Summary +Google+Display+Network+

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Google Display Network

GDN or Google Display Network is the largest advertising network on the internet currently. Google Display
Networks is not only known for its reach but also for the ability to target users in a variety of ways. This
session will help us understand steps to create a campaign on GDN, steps to create ads and ad groups and
the ways to optimise these advertising campaigns on Google AdWords.

How to create a campaign in Google Display Network

We understood the difference between AdSense and AdWords Platform,

1. AdSense- Allows publishers to place ads on their websites based on their content
2. AdWords- Allows advertisers select what type of users and publisher content they wanted to target and
how much they want to pay for ads

We then learned the steps to create a Google display ad campaign. The steps to be followed are as follows:
1. Go on ‘'
2. Click on the red button “+Campaign.”
3. Select the type of display campaign. There are two types of display campaign which are as follows:
• Search Network with Display Select- Here, Google first uses up the budget for search ads and
the remaining is used in display ads
• Display Network only – Here, the entire campaign budget is spent on display ads
4. Type the Name the campaign
5. Select the objective of the campaign. There are three types of objectives which are as follows:
• Build Awareness- In this objective, Google will try to show our ad to as many people as possible
• Influence Consideration- In this objective, Google tries to either increase clicks on your ad that
take users to your website/get users to engage with some content like a poll or a survey
• Drive Action- In this objective, Google ensures that users get to take action on your website or
Select one option from the following as per your product/service,
i. Buy on your website
ii. Take action on your site (for example, fill out a form)
iii. Call your business
iv. Visit your business
v. Install your mobile app
vi. Engage with your mobile app
6. Choose the locations where the ad should show.
7. Choose the language of users.
8. Decide a bid strategy- 3 automatic strategies (Reach a target cost per acquisition, Maximize clicks,
Viewable CPM) and 1 Manual.
9. Enter the budget of the campaign.
10. Add in the Additional settings
• Delivery method
• Ad extensions
• Schedule
• Ad delivery
• Device
• Dynamic ad settings
• Campaign URL
• Location options (advanced)
11. Click Save and Continue

After successfully completing the above steps, campaign in Google Display Network would be created.

How to create an Ad group

In this segment, we understood that an ad group is all about whom we exactly want to target. And how we can
create several ads. Which justifies the name ‘Ad group’. Here we understood the steps to create an ad group.
The steps are as follows:
1. Enter the URL of the landing page
2. Choose a targeting method among the five listed below:
• Where
• Managed Placements
• Contextual Targeting
• Topics targeting
• Whom
a. Demographic Targeting
b. Interests and Remarketing
• There are five options in this, which are:
i. Affinity audiences
ii. In-market audiences
iii. Remarketing list
iv. Customer email list
v. Similar audiences

3. Select whether AdWords should find new customers. There are two options which are
• Place ads conservatively
• Place ads aggressively
4. Select the name
5. Set the CPC bid using Display Planner Tool

After successfully completing the above steps, ad group would be created.

How to create an Ad

In this segment, you understood that there are two of creating an ad. The ways of creating an ad are as follows:
1. Upload your ads
2. Use AdWords Ad builder to create ads
We then understood that we should follow the AIDA to increase the chances of an ad being successful. The AIDA
framework is mainly
1. Attention
2. Interest
3. Desire
4. Action
You then learned how to use Adwords Ad Builder,
1. Click on ‘View Ad Ideas.'
2. Fill 3 form fields -
a. Headline - A few words in a large font that attract a user’s attention towards the ad
b. Description - A line or two describing what the ad is about
c. Button label - The call to action in the ad like ‘Know More’ or ‘Click Here.'
3. Click on ‘Show me ideas.'
4. Clicks on ‘Edit.'
5. Make the required edits
6. Clicks on ‘Done.'

These are steps we would have to follow in order to create an ad.

Optimising campaigns in GDN

In this segment, we understood ways to optimise campaign in GDN, which is Google Digital Network. The various
ways to optimise are as follows:
1. Exclude site options
2. Optimizing placements
3. Setting benchmarks
4. Identifying vigorous and weak points
5. Taking actions
We then learned about the reasons to not host ads on malicious sites:
1. It creates a negative brand image
2. It is a waste of money
You should be able to:
At the end of this session, you should be able to:

• Create a campaign in Google Display Network to market your product/service

• Create an ad group to market your product/service
• Create an effective ad to market your product/service
• Correctly optimise campaigns in GDN

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