File 3651683728682
File 3651683728682
File 3651683728682
Act, 1996.
Before the Court of the District Judge Patiala House Courts, New Delhi
Civil Suit No. 1234 of 2021
In the matter of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.
I, A son of Radhe Shankar resident of New Delhi solemnly affirm and state that the
matters referred to in paragraphs 1 to 2 are true to my personal knowledge and belief.
Before the Court of the District Judge Patiala House Courts, New Delhi
Civil Suit No. 1234 of 2021
**Add the suggested version.
Perfect construction Pvt. Ltd
A company incorporated under the Companies Act 1956,
Having its office at No. 33, ABC Marg,
Delhi - 110021 ...PLAINTIFF
The Hon'ble Justice of the District Judge Patiala House Courts, New Delhi, and his
Companion Judges of the said Court.
The Petitioner, Perfect Constructions Pvt. Ltd. respectfully submits as follows:
In light of the above, it is respectfully prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased to:
a. Appoint the proposed arbitrator Jayant kr. Shukla Son of Ram Lal Shukla to preside over
the arbitration proceedings in the present dispute.
b. Pass any other order(s) or direction(s) as it may deem fit and proper in the interest of
justice and equity.
c. Grant any further relief(s) that this Hon'ble Court may deem fit and proper in the facts and
circumstances of the present case.
I appreciate your efforts to complete the exercise. However, there are a few suggestions to
1.It is advised not to fill in the case number. Moreover, the first exercise is to draft an
application under section 8 of the Arbitration Act.
2.The applicant company will be represented by an authorized representative. It is advised to
name the authorized person and add his designation.
3.It is advised to draft the affidavit in support of both the applications. Affidavit is the sworn
statement of the deponent verifying the correctness of the stated facts.
4.Be mindful, the application under section 11 of the Arbitration Act is filed before the Chief
Justice of the Hon’ble High Court or the Hon’ble Supreme Court. Refer section 11 (5 and 6).
5.The heading of the second application is missing. It is advised to draft the heading as per
the exercise.
6.The content of the second exercise seem copied. Try to draft the application in your version.
7.Keep a check on the grammar, spelling errors, paraphrasing, and formatting of the draft.
Also, a part of formatting, paginate the drafts.
Exercise 1 – 8.5/10.
Exercise 2 8/10.
Abhishek Charan
[email protected]
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