Edited Thesis 4 4 23 Repaired
Edited Thesis 4 4 23 Repaired
Edited Thesis 4 4 23 Repaired
Camanian, Angelie T.
Nabasca, Cherry Ann M.
Denila, Ruvyjane C.
December 2022
Introduction 1
Conceptual Framework 6
Statement of the Problem 8
Scope and Limitation 11
Significance of the Study 12
Definition of Terms 13
Teachers’ Personality 16
Lesson Planning 18
Assessment 20
Teaching Methods 22
Classroom Management 24
Communication Skills 27
3. Research Methodology 31
Research Design 31
Research Environment 31
Research Respondents 32
Sampling Design 32
Research Instruments 32
Data Gathering Procedures 33
Statistical Process 33
A. Letter to the Respondents 42
B. Letter to the Dean 43
C. Letter to the Supervising Teacher 44
D. Research Questionnaire 45
approaches, and instructional strategies that define the 21st century challenge
(Sumbalan, E. B. & Mugot, D.C, 2019) stated that teacher education has a
skills, the skills for learning, creative and critical thinking, collaboration and
evaluate the performance of the pre-service teachers and the criteria for
evaluation is coming from the STE office. For field study courses, the
need. Based on CMO # 30, s. 2004 entitled “Revised Policies and Standards
(Angul, Odisha, India 2016), one of the effective ways to make pre-service
under pressure, being idealistic and anxiety with observation. In the interview
the pre-service teacher for mentoring in all aspects that could really help the
pre-service teachers develop their skills. She/he must give strategies to use if
pressure might also be a problem in the class most especially if the teacher is
because at the end of the day the pre-service teachers must really observe
for evaluation and they can reflect on things that is good and useful for them.
pay attention not to commit the same error. Pre-service teachers must
observe other candidates, list down errors, and observe effective strategies to
apply in their class. Materials and time pressure are challenges. He also
added that materials and time pressure are the challenges faced in pre-
service teaching. Moreover, some of the pre-service teacher said that they
However, the pre-service must not focus on the problem but to the solution to
The main reason for a person’s failure in his job is their failure to
physical for his students (Tray, Adruse, Lau, Ting & Sandhu, 2020). However,
Despite the two Communication Arts classes and one Speech class that the
student teachers enrolled in their first two years in college, their language
ability during classroom discussions is still limited and they fall short of the
English for this the medium of instruction used in their teaching. Thus, they
are expected to develop their language skills so they can deliver their lessons
smoothly and process students answers with fluency in the language. Part of
thinking in L1, the lack of opportunity to speak English, and their lack of
skills before their teaching practice. (Hancock & Kaiser, 2002). Importantly,
is separated from language competence for the reason that it also includes
the ability to relate language competence that the language is used in. And
content area (Ayvaso & War 2016). Courses about pedagogy are also vital.
implement varied pedagogical approaches in, the courses, rather than they
assessment practices, and the use of technology in teaching. It is also vital for
present the content in a way that makes it accessible for increasingly diverse
group of learners.
essence, the result of this study may be use to form recommendations that
Conceptual Framework
Teaching Performance
and the dependent variable is the teaching performance of the BEEd pre-
number of years of teaching affect their inability to conduct their own research
after they have taken the course. Age can have a serious impact on the
perception of the pre-service student (Liu & Haque 2017). Learners who have
prior rich experiences in life might find it easier to relate to the teaching
and learning of the course whereas those with limited experience might
On the other hand, if students are beyond the traditional university students’
age; have families and face other challenges in life, learning the course would
C. 2019).
The second one that the conceptual framework talks about the
adding special subjects that will supply knowledge and skills in handling and
also recommended increasing the time frame of the actual training or the
practice teaching itself so that the pre-service teachers are having a better
Service Teachers in the three Elementary School in San Miguel where the
a. Teacher’s Personality
b. Lesson Planning
c. Assessment
d. Teaching Methods
e. Classroom Management
f. Communication Skills
a. Gender
b. Age
c. Economic Status
a. Gender
b. Age
c. Economic Status
a. Gender
b. Age
c. Economic Status
a. Gender
b. Age
c. Economic Status
a. Gender
b. Age
c. Economic Status
a. Gender
b. Age
c. Economic Status
Statement of Hypothesis
Pre-Service Teachers.
of the study are the BEEd Pre-Service Teachers of JH Cerilles State College
on the first semester 2022-2023, they were deployed in the District of San
Elementary School and Mati Elementary School. The data that we are going
to collect are their 1st demonstration in in-campus and their 2nd and 3rd
teaching performance.
regarding the chosen topic from the respondents, recent studies and related
BEEd Pre- Service Teachers. The information obtained from the study
will give valuable insights to improve the performance and apply all the
Cooperating Teachers. The results of this study, since they are the
facilitators, it will give them an awareness that may reflect them to provide
future as they are going to guide and mold pre-service teachers’ performance.
Researchers. The result of the study will give them baseline data on
them knowledge and ideas on what are the effective ways to develop and
train 21st century teachers, since they are the one who supervise the pre-
service teacher, it will give them knowledge upon the results of the study on
what are the lacking that need to addressed to improve the performance of
pre-service teachers.
Definition of Terms
The following terms are extensively used in this study, and should
the study.
reading, writing and speaking are essential in facilitating the task when
pre-service teachers.
having different or related profession/job from their child will give their fully
stimulate students to improve their critical thinking skills and deepen their
and off-campus internship and it is a set of attitudes and behaviors that result
Teachers’ Personality
& Richards, 2016). Teaching requires not only the ability to teach lesson, but
also an understanding of the rules and routines of the school culture, the
the communities in which one teaches (Sikula, Buttery, & Guyton, 1996).
thought of as those who are able to engage students in the learning process
Tominez, B. & Dela Cruz, L. (2014) implies that those who were
deployed in schools that are far from the university garnered significantly
versa. Regardless of the distance, the results may be due to how the school
models to their learners. Supported by, Stronge & Hindman (2003) concluded
teaching. They reveal a positive outlook about life and teaching. They are
reflective thinkers who exhibit high expectations for themselves and their
profession. These include “caring; fairness; respect for the learners, peers,
language and family structure), they also need an attitude of sensitivity toward
children’s experiences”.
between personality and teaching self- efficacy they showed that extraverted
teaching abilities. This does not necessarily show, however, that extraverted
states that building rapport, choosing interesting activities and task, being
Lesson Planning
already know how to design an effective curriculum. As the first stage of the
teaching process, lesson planning also determines the next stage of the
they will have the opportunity to conduct actual or almost actual teaching
reasons, the literature revealed that pre-service teachers find planning their
found the initial lesson planning steps “cumbersome”. He pointed out that
theory and practice. In lesson plan also, we can see how pre-service teachers
service teachers to think through what they teach, how they teach and how to
to plan their lessons. The literature revealed that pre-service teachers find
this point when theory intersects with practices. This is the time to teach
these pre-service teachers how to place students at the center of the planning
activities and experiences in each and every lesson and differentiation needs
writing synopsis and reaction papers, recitation, and other creative outputs
like flipbook, and making comic book. They, too, employ several techniques in
giving feedback to students. They give feedback directly. When their class
praising students who give answers to their questions correctly and whenever
and performances, multi-level test, use of report cards and monitoring outputs
they are given only 50 minutes to discuss their lessons each time they meet
they use are creative outputs such as role-playing, making flipbooks and
comic books.
evaluating their students’ works seems evident. Now that written works,
performance tasks, and products of learning are being taken with high
assessment and activities promoting high order thinking skills is not fully
validly and reliably. However, time element has been identified one factor in
assessment and activities promoting high order thinking skills is not fully
validly and reliably. However, time element has been identified one factor in
Teaching Methods
from the very clever, moderate, and there is also less able to receive lessons
middle- low ability will be left behind in the understanding of the material that
is presented. And it will cause the students mentioned are not interested and
lazy to learn because they have felt unable to do. Teaching method helps to
But the factors that affect the teaching method are a proteges
well as foster and develop interest in learning and increase learning spirit, it
can improve the learning outcomes and live up teaching process which is
teacher will achieve the goal of teaching smoothly. When the goals are
formulated in order that students have certain skills, so that the methods that
are used must be adapted to goals. Thus, the teacher should use methods
so as to achieve specific outcomes. In order for the method used for teaching
should be best for the subject matter. Furthermore, Bharadwaj & Pal (2011)
sustained that teaching methods work effectively mainly if they suit learners
(Zeeb, 2004).
teachers and students during the teaching and learning process encourages
the students to search for knowledge rather than the lecturer monopolizing
Thus, basically learning methods are learning methods that are used
by teacher to achieve the goals in teaching and learning activity. The better
and the more appropriate methods that are used in teaching and learning
activities to the student, so that the learning achievement will increase and
can be optimized.
Classroom Management
2013; LePage, 2007; Seidal & Shavelson 2007). Although there are other
(Helmke, 2007; Kunter, 2007; Nie & Lau; 2009; Oliver 2011), autonomy and
responsibility (Elias & Schwab, 2006; Lewis 2012; P’sunder, 2005), learning
achievement (Freigberg 2009; Hattie, 2009; Seidal & Shavelson, 2007; Wang
1993) as well as teacher wellbeing (Dickie, Elling 2015; Klusmann 2008) and
also feel unprepared for dealing with classroom disruptions and dealing with
difficult with student behaviors (Meister & Melnick, 2003; Parsad 2001).
participation. Space and time set the boundaries of education. We can extend
the time and space boundaries of a lesson with the help of internet and
engagement usually go hand in hand with other people are within the interest
activities, authority, critical moments such as the beginning and the end of the
lesson, tools and techniques, and working with people” (p.79). the grouping
good learning environment. The activities’ part holds that the potential of an
activity can be hindered by poor application no matter how well it has been
gathering and holding attention, deciding who does what, and getting
moments such as the beginning and the ending of the lessons are considered
devoted to the use of tools such as the board, book, gestures and techniques
managing the physical classroom, the students’ behaviors, and the activities.
It also involves dealing with the students as persons Scrivener includes such
intuition to gauge what students are feeling, eliciting honest feedback, and
silence and controlling the noise level. Merc and Subasi (2015) investigated
the problems of student teachers about classroom management and hoe they
cope with these problems. They found that problems generally come from
students, the teaching point and the materials, and cooperating teachers. To
cope with the problems they face, student teachers used their knowledge
from methodology lessons, they consult to their cooperating teacher and they
think about their experience with their previous teachers. A very similar one
that the challenges came from the physical characteristics of classrooms, pre-
Communication Skills
the teacher and students have good relations with each other. In addition,
the socialization process, these skills can help sociologist create social
social skills in order to help students respond to the environment and control
and fun teaching environment will influence students interest and behavior in
classroom not only serves to impart knowledge but builds interaction so that
the teaching and learning process achieve its goals. Communication occurs
the social relationship's mechanisms build into it, such as effective use of
processes involve verbal, nonverbal and para verbal components and are
educational field is based on the ability to express your own ideas and views
content and style of the class. Interaction between teachers and students can
The main reason for a person’s failure in his job is their failure to
physical for his students (Tray, Adruse, Lau, Ting & Sandhu, 2020).
before entering the field of teaching. It prepares teachers to face the different
diversity of students and gaps among them in a class (Resch & Schritter,
other and share information well. Several studies have shown the
their teaching practice with the level of communication ability and ultimately
Research Design
design because it dealt with fact findings and interpretations. It also intended
to find out the teaching performance of the BEEd Pre-service teachers during
respondents in order for the survey to be reliable and valid with the use of
Research Environment
JH Cerilles State College Main Campus during the school year 2022-2023,
that being deployed in the three (3) Elementary Schools in San Miguel,
convenient time.
Research Respondents
Sampling Design
Research Instruments
In conducting the study, the researchers use the rating scale. The
research instrument used in the study is a rating scale with two parts, the first
The rating scale was based on the concept of the given variables. It
contains the Pre-service Teacher’s Actual Teaching Rating Sheet and Pre-
excellent, “3.5 - 4.2” Very Good, “2.7 – 3.4” good, “1.9- 2.6” Fair and 1- 1.8
Sheet indicates 9-10 as excellent, 7-8 as very good, 5-6 as good, 4-5 as fair
and 1-2 as poor and lastly the remarks and comments from the cooperating
master’s degree chosen by the principals to every school where they are
following activities: the researchers secured first a letter from the thesis
adviser to conduct the study to the identified respondents and school. Then,
the researchers send a consent letter to the Dean asking to allow them to
administer the instrument to the respondents. And then, meet the instructor
adviser to ask for the lists of BEEd Pre-service teachers to get the total
permission from the respondents by giving them a consent letter which they
needed to sign for their participation to conduct and fulfill this study. And
After the data gather, the researchers will consolidate the data and
after consolidating the data, the result will be given to the statistician for the
Statistical Process
The statistical treatment that were use in this study are descriptive
service teachers in terms of the six domains, descriptive statistics (Mean and
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Appendix A
Supervising Instructor
Sincerely Yours,
Camanian, Angelie T.
Denila, Ruvyjane C.
Nabasca, Cherry Ann M.
Thesis Adviser Supervising Instructor
Appendix B
Research Questionnaire
Part I.
4.3-5= Excellent 3.5-4.2= Very Good 1-1.8= Needs Improvement
2.7-3.4= Good 1.9-2.6= Fair
Total: ______
Average: ______
A. The teacher had a systematic way of checking:
1. Attendance 5 4 3 2 1
2. Practice exercises 5 4 3 2 1
3. Group work/outputs 5 4 3 2 1
4. Passing in and out of the room 5 4 3 2 1
5. Correcting, distributing, and collecting paper 5 4 3 2 1
B. Order and discipline were present in the classroom 5 4 3 2 1
C. Visual aids were within easy reach of the teacher during 5 4 3 2 1
his/her teaching.
D. Worked within the timeframe allotted 5 4 3 2 1
Total: ______
Average: ______
IV. Communication Skills
A. The teacher spoke clearly with a well-modulated voice 5 4 3 2 1
B. The teacher used correct grammar in speaking 5 4 3 2 1
C. Correct responses were given by the students through the 5 4 3 2 1
teacher’s skills of questioning
D. The teacher observed correct pronounciation 5 4 3 2 1
E. The instructional aid of the teacher was free from errors in 5 4 3 2 1
grammar and spelling
F. the teachers handwriting on the board and lesson plan was 5 4 3 2 1
enough to be read and understood
G. Gave instruction clearly 5 4 3 2 1
A. Test items follow higher order thinking skills (HOTS) 5 4 3 2 1
B. Test items are within the level of understanding of the 5 4 3 2 1
C. Questions are not confusing 5 4 3 2 1
D. test questions are arranged from easy to difficult 5 4 3 2 1
Total: ______
Average: ______
Position Designation
Direction: Please rate out student teacher in the listed criteria based on the rating scale
Rated by:
Cooperating/ Critique Teachers
Attested by:
School Principal