Araripemys Barretoi Paleoecological Analysis

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Cretaceous Research 148 (2023) 105503

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Short communication

Araripemys barretoi: Paleoecological analysis of a pelomedusoid

Chelonia from the Lower Cretaceous of Araripe and Parnaíba basins,
Diogo Lins Batista a, b, *, Ismar de Souza Carvalho b, c, Marcelo S. de la Fuente d
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Biologia, Programa de Po s-Graduaça ~o em Biodiversidade e Biologia Evolutiva, Interbloco B/C, Av. Carlos
Chagas Filho, 373 e Cidade Universita ria, 21941-590 Ilha do Funda ~o, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Geoci^encias, Departamento de Geologia, Laborato rio de Estudos Paleontologicos, Av. Athos da Silveira
Ramos, 274 e Cidade Universita ria, 21.910-200 Ilha do Funda ~o, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Universidade de Coimbra, Centro de Geoci^ encias, Rua Sílvio Lima, 3030-790 Coimbra, Portugal
d n, Ecología Histo
Instituto de Evolucio rica y Ambiente (CONICET-IDEVEA-UTN FRSR), Calle Urquiza 314, M5602GCH San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: It is investigated the paleoecology of Araripemys barretoi Price, 1973 a pelomedusoid turtle from the
Received 4 August 2022 Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) of Araripe and Parnaíba basins, Brazil. The analysis of forelimbs proportions
Received in revised form allowed to interpret Araripemys barretoi as a turtle with a specialized morphology to live in large water
13 January 2023
bodies, as an agile swimmer. Several postcranial anatomical features suggest that Araripemys barretoi was
Accepted in revised form 5 February 2023
able to live in aquatic environments of distinct magnitudes. This species was abundant throughout the
Available online 10 February 2023
Aptian in the Araripe and Parnaíba basins, where an epicontinental sea once existed, during the first
marine ingressions related to the Equatorial Atlantic opening.
© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Itapecuru Formation
Romualdo and Crato formations

1. Introduction and Carvalho, 2007), also located in the northeastern region of

In the Cretaceous sedimentary basins of Brazil, 16 taxa of In the description of Araripemys barretoi by Price (1973), the
chelonian fossils are found (Gaffney et al., 2006, 2011; Oliveira and osteology and the geometric shape of the carapace give it an origin
Romano, 2007; Romano et al., 2014; Ferreira et al., 2018a; among more primitive chelonians with tendencies towards a ma-
Hermanson et al., 2020; Batista et al., 2021), mostly from the rine habitat. Aspects such as rounded, depressed carapace without
Bauru and Araripe basins. In the Bauru Basin all fossil turtles are keels, a short, wide plastron, with bridges attached only to the
freshwater species. On the other hand, the Aptian chelonian peripheral plates, with costoperipheral fontanelles and perhaps
species described from the Araripe Basin present morphological also plastoperipheral and plastron, indicate an adaptive tendency
characteristics that suggest adaptations to very distinct living towards shallow, coastal or even marshy waters (Price, 1973). In the
environments. Among the various species from the Araripe Basin, osteological review performed by Maisey (1991), Araripemys bar-
the most common is Araripemys barretoi Price, 1973, whose great retoi was compared with the freshwater turtles Trionychidae due
number of specimens overpass the other chelonian species. Ara- their similarity in the carapace morphology. It was considered an
ripemys barretoi is also reported from the Parnaíba Basin (Batista extremely hydrodynamic species, but without any anatomical
attribute to a specific environment. According to Oliveira and
Romano (2007), Araripemys barretoi is the best-known species of
the Santana Group (Araripe Basin). However, there are still doubts
* Corresponding author. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de about its ecology and one of the great uncertainties concerns the
Biologia, Programa de Po  s-Graduaça ~o em Biodiversidade e Biologia Evolutiva,
environment that this species inhabited, as it is found in sediments
Interbloco B/C, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373 eCidade Universitaria, 21941-590 Ilha
do Funda ~o, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. of lagoon and marine origin (Araripe et al., 2021; Vallejo et al.,
E-mail address: [email protected] (D.L. Batista). 2023). In more recent studies with freshwater chelonians, for
0195-6671/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.L. Batista, I.S. Carvalho and M.S. de la Fuente Cretaceous Research 148 (2023) 105503

example Emydura macquarii and Chelodina expansa, can tolerate are fossils of arthropods, fishes, amphibians, chelonians, lizards,
periods in hypersaline environments by physiological mechanisms, crocodyliforms, pterosaurs, dinosaurs, birds, fungi, plant, fragments
such as an increase in plasma osmotic pressure in relation to the of algae, pteridophytes, conifers, gnetophytes, angiosperms, cop-
external environment, in order to reduce the loss of water, without rolites, amber (Menon and Martill, 2007; Assine et al., 2014; Martill
the need for a salt excretion gland, as in marine chelonians (Bower et al., 2015; Carvalho et al., 2015, 2019b, 2021a; Scaramuzza dos
et al., 2016; Agha et al., 2018). This may be an indication that this Santos et al., 2020, 2021), and also dinosaur footprints (Carvalho
species may be a chelonian tolerant to a wide range of salinities. et al., 2021b).
Limaverde et al. (2020) carried out an extensive study analyzing Other records of Araripemys barretoi are found in the Parnaíba
factors such as ontogenetic and intraspecific variations, sexual Basin (Appendix B) (Batista and Carvalho, 2007). It is located in the
dimorphism and phylogeny, but without any inference concerning central-western portion of Brazil (Vaz et al., 2007), in Maranha ~o
the living environment. and Piauí, and small areas of Ceara , Bahia, Tocantins and Para
The analyses of new specimens of Araripemys barretoi allowed Its limits are the Alto Ferrer-Urbano Santos (North), the Borborema
evaluating the environmental context where this species lived. The Province (East), the Alto Sa ~o Francisco (South), the Province of
morphological data from tomographic images, direct observations Tocantins (West) and to the northwest by the Alto Tocantins
and comparisons with living species from distinct environments (Corre ^a-Martins, 2019). The basin has a circular outline, and its
permitted a new approach to interpret the paleoecology of this Early Cretaceous succession of up to 1000 m is represented by the Corda,
Cretaceous pleurodiran turtle. Thus, it is analyzed the causes of the Codo  and Itapecuru formations (Go es and Feijo
, 1994). The studied
large number of a single species spread in a wide territorial area. fossils come from the Itapecuru Formation.
The Itapecuru Formation consists of conglomerates, sandstones,
2. Geological context siltstones, claystones, shales and carbonate levels (Campbell et al.,
1949; Azevedo, 1991; Pedr~ ao et al., 2002; Miranda and Rossetti,
The Araripe Basin (Appendix A) is known worldwide for its 2006). Palynological analyzes on samples collected along the Ita-
exceptionally well-preserved fossils (Heimhofer et al., 2010; pecuru River assigned these deposits to the upper Aptianeupper
Varej~ ao et al., 2019a), being one of the main Konservat-Lagersta €tten Albian, based on the biostratigraphic range defined by the Com-
from the Cretaceous of Gondwana supercontinent (Maisey, 1991; plicatisaccus cearensis/Elaterosporites protensus zones (Pedra ~o et al.,
Martill et al., 2007; Maldanis et al., 2016; Vareja ~o et al., 2019a, 1996, 2002). However, Ferreira et al. (2020, 2021) restricted these
2021a; Dias and Carvalho, 2020, 2022). It is the largest among the deposits to the upper Aptian. In this lithostratigraphic unit there are
interior basins of Northeast Brazil, rectangular shape, longitudinal fossils of chelonians, sauropod dinosaurs (Carvalho et al., 2003) and
axis in the EW direction and an area of approximately 12,200 km2. theropods Carcharodontosauridae and Spinosauridae (Vilas Bo ^ as
It is located in the south of Ceara  State, extending from the et al., 1999; Medeiros and Schultz, 2002; Medeiros, 2006;
northwest of the state of Pernambuco to the east of the state of Medeiros et al., 2007; Batista et al., 2021).
Piauí, northeast Brazil (Matos, 1992; Assine, 1992, 2007; Fambrini
et al., 2009; Carvalho et al., 2012; Assine et al., 2014; Marques 3. Materials and methods
et al., 2014). The lithostratigraphic units are, from lower to upper
successions, the Cariri, Brejo Santo, Missa ~o Velha, Rio da Batateira, For the morphological analyses, we evaluated the specimens of
Santana and Exu formations (Beurlen, 1963, 1971; Ponte and Appi, Araripemys barretoi housed in the Macrofossils Collection of the
1990; Ponte, 1992; Paula-Freitas and Borghi, 2011; Rios-Netto et al., Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil under the coding
2012). Assine et al. (2014) and Neumann and Assine (2015) changed numbers UFRJ DG-37R and UFRJ DG-74R (Appendix C), UFRJ
the status of the Santana Formation to the Santana Group with the DG-675R and UFRJ DG-693R (Appendix D). The specimens
Barbalha, Crato, Ipubi and Romualdo formations. The first record of tomography were performed at the Museum of Zoology of the
the fossil chelonian Araripemys barretoi was from the Romualdo University of Sa ~o Paulo. The tomograph is the Phoenix v|tome|x m
Formation and later other specimens were found in the Crato For- microfocus microtomograph from General Electric (industrial
mation (Kischlat and Campos, 1990; Schleich, 1990; Meylan, 1996; model), covering a wide range of resolutions reaching up to 0.5
Oliveira and Kellner, 2005, 2017; Gaffney et al., 2006; Romano et al., micrometers (mm) with voltage varying between 180 and 300 kV.
2013; Limaverde et al., 2020). Subsequently, the Avizo 7 and Zbrush 2019 softwares were used to
The Romualdo Formation is constituted of conglomerates, clean digitally the fossils from the matrix rock.
sandstones, marls, shales, cochinoid and nodular limestones, which A descriptive statistical analysis was performed; we measured
indicate hypersaline lagoons and marine environments, and an the forelimbs of Araripemys barretoi and compared them with other
increasingly continental conditions (Assine et al., 2014). It records living chelonians. For this, it was used the program Past 4.03
an abundant and diverse biota with a high degree of preservation. (Hammer et al., 2001) and data from Joyce and Gauthier (2004) and
Foraminifera, palynomorphs, corals, mollusks, arthropods, echi- Jannello et al. (2018), resulting in two charts. The first one is related
noids, fishes, chelonians, crocodyliforms, pterosaurs, dinosaurs and to the proportion between the humerus and ulna and its position
plants occur in this succession (Martill, 1988; Neumann and within a standard deviation already determined by Joyce and
Cabrera, 1999; Assine, 2007; Assine et al., 2014; Carvalho and Gauthier (2004). The second one is a ternary chart used to insert
Barreto, 2015; Barros et al., 2019; Carvalho et al., 2019a; Abreu the Araripemys barretoi species in the environmental context in
et al., 2020; Araripe et al., 2021; Lopes and Barreto, 2021; Matos relation to other living chelonians.
et al., 2021).
The Crato Formation is a succession up to 70 m thick containing 4. Results and discussion
limestones, shales and sandstones. This unit is interpreted as a wide
variety of continental and transitional environments at the end of 4.1. Taphonomic aspects
the Aptian in the Araripe Basin, with the record of the first marine
incursions (Varej~ ao et al., 2021a,b). The most abundant, diversified Araripemys barretoi presents distinct taphonomic signatures for
and exceptionally preserved terrestrial biota at a global level is each of the analyzed lithostratigraphic unit. In the Crato Formation,
found in the laminated limestones of lacustrine origin of the Crato specimens of Araripemys barretoi were found in the laminated
Formation, a Lagersta €tte of conservation and concentration. There micritic limestone, whose origin is attributed to transgressive-
D.L. Batista, I.S. Carvalho and M.S. de la Fuente Cretaceous Research 148 (2023) 105503

Fig. 1. Specimens of Araripemys barretoi from Parnaíba Basin. A e UFRJ DG 37-R and B e UFRJ DG 74-R, ventral view. Cost ¼ Costal Plate, Per ¼ Peripheral Plate. Scale bar with 5 cm.

regressive events associated with a lacustrine system (Neumann, Formation, Miocene of Venezuela) and Bairdemys venezuelensis
1999; Neumann et al., 2003). The fossils of this unit are well pre- (Urumacu Formation, Miocene of Venezuela) are reported from
served due to the relationship with microbial mats, that induced the marine environments close to the coast (Winkler and Sa nchez-
mineralization of the specimens (Dias and Carvalho, 2020). In the Villagra, 2006; Ferreira et al., 2015). Microforaminifers were iden-
Romualdo Formation, Araripemys barretoi specimens are found in tified in the sedimentary successions in which Araripemys barretoi
calcareous nodules. Sedimentary structures of chemical origin, occurs in the Araripe Basin (Goldberg et al., 2019), as well as the
consisting of spheroidal, ovoid, discoid or irregularly shaped paleoenvironmental interpretations (Arai and Assine, 2020;
aggregates, with a different composition from the rock in which they Araripe et al., 2022) for the upper Aptian in Northeast Brazil,
are contained, indicate precipitation of an aqueous solution during
sedimentation (syngenetic concretions). This occurred immediately
after or in the early stages of compactation (Scoffin, 1987).
It should be noted that the fossils from these stratigraphic units
of the Araripe Basin did not undergo significant transport as
postulated by Vareja ~o et al. (2019b), which suggest post-mortem
displacement for turtles and other vertebrates. The assertion that
these animals lived in riparian forests, nearby rivers and/or shallow
lakes and that these animals are rarely preserved is not correct. The
number of articulated chelonians of the Araripemys barretoi species,
housed in several collections, is not consistent with the interpre-
tation of allochthonous species accumulated in a post-mortem
In the Itapecuru Formation, the Araripemys barretoi remains are
mostly fragmented and deformed. The specimens indicate trans-
port and redeposition in a probable fluvial-estuarine context.

4.2. Morphological characters

Araripemys barretoi presents several anatomical and morpho-

logical evidences that allow us to attribute this species to a specific
environment. These anatomical unique morphological features can
be observed in the shape of the carapace and plastron, and in the
overall anatomy of the forelimbs, regarding both its more proximal
(e.g. humerus) and distal (claws) elements.
Araripemys barretoi belongs to the monophyletic group Pleuro-
dira, Pelomedusoides (Gaffney et al., 2006), which is currently
exclusive of freshwater environments and inhabits the southern
hemisphere. Despite the current low diversity (Rhodin et al., 2021),
pelomedusoids were a very diverse group during the Cretaceous
and Paleogene, dispersed on almost all continents (except Central
Asia and Antarctica) (Gaffney et al., 2006, 2011; Ferreira et al., Fig. 2. Digitally prepared humerus of Araripemys barretoi, specimen UFRJ DG 74-R.
2018b). Some species such as Bairdemys thalassica (Capadore Scale bar 1 cm.

D.L. Batista, I.S. Carvalho and M.S. de la Fuente Cretaceous Research 148 (2023) 105503

indicate the presence of epicontinental seas. Base on Jannello et al. this structure is not supported. However, other anatomical aspects
(2020), Sena et al. (2021) identified a histological pattern in Arari- allow elucidating and corroborating Araripemys barretoi as living in
pemys barretoi that resembles terrestrial animals. However, this large water bodies with great depths. Although there isn't clear
shell histology disagrees with the general lake and marine envi- data concerning the paleobatimetry on Crato, Romualdo and Codo 
ronment suggested by the sediments from which Araripemys comes deposits, the frequent presence of microbial intermediation in the
(Oliveira et al., 2011; Carvalho & Barreto 2015; Oliveira & Kellner carbonate deposition and fossil preservation indicate the photic
2017). Additionally, the combination of taphonomic aspects of zone. This is the best depth to the accumulation of the laminated
Araripemys barretoi and the presence of microforaminifers, argue in carbonates (Fürsich et al., 2019; Bom et al., 2021; Martill et al.,
favor of a nearshore or a fluvial-estuarine context. Further 2021; Storari et al., 2021).
morphological features of Araripemys barretoi supporting this hy- In the carapace of Araripemys barretoi specimens (UFRJ DG 37R
pothesis are discussed below. and UFRJ DG 74R), there are costoperipheral fenestrae. They are
A common feature in marine turtles is the salt-secreting gland. hollow spaces between the costal plates and peripheral plates
Living sea turtles are adapted to withstand high salinities, with (Fig. 1). The formation of these fenestrae are due to the lack of
glands that eliminate salt excess (Brian and Cowan, 1971), but in ossification in the last ontogenetic stages, as observed in living
fossils, these organs are generally not found (Nicholls, 1997). In chelonian embryos (Vieira, 2008). This type of structure is present
modern Chelonia, it is located in the orbital cavity, above the eyes, in marine turtles (living and fossil) and in some freshwater species
and can be identified in most skulls by the enlargement of this (example Chelydra serpentina) (Wyneken, 2001). Gasparini et al.
cavity (Schumacher, 1973). In the studied specimens of Araripemys (2007) clarify that the costoperipheral fenestrae have the func-
barretoi, the orbital cavity is similar to that of other Pleurodira. Then tion of improve mobility in the water. Pough et al. (1989) and
an interpretation of a strictly marine environment only based on Carroll (1988) indicated that this structure is an adaptative features

Fig. 3. Location map of the Araripe and Parnaíba basins during the Aptian. The north of Brazil was still connected to the future African continent. An ingression from the Central
Atlantic reached the South Atlantic through an epicontinental seaway that connected several inland basins (Adapted from Arai, 2014).

D.L. Batista, I.S. Carvalho and M.S. de la Fuente Cretaceous Research 148 (2023) 105503

to the environment in which chelonians live. The low weight and Similarly to the anatomy of the humerus, the claws help to
the greater mobility allow them to live in deeper waters, emerge interpret their living environment. Larger claws facilitate walking
and submerge quickly, typical of turtles that inhabit large water through the substrate while their absence indicates a specialization
bodies. However, in Chelydra serpentina, the presence of costoper- for environments with high stand water (Tulli et al., 2022). In many
ipheral fenestrae indicates that it has a greater control of submer- cases, the keratinized structure is lost in the fossilization process,
sion, as its anatomical shape is not that of an active swimming but the digital endings can reveal its structure. In the Araripemys
chelonian. In the plastron of Araripemys barretoi, we also observe barretoi specimens UFRJ DG 74R and UFRJ DG 693R, the arrow-
anatomical features similar to those present in marine chelonians shaped digital ending is not suitable in the vast majority of living
(living and fossil). The reduction of plastron size, presence of freshwater Chelonia, such as Macrochelys temminckii, Chelus fim-
fenestrae, accentuated axial and femoral entry are a set of charac- briatus and Hydromedusa tectifera, which in turn have long, curved
teristics that gives them greater mobility in the water, relieving and pointed nails. Therefore, these animals are specialized in
weight and improving their hydrodynamics. The living Chelydra walking on substrates and river beds. Araripemys barretoi does not
serpentina species has a similar structure; however, the forelimbs present this specialization (Appendix E), an additional difficulty to
are not adapted for swimming movements, but specialized for walk on the bottom of water bodies.
walking on riverbeds (Tulli et al., 2022). On the other hand, Care-
ttochelys insculpta Ramsay, 1886, has acute axial and femoral re- 4.3. Paleoecology
cesses, and forelimbs like oars and hindlimbs like rudders, which
allow great mobility when submerged, as we suppose in Araripemys Araripemys barretoi forelimb anatomy exhibits probable ad-
barretoi. We can also observe similarity between Araripemys bar- aptations to living in different sorts of aquatic environments,
retoi and the Trionychidae, with a reduced plastron, making this which in turn may have facilitated its wide distribution during the
family excellent swimmers. Early Cretaceous in the Araripe and Parnaíba basins (Fig. 3). Joyce
The Araripemys barretoi humerus allows some ecological in- and Gauthier (2004) carried out an extensive study and managed
ferences. The head of the humerus (Fig. 2) was elongated into an to define a pattern of relationship between the bones of the
extreme ellipse with its long axis nearly parallel to the shaft hu- forelimbs and the habitat, resulting in two charts, one for pro-
merus shaft, restricting the movements of the forelimb to the portional analysis and the other ternary, to identify a pattern of
vertical plane (Weems and Knight, 2013). In this way, Araripemys distribution by environments. The first one is based on the mea-
barretoi was probably unable to walk on the bottom surface, surements of the humerus and ulna; the second one is based on
spending most of the time in the water. It is possible to observe this the measurements of the humerus, ulna and paw until keratini-
same characteristic in the species Bairdemys healeyorum (Weems zation. Thus, the humerus of the UFRJ DG 675R and UFRJ DG 693R
and Knight, 2013) and sea turtles (Ferreira et al., 2015). Turtles specimens are 1.52 and 1.6 times larger than the ulna, while the
with this type of humeral head usually have strong aquatic adap- total variation of all species presented in Joyce and Gauthier
tations, with limbs functioning like oars and they are active (2004) ranges from 1.29 to 1.8. As a result, it is possible to
swimmers who live in wide lakes and/or seas (Weems and Knight, consider that both specimens are within the variation pattern of
2013). This humero is available for 3D visualization at Mendeley Joyce and Gauthier (2004) (Fig. 4), thus suitable for using the data
Data ( in the ternary chart. The UFRJ DG 675R specimen is positioned in

Fig. 4. Correlation between the length of the humerus and the ulna in living turtles, based on Joyce and Gauthier (2004).

D.L. Batista, I.S. Carvalho and M.S. de la Fuente Cretaceous Research 148 (2023) 105503

Fig. 5. Distribution by areas in the ternary chart of chelonians studied by Joyce and Gauthier (2004), with the inclusion of Araripemys barretoi. This show an adaptation of this
species to large bodies of water.

the ternary chart slightly below the members of the Trionychidae live in environments with variations in salinity, with better
family (Fig. 5), corroborating the interpretation of Maisey (1991) mobility in the water than land. Its presence is abundant in the
about the similarity between the members of the living family Aptian of the Araripe and Parnaíba basins, where an epicontinental
Trionychidae and the Araripemys barretoi species. The ternary sea once existed, as a result of the first marine ingressions in the
chart allow recognizing a relationship between morphological equatorial region during the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. In this
characteristics and the living environment, identifying diverse context, there were favorable conditions for the spreading of this
types of environments in which these chelonians inhabited. Thus, species and its preservation in the Aptian successions of a vast area
Araripemys barretoi is interpreted in the context of high speciali- in the northern region of Brazilian Gondwana.
zation for aquatic environments with abilities to inhabit bodies of
water of different magnitudes, including large ones such as the Data availability
epicontinental sea proposed for the palaeoenvironment of the
region. It is positioned in the same final portion of the chart where Data will be made available on request.
the recent marine species Dermochelys and Carettochelys (fresh-
water turtles with morphology specialized to move in large bodies
of water) are found, and the initial plot area of members of the Acknowledgements
Cheloniidae and Trionychidae families. Thus, it is plausible to say
that Araripemys barretoi had an ecological advantage in environ- Thanks to Leila Pessoa, Rafael M. Lindoso and Alcina Magno  lia
ments with a wide extension of water without the necessity to be Barreto for the suggestions on the first draft of this manuscript. We
regularly on land, in contrast to the other species of fossil chelo- are also grateful to Eduardo Koutsoukos, Gustavo Darlim and two
nians recorded for the Araripe and Parnaíba Basins. anonymous reviewers for the corrections and suggestions in the
manuscript. The financial support for the development of this study
5. Conclusions was provided by the Brazilian Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvi-
mento Científico e Tecnolo  gico (CNPq, 303596/2016-3, Brazil),
Anatomical aspects of Araripemys barretoi and data from the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate
geological context allow us to interpret a plausible living environ- Education Coordenaça ~o de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível
ment to this species. Araripemys barretoi was able to live in diverse Superior (CAPES) and the Fundaça ~o Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo
types of aquatic environments. Therefore, the interpretation of the  Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ, Proc. E-26/200.828/
strictly fluvial life environment is refuted. This species was able to 2021, Brazil). This study is part of the Ph.D. requirements for the
D.L. Batista, I.S. Carvalho and M.S. de la Fuente Cretaceous Research 148 (2023) 105503

Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Program of the Geolo gicos UFPE 25 (1), 3e14.
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