Controlling The Dynamics of Atomic Correlations Via The Coupling To A Dissipative Cavity

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Controlling the dynamics of atomic correlations via the coupling to a dissipative cavity

Catalin-Mihai Halati,1 Ameneh Sheikhan,2 Giovanna Morigi,3 and Corinna Kollath2

Department of Quantum Matter Physics, University of Geneva, Quai Ernest-Ansermet 24, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Physikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Nussallee 12, 53115 Bonn, Germany
Theoretische Physik, Universität des Saarlandes, Campus E26, D-66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
(Dated: April 1, 2024)
In this Letter, we report the onset of periodic oscillations of coherences in an interacting bosonic gas cou-
pled to a resonator after a quantum quench. This dynamics extends the collapse and revival features of atomic
arXiv:2403.20096v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas] 29 Mar 2024

correlations in optical lattices to a dissipative scenario and exhibits hallmarks of synchronization. The behavior
emerges from the interplay of the quantum dissipative nature of the cavity field and the presence of a (approxi-
mate) strong symmetry in the dissipative system, providing a general recipe to engineer intriguing quantum dy-
namics. Additionally, we show that the approximate symmetry can arise dynamically during self-organization
and can be employed to obtain long-lived coherences.

Open system control and measurement control have at- tection of the dynamics by a strong symmetry, and it is related
tracted an enormous interest in the last decade for the engi- to purely imaginary eigenvalues of the Liouvillian operator,
neering of many body quantum systems [1–5]. Most propos- called rotating coherences [33]. The coupling between atoms
als target the creation of interesting steady states, e.g. topolog- and cavity determines which atomic correlations exhibit long-
ical states of fermionic matter [6], non-trivial transport proper- lived oscillations, and thus can become synchronized [34, 35],
ties [7], quantum phases stemming from long-range spin inter- and which instead are damped rapidly by the dissipative cou-
actions [8–12], or exhibiting dynamical synthetic gauge fields pling. In particular, for the chosen coupling, the coherences
[13–18]. Much less attention has been devoted to the design between sites at even distances exhibit long-lived oscillatory
of environments affecting the dynamical properties of a quan- dynamics, while the coherences at odd distances are strongly
tum system. In Ref. [19] we pointed out that it is extremely suppressed (as sketched in Fig. 1(a)). We show that the quan-
important for state engineering to consider the dynamics of tum nature of the cavity field is essential in determining this
correlations. For example, even though the BCS supercon- dynamics and that the self-organization of the approximate
ducting state itself can be targeted as a steady state by dissi- symmetry can lead to a similar behavior.
pation [20], the desired superconducting current-current cor- One important element for understanding the dynamics of
relations are not present as long as the dissipative coupling is a dissipative system is the spectrum of the Liouvillian. For
applied [19]. large dissipation rates Γ, the eigenvalues of the Liouvillian
In contrast, for isolated many body systems the dynami- are clustered in bands, with gaps between the real parts pro-
cal features were in the spotlight in the last years. In this portional to Γ. An exemplary spectrum of the Bose-Hubbard
regard, an often employed scenario in ultracold atoms experi- model coupled to a dissipative cavity is shown in Fig. 1(b), de-
ments is the quantum quench [21–25], e.g. in the observation termined using exact diagonalization (ED). Due to the direct
of the collapse and revival of the matter wave field of a Bose- dissipative coupling to the photon losses, most eigenstates of
Einstein condensate [26]. In this experiment, a quench of the Liouvillian have an eigenvalue whose real part is ∝ Γ,
the optical lattice potential was performed on a Bose-Einstein e.g. in the subspaces marked with P1 and P2 , signaling an
condensate and despite the presence of an extremely strong exponential decay of their contribution to the time evolution
interactions a series of collapses and revivals of the coherence of the density matrix. However, in many-body and hybrid sys-
has been observed. The origin of the persistent oscillations tems, the situation can be much more complex and eigenstates
of long-lived coherences could be associated with the inter- can exist with decay rates smaller than Γ, i.e. the states lying
action present between atoms and is therefore a many-body in the lowest subspace P0 . The dynamics which takes place
dynamical effect. Another proposed scenario in which persis- in P0 is protected from the fast decay, since a direct coupling
tent oscillations are present is due to a periodic Floquet driving to dissipation is absent. Previous open system engineering [3]
[27, 28]. In such a situation, the so-called time crystal behav- used often the decoherence free subspace Λ0 (subspace of P0 ),
ior has been observed [29–32], in which oscillations with a i.e. corresponding to vanishing real parts of the eigenvalues.
frequency different from the driving frequency arise. In the following, we show that in the considered sce-
In this work, we present a general recipe on how the in- nario exciting possibilities arise to engineer dynamical fea-
terplay of dissipation and symmetries can be used in order to tures within the meta-stable subspace P0 . By designing the
engineer intriguing dynamical phenomena in open quantum dissipative coupling, here via the coupling to a lossy cav-
systems. We exemplify this by designing long lived synchro- ity, we can choose which dynamical features are rapidly sup-
nized coherences with a spatial structure for a system of inter- pressed (e.g., in Fig. 1(b) correlations probing the excited sub-
acting bosonic atoms coupled to an optical cavity. The real- spaces Λ1 within P0 , or Pn>0 ) and which are protected up to
ization of the long lived coherences relies on an intricate in- long times (with dynamics dominated by the lowest subspace
terplay between the dissipative state engineering and the pro- Λ0 within P0 ). For example, in Fig. 1(b)-(c), the expectation

(a) (e) where a and a† are the annihilation and creation operators for
the photon mode and the dissipation of the photons due to the
imperfections of the mirror has strength Γ. The Hamiltonian
H contains the terms
(b) (c) (d)
L L−1
UX X †
Hint = nj (nj − 1), Hkin = −J (bj bj+1 + H.c.),
2 j=1 j=1
Hc = ℏδa† a, Hac = −ℏΩ(a + a† ) (−1)j nj . (2)

Hint is the repulsive on-site interaction term of strength U ,

FIG. 1: (a) Sketch of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice poten- and Hkin the kinetic tunneling processes of the atoms with
tial. The operator Oe probes the coherence between sites at even
the amplitude J. The system is transversely pumped with a
distance and Oo at odd distance. (b)-(d) Eigenvalues spectra of the
Liouvillian modeling the Bose-Hubbard model coupled to a dissipa- standing-wave laser beam, with δ the detuning of the cavity
with respect to the pump beam. The period of the lattice is
√ (1)-(2), obtained with ED for L = 4 sites,
tive cavity mode, Eqs.
N = 2 particles, ℏΩ N /J = 1323, ℏδ/J = 5000, ℏΓ/J = 750, chosen to be twice the period of the cavity mode, such that
U/J = 10. We show the lowest (b) 1000 (c) 50 (d) 34 eigenvalues, the cavity mode effectively couples to the even odd density
imbalance of the atoms, ∆ = j (−1)j nj , with the effective
where panels (c) and (d) are zoom ins of (b) and (c) at the right of
the vertical dashed gray lines (as depicted by the gray arrows). We coupling strength Ω. Interacting bosonic models on a lattice
mark with Pn the subspaces containing n photonic excitations, with
coupled to an optical cavity have been realized experimentally
Λ0 and Λ1 the states corresponding to the decoherence free subspace
and first excited subspace in the limit of vanishing J, respectively. in [43–45], while theoretical studies focused mostly on steady
The operator Oe couples mainly to states in Λ0 and Oo to states in state properties [37, 41, 42, 46–58].
Λ1 . (e) The dependence on the on-site interaction U of the imag- We analyze the quench scenario in which initially the
inary part of the lowest eigenvalue whose imaginary part is in the atoms are in the Bose-Hubbard ground state and the atoms-
range [0.75U, 1.25U ]. cavity coupling is suddenly turned on. We perform the ex-
act time evolution of the master equation Eq. (1)-(2) using a
recently developed method based on time-dependent matrix
value of the operator Oo will experience fast oscillations and product states (tMPS) techniques (see Supplemental [59] and
a rapid decay to its steady state value, compared to Oe , as it Ref. [60]). We further complement our understanding with an-
couples to an eigenstate with much larger magnitude of the alytical results in the limit of vanishing hopping J [59, 60] and
real and imaginary parts, while still within the space P0 . ED for small systems. These approaches go beyond the often
Combining the dissipative nature with (approximate) strong employed mean-field treatment of the cavity-atoms coupling
symmetries gives another handle on the engineering of dy- [42]. In order to underline the effect of the cavity field, we
namical features. In the presence of a strong symmetry contrast our results for the exact time-evolution of the atom-
[33, 36], for which the generator commutes with both the cavity system with the dynamics of a Bose-Hubbard model
Hamiltonian and the jump operators, the dynamics decouples in the presence of a classical light field, i.e. a superlattice po-
in distinct symmetry sectors, each with its own steady or ro- tential. The superlattice potential V (t) can be obtained as a
tating states. In case one slightly breaks the strong symmetry mean-field description of the coupled cavity-atoms dynamics,
[37], this generally reduces the number of steady states and Eqs. (1)-(2), when the cavity is assumed to be a classical co-
gives rise to many slowly decaying states forming the sub- herent state. The Hamiltonian in this situation is given by
space Λ0 within P0 . The decay timescale of this symmetry HMF = Hint + Hkin − V (t)∆. For V (t) we use a potential that
protected metastable states depends on the magnitude of the corresponds at a mean-field level to the exact cavity dynam-
symmetry breaking term and can potentially be much smaller ics (see Supplemental [59]), and we refer to it as the classical
than the dissipative gaps of the Liouvillian in the presence field approach.
of the strong symmetry. For example, the states shown in Results in the presence of the approximate strong symme-
Fig. 1(e) would have zero real part in the limit J = 0, how- try: We begin our analysis in the regime of vanishing atomic
ever, even at finite J their real parts are still much smaller than tunneling J = 0, where analytical results can be obtained,
the ones corresponding to the states in Λ1 . [59]. This is motivated by the fact that at J = 0 a strong
We consider a one-dimensional lattice of interacting ultra- symmetry arises in the model, as the local densities are con-
cold bosonic atoms inside a high finesse cavity. The dynamics served quantities, commuting with both the Hamiltonian and
of the system is given by a Lindblad equation for the density the jump operator [33, 36]. These results provide crucial in-
operator [38–42] formation to our understanding also at small finite J, where
the sectors of the symmetry are still a good approximate de-
∂ i Γ scription. We show the ED spectra of L in Fig. 1(b)-(d) for a
2aρa† − a† aρ − ρa† a . (1)

ρ = Lρ = − [H, ρ] +
∂t ℏ 2 small system. We note that the parameters used correspond to

a regime similar to the experiment performed in [44]. (a) (b)

One can attribute the subspaces Pn , Fig. 1(b), to excitations

on top of the photonic coherent state, for which the main con-
tribution to the real part is given by nℏΓ/2 and by ℏδ to the
imaginary part. The subspaces with n > 0 show a fast de-
(c) (d)
cay and, thus, are important only for the short time dynamics.
Therefore, we focus the analysis on P0 , and in particular on
the lowest two subspaces Λ1 and Λ0 , Fig. 1(c). In these sub-
spaces the photon state is in a coherent state determined by the
atomic density distribution. Λ1 contains excited states captur-
ing the coherence between different atomic distribution char-
acterized by imbalances ∆ and ∆±2. These coherences decay (e) (f)
with a rate which depends, at large dissipation strength, in-
versely on Γ [59], as known from the Zeno effect. In contrast,
Λ0 is the decoherence free subspace, consisting of eigenstates
with vanishing real part, which are protected by the strong
symmetry for J = 0. As we detail in the Supplemental mate-
rial [59], there are several types of states in Λ0 , steady states
of the form ρ0,st = |α(∆); {nj }⟩ ⟨α(∆); {nj }|, or traceless
coherences ρ0 = |α(∆); {nj }⟩ α(∆); {n′j } between states FIG.D 2: TimeE evolution of the single particle correlations
with different density distribution and the same odd-even im- Re b†4 b4+d , for the (a)-(b) dissipative quantum description of
balance. In the case in which the latter describes a coherence the √cavity (Eqs. (1)-(2)) and (c)-(d) classical field approach, for
between states with different interaction energies, the corre- ℏΩ N /J = 1323, ℏδ/J = 5000, ℏΓ/J = 750, U/J = 10,
sponding eigenvalue has a finite imaginary part (marked by N = 7, L = 14. The dashed black curve in (a) and (b) D represents
the orange line in Fig. 1(d)). Such states are called rotating an exponential fit of the decay of the maxima for Re b†4 b5 . The
coherences and can lead to persistent synchronized oscilla- dashed black curve in D(c) andE (d) represents the interpolated behavior
tions in the long-time limit [33–35]. We checked the depen- of the maxima of Re b†4 b5 for the classical field case. (e) Inverse
dence of the imaginary part on U for the ED results for small timescales for dissipative quantum dynamics, the points correspond
J in Fig. 1(e), recovering the linear dependence expected for to data extracted from the tMPS evolution and lines to the J = 0
J = 0. eigenvalues [59], with red | Im λ0 | = U , brown | Re λ1 | = δ22ℏΩ Γ
+Γ2 /4
We observe that a finite J, smaller than the J = 0 gap and | Im λ1 | = δ24ℏΩ δ
+Γ2 /4
(1 − ∆) in green (∆ = 7), purple (∆ = 5)
between Λ1 and Λ0 , induces a finite real part to all eigen- and orange (∆ = 3). (f) Inverse timescales for classical field dynam-
values, except one, lying in Λ0 (see Fig. 1(d)). This marks ics, extracted from the numerical simulations with circles and the late
the transition from multiple steady states due the strong sym- time value of the potential V0 = V (t ≈ 5) and V0 ± U with squares.
metry to a single steady state in absence of the symmetry.
The slight breaking of the symmetry creates a subspace of
long-lived metastable states only weakly coupled to dissipa- on much faster timescales (Fig. 2(a)-(b)). We extract these
tion, which dominate the long-time dynamics, as we see in timescales and we see very good agreement with the analyti-
the time-evolution of the atomic correlations, Fig. 2(a)-(b) cally computed eigenvalues corresponding to Λ1 in Fig. 2(e)
(same parameters as in Fig. 1(b)-(e)). Here we depict
D theEtime- (brown for the decay rate and green, purple and orange for the
evolution of the single particle correlations, Re b†4 b4+d , ob- frequencies of the oscillations). We note that at J = 0 the syn-
tained with the tMPS based approach of simulating Eqs. (1)- chronized oscillations are related to the fact that the operators
(2), for a larger system (see Supplemental [59]). For odd dis- b†i bi+d , for d even, can be used to construct the eigenstates
tances d the single particle correlations probe the evolution with purely imaginary eigenvalues [34, 35, 59].
of the states contained in Λ1 , while for even distances d the Furthermore, the importance of the dissipative quantum na-
states in the subspace Λ0 are probed. We observe extremely ture of the cavity field is highlighted by the comparison with
different timescales for odd and even correlations, which re- the case of a classical field realizing a superlattice potential
produce very well the dynamics we aimed to engineer and HMF , (Fig. 2(a)-(b) in contrast to Fig. 2(c)-(d)). For the sin-
characterized in terms of the approximate strong symmetry. gle particle correlations at even distances the oscillation fre-
At even distances the single particle correlations show oscil- quency is the same for both the quantum and classical case,
lations (Fig. 2(a)), whose frequencies are determined by the given by U , but in the case of the classical potential the os-
value of U (red points and line in Fig. 2(e)). The oscillations cillations do not show an attenuation up to the times shown
are only weakly damped on the timescale of atomic hopping (Fig. 2(c)). For odd distances the difference in behavior is
J. In contrast, for odd distances both the frequencies of the even more striking, for the classical field the frequencies of
oscillations and their exponential decay to a small value occur the oscillations are given by the height of the potential and

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIG. 3: (a) Time evolution of the photon number (Eqs. (1)-(2)).

Dashed orange line corresponds to an exponential fit of the decay of
the short time oscillations, with a decay rate τ −1 /J = 261 ± 12 ≈
ℏΓ/2J. (b) The frequency (magenta) and decay rate (gray) of the
short time oscillations of the photon number versus ℏΓ/J, the points
are extracted from the tMPS simulations and the lines are given by
| Re λP1 | = ℏΓ/2 and | Im λP1 | = ℏδ. Parameters
√ used are L = 14,
N = 7, ℏδ/J √ = 5000, U/J = 10, (a) ℏΩ N /J = 6614, ℏΓ/J =
FIG.D 4: (a)-(b) Time evolution of the single particle correlations
500, (b) ℏΩ N /J = 1323. E √
Re b†4 b4+d (a) for a strong coupling ℏΩ N /J = 3.35, (b) for

weak ℏΩ N /J = 1.72 and U/J = 2, L = 14, N = 7, ℏΓ/J = 1,
on-site interactions (as shown in Fig. 2(d)-(e)), and the oscil- ℏδ/J = 2 (c)-(d) Frequencies extracted from the dynamics of single
lations do not decay up to long times (dashed black line in particle correlations as a function of U and Ω. The lines at ω = U
(brown) and ω = V0 (dark red) represent the expectation for the
Fig. 2(c)). Thus, the suppression of the correlations at odd
collapse and revival dynamics for a deep superlattice, where V0 =
distances is due to the open quantum nature of the cavity field V (t ≈ 75).
and cannot be explained at a mean-field level by a classical
superlattice potential.
Photon number dynamics: An interesting question is what
timescales are reflected in the relaxation behavior of the pho- ℏδ/J = 2, U/J = 2. In this situation, it is much harder to
ton number. We observe in Fig. 3(a) that after an initial fast obtain analytical insights or track individual eigenvalues in the
increase the photon number exhibits damped oscillations and ED spectrum, however the numerical tMPS methods allow for
afterwards maintains a fairly constant value. The frequency of simulations up to long times, Fig. 4.
the oscillations is consistent with the value of the detuning δ The results show that at strong atoms-cavity coupling, deep
and the observed fast decay with the inverse timescale of Γ/2 in the self-organized phase [55, 56], we observe very sim-
(see Fig. 3(b) and [59]), corresponding to the subspace P1 in ilar synchronized oscillations in the single particle correla-
Fig. 1(b). We note that the photon number has not reached the tions at even distances as before, surviving up to very long
steady state for the latest time shown in Fig. 3(a), the long time times, Fig. 4(a). In contrast, for a coupling close to the self-
dynamics corresponds to timescales set by the subspace Λ0 . organization threshold the oscillations are absent, Fig. 4(b).
Additional information can be obtained by investigating the In order to verify that the synchronized oscillations occur-
single quantum trajectories sampled in our numerical method. ring in this regime are induced by coherences between states
The photon number indicates that the trajectories are projected with different interaction energies, we look at the scaling of
quickly to subspaces spanned by states with the same imbal- their frequency with U , Fig. 4(b). We obtain the expected
ance ∆ (shown in the Supplemental [59]). These results can linear scaling with U as for the ED results in Fig. 1(e) in the
be interpreted in connection with the phenomenon of dissipa- regime of small J. Furthermore, as√we go deeper into the self-
tive freezing for the case of an approximate strong symmetry organized phase by increasing ℏΩ N /J, the higher value of
[37, 61, 62]. the two frequencies approaches the value of the interaction U ,
Cavity-induced self-organized synchronization: Up to this as shown in Fig. 4(d). This implies that the states with coher-
point we made the connection between the timescales ob- ences between configurations with the same imbalance, but
served in the single particle correlations and the eigenvalues of different interaction energies, are long lived metastable states
the Liouvillian for small J in the regime of large detuning and and produce the oscillations observed. For large Ω the atoms
dissipation. Next, we show that even in regimes initially far feel a strong self-organized potential, which by suppressing
from the strong symmetry, due to the self-organization of the the atomic kinetic energy gives rise to an emergent approx-
cavity-atom system, an approximate symmetry arises which imate strong symmetry, similar to the one we discussed for
again protects synchronized long lived coherences. This can small J. In contrast to the small J case, in this situation a
be understood since up to zero order, the effect of the cav- similar synchronized oscillatory behavior and dependence of
ity field is to create a deep superlattice for the atoms which the frequencies is recovered from the simulations in a classical
suppresses tunneling and restores effectively the symmetry. potential (Fig. 4(a),(c),(d)) and the single particle correlations
In order to show this, we take the very challenging regime at odd distances are not suppressed to such a small value as
in which all the parameters are comparable, e.g ℏΓ/J = 1, before, Fig. 4(a). After an initial decay the correlations satu-

rate to a finite value comparable to the value obtained in the

classical potential. However, in the classical potential the cor-
relations at odd distances exhibits the oscillations induced by
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In the main text we contrast the dynamics of single-particle

correlations of the Bose-Hubbard model coupled to the quan-
tum dissipative field of an optical cavity with results of a
closed system in which the interacting bosons are subject to
a superlattice staggered potential. In the latter case, the stag-
gered potential can be derived as a mean-field description of
the cavity-atoms coupling, approach in which the cavity field
is described by a classical coherent field [40, 41, 74]. Within
this approximation the atoms are described by the Hamilto-

nian symmetry, the generators of the symmetry need to commute

with both the Hamiltonian and the jump operators, which in
HMF = Hint + Hkin + Hstag (B.1) our case are the local atomic density operators.
L We can block diagonalize the Liouvillian into symme-
Hint = nj (nj − 1), try sectors of the form |pho; {nj }⟩ pho′ , {n′j } , where the
2 j=1 atomic states are fully characterized by the densities distribu-
L−1 tions {nj } and {n′j }, and the photonic states |pho⟩ and ⟨pho′ |
(b†j bj+1 + b†j+1 bj ),
Hkin = −J need to be determined. Only for the case that {nj } and {n′j }
j=1 are identical, the sector contains a physical steady state, oth-
X erwise the sector only consists of traceless states.
Hstag = −V (t)∆, ∆ = (−1)j nj , In the following, we discuss some eigenstates of L0 and
j=1 their corresponding right eigenvalues for J = 0 in more detail.
where V (t) mimics the coupling to a classical cavity field de- The steady states, which have an eigenvalue λ0,st = 0 are
scribed by a time-dependent coherent state. For the purpose given by
of the comparison performed in the main text regarding the ρ0,st = |α(∆); {nj }⟩ ⟨α(∆); {nj }| , (C.2)
behavior of the atomic correlations, we derive V (t) from ex-
act time-dependence of the photon number via the mean-field with the atomic part diagonal in the Fock space, with the lo-
relation cal densities {nj } parameterizing the symmetry sector. The
q photons are in a coherent state which dependsP on the atomic
Vexact (t) = p ⟨a† a⟩exact (t), (B.2) imbalance α(∆) = δ−iΓ/2 Ω
∆, with ∆ = j (−1)j nj . One
δ 2 + Γ2 /4
can find excited eigenstates in these sectors by creating pho-
where a† a exact (t) is given by the full model, Eqs. (1)-(2) ton excitations on top of the coherent state, for example in the
in the main text, for example shown in Fig. 3 of the main subspace of single photon excitations P1 , we have
text. This choice allows for a comparison between a quantum
ρP1 = a† − α(∆)∗ |α(∆); {nj }⟩ ⟨α(∆); {nj }| , (C.3)
dissipative and classical potentials, which contain the same
time-scales and average behavior, thus, pinpointing the role of with
the nature of the dissipation and fluctuation effects stemming
from the cavity-atoms coupling. λP1 = − − iℏδ. (C.4)
As in the effective Hamiltonian given in Eq. (B.1) we im- 2
pose the sign of the classical potential coupled to the atomic One can show that ρP1 is an eigenstate by performing a dis-
imbalance, we break the Z2 weak symmetry found in the full placement of the photonic operators with the value α(∆). Fur-
Liouvillian (Eqs. (1)-(2) in the main text) associated to chang- thermore, a harmonic oscillator ladder is obtained with the
ing the sign of the cavity field. Thus, in order to be able to creation ladder operators given by a† − α(∆)∗ generating
compare the results between the exact evolution and the mean- multi-photon excitations. Thus, the eigenvalues correspond-
field approach we perform the time evolution with both signs ing to these multi-photon excitations will have a real part
Hstag = ±V (t)∆ and average the results to describe a mix- spaced by integer multiples of −ℏΓ/2. We note that the ad-
ture of states with the two possible signs of the imbalance and joint state ρ†P1 is also an eigenstate with the eigenvalue λ∗P1 .
recover the Z2 symmetry. Next, one can show that states that are not diagonal in
the atomic part, of the form |α(∆); {nj }⟩ α(∆′ ); {n′j } are
eigenstates with the eigenvalues
Symmetries and Liouvillian spectrum for vanishing hopping
J =0 1 ℏΩ2 Γ
λ(∆, u, ∆′ , u′ ) = − 2 (∆ − ∆′ )2 (C.5)
2 δ + Γ2 /4
In the first part of the main text we consider parameter ℏΩ2 δ
2 ′2 ′
regimes in which a separation of scales exists between the pa- +i 2 (∆ − ∆ ) − (u − u ) ,
δ + Γ2 /4
rameters describing the cavity field and the ones correspond-
ing to the atoms, ℏΓ, ℏΩ, ℏδ ≫ J. Thus, it is useful to get an with the odd-even imbalances, ∆ = j (−1) nj and
∆′ = j ′
intuition regarding the spectrum of the Liouvillian in the limit j (−1) nj and the total interaction energies u =
of vanishing hopping, J = 0, U
P ′ U
P ′ ′
2 j nj (nj − 1) and u = 2 j nj (nj − 1). Based on
i the values of the imbalances and interaction energies we can
L0 (·) = − [Hc + Hint + Hac , ·] + D(·). (C.1) identify the following cases:

In this limit we can analytically compute the eigenstates and • For ∆ = ∆′ , even for different density distributions
eigenvalues of L0 . We can observe that in L0 all atomic op- {nj } and {n′j }, the states
erators are diagonal in the position basis due to a strong sym-
metry [33, 36]. For an open quantum system to have a strong ρ0 = |α(∆); {nj }⟩ α(∆); {n′j } , (C.6)

have eigenvalues with vanishing real part Furthermore, with the knowledge of the different dissipa-
tive subspaces for J = 0 one can compute perturbatively the
λ0 = −i(u − u′ ). (C.7) steady state for finite and small J [19, 60, 75]. Considering
the contributions from the subspaces that can be accessed via
In the case u = u′ we have traceless states with λ0 = 0,
one hopping event, Λ1 and back, the effective dynamics for
showing the existence of off-diagonal coherences be-
the elements of the decoherence free subspace is given by
tween Fock states that can survive in the steady states.
Alternatively, for u ̸= u′ , we obtain states with purely ∂ 1
ρ0 = λ0 ρ0 + 2 X0 Hkin , L−1
0 X1 [Hkin , ρ0 ] . (C.11)
imaginary eigenvalues. These states, called rotating co- ∂t ℏ
herences [33], can lead to persistent synchronized os- The operators X0 and X1 are the projectors onto the decoher-
cillations in the long time limit [34, 35]. ence free subspace Λ0 and excited subspace Λ1 . The kinetic
The evolution of some of these states can be probed by term breaks the strong symmetry of L0 , which determines a
monitoring, for example, the evolution of single particle transition from multiple steady states to a unique steady state
correlations at even distances b†j bj+2d [34, 35], as they given by the mixed state [60, 64]
probe the coherences induced by states which have the 1 X
same imbalance ∆ in the bra and the ket contribution. ρmix = |α(∆); {nj }⟩ ⟨α(∆); {nj }| , (C.12)
{nj }
Furthermore, as shown in Ref. [34, 35], we can use
the operators b†i bi+2d to construct the states with purely where the sum runs over all possible density configurations
imaginary eigenvalues. As the following conditions are {nj } and N is the number of these configurations. The state
fulfilled ρmix exhibits strong, however classical, correlations between
the cavity field and the atoms, as for each term in the sum the
[Hc + Hint + Hac , b†i bi+2d ]ρ0,st = (C.8) cavity field is fully determined by the atomic imbalance. By
= −U (ni+2d − 1 − ni )b†i bi+2d ρ0,st , tracing out the photonic states we obtain a fully mixed, infinite
temperature, state for the atoms as all density configurations
[a, b†i bi+2d ]ρ0,st = 0, have the same probability.

then the state b†j bj+2d ρ0,st is an eigenstate of the Li-

ouvillian L0 with the eigenvalue −U (nj+2d − 1 − Dynamics of single quantum trajectories
nj )i. Thus, we recover a subset of the states given in
Eq. (C.6). We note that in Eq. (C.8) we made use in the
calculation that ρ0,st is diagonal in the Fock space. (a) (b)

All the states with a zero real part, Eq. (C.2) and
Eq. (C.6), are part of the decoherence free subspace Λ0
(see Fig. 1 in the main text).
• For ∆ ̸= ∆′ we observe in Eq. (C.5) that the real part of
the eigenvalues is finite and proportional to (∆ − ∆′ )2 .
Thus, the states with the lowest decaying rate are the
ones for which ∆′ = ∆ ± 2, which we mark by the FIG. D1: Time evolution of the photon number for 500 of the sam-
subspace Λ1 in Fig. 1 in the main text, pled quantum trajectories, for the√parameters L = 14, N = 7 ,
√ = 5000, U/J = 10, (a) ℏΩ N /J = 6614, ℏΓ/J = 500, (b)
ρ1 = |α(∆); {nj }⟩ α(∆ ± 2); {n′j } , (C.9) ℏΩ N /J = 1323, ℏΓ/J = 750. The dashed black lines represent
the photon number expected for the possible values of the imbalance
corresponding to the eigenvalues ∆ ∈ {±1, ±3, ±5, ±7}.

2ℏΩ2 Γ In the presence of a strong symmetry the quantum trajecto-

λ1 (∆, u, ∆ ± 2, u′ ) = − 2 (C.10)
δ + Γ2 /4 ries obtained in the stochastic unraveling of the master equa-
2 tion can exhibit dissipative freezing [37, 61, 62], i.e. the quan-
4ℏΩ δ ′
−i 2 (1 ± ∆) + (u − u ) . tum trajectories can dynamically break the strong symmetry
δ + Γ2 /4
and be projected to just one of the symmetry sectors. This
Depending on the initial state, the decay of such states phenomenon occurs when the initial state consists of a super-
can be observed in the evolution of the single particle position of states from different symmetry sectors. The evo-
correlations at odd distances b†j bj+2d+1 . lution can be sketched as in the following
We note that a similar construction as in Eq. (C.3) is possi- projected
|ψk (t = 0)⟩ = c [{nj }] |{nj }⟩ −−−−−→ (D.1)
ble to describe the photonic excitations in the symmetry sec- {nj }
tors in which the lowest decaying states are given by the ones
of Eq. (C.6) and Eq. (C.9). |ψk (t ≫ 0)⟩ = |{nj }⟩ with probability |c [{nj }] |2 ,

(a) (b) of quantum trajectories if dissipative freezing can still occur

between certain symmetry sectors, while the coherences be-
tween others survive to long times.
In Fig. D1 we show the photon number corresponding to
single quantum trajectories in the case of small hopping J,
which slightly breaks the strong symmetry. However, we
have previously shown that also in the presence of an ap-
(c) (d)
proximate strong symmetry [37], one can still interpret the
results in the context of dissipative freezing, as the quan-
tum trajectories are initially projected to the symmetry sec-
tors and only on longer timescales, given by the symmetry
breaking term, explore other subspaces. We observe that on
short times, tJ/ℏ ∼ 0.02 in Fig. D1(a) and tJ/ℏ ∼ 0.1
in Fig. D1(b) all 500 trajectories stabilized to a value of the
FIG. D2: Time evolution of single quantum trajectories for (a), photon number corresponding to one of the possible values
(c) Dthe photon
E number and (b), (d) single particle correlations of the imbalance ∆ ∈ {±1, ±3, ±5, ±7}. This implies that
Re b†4 b4+d . Panels (a)-(b) correspond to the same trajectory from the quantum trajectories are projected to subspaces spanned
the subspace ∆ = ±5, while panels (c)-(d) correspond to a tra- by states with the same absolute value of the imbalance. Fur-
jectory from the subspace ∆ = ±1. The parameters √ used are thermore by investigating the behavior of the single particle
L = 14, N = 7, ℏδ/J = 5000, U/J = 10, ℏΩ N /J = 1323, correlations for a trajectory, e.g. corresponding to an imbal-
ℏΓ/J = 750. ance |∆| = 5 in Fig. D2(b), we can infer that coherences
within these subspaces
D areEmaintained. We can see that at

even distances Re b4 b4+d exhibits the oscillating dynam-
where {nj } represents the set of conserved quantities of the
symmetry, in our case the local densities, and c [{nj }] the ics we observed in the Monte Carlo average and discussed
initial amplitudes for each state. We note that in the case in the main text, showing the presence of coherences within
in which multiple states with the same values of the con- the single trajectory. This in contrast to correlations at odd
served quantities exist, the state |ψk (t)⟩ can still evolve in distance which are quickly suppressed and quantify the co-
time within the symmetry sector. This evolution implies that herence between sectors with a different |∆|. The behavior
the steady state of the of the odd distance single particle correlations is different for
P system is2 described by a mixed state the quantum trajectories which are projected to the symme-
of the form ρmix = |c [{nj }] | |{nj }⟩ ⟨{nj }|, without any
coherences between states from different symmetry sectors. try sectors with ∆ = ±1, Fig. D2(d). As mentioned above
Thus, a necessary condition for dissipative freezing to occur ∆ = 1 and ∆ = −1 are similar symmetry sectors and the
is that no traceless eigenstates with 0 real part of their eigen- coherence between them is not suppressed in the quantum tra-
values which correspond to coherences of different symmetry jectories. Thus, we see in Fig. D2(d) that the correlations at
sectors are present [62]. Another exception exists when one odd distances are finite, however they change sign every time
has similar symmetry sectors, for which one can find an uni- a quantum jump occurs, which leads to a small value in the
tary transformation to map the Hamiltonian of one sector to Monte Carlo average over all the trajectories.
the Hamiltonian of the other, while only changing the jump As we consider a finite J we also see in Fig. D1 that rarely
operators up to a phase factor [62]. there are trajectories that change the subspace of fixed imbal-
In the case of the system considered here [Eqs. (1)-(2) in the ance, capturing the long-time dynamics of approaching the
main text] we have shown in the previous section, Eqs. (C.6)- steady state [37].
(C.7), that in the limit J = 0 states corresponding to coher- Thus, we see that the proximity of a strong symmetry of the
ences between different density configurations, and thus dif- open system is crucial for the correlation dynamics. The pro-
ferent symmetry sectors, are present in the steady state. Fur- tection of the oscillations present in the single particle corre-
thermore, we also have similar symmetry sectors for which lations at even distances stems from the long lived coherences
nj = n′L+1−j for all j = 1, . . . , L, These sectors have an im- between degenerate approximate symmetry sectors, while the
balance of opposite signs and can be mapped to each other by suppression of the correlations at odd distances is due to the
the transformation which changes the sign of the jump opera- fact that they couple to coherence of distinct symmetry sectors
tor a → −a. Thus, it is interesting to observe in the dynamics with finite decay rate.

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