DBA Brochure

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Pure Online Experience Curated by Careerera

College De Paris


10,404 25% 1640

International Students
Registered Students
coming from the Americas, Doctorate Students
throughout France
Asia, Africa and Europe

14 20 400
professional diplomas Partner Universities International
recognized by the state education
consulting offices

25,172 140 2,432

Continuous Education authorized partners Scholarships
trainiees throughout France

Administrative Partner Companies for Student Internship Exchange Programs
Professors Student Internships Placements Students

516 277 1500 3214 495

The programs of the Collège de Paris prepare for professional titles
registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP).
Depending on the specialty, the certificate is issued by the Collège de
Paris, by the establishment itself or by one of our partners.

The majority of Collège de Paris establishments hold Qualiopi

certification, which attests to the quality of the process implemented and
contributing to the development of skills according to a national quality
standard. It is awarded according to 7 criteria linked to 32 indicators.

Eduniversal is an international ranking agency specializing in higher

education, in particular Business Schools, Bachelors, Masters and DBAs.
The flagship programs of the Collège de Paris are audited each year by

Ecole Bleue and Institut Supérieur de l’Environnement adhere to the

Erasmus+ Charter. Elfe welcomes French speakers in training with the
support of Erasmus+.

The program delivered by College De Paris, a program officially

recognized by the French Government.

The DBA program is a fully-fledged Doctoral Degree, with a focus on

professional experience rather than pure academic research.



Since it was founded in 2011 by OIivier and Nicolas de Lagarde, College de Paris has

been focused on a core mission:

Excellence in higher education accessible through its network of schools.

Collège de Paris is a network of higher education institutions and higher education

organizations. With a training catalog that covers most areas of training, the Collège

de Paris works with the best partners, accreditors, and agencies to best meet the

challenges of education in France and internationally.


Careerera is one of the leading providers of Higher Education Professional
Certification Training, Test Preparation, K -12 Education, Language Training,
and other skill training for Adults and kids in the field of IT, Management,
Software Development, Project Management, Quality Assurance, and the list
goes on.

Being a partner to some of the top universities and certification bodies, the
organization aims at facilitating quality training for professionals worldwide.
Careerera has its online learners in 60 countries including America, Canada,
Europe, and the Asia Pacific region. It has a track record of training thousands
of professionals successfully via classroom and online training. Careerera
welcomes you to join one of the largest live online education systems.

Since its beginning, the organization is dedicated to developing state-of-the-art

learning methodologies by engaging learners and experienced faculty and
facilitating individuals and Corporate with high-quality training materials, which
in turn has helped professionals to accomplish their career objectives and
become a professional.

Online Learning Made Easy


Drawing on your contacts, resources, and The program provides senior-level
expertise gained in senior management, you will executives with an opportunity to learn
focus your research on solving a real and rigorous research methods that can be
important problem within your profession. The applied to real world, multi-disciplinary
results of your work will benefit the wider problems and areas of inquiry Designed to
business community, raise your profile and take be compatible with working professionals’
your career potential to new heights. Our flexible
schedules, the DBA offers executives:
DBA allows you to earn a high-level business
The opportunity to partner with world-
qualification without pausing your career. It is
class faculty researchers to examine
self-paced, giving you up to six years to
relevant topics of interest.
complete the requirements. And by combining
A network of top-level practicing
in-person courses with e-learning, you have the
executive classmates.
freedom to study wherever your career and
A flexible program designed to be
lifestyle take you. All our DBA professors are
compatible with executives’
active in the business world and are recognized
professional obligations.
leaders in their fields. They bring a balance of
A publication-oriented approach that
current academic theory and practical
provides the basis for authoring papers,
experience, and their high professional
articles, cases, and other publications,
standards challenge and inspire you to achieve
such as books.
excellence. Our small class sizes allow you to
The highest form of academic credential
form close working relationships with both our
in the business field, which means that
faculty and your fellow candidates. With more
graduates will be highly sought after for
than 130 nationalities represented in our
part-time or full-time teaching positions
student and alumni community, we offer a
at accredited, respected business
culturally diverse environment for your DBA
schools nationwide.
studies. Working alongside some of the sharpest
A chance to practice and consult as a
and most ambitious minds in global business,
thought leader in a given field.
you will learn how different cultures interpret
and approach common leadership challenges.
You will also become part of our thriving alumni
network, giving you access to a world of career
openings and academic opportunities.
Ibrahim Kaleel
Business Consultant and Advisor

College de Paris was the best choice for

my doctoral goals and dreams.

The curriculum was established with a foundation of sound business

practices and learning objectives. The faculty are experienced and
knowledgeable in their respective fields, and the learning goals are
success oriented. The choices one has are immense, but the final
decision is the key for your future. I have completed my doctoral
journey and have pride in the choice I made. College de Paris checked
all the boxes I required for success!"



3 years, with possible fast Practical

track options Project-Based Learning

Developed in Consultation World-Class Pedagogy

with Top MNCs Developed by Academicians
and Industry Experts

Earn the same Degree as Post-Study

awarded On-Campus Work Opportunities*


Graduates of a doctoral business administration (DBA) program qualify for top executive
positions in corporate management, finance, and marketing. A doctorate in business
administration sharpens leadership and strategic management skills, providing a pathway to
career advancement for aspiring CEOs, project managers, and executive directors. A DBA
candidate is required to show his or her ability to conduct original investigations; test, apply and
examine his or her own ideas as well as others, and understand the relationship between his or
her theme and a wider field of knowledge.

ACADEMIC LEVEL REQUIRED: Master’s degree and/or significant professional experience
ENGLISH LEVEL REQUIRED : IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent.
Master’s degree / Detailed resume with publication if applicable / Thesis Project Note of at least
500 words in.doc format / At least two letters of recommendation demonstrating the candidate’s
ability to conduct research work that can be used by other people
A DBA candidate is required to show his or her ability to conduct original investigations; test,
apply and examine his or her own ideas as well as others, and understand the relationship
between his or her theme and a wider field of knowledge.


This course is designed for those who are seeking to extend their own professional development and
contribute to management theory and practice in their own workplace and beyond. As participants are
likely to be in the middle of busy careers, the mode of study for the course is part time and is designed
to be completed within 3 years.

Year One consists of five taught modules worth 180 UK Credits/60 ECTS Credits. Successful students will be
awarded Level 8 Diploma in Business Research and will progress to Year Two where they will undertake the
final Practice Based Thesis which will be completed in two years from the beginning of the research. The
maximum duration allowed for the research is three years and minimum is one year.

The overall purpose of the first two modules you will study (Year One (a)) is to provide a theoretical and
practical foundation in research methodology for advanced empirical research within the management field.

The aim of the next three modules you will study (Year One (b)) is to apply your knowledge and understanding
of research methodology to an actual pilot study and overall thesis proposal, and to reflect on your own
performance as a researcher.

The purpose of Years Two onwards is to conduct, under supervision, a detailed and research project, meeting
the expectations of research act doctoral level, and to write it up in the form of a thesis.

The structure of the programme is set out below:

Award of Doctor of Business Administration


Year 1 (a)
(first 6 months) M1. Research Methodology and Methods 10

M2. Research Issues within Contemporary Management 10

Year 1 (b) M3. Interim Research Project (Pilot Study) 20

(second 6 months)
M4. Designing a Research Project (Thesis Proposal) 10

M5. Developing as a Researcher (Individual Reflection)


Years 2 & 3 M6. Practice Based Thesis 120


Other potential exit awards:
If you are unable to carry on with your studies for any reason, there is an exit award that you can achieve, once
you have successfully completed the modules in the taught part of the course (Year One).
Potential exit award (Completion of Year One Modules):
Level 8 Diploma in Business Research.

Programme Learning
Outcomes Upon successful completion of the taught stage of the DBA (Year One), you will be expected to demon-
strate the following competences:
Deep knowledge and understanding of appropriate research methodology and methods in the business and
management eld at an advanced level;
The ability to identify and conceptualise an appropriate research project within your own organisation or industry;
An ability to critically reflect on your own strengths and weaknesses as a researcher and identify appropriate
development opportunities;
An ability to synthesise appropriate business and management theory with the outcomes of your own research
(pilot) enquiry;
Where appropriate, to suggest appropriate solutions to organisational problems based on your own research; and
Communication of your work clearly and effectively in a format which is accessible to the nonspecialist whilst
respecting appropriate academic writing conventions.

Upon successful completion of the research stage of the DBA (Years 2+), you will be expected to continue to
demonstrate the above competences and, in addition, to demonstrate:

The ability to conceptualize, design, and implement an advanced research project in a business and management
field which will represent an original contribution to scholarly and professional thinking, and is of a quality
worthy of publication


ECTS is designed to make it easier for students to move between countries and to have their

academ- ic quali cations and study periods abroad recognised. The European Credit Transfer and

Accumulation System (ECTS) is a tool introduced by the countries in European Higher Education

Area in order to make the education system more exible and transparent. It makes the student’s
life easier when it comes to moving between countries and to have their academic qualifcations and

study periods abroad to be found equivalent and recognised.


Avigail Greenstein
Advanced Data Analytics Leader

Online group engagement sessions are

very productive and insightful

Two percent of the population have a doctoral degree, the reason more
people do not pursue these advanced degrees are because they are hard
to obtain. The program is challenging, the demands are rigorous, and
you have to work at becoming a scholastic writer. Overall my experience
was good, exactly what I expected.


The modules you will study
Research Methodology and Methods
The aim of this module is to give you a thorough grounding in research methodology and methods. By The
end of the module, you will be able to explain your own research ‘philosophy’ and you will be able to
decide what research methods to use (e.g. interview, focus group, or questionnaire) to achieve your goals
and to offer a convincing justification for your choice! This module provides you with vital training in
research which will serve you well when you come to write your thesis.
The objectives of this module are:
1. To explore the main research paradigms within the eld of management research.
2. To critically understand the methods of quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis.
3. To demonstrate advanced skills in data handling, using appropriate statistical software.
4. To demonstrate high-level skills in qualitative research methods.
5. To demonstrate deep competence in quantitative research methods.

Research Issues in Contemporary Management

The purpose of this module is to explore leading knowledge in different management disciplines so that you
are completely up-to-date as a thinking business professional. Building on this, the module will help you to
identify what would make a suitable, interesting, and applied research topic in management so that you can
begin to conceptualize your own area for future research, later in the course.
The objectives of this module are:
1. To understand and conceptualise a ‘research problem’ in contemporary management.
2. To analyse how management researchers have conducted significant research projects.
3. To identify and critically discuss what is considered ‘cutting edge’ knowledge within management.
4. To identify and assess potential areas of research within different management disciplines.
5. To understand the importance of ethics in management research, and how to apply ethical principles.

Interim Research Project (Pilot Study)

The purpose of this module is to allow you to utilize the research methods skills you have acquired, and
the areas of research you have identified, to test them through a small-scale pilot study. You will be
asked to research a relevant topic, or practice-based issue (perhaps in your organisation or industry) and
prepare a report (or mini-dissertation) which will allow your tutors to give you constructive feedback on
your emerging research skills and help you to test a research area which you may decide to continue with
when you embark on your Practice-Based Thesis.

The objectives of this module are:

1.To demonstrate the ability to devise, plan and conduct an extended piece of independent work (in an ethical
2. To critically assess the chosen topic in the context of the current literature (including existing studies).
3.To critically analyze data in order to offer a sophisticated interpretation of results/ findings, bringing original
thinking to bear, and to draw justified conclusions.
4. To synthesize and present research findings in the form of a structured written dissertation.


Designing a Research Project
The purpose of this module is to write a detailed proposal document for your actual thesis. You will be
provided with an appropriate structure for your proposal and encouraged to identify a research problem,
undertake a small-scale literature review, and give detailed thought to the type of research you would like to
undertake and the research methods you would like to employ. The feedback you receive on the proposal
will provide you with a very helpful progress check before you embark on your actual thesis.

The objectives of this module are:

1. To identify a topic for systematic and critical review, which is at the forefront of research in practice in your
professional context.
2.To develop an appropriate research question that will allow for secondary material to be critically analyzed
effectively, empirical research to be conducted, and conclusions to be drawn.
3.To demonstrate a deep critical understanding of the appropriate theoretical and empirical sources of
information, which is relevant to the topic of the chosen methodology.

Developing as a Researcher
The benefits of structured individual self-reflection are increasingly recognised both in professional practice
and in academic research. The purpose of this module is to provide you with some useful theoretical tools to
help you to reflect constructively and in the right depth. You will consider your own strengths and weaknesses
as a business academic and come up with a realistic developmental action plan to close any skills gaps before
you start work on your final thesis.

The objectives of this module are:

1. To understand and analyze the principles of reflective practice in both management and research.
2. To critically reflect on own competence and development needs as a management researcher.
3.To identify the further skills required to successfully grow and develop as a doctoral-level
researcher in a management field
4. To identify how any required skills or competencies may be attained and to plan accordingly.

Practice-based Thesis
This is the capstone module of the DBA in which you plan and implement your own extended research project
which you then write up as a 40,000-50,000 word thesis which you are then called upon to ‘defend’ during an
oral examination. This is where you demonstrate your own deep expertise in a specific area of applied

business and management, earn your doctoral title, and quite possibly make a significant difference to your
own organization! Although this is an individual project, you will be fully supported by a qualified and
experienced academic supervisor.


The objective of this module is:
To research (ethically) and complete a doctoral-level thesis, which represents an original contribution to
scholarly and professional thinking, and is of a quality worthy of publication.

Your Course Team

This course is taught and supported by members of staff based at College De Paris, as well as associate
lecturers and supervisors, who are experts in their field and very experienced in ensuring that you receive
the highest standard of support at the necessary level. The core staff who support this programme are:

Consultant Director
Olivier de Lagarde
PhD in Management Sciences at the Paris-Dauphine University
Doctor in Management Sciences from Paris Dauphine University, former student of the Paris Institute of
Political Studies, Olivier de Lagarde is the Founder of the Collège de Paris, a network of higher education
establishments and training organizations professional.
He began his career in Lebanon within the Agence universitaire de la francophonie. From 2000 to 2005, he
was an organization consultant before becoming Managing Director of Enass-AEA in 2005 then Deputy
Managing Director of IFPASS in 2008. Within the National School of Insurance, he held the functions of
Director of Studies (2005-2008) then Deputy Director (2008-2012) with François Ewald.

Program m e Leaders
Josse Roussel
HDR, PhD in Management Sciences at the Paris-Dauphine University

Dr. Josse Roussel is professor at the Paris School of Business and the Head of the Paris School of Business
DBA. He got his Ph.D from the university of Paris-Dauphine and his authorization to supervise research at the
doctoral level (H.D.R.) from the university of Paris-II Panthéon Assas. His research currently focuses on
finance and monetary policy, the digitalization of management and human capital. He published articles in
numerous peer-reviewed journals such as Human Resource Planning, The Journal of European and Industrial
Training, E-Journal of Digital Enterprise, Entreprise et Humanisme, Management & Avenir and La Revue
d’Economie Financière


Nicolas Tarnaud
PhD in Economics at the University of Bordeaux
Nicolas Tarnaud is an expert on economics and has a passion for globalisation and the real estate market.
Nicolas has a PhD in economics from University of Bordeaux, a Masters degree from the Real Estate and
Wealth Management Institute of Kedge Business School and a Finance Masters Degree from ESCP Europe.
He is an Alumnus of Stanford University and Berkeley University and a Member of the Royal Institute of
Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
He has recently written the following articles: Life estate property: a semi-success with a bright future; The
housing crisis: from dream to reality; Could the random nature of life estate property adversely affect its
development? and How the Greek real estate market will react in 2015?
Nicolas has been writing for more than 15 years on various economics topics from real estate to retirement
and has new books due for release later this year. He is also a columnist on DécideursTV (Decision Makers’
TV) in the programme Decision makers in Real Estate.
He supports the free entrepreneurship approach and believes true entrepreneurs are the potential engines to
propel and steer our economy to address the three major challenges of high unemployment, poverty and

An Introduction to your Course

This programme allows you to study for a professional doctorate in the field of
business and management within a period of two to three years.

During the course of successfully completing your studies, you will:

Develop significant competence in appropriate methods of research

Reconnect with leading thinking in different fields of strategy and management
Conceptualise suitable research problems and how to approach them
Undertake a sustained and significant research project with a practical application over a
period of time
Learn tools to constructively reflect on your own research and management skills
Become an expert in your field of business or management research.


Olugbemisola Aruwayo
Learning and Development Manager

Ican not ask for anything more

Indeed i am very satisfied with the services offered; From the initial
processes, the interviews, the orientation sessions, the platform itself.
I can not ask for anything more. I highly recommend anyone from any
part of the world seeking a fully accredited DBA degree to enroll in
College De Paris..


College De Paris arranges a beautiful
convocation ceremony to make it a
remarkable event which is filled with
lots of fun, leadership sessions,
networking dinner.




1 Critical skill acquisition

The DBA program focuses on providing students with
real-world, business-oriented critical thinking and
problem-solving skills and helps you to acquire
specific leadership qualities designed for upper
management and executive positions.

2 Multiple career opportunities

The program results in a tangible set of management
and decision-making skills and so a DBA degree
opens multiple career opportunities. You will be well
prepared to go into any industry, whether it be
business, education, government, or healthcare.

3 Financial rewards
A D BA degree will definitely increase the possibility of
expanding your salary exponentially.





Collège de Paris highly encourages diversity within the student body, faculty
members and partners. Fostering inclusion and empowering diversity is one of
our core values, which brings positive benefits to the overall community as well
as the program.

Our diverse student body comes from countries such as Bolivia, Chile, Croatia,
China, Denmark, France, Germany, Haiti, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Romania,
Namibia, Russia, UK, Singapore, South Africa, Vanuatu, USA, Bulgaria, India

Origin of Collège de Paris Students



Speak to a Program Advisor

[email protected]

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