Iso 6817 1992

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First edition
1992-l 2-o 1

Measurement of conductive liquid flow in closed

conduits - Method using electromagnetic
Mew-e de d&bit d’un fluide conducteur dans les conduites
MHhode par d&itm&tres 6lectromagrGtiques
ferm6es -

ISO 6817:1992

Reference number
IS0 6817:1992(E)
IS0 6817:1992(E)


1 Scope ................................................................................................. 1

2 Normative references ....................................................................... 1

3 Definitions .................................................................................... 1

4 Symbols and units ...................................................................... 2

5 Theoretical requirements ........................................................... 2

6 Construction and principle of operation ................................... 3

7 Installation design and practice ................................................ 7

8 Equipment marking ................................................................... 11

9 Calibration and test conditions ................................................ 12

IO Uncertainty analysis ................................................................ 12

A Materials for construction of primary devices .. .... .... ..... .... ... 16
B Bibliography . .. ......... .... ... ..... .. .... ... ... ..... ...... .... ... ... ... .... ..... .... ..... 18
ISO 6817:1992

0 IS0 1992
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International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 * CH-1211 Genke 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland

t\ ii
IS0 6817:1992(E)

IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. international organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the
work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an Inter-
national Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member
bodies casting a vote.

International Standard IS0 6817 was prepared
ISO/TC 30, Measurement of fluid flow in closed
by Technical Committee
conduits, Sub-Committee
SC 5, Electromagnetic flowmeters.
ISO 6817:1992
The first edition cancels and replaces ISO/TR 6817:1980, of which it
constitutes a technical revision.
Annexes A and B of this International Standard are for information only.
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ISO 6817:1992

Measurement of conductive liquid flow in closed conduits -

Method using electromagnetic flowmeters

1 Scope IS0 7066-2:1988, Assessment of uncertainty in the

calibration and use of flow measurement devices -
This International Standard describes the principle Part 2: Non-linear calibration relationships.
and main design features of industrial electro-
magnetic flowmeters for the measurement of flow- IS0 9104:1991, Measurement of fluid flow in closed
rate of a conductive liquid in a closed conduit conduits - Methods of evaluating the performance
running full. It covers their installation, operation, of electromagnetic now-meters for liquids. ’
performance and calibration.
This International Standard does not specify safety
requirements in relation to hazardous environ-
mental usage of the meter, nor does it apply to the
3 Definitions
measurement of magnetically permeable slurries,
For the purposes of this international Standard, the
liquid metals nor usage in medical applications. ISO 6817:1992
definitions given in IS0 4006 and the following defi-
This International Standard
covers flowmeter types nitions apply. Many of these are extracted from
in both a.c. and pulsed d.c. versions. 635d42ce913e/iso-6817-1992
IS0 4006 for ease of reference.

3.1 electromagnetic flowmeter: Flowmeter which

creates a magnetic field perpendicular to the flow,
2 Normative references so enabling the flow-rate to be deduced from the
induced electromotive force (e.m.f.) produced by the
The following standards contain provisions which, motion of a conducting liquid’) in the magnetic field.
through reference in this text, constitute provisions The electromagnetic flowmeter consists of a primary
of this International Standard. At the time of publi- device and one or more secondary devices.
cation, the editions indicated were valid. All stan-
dards are subject to revision, and parties to 3.1.1 primary device: Device containing the follow-
agreements based on this International Standard ing elements:
are encouraged to investigate the possibility of ap-
plying the most recent editions of the standards in- - an electrically insulated meter tube through
dicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain which the conductive liquid to be metered flows,
registers of currently valid International Standards.
- one or more pairs of electrodes, diametrically
IS0 4006:1991, Measurement of fluid f7ow in closed opposed, across which the signal generated in
conduits - Vocabulary and symbols. the liquid is measured,

IS0 5168:1978, Measurement of fluid flow - Esti- - an electromagnet for producing a magnetic field
mation of uncertainty of a flow-rate measurement. in the meter tube.

IS0 706601:1989, Assessment of uncertainty in the The primary device develops a signal proportional
calibration and use of flow measurement devices - to the flow-rate and in some cases the reference
Part I: Linear calibration relationships. signal.

1) In the present International Standard, for electromagnetic flowmeters, the more correct term “liquid” replaces the word
“fluid” (covering liquids and gases) of the general definition in IS0 4006. This usage also aligns with that in IS0 9104.

IS0 6817:1992(E)

3.1.2 secondary device: Equipment which contains defined reference conditions for a given value of the
the circuitry which extracts the flow signal from the reference signal.
electrode signal and converts it to a standard output
signal directly proportional to flow-rate. This equip- 3.9 full-scale flowrate: Flow-rate corresponding to
ment may be mounted on the primary device. the maximum output signal.

3.2 meter tube: Pipe section of the primary device 3.10 cathodic protection: Electrochemical means
through which the liquid to be measured flows; its of preventing electrolytic corrosion of conduits.
inner surface is usually electrically insulated.
3.11 reference conditions: Conditions for cali-
bration of a flowmeter in accordance with clause 8
3.3 meter electrodes: One or more pairs of contacts of this International Standard.
by means of which the induced voltage is detected.

3.4 magnetic field: Magnetic flux, generated by the

electromagnet in the primary device, which passes 4 Symbols and units
through the meter tube and through the liquid.
The following symbols are used in this International
3.5 electrode signal: Total potential difference be-
tween the electrodes, consisting of the flow signal
and the signals not related to flow such as in-phase, Symbol Quantity Units
quadrature and common mode voltages.
B Magnetic flux density tesla (T)
3.51 flow signal: That part of the electrode signal
Inside diameter of meter
metres (m)

which is proportional to the flow-rate and the mag-

netic field strength and which is dependent on the
K Calibration constant metres (m)
geometry of the meter tube and the electrodes. L Distance between meas- metres (m)
ISO 6817:1992 uring electrodes
u Mean axial liquid velocity metres per
3.52 in-phase voltage: That part of the electrode 635d42ce913e/iso-6817-1992 second (m/s)
signal in phase with the flow signal but which does V Flow signal (electromotive volts (V)
not vary with the flowrate. force)
k Constant (dimensionless)
NOTE 1 This definition applies only to primary devices
with a.c.-energized electromagnets. 4v Volume flow-rate of the cubic metres

3.53 quadrature voltage: That part of the electrode

signal which is 90” out of phase with the flow signal
and which does not vary with the flow-rate.

3.54 common mode voltage: Voltage which exists 5 Theoretical requirements

equally between each electrode and a reference
5.1 General
3.6 reference signal: Signal, proportional to the
magnetic flux created in the primary device, which When a liquid moves in a magnetic field, voltages
is compared in the secondary device with the flow (e.m.f.s) are generated in accordance with
signal. Faraday’s law (see figure 1). If the field is perpen-
dicular to an electrically-insulated pipe which con-
tains the moving liquid and if the electrical
3.7 output signal: Output from the secondary de- conductivity of the liquid is not too low, a voltage
vice which is a function of the flow-rate. may be measured between fwo electrodes on the
wall of the pipe. This voltage is proportional to the
magnetic flux density, the average velocity of the
3.8 calibration factor of the primary device: A liquid and the distance between the electrodes. Thus
number which enables the flow signal to be related the velocity and hence the flow-rate of the liquid may
to the volume flow-rate (or average velocity) under be measured.

IS0 6817:1992(E)

5.2 Basic equation usually determined by wet calibration, as described

in clause 9 and in IS0 9104.
In accordance with Faraday’s law of induction, the
strength of the induced voltages is given by the
simplified expression as 6 Construction and principle of operation
V= kBL,U. . . . (1)
6.1 General
The volume flow-rate in the case of a circular pipe
is As indicated schematically in figures 1 and 2, a pipe
is so placed with respect to the magnetic field that
-- nD2 u the path of the conductive liquid, flowing in the pipe,
4v - 4
. . . (2)
is normal to the magnetic field. In accordance with
Faraday’s law, motion of the liquid through the
which combined with equation (1) gives magnetic field induces an electromotive force in the
liquid in a path mutually normal to the field and the
... direction of liquid motion. By placing electrodes in
insulated mountings or by using insulated elec-
trodes with capacitance-type coupling in the pipe in
a diametrical plane normal to the magnetic field, a
potential difference proportional to the flow velocity
is produced which can be processed by a secondary
device. Meters based on this principle are capable
Equation (4) may be interpreted in various ways to of measuring flow in either direction through the
produce a calibration factor which in practice is meter tube.


( Magnet Ic flux

ISO 6817:1992 /-
635d42ce913e/iso-6817-1992 Electrodes


Magnetic cdl

B Magnetic flux density

Inside diameter of meter tube

V Flow signal (electromotive force)

U Mean axial liquid velocity

Figure 1 - Principle of an electromagnetic flowmeter

IS0 6817:1992(E)

The electromagnetic flowmeter consists of a primary chosen to be compatible with the liquid to be me-
device through which the process liquid flows, and tered.
a secondary device which converts the low-level
signal generated by the primary device into a Other specific designs are also available, for exam-
standardized signal for suitable acceptance by in- ple, a cast steel case with the coils insulated inside
dustrial instrumentation (see, for example, IEC 381). the case and liners fitted internally to this again.
The system produces an output signal proportional Flanges are usually provided to connect the primary
to volume flow-rate (or average velocity). Its appli- device to the plant pipework, although flangeless
cation is generally limited only by the requirement meters are available in smaller sizes.
that the metered liquid shall be electrically
The coils producing the magnetic field may be en-
conductive and non-magnetic.
ergized from the normal single-phase supply, or
The primary and the secondary devices can be from some other supply. The coil assembly is either
combined in a single assembly. mounted externally or encapsulated within the pipe.
In the latter case, the pipe may be made of magnetic
6.2 Primary devices
In industrial electromagnetic flowmeters, the coils in
The primary device of an electromagnetic flowmeter the primary device can be either
consists of the coils, a yoke of ferromagnetic ma-
terial, the meter tube through which the liquid flows - a.c. energized, or
and the electrodes. The primary device may contain
circuitry for deriving the reference signal. - d.c. energized.
Figure3 shows an exploded view of an industrial The pulsed direct current (d.c.) meter is one in which
primary device. The coils and the yoke are arranged the field windings of the primary device are ener-
to produce a magnetic field, the meter tube is a gized from a source creating a pulsating current.
non-magnetic material such as plastic, ceramic, al- The meter samples the signal at zero magnetic field
uminium, brass or non-magnetic stainless steel. An and zero adjusts, but does not differentiate against
insulating lining is used with metallic tubes to pre- all other spurious signals.
vent the metal tube from short-circuiting (
electrode signal. The lining may be glass, General guidance on various aspects of the primary
elastomer, plastic, ceramic, etc. (see annex A). The ISO 6817:1992 device is set out in 7.1 and physical features are
materials used for the lining and the electrodes are considered in annex A.

/- FLanges


Pipe with Insulating layer -J L- Electrode I

Flow signal cable


Figure 2 - Elements of an industrial electromagnetic flowmeter

IS0 6817:1992(E)


ISO 6817:1992

1 Upper housing
2 Coil
3 Electrodes

4 Meter tube
5 Lining
6 Lower housing

Figure 3 - Exploded view of the primary device of an electromagnetic flowmeter

IS0 6817:1992(E)

6.3 Secondary devices In a pulsed d.c. system, under ideal or reference

conditions, the peak-to-peak value of the electrode
Secondary devices carry out the following pro- signals, (VP + V,), is proportional to the flow velocity
cesses: in the pipeline and J$ is also equal to Vn [see
figure 4a)], where VP = positive voltage and Vn =
a) amplify and proc :ess the electrode and reference negative voltage.
signals to obtain a signa I proportional to flow;
In a practical situation, if the zero or “no-flow” signal
is offset in the positive direction by an amount Ve,
b) eliminate, as far as possible, spurious e.m.fs.
then the positive signal is (VP + I/e) and the negative
These include common mode and quadrature
signal is (& - I/e) [figure4b)]. Hence the overall
value of the electrode signal is (V, + VJ and the
offset zero is eliminated. The same applies if the
c) provide means of compensating for supply volt-
offset is in the negative direction.
age and frequency variations where necessary;
The system thus eliminates zero errors automati-
d ) provide means of compensating or minimizing cally at all times and zero adjustment is not usually
magnetic field strength variations in the primary required, either at start-up/commissioning or at any
device. This is important since it directly affects time during subsequent operation.
repeatability of the voltage at the measurement
electrodes. General guidance on the function and installation of
secondary devices is presented in 7.2.
Compensation is achieved by the following means:

a) a gain-compensated amplifier in which the gain

is proportional to the supply frequency and in- 6.4 System output
versely proportional to the supply voltage;
b) a system in which the output is proportional to
The system output can be one or more of the fol-
the ratio of the flow signal and a reference signal
derived from the field current. At a given flow- a) analog direct current in accordance with IEC
rate both signals may vary with supply voltage 381-1;
and frequency, but their ratio will remain con- ISO 6817:1992
stant; b) analog direct voltage in accordance with IEC
c) a system in which the field current is stabilized.
c) a frequency output in the form of scaled or un-
For alternating current (a.c.) energized systems with scaled pulses;
unregulated coil current, the secondary device
measures the ratio of V/B (see clause 5). Voltages d) digital.
other than the flow signal (v) may be picked up by
electrode leads. These voltages may be generated
by the varying flux intersecting a loop composed of 6.5 Effect of the liquid conductivity
the electrode leads, the electrodes, and the liquid
connecting the electrodes (transformer effect). Such If the electrical conductivity of the liquid is uniform
a voltage will be approximately 90” out of phase with in the measuring section of the meter, the electric
the flow signal. That portion which is 90’ out of field distribution is independent of the liquid con-
phase is called “quadrature”. The remainder is ductivity and therefore the meter output is generally
called the “in-phase” component. The “in-phase” independent of the liquid conductivity. Minimum op-
component is zeroed at no-flow during initial instal- erational conductivity requirements should be ob-
lation, unless the flowmeters have a device which tained from the manufacturers.
provides this function automatically.
The internal impedance of the primary device obvi-
If the coil current is regulated, the magnetic field is ously depends upon the liquid conductivity, and very
considered to be constant and it is only necessary large changes in this impedance may produce er-
to measure the electrode signal. If the coil current rors in the output signal. If the conductivity is not
is not regulated, then, in order to compensate for uniform throughout the meter, errors may also oc-
variations in the magnetic field, the secondary de- cur. A heterogeneous fluid composed of small parti-
vice may use a reference signal obtained from the cles uniformly distributed in a medium can be
primary element. This reference signal may be de- considered as a homogeneous liquid.
rived from the supply voltage, the supply current, the
flux density in the metal or the flux density in the air Deposition of electrically conducting layers on the
gap* inside surface of the liner may also lead to errors.

ISO, 6817:1992(E)

6.6. Reynolds number effect I 7 Installation desig’n and practice

In industrial, electromagnetic flowmeters, the effect
of Reynolds number is usually so small that for 7.1 Primary devices
practical purposes it can be ignored.
7.1 .I Size
6.7 Velocity profile effect
Usually the bore of the primary device tube will be
Distortions in velocity profiles may be caused by the same as that of the adjacent pipework. If, in this
pipe fittings (bends, valves, reducers, etc.) placed case, the mean axial velocity corresponding to the
upstream or downstream from the flowmeter; the maximum flow-rate is less than that recommended
resulting flow patterns may have an influence on the a primary devi’ce with a
by the manufacturer,
performance of the meter. smaller bore should be used. A primary device with
In general, the user should *comply with the manu- a bore smaller than that of the adjacent pipework
facturer’s recommendations for installation in order may also be used for other reasons, e.g. to reduce
to minimize these effects. cost or in the interests of rationalization. Information
on the allowable tolerances for matching the pipe
Flow pattern effects are described in and meter tube bores is given in IS0 9104.

Posltlve Measurfng Interval


ISO 6817:1992
Negative Measurlng Interval

al Ideal conditions

Random noise

No-flow signal


b) Practical condltlons

Figure 4 - Principle of pulsed d.c. (bipolar) system

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