Ba 1 Sem Philosophy Ethics Indian 5747 Summer 2019

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Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) First Semester Examination
PHILOSOPHY (Ethics : Indian)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :— (1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
1. State the nature of Indian Ethics and explain any two stages of development of Indian Ethics.
State and explain the Religious postulate of Indian ethics.
2. Explain elaborately the Ashram Vyavastha, according to Indian Ethics. 16
Explain Ashtangmarg of Buddha's Ethics.
3. (A) Explain the types of Karma according to Indian Ethics.
(B) Elucidate the concept of ‘Chittabhumi’ in Yoga Ethics. 16
(1) State and explain the concept of Nishkama Karmayoga.
(2) State and elucidate the Ashtangyoga according to Yoga Ethics.
4. (A) Explain the ‘Artha‘ Purushartha.
(B) Explain the concept of Triratna according to Jainism. 16
(1) State the difference between Anuvrata and Mahavrata.
(2) Explain the ‘Moksha’ Purushartha.
5. Answer in four to five sentences briefly : 16
(1) State any two salient features of Indian Ethics.
(2) State any two Philosophical Postulates of Indian Ethics.
(3) State any two Sadharan Dharma according to Indian Ethics.
(4) How many varnas are there ?
(5) Define the term ‘Karma’.
(6) Explain the meaning of the term ‘Yoga’.
(7) State the doctrine of ‘Panchvrata’ of Jainism.
(8) State the meaning of the term ‘Purushartha’.

CLS—14802 1

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) First Semester Examination
PHILOSOPHY (Ethics : Indian)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :— (1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
¼ejkBh ekè;e½
1. Hkkjrh; uhfr’kkL=kps Lo:i lkaxwu R;kP;k fodklkP;k dks.kR;kgh nksu voLFkk fo’kn djk- 16
Hkkjrh; uhfr’kkL=kph /kkfeZd x‘fgrds Li"V djk-
2. Hkkjrh; uhfr’kkL=kuqlkj vkJe O;oLFkk lfoLrj Li"V djk- 16
ckS) uhfr’kkL=kuqlkj v"VkaxekxZ* lfoLrj Li"V djk-
3. ¼v½ Hkkjrh; uhfr’kkL=kuqlkj dekZps izdkj lkaxk- 16
¼c½ ;ksx uhfr’kkL=kuqlkj ^fpÙkHkweh* lfoLrj Li"V djk-
(1) fu"dke deZ;ksx lfoLrj lkaxk-
(2) ;ksx uhfr’kkL=krhy v"Vkax ;ksx lfoLrj Li"V djk-
4. ¼v½ ^vFkZ* iw#"kkFkZ lfoLrj fo’kn djk- 16
¼c½ tSukapk f=jRu fl)kar Li"V djk-
(1) vuqozrs vkf.k egkozÙks ;krhy Hksn Li"V djk-
(2) ^eks{k* iw#"kkFkZ lfoLrj lkaxk-
5. pkj rs ikp vksGhr laf{kIr mÙkjs fygk % 16
(1) Hkkjrh; uhfr’kkL=kph dks.krsgh nksu oSf’k"Vîs fo’kn djk-
(2) Hkkjrh; uhfr’kkL=kph dks.krhgh nksu rkfRod x‘fgrds Li"V djk-
(3) Hkkjrh; uhfr’kkL=kph dks.krsgh nksu lk/kkj.k /keZ Li"V djk-
(4) o.kZ fdrh vkgsr \
(5) ^deZ* ’kCnkpk vFkZ Li"V djk-
(6) ^;ksx* ’kCnkpk vFkZ Li"V djk-
(7) tSukapk iapozrkapk fl)kar lkaxk-
(8) ^iw#"kkFkZ* ’kCnkpk vFkZ Li"V djk-

CLS—14802 2

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) First Semester Examination
PHILOSOPHY (Ethics : Indian)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :— (1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
¼fgUnh ekè;e½
1. Hkkjrh; uhfr’kkL= dk Lo:i crkdj mlds fodkl dh dksbZ Hkh nks voLFkk fo’kn dhft,A 16
Hkkjrh; uhfr’kkL= dh /kkfeZd ekU;rk;sa Li"V dhft,A
2. Hkkjrh; uhfr’kkL= ds vuqlkj vkJe O;oLFkk foLrkj ls Li"V dhft,A 16
ckS) uhfr’kkL= ds vuqlkj v"Vkax ekxZ foLrkj ls Li"V dhft,A
3. ¼v½ Hkkjrh; uhfr’kkL= ds vuqlkj deZ ds izdkj crkb;sA 16
¼c½ ;ksx uhfr’kkL= ds vuqlkj ^fpÙkHkweh* foLrkj ls Li"V dhft,A
(1) fu"dke deZ;ksx foLrkj ls Li"V dhft,A
(2) ;ksx uhfr’kkL= ds vuqlkj v"Vkax ;ksx foLrkj ls Li"V dhft,A
4. ¼v½ ^vFkZ* iq#"kkFkZ foLrkj ls fo’kn dhft,A 16
¼c½ tSuksa dk f=jRu fl)kar Li"V dhft,A
(1) vuqozr ,oa egkozr esa varj Li"V dhft,A
(2) ^eks{k* iq#"kkFkZ foLrkj ls crkb;sA
5. pkj ls ik¡p okD;ksa esa laf{kIr mÙkj fyf[k, % 16
(1) Hkkjrh; uhfr’kkL= dh dksbZ Hkh nks fo’ks"krk,a fo’kn dhft,A
(2) Hkkjrh; uhfr’kkL= dh dksbZ Hkh nks nk’kZfud ekU;rk;sa Li"V dhft,A
(3) Hkkjrh; uhfr’kkL= ds vuqlkj dksbZ Hkh nks lk/kkj.k /keZ Li"V dhft,A
(4) o.kZ fdrus gSa \
(5) ^deZ* ’kCn dk vFkZ Li"V dhft,A
(6) ^;ksx* ’kCn dk vFkZ Li"V dhft,A
(7) tSuksa dk ^iapozr* dk fl)kar crkb;sA
(8) ^iq#"kkFkZ* ’kCn dk vFkZ Li"V dhft,A

CLS—14802 3

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