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DOI: 10.2436/20.2003.02.184 http://scq.iec.cat/scq/index.


«In a little you can see a lot»: the

impact of practical microscale
chemistry on chemical education
«Amb poc es pot veure molt»: l’impacte de la química pràctica a microescala
en l’educació química

Robert Worley / Brunel University Science Park (United Kingdom)


ISSN 2013-1755, SCQ-IEC Educació Química EduQ número 24 (2018), p. 58-62

Micro-chemical procedures in chemistry make practical work safer and less expensive. However, for these techniques
to be acceptable to United Kingdom teachers, there has to be «added value». This comes in improved classroom
management, reducing cognitive load on the short term-working memory, challenging long-held misconceptions at the
molecular/ionic level, and even developing completely new experiments for students and demonstrations for teachers.

Practical chemistry, microchemistry, school chemistry, safety, technique.


Els procediments a microescala en química fan que el treball pràctic sigui més segur i menys costós. Tanmateix,
perquè aquestes tècniques siguin acceptables per als professors del Regne Unit, hi ha d’haver un «valor afegit». La
microescala promou una millor gestió de l’aula, amb una reducció de la càrrega cognitiva a la memòria de treball a curt
termini, un desafiament de les idees errònies a llarg termini a nivell molecular i iònic i, fins i tot, el desenvolupament
d’experiments completament nous per als estudiants i de demostracions també noves per als professors.

paraules clau
Química pràctica, microquímica, química escolar, seguretat, tècnica.

In my role as safety adviser for now as a consultant, I was

United Kingdom schools at immediately drawn to microscale
CLEAPSS1 from 1991 to 2012 and chemistry because miniaturizing
allowed the teacher and students
to undertake experiments which
1  LEAPSS consists of a small group
C on a larger scale, either became
experienced science teachers, unsafe or used expensive equip-
financed by subscription of United ment. But as you will see later,
Kingdom local authority employers I discovered more. Figure 1. Copper(II) oxide being
and independent schools, both redueced to copper with hydrogen in a
state and fee-paying. CLEAPSS works Pasteur pipette with 60 ml of hydrogen
closely with the UK Department for stored in a syringe.
Education and the UK Health & Safe- ensure compliance to European
ty Executive to ensure that teachers, Union and United Kingdom safety
school technicians and students law. There are a number of schools
Improved safety
work safely during science practical in Europe who teach the United In 1984, after a violent explo-
lessons. The aim is to minimize risk Kingdom and IB science curriculums sion, a group of children were
and reduce costs both in moneta- that subscribe to our services as sprayed with concentrated sulfuric
ry and environmental terms, and well. See http://science.cleapss.org.uk/. acid, used to dry hydrogen, prior to
Intercanvi / Treball experimental
burning it, in an experiment to (https://www.youtube.com/ — At the anode: 2H2O(l) →
reduce copper(II) oxide to copper. watch?v=AajLtkJxPk0). This just 4H+(aq) + O2(g) + 4e−.
This teacher was the first to be cannot happen with the closed
fined under UK Health and Safety glass Pasteur pipette method The ratio of the volumes of
Law. I was teaching at the time (fig. 2) (https://www.youtube.com/ gases is 2:1, as predicted by the
and my employer told me not to watch?v=qQh2YXyFD7I). equations. The gases can be tested
do this experiment. I had never individually, mixed and exploded,
had an incident with it because Reduced costs and even used to fire a 3 mL
I knew the dangers of trying to A common response from plastic pipette bulb to the ceiling.
light an explosive mixture of air teachers is that it saves on the
and hydrogen. On taking up my cost of chemicals. However, there
position at CLEAPSS, I found a is a significant reduction on cost
safer, alternative procedure, on the of equipment as well.
Microscale gas chemistry website Schools in the United Kingdom 59
from Bruce Mattson at Creighton buy a large-scale Hofmann
University (fig. 1) (http://mattson. voltameter (fig. 3a) for over £100
creighton.edu/Microscale_Gas_Chem (but the taps can seize up through

«In a little you can see a lot»: the impact of practical microscale chemistry on chemical education
istry.html, https://www.youtube.com/ lack of use), and platinum
watch?v=b9UF6wycia8). electrodes for £70 (but the

Figure 3a. Full-size Hofmann voltameter.

Figure 2. Catalytic cracking.

There were other experiments platinum electrode break due to

causing safety issues in the United pour soldering). The microscale
Kingdom, so much so that em- version can be made for less than
ployers wanted them banned, in £30. With the three-way taps
fear of prosecution by the Health at the top of the syringes, the
& Safety Executive (HSE)2 or civil electrolyte can be raised and
action. The normal scale catalytic the gases removed for testing. The
cracking reaction can lead to safety bonus is that saturated
violent suck-back implosions sodium sulfate solution can be
caused by cold water coming in used as the electrolyte in place of Figure 3b. Microscale Hofmann voltameter.
contact with a hot glass test tube 1M sulfuric acid. The educational
bonus is that bromothymol blue The colorimeter design has
indicator can be added to show been developed from an idea from
2  he HSE oversees Health & Safety
T that the area around the anode is Norway (Kvittingen et al., 2014).
Law in the United Kingdom. They
acidic and the area around the Normally, a machine would cost a
have wide-ranging power to prohibit
unsafe practices and prosecute those
cathode is alkaline: minimum of £100.
employees or employers at fault. — At the cathode: 2H2O(l) + In the version shown in fig. 4,
See http://www.hse.gov.uk. 4e− → 2OH− (aq) + 2H2(g). a light-emitting diode (protected
by a resister) supplies light of a extracting precipitates from
particular wavelength (so no need ashless filter paper in analytical
for filters). The transmitted light chemistry and for taking samples
is collected by an infra-red LED of molten steel prior to analysis.
which provides a voltage on a Surprisingly to teachers, they are
multimeter. designed for single use only. This
is why they often crack under
intense heat. Students find it
difficult to remove the cover to
let air in. However bottle tops, Figure 6a. The traditional method.
with the plastic insert burnt
away in a fume cupboard or
outside, can be used and give
60 extremely good results. For
Figure 4. «Lego» colorimeter. magnesium combustion, two
bottle tops are sandwiched
The equipment gives promis- together and there is no need to
número 24

ing results. A series of solutions move them with tongs during

was made to determine the heating (fig. 6b). For analysis of
percentage of copper in brass and hydrated salts, a nut and bolt
the graph in fig. 5 shows how the arrangement is used (fig. 6c), and
Educació Química EduQ

Figure 6b. Using bottle tops.

results follow Beers’ Law. It is the bolt can be held over a spirit
proposed that Arduino technology burner (avoids further decompo-
is now applied so that rapid sition of the anhydrous salt) with
changes in concentration can be tongs, a clamp or even pliers
followed as in reaction kinetics. from the hardware shop.

Figure 6c. The indestructible crucible.

Figure 7. A puddle of 1M copper sulfate

Figure 5. Absorbance of red light of copper(II) nitrate solutions. solution on polypropylene.

Breakages are a constant The puddle: replacement presence of dissolved salts

worry to teachers in practical of the test tube increases the angle. The angle is
lessons. Porcelain crucibles crack The puddle is formed by smaller with plastics such as
when repeatedly heated to high adding one to four drops of an polystyrene, polythene and PET
temperature and holding magne- aqueous solution onto a hydro- (the covering on laminates), but
sium ribbon to find the increase phobic surface such as a polypro- the experiments still work.
in mass. The results have a poor pylene sheet where the contact Working on procedural work-
success rate as well. Crucibles angle is over 90° (fig. 7). The sheets inserted into a polypropyl-
(fig. 6a) were never designed for addition of organic reagents ene plastic folder, reactions can be
the repeated quantitative com- can reduce the angle making carried out in the hemispherical
bustion of magnesium but for the puddle spread out, but the droplet. In fig. 8, three to four
Intercanvi / Treball experimental
drops (number depends on the
diameter of the plastic pipette) of
each buffer is placed in the
columns of the first five rows. The
indicators, bromothymol blue,
methyl orange and phenolphtha-
lein solutions, are then added
across the rows. In the fourth row,
the indicators are mixed to make
a universal indicator which can
be compared to a manufactured
version in the fifth row. Finally,
these mixed indicators can
distinguish between distilled 61
Figure 8. Indicators changing colour with changes in pH.
water, often acidic because of
dissolved carbon dioxide, and tap
water, often containing hydrogen-

«In a little you can see a lot»: the impact of practical microscale chemistry on chemical education
carbonate ions.
Displacement and precipita-
tion reactions can also be per-
formed on the plastic sheet.

Diffusing gases and halos

in puddles
For studying the chemistry of
ammonia (toxic) is used a Petri
dish placed on top of an instruc-
tion sheet. Ammonia gas is
generated from the addition of 2M
ammonia solution to which
anhydrous calcium chloride
(warms the solution up a little).
As ammonia gas diffuses within
the Petri dish precipitates,
complexes and colour changes
with indicators are observed.
There are beautiful halo effects as Figure 9. Halo effects seen from diffusion of ammonia gas into droplets of solutions
shown in fig. 9. Discussion of of: (2) hydrochloric acid with indicator; (3) copper(II) sulfate, and (4) iron(II) sulfate
these halo effects allows classes contained within a Petri dish.
to recap ideas about movement of
gas molecules and observing puddle. With copper sulfate These methods have potential
diffusion in gases and liquids. solution, there were two halos as for use in public engagement and
Other gases, even toxic sulfur the precipitate formed followed outreach activities for events such
dioxide and hydrogen sulphide, by the dark blue tetraamine- as science fairs. The small volumes
can be investigated in a similar copper(II) ion. It was at this point, of solutions used makes experi-
manner because levels of gas in carrying out chemical reactions in ments carried out this way easily
the room are kept well below a puddle rather than a test tube, transported with minimal waste
workplace exposure levels. that produced observations which can easily be contained.
I had never seen these beauti- required explanations which
ful halo effect before. Here was could enhanced the understand- Opposition and support
evidence of molecules diffusing ing of chemistry. from teachers
through air in the Petri dish, When carrying out this experi- Despite giving superior results
reacting with the outer layer of ment in the United States of and observations, some teachers
the chemicals in the puddle and America, a teacher suddenly said: claimed the use of bottle tops, Lego
gradually diffusing through the «Gee, in a little you can see a lot!». colorimeters, plastic folders, etc.,
would disadvantage students bottles are very useful and equipment. Steve Jones, the
should they come across ques- obtained in bulk from medical director of CLEAPSS, has encour-
tions in an exam. In part, this and veterinary suppliers. aged my further research in this
suspicion was why an initiative by area, when I should be retired.
the Royal Society of Chemistry in Conclusion I would also like to thank Prof.
1999 to provide schools in the If a United Kingdom teacher of Fina Guitart and the organisers
United Kingdom with free sam- chemistry in 2017 were to look at of ECRICE 2016 for inviting me, an
ples of microscale chemistry kits a laboratory in 1917, that teacher ex-teacher, to display these new
and a book (Skynner, 1998) fell on would identify and use the same techniques to the academics of
stony ground. Schools in the equipment. Perhaps, it is time to chemical education. I hope it
United Kingdom were relatively move on and give chemistry a encourages further research into
well equipped with laboratories more modern image alongside how teachers in schools can apply
and there remains a strong biology and physics. the findings of academics in
62 tradition of the use of main- When I started microscale, the chemical education in using new
stream macroscale equipment emphasis was on safety. In order practical techniques as a direct
such as glass test tubes, burettes to have the procedures used by teaching tool in the understand-
and Bunsen burners, further teachers, I had to look further ing of chemistry, not just to train
número 24

reinforced by national examina- than cite less expensive equip- chemists.

tions requiring familiarity with ment and safer procedures as the
such techniques for their assess- main attributes. Instead I had to References
ment. I am assured this is not find «extra value» for these tech- Asheim, J.; Kvittingen, E. V.; Kvittin-
Educació Química EduQ

true by exam boards, but the niques over the traditional gen, L.; Verley, R. (2014).
suspicion survives. Despite, technique used for over one «A simple, small-scale Lego
inventing and selling plastic hundred years. Now I have colorimeter with a light-emit-
materials to the whole world as reversed the priorities so the ting diode (LED) used as
an alternative to glass, some impact of microscale on practical detector». J. Chem. Educ., vol. 91,
school chemistry teachers still chemistry in education describes: No. 7, p. 1037-1039.
have a deep suspicion of the use — How it can be used to improve Skynner, J. (ed.) (1998). Microscale
of plastics in the laboratory. students’ and teachers’ understand- chemistry: Experiments in
However, some teachers ing of how particles interact the miniature. London: Royal
informed us that these methods sub-micro or nano-level. Society of Chemistry.
increased speed and efficiency — How it reduces the overload
in lessons as well time saved in on the short-term working
clearing up, thus allowing time memory of students.
for teaching. The cracking proce- — How it improves the speed
dure (fig. 2), as well as being safe, and efficiency of lessons and
could be set up and completed classroom management.
in 20 minutes, allowing time to — How it uses new materials.
discuss the chemistry. The — How it incorporates green
indicators on a plastic sheet and sustainability credentials.
(fig. 8) was over in 15 minutes — How teachers can present Bob Worley
with photographs taken. If there chemistry in a non-laboratory Is the (retired) chemistry advisor for
had been fifteen groups doing this environment. CLEAPSS (www.cleapss.org.uk) in the
experiment, four hundred and — How it can reduce the cost United Kingdom. He acquired degrees
thirty-five test tubes would have of practical work. in Chemistry at the University of
had to be sourced and cleaned. — How it can improve safety. Sheffield. He then taught students for
Plastic pipettes are used to twenty years, sixteen years as head of
transfer chemicals from vials. Acknowledgements department at Norwich School in the
They come in different sizes and Dr. Kay Stephenson is fantastic United Kingdom, and finally twenty-
bulb volumes. It is very useful to in discussions and presentations in one years at CLEAPSS. However, he
know how many drops a pipette how practical work assists cannot simply leave chemistry and
will deliver to 1 mL of liquid. student’s understanding of education, so he now work part time
There are plastic pipettes that chemistry. Mary Owen BSc for CLEAPSS solving all manner of
deliver twenty, thirty and fifty improves immeasurably on my technical and teaching problems.
drops respectively. Dropping crude ideas and designs of E-mail: [email protected].

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