Edu-534-Handouts 2

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 Explain ICT policies and safety issues as they impact on the teaching-learning process.
 Technology for Teaching and Learning
 Technology
 Information and Communication
 Educational Technology

 Define the basic concepts related to technology in teaching and learning.

 Technology, Media and Learning
 Instructional System and Instructional Technology
 Technology Tools

 Identify the different ICTs used in teaching.

 Determine the different roles of ICT in teaching for learning.
 Roles of ICT in Teaching for Learning

 Identify the ICT national and international policies

 ICT National or International Policies that are applicable to Teaching and Learning

 Enumerate ICT policies affecting classroom practices.

 Identify the different safety issues in ICT.

 Safety Issues in ICT

 Describe the implementation of ICT policies in teaching-learning

 Enumerate the uses of ICT policies in teaching and learning environment
 Uses of ICT Policies in the Teaching and Learning Environment

 Identify ICT policies that are incorporated to the design and implementation of teaching-learning activities.
 Determine the learning theories and principles applied in the design and development of lessons through
appropriate media and technologies for teaching and learning
 Learning Theories and Principles in Dale’s Cone of Experience

 Identify the different stages of Dale's Cone of Experience

 Identify the TPACK Framework
 TPACK (Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge)

 Determine the different components of TPACK framework

 Identify the important component of ASSURE model.
 ASSURE Model (Analyze Learners, State Objectives, Select Methods, Media and Materials, Require
Learner Participation, Evaluate and Revise

 Make a semi-detailed lesson plan using the ASSURE model.

 Identify the different digital literacy skills.
 21st Century Literacy Skills Digital Literacy Skills (Media, Information and ICT Literacy)

 Connect digital literacy skills to teaching plans.

 Recall the different instructional design models and its uses.
 Instructional Design Model
 Gagne’s Nine Events

 Create classroom scenario using instructional model

 Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
 Merrill’s Principles of Instruction

 Recognize the sample technology-enhanced lessons to support learning.

 Technology Enhanced Teaching Lesson Exemplars
 Choose an appropriate technology integrated material that will enhance the lesson.
 Explore the different digital and conventional learning resources.
 ICT and Conventional Learning Materials to Enhance Teaching Learning
 Digital Learning Resources (Google Docs, Survey Monkey etc.) Conventional

 Identify the difference between digital and conventional learning resources.

 Learning Resources (Flip charts, Realia etc.)

 Distinguish the difference between synchronous or asynchronous distance learning.

 Distance Learning (Synchronous or Asynchronous)

 Identify flexible learning through online communications

 Describe flexible learning environment that enhances collaboration with the use of technology rules.
 Technology Tools in a Collaborative Classroom Environment

 Recognize the importance of flexible learning in promoting collaborative environment.

 Explain the uses of technology and its relevance and appropriateness.
 Relevance and Appropriateness in the Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning

 Evaluate an appropriate technology to use in teaching and learning.

 Formulate teaching-learning experiences and assessment tasks using appropriate and innovative technologies.
 ICT and Assessment in Learning and Tools in evaluating appropriate assessment tools

 Demonstrate proficiency in the formulation of teaching-learning experiences using innovative technologies.

 Technology-Enhanced Lesson using the ASSURE as Technology-Integration Model

 Demonstrate social, ethical, and legal responsibilities in the use of technology tools and resources.
 Digital Citizenship

 Recognize IPR applicable to the educational setting; copyright and related rights.
 Intellectual Property Rights Applicable to the Educational Setting: Copyright and Related Rights

 Enumerate digital safety rules than ensure the child online safety and prevent cyberbullying.
 Digital Safety Rules and Netiquette

 Determine standard netiquette in sharing and utilizing shared materials among learning communities.
 Determine the safety rules in obtaining resources materials from local area network-based and the internet.
 Cyberbullying and Netizens in Cyberspace Active Citizenship

 Identify educational sites and portal suitable to their subject area.

 Educational Sites and Portals

 Use appropriate educational sites and portals for specific subject area.
 Determine different technology tools to collaborate and share resources among communities of practice.
 Technology Tools for Collaborative Work
 Design an outline of technology tools to support collaborative learning.

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