and Biofilm formation and cell hydrophobicity
Pseudomonas were grown to a maximum cell population after 8 d The attachment to the surface of fresh products may be con-
at 5 °C. However, while there were no significant differences in sidered as a 1st step in the microbial spoilage of fresh products

Before ethanol destaining
1.6 Afater ethanol destaining



M: Food Microbiology

& Safety




Klebsiella pneumonia (RDA)
Bacillus pumilus (RDA)

Dickeya zeae (RDA)

Klebsiella pneumonia (RDA-R)

Dickeya zeae (RDA-R)
Acinetobacter clacoaceticus (RDA-R)
Pantoea agglomerans -1 (RDA)
Pantoea agglomerans -2 (RDA)

Clavibacter michiganensis (RDA)

Enterobacter sp. (RDA)

Acinetobacter clacoaceticus -1 (RDA)

Pectobacterium carotovorum (RDA)

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (RDA-R)

Chryseobacterium balustinum (RDA)

Pseudomonas fluorescens -1 (RDA)

Bacillus pumilus (RDA-R)

Pseudomonas fluorescens -2 (RDA)

Acinetobacter clacoaceticus -2 (RDA)

Pantoea agglomerans (RDA-R)

Clavibacter michiganensis (RDA-R)

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia -2 (RDA)
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia -1 (RDA)

Acinetobacter clacoaceticus (RDA-R)

Klebsiella pneumonia (RDA-R)

Pantoea agglomerans (RDA-R)
Dickeya zeae (RDA-R)

Bacillus pumilus (RDA-R)

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (RDA-R)

Clavibacter michiganensis (RDA-R)

Pectobacterium carotovorum
Pantoea agglomerans -2

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia -1
Acinetobacter clacoaceticus -2
Acinetobacter clacoaceticus -1

Dickeya zeae
Clavibacter michiganensis

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia -2
Chryseobacterium balustinum
Enterobacter sp.

Klebsiella pneumonia
Pantoea agglomerans -1

Bacillus pumilus

Pseudomonas fluorescens -1
Pseudomonas fluorescens -2

Bacteria strains
Bacterial strains

100 100

80 80

60 60
Hydrophobicity %

Hydrophobicity %

40 40

20 20

0 0

-20 -20
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Biofilm formation (OD595) Biofilm formation (OD595)

Figure 5–Biofilm formation (A) and hydrophobicity (B) of spoilage bacterial strains isolated from fresh produce, and the correlation between biofilm
formation of spoilage bacteria measured by cell hydrophobicity staining method with ethanol for 24 h, before ethanol (C, r = 0.3762) and after ethanol
(D, r = 0.4972).

M2078 Journal of Food Science r Vol. 79, Nr. 10, 2014

Growth and biofilm of spoilage bacteria . . .

(Benito and others 1997). Bacterial attachment to surfaces in and isolated from fresh products (r = 0.3762 to 0.4972). Biofilm for-
then biofilm formation influenced by physicochemical properties mation and cell hydrophobicity of spoilage bacteria might vary
of environment (temperature and pH), cell hydrophobicity, and depending on the spoilage bacteria strain. Therefore, further stud-
motility of microorganism (Herald and Zottola 1988; Choi and ies are needed to understand spoilage bacteria biofilm formation
others 2013). Therefore, in this study, the ability of the spoilage on surfaces.
bacteria to produce biofilms on 96-well polystyrene microtiter
plates for 24 h measured by crystal violet staining is noted in Biofilm formation and colony spreading
Figure 5. Biofilm formation showed some differences among Colony spreading (0.24% soft agar) with and without dextrose
the test strains. The biofilm formation by C. michiganensis, A. showed a high spreading ability compared to colony spreading
calcoaceticus-1, -2, and A. calcoaceticus (RDA-R) (OD595 > 0.6) (0.75% soft agar) with and without dextrose. However, no dif-
was greater than other bacteria. Conversely, D. zeae, P. caro- ference was noted between soft agar samples with and without
tovorum subsp., Carotovorum Pcc21, and D. zeae (RDA-R) dextrose medium. Enterobacter sp., B. pumilus, D. zeae, P. fluorescens-
showed nearly no biofilm formation ability. No significant dif- 2, B. pumilus (RDA-R), and D. zeae (RDA-R) demonstrated a
ferences before or after destaining using ethanol were observed high colony spreading ability compared to other strains (data not
(P > 0.05). shown). Some representative spoilage bacteria colonies for colony
The result of cell hydrophobicity values of spoilage bacteria spreading (0.24% or 0.75%) with or without dextrose are noted
measured by the BATH method are shown in Figure 5B. High lev- in Table 2. Colony spreading of the test spoilage bacteria in this
els of cell hydrophobicity were observed in half of the strains tested. study was stronger with 0.24% soft agar than with 0.75% soft agar.
Enterobacter sp. (55.55%), P. fluorescens-1 (73.75%), A. calcoaceticus-1 A negative correlation was observed between biofilm formation
(92.60%), A. calcoaceticus-2 (65.33%), S. maltophilia-2 (91.88%), P. and colony spreading (0.24% or 0.75%), with and without dex-
carotovorum subsp., Carotovorum Pcc21 (53.89%), and A. calcoaceti- trose (r < 0.01). Colony spreading (0.24% and 0.75% soft agar)
cus (RDA-R) (98.27%) showed a higher hydrophobicity (>50%) and correlation range were 0.0057 to 0.0382 and −0.0074 to
than others. Conversely, C. balustinum (19.34%), S. maltophilia-1 0.0075, respectively (data not shown). It seems there is no rele-
(13.00%), K. pneumonia (0.00%), D. zeae (RDA-R) (16.11%), and vance between biofilm formation and colony spreading, at least
for the spoilage bacteria in this study. Many bacteria translocate

M: Food Microbiology
K. pneumonia (RDA-R) (0.00%) showed relatively low hydropho-
bicity levels (<20%) in the studied strains. by the propeller function of flagella (Kaito and Sekimizu 2007).
However, Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli have the

& Safety
The correlation between biofilm formation measured by crystal
violet staining, with or without ethanol decolorization and cell hy- capacity to slide independent of flagella (Brown and Häse 2001).
drophobicity are presented in Figure 5C and D. Biofilm formation Furthermore, the colony spreading strains of S. aureus that do
in the strains incubated for 24 h was not highly correlated with not have flagella, formed large amounts of biofilm (Kaito and
the hydrophobicity level of the spoilage bacteria (r = 0.3762 and Sekimizu 2007). Similarly in this study, spoilage bacteria isolated
0.4972) either before or after ethanol decolorization (Figure 5C from fresh products have no correlation between colony spreading
and D). and biofilm formation.
Biofilm formation creates major problems in the food industry,
because biofilms represent an important source of contamination, Conclusion
increased food spoilage (Choi and others 2013), and can sup- This study has shown the growth characteristics and biofilm
port microbial growth (Donlan 2002; Teh and others 2010). In formation ability of spoilage bacteria isolated from fresh products.
recent studies, biofilm formation of spoilage bacteria varied de- There was no correlation between biofilm formation, cell hy-
pending on bacterial strains. Liu and others (2013) reported that drophobicity, or colony spreading. Growth at various temperatures
K. pneumonia strains exhibited strong biofilm formation ability and degrees of biofilm formation was different depending on the
on microtiter plates, and P. fluorescens strains displayed moderate strains of spoilage bacteria. Low temperature storage can effectively
biofilm formation. Besides, in this study, the biofilm formation delay the degeneration of fresh produce and extend the shelf-life
of K. pneumonia, P. fluorescens showed moderate biofilm formation of fresh produce. However, during transport and while the pro-
ability. The hydrophobicity of the bacterial cell surface may affect duce is in the store, the speed of degeneration will vary with the
the surface attachment and biofilm formation of microorganisms. different temperatures. Understanding the factors that contribute
Benito and others (1997) reported a significant correlation be- to spoilage will allow us to target the main spoilage bacteria, which
tween hydrophobicity and attachment strength to a meat surface have rapid growth rates, to prolong freshness. Moreover, this char-
of several pathogenic and spoilage bacteria. In our previous stud- acterization will provide a reference for forecasting the shelf-life
ies, several pathogens such as Cronobacter sakazakii, Salmonella ty- of fresh produce at different storage temperatures.
phimurium, P. aerugenosa, L. monocytogenes, and Staphylococcus aureus
exhibited a high degree of correlation between hydrophobicity Acknowledgment
of the pathogenic cell and biofilm formation in strains incubated
This study was carried out with the support of the Cooper-
for 24 h (unpublished data). In this study, however, we observed
ative Research Program for Agricultural Science & Technology
a low correlation between hydrophobicity and biofilm formation
Development (PJ008513022014), RDA, Republic of Korea.
of spoilage bacteria to fresh products. Auger and others (2009)
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