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Time: 3 hrs Subject – Physics M.M.70

Class – XII

General Instructions:

(i) All questions are compulsory

(ii) There are 30 questions in total, Questions 1 to 8 carry one mark each, questions 9
to 18 carry two marks each, questions 19 to 27 carry three marks each and
questions 28 to 30 carry 5 marks each.

(iii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one
question of two marks, one question of three marks and all three questions of five
marks each. You have to attempt only one of the given choices in such questions

(iv) Use of calculators is not permitted.

Q.1 From which layer of atmosphere, radio waves are reflected back ?

Q.2 What is so special about the combination e/m ?. Why do we not simply talk of e
and m separately ?

Q.3 Give the ratio of velocities of light rays of wavelength 4000 A0 and A0 is a

Q.4 What is the work done by the field of a nucleus in a complete circular orbit of
electron ? what if the orbit is elliptical ?

Q.5 Compare the radii of two nuclei with mass numbers 1 and 27 respectively.

Q.6 A vertical metallic pole falls down through the plane of magnetic meridian. Will
any emf be induced between its ends.

Q.7 Define Fermi level and Fermi energy.

Q.8 If the wavelength of an electromagnetic radiations is double, what will happen to

its energy ?
Q.9 A light bulb and an open coil inductor are connected to an ac source through a
key as shown in Fig. below. The switch is closed and iron rod is inserted into the
inductor. How would it affect the glow of bulbs. Justify your answer.

Q.10 The number density of conduction electron in a copper conductor is

8-5 x 1028 m-3. How long does an electron take to drift from one end of 3.0m long
wire to its other end ? Given Area of wire is 2x10-6 m2 and it carries the current
3.0 A .

Q.11 Define half life and average life of a radioactive substance. What is the relation
between therse two ?

Q.12 A particle of mass m and charge (- q )) enters the region between the two
charged plates initially moving along x – axis with speed Vx. . The length of plate is
L and a uniform electric field E is maintained b/w plates. Show that vertical

deflection of the particle at the far edge of the plate is

Q.13 Why do we prefer potentio meter of longer length for accurate measurement.

Q.14 Find the time required for 50 Hz alternating current to change its value from zero
to r.m.s. value.

Q.15 Draw a graph to show variation of stopping potential with frequency of radiation
incident on a metal plate. How can the value of plank’s constant can be
determined from it.

Q.16 What is meant by Electric Flux ? Give its units.

Q.17 An n-type semiconductor has large number of electron but still it is neutral.

Q.18 Show that average energy density of the electric field Ē equals the average
energy density of magnetic field.
Q.19. (a) Write two difference between interference and diffraction pattern of light (2

(b) What type of lens is an air bubble inside water (1)


Drive an expression for fringe width in the interference pattern. (3)

Q.20 Take the potential of the point B in fig. below to be zero. (a) Find the potential at
the point C and D (b) If a capacitor is connected between C & D what charge will
appear on this capacitor.

Q.21 What is amplitude modulation. Represent the process graphically. Write its two
limitations and advantages.

Q.22 With the help of circuit diagram explain how you compare emf’s of two primary
cells using potentiometer.

Q.23 Draw a labeled diagram of cassegrain reflecting type telescope. Write four
advantages of reflecting type telescope over refracting type telescope.

Q.24 With the help of an example, explain how the neutron to proton ratio change
during - decay of a nucleus.

Q.25 An electron beam passes through a magnetic field of 4x10-3 wb/m2

and an electric field of 2x104 v/m, both acting simultaneously. The path of
electron remaining undeviated, calculate the speed of the electron. If electric field
is removed, what will be radius of the electron path. ?

Q.26 Define resolving power of a compound microscope. How does the resolving
power a compound microscope change when,
(i) Refractive index of medium between object and objective lens increases.
(ii) Wavelength of radiation used is increased ?
Q.27 What are eddy currents. Discuss briefly two applications of eddy current.

Q.28 (a) With the help of circuit diagram explain the working of n-p-n transistor an a
common emitter amplifier (3)

(b) Discuss how the OR gate is realized from the NoR gate (2)


(a) Discuss briefly how a zener diode can be used as a voltage regulator (3)

(b) Draw energy band diagram of p-type semiconductor. (2)

Q.29 (a) Discuss briefly electron theory of diamagnetism (3)

(b) What will the value of vertical component and total intensity of earth’s field
at a place where dip is 60° . Horizontal component is 0.3 G. (2)


Draw a neat and labeled diagram of a cyclotron. State the underlying

principle and explain how a positively change particle gets accelerated in
this machine. (5)

Q.30 (a) Prove that where C is critical angle (2)

(b) Deduce prism formula (3)


Discuss diffraction at a single slit. Also deduce an expression for width of

central maxima. (5)

Ans.1 Ionosphere

Ans.2 The motion of electron in magnetic field and electric field is given by



In these equation e and m occur simultaneously & hence we take e/m.

Ans.3 One

Ans.4 The electrostatic force act towards the centre and motion of electron is given by
tangent at particular point. This suggests work done is zero as w = F Cos  and

Ans.5 We know

= = =

Ans.6 No induced emf is produce in this as it neither H or V

Ans.7 In an energy band, the highest level occupied by an electron O K is called Fermi
level and its energy is called Fermi energy.

Ans.8 We know Energy of photon is given by

Ans,9 When the Iron rod is inserted, inductance (L) of coil would increase. We know
This way o will decrease and hence glow will decrease

Ans10 Here

We know I = n e A Vd

Put the values. We get t = 7 hour 33 min.

An.11 The time during which number of radio atoms concentrations reduces to half the
initial concentration is called half life period.

The Average life of radioactive element is obtained by calculating total life time
of all the atoms and dividing it by total number of atoms present in given sample.


Time taken by

For vertical motion

An.13 In order to increase accuracy of measurement, we use potentiometer of longer


As length increase, pot gradient (K) decreases and sensitivity of potentiometer


I = sin t = sin

or t =

Ans. 15. We know that eV0 = h - 0

It is clear from figure

0 ..........(1)

0 ..........(2)
Ans. 16. Electric flux over an area in an electric field represent total number of electric lines of force
passing through this area.

Its unit is

Also V – m is unit.

Ans. 17. An atom is neutral identity. In n- type semiconductor, pentavalent atom replaces si or Ge
atom, which is again neutral. Hence n- type semiconductor is electric neutral.

Ans. 18. Av Energy density of electric field (UE) = 0 E2

Av Energy density of magnetic field (UB)


UB =

= 00

UB = E2 0 = UE

Ans 19. A

Interference Diffraction

(i) It is the phenomenon of (i) The phenomenon occurs due to

redistribution of light energy large number of points on single
from two different Coherent wave front.

(ii) Fringe width is same. (ii) Fringe width is different.

(b) in this refraction take place from dense to rarer and hence it will behave as concave lens.

Ans. 19. Consider monochromatic light source S illuminates two fine slits, A & B separated by small
distance ‘d’. The interference pattern is absorbed over the screen at a Distance D. Draw AE, OC and
BD r as shown in figure.

Fig. 1

The waves from A&B reach P such that CP = X

Path Difference = BP – AP

It can be seen


Now  =


Ans. 20. Change on and is same being in series.

It is clear
(50 – V1)4 = (V1 – O ) 8
Here V1 is potential of point C
And V1 = 50/3 Volt.
Similarly let V2 is potential of D.
350 – V2) = (V2 – O)6
V2 = 50/3 Volt.
Since both C and D are at same put, no charge will appear on capacitor across C&D.

Ans. 21 When amplitude of carrier wave charges in accordance with modulating signal, it is called
amplitude modulation.

(i) It can not be used for high frequency signals. Like TV signals (200 – 300 MHz)
(ii) It is very noisy.
Ans. 22. The Circuit Diagram for the same is shown below –

Fig. 3
Case I. Press key K and K1. locate the null point let it be A.


But VoA =

......... (i)
......... (ii)

Divide (ii) by (i)

Ans. 23.
Reflecting type telescope is better over refracting type telescope.
(i) Image formed is very bright as aperture is large.
(ii) Resolving power is better
(iii) The image formed is free from deflects i.e. Chromatic or spherical.
(iv) Grinding of mirror is done from one side only —

Ans. 24. Consider fusion of Uranium atom.

92 U235  90Th234 + 2He4

= = 1.60

Ans. 25.

Ans. 26. Resolving power of microscope It is defined as reciprocal of minimum separation

between two points objects which can be seen separately by microscope.

Ans. 27. The circulating currents in the body of conductor (solid) when magnetic flux linked with
changes is called eddy current.
Ans. 28. The CKT diagram for the same is shown below.

It is clear from fig. –

........ (A)

(a) During the half of input signal (VEB) increases. This result in increases of IC. A/c to equation
(A) VO decrease. More –ve output voltage is achieved.
(b) Similarly during –ve half of input signal (VEB) decrease. This result in dec. of IC. More the
output voltage is achieved.
Ans. 28.


Ans. 28 (a) The CKT diagram for the same is shown below –


(i) When Vin > VZ. Resi of zoner diode become less. Large current flows. The product of I
and Resi of Zoner diode is obtained which is contract.
(ii) When Vin < VZ Resi if zoner diode become more. Small current flows. The product of I
and Resi of Zoner diode remain contract.

Ans. 28 (b) When tri volent impurity (like indium) is added to pure semi conductor, p-type sc is
The holes due to impurity atoms process slightly higher energy than valence band. These holes
accept e– from valence band. The energy level of these holes is called acceptor energy level.


1. Conduction e– are created due to thermal variation alone.

2. Holes are created due to thermal variation & doping.
ne >> nh
I  Ih

Ans. 29 (a) In a diamagnetic substance, dipole moment due to orbital motion and spin motion cancel
out each other. This way not diplole moment of dia – may. Atom is zero.
The atom of diamagnetic sub. Can be assumed having two electron revolving in apposie direction.

When external magnetic field is applied, the velocity of e– is changed. Due to this small magnetic
dipole moment is generated and is shown is fig. below.


It can be seen that direction is opposite to applied field.

Ans 29 (b).
Here S = 60o
B4 = 0.3 G
BV = ?. Use formula to obtain result.

Ans. 29. The diagram is show below –

(a) Principle :- When a charge particle is allowed to more time and again in high freq. oscillating
electric field and magnetic field, it gain high energy.
(b) Working :- When +q charge at O D, is the and D 2 is –ve. The +q accelerated in electric field
enters magnetic field perpendicularly. The charge take circular after.

The Polarity of Dee’s reverses periodically and process is repeated. The acquire high energy.
Let V is the velocity and ‘r’ is the radius at any instant. Now


The time taken by change to complete same circular half.

Ans. 30 (a) Critical Angle – The angle of incidence in dense medium for which angle of refraction
in rarer medium become 90o is called as critical Angle (c).
When incidence occur in dense medium at an angle greater than critical Angle the say goes back
into the same medium. This phenomenon is called TIR and shown in fig below.



Apply snells law at point o

a = =

a =  =

Ans. 30 (b) Prism Formula

Consider prism ABC. KL is incident ray, LM is refracted ray & MN is emergent ray. This is shown
in figure below.




The graph b/w  and i is shown below



It is clear from the figure at in certain angle of incidence, & become minimum and is called m.

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