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Trends, Network &

Critical Thinking
Quarter 2 - Module 4
Trends, Network & Critical Thinking
Grade 11/12 Quarter 2 - Module 4: Information Communication
Technology: Social Relationships and Political Movements
Parties in the Philippines
First Edition, 2020

Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Nedel Joyce Christine C. Libunao, T-III

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team

Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr., P II

Management Team:

Atty. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent

Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, PhD

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

German E. Flora, PhD, CID Chief

Virgilio C. Boado, PhD, EPS in Charge of LRMS

Mario B. Paneda, Ed.D., EPS in Charge of Araling Panlipunan

Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II

Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II

Trends, Network &
Critical Thinking
Quarter 2 - Module 4
Information Communication
Technology: Social Relationships
and Political Movements

The Industrial Revolution initiated in the 1700’s has definitely not ended yet.
Technological innovations are still evolving as humanity has continually sought for
greater comfort and convenience in life. The developments in communication
technology have facilitated instantaneous connection between people from different
geographical locations. The rise of Information Communication Technology (ICT)
provided greater opportunities for people and countries to connect and market
themselves for greater economic prosperity. Barriers to communication between
people from varied locations have been removed through the World Wide Web and
the Internet. The same have likewise facilitated greater work opportunities through
BPOs and education through distance learning and Learning Management Systems
In this lesson, the learner organizes and mobilizes an event that deals with
a significant global issue, using ICT.
After this lesson, you are expected to
1. Explain how information communication technology can facilitate social
relationships and political movements. (HUMSS_MCT12-IId-f-5)
2. Propose a creative intervention to improve human life using ICT.

For you to understand the lesson well, do the following

activities. Have fun and good luck!

Activity 1: Word Mapping

Directions: Given the spaces below. Write the words or objects that are synonymous
to ICT. Then, explain why it is connected to the word ICT.



Scoring Rubric

Points Requirements
Provides an insightful and detailed explanation/opinion that
includes or extends ideas from the text.
Provides some explanation/opinion that includes ideas from
the text for support.
Uses text incorrectly or with limited success and includes an
inconsistent or confusing explanation.
Demonstrates minimal understanding of the task and
provides an unclear reference or no use of the text for support
1 The response is completely irrelevant or off – topic.

The 21st century is characterized by the application of an advancement in

information technology which has become an integral part of human life. The
Information Technology Association of America defined Information Technology as
“the study, design, development, application, implementation, support or
management of computer-based information systems.”
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is also known as
Information Technology (IT) which denotes the convergence of telecommunication
networks with computer networks through a link system later known as fiber optics.
The merging of the telephone service with the computer network or internet utilized
cabling and signal distribution.
ICT covers storage, retrieval, manipulation, and transmission of information
in a digital form. This happens using desktops, emails, podcast, vodcast, cloud
storage and the like. Skills Framework for the Information Age is a source for
describing and managing skills needed for ICT professionals, especially at this time
when Business Process Outsourcing companies are very much in need of IT
professionals to serve clients across the globe.

What is the Root of ICT?

Information and Communication Technology has been in use since the
1980s, especially by academic researchers. The term of ICT was coined by Dennis
Stevenson in 1997.

What is Information Technology?

Information is a processed data with a meaning. It is organized and has a
useful interpretation of data. On the other hand, technology has to do with tools.
Machines, and systems to apply change in a human – made environment.

What are the Characteristics of Good Information?

1. It is timely as it is provided at the right moment.
2. It is consistent and reliable as data is supported.
3. It is updated as it is supported by new data.
4. It serves the purpose of the end users.
5. It is accurate as there is no room for errors.
6. It is relevant as it is worth the time to process.
7. It is complete as all the details provide evidence.
The advancement and application Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) is changing. Some of these include the following:
1. Cloud Computing
It is defined as the usage of computing services through a software
as well as hardware. It is a service over a network which is the internet. It
provides benefits to its users such that it reduces the IT infrastructure
cost of the company; it promotes the concept of virtualization, which
enables the server and storage device to be used within the organization
and finally, it allows the maintenance of software and hardware a lot easier
as no installation is required.

2. Mobile Application
A trend within information technology is the use of mobile
applications which are software applications on smart phones, androids,
and the likes. Mobile application or mobile app is a complete success since
its introduction in the commercial market. Apps are designated to run in
smart phone, tablets, and other mobile devices.

3. User Interfaces
It has undergone a revolution since the introduction of touch screen.
The touch screen capability has revolutionized way end users interact with
the application. Touch screen enables the user to directly interact with
what is displayed and removes any intermediate hand-held device like the
mouse. Touch screen capability is utilized in smart phones, tablet,
information, kiosks, and other information appliances.

What are the Effects of Information Technology to the Society?

The past decades have shown grandiose revolution in the realm of computing
and communications. All indications shown that technology and the use of
information technology will continue to progress. The increase in the acquisition and
use of new information technologies is brought about by declining cost of
communications because of rapid technological innovations and increased
competitiveness of networks and companies mass-producing hand-held devices.
Electronic Commerce or E-commerce is one of the most notable development
in the internet. It is a new way of conducting business through the World Wide Web
where buyers and sellers meet and business. It greatly influences financial and retail
trade. Technology has also expanded into education as Open- Universities and
distance learning is widely offered now by several colleges and universities using
Learning Management Systems (LMS). Such milestones simply imply the seamless
application of information and communication technology along the entire value
chain of enterprise through the internet.

On Business Models, Commerce and Market Structure

Information Technology defines time and space which directly affect the
exertion of effort as it reduces travel, time and distance. Varied industries have
realized the workers may not necessarily come from a single location, such as
working in an office-based environment. Example of this is the establishment of
BPOs or Business Processing Outsourcing companies which are found in the
Philippines, India, Cambodia, Singapore, and Thailand etc. Firms opted to hire their
workers and outsource from other countries specifically in Asia where salary rate is
lot lower.
Notably, firms can now outsource their manufacturing to other nations such
as in the case of Industrial and Economic Zones operating in the Philippines and rely
on the telecommunications to keep production, distribution and marketing attained.
This has demanded as an influx of workers with specific skills. Thus, technology has
even refined division of labor and accurate coordination entirely through computer
networks and communication technologies. sells and conducts business entirely through web-based E-
commerce site. Payments can even done through Dragon Pay or through payment
centers, which are also operating online. The result is remarkable through and
distribution channel which is cost-efficient and provides buyers and consumers
lower prices for commodities being sold online. It is cost-effective to maintain a
virtual store than a physical one as it is always open and can be accessed by millions
of prospective clients across the globe. With the internet, E-commerce is rapidly
expanding into a fast-moving, open global market with an ever-increasing number of

Workplace and Labor Market

Computers and communication technologies complement the traditional
telephones. It is a way to allow individuals to communicate with one another in ways
that does not require face-to-face (f2f) interaction.
These technologies utilize communication infrastructures that are both
global and up 24/7. The importance of distance will be reduced by computers as well
as communication technology which allow telecommuting, and thus, have
implications for the residence patterns of the citizens. Workers can do most of their
work at home rather than in a centralized workplace if they opt to Work Homebased.
Hence, workers can reduce their everyday expenses and they can work on flexible
schedules as well and even have two jobs all at the same time.
Through these developments in the nature of job brought by information
technology will also reduce job stress and increase job satisfaction. It can also speed
up work and increase productivity. Through computers and technologies can
possibly replace some works, still there will be the creation of new jobs that requires
new skills. The convergence of media, telecommunication and computing
technologies is creating a new scenario in the workplace.

In schools around the world, computers, tablets, smart whiteboards, and
other technological devices are being used as part of the learning process. Technology
provides a window to the world and access to thousands of learning resources.
Learning to work with technology and using computer coding gives children the skills
and confidence to help them get good jobs when they leave school - and in turn come
up with newer technologies.
The number of children around the world using handheld devices, like mobile
phones and mini-tablets, is growing. Agencies and organizations are taking
advantage of the technology to deliver education where it is most needed.
Technology can be used as a tool for delivering education where it is most
needed, especially in humanitarian emergencies such as war or natural disasters.
Technology can deliver education in places other than a traditional
classroom - particularly during humanitarian emergencies such as conflict or
natural disasters. In crisis situations, the demand for education far outweighs the
supply of infrastructure, teachers, materials, and other resources.
For example, rebuilding Syria and preventing further conflict will not be
possible without a focus on youth getting greater access to opportunities to learn and
to develop skills that will enable them to support themselves and their families in the
Technology can deliver education in places other than a traditional
classroom - particularly during humanitarian emergencies such as conflict or
natural disasters. In crisis situations, the demand for education far outweighs the
supply of infrastructure, teachers, materials, and other resources.
For example, rebuilding Syria and preventing further conflict will not be
possible without a focus on youth getting greater access to opportunities to learn and
to develop skills that will enable them to support themselves and their families in the
Technology can give children with disabilities - who are more likely to miss
out on school than any other children - new learning opportunities. Using ICT,
teachers can adapt their lessons and present information in accessible formats that
best suit each learner's needs so that every student can take part equally.
For example, for students with speech, language and communication
impairments text could be supported by symbols, use picture-based systems or
text/picture-to-voice applications.
People who use sign language can use video, recorded and live. Electronic
textbooks can be produced as required in braille, large print or with synthesized
speech. Curriculum materials can be produced in audio formats and with options
for voice commands or speech-to-text commands to make it easier for those with
literacy and/or physical challenges to use the devices and express themselves.

Private Life and Society

First of all, ICT is a very important aspect of our daily lives because it makes
our work easier and faster. It is very important for us to engage in ICT because the
world of technology is really moving faster now that we are in the 21st century. We
cannot let ourselves be behind with the modernization of our world, nor do we want
to be updated on what is happening not only in our own community but also across
the globe.
There are so many things that ICT contributes and help to us human beings,
such as; we can now communicate with our loved ones abroad, we can start our
business, through online or what we call online business, whether in Facebook,
Instagram and other social media sites, we can watch our favorite videos online
through YouTube, Vimeo and other applications. These are only some of the
contribution of ICT to us human being.
This contribution of computer technology had a huge impact in the context
of our life, to our society, and our chosen professional track. The impact of computer
technology nowadays in the context of our life can be seen through the way of living
of the people in one community or society and its very undeniable that social media
nowadays had a great part in our daily lives especially here in the Netherlands. We
cannot resist even one day to not post a status update on Facebook, twitter,
Instagram and etc.; the reason behind this is that we’re used to it and we consider
social media as our daily habit and part of our daily living.

Phishing Scams
Phishing scams are attempts by scammers to trick you into giving out
personal information such as your bank account numbers, passwords and credit
card numbers.

How does this scam work?

A scammer contacts you pretending to be from a legitimate business such a
bank, telephone or internet service provider. You may be contacted by email, social
media, phone call, or text message.
The scammer asks you to provide or confirm your personal details. For
example, the scammer may say that the bank or organization is verifying customer
records due to a technical error that wiped out customer data. Or they may ask you
to fill out a customer survey and offer a prize for participating.
Alternatively, the scammer may alert you to 'unauthorized or suspicious
activity on your account'. You might be told that a large purchase has been made in
a foreign country and asked if you authorized the payment. If you reply that you
didn't, the scammer will ask you to confirm your credit card or bank details so the
'bank' can investigate. In some cases, the scammer may already have your credit
card number and ask you to confirm your identity by quoting the 3 or 4 digit security
code printed on the card.
Phishing messages are designed to look genuine, and often copy the format
used by the organization the scammer is pretending to represent, including their
branding and logo. They will take you to a fake website that looks like the real deal
but has a slightly different address. For example, if the legitimate site is
'', the scammer may use an address like ''.
If you provide the scammer with your details online or over the phone, they
will use them to carry out fraudulent activities, such as using your credit cards and
stealing your money.

Other types of Phishing Scams

Whaling and spear phishing - the scammer targets a business in an attempt

to get confidential information for fraudulent purposes. To make their request appear
legitimate, they use details and information specific to the business that they have
obtained elsewhere.
Pharming - the scammer redirects you to a fake version of a legitimate website
you are trying to visit. This is done by infecting your computer with malware which
causes you to be redirected to the fake site, even if you type the real address or click
on your bookmarked link.
Warning Signs in Phishing

You receive an email, text or phone call claiming to be from a bank,

telecommunications provider or other business you regularly deal with, asking you
to update or verify your details.
The email or text message does not address you by your proper name and
may contain typing errors and grammatical mistakes.
The website address does not look like the address you usually use and is
requesting details the legitimate site does not normally ask for.
You notice new icons on your computer screen, or your computer is not as
fast as it normally is.

Protect yourself from Phishing

Do not click on any links or open attachments from emails claiming to be

from your bank or another trusted organization and asking you to update or verify
your details – just press delete.
Do an internet search using the names or exact wording of the email or
message to check for any references to a scam – many scams can be identified this
Look for the secure symbol. Secure websites can be identified by the use of
'https:' rather than 'http:' at the start of the internet address, or a closed padlock or
unbroken key icon at the bottom right corner of your browser window. Legitimate
websites that ask you to enter confidential information are generally encrypted to
protect your details.
Never provide your personal, credit card or online account details if you
receive a call claiming to be from your bank or any other organization. Instead, ask
for their name and contact number and make an independent check with the
organization in question before calling back.

Here are some enrichment activities for you to work on to master and
strengthen the basic concepts you have learned from this lesson.

Activity 1: Let Us Process

Directions: Expound on the effect of the following concepts on human activities
a. Information Technology

b. Home-based Jobs

c. Computer Technology

d. Electronic Commerce

e. Closed Storage
Activity 2: My Idea
Direction: Express and expound on your insights about the following.
1. City dwellers renting out their spare rooms on AirBnB.

2. Drivers subsidizing their vehicles through Uber or Grab.


3. Starting a project through kickstarter and Indiegogo sponsorship.


4. Flexible employment through platforms like Upwork and TaskRabbit.


5. Shopping online like Lazada and Shopee.


Scoring Rubric

Points Requirements
Provides an insightful and detailed explanation/opinion
that includes or extends ideas from the text.
Provides some explanation/opinion that includes ideas
from the text for support.
Uses text incorrectly or with limited success and includes
an inconsistent or confusing explanation.
Demonstrates minimal understanding of the task and
2 provides an unclear reference or no use of the text for
1 The response is completely irrelevant or off – topic.

Activity 1: Let’s Value

Directions: Complete the matrix by providing the advantages and disadvantages of
the following concepts, then give a brief explanation.


1. Cloud

2. Mobile

3. Communication

4. World Wide Web

5. E-commerce

Scoring Rubric

Points Requirements
Provides an insightful and detailed explanation/opinion that
includes or extends ideas from the text.
Provides some explanation/opinion that includes ideas from
the text for support.
Uses text incorrectly or with limited success and includes an
inconsistent or confusing explanation.
Demonstrates minimal understanding of the task and
2 provides an unclear reference or no use of the text for
1 The response is completely irrelevant or off – topic.

Activity 1 Let’s Relate

Directions: Answer the questions carefully and with full honesty.
1. Do you believe that social media like Facebook and among other networks foster
genuine online friendship? Why or Why not?

2. Is it safe or not safe that strangers may access to your profile in social networks?
Why or Why not?

3. Is it worth spending time each day chatting or video calling than spending time
with someone in person? Why or Why not?

4. If given the opportunity will you join any political movement which is a social
group? Why or why not?

5. Why is information technology the best to promote political advertisements to the

voters? Why or why not?
Scoring Rubric

Points Requirements
Provides an insightful and detailed explanation/opinion
that includes or extends ideas from the text.
Provides some explanation/opinion that includes ideas
from the text for support.
Uses text incorrectly or with limited success and includes
an inconsistent or confusing explanation.
Demonstrates minimal understanding of the task and
2 provides an unclear reference or no use of the text for
1 The response is completely irrelevant or off – topic.

Great job! You are done with this module. Relax for a while then
have a great day ahead!
Activity no. 1
It can be a YES or a NO depending on the perception of the learner
Explaination part
Answer may vary refer to the rubrics
Deepen Explore Jumpstart
Activity no. 1 Activity no. 1 and Activity no. 1
Explaination part Activity no. 2 Possible answers
Answer may vary. Explaination part Mobile phones,
Refer to the Answer may vary. laptops,social media
rubrics. Refer to the (facebook,
rubrics. instagram, etc.)
Explaination Part
Answer may vary. Refer
to the rubrics.
Printed Materials:

Sy-Gaco, (2017) Through the Looking Glass: Trends, Networks, & Crictical Thinking
in the 21st Century. Great Books Trading. pp. 116.
Ethel Magalona, MA et al. (2017) Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st
Century. Mindspers Co., Inc. pp.91-105.

Online Resources:

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