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VGB PowerTech 6 l 2015 Deaerator developments

Developments in spray-type
deaerator applications
Bart Bramer

Kurzfassung Introduction because emphasising one particular func-

tional aspect only has a minor influence on
Entwicklungen bei Sprühentgaser- The lifetime of steam-generating boilers the design. Nowadays, Stork spray-type de-
Anwendungen and their layout can be improved signifi- aerators are typically incorporated in heat
cantly by reducing the degradation of their recovery steam generators (HRSG), direct-
Der Sprühentgaser weist eine sehr flexible Fahr- ly fired power plants, solar energy plants,
internals caused by corrosion. This can be
weise auf und entfernt gelösten Sauerstoff effek-
tiv aus dem Wasser-Dampf-Kreislauf. Es lassen achieved by reducing the amount of oxygen nuclear power plants and industrial steam
sich problemlos Sauerstoffkonzentrationen von dissolved in the water-steam cycle, which is production facilities.
5 ppb (Teilchen pro Milliarde) oder weniger er- called deaeration. In general, deaeration is The deaerator is always situated in the low
reichen, wodurch sich die Lebensdauer des Kes- the removal of dissolved air from a gas or or medium pressure end of the water-steam
sels erheblich verlängern lässt. Die Einzelbehäl- liquid. For reasons of regulation, efficiency cycle, in order to reduce investment costs
terausführung benötigt nur wenig Platz, lässt and cost optimisation, thermal deaeration and increase plant efficiency. F i g u r e 1
sich leicht steuern und minimiert die Anzahl is currently the most frequently applied shows a deaerator (8) in a water-steam cy-
der zu verwendenden Druckteilbehälter. Es las- technique for deaeration in industrial boil-
sen sich verschiedene Ströme direkt im Entgaser cle that is typical of energy production ap-
ers and is preferred above chemical deaer- plications. Within such a cycle, condensate
sammeln, was zum Entgasungsprozess beiträgt.
ation techniques. coming from the condenser has the high-
Der Entgaser lässt sich innerhalb des Kreislaufes
flexibel positionieren und kann darüber hinaus Thermal deaeration is accomplished with a est oxygen concentration and is fed into
auch als Kondensat-Vorwärmer verwendet wer- so-called deaerator, i.e. a device where in- the deaerator (7 to 8). Steam required for
den. Der Sprühentgaser ist im Hinblick auf die timate contact takes place between steam deaeration can originate from a variety of
Kreislauf-Anlaufzeiten schnell, da mehr oder and water. The overall design of deaera- sources, but originates in particular from a
weniger sofort entgastes Wasser zur Verfügung tors has not changed over the last few dec- low or medium pressure end of the cycle. In
steht. Im Detail werden der Hintergrund der the cycle of Figure 1, steam originates from
ades. However, their field of application
Entgasung aus einer theoretischen Perspektive, a low-pressure tap of a steam turbine (4).
verschiedene Ausführungsüberlegungen sowie has expanded significantly because the
application of energy efficiency technolo- Deaerated and preheated water from the
häufig eingesetzte Konfigurationen zur Integ- deaerator is transported to the boiler feed-
ration des Entgasers erläutert. Die Anwendung gies and new energy sources has increased.
von Entgasern im Wasser-Dampf-Kreislauf di- The Stork spray-type deaerator has several water pump (10) and then subsequently
rekt befeuerter Kessel, in Abhitzedampferzeu- advantages with respect to competitor fed to the boiler (11).
gern (HRSG), GuD, geschlossenen Kreisläufen, designs, because it combines deaeration This article describes the background to
Solaranlagen und Kesseln in Kernkraftwerken and additionally, condensate pre-heating deaeration from a theoretical perspective,
verschiedene Spezial­anwendungen werden im and feedwater storage functions in a sin- and considers various designs as well as
Detail erläutert. l gle vessel. The general arrangement of frequently applied deaeration integrations
the spray-type deaerator is quite flexible, in a number of installations.

5 6
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1 Superheater 5 Alternater 9 Drum
2 Evaporater 6 Transformer 10 Pump
ir. Bart Bramer (M.Sc.)
3 Economiser 7 Condenser 11 Steam boiler
Stork – Process Equipment –- 4 Steam turbine 8 Spray-type deaerator
Department of Process Engineering
Hengelo/The Netherlands
Fig. 1. Typical example of a deaerator in water-steam cycle.


Deaerator developments VGB PowerTech 6 l 2015

by the surrounding steam. Since this heat-

ing process is very efficient, the spray noz-
zle acts as a perfect condensate preheater.
The droplet size ensures a short diffusion
path for the oxygen within the droplet to its
surface. The droplets impinge upon a cir-
cular splash baffle (2) located around the
spray nozzle, breaking the small droplets
8 2 Zone 01 into smaller ones. This results in a maxim-
ised surface- to-volume ratio, providing a
large surface area for oxygen diffusion. The
5 complete deaeration process in the droplet
4 occurs in milliseconds. The residence time
in the pre-deaeration step is nearly always
Pump Zone 02 Pump too short for complete deaeration. Lower
oxygen concentrations will be obtained in
an additional final-deaeration step. After
completion of the primarily deaeration
step, the water droplets fall into the water
Fig. 2. Flow mechanisms in a Stork spray-type deaerator.
In the final deaeration step, the remain-
ing dissolved oxygen is removed from the
Theoretical background a new equilibrium state tries to establish condensate, by injecting steam in a large
itself. Deaeration of water is achieved by volume of water (3). Steam bubbles are
Material degradation mechanism reducing the partial gas pressure of steam created which provide effective contact be-
or increasing the water temperature, both tween water and steam, allowing the oxy-
Corrosion is expected to be the most critical of which change the equilibrium. Such a
degradation mechanism in terms of boiler gen to be transported from the water to the
change creates a driving force, transport- steam bubbles. This steam enters the vessel
lifetime. Wall thicknesses are reduced due ing the dissolved oxygen from the water
to corrosion and particles may be released through a steam sparger (4), ensuring an
into the steam. even distribution of steam bubbles in the
from the surface due to pitting corrosion,
which can then prove catastrophic for The transport of gas molecules in water water and enforcing homogeneous condi-
downstream equipment. The three major is much slower than the transport of gas tions in the deaerator. Simultaneously, the
factors determining the rate of corrosion molecules in steam, therefore the rate of water is intensively circulated by these mov-
are oxygen concentration, acidity and con- deaeration due to diffusion is almost fully ing bubbles. The gas transport takes place
ductivity. High conductivities can be ob- determined by the water phase. The rate of more rapidly due to the circulation and
served in the steam drum due to the accu- deaeration can be increased, by having an continuously ensures a large difference in
mulation of salts. A high conductivity will optimal contact surface between the water oxygen concentration at the steam-bubble/
increase the rate of corrosion. The water and steam and by a dynamic movement of water interface. This enhances the rate of
temperature also influences the rate of cor- these phases. When the water temperature deaeration. The remaining steam leaves
rosion, but is usually not a free variable and is increased to the boiling point at the cor- the water through the surface with an in-
is prescribed by the boiler requirements. responding pressure in the deaerator, the creased oxygen concentration and travels
Oxygen concentrations required to extend total pressure equals the water-vapour into the steam zone of the vessel (8) towards
service life sufficiently, are in the range of pressure, implying a gas partial pressure the primary deaeration zone. As the steam
10 ppb or less. An oxygen content of this equal to zero, which makes complete de- condenses on the water, the concentration
level will result, together with an acid- aeration possible. of oxygen in the direct vicinity of the spray
ity of pH > 9, in the formation of a corro- The removal of CO2 from the water phase nozzle is relatively high, making it possible
sion- and erosion-resistant magnetite layer is analogous to the removal of O2. However to vent a small amount of steam with an in-
(Fe3O4). Oxygen concentrations and acid- the CO2 concentration in the water phase is creased oxygen concentration (9).
ity levels out of this range result in much already low due to the high pH value of the To obtain maximum deaeration perfor-
more voluminous iron oxide layer (Fe2O3) water. Consequently, also for CO2 removal mance, residence time can be increased by
and eventually result in pitting corrosion. good results can be obtained. using a baffle (5). This baffle is placed in
It must be noted that a stable magnetite the water reservoir and divides the vessel
layer requires a minor amount of oxygen. Processes taking place in a deaerator into multiple sections. Another baffle near
The spray-type deaerator is a very effective The deaeration processes in the Stork the outlet of the deaerator (6) prevents
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device for controlling this parameter. single vessel deaerator are presented in the water following a by-pass route to the
F i g u r e 2. The deaeration process takes outlet. Finally, the deaerated water leaves
The physical background of deaeration place in two steps: pre-deaeration (step the deaerator at the bottom of the vessel
According to [1], the equilibrium between 1), in which water droplets are sprayed in via a vortex breaker (7) or similar device.
a gas dissolved in water and a gas dis- a steam space; final-deaeration (step 2), in The size of the vessel depends mainly on
solved in steam is described by Henry’s which steam bubbles are injected in a large two factors, namely the residence time
law which, amongst other gases, is valid volume of water, travelling upwards and required to achieve the deaeration target
for oxygen and carbon dioxide. According coming into close contact with water. and the required maximum amount of wa-
to Henry’s law at a given temperature, the Condensate with a temperature below the ter to be stored in the vessel. The latter is
gas concentration in water is proportional deaerator operating temperature must al- normally defined by the entire water-steam
to the partial gas pressure in steam. Here ways enter the deaerator through a spring cycle and is often specified by the system
the partial pressure is the pressure exerted loaded injection nozzle, i.e. the spray noz- designer.
by a particular gas component in a mixture zle (1). The spray nozzle produces a radial Summarising, the functional features of
of gases. Deviating from these equilibrium spray of fine droplets, which are heated dur- the Stork spay-type deaerator in the water-
conditions results in gas transport because ing their flight to saturation temperature steam cycle are:

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VGB PowerTech 6 l 2015 Deaerator developments

–– the removal of dissolved oxygen from ing the outlet device, situated at the bottom Steam turbine trip
water to extend boiler service life, of the deaerator in a direction opposite to In sliding pressure mode the deaerator is
–– water storage, required for start-up and the direction of the spray nozzle. connected to a turbine tap and variations
shutdown of the deaerator and allowing in the steam turbine flow pass directly into
Deaerator control
for the collection of various excess con- the deaerator. When a steam turbine trips,
densate streams and The deaerator plays a major role under
the boiler steam flow is halted within a few
–– an efficient direct contact condensate almost every power plant operating condi-
seconds and redirected through a by-pass
preheater. tion; therefore a proper design of its con-
loop. During this period, the deaerator
trol system is important and can be criti- steam flow is halted resulting in a pressure
The emphasis on the individual design as-
cal for the entire power plant. Deaerators and temperature decay in the deaerator.
pects of the deaerator can differ to a great
generally operate in a sliding- or constant Due to the opening time of the by-pass
extent and depend on the specific applica-
pressure regime which is determined by valve and condensation of steam in the pip-
the steam source. A deaerator obtaining ing, the steam from the by-pass enters the
Design considerations steam from a steam turbine tap is operat- deaerator after approximately one minute.
ing in a sliding pressure regime, in which Simultaneously, the temperature of the
Most spray-type deaerators are installed superheated steam enters the deaerator incoming condensate falls drastically. The
horizontally. This horizontal configuration directly without control. The deaerator deaerator will be fed with steam from this
has a low centre of gravity and requires operating pressure will vary dependent on high-pressure by-pass and in parallel the
only a minimal support structure. It distrib- the load changes in the steam turbine. The pressure will drop. During these pressure
utes the steam perfectly and allows a small water level in the deaerator is controlled by reductions, the saturation temperature in
number of by-pass streams to the deaera- monitoring the incoming condensate flow the deaerator decreases and some portion
tor outlet. Careful attention must be paid to and must be kept at the desired level. The of the water reservoir gets converted into
the layout of the deaerator and its immedi- incoming condensate flow needs to be bal- steam. Consequently, the steam volume in
ate surroundings, the feedwater pumps anced with the amount of water discharged the deaerator increases and pushes up the
and the routing of pipework. Nevertheless from the deaerator. This is achieved by an water column (swell). A spray-type deaera-
this is very flexible. Most of the important external control loop. The water level con- tor can easily handle the sudden flow vari-
design considerations for spray-type de- trol is the only control system for a sliding ations caused by a turbine trip because all
aerators are given in this section. pressure operated deaerator. It can also the flows are balanced against each other
Steam and water sources regulate a separate, relatively small uncon- in the water reservoir.
trolled steam source as long as it does not
This section focuses on the sources re- interfere with the normal control system. Boiler feedwater pump
quired to operate the deaerator, i.e. water For a deaerator operating at constant pres- Reliable performance of the boiler feed-
and steam as shown in Figure 2. Steam is sure, an additional pressure control system water pump is required under all circum-
required to achieve deaeration and for is required in addition to the water level stances. The pressure at the pump inlet is
heating up cold condensate and can be control. Pressure control for spray-type an important factor related to its lifetime in
supplied from a large variety of sources, deaerators is relatively simple because the terms of pump cavitation. If the pressure at
e.g. a boiler, a steam turbine or an external steam is injected into the water reservoir, the pump inlet is close to the local vapour
production facility. The deaerator can op-
making use of the huge buffer. This en- pressure, vapour bubbles could arise which
erate using saturated, superheated or wet
sures smooth continuous pressure control. then have a destructive effect on the inter-
steam. Saturated steam can originate from
To ensure proper control of the deaerator nal components of the pump when they
a low-pressure steam drum, an evapora-
pressure, the steam flow must always be implode. A parameter expressing the safety
tor section of the boiler or a steam turbine.
sufficiently high. margin against pump cavitation is the net
Wet steam often originates from a hot con-
Competing deaerator types require an ad- positive suction head (NPSH), which is de-
densate source from an economiser, which
ditional feed forward control from the fined as the difference between the static
operates at a higher pressure. Superheated
steam inlet, which makes the spray-type pressure at the pump inlet and the local
steam is usually obtained from a low- or
deaerator effective in terms of control. vapour pressure. Here, the static pressure
medium-pressure tap at a steam turbine.
at the pump inlet depends on the deaerator
The steam enters the deaerator through Start-up procedures operating pressure, the hydraulic head cre-
a steam sparger equipped with loading
Deaerator start-up procedures are often de- ated by the water column and the pressure
pipes, located below the water level. The
steam sparger is available in several de- signed in close cooperation with the plant loss in the piping, valves, outlet nozzle,
signs, largely dependent on the operating designer. During a cold start-up, the water vortex breaker and other equipment. The
modes and the deaerator start-up philoso- level in the deaerator should be at least the minimum NPSH (R) required for a pump
phy. Condensate flows with a temperature lowest water level allowed (LLWL). During depends on its design and is specified by
lower than the deaerator operating temper- the start-up period, the deaerator is heated the pump supplier. To overcome pump cav-
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ature (cold) should be fed into the deaera- and pressurised with steam, until normal itation and achieve maximum NPSH, the
tor using the spray nozzle. On the other operating conditions are achieved. During deaerator needs to be installed at a level
hand, condensate flows with a temperature start-up, steam typically originates from a significantly above the level of the pump, in
higher than the deaerator operating tem- start-up boiler or other steam supply. Air order to obtain sufficient hydraulic head.
perature (hot) should be injected below is removed using start-up vents, while the When designing the pump layout, the fol-
the water level where they will flash into temperature and pressure are rising. When lowing operational aspects should be taken
a water-steam mixture. Hot condensate in- normal operating conditions are achieved into account. For a sliding pressure oper-
jection must take place through a sparger (temperature and pressure), the spray noz- ated deaerator, variations in the deaerator
or perforated pipe, which evenly distrib- zle is used to increase the amount of water pressure travel at the local speed of sound
utes the water-steam mixture in the water to the normal level (NWL). Subsequently, to the suction side of the pump. Accompa-
reservoir. The sizing of the deaerator is the steam feed can be switched to its regu- nying variations in the temperature travel
predominantly determined by the required lar source, setting the deaerator to normal significantly more slowly to the pump and
holdup volume, in order to safely feed the operation mode. Effectively, the deaerator depend on the residence time of a water
boiler feedwater pump in all conditions. delivers deaerated water right from the particle in the suction pipe. Sudden re-
The deaerated condensate is discharged us- start. ductions in the deaerator pressure can be


Deaerator developments VGB PowerTech 6 l 2015

critical in respect of cavitation, because the which in its turn powers a steam turbine. In Examples of such applications are: para-
pump inlet temperatures can become very such plants, deaerators are often operated bolic trough plants and solar power tow-
close to the local saturation temperature. at a constant pressure, slightly above at- ers. During peak hours thermal energy is
The available NPSH (A) can fall considera- mospheric pressure or into vacuum. Steam extracted from the cycle. Sunlight is not
bly during such an event. To reduce the risk is often supplied from an LP drum or econ- available during the night; therefore much
of cavitation, flow velocities in the suction omiser section. In an HRSG arrangement, attention must be paid to the insulation of
pipe need to be high to increase the tem- efficiency cannot be increased by pre-heat- the CSP cycles. A typical deaerator vessel
perature propagation speed. On the other ing the inlet air of the gas turbine, but is has a relatively low surface-to-volume ratio
hand, the flow velocity needs to be limited, increased by pre-heating the condensate. and can be insulated very effectively. Typi-
in order to reduce the pressure losses. The Preheating the condensate is performed by cal values for overnight cooling are 2 °C or
designer must compromise between those cooling the flue gasses. This takes place at less. The deaerator operates in hot-standby
aspects. Significant pressure losses close the coldest end of the HRSG using a con- mode during the night with automatically
to the deaerator level should be limited as densate pre-heater. For the deaerator feed, operating purge vents kept closed to avoid
much as possible, because here the local the lowest enthalpy heat source must be unwanted steam losses. Thermal segrega-
vapour pressure can be reached relatively used. Due to their versatility, spray-type tion during a long standby mode period
quickly and consequently, evaporation will deaerators can be integrated relatively eas- can always be avoided because, if neces-
occur inside the piping. Pressure losses ily within the HRSG cycle. sary, the medium can be mixed by injecting
due to the flow entering the suction pipe Often, the operating pressure of the de- a small amount of steam which maintains
depend largely on the shape of the inlet aerator is determined by the critical dew homogeneous conditions. No delay is re-
of this pipe and can be a significant fac- point of the flue gas which depends on the quired for deaerating the plant first thing
tor giving rise to cavitation. Consequently, combusted fuel. To avoid external tube cor- in the morning because the water in the
streamlined suction pipe inlets (nozzle) rosion, stack temperatures must not fall be- reservoir is adequately homogenised and
and the vortex breaker are required to low the local water or acid dew point. The up to its start-up level. Likewise pressure
minimise pressure loss. Horizontal pip- most critical section of the boiler in respect and temperature correspond to the start-
ing parts and valves at the deaerator level of flue gas condensation is located at the up conditions.
should be omitted and should be placed at coldest end, where feedwater is supplied.
a level close to the feedwater pump where Nuclear power plants
Critical flue gas dew points are typically
the NPSH is maximal. Water steam-cycles of nuclear and con-
around 60 and 130 °C for gas and oil op-
ventional facilities are quite similar, but
eration, respectively. The boiler feedwater
Deaerator applications temperature is often determined by the
differ typically in the maximum conditions
allowed for temperature and pressure.
deaerator conditions and should have a
Deaeration, preheating and water/steam Consequently, the flow rates of steam and
safety margin relative to the actual dew
storage can be easily combined in the condensate need to be significantly high-
point. Due to its versatility, the same spray-
spray-type deaerator. The emphasis of a er, in order to generate a similar amount
type deaerator can easily fulfil vacuum or of electrical power. For such high con-
functional aspect of the deaerator depends
higher pressure operating requirements densate flows in the nuclear cycle (up to
on the application. Commonly applied de-
and can be easily adapted to meet oil and 6,000 t/h), the preheating function of the
aerator integrations are summarised in this
gas fired power plant requirements. deaerator is much more in demand, often
Closed loop cycle resulting in multiple spray nozzles. Oxy-
Power generation from fossil fuels gen concentrations of condensate flows
In a closed loop cycle, condensate from the
A common application for deaerators is brought into the deaerator are typically
condenser will be directly fed to the boiler
found in fossil fuel powered boilers or less than 50 ppb, because leakage and
heat recovery steam generators (HRSG). feedwater pump without passing through
make-up flow quantities are relatively
Deaerators are situated in the low- or me- the deaerator. In this case, the deaerator is
small. In spite of the high flow rates pre-
dium pressure end of the water-steam cy- installed in a bypass loop and operates only
sent, the water storage capacity can be
cle, in order to reduce investment costs and on demand, i.e. in situations where extra
kept limited, because residence time re-
increase plant efficiency. Efficiency losses make-up water is supplied, oxygen leaks
quirements for nuclear power plants are
due to deaeration are minimised by con- occur or during start-up. Typically the
relatively small (2 to 5 minutes) compared
suming the lowest possible steam quality steam supply originates from a low-pres-
to conventional power plants (5 to 15 min-
for deaeration. sure steam drum and cold condensate orig-
utes). Single vessel spray-type deaerators
inates from the condenser with condensate
In conventional, directly fired power are often applied in nuclear power plants,
preheater. Under normal operating condi-
plants, fossil fuel is combusted in a steam because they combine pre-heating, de-
tions, the deaerator is maintained in hot
generating boiler which powers a steam aeration and water storage aspects by ef-
standby mode. The water storage function-
turbine. The efficiency of such plants can ficiently using the available space.
ality of the deaerator can be shifted to the
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be improved by preheating the fresh air condenser hot well, leading to a compact In a nuclear power plant all emissions are
used for combustion. The air preheating deaerator size. If the deaerator volume is stringently limited; therefore the water-
takes place by using heat from the exhaust small, it can also be oriented vertically, re- steam cycle needs to be closed. Vent flows
gasses. Returning condensate streams ducing its footprint. This makes its location from the deaerator need to be redirected
from the air pre-heater and the primary HP at the plant highly flexible. to the condenser where the oxygen and
condensate preheater are typically mixed other non-condensables are removed. Risk
in the deaerator. The deaerator operating Solar power plants mitigation is of highest priority in nuclear
conditions are often determined by the In concentrated solar power (CSP) plants plants, therefore extra attention must be
steam turbine tap serving as a steam sup- a large area of sunlight is focused into a paid to non-destructive testing, detailed
ply for the deaerator. concentrated beam, which is used as heat load analysis and proper operation of the
Another efficient manner to generate elec- source for the power generation process. feedwater pump under all conditions.
trical power from fossil fuel is by coupling This heat is often primarily absorbed in
a gas turbine to HRSG. Here, hot exhaust a sodium salt cycle, which acts as heat Internal drum deaerators
gasses from the gas turbine exchange heat source for a parallel operating cycle with In a standard spray-type deaerator, differ-
with the water-steam cycle of the HRSG water and steam containing a deaerator. ent streams can be easily mixed. It offers

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VGB PowerTech 6 l 2015 Deaerator developments

Deaerator as steam accumulator

Besides feedwater deaeration, water stor-
age and preheating applications, a spray-
type deaerator can also be used for steam
accumulation. A steam accumulator is
1 able to release steam when the demand
from the plant is greater than the boiler’s
ability to supply at that time, and accepts
2 steam when the demand is low. When the
boiler generates more steam than required
for the process, the surplus of steam can
6 be injected into the deaerator/accumula-
3 5 4 7
tor and stored under pressure. Loading
the accumulator takes places by injecting
steam through a steam sparger, perma-
nently maintaining the accumulator under
2D view 3D view saturated conditions and preventing un-
desirable vibrations. When the net steam
flow into the accumulator is positive, its
Fig. 3. Schematic representation of an internal drum deaerator. pressure will rise. Saturated steam can be
released from the accumulator by reduc-
ing its pressure. A steam-accumulator can
a water storage capability and can effec- (5), i.e. the final deaeration step. A baffle be pressurised and depressurised relatively
tively preheat condensate. If these aspects plate (6) fixes the water level and holds quickly, therefore cyclic loading must be
are not of primary concern, deaeration in up the water reservoir. A small portion taken into account by structurally evaluat-
an encapsulated box placed inside the LP of the steam is vented at the top of the ing the design. In particular, the construc-
drum could be an effective solution. Inter- IDD (10), discharging steam with a high tion material used, wall thickness transi-
nal drum deaeration (IDD) can be applied oxygen concentration. The excess water tions and nozzle connection designs must
for condensate with low oxygen concen- leaves the IDD by the discharge pipes (7) be carefully considered to prevent exces-
tration, typically below 100 ppb. A typi- and drops into the drum. The IDD operates sive stresses and fatigue problems.
cal example of an IDD system is shown in at a pressure slightly lower than the drum
F i g u r e 3. pressure, therefore steam can enter the Typical deaerator integrations
Condensate enters an IDD through a regu- deaerator (9) directly from the drum and
lar spray nozzle (1), running through a external steam supply is not required. The Due to its high flexibility, the spray-type
primary deaeration zone and pre-heating IDD requires no additional control and can deaerator can be adapted to a large variety
step. Subsequently, the condensate drops handle condensate capacities up to 500 of plant set-ups. In general, the efficiency
onto an inclined plate (2) and enters a t/h, making it a simple and economic de- of the plant is increased by allowing small
water reservoir at the lower section of aeration device. A schematic overview of temperature differences between the in-
the IDD (3). The water travels to the exit the IDD arrangement in an HRSG is shown coming condensate and the deaerator op-
(4), while steam is injected into the water in F i g u r e 4. erating conditions. Deaerator integrations
reservoir using a series of steam chargers commonly occurring are described in this


1 5

LP drum 2 TT

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4 3

Superheater Evaporator Economiser Superheater Evaporator condensate
preheater TC

3 from
30 to 50 °C condenser

HP section LP section

Fig. 4. Typical integration of an internal drum deaerator (IDD) in an HRSG.


Deaerator developments VGB PowerTech 6 l 2015

0 % (-2 %)
80 %

P LT 30 to 50 °C LT 100 °C
from condenser
0.2 bar 1.2 bar LT
4 bar

105 °C

HP section Super- Eva- 60 °C Condensate

heater porator 135 °C from
30 to 50 °C
60 °C

LP section A B

Fig. 5. Typical integration of a deaerator in an HRSG operating under a vacuum (a) and under approximately atmospheric conditions (b).

Figure 1 shows a deaerator integration ject to vacuum conditions, extra stiffness is An alternative deaerator integration for an
commonly observed for directly-fired required. Condensate discharged from this HRSG is shown in Figure 5b, making use of
power plants. Here, condensate originates deaerator (black line) is at around 60 °C an external heat exchanger to pre-heat the
directly from the steam condenser and is and can be directly fed into the economis- condensate. In this case, the deaerator op-
distributed to the deaerator using the spray er. As a steam source for the deaerator, hot erates slightly above atmospheric pressure.
nozzle. Steam for the deaeration originates condensate which flashes into low quality The setup of figure 5b is observed in many
from a low-pressure steam turbine tap and steam, can be used. Condensate flashing HRSG’s while the setup of figure 5a has
is directly fed into the deaerator without takes place in the water reservoir similar to several benefits and should be preferred.
control. The deaerator operates at saturat- the deaeration with steam and contributes It has less components, a high availability,
ed conditions and should operate at a tem- to the deaeration process. Hot condensate an easy control philosophy and is very cost
perature at least 10 ˚C above the incoming is typically obtained from an economiser. effective. This deaerator setup is applied in
condensate temperature to safeguard de- In parallel, a small portion of steam (up an HRSG and is typically fed with flashing
aeration quality. If the steam turbine trips, to 2 %) from a low pressure steam drum hot condensate and low-pressure steam
the HP steam produced by the boiler is can be fed through the steam spargers to (purple line). The cold condensate flow
dumped into the condenser and partly into maintain the pressure. During oil firing, from the condenser (blue line) extracts
the deaerator. the deaerator operating pressure must be heat from the relatively hot deaerator out-
A deaerator setup in an HRSG which re- increased to approximately 4 bar to pro- let flow (red line), in order to obtain an
quires a minor level of safeguarding is a vide a safety margin relative to the critical economiser feedwater flow of around 60 °C
deaerator operating under vacuum con- dew point. Under these oil firing operating (black line) which is safely removed from
ditions, as shown in F i g u r e 5. In such conditions, the LP drum water enthalpy is the critical dew point.
cases, cold condensate from the condenser insufficient to provide proper steam distri- Condensate can also be pre-heated inside
of about 30 to 50 °C is brought directly into bution in the deaerator. Consequently, LP the HRSG (F i g u r e 6). The condensate
the deaerator (blue line), which typically steam is used for deaeration by use of the pre-heater is located at the coldest end of
operates at 0.2 bar. As the deaerator is sub- steam sparger. the boiler. Its inlet condition is determined

VGB PowerTech - Autorenexemplar - © 2015



HP section Superheater Evaporator Economiser Condensate 2

preheater TC

TT Condensate
3 from
1 condenser
LP section 30 to 50 °C

Fig. 6. Typical integration of a deaerator in an HRSG equipped with condensate preheater.

78 >>> VGB DIGITAL <<<

VGB PowerTech 6 l 2015 Deaerator developments

by the critical dew point, while its outlet oxygen and reduces the rate of corrosion. steam-accumulator. To optimise the de-
condition is determined by the tempera- Spray-type deaerators are highly flex- aerator design, Stork, in conjunction with
ture required to obtain proper deaeration. ible and compact. They combine deaer- its major partners, is currently employing
The condensate inlet temperature (1) ating, preheating and feedwater storage standardisation and “configure to order”
should remain 6 to 8 °C above the critical functionalities in the same device. Due to programmes. This will reduce design cost,
dew point. This could be achieved by mix- their versatility, they can be adapted to a project and quotation lead times.
ing preheated water from the deaerator (2) wide range of plant setups and operating
with cold condensate (3). The latter could requirements. The investment costs of a
result in recirculation rates of 30 to 300 % spray-type deaerator mainly depend on References
depending on the combustion fuel. the amount of condensate which needs
Many HRSG’s are provided with a sup- to be produced as well on the required [1] Coulson, J.M., Richardson, J.F., and Sinnott,
R.K.: Chemical Engineering Volume 6, An In-
plementary firing possibility to increase hold up time of the boiler. The deaerator troduction to Chemical Engineering Design,
steam production, efficiency or separate should operate at a temperature at least 5th edition, Pergamon Press, Oxford ed.
power and process steam requirements. 10 °C higher than the incoming conden- 1983.
HRSG operation with supplementary firing sate temperature to safeguard deaeration [2] Bird, R.B., Stewart, W.E., and Ligthfoot,
changes the critical flue gas dew point and performance. Superheated- or saturated E.N.: Transport Phenomena, 2nd edition,
steam or flashing hot condensate can be John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2002.
the preheater performance. This will influ-
ence the deaerator operating conditions used as deaeration sources. With the spray- [3] Batchelor, G.K.: An Introduction to Fluid Dy-
type deaerator, oxygen contents of 5 ppb or namics, Cambridge University Press, 1967.
and requires another operating philoso-
phy. Due to the versatility of the spray-type less can easily be obtained. Application of [4] Japikse, D., and Baines, N.C.: An Introduc-
a spray-type deaerator costs a negligible tion to Turbomachinery, Concepts ETI, Inc,
deaerator, combining multiple operating
FIND &and
amount of thermal efficiency GET FOUND! 1994.
philosophies can easily be achieved with
the same device. scavenger chemicals are not required. The [5] Budinski, K.G., and Budinski, M.R.: Mate­
riaalkunde voor Technici, Prentice Hall,
most common applications of spray-type 1999.
Conclusions deaerators are to be found in directly fired [6] Groen, Ir.: Theoretical Aspects of Physical
plants, HRSG’s for power generation and Deaeration, Stork, 2006.
Boiler life span can be improved by apply- in solar- and nuclear power plants. The [7] Albrink, W.: The Feedwater Deaerator in the
ing a deaerator in the water-steam cycle spray-type deaerator design can also be Water-Steam System, Stork Thermeq B.V.
because it reduces the amount of dissolved used for steam storage, by operation as a | WWW.VGB.ORG/SHOP


Selection of impulse pipes and sampling lines NEU !
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for water and steam sectors in thermal power stations
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increased steam parameters and the updated long-term parameters.
The VGB standard is a set of experiences and recommendations, which although not always able to
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fully reflect the state of the art, was nevertheless compiled to the best of our knowledge. It is intended to
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