Evidence To Recommendation Table 1 Dose Vs 2 Dose

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Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization Evidence to recommendations framework 1

Question: Should an off label2, permissive one dose HPV vaccine schedule for use in the routine and/or multi-age cohort (MAC)
catch up strategies be recommended?
Population: Main population is pre-adolescent and adolescent girls (9-14 years old), but boys and older adults are also included.
Intervention: Single dose vaccination; bivalent (Cervarix and Cecolin), quadrivalent (Gardasil), and nonavalent vaccines (Gardasil 9).
Comparison(s): 2 doses of HPV vaccination
Clinical outcome: including, but not limited to invasive cervical, vaginal, vulval, anal, penile or head and neck cancer; cervical
intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 3+; CIN2+; histological and cytological abnormalities; anogenital warts; high risk HPV infection
(genotype-specific prevalence, incidence and/or persistence)
Immunological outcome; seroconversion or seropositivity; geometric mean titers (GMT) of HPV antibodies

Background: As of March 2022, 117 countries introduced HPV vaccine in their national immunization schedules, but these countries
represent only a third of the global population of girls and 40% of the global burden of cervical cancer.

In October 2019, SAGE reviewed the evidence on a single dose of HPV vaccines to protect 9-14-year-old girls, the primary target
population, against cervical cancer. SAGE concluded the quality and amount of evidence was insufficient for this policy decision and
that the evidence from the purposefully designed single dose randomized control trials (RCTs) was required to inform policy
decisions. Several of the RCTs and effectiveness studies designed to assess single dose schedules have started to generate interim
results during 2021.

This Evidence to Recommendation table is based on the DECIDE Work Package 5: Strategies for communicating evidence to inform decisions about health system and public health interventions.
Evidence to a recommendation (for use by a guideline panel). http://www.decide-collaboration.eu/WP5/Strategies/Framework
The recommendations contained in this publication are based on the advice of independent experts, who have considered the be st available evidence, a risk–benefit analysis and other factors, as
appropriate. This publication may include recommendations on the use of medicinal products for an indication, in a dosage form, dose regimen, population or other use parameters that are not
included in the approved labelling. Relevant stakeholders should familiarize themselves with applicable national legal and ethical requirements. WHO does not accept any liability for the procurement,
distribution and/or administration of any product for any use.

In November 2020, the World Health Assembly adopted the Global Strategy towards the elimination of cervical cancer. The strategy
calls on each country to introduce HPV vaccination by 2030 and set a target of 90% of girls fully vaccinated with HPV vaccine by age
of 15. HPV vaccine coverages are below the target of 90% in the majority of countries and the observed high drop out between the
first and the second dose indicate programmatic challenges.

Programmatic challenges to introducing the vaccine include high cost and supply constraints. The latter have affected in particular
Low and Middle income countries since 2018 and led to delayed introductions and delayed or canceled multi age cohort catch up
strategies in GAVI eligible countries.


Is the problem Un- Varies by
No Yes
a public health certain setting HPV infection with oncogenic HPV types causes
priority? an estimated 604,000 cases of cervical cancer
worldwide (Globocan, 2020). HPV infection also
causes a proportion of cancers of the anus, the
oropharynx, the vulva and vagina, and of the
penis. Of HPV-associated cancers, HPV types 16
and 18 are associated with 85% of HPV-related
head and neck cancers and 87% of anal cancers

– the second and third most frequent HPV-

related cancers with, respectively, 38 000 and
☐ ☐ ☒ ☐ 35 000 estimated cases per year. Martel et al.,
Int. J. Cancer: 141, 664–670 (2017) VC 2017

Anogenital HPV infection can result in benign

skin and mucosal tumors, including anogenital
warts in men and women. The estimated
median annual incidence of new anogenital
warts was 137 per 100 000 men and 121 per
100 000 women. (Patel H et al. Systematic
review of the incidence and prevalence of

genital warts. BMC Infectious Diseases,

Benefits of the Recent data show that single dose HPV vaccine
intervention No Yes Varies is highly efficacious (VE > 95%) in a RCT among
15 to 20 year old population (Kenshe RCT,
Are the Barnabas et al. 2021), and showed similar
efficacy compared to 2 or 3 doses of HPV
vaccine in 10-18 year old girls in a post RCT

follow up study (IARC India, 2021, Basu et al.
effects large? 2021).

See the summary table of Systematic Review by

Cochrane Group. (see the Cochrane Systematic

Modeling suggests that under an elimination

☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ scenario (all countries introduce by 2030 and
90% of girls vaccinated with 2 doses of HPV
vaccine by age15) vaccination can prevent
more than 61 million cases of cervical cancer
over the next century (Brisson 2020).
If future evidence from RCTs comparing 1 vs 2
doses do not confirm non-inferiority and 1 dose
would have marginally lower protection at
individual level, higher one dose coverage and
any resulting herd protection would likely
result in a larger public health impact (Prem,
Brisson 2021).

Future improvements in quality and coverage
of cervical cancer screening and treatment
programmes may mitigate any lower
protection from a single dose.

There is no immune correlate of protection.

Direct evidence on the duration of protection
exists for the time vaccines have been licensed
(2006). There is evidence that the immune
response is stable for a period up to 11 years
for a single dose (Costa Rica, CVT data. Kreimer
et al., 2020). Similar to other schedules (2 or 3
dose), it is unknown whether a booster dose is
Harms of the Since licensure in 2006, over 500 million doses
intervention No Yes Varies of HPV vaccines have been distributed. The risk
of anaphylaxis has been characterized as
Are the approximately 1.7 cases per million doses. No
other serious adverse reactions have been
identified and HPV vaccines have an excellent
anticipated safety profile (GACVS 2017).
effects small?
The safety of HPV vaccine has been confirmed
by GACVS and informed by data from large,
high-quality datasets from post surveillance
☐ ☐ ☒ ☐ systems (see the GACVS Report).

Furthermore, by reducing the number of doses

to a single dose the existing risk will be

Favours Favours
Balance inter- com-
Favours Favours
The benefits of protection against all HPV
both neither
between vention parison related diseases, cervical but also other forms
benefits and of cancers and genital warts, outweigh any
harms ☐ ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐
harm that may arise from vaccination (e.g.,
pain during immunization, AEFIs)

What is the Effectiveness of the intervention As per the Grade table (attached)
overall quality No
Very Mod- The quality of evidence on non-inferiority (1 vs
included Low High
of this studies low erate 2 doses (IARC India post RCT follow up, Basu et
evidence for ☐ ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ al., 2021 and CVT; Kreimer et al 2020) is low.
However, VE outcomes are comparable to high
the critical
quality 0 vs 1 dose RCT data (Kenshe RCT,
outcomes? Safety of the intervention Barnabas et al.2021).
Very Mod-
included Low High
studies low erate
A growing number of lower quality observation
studies confirm the findings from intervention
studies. Studies that apply buffer periods in
the analysis (excluding participants that did not
have sufficient time between vaccination date
and outcome measurement date) and studies
which adjusted for the most confounding (i.e.,
☒ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☒ studies at the least risk of bias) were more
likely to report smaller differences in effect
between one and two doses.

The very high and comparable efficacy (97.5%)

from high quality single dose 0 vs 1 RCT lend
further weight.

(see the Cochrane Response Systematic

High quality safety data based on large, high

quality datasets from post-marketing
surveillance systems

How certain is Possibly

No There is no uncertainty about the value placed
Importa y no No
the relative nt
known on prevention of cervical cancer and high
nt nt
importance of uncertai
undesir acceptance of the vaccination as indicated by
nty or uncertai able
the desirable variabili
nty or
nty or
nty or
outcom high coverage achieved in many programs
variabili variabili
ty variabili es (Bruni et al., 2021)
and ty

There is uncertainty about the duration of

outcomes? protection because no direct evidence on the

duration of protection beyond 16 years (for
several decades) exists for HPV vaccines and
there is no immune correlate of protection.

There is evidence that the immune response is

stable for a period up to 11 years for a single
☐ ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ dose (Costa Rica, CVT RCT. Kreimer et al 2020).
Similar to other schedules (2 or 3 dose), it is
unknown whether a booster dose is beneficial.

In some geographies vaccine hesitancy and fear

of infertility or other alleged AEFIs affects
vaccine uptake. While the risk of infertility, or
observed rare conditions such as CRPS or POTS,
are not uncertain (there is no increased risk or

causal link to HPV vaccination according to
GACVS), it has proven to strongly affect vaccine
uptake and acceptance of some programmes.

The existence of - or the potential development

of - high performing cervical cancer screening
and treatment programmes using high quality
tests, may mitigate any residual risk or lower
protection after a single dose

Values and Pro Pro Large benefits can be obtained relative to the
Unc potential undesirable effects. Reducing the
preferences of babl babl Ye Varie
No erta number of required doses to a single dose
the target y y s s
population: No Yes while obtaining a similarly large benefits in
terms of cancer cases averted is preferred by
Are the
vaccinees as well as by immunization
desirable programmes. It leads to reduction in individual
effects large ☐ ☐ ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ and programme level costs while further
relative to reducing the risk of pain and AEFIs.
Are the HPV vaccine is relatively costly compared to .
resources traditional vaccines. In addition, vaccine
required delivery cost has been demonstrated to be high
small? Un- for HPV vaccines. (Jit. M,

No Yes Varies
certain 2021.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jval.2020.07.01
2) A reduction from two doses to a single dose
per eligible girl will lead to considerable
programme savings.

Supply constraints have affected programme

☐ ☐ ☒ ☐ options (WHO Global HPV market study Nov

From an immunization programme perspective,
the intervention will not require additional
costs and lead to cost reductions in vaccines,
human resource time and complexity
(registration, tracking).

From the perspective of the beneficiaries,

adolescent girls and parents, a single dose will
reduce any financial costs due to transportation
and other opportunity costs.

Cost- Un- Cost effectiveness studies have shown that HPV

No Yes Varies vaccine is cost-effective intervention in various
effectiveness certain
country settings (Abbas et al., 2020.) .
These cost effectiveness data are not only
based on older vaccine prices (average HPV
☐ ☐ ☒ ☐ dose price is going down) but also based on the
need for 2 doses. Cost effectiveness of a single
dose schedule is therefore higher.
What would Increa- Un- Re- Currently, two thirds of the global cohort of
be the impact sed certain duced eligible girls lack access to HPV vaccines. They
on health live in low- and middle-income countries that
inequities? represent 60% of cervical cancer disease

A single dose can lead to earlier access to HPV

vaccines (more girls can be reached with the
☐ ☐ ☒ ☐ current limited supply of vaccines in the short
run) as it would reduce supply constraints. By
making HPV introduction more affordable for
low-income countries, immunization
programmes may decide to advance
introductions and protect more girls earlier,
thereby reducing health inequities.

Which option A small-scale informal survey among EPI .
is acceptable programmes from low and middle income
to key Inter- Com setting with current and planned HPV
Neit Un- programmes (survey carried out between July
stakeholders venti paris Both
her clear and October 2021 for WHO SAGE) indicated
(Ministries of on on
that a majority would consider adoption of a
one dose recommendation for MAC on
Immunization programmatic grounds. This survey did not ask
Managers)? specifically about a scenario to lower the
routine cohort to 1 dose. SAGE & WHO policy
☒ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ endorsement was mentioned as an important
criterion for NITAG decisions.

Which option A study from Tanzania among participants in a

is acceptable Inter- Com 1 vs 2 dose trial (Mitchell et al., 2021
Neit Un-
to target venti paris Both 10.1016/j.tvr.2021.200217) indicated that most
her clear
group? on on participants entrusted decisions about the
number of HPV vaccine doses to experts.
Random allocation to the different dose groups
did not feature highly in the decision to
participate in the trial. Given a hypothetical
choice, girls generally said they would prefer
fewer doses in order to avoid the pain of
☐ ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ injections. Parental views were mixed, with
most wanting whichever dosing was most
efficacious. Nonetheless, some parents
equated a higher number of doses with greater

Is the Pro Pro As per March 2022, 117 countries have


Un- Varie

intervention No bab ba Yes introduced HPV vaccine in the national


cer s immunization programme at 2- or 3 doses

ly bly

feasible to No tai Yes schedules successfully. Single dose vaccine
implement? n programmes would be easier and more

In the informal survey among EPI programmes

from low and middle income setting with
current and planned HPV programmes carried
out between July and October 2021 for WHO
SAGE, a majority considered 1 dose vaccination
☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☒ ☐

Experience with reduction in the HPV vaccine

schedule exists. Following a policy change in
2014 (WHO HPV position paper, 2014) nearly
all countries in the world switched successfully
from 3 to 2 dose routine schedules, most within
3 years.

Undesirable Undesirable
The balance between Desirable consequences
consequences consequences Desirable consequences
desirable and undesirable probably outweigh
clearly probably outweigh clearly outweigh
consequences undesirable
outweigh desirable undesirable
is closely balanced or consequences
desirable consequences consequences
uncertain in most settings
Balance of consequences in most settings in most settings
in most settings

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☒

We recommend the We recommend
We suggest considering recommendation of the comparison against the
intervention intervention
and the comparison
Type of
recommendation ☒ ☐ Only in the context of rigorous research ☐ ☐
☐ Only with targeted monitoring and evaluation
☐ Only in specific contexts or specific (sub)populations
Recommendation Please see the WHO HPV Position Paper, published 16 December 2022

Please see the WHO HPV Position Paper, published 16 December 2022

Monitoring and
Please see the WHO HPV Position Paper, published 16 December 2022

Research priorities
Please see the WHO HPV Position Paper, published 16 December 2022

Annex 1 Grade Table 1 vs 2 doses (source: Systematic Review, Cochrane Response 2022)


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