價目表 Price List

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Nixon Dental

____________________ __________________________ ______________________________
基本服務 Basic Service X光影像 Radiographic Imaging 智慧齒脫牙 Wisdom Tooth Extraction

檢查 全口X光 OPG $400 非手術性上智齒 $2500

Checkup Orthopantomography X-Ray Non-surgical Upper Wisdom Tooth
洗牙 $600 電腦斷層掃描 $1500
Scaling Cone Beam Comptuted Tomography 手術性上智齒 $4500
補牙 Surgical Lower Wisdom Tooth
普通脫牙 下智齒 $4500
Simple Extraction Lower Wisdom Tooth
複雜脫牙 $1200 - 1800 學生非手術性上智齒
Complicated Extraction Non-surgical Upper Wisdom Tooth $2000
(Student Price)

學生下智齒 $3500
Lower Wisdom Tooth (Student Price)
__________ __________________________ _______________________
植牙 Implant 矯齒服務 Orthodontic Treatment 牙齒修復 Tooth Replacement

單隻韓國植牙 $18000 傳統矯齒 $35000 牙橋 (每單位) $4000

Single Osstem Implant Fixed Orthodontic Bridge (Per Unit)

數隻韓國植牙(每隻) $15000 隱適美 $45000 牙冠 (陶瓷金屬) $4000

Multiple Osstem Implant (Per one) Invisalign Crown (Ceramic Metal)

單隻瑞士Straumann植牙 $25000 固定器(單個) $1500 全陶瓷 $6000

Single Straumann Implant Retainer (Per one) Ceramic Crown

數隻瑞士Straumann植牙(每隻) $22000 臨時假牙 $4000-6000

Multiple Straumann Implant (Per one)
Temporary Dentures
______________________________________________________ __________________
根管治療 Root Canal Treatment 其他服務 Other Service

全口深層清潔 $4000
非顯微鏡杜牙根費用 顯微鏡杜牙根費用 Root Canal With Microscope Full Mouth Root Planning
(門牙 , 小臼齒 , 第一臼齒
$4200 拆橋 $1000
價錢圴一樣 )
門牙 Front Teeth $4200 Bridge Sectioning or Removal
Root Canal Treatment
without Microscope
(Same price for Front 小臼齒 Small Molars $5500 晚間磨牙牙套 Nightguard $1500
Teeth, Premolars and 運動牙套 Mouthguard $1500
First Molar) 藥費 Medication $300
第一臼齒 First Molar $7000
牙椿 $1500 氟化物治療(每隻牙)
第二臼齒 Second Molar $8000 $100
Post Fluoride Treatment (Per Tooth)
Full Mouth Fluoride Treatment $500

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