Eng MCQ Book

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Q1: I came _____ America.
A) from
B) at
C) in
D) on
Answer: from
Q2: ________ car is very old fashioned.
A) Fatima’s
B) Fatima is
C) Fatimas
D) Fatimas’
Answer: Fatima’s
Q3: I speak English but he_______.
A) doesn’t speaks
B) doesn’t speak
C) speaks
D) don’t speak
Answer: doesn’t speak
Q4: Nowadays everyone ______ internet.
A) had used
B) uses
C) used
D) use
Answer: uses
Q5: ______ there anybody in the room?
A) are
B) is
C) am
D) if
Answer: is
Q6: What___ you doing?
A) is
B) are
C) am
D) if
Answer: are
Q7: Which book is ______?
A) your

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B) your's
C) yours
D) your is
Answer: your's
Q8: She is____ home.
A) at
B) in
C) on
D) from
Answer: at
Q9: She eats___ apple.
A) a
B) an
C) the
D) two
Answer: an
Q10: Why _____ she come late?
A) do
B) does
C) is
D) are
Answer: does
Q11: I_____ a pen.
A) has had
B) have
C) has
D) want
Answer: have
Q12: These ____ books.
A) are
B) is
C) am
D) is a
Answer: are
Q13: 60 minutes is______.
A) one hour
B) half an hour
C) two hours
D) three hours
Answer: one hour
Q14: The superlative form of far is_______.
A) farthest
B) farther

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C) more far
D) most far
Answer: farthest
Q15: This girl is____ beautiful than her.
A) more
B) most
C) very
D) beautifully
Answer: more
Q16: He is interested____ learning.
A) one hour
B) in
C) from
D) at
Answer: in
Q17: Where_____ John and Marry yesterday?
A) was
B) were
C) had been
D) had
Answer: were
Q18: How long__________ learning English?
A) have you been
B) are you
C) did you
D) had you
Answer: have you been
Q19: Are you _______ than her?
A) more tall
B) taller
C) most tall
D) tallest
Answer: taller
Q20: After this you should drive__________.
A) more carefully
B) more careful
C) carefully
D) carefull
Answer: more carefully
Q21: Do you go to school? _________
A) yes, I go
B) yes, I do
C) yes, I am going

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D) yes, I am
Answer: yes, I go
Q22: My birthday is_____ June.
A) at
B) on
C) in
D) from
Answer: in
Q23: My birthday is_____ 18 June.
A) at
B) on
C) in
D) from
Answer: on
Q24: Do you work_____night?
A) at
B) in
C) on
D) for
Answer: at
Q25: I_____ a horse.
A) fly
B) drive
C) ride
D) none of them
Answer: ride
Q26: There_____ many people in the office.
A) are
B) is
C) am
D) have
Answer: are
Q27: She______ the dishes yesterday.
A) washes
B) washed
C) wash
D) has have
Answer: washed
Q28: _____ do you work? Ans . In maxico
A) what
B) where
C) which
D) whom

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Answer: where
Q29: __________ I went to hospital.
A) in friday
B) on Friday
C) in Friday
D) on friday
Answer: on Friday
Q30: He doesn’t have_____ friend.
A) some
B) any
C) every
D) anybody
Answer: any
Q31: He is good____ drawing.
A) at
B) in
C) on
D) for
Answer: at
Q32: There are 50 questions_____ this paper.
A) at
B) on
C) in
D) for
Answer: in
Q33: When she was 10 years old, she ______ run very fast.
A) can
B) could
C) did
D) had
Answer: could
Q34: Is there _____ in the room?
A) someone
B) anyone
C) no one
D) somebody
Answer: anyone
Q35: I _____ born in 2002.
A) were
B) was
C) had been
D) has been
Answer: was

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Q36: He drives car ______.
A) faster
B) very fast
C) fastest
D) so fast
Answer: very fast
Q37: Third form of eat is______.
A) eaten
B) ate
C) eated
D) had eat
Answer: eaten
Q38: Do you_____ to me?
A) listen
B) hear
C) both of them
D) none of them
Answer: listen
Q39: You don’t have_____ time.
A) many
B) much
C) so many
D) lots
Answer: much
Q40: She climbed________ Everest.
A) Mount
B) the Mount
C) mount
D) a mount
Answer: the Mount
Q41: My mother_____ delicious meal for us everyday.
A) cooked
B) cooks
C) had cooked
D) has cook
Answer: cooks
Q42: I haven’t seen you_____ 2009.
A) for
B) since
C) from
D) till
Answer: since
Q43: I hope everyone_____ learned something from this.

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A) had
B) have
C) has
D) has to
Answer: has
Q44: He plays basketball every day.
A) present
B) past
C) future
D) none of them
Answer: present
Q45: Meera will go to a concert.
A) present
B) past
C) future
D) none of them
Answer: future
Q46: It rained heavily.
A) present
B) past
C) future
D) none of them
Answer: past
Q47: The baby is crying.
A) present
B) past
C) future
D) none of them
Answer: present
Q48: Dogs were barking a lot.
A) present
B) past
C) future
D) none of them
Answer: past
Q49: The car was parked in the wrong lane.
A) present
B) past
C) future
D) none of them
Answer: past
Q50: Kajal will visit her grandfather.
A) present

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B) past
C) future
D) none of them
Answer: future
Q51: The students are __________ their notes.
A) wrote
B) written
C) writing
D) write
Answer: writing
Q52: The doctor _____ out for ten minutes.
A) go
B) going
C) gone
D) went
Answer: went
Q53: The new restaurant ______ last week.
A) open
B) opened
C) opening
D) start
Answer: opened
Q54: December is …… cold month.
A) A
B) An
C) The
D) No Articles
Answer: A
Q55: I met …… friend after a long time.
A) A
B) An
C) The
D) No Articles
Answer: A
Q56: Mr. Harry met with ……… accident.
A) A
B) An
C) The
D) No Articles
Answer: An
Q57: I have a puppy and ………… puppy is so cute.
A) A
B) An

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C) The
D) No Articles
Answer: The
Q58: Mr. Bean has ………… teddy bear.
A) A
B) An
C) The
D) No Articles
Answer: A
Q59: I have a pencil. The colour of ……… pencil is red.
A) A
B) An
C) The
D) No Articles
Answer: The
Q60: I saw ………… elephant in a zoo.
A) A
B) An
C) The
D) No Articles
Answer: An
Q61: I have ………… lot of toys to play.
A) A
B) An
C) The
D) No Articles
Answer: A
Q62: Do you have ………… umbrella. Yes, I have.
A) A
B) An
C) The
D) No Articles
Answer: An
Q63: …… football match is going to be organized on my school campus.
A) A
B) An
C) The
D) No Articles
Answer: No Articles
Q64: We are going to see ………… San Francisco Bay tomorrow.
A) A
B) An
C) The

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D) No Articles
Answer: The
Q65: I love to do ………… research on any subject.
A) A
B) An
C) The
D) No Articles
Answer: No Articles
Q66: I am ………… hour late for the movie.
A) A
B) An
C) The
D) No Articles
Answer: An
Q67: How is ………… weather today?
A) A
B) An
C) The
D) No Articles
Answer: No Articles
Q68: I have left with ………… hundred rupees to buy a few necessary items.
A) A
B) An
C) The
D) No Articles
Answer: A
Q69: Sam is going to the market to buy one and ………… half kilo sugar.
A) A
B) An
C) The
D) No Articles
Answer: A
Q70: I have planted ………… rose plant on the terrace.
A) A
B) An
C) The
D) No Articles
Answer: A
Q71: "a,e,I,o,u" are
A) Vowels
B) numbers
C) consonants
D) No articles

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Answer: Vowels
Q72: We use 'A' and 'An' with
A) singular nouns
B) plural nouns
C) both
D) No articles
Answer: singular nouns
Q73: The train _______ on time.
A) Arrivid
B) Arived
C) Arrived
D) Arrevied
Answer: Arrived
Q74: He _________ to eat.
A) Continus
B) Continuing
C) Continued
D) Continue
Answer: Continued
Q75: Are you ________?
A) Surprise
B) Surprising
C) Surprisingly
D) Surprised
Answer: Surprised
Q76: Masculine gender refers to the_______
A) Male
B) Female
C) both
D) none
Answer: Male
Q77: Feminine gender refers to the _______
A) Male
B) Female
C) both
D) none
Answer: Female
Q78: _______ are said to be of neuter gender.
A) non-living objects
B) living things
C) both
D) none
Answer: non-living objects

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Q79: HERO' is a noun of _______.
A) Masculine
B) Feminine
C) Neuter
D) Common
Answer: Masculine
Q80: TIGRESS' is a noun of _______.
A) Masculine
B) Feminine
C) Neuter
D) Common
Answer: Feminine
Q81: PAPER' is a noun of _______.
A) Masculine
B) Feminine
C) Neuter
D) Common
Answer: Neuter
Q82: AUNT' is a noun of _______.
A) Masculine
B) Feminine
C) Neuter
D) Common
Answer: Feminine
Q83: BROTHER' is a noun of _______.
A) Masculine
B) Feminine
C) Neuter
D) Common
Answer: Masculine
Q84: BALL' is a noun of _______.
A) Masculine
B) Feminine
C) Neuter
D) Common
Answer: Neuter
Q85: MOTHER' is a noun of _______.
A) Masculine
B) Feminine
C) Neuter
D) Common
Answer: Feminine
Q86: Choose the masculine gender.

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A) Headmaster
B) Sister
C) book
D) none
Answer: Headmaster
Q87: Choose the feminine gender.
A) Tigress
B) Boy
C) pen
D) doctor
Answer: Tigress
Q88: Choose the neuter gender.
A) Girl
B) Man
C) Teacher
D) None
Answer: None
Q89: Choose the masculine gender.
A) Grandfather
B) cake
C) Grandmother
D) None
Answer: Grandfather
Q90: Choose the neuter gender.
A) cup
B) phone
C) car
D) All
Answer: All
Q91: Choose the feminine gender.
A) Cow
B) Hen
C) Lioness
D) All
Answer: All
Q92: Choose the common gender.
A) Pilot
B) King
C) Queen
D) None
Answer: Pilot
Q93: The feminine gender of 'lion' is
A) lioness

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B) bitch
C) cow
D) none
Answer: lioness
Q94: The feminine gender of 'waiter' is
A) nun
B) waitress
C) actress
D) all
Answer: waitress
Q95: The masculine gender of 'bride' is
A) wizard
B) uncle
C) monk
D) Groom
Answer: Groom
Q96: Emperor' is a noun of
A) Masculine
B) Feminine
C) Neuter
D) none
Answer: Masculine
Q97: Nun' is a noun of
A) Masculine
B) Feminine
C) Neuter
D) none
Answer: Feminine
Q98: I play cricket _______ tennis.
A) and
B) or
C) but
D) because
Answer: and
Q99: He fell down _______ did not cry.
A) and
B) or
C) but
D) because
Answer: but
Q100: I like apples _______ not grapes.
A) and
B) or

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C) but
D) because
Answer: but
Q101: They can go to a park _______ play there
A) and
B) or
C) but
D) because
Answer: and
Q102: I called you _______ you did not come.
A) and
B) or
C) but
D) because
Answer: but
Q103: I love my mom _______ I help her.
A) and
B) or
C) but
D) because
Answer: and
Q104: Sheela could not see _______ it was dark.
A) and
B) or
C) but
D) because
Answer: because
Q105: Arun bought mangoes _______ he likes them.
A) and
B) or
C) but
D) because
Answer: because
Q106: Mr. Ali is 55 years old _______ he looks younger.
A) and
B) or
C) but
D) because
Answer: but
Q107: She was angry with me _______ I was late.
A) and
B) or
C) but

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D) because
Answer: because
Q108: Plural of a cup is _______
A) cupies
B) cups
C) cupes
D) cupves
Answer: cups
Q109: Plural of a table is _______
A) tables
B) tabless
C) tablies
D) none
Answer: tables
Q110: _______ is the plural of girl.
A) girles
B) girls
C) girlss
D) all
Answer: girls
Q111: Singular of books is _______
A) a book
B) bookss
C) bookes
D) bookies
Answer: a book
Q112: Singular of countries is _______
A) a country
B) countres
C) countries
D) countives
Answer: a country
Q113: Plural of wolf is _______
A) wolves
B) wolvess
C) wolvies
D) none
Answer: wolves
Q114: one bed, three _______
A) beds
B) boys
C) books
D) none

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Answer: beds
Q115: one knief, two _______
A) knivess
B) knives
C) kniefs
D) knivies
Answer: knives
Q116: John and James _______ good friends.
A) am
B) are
C) is
D) did
Answer: are
Q117: Mother _______ happy with my result.
A) are
B) is
C) am
D) had
Answer: is
Q118: Yesterday, it _______ very cloudy.
A) were
B) is
C) was
D) am
Answer: was
Q119: This _______ my school bag.
A) is
B) am
C) are
D) was
Answer: is
Q120: All these _______ my toys.
A) is
B) am
C) are
D) does
Answer: are
Q121: I _______ going to the market.
A) is
B) was
C) were
D) are
Answer: was

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Q122: How many students _______ absent yesterday?
A) were
B) was
C) are
D) will
Answer: were
Q123: The apples _______ delicious.
A) is
B) am
C) are
D) was
Answer: are
Q124: There _______ many flowers in my garden.
A) is
B) are
C) am
D) was
Answer: are
Q125: We _______ a parking in our society.
A) had
B) have
C) has
D) did
Answer: have
Q126: She _______ blue eyes and black hair.
A) has
B) have
C) had
D) will
Answer: has
Q127: _______ are words that gives information about nouns.
A) Adjectives
B) noun
C) verbs
D) Pronoun
Answer: Adjectives
Q128: Jatin makes _______ noodles.
A) tasty
B) took
C) rice
D) none
Answer: tasty
Q129: Delicate - synonym

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A) Fragile
B) Strong
C) Firm
D) glass
Answer: Fragile
Q130: The children talked _______
A) loudly
B) was loud
C) loud
D) louder
Answer: loudly
Q131: The tired dog was sitting _______
A) lazy
B) active
C) lazily
D) fast
Answer: lazily
Q132: I broke the glass _______
A) slowly
B) accident
C) accidently
D) wrong
Answer: accidently
Q133: My best friend sits _______ me
A) between
B) beside
C) inside
D) outside
Answer: beside
Q134: The mouse ran _______ the bed.
A) under
B) above
C) at
D) between
Answer: under
Q135: I did not go to school _______ as I was sick.
A) yesterday
B) tomorrow
C) today
D) now
Answer: yesterday
Q136: A mouse was looking for food here and _______
A) below

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B) above
C) there
D) where
Answer: there
Q137: My grandpa goes for a walk _______ in the morning.
A) soon
B) early
C) late
D) later
Answer: early
Q138: I _______ to school everyday.
A) go
B) going
C) goes
D) goer
Answer: go
Q139: The pronoun for 'Father' is
A) it
B) she
C) he
D) her
Answer: he
Q140: Ther pronoun for "Book" is
A) he
B) her
C) she
D) it
Answer: it
Q141: Can _______ talk for a minute?
A) us
B) we
C) he
D) none
Answer: we
Q142: Raju met me _______ hour ago.
A) an
B) a
C) the
D) if
Answer: an
Q143: For, and, or, but, because, etc words are:
A) Interjection
B) Adverbs

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C) Preposition
D) Conjunctions
Answer: Conjunctions
Q144: In, on, at, etc word are
A) Preposition
B) Pronoun
C) Conjunction
D) Intrejection
Answer: Preposition
Q145: oh!, well done!, bravo!, etc words are
A) Articles
B) Nouns
C) Preposition
D) Interjection
Answer: Interjection
Q146: What is an ant?
A) animal
B) insect
C) bird
D) cow
Answer: insect
Q147: what is a cauliflower?
A) vegetable
B) fruit
C) meat
D) milk
Answer: vegetable
Q148: They own _________ houses.
A) much
B) more
C) many
D) most
Answer: many
Q149: We saw _________ animals at the zoo.
A) much
B) more
C) most
D) many
Answer: many
Q150: I Go To School .... Monday ..... 7 O'clock
A) On / At
B) At / In
C) At / To

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D) In / At
Answer: On / At
Q151: _____ Nationality Are You?
A) Who
B) What
C) Whose
D) Which
Answer: Which
Q152: _____ Colour Is Your New Tie?
A) Whose
B) What
C) Who
D) Which
Answer: What
Q153: ______’S This Called In English?
A) Which
B) What
C) Who
D) Whom
Answer: What
Q154: In _____ Street Does She Live?
A) Which
B) What
C) Whose
D) Who
Answer: Which
Q155: _____ Does UNO Stands For?
A) What
B) Which
C) Where
D) Who
Answer: What
Q156: The Antonym Of 'Diffident' Is:
A) Confident
B) Afraid
C) Difficult
D) Indifferent
Answer: Confident
Q157: Abbrevation : Lan
A) Local Area Network
B) Local Airnet Work
C) Login App Network
D) None

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Answer: Local Area Network
Q158: ______ Book Did You Buy?
A) Which
B) Whose
C) Whom
D) Who
Answer: Which
Q159: _____ Do You Know About This Subject, And Who Taught It To You?
A) Who
B) Whom
C) Which
D) What
Answer: What
Q160: Our homework ____ very difficult yesterday, but today it ____ easy.
A) is / is
B) was / is
C) was / was
D) is / was
Answer: was / is
Q161: I know that I _____ late 2 days ago, but this time I _____ late.
A) am / were
B) am not / am not
C) was / was
D) wasn’t / am
Answer: wasn’t / am
Q162: A: _____ was she born? B: She _____ born in New Zealand.
A) Where / was
B) Where / were
C) When / were
D) When / was
Answer: Where / was
Q163: A: _____ were they late for the meeting? B: Because they _____ asleep.
A) What / were
B) Why / was
C) Why / were
D) Why / are
Answer: Why / were
Q164: The weather _____ nice today, but it _____ nasty yesterday.
A) is / was
B) was / is
C) is / is
D) is / were
Answer: is / was

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Q165: A: _____ was Mr. Black born? B: He was born _____ 1963.
A) When / at
B) Where / in
C) What / in
D) When / in
Answer: When / in
Q166: The students _____ very tired today. Because they _____ at a party last night.
A) were / are
B) are / was
C) are / were
D) were / were
Answer: are / were
Q167: A: _____ was Jennifer’s job 2 years ago? B: She _____ a flight attendant.
A) Why / were
B) What / was
C) Who / was
D) Who / were
Answer: What / was
Q168: A: _____ is the briefcase? B: It _____ 200 dollars, but it _____ 100 dollars before.
A) How much / is / was
B) How many / is / was
C) How much / was / is
D) How much / is / is
Answer: How much / is / was
Q169: A: How old _____ you in 1990? B: I _____ 10, but I _____ 25 now.
A) are / are / was
B) were / was / am
C) was / are / were
D) were / was / are
Answer: were / was / am
Q170: A: How _____ they after the accident? B: They _____ shocked, but now they _____ better.
A) were / are / were
B) were / were / were
C) was / were / are
D) were / were / are
Answer: were / were / are
Q171: A: How much _____ the tea cups before? B: They _____ 10 euros each, they _____ 8 euros now!
A) were / were / are
B) were / are / were
C) are / were / were
D) are / were / are
Answer: were / were / are
Q172: A: Where _____ they born? B: They _____ born _____ .

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A) were / were / in 1995
B) was / were / in Italy
C) were / were / in Denmark
D) was / were / in 1995
Answer: were / were / in Denmark
Q173: I _____ play chess _____ I was five.
A) can / when
B) could / when
C) could / what
D) can / where
Answer: could / when
Q174: _____ could you do when you _____ seven.
A) Were / was
B) What / was
C) What / are
D) What / were
Answer: What / were
Q175: A: _____ languages _____ Nicola speak when he _____ a child? B: 2 languages.
A) How many / could / was
B) How much / could / was
C) What / was / could
D) What / could / was
Answer: How many / could / was
Q176: A: _____ languages could they speak when they _____ teenagers? B: Italian and Russian.
A) Which / was
B) What / were
C) What / was
D) How / were
Answer: What / were
Q177: My little sister _____ paint pictures alone when she _____ nine, but she _____ now.
A) could / can / can
B) can / was / could
C) couldn’t / was / can
D) was / can / could
Answer: couldn’t / was / can
Q178: Kim _____ ski 4 years ago, but he _____ ski very well now.
A) could / can
B) can / could
C) could / can’t
D) couldn’t / can
Answer: couldn’t / can
Q179: _____ Ben and Jane married ten years ago?
A) Was

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B) Were
C) Are
D) Is
Answer: Were
Q180: Tim _____ run very well, but I _____ run like him, because I was bad at running.
A) could / couldn’t
B) could / could
C) can / could
D) can / can
Answer: could / couldn’t
Q181: I _____ play football well, but I _____ play ice-hockey very well.
A) can’t / can
B) could / can’t
C) could / can
D) can / could
Answer: can’t / can
Q182: Last year they _____ in Europe, and visited Germany, _____ they traveled only in Berlin.
A) was / but
B) were / but
C) were / so
D) was / and
Answer: were / but
Q183: I _____ born in Amsterdam _____ I live in New York now.
A) was / and
B) was / but
C) were / and
D) were / but
Answer: was / but
Q184: She _____ understand English, _____ she can’t speak it.
A) could / and
B) can / and
C) can / but
D) can’t / but
Answer: can / but
Q185: I love Netherlands, _____ I came to Amsterdam.
A) and
B) however
C) for
D) so
Answer: so
Q186: A: _____ you _____ the piano? B: Yes, _____ .
A) Can / use / I can
B) Can / play / I can

26 | P a g e
C) Can / play / I
D) Can / use / *
Answer: Can / play / I can
Q187: A: _____ of food _____ our cook cook? B: Italian & French food.
A) What of / can
B) Which / can
C) What kind / can
D) What / can
Answer: What kind / can
Q188: A: _____ can she _____ the guitar? B: Very well.
A) How / play
B) Why / play
C) What / play
D) When / play
Answer: How / play
Q189: A: _____ can they _____ a computer? B: In the office.
A) What time / use
B) Where / use
C) When / use
D) Where / using
Answer: Where / use
Q190: A: _____ languages can her aunt _____ ? B: 2 languages.
A) How many / speak
B) How much / speak
C) What / use
D) What / speak
Answer: How many / speak
Q191: A: _____ languages can Mrs. Brown speak? B: English & Irish.
A) How
B) What
C) Why
D) Where
Answer: What
Q192: A: _____ can you cook Italian food for us? B: On Friday evening.
A) What
B) When
C) What time
D) Why
Answer: When
Q193: A: _____ can my students come? B: At 3 in the afternoon.
A) What
B) Where
C) How

27 | P a g e
D) What time
Answer: What time
Q194: A: _____ can Alison go skiing? B: On her winter holiday.
A) Where
B) Why
C) When
D) What
Answer: When
Q195: A: _____ Paul play rugby? B: No, he can’t. But he can _____ baseball.
A) Can / play
B) Can / plays
C) Does / play
D) Does / play
Answer: Can / play
Q196: A: _____ can’t you come to the party? B: Because I have an exam tomorrow.
A) When
B) *
C) Why
D) What
Answer: Why
Q197: Adam _____ ride a motorbike and he _____ drive a car.
A) can’t / can
B) can / can
C) can / is
D) can / can’t
Answer: can / can
Q198: Flora _____ drive a car but she _____ ride a motorbike.
A) can / can’t
B) is / can’t
C) can’t / can’t
D) is / can
Answer: can / can’t
Q199: Adam _____ use a computer, but he _____ program a computer.
A) is / isn’t
B) can / can
C) can / can’t
D) can’t / can’t
Answer: can / can’t
Q200: The homework _____ very difficult yesterday.
A) were
B) was
C) is
D) could

28 | P a g e
Answer: was
Q201: The children _____ very tired today. They _____ at a party yesterday evening.
A) were / was
B) are / were
C) was / was
D) am / was
Answer: are / were
Q202: Hello, everybody! I _____ sorry, I _____ late!
A) am / is
B) am / am
C) was / was
D) am / was
Answer: am / am
Q203: Was it hot yesterday? Yes, it _____ .
A) is
B) was
C) were
D) wasn’t
Answer: was
Q204: She paints _____ two hours _____ bedtime.
A) at / to
B) for / at
C) for / until
D) until / for
Answer: for / until
Q205: Yesterday there was a party _____ my house.
A) at
B) in
C) for
D) on
Answer: in
Q206: I was _____ a party last night.
A) at
B) in
C) on
D) for
Answer: at
Q207: I could play chess when I _____ five.
A) am
B) were
C) was
D) is
Answer: was

29 | P a g e
Q208: Can I speak _____ you?
A) to
B) with
C) for
D) of
Answer: to
Q209: The weather _____ beautiful today. But it _____ terrible yesterday.
A) is / were
B) is / is
C) was / was
D) is / was
Answer: is / was
Q210: They were _____ England _____ 1998.
A) at / in
B) in / in
C) at / of
D) for / in
Answer: in / in
Q211: “Where _____ you born?” “I _____ born in India.
A) are / am
B) were / was
C) were / were
D) was / were
Answer: were / was
Q212: We _____ married when I _____ eighteen and Roger _____ twenty.
A) are / was / was
B) are / is / was
C) were / was / was
D) are / am / was
Answer: were / was / was
Q213: “Where _____ your sister born?” “She _____ born in India, too.”
A) were / was
B) are / is
C) was / was
D) was / were
Answer: was / was
Q214: “_____ you drive?” “No, I can’t.”
A) Could
B) Are
C) Can
D) Is
Answer: Can
Q215: Only Sam _____ play the piano.

30 | P a g e
A) can
B) was
C) is
D) were
Answer: can
Q216: Nobody _____ play the guitar.
A) can’t
B) can
C) couldn’t
D) isn’t
Answer: can
Q217: I was _____ Adam’s party _____ Saturday.
A) in / at
B) at / on
C) in / on
D) on / at
Answer: at / on
Q218: Tom is _____ the garden _____ his friend Sam.
A) in / with
B) in / of
C) at / of
D) on / with
Answer: in / with
Q219: She was _____ the cinema _____ her brother.
A) in / in
B) on / of
C) at / with
D) of / with
Answer: at / with
Q220: John lives _____ home _____ his parents.
A) in / with
B) at / with
C) at / of
D) on / with
Answer: at / with
Q221: I go _____ work _____ bus.
A) to / by
B) at / on
C) to / with
D) by / to
Answer: to / by
Q222: I work _____ 6 a.m. _____ 6 p.m.
A) from / to

31 | P a g e
B) to / at
C) at / at
D) at / until
Answer: from / to
Q223: Look _____ this photo _____ my brother. Isn’t he tall?
A) at / of
B) of / on
C) in / in
D) in / at
Answer: at / of
Q224: Queen Elizabeth was born _____ London _____ 1926.
A) at / in
B) of / on
C) in / in
D) on / in
Answer: in / in
Q225: “ Can you help me with my homework ?” “_____ course I can; give it _____ me.”
A) Of / for
B) Of / to
C) It / at
D) For / of
Answer: It / at
Q226: “Could she cook?” “Yes, she _____”
A) can
B) is
C) could
D) was
Answer: could
Q227: “_____ you cook Italian food?” “No, I _____ but I love eating it.”
A) Are / am not
B) Can / can’t
C) Could / can’t
D) Can’t / can
Answer: Can / can’t
Q228: Everybody _____ drive a car in my family.
A) was
B) can
C) is
D) are
Answer: can
Q229: _____ you _____ any other languages?
A) Could / know
B) Could / use

32 | P a g e
C) Can / speak
D) Can / speaking
Answer: Can / speak
Q230: “ _____ your friend speak English?” “No, she _____ .”
A) Is / isn’t
B) Can / can’t
C) Could / could
D) Can/can
Answer: Can / can’t
Q231: He _____ paint pictures when he was just three.
A) can
B) could
C) is
D) are
Answer: could
Q232: “_____ you in England in 1999?” “Yes, I _____ .”
A) Could / could
B) Are / am
C) Were / was
D) Was / were
Answer: Were / was
Q233: _____ you swim when you were five?
A) Could
B) Can
C) Do
D) Are
Answer: Could
Q234: Where _____ you now?
A) were
B) do
C) are
D) is
Answer: are
Q235: What month _____ it last month?
A) was
B) is
C) were
D) did
Answer: was
Q236: _____ your teacher speak English when he was seven?
A) Can
B) Could
C) Does

33 | P a g e
D) Are
Answer: Could
Q237: Prince Charles _____ Canadian. He _____ English.
A) is not / is
B) is not / was
C) was not / is
D) was not / were
Answer: is not / is
Q238: I _____ to be _____ artist when I _____ a child.
A) wanted / an / was
B) want / a / was
C) wants / an / was
D) to want / an / is
Answer: wanted / an / was
Q239: He _____ blind _____ the car accident _____ the beach.
A) came / in / on
B) went / in / on
C) went / on / in
D) came / in / in
Answer: went / in / on
Q240: My friend _____ a present _____ me _____ the Ramadan Holiday last year.
A) give / to / in
B) give / at / to
C) gives / to / at
D) gave / to / on
Answer: gave / to / on
Q241: It _____ a lot _____ our holiday.
A) didn’t rain / during
B) didn’t / during
C) didn’t rained / on
D) not rain / in
Answer: didn’t rain / during
Q242: What a man he is! He _____ his passport and_____ keys _____ his car yesterday.
A) forgot / lose / of
B) forget / lost / of
C) forgot / lost / of
D) forgot / lost / from
Answer: forgot / lost / of
Q243: A: Did you watch a football match _____ TV? B: No, I didn’t. But it was broadcast _____ radio.
A) on / in
B) on / on
C) in / in
D) in / to

34 | P a g e
Answer: on / on
Q244: Can I talk _____ Mr. Adams _____ your mobile phone?
A) with / on
B) on / in
C) on / on
D) to / on
Answer: to / on
Q245: It _____ a really bad joke; no one laughed _____ his joke.
A) was / with
B) was / at
C) were / at
D) is / at
Answer: was / at
Q246: I learned _____ the Internet that a pop concert is _____ the third _____ November.
A) in / on / of
B) on / in / of
C) in / in / of
D) on / on / of
Answer: on / on / of
Q247: Who’s the blonde girl _____ the first row?
A) in
B) on
C) at
D) over
Answer: in
Q248: You’ll find the poem _____ page 16.
A) at
B) on
C) in
D) *
Answer: on
Q249: They lived in this city _____ 1980.
A) since
B) for
C) about
D) before
Answer: before
Q250: The Greens lived in London _____ six years.
A) since
B) for
C) in
D) at
Answer: for

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