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ISBN 978-1-62284-053-3
Second Digital Edition — January 2016

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Table of Contents


1 One-way or 1-7 • Travel schedules • Describe travel plans • once, twice, three times (a day)
• Tickets • Ask about schedules every (10 minutes)
• Telling time • Ask about fares and buy • Simple present with schedules:
tickets The train to Boston leaves at
• Travel 2:45.
announcements • Give travel updates
• Simple future with will: I’ll
• Talk about travel call you when I get to Paris.

2 What do you 8-15 • Types of • Describe your company’s • Relative clauses with that, who
companies size and location(s) • be in charge of, responsible for
do there?
• Company • Talk about your • Simple past: irregular verbs
organization company’s products
• Responsibilities and services
• Describe your
• Talk about your job

3 Where are you 16-23 • Summer and • Describe winter and • too much, too many, (not)
winter activities summer activities enough
going this • Future with going to: I’m
• Clothing and • Talk about vacation plans
summer? travel items going to stay in Italy for
• Talk about what you take
two weeks.
• Weather on a trip
• need to
• Give reminders
• should (giving advice)
• may, in case

4 Enjoy your stay! 24-31 • Hotels and • Describe a hotel • Superlative forms: the
accommodations • Make a reservation biggest / smallest; the most /
least expensive, etc.
• Hotel services • Check into and out of
a hotel • Polite offers with Shall I …?
• Describe your hotel stay • Object pronouns: The clerk
gave me the key.

5 Do you like spicy 32-39 • Types of • Describe restaurants • (not) as … as …

restaurants • Reserve a table • as much … as / as many …
• Food flavors • Compare restaurants as
• Food likes and • Describe foods and • prefer + noun: I prefer rice.
dislikes state preferences • like vs. would like
• Menus • a little too … / much too …

6 Review 40-45

vi ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Table of Contents

7 What’s the 46-53 • Parts of the body • Say how you’re feeling • I have to stay home.
matter? • Ailments and • Describe your • You shouldn’t go to
symptoms symptoms work today.
• Medicines and • Talk about medicines • Past progressive: I was
the pharmacy and remedies working at 2 o’clock
• get sick, get well, etc.

8 What do you do in 54-61 • Leisure activities • Talk about free-time • Roger enjoys reading.
• Hobbies and activities • Susan likes singing / to sing.
your free time?
interests • Talk about your hobbies • Paul would rather see a movie.
• Invite someone out • still / not anymore
• Adverbs

9 How do you stay 62-69 • Exercise • Describe exercise habits • regularly, occasionally,
• Fitness and routines hardly ever
in shape?
• Say what you do to stay • Clauses with if
or get in shape • Do you know where /
• Ask about fees and when …? etc.
membership • Can you tell me if /
how …? etc.
• Confirming: The price includes
group classes, doesn’t it?

10 How is the new 70-77 • Homes and • Describe your home • Number-noun adjectives:
neighborhoods a two-car garage
place? • Describe your
• Rooms of the house neighborhood • Reflexive pronouns
• Give compliments and (emphatic use): I made
welcome visitors it myself.

11 What did you 78-85 • Appliances and • Say what you use • I use … to listen / for
devices something for listening to music.
use to do?
• Innovation • Describe new and • used to
• Now and then obsolete products • in the 80s / 1980s
• Talk about past events • I remember using …
• Compare modern and • I could swim when I
past times was five.
• a little / somewhat /
much / a lot + adjective

12 Review 86-91

Audio Script 93-101

Practice 102-121
Answer Key 122-127

Level 2 • Table of Contents ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. vii

Chapter 1

One-way or round-trip?
Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Travel schedules Describe travel plans once, twice, three times (a day),
Tickets Ask about schedules every (10 minutes)
Telling time Ask about fares and buy tickets Simple present with schedules:
Travel announcements Give travel updates The train to Boston leaves at 2:45.
Talk about travel Simple future with will: I’ll call
announcements you when I get to Paris.

In this chapter,
you will …
■■ Describe travel
plans and ask
about schedules

arrivals / departures board gate passengers platform track



■■ Ask about fares DEPARTURE ARRIVAL

Departure ➡ Arrival Class
and buy tickets
Date Time Date Time


CT 01/25 12:47

TRAIN 9025 EXP unreserved
01 Seat Non-Smoking RES # 899205

How much is a business class ticket to Westport, Connecticut?

Do you have any cheaper fares?

They canceled our flight.

■■ Talk about travel
and give travel
The train was late.

©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 1

Describe travel plans

1a When are you going?

— When are you leaving? — Are you going on vacation this summer?
— I’m leaving now. — Yes, we’re going to London in August.

1b 1-4 Now or later?

1 . The man is taking a taxi to the airport ____ . a. now b. tomorrow
2. Melissa is going home ____. a. now b. in about an hour
3. George and his wife are flying to Austria ____ . a. now b. on Saturday
4. Beth and Karen are taking the subway to work ____ . a. now b. next week

2 I usually take the train to work


Lenny is meeting a client at the airport. He always meets clients at the airport.
Tomorrow, I’m taking a taxi to work. I usually take the train to work.
We’re having lunch in the office today. Sometimes, we have lunch in a restaurant.

3 They go to Paris twice a year

Lisa goes for a walk every day after lunch. She goes for a walk once a day.
The Reeds go to Paris every year in May and October. R They go to Paris twice a year.
I bike to work on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I bike to work three times a week.

— How often do you go on business trips? — How many times a year do you go on vacation?
— Two or three times a year. — We go twice a year.

— How often do you take the train? — How often does the number 17 bus run?
— I take the train every week. — It runs every thirty minutes.

Level 2 • Chapter 1 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 1

Ask about schedules

4 What time does the train leave?

Departures Arrivals

Train To Time Track Train From Time Track

122 New York 12:45 pm 08 121 Boston 12:48 pm 02

436 Baltimore 12:57 pm 06 19 New York 12:55 pm 05

309 Fredericksburg 1:15 pm 09 85 Richmond 1:30 pm 11

93 Richmond 2:28 pm 01 97 Miami 2:05 pm 03

The train to New York leaves at 12:45. The train from Boston arrives at 12:48.
The train leaves for New York at 12:45. The train arrives from Boston at 12:48.
The New York train leaves from track 8. The Boston train arrives on track 2.
What time does the train for Baltimore leave? What time does the train from Miami arrive?

5 Our flight arrives at a quarter to one


past = after
10:10 = ten after ten
= ten past ten
= ten ten
It’s a quarter past 8. It’s a quarter to two. It’s nine thirty.
It’s half nine.

13:10 3:40 10:10 2:02

It’s ten after one. It’s twenty to four. It’s ten ten. It’s just after two o’clock.

5:09_ ________________________________ 4:30_ _________________________________________

12:15_ ________________________________ 24:00_ _________________________________________
14:35_ ________________________________ 6:45_ _________________________________________
Flight 891 departs from Gate 6A at 11:50. ________________________________________________ .
Flight 891 arrives in Sydney at 8:19. _____________________________________________________ .

2 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 1

Ask about fares and buy tickets

6 How long does it take to get there?


London 12:00 Edinburgh 16:23 4h 23m £66 / 224

London 13:00 Edinburgh 17:25 4h 25m £66 / 224
London 15:00 Edinburgh 19:26 4h 26m £92 / 224
London 12:07 Liverpool 14:15 2h 08m £66 / 231
London 12:15 Cardiff 14:22 2h 07m £25 / 173
London 15:10 Stratford-on-Avon 17:14 2h 04m £16 / 61

— How long does it take to get from London to Edinburgh?
— It takes about 4 hours and 25 minutes.

one-way single
round-trip return

7 5 A one-way ticket to New York, please

$145.00 - $220.00
2104 NE Express .. Departs: 8:00 am Arrives: 10:45 am $145.00 business class
.. Washington, DC New York City $220.00 first class
.. Union Station (WAS) Penn Station (NYP)
. Duration: 2 hr 45 min
$80.00 - $120.00
56 NE Regional .. Departs: 8:05 am Arrives: 11:20 am $ 80.00 coach
.. Washington, DC New York City $120.00 business class
.. Union Station (WAS) Penn Station (NYP)
.. Duration: 3 hr 15 min

Northeast Express Northeast Regional

First class fare not available
Business class fare
Coach fare not available

Level 2 • Chapter 1 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 3

Give travel updates

8 Is our flight on time?

— Is the flight to Cleveland on time? — Is the flight arriving on time?

— No, it’s running about 20 minutes late. — Sandy just called. The flight actually landed early.

9 When will Frank be in Tokyo?

You you
will be in Tokyo next week. be in Tokyo next week?
He he Yes, … will.
’ll stay for three weeks. Will stay three weeks?
She she No, … won’t.
won’t come back on the 30th. come back on the 30th?
We we
They they

— The weather is getting worse! Will your flight depart on time?

— Yes, I think it will. / No, I don’t think it will. They just canceled all flights.

— Are you leaving now? — Where will you be on Friday?

— No, I’m not. My flight won’t depart for an hour. — I’ll be in the office until 3:00.

10 When will you get home?

— Hi, Ann?
— Hi, Tim. Where are you?
— I’m at the airport —— the Toronto airport! My flight
was delayed, and I missed my connection.
— So when will you get home?
— I don’t know. They’re trying to put me on another flight.
I’ll call you back before I board the plane.
— OK. I’ll wait for your call.

4 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 1

Talk about travel announcements

11 6-9 Where are they?

Train station _____ Airport _____ Bus station _____ Subway station _____

1 . The train station announcement is about the train from ____________________ .

2. The train is arriving on track ____________________ .
3. The train is going to ____________________ and ____________________ .

4. The airport announcement is for passengers on Omega Flight ____________________ .

5. The flight is going to ____________________ .
6. The flight is boarding at gate ____________________ .

7. The bus station announcement is for the ____________________ bus to Bath.

8. The bus is an ____________________ bus.
9. It is boarding at bay ____________________ .

10. The subway announcement is for the ____________________ line.

1 1. The subway is going to ____________________ .
12. You can transfer to the B line at ____________________ .

12 Now boarding
1 . Flight 888 is now boarding at Gate _____ . a. 6 b. 16 c. 60
2. I think the train will arrive at .
_____ a. 6:05 b. 6:15 c. 6:50
3. The subway train comes every _____ minutes. a. 50 b. 15 c. 55
4. Flight 38 is boarding at Gate _____ . a. 4 b. 14 c. 40
5. The _____ train to Hartford is now arriving. a. 6:03 b. 6:13 c. 6:30
6. The one-way fare is _____. a. $18.08 b. $81.18 c. $80.18

Level 2 • Chapter 1 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 5

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

to travel first / business class to begin (boarding)
once, twice a day, etc. coach / economy information (desk)
just, to ~ miss around 8 o’clock to run every 10 minutes
track, platform, passengers both 24/7
arrivals / departures board scheduled (time)
to arrive / depart on time How often …?
to arrive on track … / at gate … late, early How many times …?
flight, schedule delay, to be delayed The train leaves at 11:40.
ticket, fare to cancel, to be canceled It takes …
seat cancellation How long …?
one-way (single UK) to apologize … is running 20 minutes late.
round-trip (return UK) direct / connecting (flight) Will …?
quarter past / after five to take (a flight) Yes, … will. / No, … won’t.
quarter to nine connection, to connect Your attention, please.
half past six announcement We apologize for the delay.
about, approximately gate, to board at gate …

• Is Mrs. Rossi traveling by train or by plane? • When are you meeting your clients?
— She is traveling by plane. She’s flying to Rome. — I’m meeting Mr. Blake now. I’m meeting
— When is she flying home? Ms. Foster tomorrow afternoon. I’m having
— She is flying home next Friday night. dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Webster tonight.
• What are you doing now? • What do you usually do at 3:00?
— I’m driving down Ventura Boulevard now. — I usually meet with my team at 3:00.
— What is your boss doing now? — What does Ellen usually do on Thursdays?
— She’s checking her e-mail. — She usually visits clients.
• How many times a day does Liz check e-mail? • How many times a year do you travel?
— She checks e-mail twice a day. — I travel two to four times a year.
— How long does it take her to check e-mail? — How long are your trips?
— It takes her about thirty minutes. — They’re usually about a week long.
• What time does the train to Boston leave? • Will the train leave on time?
— It leaves Hartford at 11:55 a.m. — Yes, it will. / No, it won’t.
— What time does it arrive? — What time will you leave for the station?
— It arrives in Boston at 2:10. — I think I’ll leave around 11:15.
— What time does boarding begin? — How long will your trip take?
— It begins at 11:45. — It’ll take approximately three hours.

Use Your English!

•V  isit the website for a passenger train company (for example, Amtrak). Find trip information (from/to,
time, date, fares). What station(s) do trains leave from? arrive at? How long does the trip take? etc.
• Look at a travel website. You would like to buy tickets for a trip. What information do they ask for? Look
up words you don’t know. Can you buy a ticket online in English now?
• Get a brochure from a travel agent (or download one) for a trip you’d like to take. Describe the trip.
Where does it start? How long does it take? etc.

6 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 1

Chapter Summary

Reading: A Trip on the Orient Express

Tomorrow, we are taking the Orient Express to Venice. We will
board a train at Victoria Station at around eight o’clock. The train
departs from the station at a quarter to eleven in the morning.
We will have brunch on the train. After crossing the English
Channel, we will change trains and board the brown and white
Orient Express train. We will have dinner while we are traveling
to Paris. We will arrive in Paris at about a quarter past nine in
the evening, but we will not have time to leave the train.
We will sleep in our compartment on the train. When we get up the next day, we will have
breakfast in our cabin, while we are traveling through the Swiss Alps. We will arrive in Innsbruck,
Austria, at about a quarter to twelve and leave about a half-hour later. In the afternoon, after
lunch, we will travel through the Italian Dolomites. The staff will serve afternoon tea as we are
going over the Brenner Pass. We will arrive in Venice at 5:55 p.m.

Choose the best answer

1 . The train leaves London at _____ .
a. 10:15 a.m. b. 10:45 a.m. c. 10:45 p.m.
2. The Orient Express trains are . _____

a. brown and white b. blue and white c. silver and red

3. Passengers sleep _____.
a. in a hotel in Paris b. in their seat c. in their train compartment
4. During breakfast on Day 2, passengers can see . _____

a. Innsbruck b. the Italian Dolomites c. the Swiss Alps

5. On Day 2, they will have _____before they arrive in Venice.
a. afternoon tea b. a big dinner c. a small snack
6. This trip on the Orient Express takes . _____

a. about 7 hours b. about 30 hours c. a week

Complete the timetable

City, Country Arrive Depart

Day 1 10:45
Day 1 21:1 7 21:44
Day 2 1 1 :42 12: 1 2
Day 2 17:55

check it out!

Level 2 • Chapter 1 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 7

Chapter 2

What do you do there?

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Types of companies Describe your company’s size and Relative clauses with that, who
Company organization location(s) be in charge of, responsible for
Responsibilities Talk about your company’s Simple past: irregular verbs
products and services
Describe your colleagues’
Talk about your job

In this chapter,
Do you work for a big company?
you will … North
How many employees work there?
Do you work at the company’s
■■ Describe your South
company’s size America Do you have branch offices in
and location(s) other countries?

■■ Talk about
your company’s
products and

What does your company sell? Is it a manufacturer or a service provider?


■■ Describe your VP Marketing Controller VP Operations

responsibilities Advertising Sales Accounting IT HR
Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager
and talk about
your job
— John is an account manager at BCA.
— What is an account manager?
— It’s a salesperson who is responsible for one or more important clients.

8 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 2

Describe your company’s size and location(s)

1 It’s a medium-sized company

PB&J, Inc. is a large, multi- UBV Ltd. is a medium-sized SCW Ltd. is a small,
national company with over Scottish company with 750 Canadian company with
50,000 employees and employees and offices in 35 employees. Their
offices all over the world. five European cities. office is in Toronto.

small / Japanese / offices in Tokyo and Osaka

It’s a________________________________________________________________________________
medium-sized / American / 800 employees
It’s a________________________________________________________________________________
large / German / stores all over Europe
It’s a________________________________________________________________________________
My company is a _____________________________________________________________________

2 Where are your headquarters?

— Where are your headquarters?
— They’re in New York.
— Is that where you work?
— No, I work in our LA office.
— Do you have any other branch offices?
— Yes, we do. We have branches in
Mexico City, Shanghai, and Berlin.

3 Manufacturer or service provider?

Personal Business Corporate Search

T Price Plans Mobile Internet My Plan Support Cart

Order NOW

sTay connecTed User ID:


with T-cellular
Remember Me Login:

Forgot Your User ID?

Forgot Your Password?


Profone makes cell phones. T-cellular sells cell phone services.

R It manufactures cell phones. R It provides cell phone services.
R It is a cell phone manufacturer. R It is a cell phone service provider.

Level 2 • Chapter 2 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 9

Talk about your company’s products and services

4 Import or export?

J&J Silks is an Indian clothing manufacturer. The company

sells its products in Europe and the United States.

J&J Silks exports its products to Europe and the U.S.

R It is an exporter.

Clothing companies in Europe and the U.S. import

many of J&J Silks’ products.
R They are importers.

5 10-12 What kind of company is it?

1 . Artesa is an American ____ . a. exporter b. importer

2. They ____ office equipment. a. manufacture b. sell

3. BioPlus ____ pharmaceutical products. a. imports b. makes

4. The company’s ____ are in Chicago. a. headquarters b. branch offices

5. TelTec is a ____ company. a. Canadian b. British

6. They provide ____ services. a. Internet b. satellite TV

6 What department do you work in?

Customer Service Research & Development (R&D)

IT Legal Sales Accounting

Marketing Production Human Resources (HR)

— What department do you work in? — What does Ken do?

— I’m in sales. — He works in the IT department of a large bank.
— How many people work in your department? He’s a programmer.
— We’re a team of eight. — That sounds like difficult work.

— You work in customer service, right? — HR is looking for new sales representatives.
— Yes, I answer customer phone calls all day. — My friend Julie would like to go into sales.

10 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 2

Describe your colleagues’ responsibilities

7 Who reports to the president?


Kim Wilson Steven Taylor
Francis Burke
Ron Simpson Taro Suzuki


Alan Roth Eric Sanchez Judy Lake


Linda Price Ed Pearson


John Burns Vera Santos

Francis Burke is the President of Eliot Global. Alan Roth is the Vice President. Mr. Roth is
responsible for company operations.
Eric Sanchez is the Sales Director. He reports to Alan Roth. Judy Lake is the sales
manager. She reports to Mr. Sanchez. Ms. Lake manages the sales team. Steven Taylor is
the Accounting Manager. He supervises the accounting department. The accounting staff
reports to him.
What department are you in? Who do you report to? Who reports to you? What is your
supervisor’s name?

8 who or that?

A sales representative is a person sells products or services.

Jim Davis is the HR manager hired me.
Paul and Susan are sales reps travel a lot for their work.
These are the people report to Judy Lake.
Travelex is a company provides travel services.
I’m on the team developed the new product.
These are the departments need more staff.
I like the products this company makes.

— I’m a sales rep with UltraPC. — Is Christine busy?

— The company that makes computers? — Yes, she’s speaking to the Korean client
— Yes, and we now make tablets, too. who would like to import our products.

Level 2 • Chapter 2 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 11

Describe your colleagues’ responsibilities

9 What are you responsible for?

new employees. training new employees.

Laura She
is responsible for the HR department. is responsible for managing HR.
James He
our website. updating our website.

— Do you have a lot of responsibilities at work? — I got a new job with RIX International.
— Yes, I’m responsible for over 200 people in — Congratulations. What will you do there?
three departments. — I’ll be responsible for setting up their
— That’s impressive. What exactly do you do? new computer network.

10 13-16 What responsibilities do they have?

1 . Albert is a factory ____________________ .
2. He is responsible for a team of ____________________ people. to be in charge of =
to be responsible for
3. Cynthia works in the ____________________ department.
4. She is in charge of helping ____________________ .
5. Ricardo works for a company that makes ____________________ .
6. He is responsible for ____________________ software.
7. Karen works in the ____________________ department of a clothing store.
8. She’s in charge of ____________________ employees’ hours and ____________________ them
every two weeks.

11 What did you do?


begin began get got meet met send sent
buy bought give gave pay paid sit sat
come came go went put put speak spoke
cost cost know knew read read take took
drive drove leave left see saw tell told
eat ate make made sell sold write wrote

— Mike, how did the sales team do last month? — Did you see Mark this morning?
— Great. We sold 50 new cars and 12 trucks. — No, but I saw him at lunch an hour ago
— Did your customers buy the service plan, too? and told him the reports were ready.
— Yes, between 35 and 40 bought the service plan. — Thank you for telling him.

12 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 2

Talk about your job

12 My first job
Pat: What was your first job, Diane?
Diane: My first job? I worked as a swimming instructor.
Pat: How old were you?
Diane: I was 17.
Pat: Who did you teach?
Diane: Oh, lots of people. I taught children, babies, and
some older people.
Pat: Did you give many lessons?
Diane: I gave lessons almost every day.
Pat: How long did you do that?
Diane: I did it for a couple of years — until I went to college.
Pat: Did you make a lot of money?
Diane: I made enough money to pay for my first year at the

What was your first job? How long did you stay there?
Where did you work? What did you do there?
What did the company do? What were your responsibilities?

13 At a party

You are at a party. You don’t know any of the people there.
Introduce yourself and ask other people what they do, where
they work, and what they are responsible for.

1 . Who are you?


2. Who did you meet? What did you learn?


Level 2 • Chapter 2 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 13

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

over (= more than) to export, to import to train, training
multinational exporter, importer to supervise, supervisor
all over the world department responsibility
medium-sized accounting director, etc. to be responsible for
branch office, headquarters IT manager, etc. to be in charge of
to make to manage to update, updating
clothing organization chart to check, checking
to manufacture, manufacturer president, vice president team
to provide services managing director (UK) We have over … employees.
service provider to report to … is a medium-sized company
product to hire … is the manager who hired me

• What kind of company is RTL, Inc.? • What kind of company is UBV Ltd.?
— It’s a large supermarket chain with stores — It’s a medium-sized marketing company.
all over Europe, Australia, and the U.S. — Who is in charge of their HR department?
— Where are its headquarters? — The Senior VP of Operations is the person who
— It has two headquarters, one in Berlin and is responsible for HR.
the other in Rome.
— Which office does the U.S. team report to? • What kind of company is Benson’s Electric?
— They report to the HQ in Berlin. — It’s a small, family company with 12 employees.

• What did Profone make ten years ago? • How much did a Smartphone cost in 2010?
— They made telephones, fax machines, and — It cost about $600 in 2010.
a few cell phones ten years ago.
— How many people bought their phones last • What kind of car did you drive last year?
year? — I drove an old Triumph last year. We went across
— They sold over 100 million phones last year. Europe in it and stopped in over 35 cities.

Use Your English!

 isit the English-language website of a company. What do they make? How many employees do
they have? Where is their headquarters? What kind of company are they? Write down some of the
information you find.
• Write two or three sentences about your job and describe what you do at your company.
Memorize it, so you are ready to answer the question: “What do you do there?”
• Keep a diary until your next lesson. Use the verbs in this chapter to write what you did each day.

14 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 2

Chapter Summary

Reading: Mike Larson, Director of Marketing

Mike Larson is the director of marketing at Preston Industries.

He is responsible for making sure that the company has the
right product for the right customer at the right price. To
do this, he works with the R&D, production, and advertising
Last week Mike received an e-mail from the R&D team,
updating him on the most important projects they’re working
on. Monday morning, Mike had a meeting with the production
manager to discuss the costs and the manufacturing schedules of the company’s new products.
Yesterday, Mike met with the advertising team. They presented the Internet ads that will tell
customers about their new products.

Choose the best answer

1 . Mike Larson works with .

a. marketing and advertising b. the advertising department c. R&D, production, and advertising

2. R&D is the department that ____ new products.

a. ships b. develops c. advertises

3. ____ is the person who schedules the manufacturing of products.

a. Mike Larson b. The factory c. The production manager

4. The advertising department is responsible for . ____

a. creating ads b. market research c. selling products

Writing: Write about a director or manager you know


check it out!

Level 2 • Chapter 2 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 15

Chapter 3

Where are you going this summer?

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Summer and winter Describe winter and summer too much, too many, (not) enough
activities activities Future with going to: I’m going to
Clothing and travel items Talk about vacation plans stay in Italy for two weeks.
Weather Talk about what you take on need to
a trip should (giving advice)
Give reminders may, in case

In this chapter,
you will …

■■ Describe winter
and summer
activities and
talk about
vacation plans

skiing ice-skating sledding snowboarding building a snowman

surfing sailing windsurfing snorkeling sunbathing

■■ Say what you take You should take a coat. The weather can be cold in March.
on a trip and give Should I pack an umbrella in case it rains?
reminders Don’t forget your passport.

16 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 3

Describe winter and summer activities

1 Let’s go to the beach!

beach hat


beach towel lounge chair

— Do you have the swimsuits? — Nice suntan! Were you on vacation?

— Yes, they’re in the bag. What else — Yes, we went to Hawaii.
are we going to need? — What was the weather like?
— Sunscreen, for sure. And some hats. — Very hot. I’m happy I didn’t get sunburned.

2 In winter …

Matt and his friends like to hike. The Kemps like to go camping.

3 Do you need all this?

How many? How much?

3 pairs of shoes 3 bottles of sunscreen

2 pairs of socks 2 bottles of aspirin
15 shirts 1 bottle of perfume
2 pairs of pants 12 bottles of water
5 bathing suits 200 hours of music
3 handbags $100 (cash)

Amy is packing too many shirts. Amy is taking too much sunscreen.
She’s not packing enough pants. She’s not taking enough money.
She’s packing enough shoes. She’s taking enough perfume.

Level 2 • Chapter 3 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 17

Talk about vacation plans

4 What airport are you flying out of?

— Nick is going to Dublin.

— Which airline is he flying with?
— With JetBreeze.
— Is he leaving from Gatwick?
— No, he’s flying out of Heathrow.

— Susan is coming to New York on business.

— Really? Which airport is she flying into?
— I’m not sure. I think she’s flying into JFK.
— Is she traveling alone?
— No, she’ll be with her boss and another colleague.

5 What are you going to do there?

I’m be there in an hour.

You’re fly with Nordic Air.
He’s get a business class seat.
She’s (not) going to go to a museum.
It’s rain all day tomorrow.
We’re stay two weeks.
They’re swim in the ocean.

— We’re going to visit Steve this weekend. — Are we going to leave soon?
— That’s great. Who’s going to be there? — Yes, the taxi will be here in five minutes.
— Emily and Jack and some of their friends. — I’m going to get the bags. I’ll be right back.

— Are we going to do a lot of walking in London? — What are we going to do in Miami?

— Yes, we’re going to walk all over the city. — We’re going to go shopping.
— Then I’m going to take my camera. — But we’re also going to play tennis, right?

6 17 What are we going to see?

The bus is going to ______________ everyone up at 9 a.m.
First, the tour group is ______________ to see Toji Temple.
Then they’re going to ______________ Nijo Castle. They’re
going to have ______________ at a traditional Japanese
restaurant. After lunch, they’re going to ______________
free time to walk around the area or do some souvenir
______________. At 8 o’clock in the evening, they’re going
to see a Taiko ______________ show.

18 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 3

Talk about what you take on a trip

7 What should I take?

It isn’t raining today, but it’s going to rain tomorrow.

R Oscar doesn’t need an umbrella today, but he should take an umbrella tomorrow.
— Should I bring my coat? — Should the children wear their boots?
— Yes, you should. / No, you shouldn’t. — No, they shouldn’t, but they should take them.

— Are Chris and Tina going to fly? — It’s raining. What should we do today?
— No, but they should. It’s faster than — We should visit a museum.
taking the train. — Good idea. How about the Tate?

— Shouldn’t we bring our swimsuits? — It’s snowing. You should wear your boots.
— No, I don’t think we’re going to need them. — I don’t know where they are.

8 I need a toothbrush

shaving cream
a brush
a comb
a toothbrush
a razor

9 18-19 What’s the weather going to be like?

Forecast 1
1 . It going to be sunny. a. is b. isn’t

2. It _____ rain. a. may b. can

3. It is going to be _____. a. cool b. cold
68° F = 20° C
25° F = –4° C
Forecast 2
1 inch = 2.54 cm
1 . Snow _____ in the forecast. a. may be b. is
2. It is going to be _____. a. cloudy b. windy
3. And it is going to be _____. a. cool b. cold

Level 2 • Chapter 3 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 19

Give reminders

10 Just in case
You should take an umbrella because it may rain.
It may rain. You should take an umbrella. R
You should take an umbrella in case it rains.

a suit and tie / you / go to a nice restaurant_ an extra bag / I / buy some things

_________________________________________ _

a jacket or sweater / we / have cool weather_ a book / you / have time to read

________________________________________ _

comfortable shoes / we / take long walks some aspirin / we / need it

________________________________________ _

11 Don’t forget your toothbrush!

JB .co m

— Don’t forget your passport.

g Pass


— I won’t.

14 FEB (ORD) Seat No.

Flight From
At 12:05 21C
D7 Flyer No.
JB786027 84624
Gate No. Frequent
Ticket No.
to board
Please bes prior to your flight.
30 minute

— Do you have the tickets? 046 ET

— Yes, they’re here in my pocket.

— Did you remember to pack something to read?

— No, I didn’t. Thanks for reminding me. RUSS

14 FE
Flt E
JB 77 Seat


— Oh, I forgot to buy sunscreen. ORD
g Tim

12:05 6027

— No problem. I remembered to get some.

JB78 24
er 1846
nt Fly 5658
Freque 045-
N˚ Bill im
e Cla

FYI: Adapters and Converters


An adapter changes the

plug, but doesn’t change
the voltage.
A converter changes the
voltage (e.g., from 120V
to 230V).

— Will we need a converter? — I need to charge my cell phone.

— I don’t know. Can we check online? — You can use my adapter.

20 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 3

Talk about vacation plans

12 I’m coming to visit!

From: ____________________
Subject: Coming to visit

Dear __________________,

I’m so excited! I’m going to be in _______________ from June 15-21. I’m going there on
business. I’ll be in meetings the first few days, but I’ll be free on the 19th and
20th. I’d really like to see you and see some of _______________ while I’m there. What
should I see? Would you be available either the 19th or the 20th?

Your friend,


13 Travel and packing DOs & DON’Ts

Do … Don’t …
• put your name on your bags • put cash in your suitcase

You should put your name on your bags. You shouldn’t put cash in your suitcase.

Level 2 • Chapter 3 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 21

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

to sunbathe (not) enough to shave
to suntan, a tan stuff driver’s license
sunscreen to put (driving licence UK)
swimsuit to fly out of / into photo ID
to get sunburned (sunburnt UK) should / shouldn’t maybe, in case
to play (in the sand / snow) to wash, soap to forget (to)
coat, sweater, scarf comb, brush (n., v.) to remember (to), to remind
hat, boots tooth / teeth Yes, you should. / No, you
to pack, suitcase toothbrush, toothpaste shouldn’t.
too many / much razor, shaving cream Just in case.

• What are you going to do next week? • Where is Phil going to travel next month?
— I’m going to travel to Lima next week. — He’s going to fly to London.
— Are you going to fly out of Los Angeles? — Is he going to fly into Heathrow Airport?
— Yes, I’m going to go with a tour group. — Yes, he is.
— Are you going to remind him to take his passport?
• Do we need to take a passport? — Yes, I am.
— Yes, we do. We don’t need a passport
between New York and Chicago, but we • What should we remember?
need one between Chicago and Vancouver. — We should remember to take our passports and
— Should we take some other ID? to pack sunscreen and our bathing suits.
— Yes, we should. — Don’t forget your credit cards.

• You shouldn’t pack too much, in case • You don’t need to pack too many shirts, because
you want to buy some souvenirs. you may want to buy some there.
— I may buy some, but only small ones. — That’s right. Shirts are less expensive in Brazil.

Use Your English!

• Think about your last trip. What did you take with you? Make a list. Do you know the English
names for all the items on your list? Look up the words you don’t know.
• Think about your next trip. What do you need to do before you go? Can a friend help you?
How will you ask for help? Write a short dialogue. Record your dialogue.
• Think about your next trip. Where are you going? What do you need to do before you go?
Write two or three reminders in English and record them on your voice-mail.

22 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 3

Chapter Summary

Reading: Diane is on vacation in London

Hi, Mom!
Ted and I arrived in London yesterday morning and we went straight to the hotel from the airport.
We took a black cab. They’re really big inside! In the afternoon, we went for a walk in Regent’s
Park and had a drink at a pub on Baker Street. We were very sleepy, so we went to bed early.
Today, we went on a double-decker bus tour of the city. This evening, we are going to see a play
called Music in the Air. After that, we’re going to go to dinner with a couple we met here in the
hotel. Tomorrow we are going to go to Windsor Castle. There’s so much to see and do. We may need
to stay another week! Tomorrow, I’ll post some photos on my blog for you and Dad.
Love, Diane

Choose the best answer

1 . Diane and Ted arrived in London . ____

a. this afternoon b. yesterday c. two days ago

2. They ____ to the hotel.

a. drove b. took a taxi c. took a bus

3. They in Regent’s Park yesterday afternoon.


a. drank beer b. saw a show c. walked

4. They ____on a bus tour today.

a. are going to go b. went c. will go

5. This evening Diane and Ted are going to see .


a. a play b. a musical c. a concert

6. They’re going to visit tomorrow.


a. Buckingham Palace b. Baker Street c. Windsor Castle

7. There is ____ to do and see in London.

a. very little b. a lot c. nothing

8. Diane ____ post photos on her blog.

a. is going to b. won’t c. may

check it out!

Level 2 • Chapter 3 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 23

Chapter 4

Enjoy your stay!

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Hotels and Describe a hotel Superlative forms: the biggest /
accommodations Make a reservation smallest; the most / the least
Hotel services Check into and out of a hotel expensive, etc.
Describe your hotel stay Polite offers with Shall I …?
Object pronouns: The clerk gave me
the key.

In this chapter,
you will …

— Where should I stay?

— How about the Goldcrest?
■■ Describe a hotel It has the biggest rooms
and your stay and the best rates. And it
has the most convenient
location for the conference.

■■ Make a reservation
and check into or
out of a hotel

— Hi. I’d like to check in. — Do you have a gift shop?

— Do you have a reservation? — Yes, it’s on the first floor.

— Shall I take your bags to your room? — I’d like to check out of room 419.
— Yes, please. — Sure. Did you enjoy your stay?

24 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 4

Describe a hotel

1 What does the hotel have?

king-size bed full-size
bathroom bathroom


desk desk TV

Double Room Single Room

— Does the hotel have a swimming pool? — Do all the rooms have minibars?
— Yes, it does. — No, they don’t.

— Does the single room have one bed or two? — Does the room have a balcony?
— All our single rooms have one bed. — Yes, it does.

The hotel has 200 rooms for guests. Standard rooms have one king–
size or two full-size beds. All rooms have free WiFi, minibars, coffee
makers, and hair dryers.

The Madison Airport Hotel has a fitness center, a swimming pool,

a business center, and a gift shop. Guests can take a complimentary
hotel shuttle bus to the airport and downtown destinations.

2 Where are you located?

The Madison Airport Hotel is located a few blocks from the subway station, one mile
from the airport, and minutes from downtown. We are close to businesses and shopping.
Our convenient location makes the Madison Airport Hotel a great place to stay for both
business and leisure travelers.

3 20 What would you like to know?

___ airport shuttle ___ Internet ___ restaurant ___ location
___ room size ___ price ___ shopping ___ swimming pool

Correct the information

1 . The hotel has a restaurant and a bar. _____________________________________________

2. All rooms are single rooms. _____________________________________________

3. Guests pay to use the Internet. _____________________________________________

4. The caller made a reservation. _____________________________________________

Level 2 • Chapter 4 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 25

Describe a hotel and make a reservation

4 Which is the best?

Country Garden B&B SleepRite Motel Goldcrest Hotel

Size 5 rooms 30 rooms 200 rooms
Guest Rating ★★★★★ ★★★ ★★★★
Price $219 / night $74 / night $189 / night

big biggest
small smallest Which is the newest hotel in the city?
cheap cheapest convenient Which is the oldest hotel?
old the oldest the most expensive Which is the most convenient hotel?
new newest the least comfortable Which has the most comfortable rooms?
close closest interesting Which is the worst hotel in the city?
good best Which hotel is the closest to your office?
bad worst

The Country Garden B&B is the smallest place. The Country Garden B&B is the most expensive.
The Goldcrest is the biggest place. The SleepRite Motel is the least expensive.

5 What are your rates?

Standard Room $179.00 USD per night

One king-size or two full-size beds view rate details Book Now

Family Room $190.00 USD per night

Two king-size beds view rate details Book Now

Deluxe Suite $250.00 USD per night

Two rooms (bedroom + sitting room) with view of lake view rate details Book Now

6 21 I’d like to make a reservation

Guest’s name __________________________ Number of guests _ __________________________

Arrival date __________________________ Type of room __________________________

Departure date __________________________ Room rate __________________________

26 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 4

Check into and out of a hotel

7 I’d like to check in

bellman check in check-out key

reservation room single stay

— I’d like to _____________________ . I have a _____________________ . The name is Henderson.

— Let’s see. A _____________________ room for three nights?
— Yes, that’s right. What time is _____________________ ?
— At twelve noon. Here’s your _____________________ . You’re in _____________________ 510.
Would you like me to call a _____________________ ?
— No, thank you.
— Enjoy your _____________________ .

8 Your room is on the third floor

— Your room is on the third floor. The elevators are
there to your right.
— Is the restaurant on the ground floor? 5th floor
— No, it’s on the second floor.
— Is it open now? 4th floor
— No, it’s open for lunch and dinner from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 3rd floor
and from 5 to 11 p.m. But the café is open now.
— And where is that? 2nd floor
— It’s just over there next to the hotel entrance.
1st / ground floor


street level = ground floor or first floor

street level = ground floor; the first floor is above that

9 Shall I call a bellman?

— Would you like me to call a bellman? — Shall I call a bellman?
— Yes, please. — No, thank you.
— Would you like me to carry your bags? — Shall I carry your bags?
— Yes, please. — No, thanks. I can manage.


bellman porter
elevator lift

Level 2 • Chapter 4 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 27

Check into and out of a hotel

10 Could you give me my room key?

Please give the key to me. Please give me the key.

Could you bring breakfast to us? R Could you bring us breakfast?
Ask Jan to give the bags to you. Ask Jan to give you the bags.

— Front desk. May I help you? — Excuse me. Can you show me where
— We have only one towel in the room. the business center is?
— I’m sorry. We’ll bring you more right away. — Of course. This way, please.

11 22-25 Hotel services

maid ___ bellman ___ room service ___ concierge ___

A. C.
1 . The man has ____ pieces of luggage. 1 . The woman is ordering ____ .
a. two b. three a. breakfast b. lunch
2. He wants the bellman to take them to ____ . 2. She’s in room ____ .
a. the front door b. the lobby a. 512 b. 521

B. D.
1 . The man wants the maid to ____ . 1 . The woman is going to ____ restaurant.
a. come back later b. clean the room a. the Keystone b. a Thai

12 Where did you stay?

3215 East Washington Avenue TEL: 608-555-1234
Madison, WI 53717 FAX: 608-555-1370
William Owens Room: 605
633 Sheridan Street Arrival: April 2
Boston, MA 02130 Page: 1

Invoice No. 61878

Date Charges
605 Room 04/02 $ 200.00
Tax 04/02 22.00
Breakfast 04/03 29.00
Room 04/03 200.00
Tax 04/03 22.00
Minibar 04/03 18.00
28 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 4
Breakfast 04/04 29.00
Describe your hotel stay

13 26-27 How was your stay?

A. B.

Madison Madison

____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________

— How was your stay? — Did you enjoy your stay?

— It was OK. The bathroom wasn’t clean when — Yes, we enjoyed it very much.
I checked in, but housekeeping sent someone — Were you happy with your room?
right away. That was the only problem I had. — Yes, it was very comfortable and clean.

14 Who says it and when?

A single room or a double room? Could you clean my room?
Did you enjoy your stay? For how many nights?
I’d like a wake-up call at 6:30, please. I have a reservation.
I’d like to check in. Here’s your key.
May I have your key card, please? No, thank you. I can manage.
Shall I take your bags to the lobby? What are your room rates?



Level 2 • Chapter 4 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 29

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

front desk, ~ clerk to be located wake-up call
guest motel, bed and breakfast (B&B) bill
bellman (porter UK) the cheapest, the biggest, etc. to enjoy,
to check in / out the most / least expensive, etc. to be happy with
single / double room, suite the best, the worst problem
bed, king-size ~, etc. rate per night view
minibar to reserve / make a reservation What are your rates?
all (= every) check-in / check-out time Does that include (breakfast)?
bathroom entrance I’d like to check in.
free, complimentary, WiFi elevator (lift UK) Enjoy your stay.
balcony the ground / first floor, etc. Your room is on the 4th floor.
swimming pool to carry, luggage Shall I …?
fitness / business center to bring, brought I can manage.
shuttle (bus) room service, concierge Excuse me, can you show me
close to, convenient housekeeping, maid, to clean where …?

• Which hotel is the oldest in town? • Which hotel is the least expensive in town?
— The Nassau Inn is the oldest. — The SleepRite Motel is the least expensive.
— Which is the biggest? closest? best? — Which is the most expensive? most convenient?

• Shall I clean the room now? • Shall I open the window?

— Yes, please. I’ll be back in two hours. — No, thanks. That won’t be necessary.
— Shall I take your bags? — Shall I come back later?
— No, thank you. I can manage. — Yes, please.

• Who is Ms. Shelby giving the key to?

— She’s giving it to the clerk. — She’s giving the clerk the key.
She’s giving it to him. She’s giving him the key.

• Could you send the letters to our office?

Could you send them to us? — Could you send us the letters?
— Of course. I’ll send them to you right away. — Of course. I’ll send you the letters right away.

Use Your English!

•F  ind three hotels in a place you would like to visit. Choose the type of room you would like to have
and compare the rates and facilities.
• A friend is coming to visit you. She doesn’t know where to stay. She would like you to choose a
hotel for her. What hotel will you choose? Why? Write an e-mail to your friend and tell her about
the hotel.
• Imagine you are opening a new hotel. Write a paragraph for your website giving a summary of the
rooms, services, etc. Hint: Search existing websites for ideas about how to present this information.

30 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 4

Chapter Summary

Reading: Your reservation is confirmed

From [email protected]
Subject Madison Airport Reservation Confirmation

Reservation Confirmation Number: 1438475.

Your reservation is confirmed. For questions about

your reservation, call 1-800-555-9787 or e-mail
[email protected].
AIRPORT HOTEL Reservation Summary
Hotel Information:
MADISON AIRPORT HOTEL Check-in: 18 July 3:00 pm
3215 E. Washington Ave. Check-out: 22 July 12:00 pm
Madison, WI 53717
USA Rooms: 1
Phone: (608) 555-1234 Guests: 1
Guest Name: Mr. George Riley
Room Details: free WiFi, minibar, breakfast incl.
Cancellations: cancel before 6 pm on 17 July to avoid room charges
Reservation Amount: $ 703.96
Tax: $ 77.44
Total Charges: $ 781.40 USD

1 . Mr. Riley will stay at the hotel for ____ nights.
a. two b. four c. six
2. Twelve o’clock is the time he can check out.

a. only b. earliest c. latest

3. Mr. Riley’s reservation confirmation number is . ____

a. 1438475 b. 53717 c. 555-1234

4. Mr. Riley ____ pay extra for breakfast.
a. needs to b. will c. will not
5. To cancel his reservation without any charges, Mr. Riley the hotel by 6 p.m. on July 17.

a. can go to b. needs to pay c. needs to contact

6. Mr. Riley will pay a total of for the room.

a. $703.96 b. $781.40 c. $195.35

check it out!

Level 2 • Chapter 4 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 31

Chapter 5

Do you like spicy food?

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Types of restaurants Describe restaurants (not) as … as …
Food flavors Reserve a table as much … as / as many … as
Food likes and dislikes Compare restaurants prefer + noun: I prefer rice.
Menus Describe foods and state like vs. would like
preferences a little too … / much too …

In this chapter,
you will …
■■ Describe and

Where do you like to eat? What do they serve there?

■■ Reserve a table We’d like a table for

two for 7 o’clock.

■■ Describe foods
and state

— How would you like your steak? — How’s the seafood?

— Medium-rare, please. — It’s a little salty.

32 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 5

Describe restaurants and reserve a table

1 What do they serve?

— Is there a good seafood restaurant near here?

— The Wharf is a great place for seafood.

— Where do you want to go for lunch?

— I feel like having pasta. Let’s go to Antonio’s.

— Does the Ranch Steakhouse serve only steak?

— No, they serve all kinds of meat.
— Do they have any vegetarian dishes?
— I don’t think so.

2 28 I’d like to book a table

— Fairfax Inn. Good afternoon.
— Hi, I’d like to book a table for (1) ___________ this evening.
— For (2) ____________________ ?
— Around 8 o’clock.
— Could you hold, please, while I (3) ____________________ ?
— Yes, of course.
— Thank you for holding. I’m afraid we (4) ____________________ tables available at
(5) ___________ . Could you come at (6) ___________ or (7) ___________ instead?
— Just a moment. Let me check with (8) ____________________ . OK. Seven o’clock would work.
— Very good. And the (9) ___________ ?
— Hoffman.
— Thank you, Mr. Hoffman. (10) ____________________ at seven.

Level 2 • Chapter 5 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 33

Compare restaurants
http://the st i rre v i e w. c o m / res taurant review s
3 Is Antonio’s as good as The Wharf?

Antonio’s $–$$ The Wharf $$–$$$
Italian Seafood


Fast & Friendly Large, often crowded Friendly, but can be slow Small, but rarely
Family-style, No Nice, quiet place for Yes
can be noisy cosy dinner
C a lifornia
Co nnecticut
D elaware
Antonio’s is as good as The Wharf. The Wharf is not as big as Antonio’s.
G eorgia Antonio’s is as friendly as The Wharf. The Wharf is not as crowded as Antonio’s.
H aw aii
— Which is better, Antonio’s or The Wharf?
Indiana — How’s the service at both restaurants?
Iow a
K ansas  hey’re both very good. Antonio’s is not — It’s friendly. The service at the Wharf is
K entucky
as elegant as the Wharf. not as fast as at Antonio’s.
M as 4sachusetts
as much … as / as many … as
Minnesota Spice Sonny’s Bar & Grill
M ississippi
Number of tables
Missouri 20 10
Number of employees
N ebraska 13 6
Business hours
New H ampshire 7 a.m. – 11 p.m. noon – 1 a.m.
New Jersey
New MexicoCustomers per day 300 150
N ew York
Average time in restaurant
No r t h Carolina 90 minutes 90 minutes
N o rth Dakota
Average bill / person $50 $28
Mineral water sold / day 80 bottles 50 bottles
P ennsylvania
Rh ode Island
S o u th Carolina
S o uth Dakota Sonny’s doesn’t sell as much water as Sonny’s doesn’t have as many tables as
Spice does. Spice does.
Vermont Sonny’s customers don’t spend as much Sonny’s doesn’t have as many employees
Wa shington
money as Spice’s do. as Spice does.
West Virginia
5 How was the restaurant?

★ Terrible The food was bad. The service was awful. We’re never going back.
★★ So-so The service was OK, but the food wasn’t great. I won’t go back.
★★★ All right It was OK, but I probably won’t go back. There are better places in town.
★★★★ Good The food was very good, and the service was friendly. I think we’ll go back.
★★★★★ Excellent Great food. Excellent service. We’ll definitely go there again.

34 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 5

Describe foods and state preferences

6 What do you prefer?

— Do you like Italian food?

— Yes, but I like Greek food more. R Yes, but I prefer Greek food.

— Which do you prefer, seafood or steak? — Would you prefer a glass of white wine
— I prefer seafood. And you? or red wine?
— I like both. — With fish, I prefer white wine.

Which do you prefer?

French or Italian food? tea or coffee? pizza or hamburgers? soup or salad?

7 Would you like a baked potato?

steamed fried boiled baked roasted

— Would you like the chicken roasted or fried? — Do you like your potatoes boiled or baked?
— Fried, please. — I prefer baked potatoes. Thank you.

8 like vs. would like


Ice cream is good. I like ice cream. I’d like some ice cream, please.
You don’t like ice cream. Would you like some cake?
Paul likes to cook. He would like to cook dinner for you.
Sandra doesn’t like fried chicken. She would like a steak.
The Jeffersons don’t like Bistro Maurice. They’d like to eat somewhere else.

— Do you like sandwiches? — Do you like iced tea?

— Yes, I do. I like them very much. — Yes, I do.
— Would you like one now? — Would you like some?
— No, thank you. I’m not hungry. — Not now, thanks. I’m not thirsty.

Level 2 • Chapter 5 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 35

Describe foods and state preferences

9 How would you like your steak?

raw rare medium well done

— How would you like your steak? Tip!

— Medium-rare, please.
— And would you like a baked potato or rice with that?
chips crisps
— Rice, please.
French fries chips

10 How does it taste?

sweet sour spicy salty bitter

sugar lemons chili peppers potato chips coffee
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

11 29-31 How is it?

It’s a little spicy. It’s very spicy. It’s too spicy for Bert!

1 . The chicken curry is .

____ a. a little spicy b. very spicy c. much too hot
2. The soup is ____ . a. a little salty b. too salty c. not salty enough
3. The iced tea is ____ . a. too sweet b. not sweet enough c. not bitter enough

36 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 5

Describe foods and state preferences

12 Try it. I think you’ll like it!

— Do you like spicy food? — Do you like seafood?

— Yes, I love it. — Not so much. Why?
— Then you should try kimchi. — Then don’t order the ceviche. I don’t
— What’s that? think you’ll like it.
— Kimchi is Korea’s national dish. — Why not? What is it?
It’s spicy, pickled cabbage. — It’s a South American dish. It’s raw
— How spicy is it? fish or seafood served in lemon juice.
— Very spicy. Try it. I think you’ll like it. It’s one of my favorite foods.

13 My favorite _____________________________ dish





What is it? What’s in it? Do they serve it hot or cold? Is it sweet, sour, salty, or spicy?
Is it raw, steamed, baked, boiled, or fried?

14 Where should we go?

Restaurant name
Kind of restaurant
Reservations needed?
How good is the food?
How good is the service?
How expensive is it?

Level 2 • Chapter 5 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 37

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

fast food to prefer to feel like (having steak)
takeout (takeaway UK) the same (amount of time) to like (fish) more than (meat)
to serve to cook, cooked I’d like to book a table.
pasta, meat, fish to steam, steamed a table for (four)
seafood, crab, shrimp to boil, boiled How do you cook the fish?
vegetarian to fry, fried How do you like your (steak)?
place (= restaurant) to bake, baked How would you like (your
friendly / unfriendly to roast, roasted steak)?
crowded pan, oven How (does the chicken) taste?
fast / slow hungry, thirsty What else?
noisy / quiet raw, rare, medium, well-done a little / very (sweet)
average pepper too (sour) for me
terrible, so-so, all right, potato chips (crisps UK) a little too …
excellent sweet, sour, spicy, salty, bitter much too …

• Which do you prefer, the red or the white? • Do you prefer pasta or rice?
— I prefer the red. / I prefer the red to the white. — I prefer pasta.
— Do you prefer Merlot or Chianti? — Do you prefer spaghetti or linguine?
— I prefer Merlot. — I prefer linguine.

• Is Burger Boy as noisy as Pizza King? • Does Pizza King serve as many customers?
— Yes, it is. / No, Burger Boy is not as noisy. — No, they don’t serve as many customer as
— Does Burger Boy sell as many cheeseburgers Burger Boy.
as hamburgers? — Does Pizza King sell as much milk as Coke?
— No, they don’t sell as many cheeseburgers. — No, they don’t sell as much milk as Coke.

• Do you like seafood? • Would you like steak or seafood?

— I like some seafood, but not all. — Today I feel like having seafood.
— Which seafood do you like? — And you, sir, what would you like?
— I like crab, shrimp, scallops, and trout. — I’d like the steamed whitefish and a salad.
— What about salmon? Do you like salmon? — I’m sorry. We’re out of the fish.
— Yes, I like all kinds of fish. — OK. I’ll have the steak instead.

Use Your English!

•R  ead restaurant reviews in English-language newspapers, magazines, and online.
• Find an English-language menu. What do you like on the menu? What would you like to order?
• Use online menus to learn new food words. Use the new words to write a description
of a dish you like or a national dish. What foods are popular with visitors to your country?
Can you describe them in English?

38 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 5

Chapter Summary

Reading: Springfield Restaurant Reviews

The Fat Cat ★★★★ Springfield | American

First class food and service. A great place for a nice dinner.
I drove 80 miles to take my wife there for her birthday. She loved it!

Striped Bass ★★★★ Springfield | American

Great fresh seafood, friendly staff. We were a group of six.
We all loved the food. The service was terrific. I will go back.

Lafayette ★★★★★ Springfield | French

My friends and I went to Lafayette for dinner before going to a play.
We enjoyed our meal so much that we almost missed the play. The food and the service
were both excellent. It’s a great place to take friends and family for a special dinner.

Choose the best answer

1 . According to the reviews, the Fat Cat is the Striped Bass restaurant.

a. as good as b. better than c. not as good as

2. Lafayette serves ____ .

a. American food b. French food c. steaks

3. The people who went to Lafayette after their meal.


a. missed the play b. saw a movie c. went to a play

4. The customer at the Striped Bass was there with ____ .

a. his colleagues b. three friends c. five people

5. The Fat Cat is ____ the home of the review writer.

a. near b. far from c. next to

6. The man and his wife went to the Fat Cat for ____ .
a. his wife’s birthday b. lunch c. their wedding

Writing: Write a restaurant review




check it out!

Level 2 • Chapter 5 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 39

Chapter 6

Now you can …!
Describe foods and state preferences
Compare restaurants
Reserve a table
Describe restaurants
Describe your hotel stay
Check into and out of a hotel
Make a reservation
Describe a hotel
Give reminders
Talk about what you take on a trip
Talk about vacation plans
Describe winter and summer activities
Talk about your job
Describe your colleagues’ responsibilities
Talk about your company’s products and services
Describe your company’s size and location(s)
Talk about travel announcements
Give travel updates
Ask about fares and buy tickets
Ask about schedules
Describe travel plans

40 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 6

Action Module 1 Role Card A

It’s 11:45 a.m. You are at the train station in Washington, D.C. You’d like to leave
for New York soon. You have a meeting there tomorrow morning. Go to the
ticket counter and buy a ticket.

Action Module 2 Role Card A

With your partner, complete the company organization chart below.

Judy Lake

Ed Pearson Ann Mendez Sally Carson

Sales IT HR
Director Director Director

Bill North Tina Lee

Advertising Network Training
Manager Manager Manager

Level 2 • Chapter 6 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 41

Action Module 1 Role Card B

You work at the ticket counter at the train station in Washington, D.C.
It is 11:45 a.m. This is the departure schedule for the next half hour.

Departures Fares
Destination Departure time Track Arrival time One-way Round-trip
Baltimore 12:05 PM 01 12:45 PM coach: $ 16 coach: $ 27
duration: 0:40 business: $ 28 business: $ 51
New York 12:10 PM 02 3:30 PM coach: $ 113 coach: $ 216
duration: 3:20 business: $ 153 business: $ 296
Boston 12:15 PM 03 8:10 PM coach: $ 137 coach: $ 259
duration: 7:55 business: $ 185 business: $ 355

You are getting a message that there will be a 20-minute delay because of a
problem on the tracks.

Action Module 2 Role Card B

With your partner, complete the company organization chart below.


Ed Pearson Tom Wilson Sally Carson

Marketing Sales IT
Director Director Director

Kate Parks Bill North Tina Lee Alan Wells

Sales Training
Manager Manager

42 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 6

Action Module 3 Role Card A

You and a friend would like to go on vacation together. You both want to go
to the beach, because you enjoy sunbathing and swimming in the sea. You’d
like to stay for six or seven days, but you don’t want to spend more than
£1500 per person for the flight, the hotel, and meals. You saw this offer
online. Tell your friend about it.

5 nights in Malaga, Spain at

the Playa del Sol Hotel ★★★
— double room
— free breakfast buffet
— 20-minute walk from the beach
— 2 large swimming pools
— 3 restaurants
— children’s playground
Price per person: £1400
(includes return airfare from London/Heathrow)

Action Module 4 Role Card A

You are an employee at the Parkview Hotel. You have no rooms available
on June 11. From June 12-14 there are only two double rooms available:

Room 101 (first floor, no balcony): $150 / night

Room 316 (third floor, balcony, view of city): $195 / night

All rooms have free WiFi. Breakfast is $15 per person. Your phone is ringing.
Answer it.

Action Module 5 Role Card A

A friend is coming to visit. You want to take her out to eat, but you don’t go
to restaurants often. Your friend likes all kinds of food. Your colleague goes to
restaurants often. Ask your colleague for some restaurant recommendations.

Level 2 • Chapter 6 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 43

Action Module 3 Role Card B

You and a friend would like to go on vacation together. You both want to go to the
beach, because you enjoy sunbathing and swimming in the sea. You’d like to stay for
six or seven days, but you don’t want to spend more than £1500 per person for the
flight, the hotel, and meals. You saw this offer online. Tell your friend about it.

7 nights in Crete at the

Poseidon Bed & Breakfast
– B&B located on the beach
– double room with kitchenette
– swimming pool
– restaurants, supermarket, shops nearby

Price per person: £1200

(includes return airfare from London/Heathrow)

Action Module 4 Role Card B

You would like to reserve a hotel room for your family. You are a family of three.
You’d like a room for three nights for June 11-13 or for June 12-14. You’d like a
double room with a view of the park.

Call the Parkview Hotel. Ask for information about their rooms and the room rates.

Action Module 5 Role Card B

You like to eat out, and you go to restaurants often. Here is a list of some of your
favorite restaurants:

 aj Mahal — spicy, Indian food; great service; good vegetarian dishes; desserts are so-so
• Horse Feathers — British pub; great roast beef and fish and chips; salads not good
• Zorba’s — excellent Greek food; fantastic desserts; very good fresh fish; great service
• Great Wall — wonderful vegetable dishes; some foods are very spicy; friendly service

44 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 6

Your Turn

1 A: Talk about your worst flight or train trip. Where did you leave from? Where
did you go? Why was the trip bad?
B: Ask your teacher (or a classmate) about his / her best flight or train trip.
What was his / her destination? Why did he / she enjoy the trip?

2 A: Talk about your company. What kind of company is it? What does your
company do or make? How big is the company? How many employees
does it have? Do you have branch offices in other countries?
B: Ask your teacher (or a classmate) about his / her first job. What company did
he / she work for? What department did he / she work in? What were his / her

3 A: Talk about your winter and summer trips. Are they for business or pleasure?
Where do you go in summer / winter? What do you do there? How long do
you stay? What do you take with you?
B: Ask your teacher (or a classmate) about a trip he / she is going to take. Where
is he / she going to go? When? For how long? Is it going to be a business trip
or a vacation? What does he / she plan to do there? What is he / she taking
on the trip?

4 A: Talk about a hotel in your city that you like. Do you tell friends / business
partners to stay there? Why (not)? Is it in a convenient location? Is the
service good? How is it better than other hotels in the city?
B: Ask your teacher (or a classmate) about a hotel he / she likes. Where is it
located? What does the hotel offer? What doesn’t it offer? What’s included
in the room rate? Is the hotel expensive? Why does he / she like it?

5 A: Describe a favorite meal or a good meal you had this week. What did you
eat? Where? How did the food taste? Did you eat anything spicy? How was
the food cooked?
B: Ask your teacher (or a classmate) about a favorite restaurant. What kind of
restaurant is it? Does he / she go there often? What kind of food do they
serve? What does he / she usually order?

check it out!

Level 2 • Chapter 6 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 45

Chapter 7

What’s the matter?

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Parts of the body Say how you’re feeling I have to stay home.
Ailments and Describe your symptoms You shouldn’t go to work today.
symptoms Talk about medicines and Past progressive: I was working at
Medicines and the remedies 2 o’clock yesterday.
pharmacy get sick, get well, get better, etc.

In this chapter,
head eye
you will … ear nose I have a / an _____ ache.
mouth neck
head back ear
throat shoulder stomach tooth
■■ Say how you’re back
feeling stomach My _____ hurts.
arm body hand
leg finger
hand foot neck
shoulder throat
arm eye
mouth nose

— How are you, Mary?

■■ Describe your  — Not good. I’m coughing, sneezing,
symptoms and I have a sore throat.
— Get well soon!

■■ Talk about  — What’s good for a cold?

medicines and — Try this cold medicine.
remedies It works for me.

46 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 7

Say how you’re feeling

1 Are you OK?

hit cut fall

— Ouch! That hurts. — Oh. That hurt.
— What’s the matter? — What did you do?
— I cut my finger with the knife. — I hit my leg on the table.

2 I don’t feel well

headache toothache earache stomachache backache

— How are you feeling today? — Are you OK? — What’s the matter?
— I’m much better, thanks. — No. I don’t feel well. — I have an earache.
— I’m glad to hear that. I have a bad headache. — I’m sorry to hear that.

3 They have to stay home

Susan is sick. She can’t go to work. She has to stay home.

I have a toothache. R I have to see a dentist.
Walter had a bad stomachache yesterday. He had to go home early.

— I’m sorry, but I’m not feeling well. — Allison doesn’t feel well.
— What’s the matter? — What’s wrong?
— I hurt my back yesterday, and I can’t stand up. — She has a terrible headache and
— Stay home then. I hope you feel better soon. has to go home.

Level 2 • Chapter 7 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 47

Say how you’re feeling

4 32-34 What’s the matter?

A. 1 . Barbara has a . ____ a. backache b. toothache
2. She’s going to see her .____ a. dentist b. doctor
3. She go to work today.
____ a. will b. can’t

B. 1 . Tony’s daughter has a bad ____ . a. earache b. stomachache

2. She stay home.
____ a. has to b. won’t
3. Tony will today.
____ a. go to work late b. stay home

C. 1 . Linda has a headache and a ____ . a. stomachache b. toothache

2. Her colleague tells her to go ____ . a. to the doctor b. home

5 What were you doing?

I am I was
you are you were
It’s 3:00 and Tim is feeling fine. R Yesterday at 3:00 he was feeling sick.
Ann is she was
we are we were
Liz and Ed are they were

— I tried to call you yesterday afternoon. — I saw you downtown last week.
— Sorry. I was sleeping. I wasn’t feeling well. — Yes, I was going to my doctor’s office.

— Were you at the beach yesterday morning? — What were you doing yesterday afternoon?
— No, we weren’t. We were playing tennis — We were walking downtown. It was a
at the park. beautiful day.

6 I was reading all morning and now my eyes hurt

I was playing tennis. Now my arm hurts.

soccer football

— What’s the matter? Are you OK?

— Not really. I was playing tennis all day yesterday, and now my arm hurts.
— I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon.

— How did you hurt your leg?

— I was playing soccer with my friends, and I fell. My leg didn’t hurt yesterday, but it hurts now.

48 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 7

Describe your symptoms

7 A cold or the flu?

Donna has a cold. She is sneezing and coughing. She has a runny
nose, a sore throat, and a headache. She took some cold medicine
and is feeling better now. She’s going to work tomorrow.

Adam has the flu. He feels terrible. He’s very tired. His neck
and his back hurt. He has a fever, too. His temperature is 102°F
(39°C). Adam isn’t going to work this week. He has to stay in
bed and get better.

8 You shouldn’t go out in the rain

Donna isn’t very sick. She can go to work. She doesn’t have to stay home.
Adam has a fever. He has to stay home. He shouldn’t go to work.
I feel better. I can get out of bed. I don’t have to stay in bed.
I feel worse. I can’t get out of bed. I shouldn’t go out.

— Why don’t you stay home another day? — What did the doctor say?
— I don’t have to. I’m feeling much better. — He said I shouldn’t go to work this week.

Your turn
1 . You ________________________ take aspirin. You can take cold medicine.
2. Children ________________________ go to school when they’re sick. They should stay home.
3. We ________________________ meet today. We can meet when you’re feeling better.
4. You ________________________ walk on that leg. You have to get an X-ray.

9 He’s getting better

Bert was feeling He got sick Tuesday He went home and got Three days later,
fine on Monday. morning at work. sicker that night. Bert got better.

Level 2 • Chapter 7 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 49

Talk about medicines and remedies

10 What do you take for the flu?

medicine / pills cough syrup

Do you take medicine for a headache? — I’d like something for a sore throat.
What do you take for a fever? — Have you tried cough syrup?
What’s good for a sore throat? a cough? — Yes, but my throat isn’t getting better.
What do you do when your back hurts? — OK. Let’s try something else.

11 35 I need something for a cold

1 . The man has ____________________ .
2. The pharmacist has medicine for the man’s ____________________

and ____________________ .
3. The man should take the medicine ____________________ a day.
4. The pharmacist gave him ____________________ for his sore throat.

5. He should drink it ____________________ with ____________________ .

12 Home remedies

Some people think that … is good for …

chicken soup a cold
chamomile tea a stomachache
tea with lemon and honey a sore throat

What do you think? What “home remedies” do you know? What are they good for?

50 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 7

Talk about medicines and remedies

13 Ask your pharmacist







14 Do you have a prescription?

Mary Boyd, M.D.

Family Practice
Richmond, VA

Name: Clara Gibson


Address: 3403 W.Cary Street

___________________________ When was the last time a doctor
gave you a prescription?
Date: 04/19
______________ Age: 53

What was it for?

How often did you have to take
the medicine?

Diclofenac / 100 mg / #30

How long did you take it?

generic OK Did the medicine help you?

1 pill / per day with water,

before breakfast
Refills: 3
______ DEA #: 1234

Level 2 • Chapter 7 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 51

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

arm, fingers fine / sick pharmacy, pharmacist
leg, foot / feet nose, runny ~ (chemist’s, chemist UK)
neck, shoulder sneeze, cough (n., v.) prescription
to hurt, hurt throat, sore ~ good for
to cut, cut a cold, the flu
to hit, hit symptoms My hand hurts.
to fall, fell fever What’s the matter?
to feel, felt tired … don’t / doesn’t feel well.
back, backache medicine, to take ~ I’m glad to hear that.
head, headache to call in sick I’m sorry to hear that.
stomach, stomachache to get sick / well Get well / better soon.
ear, earache pills Bless you!
tooth / teeth, toothache cough syrup

• What did the doctor say? • Do you have to go to work today?
— She said I should stay home. My foot — No, I don’t have to go to work, but I have to
will be better in a day or two. call the office before 10 o’clock.

• What were you doing 30 minutes ago? • What were the Dunns doing yesterday morning?
— I was speaking on the phone. — They were walking on the beach.
— Were you speaking to John? — Was Ellen walking with them?
— Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t. — No, she wasn’t. / Yes, she was.

• How did Adam hurt his leg? • What’s the matter?

— He was running in the park for three — Claudia fell and hurt her leg.
hours and now his leg hurts. — I’m sorry to hear that.

• When did you get sick? • What are you doing to get better?
— I got sick when I was in Scotland. — I’m staying in bed and taking some medicine.
— I hope you feel better soon. — You should see a doctor.

Use Your English!

• Find a website that gives tips about colds. What do they say you should / shouldn’t do when you
have a cold? Write down two or three tips.
• Make a list of the medicines you take and write what they are good for. Put this in your suitcase
for the next time you travel to another country.
• Watch an episode of an English–language medical show online or on DVD. Try to identify
vocabulary from this chapter.

52 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 7

Chapter Summary

Reading: At the doctor’s office

—S  o, Ms. McIntyre, what seems to be the problem?

— I don’t feel very well. I think I have the flu.
— What are your symptoms?
— I have a fever and everything hurts: my head,
my stomach, my back, and my neck.
— Let me check your temperature. Hmm … 101°.
Yes, it’s the flu. I’ll write a prescription for you.
There’s a pharmacy on the ground floor. You
should feel better in three or four days.
— Can I go to work?
— No, you should stay home and get plenty of rest.

Complete the sentences

1 . Ms. McIntyre probably has ____ .
a. a cold b. an earache c. the flu

2. She has a ____ of 101 degrees.

a. flu b. temperature c. fever

3. Her hurt.

a. arms and legs b. back and neck c. hands and feet

4. The doctor gave her a ____ for the fever.

a. prescription b. receipt c. recipe

5. There is a pharmacy ____ .

a. on the ground floor b. on the same floor c. in the building next door

6. Ms. McIntyre should be better in a . ____

a. day or two b. few days c. week

7. The doctor says she ____ go to work.

a. can b. has to c. shouldn’t

Writing: How were you feeling and what were your symptoms the last time you were sick?



check it out!

Level 2 • Chapter 7 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 53

Chapter 8

What do you do in your free time?

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Leisure activities Talk about free–time activities Roger enjoys reading.
Hobbies and interests Talk about your hobbies Susan likes singing / to sing.
Invite someone out Paul would rather see a movie.
still / not anymore
Adverbs: beautifully, seriously, etc.

In this chapter, GAMES

you will … video games
chess, checkers

water polo
■■ Talk about free
time activities COLLECTIONS
and hobbies comic books
stamps, coins

drawing, painting

Do you play video games?

Do you play sports? Do you like to watch sports?
Do you have a stamp or coin collection?
Do you know someone who likes to draw or paint?

— Would you like to see a movie?

— Sure. What’s playing?
■■ Invite someone out — Starship Herian, Love on Ice, and
Nightmare on Oak Street.
— I like romantic movies. Let’s see
Love on Ice.

54 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 8

Talk about free-time activities: reading and music

1 What do you enjoy reading?

romance mystery science fiction horror

— What do you like to read? — What kinds of books do you like?

— I enjoy reading science fiction. — I enjoy mysteries the most.
— What’s your favorite book? — Who’s your favorite author?
— My favorite book is Dune by Frank Herbert. — John Grisham.

2 What kind of music do you like?

rock pop classical opera jazz

Do you have a favorite singer or composer? Do you like to go to concerts?

Do you have a favorite band or orchestra? Do you listen to music online?

3 Love it or hate it?

I love rock music. I hate big concerts.

I love to sing. I hate to stand for hours.
I love watching music videos. I hate waiting in line.

— What do you like to do in your free time? — Did you hear Josie Maxx’s new song?
— I like doing many things, but I love spending — Yes, and I hated it.
time with my children. How about you? — I thought you liked all her songs.
— I love spending time with my family, too. — Usually, I do. But I don’t like the new one.
I also love to shop. The singing and the music are terrible.

Level 2 • Chapter 8 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 55

Talk about free-time activities: TV and movies

4 What’s on TV?
6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm
ZBC ZBC News Hour Speak Up! Sing for the Stars

DocuTV Voyage to Jupiter Life in the Alps The Last Koala

Drama! Dr. Albin Starship Titanic Detective Mike

TV Lite Days & Lives Married with Kids North Park

— What’s on at 8 o’clock? Anything interesting?

— There’s a documentary about koalas on DocuTV, and Detective Mike is on the Drama channel.

I like mysteries more than romances. I’d rather watch mysteries (than romances).
I prefer mysteries to romances. I’d rather not watch a romance.

— I don’t like to watch old movies, but I’d rather watch an old movie than the news.
— Would you prefer a documentary?
— No, I really don’t like documentaries.
— What do you like to watch?
— I like to watch programs about music and musicians.

5 36-38 What would you rather watch?

1 . The man would rather _____________________________________________________________ .
2. Why? ____________________________________________________________________________ .
1 . The man would rather not __________________________________________________________ .
2. Why? ____________________________________________________________________________ .
1 . The woman would rather ___________________________________________________________ .
2. Why? ____________________________________________________________________________ .

6 Do you like westerns?

action animation comedy thriller western

56 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 8

Talk about your hobbies

7 When did you start doing that?

Tim started buying CDs when he was 12. Sam started buying CDs when he was 14.
He stopped buying CDs when he was 21. He never stopped buying them.
R He doesn’t buy CDs anymore. R He still buys CDs.

— You have a big collection of old books. — Do you play the violin?
When did you start collecting them? — Not anymore. I played when I was a boy,
— I started when I was 18. but I didn’t enjoy it.
— Do you still buy old books? — When did you stop playing?
— Yes, I buy at least one a month. — I stopped when I was 15 or 16.

8 Laura draws beautifully

Kevin is a slow writer. He writes slowly.

Laura draws beautiful pictures. R She draws beautifully.
Nicholas is a serious chess player. He takes chess seriously.

Martina is a good water polo player. R She plays water polo well.

— How did you learn to type so quickly? — What did you think of the music?
— I had to type a lot at my first job. — I thought the singers sang beautifully.

9 39-40 Correct the sentences

1 . Jake collects furniture in his free time.

2. This weekend he’s going to make a bookcase.


3. Paula sells antiques.


1 . Phil is going to start a drawing class.

2. He draws people badly.


3. He took art class seriously when he was in school.


Level 2 • Chapter 8 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 57

Invite someone out

10 What’s playing?

Springfield Sentinel
What’s on this weekend
Swingtime (jazz) Yes, Sir! (musical)
Wellington Auditorium, Sat. 9 pm, $35 Community Theater, Sun. 7:30 pm, $45

Music of Scandinavia (folk music) Out the Back Door (play)

Smith Concert Hall, Sun. 8 pm, $25 University Auditorium, Sat. 9 pm, $10

Baseball: Springfield Sluggers vs. Hartfield Homers My Three Kids (comedy)
Springer Stadium, Sat. 7 pm Garden Cinema, 7:30 / 9:45

Soccer: Springfield Univ. vs. Bakersville College River Route (thriller)

University Stadium, Sat. 6 pm Grandview Theater, 7:15 / 9:30

a jazz concert?
the Swingtime concert? — Yes, I’d love to.
— Would you like to go to
a baseball game? — Sure! When?
the Sluggers game?

a play?
Out the Back Door? — I’m sorry. I can’t.
— Would you like to see — I have other plans.
a movie?
— Maybe some other time.
My Three Kids?

11 41-42 Do you have plans this weekend?

1 . Bill invited Emma to ____ a baseball game. a. go to b. watch
2. Emma ____ baseball. a. doesn’t like b. loves
3. Bill ____ two tickets for the game. a. will buy b. already has

1 . Steven invited Leila to go to ____ . a. a play b. a concert
2. Leila ____ plans on Saturday. a. has b. doesn’t have
3. Leila is visiting her sister ____ . a. city b. on Sunday

58 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 8

Talk about free-time activities

12 What do people do in their free time?

√ O X
Activities in the USA (currently do) (don’t do anymore) (don’t like / never did)

1. Dine out
2. Entertain friends or family at home
3. Go to the movies
4. Read
5. Barbecue
6. Go to the beach
7. Bake or cook
8. Play cards
9. Go out to bars & nightclubs
10. Play board games
11. Go to museums
12. Go to a play
13. Do crossword or Sudoku puzzles
14. Visit the zoo
15. Attend concerts

13 Let’s learn something new!

Introduction to Heart-healthy Cooking Petspeak: What Your Pets are Saying

Learn about heart-healthy foods, cooking, and other What are your pets trying to say to you? Why don’t
useful information. Learn heart-healthy recipes from the you ask them? Professional animal trainer Linda Lane
Americas, Europe, and Asia. teaches you to understand your pet. Bring a photo of
Course fee: $109 your pet to class.
Thursdays, May 3 & 10, 6:30–9:30 pm Course fee: $35
Tuesday, March 20, 7:00–9:30 pm
Pilates is one of our most popular exercise courses for Feng Shui Basics
adults. Pilates works all the muscles in your body, espe- Come for an evening of fun and learn about this
cially in your back and stomach. 3,000-year-old Chinese practice of art and placement.
Course fee: $119 Use what you learn to bring balance into your life.
Mondays, April 16 – July 16, 6:00–7:00 pm Course fee: $25
Wednesday, April 25, 6:30–9:30 pm
The Four-Season Garden
Want to have a garden that’s beautiful every season? Night Photography
Develop a unique style for your garden. See examples In this class, you will learn the basics of nighttime digital
of different garden styles from across the country and photography in classroom lectures and scheduled photo
draw a plan for your garden. shoots, including a night at the Museum of Sculpture.
Course fee: $150 Course fee: $145
Tuesdays, March 13 & 20, 6:30–8:30 pm Wednesdays, June 27 – August 8, 7:00–10:00 pm

Level 2 • Chapter 8 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 59

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

free time program, ~ guide serious, seriously, to take … ~
author, by ~ (programme UK) to invite
story, stories the news, documentary
guitar, guitarist on + channel, on at + time What do you enjoy reading the
violin, violinist would rather most / the least?
piano, pianist actor What time / channel is it on?
instrument, musician hobby, game, popular When is … on?
to play, ~ an instrument to collect, collection, collector I’d rather (not) …
to sing, song, singer antiques What’s playing (at the …)?
band, orchestra, composer to start / to stop Do you have plans for … night?
to love / hate still, not … anymore I have other plans.
channel beautiful, beautifully Maybe some other time.

• What do you enjoy doing in your free time? • Do you like playing the guitar?
— I enjoy reading. / I enjoy watching movies. — Yes, I do. I also like to sing.

— Do you like listening to opera? — Does Sarah like to play tennis?

— No, I don’t like listening to opera. — No, she doesn’t. She hates to play sports.

— What kind of books does Joan like to read? — Which song do you like singing the most?
— She loves to read books about history. — I love singing The Rose. It’s a beautiful song.

• Would Sam rather sing or write songs? • How does Craig sing?
— He’d rather write songs. — He sings well. / He sings badly.

• Do you still collect stamps? • When did Pat stop eating meat?
— Yes, I do. / No, I don’t collect them anymore. — She stopped eating meat about a year ago.

Use Your English!

•L  isten to and write down the meaning of a favorite English–song. (You can find the words for
many songs online.)
• Watch movies in English with subtitles.
• Search for information about your hobbies online. Make a list of key words you used to find
information about your hobby.

60 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 8

Chapter Summary

Reading: The World’s Most Popular Sport

The most popular sport in the world is almost certainly

“association football.” In most countries, people simply
call it football, but in the U.S., people call it soccer. In
over 140 countries, people young and old play the sport,
and once every four years, millions of fans watch the
biggest football competition of all, the World Cup.

FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association)

organizes the World Cup. The official name of the cup is
the Jules Rimet Trophy. The first World Cup took place
in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1930. Football teams from
thirteen countries played, including teams from Belgium, France, Romania, Yugoslavia, the U.S.,
and eight South American countries. In the final game, Uruguay played against Argentina and
won the match 4 to 2 in front of 100,000 excited fans.

Choose the best answer

1 . Association football is the most popular sport in ____ .
a. the world b. the USA c. most countries
2. Millions of people .

a. go to the World Cup games b. listen to the games on the radio_c. watch the World Cup on TV
3. The first World Cup took place in .

a. France b. the U.S. c. Uruguay

4. Teams from ____ countries played in the first World Cup.
a. thirteen b. thirty c. thirty-three
5. In the last game Uruguay played against ____.
a. Argentina b. Mexico c. Romania
6. Uruguay won the game, ____.
a. 2 to 4 b. 4 to 2 c. 4 to 3

Writing: Describe your favorite sport or hobby





check it out!

Level 2 • Chapter 8 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 61

Chapter 9

How do you stay in shape?

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Exercise Describe exercise habits regularly, occasionally, hardly ever
Fitness and routines Clauses with if: If I miss a day of
Say what you do to stay exercise, …
or get in shape Do you know where / when …? etc.
Ask about fees and Can you tell me if / how …? etc.
membership Confirming: The price includes
group classes, doesn’t it?

In this chapter,
you will …
— What kind of exercise do you do?
— I run and I bicycle.
■■ Describe 
— How often do you exercise?
— Three or four times a week.
habits and 

— I’d like to lose a little weight. What should I do?

■■ Say what you  — If you want to lose weight, you have to exercise
do to stay or and eat a healthy diet.
get in shape — I don’t really like exercise. It’s boring.
— Why don’t you try dancing or aerobics?
They’re great exercise and they’re fun.

R Health & Fitness

— Do you offer classes?

Only $49
— Yes, we do. We offer yoga and
per month! aerobics classes and many
■■ Ask about fees 
more. Take a look at our
and membership • Two swimming pools • Yoga
• Three weight rooms • Aerobics website. You’ll see a schedule
• Personal trainers • Sauna of all the classes we offer.
— OK. Thank you.
Open every day from 7 a.m. – 11 p.m.

62 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 9

Describe exercise habits and routines

1 What kind of exercise do you do?

running aerobics weightlifting swimming

Diego goes running every day after work. R He exercises regularly.

He lifts weights four or five times a month. R He lifts weights occasionally.
He goes swimming only once or twice a year. R He hardly ever goes swimming.

2 If the weather is nice …

Diego regularly goes running in the morning. When he does, he feels better all day.
R If Diego exercises in the morning, he feels better all day.

We usually go bicycling in nice weather. R We go bicycling if the weather is nice.

R If not, we go to the gym.

— Does George run every day? — How often do you go to the gym?
— Yes. If he doesn’t run in the morning, — Once or twice a week. And I go swimming
he runs after work. on weekends if I have time.

3 43-46 Do they exercise regularly?

Tina Alan Jim Laura

Yes ❏ No ❏ Yes ❏ No ❏ Yes ❏ No ❏ Yes ❏ No ❏

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

a. aerobics b. (bi)cycling c. football d. gardening

e. running f. swimming g. walking h. weightlifting

Level 2 • Chapter 9 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 63

Say what you do to stay or get in shape

4 Are you in shape?

Marty is out of shape. He’s Lisa is in great shape. John is a little underweight.
overweight. He’d like to She exercises every He needs to gain some
lose weight and get in shape. day to stay in shape. weight.

5 Why don’t you try spinning?

— I need to lose some weight, I don’t know what kind

of exercise to do.
— Do you like cycling?
— Yes, but that’s only good if the weather is nice.
— Why don’t you try spinning?
— Spinning?
— Yes, it’s a type of indoor exercise bike. It’s a lot of fun.

6 If you want to lose weight …

Joan wants to get in shape. But she doesn’t exercise regularly.

R If Joan wants to get in shape, she has to exercise regularly.

— What can I do to lose a little weight? — Larry is overweight and often feels tired.
— If you want to lose weight, you need — If he wants to feel better, he should start
to eat a healthy diet. to exercise regularly.

7 47 Some good advice

Mr. Hammond is a little (1) ________________________ . If he wants to lose weight, he has to eat a
(2) ________________________ diet. He needs to eat more fruit and (3) ________________________

and less (4) ________________________ , bread, and pasta. Mr. Hammond doesn’t like to go to
the (5) ________________________ . He’s going to try exercising outdoors instead. Dr. Welch
recommends bicycling or (6) ____________________ for thirty minutes every day.

64 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 9

Ask about fees and membership

8 I don’t know how it works

if Tony is available? if he’s available.

how this works? how it works.
I don’t know
Can you tell me where the aerobics class is? where it is.
The trainer knows
Do you know how much membership costs? how much it is.
Jill can tell you
what I should do? what you should do.
when the pool opens? when it opens.

— Where is the manager? — What is the manager’s name?

— I don’t know where she is. — It’s Pat. I don’t know what her last name is.

— Can you show me how the equipment works? — Can you tell me where I have to pay?
— Your trainer will show you how it works. — Certainly. You can pay at the front desk.

9 Let me know if you have any questions!

Example: Excuse
 me, can you tell me what cardio training is?
Of course. Cardio training is exercise that strengthens your heart.

1 . — Do you know __________________________________________________________________ ?

— No, I don’t know. But ask the trainer —— she can tell you what Pilates is.

2. — _______________________________________________________________________________ ?
— Yes, the pool opens at 6:30.

3. — ______________________________________________________________________________ ?
— The sauna is on the first floor.

4. — ______________________________________________________________________________ ?
— Yes, there are. There are yoga classes tomorrow at 5 and 7 p.m.

Level 2 • Chapter 9 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 65

Ask about fees and membership

10 You have weightlifting equipment, don’t you?

I think this information is true. I’m confirming.

You’re taking an aerobics class, aren’t you?
Your aerobics class is on Friday, isn’t it?
Brad and Amy go to a health club, don’t they?
Jerry exercises every day, doesn’t he?
You joined the health club, didn’t you?
Cheryl was in the Pilates class yesterday, wasn’t she?
Your daughter can swim, can’t she?
Molly would like to lose weight, wouldn’t she?
Rick should change his diet, shouldn’t he?

— We’re late again, aren’t we? — Laura will come tomorrow, won’t she?
— Yes, we are. — Yes, she will.

— You’d like to come with us, wouldn’t you? — The Pilates class is full, isn’t it?
— Yes, I’d love to. Thank you. — Yes, it is. But we’re starting another class soon.

— I should exercise more, shouldn’t I? — Susan forgot our appointment, didn’t she?
— No, you shouldn’t. You look great. — No, she didn’t. She’ll be here soon.

11 The membership fee includes all the classes, doesn’t it?

1 . Do you offer swimming lessons? Are lessons included in the membership fee?


2. Is the fitness center open on holidays? And can members park in the parking lot across the street?


3. Will I have to pay an application fee? Should I pay my membership fee once for the year?


66 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 9

Describe exercise habits and routines

12 Health and Fitness Survey

Health and Fitness Survey

1 . Is exercise important to you? Why? Why not? ___________________________________


2. How often do you exercise? _________________________________________________


3. What type of exercise do you do? _____________________________________________


4. Do you walk every day? How far do you go and how long do you walk? _____________

5. Describe your diet. What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?________

6. When do you find time to relax? What do you do to relax? _________________________


13 Let’s get moving

“Why don’t you exercise?”

Top 10 reasons people give
1 I don’t have time. 6 It’s boring.
2 I’m too tired. 7 I have a bad back / knee, etc.
3 It’s not fun. 8 It’s embarrassing.
4 It’s too expensive. 9 It’s not important.
5 It’s too inconvenient. 10 I don’t feel like it.

Level 2 • Chapter 9 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 67

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

gym / fitness center overweight, underweight member, membership (fee)
to exercise to lose / gain weight to join
to do aerobics shape, in ~, out of ~, application, ~ form / fee
to lift weights to stay in ~, to get in ~ to apply
regularly, occasionally healthy / unhealthy That sounds like fun!
hardly ever diet, to go on a ~ That’s a great idea.
fun, it’s ~ important Why don’t you …?

• How often do you go to the gym? • What do you do at the gym?
— I go very regularly —— once a day. — I swim and occasionally I do aerobics.
— What about you, Jack? — Do you lift weights?
— I hardly ever go to the gym. — No, I hardly ever lift weights. It hurts my back.

• What does Karen do if the weather’s bad? • What do you do if you have some free time?
— If the weather’s bad, she goes to the movies. — I go to the fitness center if I have some free time.
— And if the weather’s good? — And if you only have a half-hour?
— If the weather’s good, she plays tennis. — I take a short walk if I only have a half-hour.

• I want to lose weight. What should I do? • Tom wants to get in shape. What should he do?
— If you want to lose weight, you have to eat — He has to exercise more regularly if he wants to
a healthy diet and exercise. get in shape.

• Can you tell me if Sheila is here today? • Do you know if there’s a fitness class today?
— I’m sorry, I can’t. Check at the front desk. — No, I don’t know if there’s a fitness class today.

• Can you tell me when the class starts? • Do you know where the swimming pool is?
— I’m sorry, I don’t know when it starts. — Yes, it’s behind the tennis courts.

• You have gym membership, don’t you? • Paul plays tennis, doesn’t he?
— Yes, I do. Here’s my membership card. — Yes, he does. He started playing when he was four.
— Sam was in the pool yesterday, wasn’t he? — José can lift a lot of weight, can’t he?
— Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t. — Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.

Use Your English!

• L
 ook up some fitness centers online. What facilities do they have? How much is the
membership? Write down three or four pieces of information about the fitness center.
• Write a short paragraph about how to stay in shape when you’re on vacation.
• Make a list of things people do in your country to stay or get in shape.

68 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 9

Chapter Summary

Reading: Do you know what Zumba is?

— Hi, Cara. Do you know what Zumba is?
— Sure. Zumba is a type of exercise. It’s dance and aerobics together.
— What kind of music do they use?
— They use a lot of Latin music, like tango, samba, and salsa. And also some hip-hop.
— So, it’s just a dance class, right?
— No. Zumba uses aerobics movements and also includes some martial arts movements.
— Martial arts?
— You know, judo, karate.
— Would it be too fast for me?
— Some of the music is fast. Some is slower.
— How long do the classes last?
— Usually about an hour. I’m going to a class next week. Do you want to come with me, Mindy?
If you want, you can just watch.
— It sounds like fun. Let me think about it, OK?


1 . Zumba is a kind of __________________________ .

2. There is a lot of Central and South American __________________________ during

Zumba classes.

3. __________________________ is one of the martial arts.

4. Zumba uses some __________________________ movements.

5. Cara invited Mindy to _____________________________ with her next week.

Writing: Would you like to take a Zumba class? Why? / Why not?







check it out!

Level 2 • Chapter 9 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 69

Chapter 10

How is the new place?

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Homes and Describe your home Number-noun adjectives:
neighborhoods Describe your neighborhood a two-car garage
Rooms of the house Give compliments and Reflexive pronouns (emphatic use):
welcome visitors I made it myself.

In this chapter, Living Room

you will … Kitchen


■■ Describe your

Dining Room Bedroom

Do you live in the city or in the suburbs?

■■ Describe your Is your neighborhood noisy or quiet?
neighborhood Are there theaters and restaurants nearby?
Is your place close to good schools?

— Hello. Thank you for coming.

■■ Give compliments  — You have a lovely apartment.
and welcome  — Thank you. Come in and make yourself at home.
visitors — What a beautiful table!
— Do you like it? It was a gift from my parents.

70 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 10

Describe your home

1 We’re looking for a new home

— I just looked at a house on Grant Street.
— How many rooms does it have?
— It has eight rooms, a pool, and two balconies.
— And how many bedrooms?
— Three bedrooms and two bathrooms.
— What are the other rooms?
— There’s a large living room, a kitchen with dining
area, and a small study.
— Do you think you’re going to buy it?
— I think we need to see a few more houses.

I live in a _____________________________________________________________________________

It has ________________________________________________________________________________

There’s also __________________________________________________________________________

It doesn’t have ________________________________________________________________________

2 48 We’re moving

1 . The man is moving to ___________________ on Spring Street.

2. His new place has ___________________ bedrooms.

3. It has a big ___________________ .

4. The apartment doesn’t have a ___________________ .

5. But there’s a ___________________ in the kitchen.

6. The man is ___________________ the place for $1,100 a month.

Culture Corner

Condominium living
In the United States, certain kinds of apartments are sometimes called condominiums
or condos, for short. Each condo is owned separately, but common areas like the lobby,
exercise room, or swimming pool are owned by the condominium association. Each
owner pays a fee to cover the cost of the common areas. The owners either live in their
condo or rent it out to other people.

Level 2 • Chapter 10 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 71

Describe your home and neighborhood

3 We live in a two-story house

Janet’s apartment building has five stories. She lives in a five-story building.
The Bennetts’ house has three bedrooms. R They have a three-bedroom house.
Two cars fit in our garage. Our house has a two-car garage.

— How big is your new place? — How far is your apartment from downtown?
— It’s a two-bedroom condo. — It’s a fifteen-minute walk or a five-minute drive.

4 The kitchen’s bright and sunny

Ben lives in a one-bedroom apartment on Ted and Eileen live in a two-story house.
the ground floor of an old building. Ben The house has a lot of windows and gets
doesn’t like the apartment, because it’s plenty of light. The kitchen and living room
small and dark. are the brightest rooms in the house.

5 49-51 What’s the neighborhood like?

A. Barbara (1) ___________________ in Manhattan anymore. She

moved to (2) ___________________ six months ago. She likes it
better, because the streets are a lot (3) ___________________ .

B. Anita and her husband are looking at a (1) ___________________ -

bedroom apartment. The rent is (2) ___________________ per month.
Her husband thinks that’s too (3) ___________________ .

C. Nancy’s new apartment is very nice. The (1) ___________________ are small, but she has a big,
(2) ___________________ living room with a (3) ___________________ . There is very little
(4) ___________________ on her street, and her neighbors are (5) ___________________ .

72 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 10

Give compliments and welcome visitors

6 Advantages and disadvantages

— What do you like about living in the city?

— There are a lot of advantages. We’re close to theaters, restaurants, and museums.
— But there are some disadvantages to living in the city, aren’t there?
— I think the only one is the noise. But that’s only sometimes, and it’s not really a
problem in our neighborhood.


shopping, restaurants nearby quiet

_________________________________ __________________________________

_________________________________ __________________________________

_________________________________ __________________________________

noisy shopping, restaurants may be far away

_________________________________ __________________________________

_________________________________ __________________________________

_________________________________ __________________________________

7 What a beautiful painting!

That’s a lovely vase. a lovely vase!

You have a fantastic view of the city. R What a fantastic view of the city!
These photographs are beautiful. beautiful photographs!

— What an interesting lamp. Is it an antique?

— Yes, it’s about eighty years old.
— Where did you get it?
— We bought it at an auction last year.

— What a lovely painting. Who painted it?

— I did, actually.
— It’s really wonderful.
— Thank you.

Level 2 • Chapter 10 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 73

Give compliments and welcome visitors

8 I made it myself

I myself. Tip!
You yourself.
Mark himself. no help:
Stella decorated the apartment herself. I made the cake myself.
We ourselves. alone:
You and Jim yourselves. I went to the café by myself.
Alex and Lana themselves.

— That’s a beautiful table. Where did you get it? ­­— The door is working now. Who fixed it?
— Peter made it himself. — I fixed it myself.

— Who did you take to the movie last night? — Was Mr. Blake at the meeting with you?
— No one. I went by myself. — No, I was there by myself.

9 Make yourself comfortable

— Hi, Meg. Glad you’re here. — Welcome to Fermont, Mr. Palmer.

Come in! I’m glad you could join us.
— Thank you. — Thank you for inviting me.
— Can I take your coat? — Please come into my office and
— Sure. Thanks. have a seat.
— Would you like some tea — Thank you.
or coffee? Would you care for some coffee?
— Tea would be great. Thanks. — Yes, please. Black, no sugar.

10 52 Let me show you around

1. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 5. _______________________

2. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 6. _______________________

1 . The kitchen is _______________________________________________________________________

2. The woman uses one bedroom as _____________________________________________________

3. The stairs go ________________________________________________________________________

4. The balcony has _____________________________________________________________________

74 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 10

Describe your home

11 My dream home

Describe your dream home. How many rooms does it have?

Where is it located? Is it an old building or a new one?
What kind of area / neighborhood is it in? What do you like most about it?

12 Floor plans

living room
dining room /
dining area
guest room
study / office

Level 2 • Chapter 10 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 75

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

closet (wardrobe / cupboard UK) downtown neighborhood, neighbor
apartment suburbs (neighbour UK)
house traffic advantages / disadvantages
place (= home) lovely, nice
kitchen, bedroom fantastic, wonderful What is your place like?
living room, study myself, yourself, etc. What a beautiful …!
dining room / area to decorate Make yourself at home /
to own, rent (v., n.) to take pictures comfortable.
to move to show someone around I’m glad you could join us.
story (storey UK) stairs Have a seat.
garage upstairs / downstairs Would you care for …?
light, bright, dark dream home Welcome to our home.

• What is your place like? • Where’s your office?
— It’s a five-bedroom, three-bathroom — It’s on the fourth floor of the sixteen-story
house in the suburbs. building on Walnut Street.

• What a beautiful chair. • Did the Johnsons take a taxi to the airport?
— Thank you. I made it myself. — No, they drove themselves.

• Carl and Ann, you have a lovely home. • Do you want me to help Frank?
— Thank you. Ann decorated it herself. — No, that’s all right. He can do it himself.

• Paul, are you by yourself today? • Is it OK if we help ourselves to some coffee?

— Yes, I gave Linda the day off. — Yes, please do. The cream and sugar are on the table.

Use Your English!

• Try to find your “dream home” online. Where is it? How big is it? Does it have everything you want?
• A new teacher is looking for a place to live in your city. Make a list of the neighborhoods you think he
or she should look in (or not look in). Write why you think one neighborhood is better than another.
• Prepare a photo tour of your home. Take pictures around your home and write a description for
each picture.

76 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 10

Chapter Summary

Reading: A new place to live?

Ridgeland Park area $1,300/month

Beautiful, one-bedroom apartment near the train station with large kitchen,
1 Bedroom
wood floors, air conditioning, and washer and dryer.
Contact Rosa at Best Realty (312) 555-0202 | Check Availability | Photos 1 Bath

Downtown $850/month
Furnished, one-bedroom apartment with small kitchen, large bathroom,
1 Bedroom
walk-in closet, balcony, and wall-to-wall carpet. No pets.
Call Lee (312) 555-9032 | Check Availability | Photos 1 Bath

Furnished and unfurnished apartments with great views near shopping
and transportation. Fitness center and pool. E-mail [email protected] 2-4 Bedrooms
with questions | (312) 555-7505 | Check Availability | Photos 1-3 Baths

1 . Which apartment is near the train station?
a. Belleview b. Downtown c. Ridgeland Park

2. You have a dog. Which apartment can’t you rent?

a. Belleview b. Downtown c. Ridgeland Park

3. You would like to live in a building with a fitness center. Who do you contact for more information?
a. [email protected] b. Lee at 312-555-9032 c. Rosa at 312-555-0202

4. Which sentence is true about the Downtown apartment?

a. It has a big kitchen. b. It has a big bathroom. c. It has a big balcony.

5. You don’t have any furniture, and you don’t want to buy any. Which apartments come with furniture?
a. Belleview and Downtown b. Belleview only c. Downtown only

Writing: Write a description of your home for an online advertisement






check it out!

Level 2 • Chapter 10 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 77

Chapter 11

What did you use to do?

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Appliances and devices Say what you use I use … to listen / for listening
Innovation something for to music.
Now and then Describe new and used to
obsolete products in the 80s / 1980s
Talk about past events I remember using …
Compare modern and
I could swim when I was five.
past times
a little / somewhat / much / a lot
+ adjective

In this chapter,
you will … — How do you like your new phone?
— I love it. It has some great apps.
— What do you use it for?
—F or just about everything: e-mailing,
texting, surfing the Internet, taking
■■ Say what you use pictures, listening to music and making
something for and the occasional phone call, of course!
describe new and
obsolete products

What do people still use? What don’t they use anymore?

■■ Talk about Where did you grow up? What did you do in your twenties?
past events What do you remember about your childhood and your high school years?

Do people live the same way

■■ Compare modern
now as they did 80 years ago?
and past times
How was life different then?

78 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 11

Say what you use something for

1 What do you use it for?

A remote control A microwave is An e-reader is A dishwasher is

is a device. an appliance. ______________ ______________

A remote control is a device. We use it to change channels. / We use it for changing channels.
R A remote control is a device for changing channels.

A microwave is an appliance. We use it to heat food. / We use it for heating food.

R A microwave is an appliance for heating food.

2 What does this button do?

Double-click on the
folder to open it.
Press the F1 key to
open the help menu.
Press this button to turn on Turn the knob to set
the TV. Press the + or – button the temperature.
to change the volume. Turn the dial to find
a radio station.

3 53-55 What do you use the Internet for?

A. Laura writes a (1) ________________ . She (2) ________________ a new (3) ________________

once a week. She writes about things she (4) ________________ : her work, her family, and her
(5) ________________ .

B. Alex uses the Internet to read the (1) ________________ and (2) ________________ information.
He uses a social (3) ________________ site to (4) ________________ in touch with friends.

C. Vicky’s (1) ________________ friend is working in London. Vicky and her friend use the Internet
to e-mail, call, and chat with (2) ________________ almost every day.

Level 2 • Chapter 11 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 79

Describe new and obsolete products

4 It used to be different

Mike didn’t always have a cell phone. He didn’t use to have a cell phone.
What did he use to do when he wanted to call his family? He used to call them on his land line.

— I didn’t know you liked video games. — You collect old photos, don’t you?
— I didn’t use to. But I’m starting to like them. — I used to, but not anymore.

— Did you get many birthday cards? — How do you pay your bills?
— No, I didn’t. I only got two. I used to get ten — I used to pay them by mail, but now
or twelve every year. Now I get e-cards. I pay them online.

Not so long ago, people Martha used to do her Carl used to watch movies
used to make calls from work on a typewriter. on videocassettes and later
payphones. Nowadays Nowadays she does her on DVDs. Nowadays he
we use cell phones. work on a laptop. watches them on his tablet.

5 These products are obsolete

Before there were … people used to use … to …

1 . DVDs ___ photocopiers ___ listen to music

2. mp3 players ___ letters, cards, and faxes ___ make copies of documents
3. scanners ___ records, cassettes, and CDs 1 watch movies

4. tweets, e-mail, and text messages 1 videocassettes

___ ___ send short messages
5. ________________________ __________________________ __________________________

6. ________________________ __________________________ __________________________

Which of the above products do you find very useful? Which ones are not useful?

What old-fashioned products do you still have or like to use?

80 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 11

Talk about past events

6 I grew up in the 80s

Do you like the

music from the
1970s? What was
your favorite movie
in the 1980s?
Years from now,
what do you
think people will
remember from
this decade?

7 What do you remember doing?

We used to visit my grandparents for the holidays. I remember those visits.

R I remember visiting my grandparents’ house for the holidays.

watching my first baseball game.

I (don’t) remember playing with our two dogs.
listening to my father’s records.

1 . What do you remember reading as a child? 3. What games do you remember playing?
2. What do you remember watching on TV? 4. What music do you remember listening to?

8 56-57 The good old days

1 . Victor bought the Spiderman ____ . a. cartoon series b. movie
2. Victor and David used to love ____ . a. wearing costumes b. watching it on TV
3. Victor remembers watching Spiderman ____ . a. early in the morning b. in the afternoons

1 . Julie’s gift to her grandmother ____ back lovely memories. a. sends b. brings
2. Her grandmother remembers ____ the movie with her husband. a. watching b. liking
3. They saw the movie ____ together. a. one time b. many times

Level 2 • Chapter 11 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 81

Compare modern and past times

9 What could you do when you were little?

Becky learned to swim when she was six years old.

R She could swim when she was six.
R She couldn’t swim when she was five.

In the past Nowadays

People couldn’t_ _____________________ People can__________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________

I couldn’t_ __________________________ I can_______________________________

__________________________________ __________________________________

People could_ _______________________ People can’t_________________________

__________________________________ __________________________________

I could_ ____________________________ I can’t______________________________

__________________________________ __________________________________

10 Life’s a lot faster now

a little easier
somewhat more complicated
Nowadays, life is than it used to be.
a lot faster
much less difficult
more expensive

— I paid only $500 for my new laptop.

—T hat’s a good price. Computers are much smaller, faster, and cheaper than they used to be.

Agree or disagree?

1 . Life was a lot easier in the old days. Things are much more difficult now.
2. Social networking makes it much easier to stay in touch with friends.
3. Family life was a lot more important when I was young.

82 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 11

Compare modern and past times

11 Communications now and then

a fountain pen an early phone a tablet PC

Agree or disagree?

1 . Nowadays people communicate using ______________________________________________________ .

2. The pros are ________________________________________________________________________ .
3. The cons are _______________________________________________________________________ .

12 Dan’s life then and now

Dan’s … in the 90s nowadays

home Springfield, New York New York City
occupation / job high school student bank manager
music grunge rock blues
favorite TV program The Simpsons Mad Men
clothing old Army jacket and jeans suit and tie
toys / games / sports Play Station football with friends
hobbies playing guitar, going to concerts blogging, going to blues concerts

in the _____ s nowadays

occupation / job
favorite TV program
toys / games / sports

Level 2 • Chapter 11 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 83

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

dishwasher, stove, oven, etc. entertainment use (n.), useful, useless
appliance, device social networking obsolete, old-fashioned
remote control to blog, ~ entry, to share / post teenager, childhood
tablet (PC) record, ~ player to grow up
button, key, knob, icon cassette, ~ player popular, fad
to turn, ~ on, ~ off CD, ~ player to happen
to press, to click, to double-~ mp3 player / files current / past event
to communicate, communication present, past memories, to bring back ~
to stay in touch with nowadays, in the old days life, lives
each other to download pros, cons

• What do you use this remote control for? • What does this knob do?
— I use it for changing the temperature. — You use it to turn the oven on and off.

• Did you use to listen to music on cassettes? • What did you use to watch movies in the 80s?
— Yes, I did. I also used to listen to records. — I used a VCR in the 80s.

• What happened in the 2010s? • Do you remember watching Miami Vice?

— I remember buying my first iPhone and — Oh, yes. That was the 80s. I remember
wearing Converse shoes in the 2010s. enjoying the clothes and the music.

• Could you wear shorts in high school? • What sports could you play when you were fifteen?
— Yes, we could. / No, we couldn’t. — I could play tennis, soccer, and volleyball.

• How much more difficult was growing • How much better are cars nowadays?
up in the old days? — They’re a lot better today than even five years ago.
— I think it was more difficult, because we — Is flying better or worse today than five years ago?
didn’t have all the devices we have now. — I think it’s somewhat worse. The seats are much
Everything was much slower then. smaller, and the baggage fees are higher.

Use Your English!

• Write a short story about a great day you remember from your childhood. Where were you?
Who were you with? What were you doing?
• Make a list of the best / worst clothing, music, TV shows, etc., from a past decade. Is there
anything on your list that you used to like then, but don’t like now?
• Think of five or more items that we use now. Write a short summary and say how much easier
or more difficult these items make our life today.

84 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 11

Chapter Summary

Reading: Famous Fads

Fad _______________ _________________ _________________

Fad began _______________ _________________ _________________

Sales _______________ _________________ _________________

_____  rnő Rubik invented the Rubik’s Cube in Hungary in 1974. A Hungarian company made and sold the first
“Magic Cubes” in 1977. In the same year, the Ideal Toy Corporation bought the cube. They named it “Rubik’s
Cube.” Rubik’s Cube is the world’s best-selling toy of all time, with over 300 million sold since 1977. Today,
there’s a World Cube Association that organizes many “speed cubing” competitions around the world, and there
are many websites for solving the puzzle. They also come in many shapes, colors, and sizes.

_____ ula hoops are big rings made of plastic. People playing with the hoops twirl them around their waist, arms,
or neck. The hula hoop fad began in the late 1950s in Australia. There children twirled bamboo hoops, but
the toy was so popular that the Toltoys Company began making them from plastic. The American company,
Wham-O, made the toy internationally famous when they began marketing their hula hoops in 1958. Wham-O
sold over 100 million hoops in less than two years. Today, hula hoops come in many colors and sizes, and
some even light up.

_____  amagotchi is a digital pet game created by Akihiro Yoi and Aki Maita. The Bandai Company
sold the first Tamagotchis in 1996 in Japan. The name “tamagotchi” means “egg-watch.” The story
behind the game is, Tamagotchis are eggs from another planet, and their Earth “parents” must
take care of them until they grow up. If players don’t take care of the eggs, they can “get sick” or
“die.” Between 1996 and 2010, Bandai sold over 76 million Tamagotchis. Today, the characters
appear on gaming systems such as Nintendo DS and the company’s Tama Town website.

Writing: Write about a fad

Use the Internet to find out more about a fad. Choose your own or one from the following list:
Atkins diet Boomerang CB radios Slinky
Chia pets Chicken dance Disco Sudoku puzzles
Mood rings Pac man Pez candy dispensers Yo-Yo
Write down anything interesting you find. Share your information with the rest of the class.

check it out!

Level 2 • Chapter 11 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 85

Chapter 12

Now you can …!
Compare modern and past times

Talk about past events

Describe new and obsolete products

Say what you use something for

Give compliments and welcome visitors

Describe your neighborhood

Describe your home

Ask about fees and membership

Say what you do to stay or get in shape

Describe exercise habits and routines

Invite someone out

Talk about your hobbies

Talk about free–time activities

Talk about medicines and remedies

Describe your symptoms

Say how you’re feeling

86 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 12

Action Module 1 Role Card A

You have a cold. It started three days ago. You have a headache, a sore throat,
and a bad cough. You may have a fever.

You are at the doctor’s office. You need to feel better by tomorrow, because
you have a meeting with a very important client.

Action Module 2 Role Card A

You’d like to take a course in photography or painting. You are also interested in
music, but you think learning to play an instrument will be too difficult for you.
You are only free on Monday and Wednesday evenings after 8 o’clock. You are
visiting an adult learning center. You’d like some information about their classes.

Action Module 3 Role Card A

You are the manager of the Healthy Life fitness studio. You offer three different
fitness programs.


Daily exercise for serious Three to four times a week Twice a week for excercise
work-outs. Includes: for staying fit. Includes: and weight loss. Includes:
• Weightlifting • Jogging or walking • Walking
• Stairmaster • Swimming • Swimming
• Swimming • Aerobics • Diet program
• Spinning
• High-energy aerobics All aerobics classes use
dance routines.

A customer would like to speak to you.

Level 2 • Chapter 12 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 87

Action Module 1 Role Card B

You are a doctor. It’s flu season, and many of your patients have the flu. For the
flu, you usually give your patients a prescription for medicine for the fever, and
you tell them they must go home and rest for three or four days.

Your next patient is coming into your office.

Action Module 2 Role Card B

You work at an adult learning center that offers many different classes in the
evening. This is the schedule of classes you are offering now:

painting Mondays and Thursdays 5:00 to 7:00

photography Tuesdays and Fridays 8:00 to 10:00
guitar Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30 to 10:30
piano Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:00 to 10:00

There are too many students in the painting and photography classes. The
director would like more students for the guitar and piano classes. The music
courses are for beginners.

A person is coming into your office. Welcome him / her.

Action Module 3 Role Card B

Option 1
You are visiting the Healthy Life fitness studio. You love sports and are looking
for an advanced exercise program.

Option 2
You are visiting the Healthy Life fitness studio. You don’t like to exercise, but you
want to lose weight. Your doctor told you to start a regular fitness program.

88 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 12

Action Module 4 Role Card A

Your company is sending you to work in New York City. You will stay there
for three years. You have to find an apartment for your family. You are
flying to New York tonight to look for an apartment. You saw this ad on the
HomeFinder website:

Beautiful High-Rise Apartment for Rent

Address: 1106 River Street, Roosevelt Island
Furnished, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living room, large kitchen.
Apartment on 14th floor. Nice view of the East River, near good
schools, shops. Convenient to Manhattan via subway. 3-year rental
contract, $5500 / month. Owner: B. Davis (212) 555-0963

This is exactly what you were looking for. You will be in New York for
the next three days. You have an appointment with your new manager
tomorrow at 2 p.m. He’s taking you to a concert at 8 p.m. the next day.

Call the apartment owner. Check the address and the rental fee and make
an appointment to see the apartment.

Action Module 5 Role Card A

You just bought your first smart phone, and you don’t know how to use it. Your
friend knows how to use a smart phone. Ask him / her to show you some of the
phone’s functions.

Level 2 • Chapter 12 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 89

Action Module 4 Role Card B

You live in New York City, but your company is sending you to another
country for a three-year project. You have a beautiful apartment in New
York, but you don’t want to leave it empty for three years. Last week you
put this ad on the HomeFinder website:

Beautiful High-Rise Apartment for Rent

Address: 1106 River Street, Roosevelt Island
Furnished, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living room, large kitchen.
Apartment on 14th floor. Nice view of the East River, near good
schools, shops. Convenient to Manhattan via subway. 3-year rental
contract, $5500 / month. Owner: B. Davis (212) 555-0963

Now you think it might be better to sell the apartment instead. You would
like to sell it for $940,000. You are going to take the ad off the HomeFinder
website this evening.

Your phone is ringing. Answer it.

Action Module 5 Role Card B

One of your friends just bought her / his first smart phone. He / She told you
that he / she doesn’t know how to use it. You have a smart phone, and, of course,
you know how to use it. Explain some of the phone’s functions to your friend.

90 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Chapter 12

Your Turn

1 A: Talk about the last time some part of your body hurt. Were you doing
something when it started to hurt? What? Did you take any medicine?
Did you see a doctor? Did you have to stay home?
B: Ask your teacher (or a classmate) what he or she does when he / she has a
cold or the flu. Does he / she see a doctor? Does he / she take any medicine
or use any home remedies? What does he / she eat and drink when he / she
doesn’t feel well?

2 A: Talk about a hobby you have now or had when you were younger. What is it?
How much time do or did you spend on it?
B: Ask your teacher (or a classmate) how he or she likes to spend his / her free
time. Does he / she prefer to read, watch TV or play sports? etc.

3 A: Talk about what you think you should do if you want to stay healthy and
in shape. What kind of food should you eat? What kind of exercise is best?
How often should you exercise?
B: Ask your teacher (or a classmate) what he or she does to stay healthy. Is he
/ she a member of a gym or fitness club? How often does he / she work out?
What kinds of exercise does he / she do?

4 A: Talk about what you like about your neighborhood. Is it in the city / the
suburbs / the country? Are there interesting shops or restaurants nearby?
Is it a convenient location for you to get to work? etc.
B: Ask your teacher (or a classmate) about his or her home. How many rooms
does it have? Does it have a big kitchen and living room? What does he or
she like to do at home? etc.

5 A: Talk about how your life is different from your parents’ / grandparents’ lives.
Were their lives easier or more difficult? Why do you think so? What did they
use to do regularly that people don’t do nowadays?
B: Ask your teacher (or a classmate) about things he or she remembers from
childhood. What toys and games did he / she play with? What was his / her
favorite musical group or singer? What fads does he / she remember? What
things does he / she remember doing as a teenager or young adult?

check it out!

Level 2 • Chapter 12 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 91

Audio Script 1

Chapter 1 Transfer at the Civic Center for the B Line. The

doors are now closing.
— Taxi! TRACK 7 | B
— Where to? Attention all passengers on Omega Airlines flight
— The airport, please. 958 to Heathrow Airport in London. This flight
— All right. is now ready for boarding at Gate 28B. Please
proceed to the gate for immediate departure.
TRACK 2 | Two
— Melissa! Are you still at the office? TRACK 8 | C
— Yes, sorry. I have a lot of work to do. Your attention, please. The delayed 4:15 train
— And when are you coming home? from Washington with service to Philadelphia and
— In about an hour. New York is now arriving on Track Number 4. We
— Well, don’t stay too late, OK? apologize for the delay. Once again, the delayed
4:15 train to Philadelphia and New York is now
TRACK 3 | Three boarding on Track 4.
— Hey, George. I see you’re not working next week.
Are you taking a vacation? TRACK 9 | D
— Yes, my wife and I are going skiing in Austria. The 8:30 bus for Bath is now boarding at Bay 16.
— That’s exciting. When are you leaving? This is an express bus stopping at Swindon only.
— On Saturday. Bay 16 for the 8:30 bus to Bath.
— Have a great time!
— Thanks. Chapter 2
— This is the Yellow Line train to Huntington. The My name is Pamela Rice, and I’m a sales manager
doors are closing. for Artesa. Artesa imports and sells office
— Hi, Karen. Are you going to the office? equipment to companies here in the United States.
— Oh, hi Beth. Yes, I am. And you? I travel a lot for my job.
— I am, too. But you don’t usually take the metro
to work, do you?
My name is James Richards. I work for BioPlus.
— No. There’s something wrong with my car … BioPlus makes pharmaceutical products and exports
TRACK 5 | ACTIVITY 7 them all over the world. Our headquarters are in
— I’d like a one-way ticket to Baltimore, please. Chicago, but I work in our laboratory in Dallas.
— When would you like to leave?
— Around noon.
TelTec sells satellite telephone and TV services to
— There are two trains departing at that time.
homes across Canada. We don’t provide Internet
The Northeast Express leaves at 12 o’clock and
services yet, but beginning next year, we will.
arrives in Baltimore at 12:28. The Northeast
Regional leaves at 12:02 and arrives at 12:43. TRACK 13 | ACTIVITY 10 | Albert
— I see. So the express takes 28 minutes and the My company makes airplane seats. I’m a factory
regional train takes 41 minutes? supervisor. I supervise twenty people in our
— That’s right. factory in Kentucky.
— And what’s the fare?
TRACK 14 | Cynthia
— The Northeast Express is $55 for business class
I’m the director of human resources at a large
and $70 for first class. The Northeast Regional is
telecommunications company. It’s my job to help
$27 for coach or $39 for business class.
all our employees do their jobs. It’s not easy, but
— I’d like a business class ticket for the Northeast
I enjoy it. I like working with people.
Regional, please.
TRACK 15 | Ricardo
I’m a computer programmer. I work for a company
This is the A line to Middleburg with stops at
that makes computer games. It’s a great job! I
Walnut Grove, Neville Park, and the Civic Center.
write software.

Level 2 • Audio Script ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 93

Audio Script 1

TRACK 16 | Karen — And do you have a swimming pool?

I work in the accounting department of a large — We have two pools. We have an indoor and an
clothing store. I check employees’ hours and pay outdoor pool.
them every two weeks. I like working with numbers. — Do you have larger rooms for families? We’re
a family of five.
Chapter 3 — No, we don’t. We have only double rooms.
— I see. Do the rooms have Internet access?
TRACK 17 | Activity 6
— Yes, they do. All our rooms have free WiFi.
— Can you tell me about the tour?
— OK. I think that answers all my questions.
— They’re going to pick us up at the hotel at nine
— Would you like to make a reservation?
o’clock in the morning and we’re going to go to
— Not right now. But thank you for the information.
Toji Temple for about two hours. Then, at 11:30,
— You’re very welcome. Good-bye.
we’re going to leave for Nijo Castle.
— Are we going to have a tour guide with us? TRACK 21 | ACTIVITY 6
— Yes, of course. She is going to be with the group — Parkview Hotel. Reservations. This is Valerie.
all day. May I help you?
— That’s good. Where are we going to go after Nijo — Yes, I’d like to reserve a room.
Castle? — For which nights?
— At around 1 o’clock, we’re going to have lunch at — January 7th to the 11th.
a traditional Japanese restaurant. — For how many people?
— That sounds wonderful! — Just one.
— After lunch, we’re going to have some free time — Could I have your name, please?
to walk around or do some souvenir shopping. — Yes, it’s Diana Clark.
The tour guide is going to stay near the bus. At — All right, Ms. Clark. That’s a single room for
4 o’clock, we’re going to go back to the hotel. four nights, from January 7th to the 11th. Is
— Are we going to see a Taiko drum show tonight? that correct?
— Yes, the show is at 8 o’clock. A bus is going to — That’s correct. Could you tell me the rate, please?
pick us up at the hotel at 7:30. — It’s $175 per night.
— It’s going to be a fun day! — OK. That’s fine.
— Which credit card will you be using to hold
TRACK 18 | Activity 9 | Forecast 1
the room?
And now for the weekend forecast. For all you
beach-lovers out there, I’m afraid it’s bad news. TRACK 22 | ACTIVITY 11 | A
The clouds are going to be with us all weekend, — Bellman.
and there’s a 60% chance of rain here in Malibu. — Yes, hello. Come in.
Temperatures are going to stay a cool 65 to — How many bags, sir?
68 degrees. — These two suitcases and that bag over there.
— Shall I take them to the lobby, sir?
TRACK 19 | Forecast 2
— No, to the front door, please. A taxi is waiting.
And now for our winter weekend weather here
in Aspen. We’re forecasting snow for today and TRACK 23 | B
tomorrow with up to ten inches of fresh snow by — Housekeeping.
tomorrow evening. Skies are going to be cloudy, — Can you come back later? I’m leaving in about
and temperatures are going to stay in the mid to twenty minutes.
high 20s. For all you skiers, it’s a great time to — Yes, sir.
hit the slopes.
TRACK 24 | C
CHAPTER 4 — I’d like to order some lunch. Can you bring it to
the pool?
TRACK 20 | ACTIVITY 3 — Yes, of course. What would you like to order?
— Fairmont Hotel. Good evening. — Let’s see. Could you bring me a salad, a turkey
— Hello. I’d like some information about your hotel. sandwich, and some sparkling water?
— OK. What would you like to know? — Certainly. Your room number, ma’am?
— Is there a restaurant in the hotel? — 512. I’m sitting just inside the entrance to the
— Yes, we have a restaurant and a café. pool.

94 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Audio Script

Audio Script 1

TRACK 25 | D TRACK 29 | ACTIVITY 11 | One

— Hello. I’d like to get some information about — How is your chicken curry?
restaurants. — It’s a little spicy, but very good.
— There are several excellent restaurants near the — Would you like some more water?
hotel. What kind of food do you like? — Yes, please.
— I like Mexican and Thai food.
TRACK 30 | Two
— There’s a wonderful Thai restaurant just two
— Waiter!
blocks from here. Shall I call them to make a
— Yes, sir?
reservation for you?
— I can’t eat this soup. It’s too salty.
— Thank you. That would be great. And can you tell
— Would you like me to bring you another one?
me how to get to the Keystone Mall?
— No, thanks. Just bring my main course, please.
— Of course. Let me show you on a map.
TRACK 31 | Three
— Can I get you something?
— I’d like to check out.
— Yes, please. I’d like some more sugar. The iced
— May I have your key card and your room number,
tea is very bitter.
— Right away.
— Yes, room 1130.
— Thank you, Ms. Shelby. Were you happy with
your room?
— It was OK. The bed was not very comfortable. TRACK 32 | ACTIVITY 4 | A
— I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve made a notation on — Hi, Jack. This is Barbara. I’m going to be late
your record. The next time you stay with us … today.
— Why? What’s wrong?
TRACK 27 | B
— I have a toothache. I’m going to the dentist now.
— Good morning.
I’ll call you after my appointment.
— Morning. I’d like to check out, please.
— OK. Talk to you later.
— Your room number?
— 322. TRACK 33 | B
— Did you enjoy your stay, Mr. Parker? — This is the voice-mail for Janet Miller. Please
— Yes, very much. The view of the lake was leave a message.
wonderful. — Janet, this is Tony. I won’t be in the office today.
— I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Here is your receipt. My daughter has a very bad earache. The doctor
You’ll find taxis waiting out front. says she has to stay home. I’ll call you later. Bye.

— What’s the matter, Linda?
TRACK 28 | ACTIVITY 2 — I don’t feel well. My head hurts and I have a
— Fairfax Inn. Good afternoon. stomachache.
— Hi, I’d like to book a table for two for this evening. — You should go home.
— For what time? — Yes, OK. I think I will.
— Around 8 o’clock.
— Could you hold, please, while I check? TRACK 35 | ACTIVITY 11
— Yes, of course. — Hello. I need something for a cold.
— Thank you for holding. I’m afraid we don’t have — Do you have a fever?
any tables available at 8. Could you come at — No, but I have a sore throat, I’m coughing a lot,
seven or nine o’clock instead? and I have a runny nose.
— Just a moment. Let me check with my wife. OK. — Are you taking any medicine?
Seven o’clock would work. — Just some aspirin.
— Very good. And the name? — OK. Let’s see. For the cough and the runny
— Hoffman. nose, take this cold medicine twice a day. And
— Thank you, Mr. Hoffman. We’ll see you at seven for the sore throat, this tea is very good. Drink
o’clock. it hot with lemon. You should feel better in a
day or two.

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Audio Script 1

CHAPTER 8 — I’d love to! What time?

— The game starts at 7 o’clock.
— Where should we meet?
— Is there anything interesting on TV?
— There’s Speak Up on ZBC and Life in the Alps TRACK 42 | B
on DocuTV. — Leila, would you like to go to a concert on
— Anything else? I don’t like the programs on ZBC. Saturday?
And we saw the one about the Alps last week, — I’m sorry, Steven, but I have plans this Saturday.
remember? — How about Sunday?
— Oh, yeah. Well, then what would you rather — Sunday? No, I can’t. I’m visiting my sister in the
watch: Starship Titanic or Married with Kids? city on Sunday.
— Let’s watch Starship Titanic. It’s more interesting. — OK. Well, maybe some other time.
— What are you watching?
— Sing for the Stars. TRACK 43 | ACTIVITY 3 | Tina
— Do you really like that? Can’t we watch I love to exercise. I go to an aerobics class three
something else? times a week. And on the days I don’t do aerobics,
— It’s going to finish in a few minutes. Then you I go to the gym to lift weights. I always feel better
can watch anything you want. after a good workout. If I miss a day of exercise, I
feel awful the next day.
TRACK 38 | C
— When is Last Call on? TRACK 44 | Alan
— At 9 o’clock, I think. It’s right after North Park. I don’t like to exercise, but if the weather’s nice, I like
— Are you going to watch it with me? to work in my garden. Does that count as exercise?
— Not tonight. I’m tired. I’d rather read my book. TRACK 45 | Jim
TRACK 39 | ACTIVITY 9 | A I like outdoor sports. There’s a park near my
— What do you do in your free time, Jake? Do you house. If the weather’s nice, I go running and
have any hobbies? cycling there. If the weather’s bad, I go swimming
— Yes, I make furniture. instead. My friends and I also play football on
— Oh, really? What kind of furniture? Saturday afternoons.
— Tables, bookcases, things like that. This weekend TRACK 46 | Laura
I’m going to make a coffee table. How about you, I’m not really big on exercise. OK, if it’s warm and
Paula? Do you have any hobbies? sunny, I like to go for a walk. But if it’s cold, or rainy,
— Yes, I collect antiques. forget it. I’d rather stay home and read or watch TV.
— That’s expensive, isn’t it?
— It can be, but I enjoy it.
— Do you think I need to lose weight, Dr. Welch?
TRACK 40 | B — Well, Mr. Hammond, you are a little out of shape.
— What are you doing this weekend, Phil? — Do I have to go on a diet?
— I’m going to start a watercolor painting class. — If you want to lose weight, you have to eat a
— Really? I enjoyed drawing and painting when healthy diet. By that I mean a diet with plenty
I was in school. of fruit and vegetables and not so much meat,
— Me, too. I liked to draw when I was younger. bread, and pasta.
I could draw people well, but I never took art — But I really like pasta.
class very seriously. — Well, you can eat pasta, just not too much.
— So where are you taking the class? — Can I drink coffee?
— At the university. — Yes, without sugar.
— Well, I hope you enjoy it. — And do I have to exercise?
— Thanks. I’m sure I will. — Exercise is important if you want to lose weight
TRACK 41 | ACTIVITY 11 | A and get in shape. You don’t like exercise?
— Do you like baseball, Emma? — I don’t like gyms.
— Yes, I love it. Why do you ask? — Why don’t you try exercising outdoors? You can
— I have two tickets to the Sluggers game go biking or even just walking thirty minutes a
tomorrow night. Would you like to go with me? day. You will feel better.

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Audio Script 1

— OK. Tomorrow I’ll start my new diet and I’ll go for — Here’s the bathroom in case you’re looking for
a long walk in the park. Thanks, Dr. Welch. it later.
— You’re welcome, Mr. Hammond. I’ll see you again — Thank you. Where do these stairs go?
in six months, and … — Up to the balcony in the back of the house. Come
have a look.
CHAPTER 10 — Oh, it’s lovely! You have a view of the whole
countryside from here.
— Yes, it’s very nice. I love to come up here to relax.
— Guess what. We’re moving.
— Really? Where to? CHAPTER 11
— We found a nice apartment on Spring Street.
— What is it like? TRACK 53 | ACTIVITY 3 | A | Laura
— It has two bedrooms, a living room, and a big I have a blog and I post a new entry every week. I
kitchen. write about things I enjoy: my work, my hobbies,
— Do you have a dining room? and my family.
— No, but there’s a dining area in the kitchen. TRACK 54 | B | Alex
— Is it expensive? I spend a lot of time online. I use the Internet to
— No, it’s just $1,100 a month. read the news and look for information. I use a
TRACK 49 | ACTIVITY 5 | A social networking site to stay in touch with my
— You still live in Manhattan, right, Barbara? friends. I chat with them almost every day, and I
— No, not anymore. We moved to the suburbs share photos with them.
about six months ago. TRACK 55 | C | Vicky
— Oh, really? And how do you like it there? My best friend is working in London for a year.
— It’s much better than living downtown. The We use the Internet to e-mail, chat, and call each
streets are a lot quieter than in the city. other almost every day.
— This place is great, Anita, but the rent’s too — Hey, David. Look what I got.
high. Don’t you think? $5,000 for a two- — The original Spiderman cartoon series? Wow,
bedroom apartment? Victor, that brings back memories. Where’d you
— I know it’s expensive, Richard, but this is the get it?
nicest neighborhood in town. — I bought it online.
TRACK 51 | C — I used to love watching Spiderman when I was
— How’s your new apartment, Nancy? a kid.
— Wonderful! The bedrooms are small, but I have — Me, too. I remember getting up early to watch it
a big, bright living room with a balcony. And it’s before school.
quiet. There isn’t much traffic on the street. — Do you remember the theme song?
— That’s great. And how are your neighbors? — Sure I do. Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever
— They’re very friendly. a spider can.
TRACK 57 | B
— Would you like me to show you around? — Happy birthday, Nana. I brought a little
— Sure. something for you.
— Well, this is the kitchen, and there’s the dining — Thank you, dear, that’s so sweet. Oh, my,
room. Dr. Zhivago.
— What a big, sunny kitchen you have. — I hope you like it.
— Yes, I just love it. Our old kitchen was so small. — Oh, yes, very much. It brings back such lovely
Upstairs are the bedrooms and the bathroom. memories. I remember the first time I saw it
— How many bedrooms do you have? with your grandfather. They don’t make movies
— Three. But we use one of them as a home office. like this anymore.
See? — Did Grandpa like it, too?
— How nice. I’d love to have an extra room for an — Oh, yes. We probably saw it together ten or
office or a study. eleven times over the years. Thank you, Julie.
That’s so kind and thoughtful of you.

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Audio Script 2

Chapter 1: Practice Microsystems. I’m responsible for software

development. It’s a big job. Last month, my team
TRACK 1 | EXERCISE 4 | One and I worked on four new programs.
What time is it?
— Excuse me, do you have the time? TRACK 10 | Sharon
— Yes. It’s twenty past six. I work in accounting. I’m in charge of our company’s
— Thank you. accounts. I’m also responsible for paying Jupiter’s
employees. It’s a lot of work, but I like it.
TRACK 2 | Two
— What time is it, David? TRACK 11 | Richard
— Ten to two. I’m the manager of the marketing department
— And when are we leaving? at Jupiter. I’m responsible for developing our
— At a quarter past three. marketing strategy. It’s interesting work. Right
now, my team is working on some ideas for our
TRACK 3 | Three new products.
— Valerie, could you tell me what time it is?
— It’s just after ten o’clock. Chapter 3: Practice
TRACK 4 | Four TRACK 12 | EXERCISE 8 | One
— It’s a quarter to five! Our train is leaving in Could you please remind me?
twenty minutes. ­— John, did you remember to stop the newspaper?
— We’re almost there. Don’t worry. ­­— Yes, I called them this morning.
— I don’t want to miss it. ­— Could you remind me to pack my cell phone
— We won’t. I promise. charger?
TRACK 5 | EXERCISE 6 | One ­— Sure, Ashley. Is there anything else I can do?
We apologize for the delay ­— No, thanks. Just don’t let me forget the charger,
Your attention, please. The delayed 4:15 train OK?
from Washington with service to Philadelphia and TRACK 13 | Two
New York is now arriving on Track Number 4. We ­— Jeff, I’m leaving now. See you tonight.
apologize for the delay. Once again, the delayed ­— OK. Don’t forget we’re having dinner at the
4:15 train to Philadelphia and New York is now Parkers’ tonight.
arriving on Track 4. ­— Oh, that’s right. Could you call me this afternoon
TRACK 6 | Two to remind me? We’re so busy at work right now. I
Your attention, please. World Airways flight 325 may forget later.
to Toronto has been canceled due to bad weather. ­— OK. I’ll call you around 3 o’clock. Have a good
Passengers booked on World Airways flight day, Lisa.
325 to Toronto, please go to the World Airways ­— Thanks. You, too. Bye!
information desk for assistance. TRACK 14 | Three
TRACK 7 | Three ­— Hi, Janice. How are you?
The 10:15 train to Harrisburg is boarding on track ­— I’m fine, thanks. How are you, Liz?
four. Attention all passengers for Harrisburg, the ­— Great. I’m excited about our trip to Europe.
10:15 train is now boarding on track four. ­— Oh, that’s right. You and Mike are going to
Europe. It’s for three weeks, right?
TRACK 8 | Four ­— That’s right. Three weeks.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the last call for ­— When are you leaving?
Transcom Flight 1238 to Kansas City and Chicago. ­— We’re leaving on Wednesday, and we’re coming
All passengers for Transcom Flight 1238 to Kansas back on the 24th.
City and Chicago, please board at gate number 32. ­— Let me put that on my calendar, so I don’t forget.
Is there anything I can do for you while you’re
Chapter 2: Practice away?
TRACK 9 | EXERCISE 7 | Matthew ­— Yes, there is one thing. Would you please remind
The team at Jupiter George to pick us up at the airport on the 24th?
I work for the R&D Department at Jupiter ­— I’d be happy to. I’ll call him and remind him the
day before.

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Audio Script 2

Chapter 4: Practice TRACK 19 | B

­— Julie Martin speaking.
TRACK 15 | EXERCISE 3 ­— Hi, Julie. It’s Carlos.
Reservations. May I help you? ­— Hi, Carlos. How are you?
­— Shelby Hotel. Reservations. May I help you? ­— I’m fine, thanks. And you?
­— I’d like to make a reservation, please. ­— I’m fine.
­— For which nights? ­— Julie, would you like to have dinner with me
­— September 1st through the 3rd. tomorrow night after work?
­— And for how many people? ­— Sure. That would be nice.
­— For three—one adult and two children. ­— Great. Do you like Mexican food?
­— Would you prefer a double room or a suite? ­— Yes, very much.
­— What are your rates for those nights? ­— OK. Let’s go to El Sol. It’s a nice little place in Old
­— The suite is $179 per night, and the double Town not far from your office.
is $140. ­— OK. Shall we meet in the lobby where I work and
TRACK 16 | EXERCISE 5 drive together?
Circle the word you hear: him, her, or them ­— That sounds good. Is 6 o’clock OK?
1 . Could you tell him I’m in the lobby? ­— Six o’clock is great. See you then!
2. Shall I ask her to clean your room? TRACK 20 | EXERCISE 7 | Mike
3. Here are the keys. Please take them to the front How was your lunch?
desk. I didn’t have much time for lunch today. Fred and I
4. The shuttle will take her to the airport. just got hamburgers and fries at Burgers-2-Go and
5. Do you know the Newmans? I’m seeing them ate in the car.
6. The bellman will help him with his luggage. TRACK 21 | Pamela
My friend Carol and I found a great place for lunch.
TRACK 17 | EXERCISE 7 I had a delicious shrimp dish, and she had crab
How was your trip? cakes. We’re going back next week.
­— How was your trip to Niagara Falls, Matthew?
­— It was great. We really liked the hotel. TRACK 22 | Thomas
­— What did you like about it? A group of us from work went to Vito’s for lunch
­— We had a beautiful room with a king-size bed and today. They make the best pizza in town.
a spectacular view of the falls. TRACK 23 | Laura
­— That sounds very nice. I took my dad to his favorite restaurant today.
­— It was. The hotel had a swimming pool, three very He had filet mignon, the house specialty. I had
good restaurants, and some shops. My wife and chicken. We had a really nice time together.
I both like to shop, and they had everything —
souvenirs, clothes, jewelry, and perfume. And, of Chapter 7: Practice
course, they had room service. We had breakfast
on our balcony every morning. TRACK 24 | EXERCISE 2 | A
­— Did you go to the falls every day? How are you feeling?
­— Are you OK, Lucy?
Chapter 5: Practice ­— No. Everything hurts.
­— Did you go to work yesterday?
­— No, I was at home all day.
What do you feel like having?
­— Where do you want to go for lunch, Ken? TRACK 25 | B
­— How about the seafood restaurant on Second ­— What’s the matter, Bill?
Street? ­— I have a bad stomachache.
­— I don’t feel like having seafood today. Would you ­— What did you have for lunch?
like to try the new Italian place? It’s only a few ­— I had some crab salad and a soda.
blocks from here. ­— Did the crab taste OK?
­— Sure. That sounds good. Shall we walk?
­— Good idea. It’s a beautiful day.

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Audio Script 2


­— Good morning. Abbott Productions. This is Are you free Saturday night?
Amy speaking. ­— Hi, Rachel. I have four tickets to Sunny Days at
­— Hi, Amy. This is Catherine. the Alden Theater Saturday night. Would you
­— How are you feeling today, Catherine? like to go?
­— Better, thanks. I don’t have the headaches I ­— Yes, I’d love to.
had yesterday, but now I have a stomachache. ­— I’m going to invite Jennifer and Tom, too, OK?
­— I’m sorry to hear that. Are you coming into ­— That sounds great. What time is the show?
the office? ­— It starts at 8 o’clock. Would you like to meet
­— No, not today. Maybe tomorrow. there or shall I come by your place?
­— I hope you feel better soon. ­— Let’s meet at the theater. How about 7:30?
­— Sounds good.
­— Thanks, Paul. See you Saturday.
What’s wrong?
­— Ouch! Chapter 9: Practice
­— Are you OK, sir?
­— I hurt my foot. I fell. There was some water TRACK 32 | EXERCISE 3 | A
on the floor. Let’s go for a swim
­— Shall I call for help? ­— Hi, Patricia. It’s Sarah. Would you like to go for a
­— No, thanks. I can manage. swim later today?
­— I don’t know, Sarah. It’s so busy at work. I’m a
TRACK 28 | Two little tired.
­— Hi, Mike. Where’s Laura? ­— Come on, Patricia. You love to swim. You’ll feel
­— Oh, hi, Dan. She called in sick today. better if you do.
­— Is she OK? ­— OK. Just for a little while, though. Maybe half
­— Not really. She was coughing and sneezing all an hour or forty minutes.
night. ­— Half an hour sounds good to me. Let’s meet at
­— Does she have a fever? the gym at 6:30, OK?
­— No, no fever. This morning she had a runny nose ­— OK. See you then.
and a sore throat. She’s going to take some cold
medicine and get some rest today. If she doesn’t TRACK 33 | B
feel better tomorrow, she’s going to see her doctor. ­— If it doesn’t rain Saturday morning, I’m going
running. Do you want to join me, Kevin?
Chapter 8: Practice ­— Running? I don’t know, Jim. How far do you run?
­— I usually go around the park. It takes about an
hour. So what do you say?
Do you like music?
­— OK. I’ll give it a try.
­— What kind of music do you like, Paul?
­— Great. Let’s meet at the park entrance at
­— I like a lot of different kinds of music, but I listen
8 o’clock on Saturday.
to classical music the most.
­— Who is your favorite composer? TRACK 34 | EXERCISE 7
­— I like so many composers. I don’t really have a Helios Fitness Studio
favorite. What about you? ­— Helios Fitness Studio. This is Monica. How can
­— I like classical music, but I don’t listen to it very I help you?
often. ­— Good morning. I’d like some information about
your gym.
TRACK 30 | B
­— I’d be happy to help. What would you like to know?
­— Do you play an instrument, Mary?
­— Can you tell me what classes you offer?
­— I like music a lot but I don’t play an instrument.
­— We have yoga and Pilates classes from 9 am to
My children do.
noon. In the afternoon and in the evening there
— ­ What do they play?
are aerobics, spinning, and martial arts classes.
­— Valerie plays guitar in a rock band.
We offer judo, karate, and aikido.
­— Really? That’s interesting!
­— Do you have a swimming pool?
­— And Michael plays the piano.

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­— Yes, we have two swimming pools. One for free ­ Is it big enough to use as an office or a study?

swimming and one for water fitness programs. ­— Oh, yes. It’s a bright room and it has a nice view
­— And what are your hours? of the garden.
­— We’re open from 7:00 am to 10:30 pm. The
swimming pools close at 9:30. Chapter 11: Practice
­— It sounds great. How much does a membership
cost? TRACK 39 | EXERCISE 4 | A
­— It depends. If you pay monthly, the membership Is this device still useful?
costs $160. ­— You’re buying a new computer, Angela?
­— I have to. I use my computer for work, and the
Chapter 10: Practice one I have isn’t good enough anymore.
­— But you bought it just two or three years ago,
TRACK 35 | EXERCISE 3 | A didn’t you?
Are you going to move? ­— Yes, I did. But computers get old very quickly
­— Are you really moving, Amy? nowadays. The one I have isn’t very useful for
­— Yes, we are. Next month. We found a wonderful the work I do.
apartment downtown.
­— Downtown? That’s great. TRACK 40 | B
­ Yes, we’re very happy. Living in the city has a lot
— ­— Nice jacket, Daniel.
of advantages. ­— Thanks. It’s a little old-fashioned. It was my
father’s. He used to wear it when I was a boy.
TRACK 36 | B ­— It looks good on you. It really does.
­— Where do you live, Judy? ­— Thanks, Sophie.
­— I live in a small house in the suburbs.
­— Is it a nice neighborhood? TRACK 41 | C
­— I like it. It’s quiet. There’s not much traffic. And ­— Why did you buy that cell phone, Andrew?
my neighbors are very friendly. ­— Because I like it. And it wasn’t as expensive as
the other ones.
TRACK 37 | C ­— But it’s so old-fashioned.
­— So how’s Jeremy’s new apartment? ­— I don’t care. I only use it to make calls. I don’t
­— It’s wonderful. It’s not big, but it has a nice, use it for taking pictures or listening to music.
bright kitchen and a beautiful view of the park.
­— I’m really happy for him. Is the rent really high? TRACK 42 | EXERCISE 6 | Christine
­— He doesn’t pay rent. He bought the apartment. Who’s speaking?
When I was a kid, I couldn’t turn on my computer or
TRACK 38 | EXERCISE 8 play with my friends until I finished my homework.
I’ll show you around That was my parents’ rule.
­— Please, come in. I’ll show you around.
­— Thank you. TRACK 43 | Patrick
­— This is the living room. Me? I learned to play tennis when I was a child. I
­— Very nice. started when I was 8 years old.
­— Yes, it’s a large, sunny, comfortable space. TRACK 44 | Rose
Perfect for spending time with family and I didn’t learn Spanish in Argentina. I went to
friends. The kitchen is big, too. Buenos Aires as a young adult. I started studying
­— Lovely. Are the bedrooms upstairs? the language at school when I was 9 or 10.
­— Yes. And two bathrooms. There is a small
bathroom on this floor, too. Here it is. TRACK 45 | Alan
­— I see. You said the house has three bedrooms, I got my first bike when I was 12. It took me almost
right? a year to learn how to ride it. It wasn’t easy for me
­— Yes. One large bedroom and two smaller ones. at all.
And don’t forget that there’s another small room
in the back next to the kitchen.

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Practice Chapter 1

1 They’re taking a taxi tonight

Example: Do the Smiths always take a taxi to the airport? (tonight)
No, but they’re taking a taxi tonight.

1 . Do you always leave the office at 5 o’clock? (tomorrow)

No, but ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

2. Does Anne usually work late? (today)

No, but ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

3. Does Fred fly to Montreal every week? (on Monday)

No, but _
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ .

2 How often do you take the subway?

Example: how often / take a bus

a. How often do you take a bus? b. I take a bus three times a week.

1 . how often / go on vacation

a. __________________________________________________ b.____________________________________________

2. how many times a year / go on trips

a. __________________________________________________ b.____________________________________________

3. how many times a day / check your e-mail

a. __________________________________________________ b.____________________________________________

4. how often / miss your bus

a. __________________________________________________ b.____________________________________________

3 Arriving or departing?

1 . When is the New York flight ____________________ ? (departing / going)

2. The bus for Chicago is ____________________ in three minutes. (leaving / arriving)
3. The train from Miami is ____________________ track 12. (arriving on / arriving in)
4. The passengers are ____________________ the platform. (waiting on / waiting for)

4 1-4 What time is it?

1 . It’s _____ . a. 5:40 b. 5:20 c. 6:20

2. It’s _____ . a. 3:15 b. 1:50 c. 1:45
3. It’s _____ . a. 10:01 b. 9:59 c. 10:00
4. It’s _____ . a. 5:30 b. 4:45 c. 5:15

102 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 2 • Practice

Practice Chapter 1

5 One-way or round-trip?

— How much is the train (1) __________________ to Boston?

— $140 per person for seats in (2) __________________ . round-trip
— Let’s do it. The (3) __________________ are much more comfortable. seats
— We’d like two (4) _______________ tickets to Victoria Station. fare
— £35, please. first class

— How much is a (5) _______________ ticket to Chicago?

— Are you coming back during the week or the weekend?

6 5-8 We apologize for the delay

1 . The train from Washington is ____ . a. on time b. late c. early

2. Flight 325 to Toronto is ____. a. canceled b. running late c. arriving
3. The train to Harrisburg is boarding on track ____. a. 10 b. 15 c. 4
4. Flight 1238 to Chicago is ____ . a. connecting b. boarding c. leaving

7 He’ll be here at 5 o’clock

Example: Lisa will take the six o’clock train. She’ll take the six o’clock train.

1 . John will leave around 5 p.m. _ __________________________________________________

2. Tim and Carla will arrive on time. _ __________________________________________________

3. You and your wife will have dinner with us, right? _ __________________________________________________

4. You and I will see Patrick tomorrow. _ __________________________________________________

8 We’ll depart on time

Example: The Thompsons usually fly to London in June. The Thompsons will fly to London in June.

1 . They usually have dinner on the plane.


2. They usually take a direct flight on a Friday night.


3. Their flight arrives in London the next day.


4. The Thompsons usually take a taxi from the airport to their hotel.

5. They usually stay two weeks.


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Practice Chapter 2

1 ProTex is a clothing manufacturer

medium-sized services headquarters provider all over import employees

1 . PDG, Inc. is a multinational company with offices ____________________ the world.

2. Its ____________________ are in Singapore.
3. ProTex is a ____________________ , Asian clothing company with over 600 ____________________ .
4. Clothing stores in Europe and the U.S. ____________________ many ProTex products.
5. T-Cellular sells cell phone ____________________ . They’re a service ____________________ .

2 We work for a large, multinational corporation

Example: consulting / company / small / 25 employees / I / Canadian

I work for a small, Canadian consulting company with 25 employees.

1 . factories / Texas / manufacturer / medium-sized / American / Carlos


2. British / service provider / branches / we / large / Ireland and Scotland


3. multinational / Randy / over 15,000 employees / Indian / IT company


3 Which words go together?

Example: human a. service b. resources c. department
1 . accounting a. product b. importer c. department
2. organization a. chart b. product c. company
3. vice a. manager b. president c. supervisor
4. branch a. office b. provider c. service
5. sales a. exporter b. provider c. team

4 who or that?
Examples: Algon is a company that makes computers and printers.
Tom Morton is the HR manager who hired me.

1 . Bill is on the R&D team ___________ developed the new product.

2. The sales reps ___________ work here speak Spanish and English.
3. I’d like to meet the person ___________ manages customer service.
4. Travelex is the name of a company ___________ provides travel services.

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Practice Chapter 2

5 What are you responsible for?

Example: I develop the company’s training material.
I’m responsible for developing the company’s training material.

1 . Jane Wells hires new employees.


2. I report the company’s finances to the government.


3. Brian Murphy updates the company’s website.


4. Satoshi Takamura supervises the sales team.


6 What did they do yesterday?

Example: The CEO reads the monthly sales reports.
Last week, the CEO read the monthly sales report.
1 . Our department sells products in over 15 countries.
Last year, _
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. I write and send a lot of e-mail.
Yesterday, __________________________________________________________________________________________ .
3. Mr. Harris goes on business trips to China and India.
Last month, _
________________________________________________________________________________________ .
4. Our weekly meeting begins at 8 a.m.
Last week, _ _________________________________________________________________________________________ .

7 9-11 The team at Jupiter

Matthew works for the (1) _______________ at Jupiter Microsystems. He’s responsible for software
(2) _______________ . Last month, he and his team (3) _______________ on four new (4) .

Sharon works in (5) _______________ . She’s in (6) _______________ of Jupiter’s accounts.

Richard is the manager of the (7) _______________ department at Jupiter. He’s responsible for developing
the company’s marketing (8) _______________ . His (9) _______________ is working on ideas for Jupiter’s
new (10) _______________ .

8 What are your responsibilities?

1 . I work in _ __________________________________________________________________________________________

2. I’m responsible for _


3. I report to _________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Last month, ________________________________________________________________________________________

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Practice Chapter 3

1 Choose the best word

1 . The children are playing with ____________________ on the beach. (snow / sand)

2. We’re going to need a lot of ____________________ in Cancun. (sunburn / sunscreen)

3. You should take a ____________________ with you when you go hiking. (sweater / swimsuit)

4. Do you have ____________________ ? It rains a lot this time of year. (an umbrella / a hat)

2 too much or too many?

Examples: Amy is packing too many clothes for the short trip.
There is too much traffic in the city.

1 . Why are you taking four bottles of sunscreen? That’s ___________________.

2. There are ___________________ people here. Let’s go over there.

3. I bought ___________________ soap. We’re never going to use it all.

4. In the summer, London has ___________________ tourists.

3 Is she packing enough?

Example: Elaine is packing three pairs of shoes for the trip. (+)
She’s packing enough shoes for the trip.

1 . Paul is only taking one pair of socks. (–) ______________________________________________________________

2. Elaine is taking $300 and two credit cards with her. (+) _ ______________________________________________

3. Paul is taking $100 with him. (–) _____________________________________________________________________

4. Paul is packing three suits for the meetings. (+) _ _____________________________________________________

4 What’s the question?

Example: Mary is flying to London with her friend Carmen. Who is she flying with?
1 . They’re flying with TransWorld Airlines.


2. They’re flying out of Houston.


3. They’re flying into London Heathrow Airport.


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Practice Chapter 3

5 What are you going to do there?

Example: I / stay home / tomorrow I’m going to stay home tomorrow.

1 . Isabel / take a taxi / to the airport _


2. you / have a day off / next month? _ __________________________________________________________________

3. how long / you / stay / in Dublin? _


4. you / go on a tour / while you’re there? _______________________________________________________________

5. Sam / not / pick me up / at the airport ________________________________________________________________

6. we / take / a camera /with us _ _______________________________________________________________________

6 should and shouldn’t

Example: It’s going to rain. What should I take? (umbrella) You should take an umbrella.
1 . It’s warm. What shouldn’t I wear? (your jacket)

2. We’re flying to Melbourne. What shouldn’t we leave at home? (passports)


3. Steve and Maria want to go skiing. Where should they go? (mountains)

4. Paul is going on a hike. What kind of boots should he buy? (hiking boots)

7 Complete the sentences using the words from the box

1 . Did you hear the weather ____________________ this morning?

2. — Are you going to the beach? in case
— Not this morning, but ____________________ this afternoon. forecast
3. You should bring an umbrella ____________________ it rains.
4. — Do you think it’s going to snow?
— It ____________________ .

8 12-14 Could you please remind me?

1 . John remembered to stop the ____________________ delivery. Ashley asked him to remind her to pack her
______________________________ .
2. Jeff is reminding Lisa about the ____________________ at the Parkers’ house. Jeff will call Lisa around
3 o’clock, because Lisa is very ____________________ at work and may ____________________ about the
dinner later.
3. Liz and Mike are going to ____________________ . Liz asked Janice to ____________________ George to pick
them up at the ____________________ on the 24th.

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Practice Chapter 4

1 What’s the newest hotel in town?

Example: I’d like the largest the largest room you have. (large)

1 . The hotel was great. Their service was __________________ part of our trip. (good)
2. __________________ swimming pool is for young children. (small)
3. The Stanton is __________________ hotel in the area. (old)
4. The Stanton is also __________________ hotel to the shops. (close)
5. Paying for the hotel was __________________ part of our trip. (bad)
6. We paid $59 for breakfast. That was __________________ meal of the trip. (cheap)

2 most or least?
Example: Let’s stay at the RoadSide Motel. It’s the most convenient.

1 . I checked into the Presidential Suite. It’s their __________________ expensive room.
2. The hotel is beautiful, but they have the __________________ comfortable beds.
3. You can take a taxi, but the hotel shuttle is the __________________ expensive way to get to the airport.
4. Go to the museum next to the hotel. It’s the __________________ interesting one in town.
5. Don’t stay at the airport location. It’s the __________________ convenient one for visits downtown.

3 15 Reservations, may I help you?

— I’d like to make a reservation, please.

— For which (1) ___________________________ ?
— September 1st (2) ___________________________ the 3rd.
— And for (3) ___________________________ people?
— For three —— one adult and two (4) ___________________________ .
— Would you prefer a (5) ___________________________ room or a suite?
— What are your (6) ___________________________ for those nights?
— The suite is $179 (7) ___________________________ night, and the double is (8) ___________________________ .

4 I’d like to check in

Example: Enjoy your stay. (front desk / stay)

1.I __________________ a reservation. The name is Taylor. (have / make)

2. Does the room have a __________________ ? (front desk / balcony)
3. I only have one __________________ . (luggage / suitcase)
4. Your room is __________________ the sixth floor. (in / on)
5. __________________ time is after 3 o’clock. (Check-in / Check-out)
6. Does the room rate __________________ breakfast? (have / include)

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Practice Chapter 4

5 16 Cirlce the word you hear: him, her, or them

1 . him her them 4. him her them

2. him her them 5. him her them
3. him her them 6. him her them

6 Can you tell me where the elevators are?

Example: — Can you bring more coffee to room 212, please?
— I’ll bring it right away.

1 . — What would you like to order, sir?

— Yes, please bring __________________ a steak and a salad.
2. — Did you call the guests in Room 526?
— Yes, I called __________________ while you were at lunch.
3. — May I have your name, please?
— Here, I’ll write __________________ for you.
4. — Those are our bags over there.
— Shall I take __________________ up to your room, sir?
5. — May I speak to the manager?
— One moment, please. I will tell __________________ you are here.

7 17 How was your trip?

1 . Matthew and ____ went to Niagara Falls. a. his wife b. his colleague
2. Their hotel room had a ____ bed. a. beautiful b. king-size
3. It also had a ____ of the falls. a. view b. souvenirs
4. Matthew and his wife ____ to shop. a. like b. don’t like
5. There were shops ____ swimming pool at the hotel. a. and a b. but no
6. Matthew and his wife had breakfast ____ every day. a. in their room b. on their balcony

8 Did you enjoy your stay?

Examples: were / happy / you / service / with / the / ? Were you happy with the service?
restaurant / have / didn’t / hotel / a / our Our hotel didn’t have a restaurant.

1 . call / shall / for / a / you / I / taxi / ? _ ________________________________________________________

2. the / was / view / of / beautiful / lake / the _ ________________________________________________________

3. terrible / service / was / the _ ________________________________________________________

4. was / stay / how / your / ? _ ________________________________________________________

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Practice Chapter 5

1 18-19 What do you feel like having?

1 . Ken and his friend are going out for ____ . a. lunch b. dinner
2. Ken would like to go to a ____ restaurant. a. fast food b. seafood
3. His friend feels like having ____ food. a. Italian b. new
4. They’re going to ____ to the restaurant. a. walk b. drive
1 . Julie ____ Mexican food. a. likes b. doesn’t like
2. Carlos is asking Julie to go to ____ for dinner. a. his house b. a restaurant
3. Carlos knows a ____ Mexican restaurant. a. little, old b. nice, little
4. Carlos will meet Julie in her ____ . a. office building b. office

2 I’d like to reserve a table for two

— Good evening, Garden Café. May I help you?

— Good evening. I’d like to ______________ a table ______________ 7:00 this evening. check
— For how many ______________ ? name
— For two. book
— Let me ______________ . Yes, we have a table for two at 7:00. Your ______________ , please?

3 The restaurant isn’t as busy for lunch as it is for dinner

Example: Martha’s Restaurant isn’t as fast as Luciano’s. (fast)
Martha’s Restaurant doesn’t have as many customers as Luciano’s. (customers)

1 . The crab salad _____________________________________________________ the shrimp salad. (good)

2. Today’s server _____________________________________________________ the one we had yesterday. (slow)
3. The Yorktown Inn _____________________________________________________ the Corner Deli. (tables)
4. The Continental _____________________________________________________ Chez Alice. (servers)
5. The restaurant _____________________________________________________ it was yesterday. (noisy)

4 The food is terrific!

1.I ____ steak to chicken. a. like b. prefer

2. ____ you like some rice with your fish? a. Do b. Would
3. John ____ seafood more than chicken and steak. a. likes b. prefers
4. I’m really enjoying the salad. It’s ____ . a. terrible b. terrific
5. We like this restaurant a lot. The servers are all very ____ . a. friendly b. unfriendly
6. The Bridge Café is not a good place to talk. It’s too ____. a. quiet b. noisy

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Practice Chapter 5

5 What kinds of foods?

1 . sour _____ a. sugar, cake, candy

2. fried _____ b. lemons, grapefruit, green apples
3. baked _____ c. nuts, potato chips, olives
4. sweet _____ d. French fries, onion rings, doughnuts
5. spicy _____ e. some Mexican, Thai, Indian foods
6. salty _____ f. breads, cakes, pies

6 How is everything?

Example: Can you bring me some ice, please? This water is a little too warm. (warm / cold)

1 . I’d like some sugar, please. This lemonade is __________________ for me. (sour / sweet)
2. — How is your steak, sir?
— Could you cook it more, please? It’s a little __________________ for me. (done / rare)
3. — How’s the chicken curry?
— It’s excellent. And it’s not __________________ . (sweet / spicy)
4. — How’s the soup?
— I don’t know. It’s much __________________ to eat right now. (cold / hot)
5. — Aren’t the fries __________________ ? (salty / bitter)
— Not at all. They’re perfect.

7 20-23 How was your lunch?

1. ____________________ went to a pizza place.

2. ____________________ had fast food in his car.

3. ____________________ went to a steakhouse.

4. ____________________ had lunch at a seafood restaurant.

1 . Mike had lunch with _______________________________________________ .

2. Pamela had lunch with _____________________________________________ .

3. Thomas had lunch with ____________________________________________ .

4. Laura had lunch with ______________________________________________ .

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Practice Chapter 7
1 2
1 What is it? 3
1. head
__________________ 6. __________________

2. __________________ 7. __________________

6 7
3. __________________ 8. __________________

4. __________________ 9. __________________

5. __________________ 10. __________________

9 

2 24-26 How are you feeling?

A. 1 . Lucy doesn’t feel well. All her ____ hurts. a. arm b. body
2. She ____ yesterday. a. stayed home b. went to work

B. 1 . Bill has a ____ . a. headache b. stomachache

2. He had a ____ for lunch. a. sandwich b. crab salad

C. 1 . Catherine feels ____. a. better b. well

2. Her ____ hurts. a. head b. stomach

3 What were you doing?

Example: I was reading all night and now my eyes hurt. (read / hurt)

1 . Joe _________________ new sneakers all day and now his feet _________________ . (wear / hurt)

2. Nikki and Dave _________________ all night and now their legs _________________ . (dance / hurt)

3. I _________________ last night, and I _________________ out of bed. (sleep / fall)

4. We _________________ on the phone all night and now my neck _________________ . (talk / hurt)

5. Amy _________________ sandwiches and she _________________ her finger. (make / cut)

6. Tim’s tooth _________________ yesterday, so he _________________ some aspirin. (hurt / take)

4 I don’t feel well

1 . How do you feel today, Frank? ____ a. I hope he feels better soon.
2. My daughter feels much better today. ____ b. She went home. She wasn’t feeling well.
3. James has a terrible earache. ____ c. He feels sick.
4. Where is Jessica? ____ d. I feel fine.
5. Do you feel better? ____ e. I’m glad to hear that.
6. What’s wrong with Charles? ____ f. No, not really. Now I have a headache.

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Practice Chapter 7

5 27-28 What’s wrong?

1 . The man ________________ on the floor. He hurt his ________________ . He doesn’t want the woman to
________________ for help.

2. Laura was ________________ and sneezing all night last night. This morning she has a runny
________________ and a ________________ throat. She doesn’t have a fever, but she is going to
________________ home to get some rest today.

6 I hope you’re not getting sick

Example: colder / getting / weather / is / the The weather is getting colder.

1 . you / hope / I / better / feel / soon ___________________________________________________________

2. stay / from / you / home / should / work ___________________________________________________________

3. fell / mother / my / hurt / leg / and / her ___________________________________________________________

4. Are / medicine / taking / you / any / ? ___________________________________________________________

5. getting / headache / is / Ann’s / worse ___________________________________________________________

6. bed / have / to / you / in / stay ___________________________________________________________

7 I think I’m sick

hurts pill flu rest symptoms should prescription fever

— I feel sick. I think I have the (1) ____________________ .

— What are your (2) ____________________ ?
— I have a (3) ____________________ and everything (4) ____________________ .
— Let’s check your temperature. Yes, you do have some fever. It’s not too high, but I’ll write you a
(5) ____________________ . Take one (6) ____________________ in the morning and one at night.
You should feel better in a couple of days.
— Can I go to work?
— No, you (7) ____________________ stay home and get plenty of (8) ____________________ .

8 What’s the right word?

1 . Get ____________________ soon! (sick / well)

2. What’s the ____________________ with Rick? (matter / wrong)
3. I’m ____________________ to hear that. (sorry / fine)
4. You ____________________ to stay in bed and get better. (should / have)

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Practice Chapter 8

1 What do you do in your free time?

1 . My favorite ____________________ ? John Grisham. I love his books.

2. My friend Helen plays the violin in the city ____________________ . enjoy

3. What kinds of books do you ____________________ reading? author
4. Mozart was an Austrian ____________________ . composer
5. What instrument does your wife ____________________ ? play
6. Nora is reading a book ____________________ a French writer. listen
7 . Is Miguel an opera ____________________ ?

8. What kind of music do you like to ____________________ to?

2 29-30 Do you like music?

A. 1 . What kind of music does Paul listen to the most? _________________________________________________

2. Does he have a favorite composer? _________________________________________________

B. 1 . Does Mary’s daughter play in an orchestra? _________________________________________________

2. Who plays the piano in Mary’s family? _________________________________________________

3 What is your favorite channel?

1 . — Where is the ____? – It’s over there, on the sofa. a. program guide b. channel
2. What ____ is the movie on? a. program b. channel
3. My wife and I enjoy ____ about nature and animals. a. documentaries b. bands
4. What’s ____ TV tonight? a. for b. on
5. Isn’t your favorite ____ in this movie? a. programs b. actor
6. Shall we watch the ____ show on Life TV? a. talk b. movie

4 Would you like to watch TV?

Example: enjoy / TV / watching / I / morning / the / in I enjoy watching TV in the morning.

1 . to / you / like / news / watch / do / the / ? ______________________________________________________

2. time / movie / the / on / what / is / ? ______________________________________________________

3. watch / I’d / TV / read / rather / than ______________________________________________________

4. you / rather / what / watch / would / ? ______________________________________________________

5. you / night / what / did / watch / last / ? ______________________________________________________

6. it / on / is / channel / what / ? ______________________________________________________

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Practice Chapter 8

5 Do you still play the piano?

Examples: Do you still play the piano? (– / last year) No, not anymore. I stopped last year.
Do you play tennis? (+ / two years ago) Yes, I do. I started two years ago.

1 . Does George still collect antiques? (– / a few years ago)


2. Do you study Chinese? (+ / last year)


3. Does your daughter still sing in a jazz band? (– / when she started working at the bank)

6 beautiful or beautifully?

1 . Brian plays golf every day. He’s very ___________________ about the sport. (serious / seriously)

2. I like William Trevor. He writes ___________________ stories. (beautiful / beautifully)

3. The service is very ___________________ today, isn’t it? (slow / slowly)

4. Carmen is a ___________________ teacher, but she makes the class interesting. (serious / seriously)

5. Brenda sings ___________________ , doesn’t she? (beautiful / beautifully)

6. We’re working ___________________ , but there isn’t enough time to finish. (quick / quickly)

7 31 Are you free Saturday night?

1 . Paul is inviting Rachel to a movie Saturday night. ________ ________

2. He has two tickets for Sunny Days. ________ ________

3. Paul is also going to invite Jennifer and Tom. ________ ________

4. Rachel doesn’t know Jennifer and Tom. ________ ________

5. Paul and Rachel are going to meet at Rachel’s house. ________ ________

8 What’s playing at the Park Cinema?

___ ­— How about The Seven Stars? It’s playing at the Park Cinema at 8 o’clock.
___ — Sounds good. Let’s meet there at 7:45.
___ — How about tomorrow?
___ — Would you like to go to the movies tonight?
___ — Sure, I’m free tomorrow. What movie would you like to see?
___ — I’m sorry, but I have plans.

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Practice Chapter 9

1 Do you like to exercise?

walk aerobics swimming exercise hardly gym gardening lift

1 . — What kind of __________________ do you like to do? — I like to do __________________ , and I like yoga, too.

2. — Do you go to the ____________________ regularly? — Yes, I go three times a week.

3. I don’t like exercising in a gym, I would rather ____________________ weights at home.

4. I often go for a ____________________ on the beach. It’s good exercise and it’s relaxing.

5. Pamela doesn’t like to exercise. She ____________________ ever goes to the gym.

6. Ed goes ____________________ every day during the week. On weekends he enjoys ____________________ .

2 Do you play tennis?

1 . What do you do on Sundays? _____ a. No, he prefers running.

2. Do you like running? _____ b. She does aerobics and jazz dance.
3. Do Paul and Cathy ever exercise? _____ c. No, they prefer swimming.
4. Does Thomas enjoy lifting weights? _____ d. We play tennis.
5. Do your children like playing tennis? _____ e. Yes, occasionally they go running.
6. What kind of exercise does Jennifer do? _____ f. No, I prefer bicycling.

3 32-33 Let’s go for a swim

1. ____ wants to go swimming. a. Patricia b. Sarah
2. Patricia is ____ , but she’ll go for a short swim. a. tired b. sick

1 . Jim is inviting Kevin to ____. a. the park b. go running
2. Jim usually runs ____. a. for an hour b. in the morning

4 Karen is in great shape

1 . I gained a lot of last year. I’m going to start a .

________________ ________________

2. I stopped eating red meat, because it’s not very ________________ . shape
3. — Karen ________________ weight, didn’t she? — Yes, and she looks great.
4. Paul exercises every day. He’s in great ________________ . weight
5. Lisa ________________ in shape by eating well and exercising regularly. underweight
6. You lost too much weight, Ann. Now you’re ________________ !

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Practice Chapter 9

5 Why don’t you try swimming?

Examples: Emma wants to lose weight. (exercise regularly) Why doesn’t she exercise regularly?

1 . We want to exercise, but we don’t like to go to the gym. (play tennis)


2. Peter is out of shape, but he doesn’t want to exercise. (walk to work)


3. I need to exercise, but I don’t want to do aerobics. (try dancing)


6 What’s the question?

Example: The gym opens at 7:30 am. Can you tell me what time / when the gym opens?

1 . The monthly fee is $70. Do you know _________________________________________ ?

2. The yoga class is in Room 2. Can you tell me ?


3. For this class you just need good shoes. Can you tell me ?

4. The aerobics instructor is Jane. Do you know _________________________________________ ?

5. Yes, the swimming class started at 8:00. Do you know _________________________________________ ?

7 34 Helios Fitness Studio

1 . Helios Fitness Studio’s yoga classes are in the ____ . a. evening b. morning
2. The gym has one swimming pool for ____ programs. a. fitness b. spinning
3. The gym offers ____ kinds of martial arts classes. a. three b. two
4. The gym opens at ____ . a. 9:00 b. 7:00

8 You exercise every day, don’t you?

1 . Anne is taking swimming classes, _____ a. won’t we?

2. I should exercise regularly, _____ b. doesn’t he?
3. Peter goes to a health club, _____ c. wouldn’t he?
4. You joined a gym, _____ d. isn’t she?
5. Your children were in judo class, _____ e. doesn’t she?
6. Nathan would like to start a diet, _____ f. didn’t you?
7 . We’ll see you tomorrow, _____ g. shouldn’t I?
8. Mary dances very well, _____ h. weren’t they?

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Practice Chapter 10

1 Do you live in a house or an apartment?

1 . On weekdays we have breakfast in the __________________ . (bedroom / kitchen)

2. I need a big __________________ , because I often invite friends for dinner. (dining room / hall)
3. David’s apartment is very bright, because it has a lot of __________________ . (windows / balconies)
4. The house has a lovely garden with flowers and __________________ . (garages / trees)
5. In March we’ll move into a two- __________________ house with a garden and a pool. (rooms / story)
6. Sheila needs a house with a __________________ , because she often works at home. (study / balcony)
7 . Do the Fosters live in a house or __________________ ? (a place / an apartment)
8. It’s a nice house, but it only has one __________________ . (bathroom / garden)

2 What’s your place like?

1 . How is Mary’s new place? ____ a. No, it’s in a two-story house.

2. Which is the brightest room in the house? ____ b. No, but it has a dining area.
3. Did you like the apartment on Walker Street? ____ c. It’s a nice one-bedroom apartment.
4. Does your apartment have a dining room? ____ d. Yes, and it has a balcony, too.
5. Does Kate’s new house have a garden? ____ e. The kitchen is. It has two large windows.
6. Is your place in a big building? ____ f. Not really. It’s small and very expensive.

3 35-37 Are you going to move?

A. 1 . Amy is ____ a new apartment. a. living in b. moving into

2. Her new apartment is in the ____ . a. city center b. suburbs

B. 1 . Judy lives in a ____. a. house b. apartment

2. Her ____ are friendly. a. neighbors b. suburbs

C. 1 . Jeremy’s apartment has a bright ____ . a. view b. kitchen

2. He ____ his place. a. owns b. rents

4 What a lovely house!

_____ — Do you like it? It’s my favorite room.

_____ — How are you, Barbara? You have a lovely home!
_____ — I love it. I can see why it’s your favorite room. It’s beautiful.
_____ — Hi, Amanda. Thank you for coming.
_____ — That would be great, thanks. What a beautiful kitchen!
_____ — Thank you. Would you like a cup of coffee?

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Practice Chapter 10

5 I made it myself

Example: Did Vivian make the lamp herself?

1 . Mike always cleans his apartment ____________________ .

2. Did Tina and Louise make that wonderful dinner ____________________ ?
3. No, I didn’t have a decorator. I decorated the house ____________________ .
4. Will you paint your new apartment ____________________ ?
5. Yes, we built the small table ____________________ .

6 Welcome to our home!

seat yourself comfortable join come care glad

1 . Hi, Diane. Please ____________________ in.

2. Please have a ____________________ , Eric. Would you like a cup of tea?
3. I’m so ____________________ you could ____________________ us.
4. Make yourself ____________________ , Ms. Jenkins.
5. Would you ____________________ for some coffee, Ellen?
6. Welcome, Mr. Wilson. Please make ____________________ at home.

7 What’s downstairs?

Example: a / apartment / hall / does / have / the / ? Does the apartment have a hall?

1 . stories / how / the / many / building / does / have / ? ________________________________________________

2. downstairs / anybody / live / does / ? ________________________________________________

3. show / around / shall / you / I / ? ________________________________________________

4. the / upstairs / is / kitchen / ? ________________________________________________

5. these / go / where / stairs / do / ? ________________________________________________

6. me / your / home / about / dream / tell ________________________________________________

8 38 I’ll show you around

1 . The house has a large, bright ____. a. kitchen b. living room

2. The bedrooms are ____ . a. downstairs b. upstairs
3. The house has ____ bathrooms. a. three b. two
4. Two bedrooms are ____ . a. big b. small
5. The small room next to the kitchen can be a ____. a. study b. view

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Practice Chapter 11

1 What do you use it for?

1 . What do you use your oven for? ____ a. Yes, she got it last week.
2. Do you use the dishwasher often? ____ b. You’re right. The food isn’t cold.
3. Do we really need a microwave oven? ____ c. We use it to bake bread and cakes.
4. Did Amy buy a washing machine? ____ d. Probably the stove. I cook a lot.
5. The fridge isn’t working. ____ e. Yes. I really don’t like to wash dishes.
6. Which appliance do you use the most? ____ f. Sure. It’s the best way to heat food quickly.

2 How do I turn on this phone?

1 . To turn the TV ____________________ you have to ____________________ this button.
2. What happens if I double- ____________________ the mouse? click
3. Should I ____________________ the file to move it into the folder? share
4. Do you and your friends ____________________ music files with ____________________ other? each
5. Where is the ____________________ control? dial
6. No, don’t turn the ____________________ to the left! Turn it to the right.

3 Did you use to listen to records?

Example: In the past, I read one book every week. I used to read one book every week.

1 . In the past, I bought a lot of CDs.


2. In the past, people didn’t write e-mail to each other.


3. In the past, Rebecca posted a new entry in her blog every morning.

4. In the past, did you stay in touch with your friends from school?

4 39-41 Is this device still useful?

A. 1 . Angela uses her computer for ____ . a. work b. play

2. Her computer is ____ . a. modern b. obsolete
B. 1 . Daniel’s father wore the jacket when ____ was a child. a. he b. Daniel
2. The jacket is ____, but it still looks good. a. old-fashioned b. obsolete
C. 1. Andrew ____ his cell phone to listen to music. a. uses b. doesn’t use
2. His friend thinks it’s ____ . a. old-fashioned b. useless

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Practice Chapter 11

5 It brings back so many memories!

_____ — Maybe 20 years old. We went to that beach when we were 4 or 5, right? Who’s this?
_____ — That’s her brother Anthony. I remember him.
_____ — Maggie and Anthony. They were nice kids.
_____ — Wow! How old is that picture?
_____ — That’s Maggie, the neighbor we used to play with. And the boy is …
_____ — Look what I found, Greg.

6 42-45 Who’s speaking?

1 . When this person was nine years old, he/she was already playing tennis. _____________________________

2. This person learned a foreign language in childhood. _____________________________

3. As a child, this person had problems learning to ride a bike. _____________________________

4. As a child, this person had to study first if he/she wanted to play. _____________________________

7 Is it more or less expensive?

1 . That computer is a ___________________ less expensive than it used to be. (little / somewhat)

2. Communication today is ___________________ easier than it was in the past. (lot / much)

3. Childhood in the 1930s was ___________________ more difficult than it is today. (much / little)

4. Nowadays, computers are a ___________________ faster than ten years ago. (somewhat / lot)

8 Did you use tapes when you were a child?

Example: a / remember / cassette / do / using / you / recorder / ?

Do you remember using a cassette recorder?

1 . do / this / what / knob / you / for / use / ?


2. today / faster / how / is / much / communication / ?


3. were / go / you / when / 15 / you / did / dancing / ?


4. have / did / in / people / the / 90s / cell phones / ?


5. be / less / to / are / they / than / used / computers / expensive / ?


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Chapter 1
Exercise 1
1. I’m leaving the office at 5 o’clock tomorrow 2. she’s working late today 3. he’s flying to Montreal on
Exercise 2
1. a. How often do you go on vacation? b. Answers will vary. 2. a. How many times a year do you go on
trips? b. Answers will vary. 3. a. How many times a day do you check your e-mail? b. Answers will vary.
4. a. How often do you miss your bus? b. Answers will vary.
Exercise 3
1. departing 2. leaving 3. arriving on 4. waiting on
Exercise 4
1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b
Exercise 5
1. fare 2. first class 3. seats 4. one-way 5. round-trip
Exercise 6
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b
Exercise 7
1. He’ll leave around 5 p.m. 2. They’ll arrive on time. 3. You’ll have dinner with us, right? 4. We’ll see
Patrick tomorrow.
Exercise 8
1. They will have dinner on the plane. 2. They will take a direct flight on a Friday night. 3. Their flight
will arrive in London the next day. 4. The Thompsons will take a taxi from the airport to their hotel.
5. They will stay two weeks.

Chapter 2
Exercise 1
1. all over 2. headquarters 3. medium-sized; employees 4. import 5. services; provider
Exercise 2
1. Carlos works for a medium-sized, American manufacturer with factories in Texas. 2. We work for a
large, British service provider with branches in Ireland and Scotland. 3. Randy works for a multinational,
Indian IT company with over 15,000 employees.
Exercise 3
1. c 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. c
Exercise 4
1. that 2. who 3. who 4. that
Exercise 5
1. Jane Wells is responsible for hiring new employees. 2. I’m responsible for reporting the company’s
finances to the government. 3. Brian Murphy is responsible for updating the company’s website.
4. Satoshi Takamura is responsible for supervising the sales team.
Exercise 6
1. our department sold products in over 15 countries 2. I wrote and sent a lot of e-mail 3. Mr. Harris went
on business trips to China and India 4. our weekly meeting began at 8 a.m.

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Exercise 7
1. R&D Department 2. development 3. worked 4. programs 5. accounting 6. charge 7. marketing
8. strategy 9. team 10. products
Exercise 8
Answers will vary.

Chapter 3
Exercise 1
1. sand 2. sunscreen 3. sweater 4. an umbrella
Exercise 2
1. too much 2. too many 3. too much 4. too many
Exercise 3
1. He’s not taking enough socks. 2. She’s taking enough money and credit cards with her. 3. He’s not
taking enough money with him. 4. He’s packing enough suits for the meetings.
Exercise 4
1. What airline are they flying with? 2. What city are they flying out of? 3. What airport are they flying
Exercise 5
1. Isabel is going to take a taxi to the airport. 2. Are you going to have a day off next month? 3. How long
are you going to stay in Dublin? 4. Are you going to go on a tour while you’re there? 5. Sam is not going
to pick me up at the airport. 6. We are going to take a camera with us.
Exercise 6
1. You shouldn’t wear your jacket. 2. You shouldn’t leave your passports at home. 3. They should go to
the mountains. 4. He should buy hiking boots.
Exercise 7
1. forecast 2. maybe 3. in case 4. may
Exercise 8
1. newspaper; cell phone charger 2. dinner; busy; forget 3. Europe; remind; airport

Chapter 4
Exercise 1
1. the best 2. The smallest 3. the oldest 4. the closest 5. the worst 6. the cheapest
Exercise 2
1. most 2. least 3. least 4. most 5. least
Exercise 3
1. nights 2. through 3. how many 4. children 5. double 6. rates 7. per 8. $140
Exercise 4
1. have 2. balcony 3. suitcase 4. on 5. Check-in 6. include
Exercise 5
1. him 2. her 3. them 4. her 5. them 6. him

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Exercise 6
1. me 2. them 3. it 4. them 5. him / her
Exercise 7
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. b
Exercise 8
1. Shall I call a taxi for you? 2. The view of the lake was beautiful. 3. The service was terrible. 4. How was
your stay?

Chapter 5
Exercise 1
A. 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a B. 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a
Exercise 2
book; for; people; check; name
Exercise 3
1. isn’t as good as 2. isn’t as slow as 3. doesn’t have as many tables as 4. doesn’t have as many servers
as 5. isn’t as noisy as
Exercise 4
1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. b
Exercise 5
1. b 2. d 3. f 4. a 5. e 6. c
Exercise 6
1. too sour 2. too rare 3. too spicy 4. too hot 5. too salty
Exercise 7
A. 1. Thomas 2. Mike 3. Laura 4. Pamela B. 1. Fred 2. Carol 3. a group from work / of colleagues
4. her father / dad

Chapter 7
Exercise 1
1. head 2. eye 3. ear 4. neck 5. arm 6. back 7. stomach 8. hand 9. leg 10. foot
Exercise 2
A. 1. b 2. a B. 1. b 2. b C. 1. a 2. b
Exercise 3
1. was wearing; hurt 2. were dancing; hurt 3. was sleeping; fell 4. were talking; hurts 5. was making; cut
6. was hurting; took
Exercise 4
1. d 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. f 6. c
Exercise 5
1. fell; foot; call 2. coughing; nose; sore; stay

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Exercise 6
1. I hope you feel better soon. 2. You should stay home from work. 3. My mother fell and hurt her leg.
4. Are you taking any medicine? 5. Ann’s headache is getting worse. 6. You have to stay in bed.
Exercise 7
1. flu 2. symptoms 3. fever 4. hurts 5. prescription 6. pill 7. should 8. rest
Exercise 8
1. well 2. matter 3. sorry 4. have

Chapter 8
Exercise 1
1. author 2. orchestra 3. enjoy 4. composer 5. play 6. by 7. singer 8. listen
Exercise 2
A. 1. He listens to classical music the most. 2. No, he doesn’t. He likes many composers. B. 1. No, she
doesn’t. She plays in a rock band. 2. Her son Michael does.
Exercise 3
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. a
Exercise 4
1. Do you like to watch the news? 2. What time is the movie on? 3. I’d rather read than watch TV. (or I’d
rather watch TV than read.) 4. What would you rather watch? 5. What did you watch last night? 6. What
channel is it on?
Exercise 5
1. No, not anymore. He stopped a few years ago. 2. Yes, I do. I started last year. 3. No, not anymore.
She stopped when she started working at the bank.
Exercise 6
1. serious 2. beautiful 3. slow 4. serious 5. beautifully 6. quickly
Exercise 7
1. false 2. false 3. true 4. false 5. false
Exercise 8
(1) — Would you like to go to the movies tonight?
(2) — I’m sorry, but I have plans.
(3) — How about tomorrow?
(4) — Sure, I’m free tomorrow. What movie would you like to see?
(5) — How about The Seven Stars? It’s playing at the Park Cinema at 8 o’clock.
(6) — Sounds good. Let’s meet there at 7:45.

Chapter 9
Exercise 1
1. exercise; aerobics 2. gym 3. lift 4. walk 5. hardly 6. swimming; gardening
Exercise 2
1. d 2. f 3. e 4. a 5. c 6. b

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Exercise 3
A. 1. b 2. a B. 1. b 2. a
Exercise 4
1. weight; diet 2. healthy 3. lost 4. shape 5. stays 6. underweight
Exercise 5
1. Why don’t you play tennis? 2. Why doesn’t he walk to work? 3. Why don’t you try dancing?
Exercise 6
1. how much the monthly fee is? 2. where the yoga class is? (or what room the yoga class is in?) 3. what
I / we need for this class? 4. who the aerobics instructor is? (or the name of the aerobics instructor?)
5. if the swimming class started?
Exercise 7
1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b
Exercise 8
1. d 2. g 3. b 4. f 5. h 6. c 7. a 8. e

Chapter 10
Exercise 1
1. kitchen 2. dining room 3. windows 4. trees 5. story 6. study 7. an apartment 8. bathroom
Exercise 2
1. c 2. e 3. f 4. b 5. d 6. a
Exercise 3
A. 1. b 2. a B. 1. a 2. a C. 1. b 2. a
Exercise 4
(1) — Hi, Amanda. Thank you for coming.
(2) — How are you, Barbara? You have a lovely home!
(3) — Thank you. Would you like a cup of coffee?
(4) — That would be great, thanks. What a beautiful kitchen!
(5) — Do you like it? It’s my favorite room.
(6) — I love it. I can see why it’s your favorite room. It’s beautiful.
Exercise 5
1. himself 2. themselves 3. myself 4. yourself / yourselves 5. ourselves
Exercise 6
1. come 2. seat 3. glad; join 4. comfortable 5. care 6. yourself
Exercise 7
1. How many stories does the building have? 2. Does anybody live downstairs? 3. Shall I show you
around? 4. Is the kitchen upstairs? 5. Where do these stairs go? 6. Tell me about your dream home.
Exercise 8
1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a

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Chapter 11
Exercise 1
1. c 2. e 3. f 4. a 5. b 6. d
Exercise 2
1. off; press 2. click 3. drag 4. share; each 5. remote 6. dial
Exercise 3
1. I used to buy a lot of CDs. 2. People didn’t use to write e-mail to each other. 3. Rebecca used to post
a new entry in her blog every morning. 4. Did you use to stay in touch with your friends from school?
Exercise 4
A. 1. a 2. b B. 1. b 2. a C. 1. b 2. a
Exercise 5
(1) — Look what I found, Greg.
(2) — Wow! How old is that picture?
(3) — Maybe 20 years old. We went to that beach when we were 4 or 5, right? Who’s this?
(4) — That’s Maggie, the neighbor we used to play with. And the boy is …
(5) — That’s her brother Anthony. I remember him.
(6) — Maggie and Anthony. They were nice kids.
Exercise 6
1. Patrick 2. Rose 3. Alan 4. Christine
Exercise 7
1. little 2. much 3. much 4. lot
Exercise 8
1. What do you use this knob for? 2. How much faster is communication today? 3. Did you go dancing
when you were 15? 4. Did people have cell phones in the 90s? 5. Are computers less expensive than they
used to be?

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Chapter Summary Reading Comprehension

Chapter 1
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. a 6. b
Day 1 London, England; Paris, France
Day 2 Innsbruck, Austria; Venice, Italy

Chapter 2

1. c 2. b 3. c 4. a

Chapter 3

1. b 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. a

Chapter 4

1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. c 6. b

Chapter 5

1. a 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. b 6. a

Chapter 7

1. c 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. c

Chapter 8

1. a 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. a 6. b

Chapter 9

1. exercise 2. music 3. judo / karate 4. aerobics and martial arts 5. go to a class

Chapter 10

1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a

Chapter 11

Fad Hula Hoop Rubik’s Cube Tamagotchi
Fad began late 1950s 1974 1996
Sales over 100 million in 2 years over 300 million over 76 million (1996-2010)

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