PYP 5 Term 1 Report Card

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Student name : Aadhya Dronavalli

Grade :5F
Academic Year : 2022-23
Report Period : June-October
Term :1
Teacher/s Name : Ms. Raveena Kariya

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How to read this report
Dear Parents,

Education at The Gaudium School is about actively combining challenging and enriching experiences
with academic rigor and creative opportunities. We want our students to challenge their boundaries,
reflect on experiences and explore the world around them.

It is, therefore, important that parents wholeheartedly support the school. Whether in the
classrooms, on the stage, an event or on the sports field, we want our students to experience the
excitement of discovering who they are and what they are capable of achieving.

We have high expectations of our students and they, in turn, have high goals for themselves.

Reports are a reflection of what we believe in, informs the learning community and reflects the
question “How well are we learning?” It describes the progress and achievement of the students’
learning, identifies areas for growth and contributes to the efficacy of the programme.

On this note, I would like to present the report card of this academic year.
Let’s work together to create an environment for development and action to make a difference in the
world around.

Kind regards,
Anjalika Sharma
Principal, PYP

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You will notice a set of criteria and descriptors which will reflect your child's progress which bears the
following descriptions.

• Outstanding
Your child has consistently met grade level expectations with regards to ATL/Subject specific
skills and understanding of concepts. He/she can apply and make connections.

• Proficient
Your child demonstrates the use of ATL / Subject specific skills independently, exhibits clear
understanding of concepts and applies them most of the time.

• Consolidating
Your child demonstrates basic use of ATL/Subject specific skills and understanding of concepts
with some guidance.

• Emerging
Your child needs considerable support in demonstrating ATL/ Subject specific skills and
understanding of concepts.

• Not Applicable
The criterion was not met/looked at this term or it does not apply to your child.

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IB Learner Profile

Inquirers: We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn
independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout

Knowledgeable: We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range
of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.

Thinkers: We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on
complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

Communicators: We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and
many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and

Principled: We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with
respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and
their consequences.

Open-minded: We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values
and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow
from the experience.

Caring: We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to
make a positive difference in the lives of others and the world around us.

Risk-takers: We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently

and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in
the face of challenges and change.

Balanced: We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives — intellectual,
physical, (spiritual) and emotional — to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our
interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.

Reflective: We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to
understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.

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Summary of Achievement

Listens appreciatively and responsively, presenting their point of view and Proficient
respecting the views of others
Anticipates and predicts when listening to text read aloud in order to identify the Proficient

structure and ideas

Expresses thoughts, ideas, and opinions and discusses them, respecting Consolidating
contributions from others
Asks questions to gain information and responds to inquiries directed to themselves Consolidating
or the class
Understands that ideas and opinions can be generated, developed, and presented Consolidating
through talks
Uses standard grammatical structures competently in appropriate situations

Views and critically , analyses a range of visual texts, communicating understanding Proficient

through oral, written, and visual media


Identifies factors that influence personal reactions to visual texts; designs visual Proficient
texts with the intention of influencing the way people think and feel
Realizes that individuals interpret visual information according to their personal Proficient
experiences and different perspectives
Listens attentively and responds actively to a read-aloud situation; makes Proficient
predictions, anticipates possible outcomes
Participates in collaborative learning, considering multiple perspectives, and working Consolidating
with peers to a co-construct new understanding

Distinguishes between fact and opinion, and reaches their conclusions about what Consolidating
represents valid information
Uses reference books, dictionaries, and computer and web-based applications with Proficient
increasing independence and responsibility
Reads text at an appropriate level, independently, confidently, and with a good Consolidating

Uses a range of strategies to record words/ideas of increasing complexity Proficient

Identifies genre (including fantasy, biography, science fiction, mystery, historical Consolidating

novel) and explains elements and literary forms that are associated with different
Uses increasingly accurate grammatical constructs Proficient

Uses a dictionary and thesaurus to check the accuracy, broaden vocabulary and Proficient
enrich their writing.
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Identifies and describes elements of a story- setting, plot, character, and theme Consolidating

Teacher Feedback & Feedforward

Aadhya pronounces her words correctly and occasionally asks questions and is learning how to responsibly look
for information using dictionaries, reference books, and online tools. Aadhya pays close attention and asks for
clarity when required. She makes a distinction between fact and opinion, identifies problems' causes, considers
their effects, and occasionally provides evidence. She can identify the types of sentences and use them
appropriately as required. She uses a dictionary and thesaurus to check the accuracy, broaden her vocabulary
and enrich her writing. With some assistance, Aadhya is discovering an interest in persuasive writing and
presenting it. She must plan her writing using graphic organizers.

TEACHER : Ms. Raveena

Understands that data can be collected, displayed, and interpreted using simple Proficient

graphs, for example, bar graphs, line graphs, pie graphs

Understands that different types of graphs have special purposes Proficient

Understands that scale can represent different quantities in graphs Proficient

Understands that probability is based on experimental events Proficient

Understands the use of standard units to measure perimeter and area Proficient

Uses standard units of measurement to solve problems in real-life situations involving Proficient
perimeter and area
Uses timelines in units of inquiry and other real-life situations Consolidating

Understands that patterns can be represented, analysed and generalized using tables, Proficient
graphs, words, and, when possible, symbolic rules

Understands that multiplication is repeated addition and that division is repeated Proficient
Understands the inverse relationship between multiplication and division Proficient

Models numbers to millions or beyond using the base 10 place value system Proficient

Models improper fractions and mixed numbers Consolidating

Understands the relationship between fractions, decimals, and percentages Proficient

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Simplifies fractions in mental and written form Consolidating

Reads, writes, compares and orders percentages Consolidating

Understands that directions for location can be represented by coordinates on a grid Consolidating

Understands systems for describing position and direction Consolidating

Teacher Feedback & Feedforward

Aadhya exhibits an understanding that patterns can be represented, analyzed, and generalized using tables,
graphs, and words. She demonstrates her learning of area and perimeter using standard units with initial
support. She makes real-life connections between area and perimeter. She understands the relationship
between fractions, decimals, and percentages and models the addition and subtraction of fractions with initial
support. She understands that information about themselves and their surroundings can be collected and
recorded in different ways. Overall, Aadhya demonstrated a considerable understanding of the concepts covered
in this term.

TEACHER : Ms. Raveena



Becomes increasingly independent in the realization of the creative process


Reflects throughout the creative process to challenge their thinking and enacts new and
unusual possibilities

Teacher Feedback & Feedforward

Aadhya tries to become increasingly independent in the realization of the creative process with occasional
support. She displays the attribute of being an inquirer and a communicator who puts in effort to reflect on her
creative process to challenge her thinking and enact possibilities of ways to execute her ideas. Aadhya
participates in discussions and experiences through the learning engagements like nature study, Ancient and
modern art styles, still life and human anatomy.

TEACHER: T.L Sumitra

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Explores familiar roles, themes and stories dramatically

Identifies with characters through role-play development
Uses drama performance to tell stories about people and events from various

cultures, including their own

Discusses and explains the way ideas, feelings and experiences can be
communicated through stories and performance
Teacher Feedback & Feedforward

Aadhya Dronavalli has displayed a very good understanding of the units discussed in the class. She effectively uses
skills learnt during the class in her performance. She is also developing good observational and performance skills.
She has the potential of becoming a confident performer and communicator.

TEACHER: Mr. Rajkumar


Recognizes, analyses and applies different strategies to cope with adversity Proficient

Describes how personal growth has resulted in new skills and abilities Consolidating

Discusses ideas and asks questions to clarify meaning Consolidating


Cooperates with others Proficient

Shares ideas clearly and confidently Consolidating

Understands how daily practices influence short- and long-term health. Consolidating

Demonstrates greater body control when performing movements Consolidating

Teacher Feedback & Feedforward

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Aadhya enjoys participating in various learning engagements in Physical Education classes. She works
collaboratively to identify and sort out sports/ games with her peers. However, sometimes she needs guidance
to learn and perform basic football skills of dribbling and passing. Aadhya needs regular practice to develop her
football skills.

TEACHERS: Mr. Umarnath & Mr.Abhishek


Understands simple questions and responds with actions or words Proficient

Realizes that word order can change from one language to another Proficient

Uses oral language to communicate during classroom activities and conversations Proficient

Shows understanding by matching pictures with context. Proficient


Realizes that visual information reflects and contributes to the understanding of Proficient
Uses actions and body language to reinforce and add meaning to oral presentations Proficient

Shows curiosity and asks questions about pictures or text Proficient

Distinguishes between pictures and written text, for example, can point to a picture Proficient

when asked
Listens attentively and responds actively to read aloud situations; makes Proficient
predictions, anticipates possible outcomes
Reads texts at an appropriate level, independently, confidently and with good Proficient
Shows curiosity and asks questions about written language
Participates in shared writing, observing the teacher’s writing and making

Uses appropriate writing conventions, for example, word order, as required by the
language(s) of instruction

Understands questions and responds with complete sentence/s Proficient

Teacher Feedback & Feedforward

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Aadhya displays communication skills in her learning engagements. She can recognise simple phrases well and
can read them too. She can introduce herself and others in French using basic information well. Aadhya
recognises conjugations well from the sentences, but needs practice in using them in sentences. She can
pronounce simple phrases well. Aadhya is encouraged to practice the use of irregular verbs, possessive
adjectives and spellings.
TEACHER: Mr. Rajgopalan

Expresses one or more moods/feelings in a musical composition Proficient

Expresses themselves as individuals through musical composition Proficient

Analyses different compositions describing how the musical elements enhance the Proficient

Sings with accuracy and control focusing awareness on the musical elements

Teacher Feedback & Feedforward

Aadhya is a knowledgeable and reflective learner. She shares her perspective and reflects on her learning to
support the classroom discussion. She displays singing skills.

TEACHER: Mr. Ravindra Agrawal

Improvises to create various movements for specific purposes. Consolidating

Explores the dynamic flow of body movements such as fast, slow, big, small, strong, Consolidating
smooth, sharp, tension, and relaxation.

Shows curiosity about live and recorded dance performances. Consolidating


Identifies and explains why certain body movements and postures communicates Consolidating
certain ideas and feelings.

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Teacher Feedback &Feedforward

Aadhya participates with enthusiasm in all classroom discussions. She analyses her performance and works on
the feedback given.
TEACHER: Mr. Chandra Sekhar

Transdisciplinary Theme Transdisciplinary Theme
Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves
Central Idea Central Idea
Exploration leads to discoveries, opportunities People create or manipulate messages to target
and new understandings specific audiences.

Lines of Inquiry Lines of Inquiry

•Influence of images, text and music on target
•Reasons for exploration
•Changes in exploration over time
•Critical evaluation of messages present in the media
•Consequences of exploration
•Ways people respond to messages
•Role of media in messages
Key concepts Key concepts
Function, Change, Causation Connection, Perspective, Causation, Responsibility
Related concepts Related concepts

Impact, Navigation, Colonialism, Power Media, Advertising, Propaganda

Learning feedback & feedforward Learning feedback & feedforward

A motivated learner, Aadhya enjoyed learning and Aadhya enjoyed learning and participating in various
participating in various learning engagements learning engagements throughout the unit. She took
throughout the unit. She took an active part in an active part in the group discussions while
the group discussions while formulating formulating questions for her research. She clearly
questions for her research. Aadhya was curious understood the meaning of the word message and
while researching her chosen explorer and ways of communication. She understood the
presented her findings to her peers. She enjoyed meaning of the target audience and shared the
learning about the tools used by the early importance of images, text, and music in creating
explorers and appreciated how explorers effective messages. She critically evaluated the
managed with the limited tools during the early messages available in the media through various
years of their explorations. Aadhya created a map sources. She enjoyed watching most of the
of her house, identifying the directions. She advertisements and participated in discussions on

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displayed her understanding of the unit orally as various persuasive techniques used in most of the
well as through written work in the learning advertisements to manipulate messages and target a
engagements. specific audience. With minimum assistance, she
exhibited clarity of the concepts learned and
connected her learning to the central idea.

Sharing the Planet

Central Idea
Reaching a resolution during periods or moments of conflict is influenced by the actions and reactions
of all involved.

Lines of Inquiry
● Cause of conflict
● Purpose of human rights and equity
● Strategies used to resolve conflict and their consequences

Key concepts
Causation, Perspective, Responsibility
Related concepts

Peace, Reconciliation, Exploitation, Grief

Learning feedback & feedforward

Aadhya showed interest and enthusiasm while researching conflict and was able to identify the types of
the same. She inquired about the causes and consequences of conflict and shared her experience.
Aadhya was able to understand the purpose of human rights and equity with support. She discussed and
inquired about the strategies used to resolve conflict and its consequences in making real-life
connections. Aadhya was suggested to participate in classroom discussions and share her ideas to
demonstrate her learning.

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Approaches to Learning
• Information-literacy skills (formulating and planning, data gathering and Proficient
recording, synthesizing and interpreting, evaluating and communicating)

• Media-literacy skills (interacting with media to use and create ideas and Emerging
• Ethical use of media/information (understanding and applying social and Consolidating
ethical technology)
• Developing positive interpersonal relationships and collaboration skills

(using self-control, managing setbacks, supporting peers)

• Developing social-emotional intelligence
• Organization skills (managing time and tasks effectively)

• States of mind (mindfulness, perseverance, emotional management, self-
motivation, resilience)

• Exchanging-information skills (listening, interpreting, speaking)

• Literacy skills (reading, writing, and using language to gather and

communicate information)
• ICT skills (using technology to gather, investigate and communicate

• Critical-thinking skills (analysing and evaluating issues and ideas) Proficient


• Creative-thinking skills (generating novel ideas and considering new Consolidating

• Transfer skills (using skills and knowledge in multiple contexts)
• Reflection/metacognitive skills ((re)considering the process of learning)

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Not Evident



Inquirers- I am curious, develop skills for inquiry and research. I learn independently
and with others and enjoy learning.
Thinkers-I appreciate the importance of critical and creative thinking skills in the
learning process and take responsible action on complex problems.
Communicators-I express confidently and creatively in more than one language. I
collaborate effectively, listen carefully to the perspectives of others.
Risk takers-I work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and
innovative strategies. I am resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and
Knowledgeable-I like to explore new concepts and issues of both local and global
Principled-I act with integrity and honesty. I take responsibility for my actions and
their consequences.
Caring-I show empathy, compassion, and respect. I act to make a positive difference
in the lives of others and the world around us.
Open-minded- I critically appreciate my own culture as well as the values and
traditions of others. I seek and evaluate a range of points of view and am willing to
grow from the experience.
Balanced-I appreciate the need for intellectual, physical, and emotional balance to
achieve well-being for myself and others.
Reflective- I thoughtfully consider the world and my ideas and experiences. I work to
understand my strengths and weaknesses to support my learning.

I have regularly demonstrated that I am a Communicator.

An example of this was when I share my ideas and also listen to others while collaborating in group.

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PYP Coordinator

Homeroom Teacher: Ms. Raveena Kariya

Principal PYP

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