Mod-3 Epotential New
Mod-3 Epotential New
Mod-3 Epotential New
1. Introduction
In the above calculation we have assumed that the reference point i is at infinity, and that
the electric potential at that point is equal to 0. Since the force per unit charge( F/q) is the
electric field (see Chapter 1), eq. (3) can be rewritten as
Vf = − ∫ E • dl
……. …….. ……. (4)
i.e. the electric potential at a point of electric field is equal to the negative of the
work done by the electric field while bringing a unit positive test charge from infinity to that
The unit of electric potential is the volt (V), and 1 V = 1 J/C = 1 Nm/C. Equation (4)
shows that as the unit of the electric field we can also use V/m.
The potential difference between two point i and f in principal can be written as
V f − Vi = −
=− ∫
E • dl ........ …… …… (5)
A common used unit for the energy of a particle is the electron-volt (eV) which is
defined as the change in kinetic energy of an electron that travels over a potential
difference of 1 V. The electron-volt can be related to the Joule via eq.(3). Equation (3) shows
that the change in energy of an electron when it crosses over a 1 V potential difference is
equal to 1.6 . 10-19 J and we thus conclude that 1 eV = 1.6 x10-19 J
2. Equi-potential surfaces
Equipotential surfaces are defined as surfaces on which each point has the same
electric potential. The component of the electric field parallel to this surface must be zero
since the change in the potential between all points on this surface is equal to zero. This
implies that the direction of the electric field is perpendicular to the equipotential surfaces.
Field lines
Equi-potential surfaces
f f
Figure (3.1a) Figure (3.1b)
(a) For the path shown in figure (a) (b) For path shown in figre b the charge is
farst moved along ic and then along cf path.
E. dl = E dl cos 00 = E dl
Then the integral ∫ E . d l is divided into two
By definition potential difference between i
I and f is part i.e.
f c f
Vf – Vi =
f f f
∫ E • dl = ∫ E • dl + ∫ E • dl
i i c
− ∫ E • d l = − ∫ E dl = − E ∫ dl = − Ed
i i i
For path ‘if’ E. dl = E dl cos 900 = 0
and for path ‘fc’ E. dl = E dl cos 450 = E dl/√2
then the path integral is equal to
f f
∫ E • dl =
c 2
∫ dl =
c 2
2d =Ed
Hence Vf – Vi = - Ed
That is, the work required to transfer a charge from one point to another does not
depend on the path followed.
A charge q0 is moved from i to f in the vicinity of charge q (see Figure 3.2) The
electric potential at f can be determined using eq. (4) and evaluating the integral along the
path shown in Figure 3.1. Changing the variable from l to r′ equation (4) can therefore be
rewritten as
Vr = − ∫ E dr ′ …….. …….. ………. (6)
Here the initial point has been taken at infinity (∞) where potential is considered to be zero.
The magnitude of electric field at the site of the test charge is
1 q
E= i qo
4πε o r ′ 2
Substituting this value in the previous equation we get
1 q r∞
Vr = − ∫∞ 4πε o r ′ 2 dr ′ f
q dr
4πε o ∫r 2
∞ q
Figure 3.2 : Path followed by charge qo between i
q 1 1 q
=− − r = ….. …… ….. ….. (7)
4πε o ∞
4πε o r
If the charge q is positive, the potential increases with a decreasing distance r. The
electric field points away from a positive charge, and we conclude that the electric field
points from regions with a high electric potential towards regions with a low electric
dr ′
= −
4πε o ∫ r′
1 Q
= ………. …….. …… (5)
4πε o r
The above expression gives the electric potential at points outside the sphere of charge.The potential at
its surface be found by putting r = R in the above expression, i.e.
1 Q
VR = ……… …….. …….. (6)
4πε o R
Now the potential difference between a point inside the sphere and a point on the surface of the
sphere is given by
Vr - V R = − ∫ E dr ′ ………. ………. ……… (7)
Using the expression of E inside the sphere as given in equation ( 5 ) the above equation can be written
4π ∈o R 3 ∫R
Vr - V R = − r ′ dr ′
Q r ′2
or, Vr - VR = −
4π ∈o R 3 2 R
or, Vr - VR = −
r 2 − R2 )
8π ∈o R 3
1 Q
Putting VR = the above equation can be re written as
4πε o R
Vr =
4π ∈o R 8π ∈o R 3
r2 − R2 ( )
3R 2 − r 2 )
8π ∈o R 3
An alpha particle with a kinetic energy of 1.7 x 10-12 J is shot directly towards a
platinum nucleus from a very large distance. What will be the distance of closest approach?
The electric charge of the alpha particle is 2e and that of the platinum nucleus is 78e. Treat
the alpha particle and the nucleus as spherical charge distributions and disregard the
motion of the nucleus.
Solution: The initial mechanical energy (E = U + K) is equal to the kinetic energy of the
alpha particle
Ei = Ki = 1.7 x 10-12 J …… ….. ……. (9)
Due to the electric repulsion between the alpha particle and the platinum nucleus,
the alpha particle will slow down. At the distance of closest approach the velocity of the
alpha particle is zero, and thus its kinetic energy is equal to zero. The total mechanical
energy at this point is equal to the potential energy of the system
1 q qo
Ef = Uf = …… ……. ….. ….. (10)
4πε o d
Where qo is the charge of the alpha particle, q is the charge of the platinum nucleus,
and d is the distance of closest approach. Applying conservation of mechanical energy we
1 q qo
Ef = Uf = = Ei = 1.7 x 10-12 J …. ….. ….. (11)
4πε o d
The distance of closest approach can be obtained from eq. (10)
1 q qo 2 e x 78e
d= = 9 x 10 9 = 2.1 x 10 −14 m
4πε o 1.7 x 10 −12
1.7 x 10 −12
1 ρ dV
V =
4πε o ∫ r
…. ….. ….. (12)
where r is the distance between the area element dA and the point at which potential is
A total charge Q is distributed uniformly along a straight rod of length L. Find the potential
at point P at a distance d from the midpoint of the rod (Figure 2).
-L/2 dx +L/2
the position indicated in Figure 2 is given by
1 dQ
dV = …… (14 )
4πε o x + d2
dQ = dx ……. ……. ……… (15 )
Combining equations (14 ) and (15 ) we obtain the following expression for dV:
1 Q dx
dV = ….. …… ….. (16 )
4πε o L x + d2
the total potential at P can be obtained by summing over all small segments. This is
equivalent to integrating eq.() between x = - L/2 and x = L/2.
1 Q dx
V =
4πε o L ∫
−L / 2 x + d2
1 Q
4πε o L
ln x + x 2 + d 2 ] L/2
L L2
+ + d2
1 Q 2 4
= ln …… …. ….. (17)
4πε o L L L2
− + + d2
2 4
Find the potential as a function of the distance on the axis of the ring.
Solution :
We define the x-axis to coincide with the axis of the ring (Figure 5.2). The first step in
the calculation of the total electric potential at point P due to the annulus is to calculate the
electric potential at P due to a small segment of the ring . Consider a segment with length dl
as shown in Figure5.2. The electric potential dV at P generated by this ring is given by
1 dQ
dV = ….. ….. …. (18)
4πε o x2 + R2
where dQ is charge on dl length of the ring. If ρ is the linear charge density on the ring
ρ= ….. ….. ….. ….. (19)
2πR R
O x P
Figure : 5.2
using eq. (25.33) the charge dQ of the ring can be calculates
dQ = ρ dl = dl …. …. …. (20)
1 Q dl
dV = …. ….. ….. (21)
4πε o 2πR x + R2
The total electric potential can be obtained by integrating eq.(21) over the whole ring:
1 Q dl 1 Q 1
V =
4πε o ∫ 2πR x +R
2 2
4πε o 2πR x + R2
2 ∫ dl
1 Q 1 1 Q
or V = ( 2πR ) = …. ……. ……(21)
4πε o 2πR x +R2 2 4πε o x + R2
Solution : We define the x-axis to coincide with the axis of the ring (Figure 5.3). The first
step in the calculation of the total electric potential at point P due to the disk is to calculate
the electric potential at P due to a small segment of the disk. Consider a ring with radius r
and width dr as shown in Figure 5.3. The electric potential dV at P generated by this ring is
1 dQ
given by dV = ………. …….
4πε o x + r2
….. (22)
where dQ is the charge on the ring. The charge density σ of the disk is equal to
σ = = ….. ….. ….. (23)
A πR 2
z =
Figure 5.3. Problem 5.3.
1 2Q r dr
dV = …. …. …. (25)
4πε o R 2 x2 + r 2
The total electric potential can be obtained by integrating eq.(25) over the whole disk
[ ]
1 2Q r dr 1 1 2Q R
V =
4πε o R 2 ∫
0 x2 + r 2
4πε o 4πε o R 2
x2 + r 2 o
….. …. (26)
1 Q
2πε o R 2
( x + R −x
2 2
(a) when P is at a large distance from the center of the disk (x>>R)
1 Qx
R2 2
or V = 2
1 + 2
− 1
2πε o R x
1 Qx 1R 2
= 1 +
+ ....... −1 ….. (27)
2πε o R 2 x 2
Neglecting the higher order terms of the binomial ` series we can write
1 Qx 1 R 2 1 Q
2 ( point charge)
2πε o R 2 x 4πε o x
1 Q 2
2πε o R
x + R2 ) 1
− x =
1 Q
2πε o R 2
( R ) = 1 Q …..
2πε o R
….. .. (28)
The electric potential V is related to the electric field E. If the electric field E is
known, the electric potential V can be obtained using eq.(4), and vice-versa. In this section
we will discuss how the electric field E can be obtained if the electric potential is known.
dW = qo E. dl = qo E dl cosθ
dW = -qo dV
or, (E cosθ) dl = - dV
or E cosθ = −
or El = − ….. ……. ….. (29)
If the direction of the displacement is chosen to coincide with the x-axis, eq.(29) becomes
Ex = − ……. ……. ….. (30)
Ey = −
and Ez = −
The total electric field E can be obtained from the electric potential V by combining
equations (29), (30), and (31):
In some region of space, the electric potential is the following function of x, y, and z:
where the potential is measured in volts and the distances in meters. Find the electric field
at the points x = 2 m, y = 2 m.
The x, y and z components of the electric field E can be obtained from the gradient of the
potential V
Figure 7 shows an electric dipole located along the z-axis. It consists of two charges + Q and
- Q, separated by a distance L. The electric potential at point P can be found by summing
the potentials generated by each of the two charges:
………. ……. …….. (36)
Wif = ∫ F • dl
here electric force between the charges is
1 q1 q 2
F = rˆ
4πε o r 2
and d l = dr rˆ
where dr is the element f radius vector. Then the work done by electric field can be
evaluated as
q1 q 2 q q
1 f q q 1 1
Wif =
4πε o ∫
i r 2
dr = 1 2
4πε o −
r ri
= − 1 2
4πε o
r f ri
By definition the potential energy at final configuration is
q1 q 2 1
U = − W12 = = (where rf = r12 and ri = ∞)
4πε o r12
If a third charge is brought in the scenario then the potential energy is calculated by
bringing the charges one by one and calculating the work done by the electric force and
taking summation in the following manner:
First bring charge q1 which requires no work as electric field is zero. Then bring
charge q2 in the field of q1 . The work done by the electric force is
q1 q 2 1
W12 = −
4πε o r12
now bring charge q3 in the field of q1 and q2 . The work done by the fields of these charges
q1 q3 1 q2 q3 1
W13 = − and W23 = − respectively
4πε o r13 4πε o r23
Then the potential energy of the configuration f these three charges is
1 q1 q 2 q q q q
U = − (W12 + W13 + W23 ) = + 1 3 + 2 3
4πε o r12 r13 r23
If there are n charges the general expression for potential energy of the system of charges
1 1 n n qi q j
U =
4πε ∑∑ r
; ( j ≠ i)
o i =1 j =1 ij
here the factor ½ has been included to compensate for each pair of charges counted twice.
Problem: Exercise from Electric Potential and potential energy
(b) What is the electric potential energy of an electron in electron volt at the said
2. When an electron moves from A to B along and electric field line in the figure below, the
electric field does 3.94 x 10-19 J of work on it. What are the electric potential differences
(a) VA - VB , (b) VC -VA, and (c) VC - VB ?
3. Two infinite lines of charge are parallel to and in the same plane with the z – axis. One,
of charge per unit length + λ , is a distance a to the right of this axis. The other, of charge
per unit length - λ , is a distance a to the left of this axis. Sketch some of the equi-
potential surfaces due to this arrangement.
4. Consider a point charge q = +1.0 µ C, point A at a distance d1 = 2.0m from q, and point
B at a distance d2 = 1.0m (a) If these points are diametrically opposite each other, as in
Fig:a, what is the electric potential difference VA – VB? (b) What is the electric potential
difference if point A and B are located as in Fig: b
B d2 + d1 A
Fig a q Fig b d1 A
5. Two large parallel conducting plates are 12 cm apart and have charges of equal
magnitude and opposite sign on their facing surfaces. An electric force of 3.5 x 10-15 N
acts on an electron placed anywhere in between the plates (uniform field). (a) Find the
electric field at the position of the electron. (b) What is the potential difference between
the plates?
6. An infinite non-conducting sheet has a surface charge density σ = 10 µ C / m2 on one
side. How far apart are two equi-potential surfaces whose potential differ by 50 V?
7. A charge q is distributed uniformly throughout a spherical volume of radius R. (a)
Setting V = 0 at infinity, Show that the potential at a distance r from the center , where r
< R, is given by
V = q(3R2 - r2)/8π∈oR3
8. A spherical drop of water carrying a charge of 30 pC has a potential of 500V at its
surface (with V=0 at infinity). (a) What is the radius of the drop? (b) If two such drops of
same charge and radius combine to form a single spherical drop, what is the potential at
the surface of the new drop?
9. Two metal spheres are 3 cm in radius and carry charges of + 1.0 × 10 −8 C and -3.0 × 10 −8
C respectively, assumed to be uniformly distributed. If their centres are 2 m apart,
calculate (a) the potential of the point halfway between their centres and (b) the potential
on each sphere.
10. For the following charge configuration show that V(r) for points on the vertical axis,
1 q 2qa
assuming r > > a, is given by V = + 2 . Is this an expected result?
4πε 0 r r
-q a +q a +q P
11. In a certain situation, the electric potential varies along varies along the x axis as shown
in the graph below. Determine the x component of electric field for the interval ab and
V(x) in volt65bc4321da12345678x in m
12. What is the net potential at point P due to four point charges , if V= 0 at infinity?
-5q -5q
13. Following figure shows an electric dipole in a plane with its center at the origin of co-
ordinate system. What is the work require to transfer a unit positive charge from point P
to Q. Q
14. Figure below shows a ring of outer radius R and inner radius r = 0.2R ; the ring has a
uniform surface charge density σ. With V= 0 at infinity, find an expression fo the
electric potential at a point p on the central axis of the ring, at a distance z = 2.0 R
from the center of the ring.
15. The potential at an axial point for a charged disk was shown to be
V =
2ε 0
( )
a 2 + r 2 − r . From this result show that E for axial points is given by
σ r
E= 1 −
2ε 0
a2 + r 2