Employment Application 2022-2023

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Position Applying For

First Name Second Name Family Name Nick Name


When can you begin working?

What are your salary expectations?

Do you have any relatives working at one of our schools? Yes No
If yes, what is their name and school they are at? ______________________________________________________
Sex Date of Birth Place of Birth Nationality
□Male □Female

Present Sponsor: Your Civil ID Number:

Your Home Telephone Number(s) Your Mobile Number

Marital Status Number of Children and Their Ages

□ Single □ Married □ Divorced □ Widow


Years Degree &

School Name
Education City, Country Attended Major Year
& Address
From To

High School




Consistent attendance is an essential duty of all staff. Frequent absences cause disruption to students, as well as
place an unnecessary burden on fellow faculty/admin staff.

Please indicate how many days from work you missed last year due to illness:_____________

Danah Universal School of Kuwait – EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION Page 1

Do you have any medical conditions that may cause you to be absent? Explain.

If you are female, are you currently pregnant? Yes No

Are you currently taking any medications? Yes No

If so, what are the reasons and what type of medication? Explain.


Current / Most Recent Date Date Salary & Other

Job Title
Employer Started Finished Allowances

Job Duties:

Reasons for Leaving

May we contact your former/present employer? □ YES □ NO

Employer contact information: Email: Tel:

Date Date Salary & Other

Previous Company #2 Job Title
Started Finished Allowances

Job Duties:

Reasons for Leaving

May we contact your former employer? □ YES □ NO

Employer contact information: Email: Tel:

Date Date Salary & Other

Previous Company #3 Job Title
Started Finished Allowances

Job Duties:

Reasons for Leaving

May we contact your former employer? □ YES □ NO

Employer contact information: Email: Tel:

Danah Universal School of Kuwait – EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION Page 2

Criminal History

Have you ever been charged or convicted in a court of law for an offense? □ YES □ NO
Are you now, or have you ever been, the subject of:
 A disciplinary investigation by your present or past employer?: or □ YES □ NO
 The subject of an investigation by police anywhere; or □ YES □ NO
 The subject of an investigation by a teacher’s registration authority anywhere? □ YES □ NO
If Yes to any of the above questions, you must confidentially declare details of this attached to your
application in order to be considered for a position.

If Yes to the question regarding investigation by a teacher’s registration authority, please provide copies
of documentation relevant to outcomes by the relevant teacher registration authority.


The following documents must be included in your application packet in the following order:
 Employment application form
 1 page Cover Letter – 4 current pictures (blue background) stapled at the top right hand corner
 Resume/CV – full contact information, must include email and phone number
 Copies of Diplomas / Certificates / Transcripts and their attestation stamps
 Three Letters of Reference from school principals/managers where you held a similar job.
 Attested Police Clearance issued within the last three months
 Photocopy of the back and front of your civil ID AND a copy of your passport and residency stamp.


I affirm that all information provided on this application is true and complete. I understand that any
false information that I have provided is grounds for immediate termination from a post that I may
be appointed to and/or will nullify my employment contract.

Full Name:



Administration Use Only


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