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Calculations: voltage divider or potentiometer Loaded and open circuit (unloaded) damping pad Voltage drop at the voltage

ge divider
The used browser does not support JavaScript. You will see the program but the function will not work. Using impedance matching or power matching you make the output impedance of a source equal to the input impedance of the load to which it is ultimately connected. T- and H-pads are used in radio frequency (RF) circuits to attenuate a signal (damping). It is applied where maximum energy (power) is transferred between a source and a load. Then Zin = Zout. But in sound recording, public address, and HiFi only impedance bridging is used. Zin<< Zout. The output impedance of the source is always much smaller than the input impedance of the load. In this case never try to calculate and use T- and H-pads circuits - use voltage dividers instead.



Voltage Divider Calculator No. 1

Entering three or four values calculate the others. The value of Zload can be entered additionally, otherwise it uses automatically a 1 megohm load - unloaded open circuit. Use the left mouse button - click at a free space.

Vin = Z1 = Z2 = Vunloaded =

volts ohms ohms volts

ZL =
output voltage

Vout =

ohms volts

Vunloaded means Vout without ZL

Voltage damping D = 20 log10

------ ---------------



A negative solution means damping (loss) - positive solution means amplification (gain).

Voltage damping:

Output voltage:

Parallel resistance: Unloaded voltage divider:

Vin = V1+Vout

Z = Z1+Z2

Vout/Vin= Z2 / (Z1+Z2) V2/V1= Z2/Z1

Voltage Divider Calculator No. 2

This calculator, given any three or four of the five possible values, will give the results for the remaining one. The ZL value is optional, if not supplied, the calculator uses 1 Megohm. Usefull if you need to enter Vout. Fill in any three or four fields in the form below, then click the "calculate" button. The remining field will be calculated, and the results displayed. If you make a new calculation, use always the "reset" button to clear all the boxes. Z = R. Vin volts Vout volts Z1 ohms

Z2 ohms ZL ohms

To compute Input Voltage enter Z1, Output Voltage, and Z2 and then click the calculate button. To compute Z1 enter Input Voltage, Output Voltage, and Z2 and then click the calculate button. To compute Z2 enter Input Voltage, Output Voltage, and Z1 and then click the calculate button. To compute Output Voltage enter Input Voltage, Z1 and Z2 and then click the calculate button. Ratio (Output Voltage to Input Voltage) = Vout / Vin Z2 = (ratio Z1) / ( 1 ratio) dB (level) = 20 LOG (ratio) Vout = Vin [Z2 / (Z1 + Z2)]

Interconnection of two audio units - voltage bridging Zout < Zin Calculation of the damping of impedance bridging or impedance matching an interface connecting Zout and Zin

Voltage divider (potentiometer) with different control characteristics

Interconnection of two audio units equals a cirquit of a voltage divider Z2 << Z1.

Attention: The numbering of the impedances is inversely to a voltage divider.

A panpot is made of two voltage dividers:


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1.2 Kesalahan pada Pengukuran Tidak ada pengukuran yang menghasilkan ketelitian yang sempurna, tetapi adalah penting untuk mengetahui ketelitian yang sebenarnya dan bagaimana kesalahan yang berbeda digunakan dalam pengukuran. Kesalahan-kesalahan dapat terjadi karena berbagai sebab dan umumnya dibagi dalam tiga jenis utama: a. Kesalahan-kesalahan umum (gross-errors): Kebanyakan disebabkan oleh kesalahan manusia diantaranya adalah kesalahan pembacaan alat ukur, penyetelan yang tidak tepat dan pemakaian instrument yang tidak sesuai dan kesalahan penaksiran.

b. Kesalahan-kesalahan sistematis (systematic errors): Disebabkan oleh kekurangan-kekurangan pada instrument sendiri seperti kerusakan atau adanya bagian-bagian yang aus dan pengaruh lingkungan terhadap peralatan atau pemakai. c. Kesalahan-kesalahan tak disengaja (random errors): Diakibatkan oleh penyebab-penyebab yang tidak dapat langsung diketahui sebab perubahanperubahan parameter atau system pengukuran terjadi secara acak.

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