Breast Cancer Contouring

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Target Volume Delineation

Dr Susmita Sadhukhan
Registrar A
Radiation Oncology
Another Guideline????????
Target volume delineation : weakest part of the quality
chain in RT.
Large inter-observer variation
Previous Guideline uses same fixed bony landmarks
strong There is no reason to enlarge the
Larger treated volumes even than treated with
conventional simulator-based RT.
fields beyond those obtained with
conventional simulator
Reduce thebased treatment
dose to the OAR set-up
More attention paid to the vessels and less to bony
Materials and methods

The teachers from four countries (DK, ESP, F and NL) continued to
work towards a European consensus on delineation guidelines.
One of the teachers of the ESTRO course started with delineating
relevant CTV.
The three other teachers commented, and specific borders were
discussed during ESTRO courses and at telephone conferences,also
using ESTROs FALCON platform.
Compromise between real anatomical borders and practical clinical
borders to prevent an increase in size of the RT fields compared to
conventional RT fields.
Guidelines were discussed with the Belgium group , and further
adaptations were made
CT Simulation :
Non-contrast-enhanced computer tomography(CT) scans in breast
board inclined at 12.515 with both arms abducted around 120 degree.

The head was positioned straight with the chin slightly upwards,
avoiding skin folds at the level of the lower neck.

Two circles of radio-opaque wires- the palpable/visible CTV breast

(inner circle) and the provisional field borders (outer circle).

In mastectomy patients, radio-opaque wires should be positioned

around the imaginary original site of the breast and also
corresponding to the mastectomy scar

Scans were made under free breathing and with 2.5 mm thick sections
CTVp_breast (BCS)
Cranial : Upper border of palpable/visible breast tissue; maximally up
to the inferior edge of the sternoclavicular joint
CaudalIrrespective of visible
: Most caudal CT slice with thebreast
Ventral : 5 mm under skin surface *
of the primary tumour bed in the
Dorsal : Major pectoral muscle or costae and intercostal muscles
where no muscle. breast,
: Lateral to the medialmust
mammarian vessels;
maximally to the edge of the sternal bone
the breast
Lateral : Lateral primary tumour
fold; anterior bed artery
to the lateral thoracic
At the caudal part of the breast the dorsal border can be
adjusted in ventro/ventrolateral direction in particular in
obese patients with a thick subcutaneous tissue layer.
Cranial : 2nd rib insertion caudal inferior edge of the
sternoclavicular joint.

Anterior : Skin 5mm beneath skin

Medial : Sternal-rib junction lateral to the medial

perforating mammarian vessels

Lateral : Mid axillary line anterior to the lateral

thoracic artery
CTVp_thoracic wall
Cranial : Guided by palpable/visible signs; contralateral breast;
maximally up to the inferior edge of the sterno-clavicular joint.
Caudal : Guided by palpable/visible signs; contralateral breast
Ventral : 5 mm under skin surface
Mostly Clinical Based on
Dorsal : Major pectoral muscle or costae and intercostal muscles
where no muscle
Medial : Opposite Breast
Guided by palpable/visible signs; contralateral breast
Lateral : Guided by palpable/visible signs; contralateral breast.
Usually anterior to the mid-axillary line
Exclude P. muscles and ribs from chest wall unless
What we need to change
Use bolus in case of thin chest wall and skin
Axilla Level I
Medial: 5 mm cranial to the axillary vein
Lateral: max up to 1 cm below the edge of the humeral head,5 mm around
the axillary vein
To the level of rib 4 5, taking also into account the visible effects of the
sentinel lymph node biopsy.
Pectoralis major &minor muscles
Cranially up to the thoraco-dorsal vessels, and more caudally up to an
imaginary line between the anterior edge of the latissimus dorsi muscle
and the intercostal muscles.
Level 2, the interpectoral level and the thoracic wall more caudally

Surgical scarring after ALND or

Lateral :
Cranially : an imaginary linelymph
between thenode biopsy
major pectoral and deltoid
Caudalusually should
: a line between be
the major included
pectoral indorsi
and latissimus themuscles
Cranial : includes the cranial extent of the axillary artery (i.e. 5 mm
cranial of axillary vein
Caudal : The caudal border of the minor pectoral muscle. The caudal
border may therefore in these cases be modified to exclude the surgical
bed from the Level 2 volume.
Ventral : Minor pectoral muscle
Dorsal : Up to 5 mm dorsal of axillary vein or to costae and intercostal
Medial : Medial edge of minor pectoral muscle
Lateral : Lateral edge of minor pectoral muscle
Axilla Level III RTOG
Cranial : Includes the cranial extent of the subclavian artery(i.e. 5 mm
cranial of subclavian vein)
Caudal : 5 mm caudal to the subclavian vein.
Ventral : Major pectoral muscle
Dorsal : Up to 5 mm dorsal of subclavian vein or to costae and
intercostal muscles
Medial : clavicle & Junction of subclavian and internal jugular veins
Lateral : Medial side of the minor pectoral muscle
Lymph node level 4: CTVn_L4
Cranial : Includes the cranial extent of the subclavian artery(i.e. 5 mm
cranial of subclavian vein) *
Caudal : Includes the subclavian vein with 5 mm margin, thus
connecting to the cranial border of CTVn_IMN
Ventral : Sternocleidomastoid muscle, dorsal edge of the clavicle
Dorsal : Pleura
Medial : Including the jugular vein without margin; excluding the
thyroid gland and the common carotid artery
Lateral : Includes the anterior scalene muscles and connects to the
medial border of CTVn_L3
Internal Mammary lymph nodes: encompass the
internal mammary/ thoracic vessels

Cranial : Superior aspect of the medial 1st rib.

Caudal : Cranial aspect of the 4th rib


Cranial : Caudal limit of CTVn_L4

Caudal : Cranial side of the 4th rib (in selected cases 5th rib)
Ventral : Ventral limit of the vascular area
Dorsal : Pleura
Medial : 5 mm from the internal mammary vein (artery in
cranial part up to and including first intercostal space) or the
sternum, whatever is closest.
Lateral : Same as medial border
The interpectoral lymph nodes

These lymph nodes are also known as the Rotter lymph

Located ventral to the minor pectoral muscle and dorsal to
the major pectoral muscle
Other limits largely reflect the limits of CTVn_L2.
Major changes ??
Ribs and P. muscles are not included in CTV in case of chest
wall contouring.
Anterior border is 5mm beneath skin.
The dorsal border of CTVn_L1 and CTVn_L2, which to a large
extent defines the depth of the target volumes.(Lung dose)
P. minor muscle is no more included in CTVn_L2.(dorsal to
that )
Exclude carotid artery from Supraclavicular volume.
Cranial border of SCF much reduced.
CTVn_IMN dorsal to the sterno-clavicular joint- cause much
increase in the dose to the ipsilateral lung . Not included in a
most previous guidelines.
Lateral border of CTVn_IMN : The definition of CTVn_IMN is
modified to include both the internal mammary vein and artery with 5
mm margin.

Dose to CTVn_L1 ???: May compromise on dose coverage of the

lateral part of CTVn_L1 and sometimes also of CTVn_L2.

Lateral border of CTVp_breast : In patients with clearly visible

glandular breast tissue, it is recommended to include the glandular
tissue and not necessarily extend the volume lateral upto the thoracic

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