Aqa 75172 QP Jun22
Aqa 75172 QP Jun22
Aqa 75172 QP Jun22
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Paper 2
IB/G/Jun22/E16 7517/2
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Answer all questions. box
The method you describe must not involve converting into decimal.
[2 marks]
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0 2 . 2 State one advantage of serial data transmission over parallel data transmission. box
[1 mark]
0 2 . 3 Shade one lozenge to indicate which of these statements about data communications
systems is false.
[1 mark]
For a particular communications channel, the bit rate can be higher than
the baud rate.
The greater the bandwidth of a transmission medium the higher the bit
rate that can be achieved by a communication system using it.
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0 3 . 1 Complete the truth table in Figure 1 for the inputs A and B. box
[1 mark]
Figure 1
𝐀𝐀 �
𝐁𝐁 � ∙ 𝐁𝐁
𝐀𝐀 � ������
� ∙ 𝐁𝐁
𝐀𝐀 �
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
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0 3 . 3 Using the rules of Boolean algebra, simplify the following Boolean expression. box
� + B ∙ C + B ⋅ C� + C ⋅ (A + A
A � ∙ (B + 1))
Answer 6
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0 4 . 1 Define the term ‘system software’. box
[1 mark]
0 4 . 2 The list below contains five types of software. Four of the types are examples of
system software.
Shade one lozenge to indicate which type of software is not system software.
[1 mark]
A Assemblers
C Interpreters
D Libraries
E Utility programs
Function 1
Function 2
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0 5 . 1 Figure 2 shows a number stored using a fixed point representation and two’s box
complement, with six bits before and four bits after the binary point.
Figure 2
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1
0 5 . 2 State two reasons why values stored using a floating point representation are
usually stored in normalised form.
[2 marks]
Reason 1
Reason 2
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Questions 05.3, 05.4 and 05.5 use a normalised floating point representation with an box
8-bit mantissa and a 4-bit exponent, both stored using two’s complement.
Figure 3
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Questions 05.3, 05.4 and 05.5 use a normalised floating point representation with an box
8-bit mantissa and a 4-bit exponent, both stored using two’s complement.
0 5 . 4 Write the normalised floating point representation of the decimal value –23.25 in the
boxes below.
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Questions 05.3, 05.4 and 05.5 use a normalised floating point representation with an box
8-bit mantissa and a 4-bit exponent, both stored using two’s complement.
Figure 4
By converting this number back to decimal it can be seen that the actual value stored
is –0.2265625
Calculate the relative error that has occurred when representing –0.22558594
Answer 11
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0 6 Supermarkets often gather information about their customers and the purchases that box
they make. This information can be analysed by the supermarket and other
companies for a range of purposes.
Some of the information is collected at the checkout, where the identity of the person
is read from a loyalty or payment card using RFID (radio-frequency identification) and
a barcode reader is used to identify the products being purchased.
By analysing the purchases that a shopper has made, it might be possible to identify
such things as whether the shopper has children, is pregnant, or lives in a house with
a garden. Other types of analysis might include the amount of money a customer
spends, the times that they choose to shop at and the differences in shopping habits
of different groups of shoppers.
Describe the principles of operation of the hardware used to collect the information
and discuss some of the ethical and legal issues that might arise as a result of the
capture and processing of this data.
In your answer you will be assessed on your ability to follow a line of reasoning to
produce a coherent, relevant and structured response.
[12 marks]
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0 7 A network of zoos uses a relational database system to store information about the box
animals that they have so that they can be matched up with animals at other zoos in a
breeding programme.
Figure 5
• The Zoo relation stores details of the zoos that participate in the breeding
programme. Each zoo is uniquely identified by its ZooName.
• The AnimalLocation relation identifies which zoos each animal has lived at. The
zoo that the animal is currently at can be identified because the DateLeft attribute is
set to 01/01/0001 to indicate that the animal has not left.
• The Animal relation stores details of the individual animals that are available to be
matched with other animals for breeding. Each animal is identified by a unique
number, the AnimalID. The individual name of the animal (eg ‘Timothy’) is also
stored, together with the species of the animal (eg ‘Red Panda’), its date of birth
and its sex (‘Male’ or ‘Female’).
• The Match relation stores details of matches that have been made. The attributes
AnimalFemaleID and AnimalMaleID refer to the AnimalID values of the two
matched animals in the Animal relation.
0 7 . 1 Shade one lozenge to identify which of the properties below does not have to be
true for a fully normalised database.
[1 mark]
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0 7 . 2 Figure 6 is an incomplete entity-relationship diagram for part of the database shown box
in Figure 5.
Draw lines on Figure 6 to indicate the degree of the two relationships between the
three entities shown in the entity-relationship diagram.
[2 marks]
Figure 6
0 7 . 3 Complete the following SQL statement to create the Animal relation, including the key
[3 marks]
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0 7 . 4 Figure 5 is repeated below to help you answer Question 07.4 without having to turn box
Figure 5 (repeated)
There is a requirement to identify all of the red pandas that were present at the zoo
called ‘Ashdale Park’ at any time between 01/04/2020 and 31/05/2020, inclusive.
The animals might still be at the zoo or may have moved to another zoo.
Write a query that will list all the red pandas that were at the zoo on any day between
these dates.
For each red panda on the list, the animal’s individual name and the date that the
animal arrived at the zoo, and no other fields, should be listed.
[7 marks]
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Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of adding this new attribute to the
[2 marks]
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0 8 A student is setting up a small computer network in their house. The network will link box
together the laptops, desktop computers and mobile devices that belong to the people
who live in the house.
0 8 . 2 Explain why a peer-to-peer system would be most appropriate to use in the house.
[3 marks]
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0 8 . 3 When a person in the house uses the network to load a webpage it is likely that the
Domain Name Server (DNS) system will be used.
Describe the main purpose of the DNS system and how it works.
[3 marks]
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This table is included so that you can answer Questions 09.1 and 09.2 on page 21. outside the
LDR Rd, <memory ref> Load the value stored in the memory location specified by
<memory ref> into register d.
STR Rd, <memory ref> Store the value that is in register d into the memory location
specified by <memory ref>.
ADD Rd, Rn, <operand2> Add the value specified in <operand2> to the value in
register n and store the result in register d.
SUB Rd, Rn, <operand2> Subtract the value specified by <operand2> from the value
in register n and store the result in register d.
MOV Rd, <operand2> Copy the value specified by <operand2> into register d.
CMP Rn, <operand2> Compare the value stored in register n with the value
specified by <operand2>.
B <label> Always branch to the instruction at position <label> in the
B <condition> <label> Branch to the instruction at position <label> if the last
comparison met the criterion specified by <condition>.
Possible values for <condition> and their meanings are:
EQ: equal to NE: not equal to
GT: greater than LT: less than
AND Rd, Rn, <operand2> Perform a bitwise logical AND operation between the value
in register n and the value specified by <operand2> and
store the result in register d.
ORR Rd, Rn, <operand2> Perform a bitwise logical OR operation between the value in
register n and the value specified by <operand2> and
store the result in register d.
EOR Rd, Rn, <operand2> Perform a bitwise logical XOR (exclusive or) operation
between the value in register n and the value specified by
<operand2> and store the result in register d.
MVN Rd, <operand2> Perform a bitwise logical NOT operation on the value
specified by <operand2> and store the result in register d.
LSL Rd, Rn, <operand2> Logically shift left the value stored in register n by the
number of bits specified by <operand2> and store the
result in register d.
LSR Rd, Rn, <operand2> Logically shift right the value stored in register n by the
number of bits specified by <operand2> and store the
result in register d.
HALT Stops the execution of the program.
Labels: A label is placed in the code by writing an identifier followed by a colon (:). To refer to a
label the identifier of the label is placed after the branch instruction.
Interpretation of <operand2>
<operand2> can be interpreted in two different ways, depending on whether the first character
is a # or an R:
• # – use the decimal value specified after the #, eg #25 means use the decimal value 25
• Rm – use the value stored in register m, eg R6 means use the value stored in register 6
The available general-purpose registers that the programmer can use are numbered 0–12
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0 9 Figure 7 shows an assembly language program that has been written using the AQA box
Figure 7
0 9 . 1 State the name of the addressing mode used in the instruction ADD R3, R3, R0
[1 mark]
0 9 . 2 Memory location 120 contains the value 23 and memory location 121 contains the
value 5.
Complete the trace table to show how the contents of the memory locations and
registers change when the program in Figure 7 is executed.
[5 marks]
Memory locations Registers
120 121 122 R0 R1 R2 R3
23 5
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0 9 . 3 State the purpose of the program in Figure 7. box
[1 mark]
State two reasons why the programmer may have chosen to write this program in
assembly language rather than in a high-level programming language.
[2 marks]
Reason 1
Reason 2
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1 0 . 1 A digital recording was made using a sampling rate of 44 100 Hz with a 16-bit sample box
A sampling rate of 1 Hz means that one sample has been taken every second.
The file, which stores only the recording, is 17.199 megabytes in size.
Answer seconds
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1 0 . 2 MIDI is a system that can be used to enable musical devices to communicate and to box
Describe the advantages of using MIDI to represent music instead of using sampled
[3 marks]
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1 2 In a functional programming language, six functions named fu, fv, fw, fx, fy and box
Figure 8
centigrade = (Fahrenheit – 32) ×
1 2 . 1 Shade one lozenge to indicate which of the listed functions from Figure 8 includes a
higher-order function in its definition.
[1 mark]
fu fv fx fy
1 2 . 2 Shade two lozenges to indicate which of the listed functions from Figure 8 use
recursion in their definitions.
[1 mark]
fu fv fw fx
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1 2 . 3 Calculate the results of making the function calls listed in Table 2, using the functions
and list in Figure 8 as appropriate.
[4 marks]
Table 2
fu 50
fv temps
fw temps
fz temps
fz d = fu (fy (d))
Explain why this new definition of fz could be considered to be an improvement over
the definition of fz in Figure 8.
[1 mark]
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1 3 . 1 Below is a definition of a term relating to the architecture of a computer system: box
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1 3 . 3 A computer is fitted with a solid-state disk (SSD). box
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