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Introduction Civic and Ethical Education


This unit focuses on the meaning of civics and ethics, objectives of civics and ethical education,
sources and the historical development of civic and ethical education and civic virtue.

Methods of delivery/teaching methods: Brainstorming, interactive lecture, group discussion.


Q. What do you understand by the term civic?

1.1 : Understanding the meaning of Civics and Ethical Education

1.1.1 Meaning of civics and Ethics
The term civics is derived from the Latin words civis which means citizen and civitas which means
city state. Civics is a branch of social science that studies about the rights and responsibilities of
1.1.2. Significances of Civics and Ethical education
 To produce competent and responsible citizens
 To make citizens aware of their fundamental rights and freedoms
 To develop the culture of democracy
 To enable citizens think rationally and critically

Explain the significance/s of studying civics and ethical education?

1.1.3 The Sources and the Interdisciplinary Nature of Civic and
Ethical Education
I, Theoretical sources: this includes; philosophy, political science, law, economics, sociology,
history and geography.
II, Documentary sources: This includes; constitutions, different proclamations, and other
documented materials.
III, Social sources: Some of this includes family, model individuals, clubs, professional
associations, churches, mosques and.
According to Professor White, “civic is essentially a subject of connection, it connects all
subjects as part of the life of history of mankind”. Hence, it is due to this that Civic education is
called an interdisciplinary subject.

Q. list the various sources of civics and ethical education? Explain the
interdisciplinary nature of civics and ethical education.
1.1.4 Historical Development of Civics and Ethical Education
Introduction Civic and Ethical Education

The history of civics dates back to the earliest theories of Confucius in ancient china and Plato in ancient
Greece. Civic education was started in Athens, Greece. In the medieval period, citizenship was given by
the religious institutions. However, strong bond of government and religious institutions declined through
time since the 16th and 17th centuries in Europe. Eventually, this led to the separation of civics education
from religious education, hence civics become secular.
 Explain the historical development of civics and ethical education?
2. Civic virtue
What is civic virtue?
It is the traits /character that believed to be good for private as well as common public welfares. It is
the cultivation of the habit of person that claims to be important for the success of the
community/commitment to the democratic principles. Civic virtue is divided in to two:

A. Civic disposition: it is the awareness, development and readiness of the citizen to exercise their
right and responsibility without any sort of fear and negligence. It is also seen as characters that
are deemed for the healthy functioning of society.
B. Civic commitment: it refers to the unreserved effort of citizens are required to follow for the
maintaining of the welfare of the society.

I. Choice

1. Where did civics and ethical education started?

A. Greece C. Egypt
B. England D. Italy
2. Among the following alternatives, one is not encompassed under the theoretical sources of civic
and ethical education? Which one is this?
A. History C. Philosophy

B. Constitution D. Sociology

II. Short answer

1. What does civic mean?
2. List, at least, four significances of civics and ethical education?
3. List and discuss the broad category of civic virtue?

Introduction Civic and Ethical Education



This unit deals with the basic concepts of ethics, morality, and perspectives in ethics and professional
ethics, the need for professional ethics.


2.1.1 Definition

Q. what comes to your mind when you hear/read the word ethics?
 Ethics can be defined as follows;
 It is a science which studies Morality, i.e. What is good or bad, what is acceptable or
 Ethics is the philosophical study of morality and practical implication of systematic
moral outlook.
 It is the systematic study of human action from the point of view of their
rightness/ wrongness as the means for achievement of the ultimate happiness.

2.1.2 Types of ethics


I. Q. Can you explain the types of ethics?

Normative Ethics
Normative ethics is the sub-field of ethics that attempts to determine what moral standard/s to
follow, and to make our action/s to be morally good or bad, determine the moral/immoral
nature of human action/s.

II. Non –Normative Ethics

Non –normative ethics basically deals with the actual investigation of moral behavior and analyzing
the meaning of moral / ethical terms; like good/ bad, right/ wrong and pleasure /pain.

2.1.3 Morality and ethics

Morality refers to the social norms and values that guide both individuals and communities, and their
interaction with other human beings, and with their environment.

Introduction Civic and Ethical Education

 Morality is the rule and ethics is the theory of that rule/moral rule.
 Ethics is broader than morality.

Q. compare and contrast the relationship between ethics and morality? Briefly
explain the specific difference/s between ethics and morality.

2.1.4 Ethical Schools of Thought


Q. Do you ever think that moral principles are uniform or divergent across
communities or societies? Why?

There are two schools of thought on the nature of moral values. These are Ethical relativism and
Ethical universalism. Ethical Relativism

Ethical relativists believe that moral values and principles are relative to the people who hold the
belief/s. The advocators of Ethical relativism believe that morality is conventionally constructed by
human beings and hence varies from society to society.
There are two main types of ethical relativism; namely ethical subjectivism and cultural relativism. Ethical Universalism

This view believes that moral principles exist independently of cultural context of societies. It
assumes that moral values and principles are not culture specific, rather assumes that there are certain
moral principles that are universal and common to all cultures.

2.2. Q. Briefly explain the specific difference/s between ethical relativism and ethical
universalism. Is ethics universal or relative? Discuss with practical examples.

Making decisions and actions Ethical?


Q. what makes an action moral/immoral?

2.2.1 Consequentialism/ Teleological

Consequentialism focuses on the consequence of an action in order to measure the rightness or
wrongness of an action. Accordingly an action is right if it promotes or brings good results. In line

Introduction Civic and Ethical Education

with this view there are three strands of consequentialism. These are; utilitarianism, egoism and
altruism. Utilitarianism

Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness,

wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. John Stuart Mill

According to utilitarianism an action can be right if the consequence of an action is more favorable
than un-favorable to everyone. Ethical Egoism

According to this view the morality of an action is determined in reference to the doer of the action.
It holds that an action is morally right if it maximizes the interest of the doer of the action. Ethical Altruism

True kindness presupposes the faculty of imagining as one’s own the
suffering and Joy of others. Andre Gide

According to this view an action is morally right if the consequence of the action is more favorable
to the society except the doer of the action. Here moral actions are motivated by sympathy and
compassion to others especially for the disadvantaged section of society.

2.2.2 Deontology
Most people know what is right. The problem comes in doing what is
right. Immanuel Kant

The rightness of an action is not dependent on the consequence/s to which it leads but on its own
inherent nature. Sometimes actions that we take to achieve some other goals might be bad.
Deontologists are telling us that the morality of an action should not be measured in terms of its
consequences. Instead, actions should be weighted by themselves. Prima Facie Duties

Fidelity: everybody has a duty to keep promises/ or contract, others commitment, which they have
voluntarily made.
Reparation: everybody has a duty of compensation for previous wrongful acts they have done on
Gratitude: If others have done well to me, I owe them a debt in return.
Duty of beneficence: promoting the maximum possible intrinsic good or promoting the common
good/welfare of others.
Non- malfeasance: the duty of refraining from doing harm.

Introduction Civic and Ethical Education

A duty of justice: everybody is expected to be fair and just in the treatment of citizens.
The duty of self improvement- Improving oneself and ones excellence.

2.3. Q. compare and contrasts the relationship between consequential and

deontological ethical perspectives? What determines the rightness/wrongness of
an action?
Professional Ethics

Q. what do you understand by professional ethics?

2.3.1 Understanding professional Ethics

Professional ethics, as part of applied Ethics, is concerned with the moral obligations and responsibilities
expected from office holders and professionals. It deals with the specific and general guide lines that should
be followed and exhibited by every profession and office holders.

 Attendance: arrive on time and give advance notice of absence

 Character: displays loyalty, honesty, trustworthiness, dependability, reliability, initiative, self
discipline, and Self-responsibility
 Team work: Respect the right of others; and be cooperative
 Appearance: Displays appropriate dress, grooming, hygiene and etiquette
Attitude: demonstrate a positive attitude
 Productivity: good work habits result in a good work product
 Organizational skills: manifest skill in personal management, time management, prioritizing,
flexibility, stress management and the ability to deal with change
 Communication: displays appropriate verbal and non-verbal skills
 Cooperation: display leadership skills, maintain appropriate relationships with supervisors and
 Respect: deals with diversity and treat everyone with respect

Give short answer/s for the following questions
1. What is ethics?
2. What are the major branches of ethics?
3. What is morality?
4. Explain the need for ethical education?
5. What is professional ethics?

Introduction Civic and Ethical Education




This unit is aimed at exploring different thoughts on the concept of state and theories on the
formation of state, government and the functions of government, citizen and citizenship.

3.1.1 Definition of state


Q. what does state mean?

State can be defined as;
 The highest form of human association.
 An organized society controlling definite territory, sovereignty and has its own government.
 Politically organized group under one government.
 A group of people who has fixed boundaries, independent sovereignty, has right to enter in to
diplomatic relation and has international recognition.

3.1.2 Theories on the origin of state

There is no common consensus among scholars concerning the foundation of state. Hence, it is important to
note the various theories on the origin of state.
1. Divine theory: according to this theory, state is a divine creation, and an institution created by God. It
assumes “rulers” as the descendants of God.

2. Social contract theory: State is an artificial creation based on the voluntary contract among people.

3. Force theory: it holds the idea that state emerged through process of conquest and coercion of the weak
by the strong, i.e. war + expansion=state.

4. Natural theory: basically, this theory believes that state is natural and gradually evolved from
family, clan, tribe, society.

5. Marxist theory: State is originated from the split of society in to social classes with a sharp and a
polarized social interest.

Q. list the various theories on the origin of state.

Module on Introduction Civic and Ethical Education

3.1.3 Elements of State

A. Population-is a group of people who live on a defined territory of
a state.
B. Territory- an area of earth surface which is internationally demarcated
and people are expected to reside permanently.
C. Sovereignty- supreme authority of a state in the internal and external affairs.
D. Government- an administrative organ of a state that exercises both the
internal and external affairs on behalf of a state.

Q. list and explain the essential components of state.

3.1.4 Forms of state structure

Q. What are some of the forms of state structure? Unitary States

In Unitary states, authority and power are focused exclusively on the central government. It has the
following basic features:

 indivisible Sovereignty
 existence of monopolistic government
 sole/single sources for all political power
 centralization of all political power
 Exclusive authority of the central government Federal States

A federal state is different from a unitary state in that it shares some of its powers to local levels of
governments. This is called devolution of power.
It has the following basic features:
 Power decentralization
 Inclusive of the local units in different decisions
 Has divisible sovereignty

Q. explain the essential difference/s between unitary and federal states? Are these the only forms
of state structure? Discuss

Module on Introduction Civic and Ethical Education

3.2. Government

Q. what do you understand by the term government?

3.2.1 Definition of Government
Government can be defined as follows;
It is an element of state that controls and undertakes all the political and administrative
issues of a state.
The highest political authority leading a state and people.
It is an institution that enacts, enforces and interprets the laws of the state
3.2.2 The functions of government

 maintaining social order

 Providing public services and infrastructures
 Protection of citizens from any threat
 Making economic decisions

Q. list and explain the functions of government.

3.2.3 Organs of

Government Brainstorming

Q. What are the essential organs of government?

I. LEGISLATIVE: an organ of government that makes laws, policies and strategies of a state.
II.EXECUTIVE: it is an organ of government that implements laws, policies, strategies and plans
proposed by law makers.

III. JUDICIARY: an organ that interprets laws.

3.3. Citizen and Citizenship


Q. What comes to your mind when you hear/read the word citizenship?

3. 3. 1 Definition of citizen and Citizenship

A ‘citizen’ is a member of a political community, who is defined by a set of rights and obligations.
Citizenship, therefore, represents a relationship between the individual and the state, in which the two
are bind together by reciprocal rights and obligations.
Module on Introduction Civic and Ethical Education Modes of Acquiring Citizenship

Modes of acquisition of citizenship are not uniform. They differ from state to state. The following are
the general modes of acquiring citizenship
1. By Place of Birth. Citizenship is acquired as a result of birth place. This principle is called jus soli
(the law of the soil). Children are citizens of the nation in which they are born, irrespective of
their parents’ nationality.
2. By Descent. Citizenship is acquired as a result of blood tie. This principle is known as just
sanguine (law of blood). Under jus sanguine children take their parents’ nationality regardless of
where they are born.
3. By Naturalization. A person may acquire nationality through naturalization in different ways:
through marriage, legitimate application, adoption. It should be noted that naturalization is not a
right, but a privilege (it is upon the sole authority of the state to grant or refuse). Modes of Loosing Nationality
A Person may lose the nationality of a state in different ways.
1. By release: Release occurs only when an application is made to that effect and if it has been
accepted by the country concerned.
2. By deprivation: a national of a country may be deprived of nationality as a result of certain
criminal offenses.
3. By renunciation: a person may renounce his/her nationality of a state.
4. By substitution; a person may lose the nationality of a state when he or she acquires
nationality in some other state by naturalization.
5. By expiration/Lapse: when a person’s nationality expires as a result of staying abroad for a
length of time.

Q. list and explain some of the ways of acquiring and loosing citizenship.

3.3.3 Citizenship: the Ethiopian Experience

In Ethiopia citizenship law was first enacted in 1930. Prior to that, the issue of citizenship by and
large was regulated by custom and tradition. Even if there was no formal law concerning citizenship,
individuals strongly identified themselves with the state.
Moreover, the 1995 FDRE constitution stipulates some important principles regarding Ethiopian

Q. Go through the FDRE constitution, and explain the way Ethiopian citizenship is determined
in the FDRE constitution? 10
Module on Introduction Civic and Ethical Education

I. Choice
1. Which theory of state formation best go in line with the ideas of democracy?
A. divine theory
B. social contract theory
C. force theory
D. Marxist theory
2. Identify the correct statement?
A. Jus sanguine principle mainly emphasis on decent.
B. In the principle of naturalization, there are no preconditions to be met to be a citizen of a given
C. According to principles of Jus sanguine, a child born in a particular state become a citizen of that
country irrespective of his/her parents nationality.
D. Principle of jus soli mainly emphasis on blood relation as mode of acquiring citizenship.
II. Short answer
1. What does state mean?
2. What is government?

Module on Introduction Civic and Ethical Education

This unit deals with constitution and constitutionalism, the purposes and functions of constitution. In
doing so, you will assess the Ethiopian constitutional experience. Finally, you will look at the
fundamental democratic principles enshrined in the FDRE constitution.

4.1 : Meaning of Constitution and Constitutionalism


Q. What does constitution mean?

4.1.1 Definition of Constitution
Constitution is a fundamental document containing laws and principles according to which a political
system of a state is governed. As a supreme law of a country, constitution set out general principles,
values, aspirations and policies which serve as the founding base for detail operations of various
4.1.2 Meaning of Constitutionalism
Constitutionalism is apolitical governance based on principles of a constitution. It is the practical
implementation of principles of a constitution.
In all its successive phases, constitutionalism has one essential quality: it is a legal limitation on
government; it is the anti-thesis of arbitrary rule.
4.2. Purposes and types of Constitution
Q. What is the difference between constitution and constitutionalism? Explain
4.2.1 Purposes of a democratic Constitution
Q. What do you think are some of the purposes of constitution?
 It serves as a framework for Government
 It limits the powers of government
 It protects individual and collective rights of citizens
 It serves as the supreme (highest) law of a country
 It provides government legitimacy/stability

A constitution may serve as a binding statement of a people’s aspirations for themselves

as a nation.

4.2.2. Types of constitution

How could you classify constitutions?
Different authors, by taking different parameters, classified constitution in to different categories.
Module on Introduction Civic and Ethical Education

1. Based on its forms (Written or un-written)

A. Written constitutions- are constitutions that are embodied/compiled in a single/sole

B. Un-written constitutions- written but, not assembled and organized in a single document.
2. Based on amendments (Flexible or rigid)
a. Flexible constitution: could easily be amended by a simple majority of the parliament.
Example, United Kingdom.
b. Rigid constitutions: Rigid constitution needs special and formal session to amend its parts.
Example; USA, Canada, Nigeria, Ethiopia etc.

3. Based on observability (effective, nominal and facades)

A. An effective constitution is a constitution in which the key constitutional provisions are
popularly implemented/exercised based democratic principles.
B. A Nominal constitution is a constitution in which the key constitutional provisions are
designed only for name, but, its implementation is nominal.
C. A Façade constitution is a constitution that misguides/misleads citizens.
4.3 : The Historical development of constitution in Ethiopia
4.3.1 Traditional Constitutions of Ethiopia
The following are the most prominent traditional documents.
1. The Fetha Negest (The rule of Kings)
It served as a traditional law in Ethiopian church starting from 16thc, depicting the fact that every
subject must submit himself/herself to the authority of kings, since kings are assumed to be appointed
by God and God has given them supreme authority; challenging the authority of kings is considered
as challenging the will of God.
2. The Kibre Negest (the glory of kings)
Emphasis on solomonic legend, and states that all Ethiopian kings should have to have a blood tie to
the solomonic dynasty (i.e. a blood tie from emperor Menelik, who is the first king of the solomonic
3. The Serate Mengeste: a document that provided both administrative and protocol directives
to government activities.

Q. explain the roles the traditional/customary laws played in the conducts of government? Is it
right to consider these customary laws as constitutions? Discuss
4.3.2 The 1931 constitution of Ethiopia
The emergence of the 1931 constitution is related with internal & external influences &
1. Foreign motives- to get acceptance from the West that Ethiopia has a constitution and that
the government in Ethiopian is a constitutional government.
2. Domestic Motives –In line with the effort of centralization process, the constitution was
designed as a legal weapon for concentrating power in the hands of the emperor and for
Module on Introduction Civic and Ethical Education

precluding the nobility from the political game. N.B: The constitution was drafted by an
individual called fitawrari T/Hawariat T/mariam. He used the 1898 Japanese constitution as
a model or proto type. The constitution has 7 chapters and 55 articles.

4.3.3 The 1955 (Revised) constitution

Reasons for revision

1. The federation of Eritrea with Ethiopia

2. The coming of socioeconomic development
3. The persistent effort on the part of few enlightened Ethiopians returning home from abroad
for a more liberal & democratic constitution.
4. To encompass the principles of human rights stated under universal declaration of human
5. To intensify the rights and privileges of the emperor.

4.3.4 The 1987 PDRE constitution

In 1987 the dergue came up with its PDRE constitution. The Constitution starts by making “the
Working People of Ethiopia” owners of the Constitution. It goes on at the preamble to note the fact
that Ethiopia is a multinational state with various nationalities and diverse communities with essential
unity created by cultural intercourse, migration and commerce. Moreover, the equality, respectability
and development of all languages are clearly asserted with a rather pragmatic concession to Amharic
as the working language of the country.

4.3.5 The Transitional Government charter (1991 to 1995)

The transitional government of Ethiopia was founded by a document called charter of the transitional
government of Ethiopia. The charter was formulated in the peace & democratic conference which
was held from July 1 to 5, 1991.
The transitional government charter was a spring board for the 1995 FDRE constitution. This is
mainly because the charter contained the fundamental principles and ideas that are contained in the
1995 constitution. Federalism, equality of nations and nationalities, the right to self determination up
to secession and parliamentary democracy are notable fundamental principles and ideas that are
embodied in the 1995 constitution.

4.3.6 The 1995 FDRE constitution


Q. What are some the fundamental democratic principles of the FDRE constitution? Peculiar features of the 1995 constitution

1. Ethnicity as a major component

Module on Introduction Civic and Ethical Education

The 1995 constitution gave recognition to the nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia.
2. Parliamentary democracy
Supreme power resides on the parliament.

3. The right to self determination up to secession –

4. Public Ownership of land – the 1995 constitution has made land under public ownership.
5. Language policy- The constitution gave recognition to the equality of all languages and
nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia
6. Separation of state and Religion
7. Guarantees Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

Q. explain the similarities and differences between the1955 constitution and the preceding
constitutions? Discuss on the peculiar features of the FDRE constitution.



1. The prevalence of a constitution necessarily guarantees constitutionalism.
2. The rationale behind the emergence of modern constitutions is to limit the absolute power of
the kings.
3. The 1931 constitution of the emperor is the first written constitution of Ethiopia.

1. Among the following alternatives, which alternative is true about the 1931 constitution of
A. It proclaims a unicameral house.
B. It used as the legal weapon to concentrate power in the hands of the emperor.
C. Considers popular sovereignty as the basic democratic principle.
D. It specifies the size and tenure of the parliaments
1. Define constitution and constitutionalism?
2. What are the major types of constitution?
3. Write at least two reasons for the revision of 1931 Ethiopian constitution

Module on Introduction Civic and Ethical Education

In this unit, we will discuss on the meaning of democracy, fertile conditions for democracy, values
and principles of democracy, human rights, classification of human rights.

5.1. The concept of

Democracy Brainstorming

Q. What comes to your mind when you hear/read the word democracy?
5.1.1 Defining Democracy
Can you define democracy in your own words?
The word democracy is coined from two Greek words, i.e., demos (meaning people) and kratia
(meaning to govern, to rule). “Democracy” can literally be translated as Government of the People or
Government of the Majority.
Democracy is a people centered system where the people are the
. heart, the roots.

5.1.2 Fundamental Principles and Values of Democracy

Political Participation f. Free, Fair, Periodic and
b.Liberty competitive elections
Political Equality g. Rule of Law
Tolerance h. Popular sovereignty
Majority rule with minority

Q.list and explain the fundamental principles and values of democracy?

5.2 : Democratic Elections

Q. What comes to your mind when you think about democratic elections?
5.2.1 Definition of election
Election is a formal procedure /process by which individuals decide on “what to choose”. The act that
individuals perform while choosing among different alternatives in an election is called voting.
Fundamental principles of democratic election:
a. Fair d. Periodic
b. Free e. Competitive
c. All inclusive f. Secret ballot

Module on Introduction Civic and Ethical Education

5.2.2 Electoral Institutions in Ethiopia

Elections are under taken by the coordination and supervision of an independent electoral board. This body
is entrusted with the task of undertaking all the necessary activities that are stipulated by the electoral law
and is responsible for the supervision and follow up of the whole electoral process. Electoral board is
expected to be honest, competent, impartial and non partisan.
5.2.3 Electoral procedures
According to the Ethiopian electoral law, i.e. Proclamation number 64/1994; there are procedural
requirements and facilities that should be fulfilled both by voters and by candidates. In advance to the day
of election, polling stations should be established; observers of these polling stations should be elected.
Ethiopian election law states that election should be;
 Carried out by the secret ballot
 Not compulsory for voting
 Assigned equal weight for equal vote.
 Carried out at the presence of observers. These observers should be free from any membership to political

Voters in the Ethiopian electoral law should fulfil the following requirements.
 Ethiopian citizenship
 He/she should be eighteen/more than eighteen years old on the date of registration.
 The voter should have resided in the constituency, at least, for 6 months.

According to the Ethiopian election law, one should fulfill the following basic requirements to run
as a candidate.
1. He/she has to be an Ethiopian citizen.
2. He/she should know and understand the language of the area he/she is intending to run as
a candidate.
3. He/she should be 21 and above years old.
4. He/she should have resided, at least for 5 years, regularly in the constituency he/she is
intending to run as a candidate before the day of the election.
5. He/she should have the endorsement of, at least, 500 eligible voters if he/she is nominated by
the party and 1000 signatures if he/she is running privately.

Q. Describe the electoral procedures and institutions in Ethiopia?

5.3 : Understanding Human Rights

Q. What do human rights refer to?

5.3.1 The meaning of human rights
Human rights are rights that belong to everyone as a consequence of being human.

Module on Introduction Civic and Ethical Education

5.3.2 Basic characteristics of human rights

1. Equality rights- possessed equally by all human beings.
2. Inherent rights-derived from the innate nature of mankind.
3. Eternal rights- As far as human society exists on earth human rights continue to exist.
4. Inalienable rights-they cannot be lost.
5. Indivisible and inter related rights.
6. Human rights are not given by government-governments role is only to protect and safeguard
human rights.
5.3.3 Classification of Human Rights
Referring the scope and classification of human rights it is important to note the notion of “three
generation rights” advanced by Karl Vasak
1. First Generation Rights
First generation rights are essentially individual rights. They are commonly called civil and political
rights. They only require the state to abstain from interfering in the life of the individual.

2. Second Generation Rights

It includes social, economic and cultural rights and finds their origin mainly in the socialist
traditions. It is the issue of socialist countries quest for an equal distribution of resources. Second
generation rights requires governments intervention to promote equal opportunity and ensure socio-
economic and cultural rights.
3. Third Generation Rights
Third generation rights are solidarity rights based on notion of international solidarity and relating to global
structural problems rather than individual cases. The emergence of third world nationalism and its demand for
a global redistribution of power, wealth, and other important values resulted for the development of these

Q. list and explain Karl vassal’s classification of human rights?
1. Among the following alternatives, which one is FALSE about first generation of human rights?
A. It embodies the right to asylum
B. the government should abstain itself from interference
C. It encompasses the right to association
D. the government should interfere in the life of the individual
2. Which one of the following is NOT a fundamental principle of election?
A. universal suffrage and all exclusiveness C. regularity and secret ballot
B. free and fair election D. competitive and transparent

II. Short answer

1. What does democracy mean?

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