Electromagnetic Theory

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Electromagnetic Theory

Dr. Amit Kumar Chawla

Coulombs Law
It states that the force F between two point charges Q1 and Q2 is

In Vector form


If we have more than two point charges

Electric Field Intensity

Electric Field Intensity is the force per unit charge when placed in the
electric field


In Vector form

If we have more than two point charges

Electric Field due to Continuous Charge


If there is a continuous charge distribution say along a line, on a

surface, or in a volume

The charge element dQ and the total charge Q due to these charge
distributions can be obtained by

The electric field intensity due to each charge distribution L, S and

V may be given by the summation of the field contributed by the
numerous point charges making up the charge distribution.

Electric Field Intensity due to Line


Consider a line charge with uniform charge density L extending from

A to B along the z-axis.
associated with element dl = dz
of the line is

The total charge Q is

Electric Field Intensity due to Line


The electric field intensity E at an arbitrary point P (x, y, z) can be

given by

The field point is generally

denoted by (x, y, z) and the
source point as (x, y, z). So

Electric Field Intensity due to Line


Hence equation becomes

Electric Field Intensity due to Line

To evaluate last equation we define
, , .

Hence Electric Field Intensity

equation becomes

Electric Field Intensity due to Line

For finite line charge

For an infinite line charge, point B is at (0, 0, ) and A at (0, 0, - )


Electric Field Intensity due to Surface

Consider an infinite sheet ofCharge
charge in the xy plane with uniform
charge density S. The charge associated with an elemental area dS

And hence total charge is

Electric Field at Point P
(0, 0, h) by the elemental
surface is

Electric Field Intensity due to Surface


Substitution of these terms

in Electric Field equation

Electric Field Intensity due to Surface


Due to the symmetry of charge

distribution, for every element 1,
there is a corresponding element 2
whose contribution along a cancels
that of element 1.

So E has



Electric Field Intensity due to Surface


In general for an infinite

sheet of charge

Electric Flux Density

The electric field intensity depends on the medium in which the
charges are placed.
Suppose a vector field D independent of the medium is defined by

D oE
The electric flux in terms of D can be defined as

The vector field D is called the electric flux density and is measured in
coulombs per square meter.

Electric Flux Density

For an infinite sheet the electric flux density D is given by

For a volume charge distribution the electric flux density D is given


In both the above equations D is a function of charge and position

only (independent of medium)

Gauss Law
It states that the total electric flux through any closed surface is
equal to the total charge enclosed by that surface.



Using Divergence Theorem

Comparing the two volume integrals in (i) and (ii)

This is the first Maxwells equation.

It states that the volume charge density is the same as the divergence
of the electric flux density.

Applications of Gauss Law (Point charge)

Let a point charge is located at Origin.
To determine D at a point P, consider a spherical surface centered at
D is everywhere normal to the Gaussian surface.


Applications of Gauss Law (Infinite Line

Consider the infinite line of charge)
uniform charge L C/m lies along the zaxis.
To determine D at a point P, consider a cylindrical surface centered at
D is constant and normal to the cylindrical Gaussian surface.
Applying Gauss law to an arbitrary length l


Applications of Gauss Law (Infinite Line

evaluated on the top and bottom surfaces of the cylinder is
zero since D has no z-component. It means D is tangential to the

Applications of Gauss Law (Infinite

Sheet of charge)

Consider the infinite sheet of uniform charge S C/m2 lying on the

z = 0 plane.
To determine D at point P, lets choose a rectangular box that is cut
symmetrically by the sheet of charge and has two of its faces parallel
to the sheet.
D is normal to the sheet

Applying Gauss Law

Applications of Gauss Law (Infinite

Sheet of charge)

evaluated on the sides of the box is zero as D has no

components along
If the top and bottom of the box, each has area A then


Electric Potential
Electric Field intensity, E due to a charge distribution can be obtained
from Coulombs Law.
or using Gauss Law when the charge distribution is symmetric.
We can obtain E without involving vectors by using the electric scalar
potential V.
From Coulombs Law the force on point
charge Q is


The work done in displacing the charge

by length dl is

dW F .dl

Q E.dl

The positive sign indicates that the work is being done by an external agent.

The total work done or the potential energy required in moving the
point charge Q from A to B is

W Q E.dl

Dividing the above equation by Q gives the potential energy per unit

E.dl V AB

VAB is known as the potential difference between points A and B.

1. If V AB is negative, there is loss in potential energy in moving Q
from A to B (work is being done by the field),Vif
is positive, there
is a gain in potential energy in the movement (an external agent does
the work).
2. It is independent of the path taken. It is measured in Joules per
Coulomb referred as Volt.

The potential at any point due to a point charge Q located at the origin is

4 o r
The potential at any point is the potential difference between that point
and a chosen point at which the potential is zero.
Assuming zero potential at infinity, the potential at a distance r from
the point charge is the work done per unit charge by an external agent
in transferring a test charge from infinity to that point.

V E.d l

If the point charge Q is not at origin but at a point whose position

vector is r ' , the potential V (r ' ) at r ' becomes

V (r )

4 o | r r ' |

For n point charges Q1, Q2, Q3..Qn located at points with position
vectors r 1 , r 2 , r 3 .....r n the potential at

V (r )
4 o

r is

|r r
k 1

If there is continuous charge distribution instead of point charges then

the potential at

r becomes

The primed coordinates are used customarily to denote source point

location and the unprimed coordinates refer to field point.

Relationship between E and V

The potential difference between points A and B is independent of the
path taken


VAB E.d l

and VBA E.d l

VAB VBA E.d l 0

E.d l 0
It means that the line integral of


E along a closed path must be zero.

Physically it means that no net work is done in moving a charge along

a closed path in an electrostatic field.
Applying Stokess theorem to equation (i)

E.d l ( E ).d S 0
E 0


Equation (i) and (ii) are known as Maxwells equation for static
electric fields.
Equation (i) is in integral form while equation (ii) is in differential
form, both depicting conservative nature of an electrostatic field.


It means Electric Field Intensity is the gradient of V.
The negative sign shows that the direction of E is opposite to the
direction in which V increases.

Electric Dipole
An electric dipole is formed when two point charges of equal
magnitude but of opposite sign are separated by a small distance.
The potential at P (r, , ) is

If r >> d, r2 - r1 = d cos
and r1r2 = r2 then


d cos d .ar where d d a z

If we define p Q d as the dipole moment, then

The dipole moment p is directed from Q to +Q.

if the dipole center is not at the origin but at

r ' then

Polarization in Dielectrics
Consider an atom of the dielectric consisting of an electron cloud (-Q)
and a positive nucleus (+Q).
When an electric field
is applied, the positive charge is displaced

from its equilibrium position in the direction of

the negative charge is displaced by





in the opposite

A dipole results from the displacement of charges and the dielectric is

polarized. In polarized the electron cloud is distorted by the applied
electric field.

This distorted charge distribution is equivalent to the original

distribution plus the dipole whose moment is

p Qd
where d is the distance vector between -Q to +Q.
If there are N dipoles in a volume v of the dielectric, the total dipole
moment due to the electric field

For the measurement of intensity of polarization, we define

polarization P (coulomb per square meter) as dipole moment per unit

The major effect of the electric field on the dielectric is the creation of
dipole moments that align themselves in the direction of electric field.
This type of dielectrics are said to be non-polar. eg: H2, N2, O2
Other types of molecules that have in-built permanent dipole moments
are called polar. eg: H2O, HCl
When electric field is applied to a polar material then its permanent
dipole experiences a torque that tends to align its dipole moment in the
direction of the electric field.

Field due to a Polarized Dielectric

Consider a dielectric material consisting of dipoles with Dipole
moment P per unit volume.
The potential dV at an external point O due to Pdv
where R2 = (x-x)2+(y-y)2+(z-z)2 and R is the
distance between volume element dv and the
point O.
Applying the vector identity


Put this in (i) and integrate over the entire volume v of the dielectric

Applying Divergence Theorem to the first term

where an is the outward unit normal to the surface dS of the dielectric
The two terms in (ii) denote the potential due to surface and volume
charge distributions with densities

where ps and pv are the bound surface and volume charge densities.
Bound charges are those which are not free to move in the dielectric
Equation (ii) says that where polarization occurs, an equivalent
volume charge density, pv is formed throughout the dielectric while
an equivalent surface charge density, ps is formed over the surface of
The total positive bound charge on surface S bounding the dielectric is

while the charge that remains inside S is

Total charge on dielectric remains zero.

Total charge =
When dielectric contains free charge
If v is the free volume charge density then the total volume charge
density t


The effect of the dielectric on the electric field

inside it by an amount

is to increase

The polarization would vary directly as the applied electric field.

Where e is known as the electric susceptibility of the material

It is a measure of how susceptible a given dielectric is to electric fields.

Dielectric Constant and Strength

We know that



o r


where is the permittivity of the dielectric, o is the permittivity of the

free space and r is the dielectric constant or relative permittivity.

No dielectric is ideal. When the electric field in a dielectric is

sufficiently high then it begins to pull electrons completely out of the
molecules, and the dielectric becomes conducting.
When a dielectric becomes conducting then it is called dielectric
breakdown. It depends on the type of material, humidity, temperature
and the amount of time for which the field is applied.
The minimum value of the electric field at which the dielectric
breakdown occurs is called the dielectric strength of the dielectric
The dielectric strength is the maximum value of the electric field that a
dielectric can tolerate or withstand without breakdown.

Continuity Equation and Relaxation Time

According to principle of charge conservation, the time rate of
decrease of charge within a given volume must be equal to the net
outward current flow through the closed surface of the volume.
The current Iout coming out of the closed surface
where Qin is the total charge enclosed by the closed surface.
Using divergence theorem


Equation (i) now becomes



This is called the continuity of current equation.

Effect of introducing charge at some interior point of a
According to Ohms law
According to Gausss law

Equation (ii) now becomes

This is homogeneous liner ordinary differential equation. By separating
variables we get

Integrating both sides


Equation (iii) shows that as a result of introducing charge at some

interior point of the material there is a decay of the volume charge
density v.
The time constant Tr is known as the relaxation time or the relaxation
Relaxation time is the time in which a charge placed in the interior of a
material to drop to e-1 = 36.8 % of its initial value.
For Copper Tr = 1.53 x 10-19 sec (short for good conductors)
For fused Quartz Tr = 51.2 days (large for good dielectrics)

Boundary Conditions
If the field exists in a region consisting of two different media, the
conditions that the field must satisfy at the interface separating the
media are called boundary conditions
These conditions are helpful in determining the field on one side of
the boundary when the field on other side is known.
We will consider the boundary conditions at an interface separating
1. Dielectric (r1) and Dielectric (r2)
2. Conductor and Dielectric
3. Conductor and free space
For determining boundary conditions we will use Maxwells equations

Boundary Conditions (Between two

different dielectrics)

Consider the E field existing in a region consisting of two different

dielectrics characterized by 1 = 0 r1 and 2 = 0 r2
E1 and E2 in the media 1 and 2 can
be written as

E1 E1t E1n and E2 E2t E2 n

Assuming that the path abcda is very
small with respect to the variation in E

As h

Thus the tangential components of E are the same on the two sides of
the boundary. E is continuous across the boundary.

Here Dt undergoes some change across the surface and is said to be
discontinuous across the surface.

Putting h

0 gives

Where s is the free charge density placed deliberately at the boundary

If there is no charge on the boundary i.e. s = 0 then
Thus the normal components of D is continuous across the surface.

Poissons and Laplace s Equations

We know that
Using equation (i) in (ii)
(inhomogeneous system)
For a Homogeneous system
These are Poissons equation
For a homogeneous system is constant throughout the region in which
V is defined while for an inhomogeneous system is not constant.

When v = 0 then

This is known as Laplaces equation.

Laplaces equation can be written as
Cartesian Form

Cylindrical Form

Spherical Form

Uniqueness Theorem
There are several methods (analytical, graphical, numerical ,
experimental etc.) for solving a problem.
We can solve a Laplace equation in different ways but every method
will lead to the same solution which satisfies the given boundary
Any solution of Laplace equation which satisfies the same boundary
conditions must be the only solution regardless of the method used.
This is known as the uniqueness theorem.
This theorem applies to any solution of the Poissons and Laplaces
equation in a given region or closed surface.

Biot-Savarts Law
It states that the magnetic field intensity dH produce at a point P by
the differential current element Idl is proportional to the product Idl
and the sine of angle between the element and line joining P to the
element and is inversely proportional to the square of distance R
between P and the element.

The direction of dH can be determined by the right hand thumb rule

with the right hand thumb pointing in the direction of the current, the
right hand fingers encircling the wire in the direction of dH

Biot-Savarts Law
In terms of the distributed current sources, the Biot-Savart law
(line current)

(surface current)

(volume current)

Amperes circuit Law

The line integral of the tangential component of H around a close path
is the same as the net current Iinc enclosed by the path.

Using Stokes law


Comparing we get
This is third maxwell equation

Application of Amperes law : Infinite

Sheet Current

Consider an infinite current sheet in z = 0 plane.

If the sheet has a uniform current density then

K K y ay
Applying Amperes Law on closed
rectangular path 1-2-3-4-1 (Amperian
path) we get
To solve integral we need to know how H is like
We assume the sheet comprising of filaments dH above and below the
sheet due to pair of filamentary current.

The resultant dH has only an x-component.

Also H on one side of sheet is the negative of the other.

Due to infinite extent of the sheet, it can be regarded as

consisting of such filamentary pairs so that the characteristic of
H for a pair are the same for the infinite current sheets

where Ho is to be determined.

Evaluating the line integral of H along the closed path

Comparing (i) and (iii), we get
Using (iv) in (ii), we get

Generally, for an infinite sheet of current density K

where an is a unit normal vector directed from the current sheet to the
point of interest.

Magnetic Flux Density

The magnetic flux density B is similar to the electric flux density D
Therefore, the magnetic flux density B is related to the magnetic field
intensity H
where o is a constant and is known as the permeability of free space.
Its unit is Henry/meter (H/m) and has the value

The magnetic flux through a surface S is given by

where the magnetic flux is in webers (Wb) and the magnetic flux
density is in weber/ square meter or Teslas.

Magnetic flux lines due to a straight

wire with current coming out of the
Each magnetic flux line is closed
with no beginning and no end and
are also not crossing each other.
In an electrostatic field, the flux passing through a closed surface is
the same as the charge enclosed.
Thus it is possible to have an isolated
electric charge.
Also the electric flux lines are not
necessarily closed.

Magnetic flux lines are always close

upon themselves,.
So it is not possible to have an isolated
magnetic pole (or magnetic charges)
An isolated magnetic charge does not exist.
Thus the total flux through a closed surface in a magnetic field must
be zero.
This equation is known as the law of conservation of magnetic flux or
Gausss Law for Magnetostatic fields.
Magnetostatic field is not conservative but magnetic flux is conserved.

Applying Divergence theorem, we get

This is Maxwells fourth equation.
This equation suggests that magnetostatic fields have no source or
Also magnetic flux lines are always continuous.

Faradays law
According to Faraday a time varying magnetic field produces an
induced voltage (called electromotive force or emf) in a closed circuit,
which causes a flow of current.
The induced emf (Vemf) in any closed circuit is equal to the time rate of
change of the magnetic flux linkage by the circuit. This is Faradays
Law and can be expressed as

where N is the number of turns in the circuit and is the flux through
each turn.
The negative sign shows that the induced voltage acts in such a way to
oppose the flux producing in it. This is known as Lenzs Law.

Transformer and Motional EMF

For a circuit with a single turn (N = 1)

In terms of E and B this can be written as

where has been replaced by
the circuit bounded by a closed path L..

and S is the surface area of

The equation says that in time-varying situation, both electric and

magnetic fields are present and are interrelated.

The variation of flux with time may be caused in three ways.

1. By having a stationary loop in a time-varying B field.
2. By having a time-varying loop area in a static B field.
3. By having a time-varying loop area in a time-varying B field.

Stationary loop in a time-varying B field

(Transformer emf)
Consider a stationary conducting
loop in a time-varying magnetic B
field. The equation (i) becomes

This emf induced by the time-varying current in a stationary loop is

often referred to as transformer emf in power analysis since it is due to
the transformer action.
By applying Stokess theorem to the middle term, we get


This is one of the Maxwells equations for time-varying fields.

It shows that the time-varying field is not conservative.

2. Moving loop in static B field (Motional

emf)in a static B field, an emf is
When a conducting loop is moving
introduced in the loop.
The force on a charge moving with uniform velocity u in a magnetic
field B is
The motional electric field Em is defined as

Consider a conducting loop moving with uniform velocity u, the emf

induced in the loop is
This kind of emf is called the motional emf or flux-cutting emf.
Because it is due to the motional action. eg,. Motors, generators

By applying Stokess theorem to equation (i), we get

3. Moving loop in time-varying field

Consider a moving conducting loop in a time-varying magnetic field
Then both transformer emf and motional emf are present.
Thus the total emf will be the sum of transformer emf and motional


Displacement Current
For static EM fields
But the divergence of the curl of a vector field is zero. So
But the continuity of current requires
Equation (ii) and (iii) are incompatible for time-varying conditions
So we need to modify equation (i) to agree with (iii)
Add a term to equation (i) so that it becomes
where Jd is to defined and determined.

Again the divergence of the curl of a vector field is zero. So

In order for equation (v) to agree with (iii)



Putting (vi) in (iv), we get

This is Maxwells equation (based on Ampere Circuital Law) for a

time-varying field. The term
is known as displacement
current density and J is the conduction current density

Maxwells Equations in Final Form

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