Elemental Analysis of Some Medicinal Plants Used I

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Elemental analysis of some medicinal plants used in traditional medicine by

atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS)

Article in Journal of Medicinal Plant Research · October 2010

DOI: 10.5897/JMPR10.081


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13 authors, including:

Mushtaq Ahmad Mir Khan

Quaid-i-Azam University Quaid-i-Azam University


Mushtaq Ahmad Gul Jan

Athabasca University Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan


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Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 4(19), pp. 1987-1990, 4 October, 2010
Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/JMPR
DOI: 10.5897/JMPR10.081
ISSN 1996-0875 ©2010 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Elemental analysis of some medicinal plants used in

traditional medicine by atomic absorption
spectrophotometer (AAS)
Muhammad Zafar1*, Mir Ajab Khan1, Mushtaq Ahmad1, Gul Jan1, Shazia Sultana1, Kifayat
Ullah1, Sarfaraz Khan Marwat1, Farooq Ahmad2, Asma Jabeen3, Abdul Nazir1, Arshad
Mehmood Abbasi1, Zia ur Rehman1 and Zahid Ullah1
Department of Plant Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad Pakistan.
Department of Botany, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Environmental Sciences Department, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Accepted 10 September, 2010

Different elemental constituents at trace levels of plants play an effective role in the medicines
prepared. Elemental composition of different parts including leaves, seeds and fruits have been
determined by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). A total of 14 elements K+, Mg+2, Ca+2,
Na+, Fe+2, Co+3, Mn+2, Cu+3, Cr+3, Zn+2, Ni+3, Li+1, Pb+4 and Cd+2 have been measured. Their concentrations
were found to vary in different samples. Medicinal properties of these plant samples and their elemental
distribution have been correlated.

Key words: Elemental analysis, medicinal plants and atomic absorption spectrophotometer.


Herbal drugs are being used as remedies for various the second dist heat pathological symptoms can be
diseases across the world from ancient time. In recent relieved by replacing the element. To be pharmacolo-
years, increasing interest has been focused on phyto- gically effective or essential, the trace element may need
medicines as safer and more congenial to the human to be combining or chelated with some ligand, in order to
body. Medicinal plants come into preparation of various be physiologically absorbed to prevent or cure impair-
drugs singly or in combination or even are used as the ment caused by deficiency of the element (Linder, 1991).
principal source of raw material for the other medicines Active constituent of medicinal plants are metabolic
(Mohanta et al., 2003). products of plant cells and a number of trace elements
More than 40 elements have been considered essential play an important role in the metabolism (Rajurkar and
to life systems for the survival of both mammals and Damame, 1997). The screening of the actual bioactive
plants. An element is considered essential when elements of plant origin and assessment of elemental
reduction of its exposure below a certain limit results composition of the widely used medicinal plants is highly
consistently in a reduction in a physiologically important essential. In present study an attempt was made to
function, or when the element is an integral part of an determine what essential elements are present and their
organic structure performing a vital function in that levels in medicinal plants by using Atomic Absorption
organism (Armah et al., 2001). Spectrophotometer (AAS).
Two main criteria are considered when elements are
said to be essential. The first one is absence form diet
results in departures from normal growth and meta- EXPERIMENTAL
bolism, and development of pathological symptoms, while
Five medicinal plants including; Fagonia indica Burm.,
Argemone mexicana L., Cnicus benedictus L., Silybum
marianum (L.) Gaertn. and Solanum suratense Burm. f.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected], were analyzed in the from of aerial parts. Plants material
[email protected]. was collected freshly from the filed. All plants material
1988 J. Med. Plant. Res.

Table 1. Botanical names and uses of selected medicinal plants.

Species English Local Part

No. Family Medicinal uses
name name name used
Fever, hepatitis, itching, skin diseases, tonic for
F. indica Southern Aerial
01 Zygophyllaceae Dhamaya liver and stomach, blood purification, cough and
Burm. Cyprus parts

A. mexicana Mexican Aerial

02 Papaveraceae Kandiari Diuretic, purgative and sedative.
L. prickly poppy parts

Cnicus Aerial Digestive complaints, Astringent; Bitter; Diuretic;

03 Asteraceae Holy Thistle Kandiari
benedictus L. parts Stomachic; Tonic

Diuretic, Anticancer, stimulates the cardiovascular

Shafa-e- system and antiviral and spermicidal, carminative,
04 marianum (L.) Asteraceae Milk thistle Seeds
Jigar hepatitis, asthma, cough, bronchspasm, sore
throat, constipation.

Anticancer, stimulates the cardiovascular system,

Solanum Yellow
Aerial antiviral and spermicidal, carminative, asthma,
05 suratense Solanaceae berried Mohakari
parts cough, bronchspasm, sore throat, constipation, an
Burm. f. nightshade
effective expectorant and diuretic.

was first cleaned dried and then powdered using a comparator method of AAS techniques are shown in
electric blender. Table 2 in mg/g dry weight of the samples. It is to be
Samples in powder form were used for Atomic noted that each result is an average of at least three
Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Each plant independent measurements with a precision of about ±
material (0.25 g) were taken in 50 ml flask and add 6.5 ml 1%.
of mixed acid solution that is, Nitric acid (HNO3), Sulfuric The data obtained are cited in Table 2 and 3. The
acid (H2SO4) and Perchloric acid (HClO4) (5:1:0.5) The results show that Fagonia indica Burm., Argemone
sample boiled in acid solution in fume hood on hot plate mexicana L., Cnicus benedictus L., Silybum marianum
(model VWR VELP scientifica, Germany) till the digestion (L.) Gaertn. and Solanum suratense Burm. f. exhibits the
has been completed which was indicated by white fumes highest concentration of the elements K+, Mg+2, Fe+2 and
coming out from the flask. Thereafter, few drops of Na+ (Table 2). The highest more concentration of K+ was
distilled water were added and allowed to cool. Then found in Cnicus benedictus. This shows that plants
these digested samples were transferred in 50 ml accumulate and assimilate several elements from the
volumetric flasks and the volume was made up to 50 ml soil. In Argemone mexicana and Silybum marianum the
by adding distilled water in them. Then filter the extract Cu+3 and K+ are absent. Fagonia indica has low concen-
with filter paper (Whatmann No. 42) and filtrate were tration of Zn+2. Solanum surratense has low concentration
collected in labeled plastic bottles. The solutions were of Cd+, Li+ and+ Cu+. Cnicus benedictus has low concen-
analyzed for the elements of interest utilizing Atomic tration of Li+1 (Table 3). From the above presentation, it is
Absorption Spectrometer Shimadzu AA-670 with suitable obvious that most of these plants accumulate essential,
hollow cathode lamps. The percentages of different important, necessary, useful and helpful elements for
+2 +2
elements in these samples were determined by the plant, man and animals. The presence of Ca , Mg ,
corresponding standard calibration curves obtained by Na , K , Co , Cr , Cu , Fe , Mn , Ni and Zn+2
+ + +3 +3 +3 +2 +2 +3

using standard AR grade solutions of the elements i.e. reflects their function as essential nutrient elements, often
+ +2 +2 + +2 +3 +2 +3 +3 +2
K , Mg , Ca , Na , Fe , Co , Mn , Cu , Cr , Zn , as co-factor activators in metal-ligand enzyme complexes
+3 +1 +4 +2 +2 +2
Ni , Li , Pb and Cd . (Valkovic, 1975). Ca and Mg are present in exchange-
able amounts and act as binding agents to fuse the cell
walls together (Dser, 1979). The high concentration of
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION certain metals, Mg+2, K+, Ca+2 and Fe+2 in the plants are
essential for proper growth and normal functioning of the
Plants analyzed in the present work with their botanical plant (Underwood, 1971). Co+3, Cr+3, Cu+3 and Zn+2
name, local name, part of the plant used, medicinal uses (Valkovic, 1975) are essential for hair growth and for
(Table 1). The results of elemental analysis obtained by increasing the rate of milk production by pregnant
Zafar et al. 1989

Table 2. Concentrations of K+, Mg+2, Ca+2, Na+, Fe+2, Co+3, Mn+2 (ppm) in medicinal plants.

+ +2 +2 + +2 +3 +2
No. Species Name K Mg Ca Na Fe Co Mn
01 Fagonia indica Burm. 2293.68 1819.5 27.8 155.3 579.00 35.00 32.2
02 Argemone mexicana L. 1578.3 2023.42 73.0 361.60 618.6 24.6 62.00
03 Cnicus benedictus L. 6000.00 1764.64 305.5 156.48 730.8 38.8 34.6
04 Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. 154.78 1092.72 54.00 506.52 669.2 19.2 23.2
05 Solanum suratense Burm. f. 1085.38 1942.52 263.6 236.06 522.2 27.6 30.4

Table 3. Concentrations of Cu+3, Cr+3, Zn+2, Ni+3, Li+1, Pb+4 and Cd+2 (ppm) in medicinal plants.

+3 +3 +2 +3 +1 +4 +2
No. Species name Cu Cr Zn Ni Li Pb Cd
01 Fagonia indica Burm. 1.8 9.6 0.42 12.4 4.00 54.00 3.4
02 Argemone mexicana L. 0.00 3.2 10.44 14.6 3.4 86.00 3.4
03 Cnicus benedictus L. 6.8 7.00 38.52 22.00 0.4 64.00 4.6
04 Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. 0.00 4.6 34.3 29.4 5.00 54.00 2.00
05 Solanum suratense Burm. f. 1.00 32.6 26.78 35.2 1.4 52,00 2.6

females. The botanical sources of large number of folk is interesting to note that some of the medicinal plants
medicine found therapeutically effective in indigenous used by local physician and common people have high
systems are still unknown or doubtful (Ahmad et al., concentration in the range of ppm of Mn+2, Fe+2, Cu+3,
2008, 2009; Abbasi et al., 2009; Shah et al., 2009). Zn+2 etc. The concentration of K+ and Ca+2 are in the
Chemotaxonomic markers including classical taxono- percentage level. Zn is important in wound healing and
mic and modern techniques have been used to detect also functions as an antioxidant. Mn+2 are essential for
adulterants from genuine source of the drug and solve normal functioning of central nervous system and are a
the problems of confusion faced by herbalists, pharma- good anti-oxidant. The researchers are trying to link the
cists, taxonomists and medicinal herb traders (Ahmad et contents of the trace elements and medicinal values of
al., 2008; Ahmad et al., 2009). the plants. This is for the first time that such an
The active constituents of medicinal plant or the meta- exhaustive work on elemental content has been carried
bolic products of plant cells wherein a number of trace out on the medicinal plants.
elements play an important metabolic role can be used The data obtained in the present work will be useful in
medicinally for their therapeutic effect (Rasheed, 1995). synthesis of new herbal drugs with various combinations
In addition the plants are used as the principal source of of plants, which can be used in the treatment of different
raw materials in the preparation of drugs. The presence diseases at global level generally and in Pakistan
of high element concentrations in the plants under study particularly.
gives a new insight into their potential use to compensate
for element deficiencies in both man and animals as well
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