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------------------------ Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH- LỚP 11
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian: 180 phút
(Đề gồm 05 trang) Ngày thi: 23/09/ 2017


Part I. Complete the extract below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each
answer. (5 pts)
Registration Card
Name of the customer: (1)______________________
Passport No.: (2)_____________________________
Number of customers: (3)_______________________
Room No.: (4)_______________________________
Luggage: Two (5)_______________________and one bag.

Part II. You will hear a college lecturer being interviewed about the subject of her new book. Listen and
decide whether each of the following statements is True (T) or False (F). (5 pts)
6. Pat’s book has already been published for 3 months. T/F
7. Pat thinks girls do not benefit in mixed-sex schools. T/F
8. According to Pat’s book, boys always keep quite when a girl is speaking in the classroon. T/F
9. Pat thinks boys not only dominate the classroom verbally, but physically as well. T/F
10. The so-called “normal” behaviour is men dominate women. T/F

Part III. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer according to what you hear. (5 pts)
11. They’ve known each other for________ .
A. 25 years B. 35 years C. 45 years D. 55 years
12. They became friends because they__________.
A. went to a different school B. lived in the same city
C. went to the same school D. lived next door to each other
13. They lost contact with each other when one of them___________.
A. moved to England B. moved to Scotland
C. changed his school D. changed his house
14. They've been living here in Brighton since_________.
A. 1998 B. 1990 C. 1995 D. 1999
15. They did not see each other_________.
A. in the park B. at lunch time C. at James’ wedding D. in the pub


Question I: Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. (10 pts)
16. His laziness resulted _______ his failure in the final exam.
A. from B. in C. by D. of
17. Sally speaks _______ French. She even can't use her French to ask for directions.
A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
18. Jack: Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?
Jean: _______.
A. No, thanks B. Sorry, the seat is taken
C. Yes, yes. You can sit here D. Yes, I am so glad
19. In most _______ developed countries, up to 50% of _______ population enters higher education at
some time in their lives.
A. the/ x B. the/ the C. x/ x D. x/ the
20. I am not able to go anywhere this weekend because I am up to my _______ in work.
A. eyes B. neck C. head D. nose
21. We regret to tell you that the materials you ordered are _______.
A. out of work B. out of stock C. out of practice D. out of reach
22. I couldn’t use the pay phone,______I didn’t have any coins with me.
A. yet B. despite C. for D. even though
23. Be careful with your gun! You may _______ somebody.
A. ache B. wound C. hurt D. injure
24. This is a picture of a _______ bus.
A. London red bright B. red bright London C. bright red London D. London bright red
25. Samuel Clemens,__________under the pen name Mark Twain, created characters that reflected
purely American traits and habits.
A. wrote B. who wrote C. and he wrote D. he wrote

Question II: The passage below contains 7 mistakes( from 26 to 32). Recognise the mistakes and write their
correct forms in your answer sheet. (7 pts)

Line 1 A table describes the literacy rates of the population in different parts of the country of Fancy from 26

Line 2 1998 to 2007. As can be seen, they varied considerable between 1998 and 2007. In the Lowlands, 27

Line 3 there was a gradual raise in the amount of both males and females who were literate. In contrast, 28

Line 4 the literacy rate in the Midlands declined steadily in both the number of males and females. At the 29

Line 5 Highlands, the trend for literacy rate was different with the other regions. While the number of 30

Line 6 literate males went up sharply between 1998 and 2007, the amount of literate females fell 31

Line 7 dramatically. This data may to help the researchers or planners make suitable plans for educational 32

Line 8 development in each area of the country.

Question III: Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate form. (10 pts)
33-34. Teresa (type)____________all day and still (not finish)____________ the report.
35-36. For the past few days I (work)_____________ in Jack’s office, as my own office (redecorate)_.
37-38. I was terribly disappointed (discover)______________ that he (lie) ____________to me.
39. The girl got a lot of trouble. She (not tell) ____________ a lie.
40. He really didn’t expect (introduce)______________ to the president.
41. I don’t know why you always (talk)___________ in class, boys.
42. I appreciate (tell) _______________________the news.

Question IV: Put each word in brackets into an appropriate form. (8 pts)
43. Solar energy, wind power and water power are _____sources of energy. (ALTERNATE)
44. This organization is very concerned about the___________of the rain forests. (DESTROY)
45. In Western countries, electricity, gas, and water are not luxuries but___________ . (NECESSARY)
46. What does it mean to say “ the world is _________”? (OVERPOPULATE)
47. Seven_________countries have arrangements to deliver EMS items. (ADD)
48.Petroleum is the most ________used energy source, supplying about 40% of the planet’s energy.
49. My farther is very good at_________people singing with his guitar and I admire him very much.
50. As my close friend, he always _________ with my interests and aims. (SYMPATHY)


Question I: Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space.
(10 pts)
Without transportation, our modern society could not (51)______We would have no metal, no coal and no oil
nor would we have any(52)______made from these materials. (53)____, we would have to spend most of our
time (54)_______food and food would be (55)_______to the kinds that could grow in the climate and soil of
our neighborhoods.
Transportation also (56) ________ our lives in other ways. Transportation can speed a doctor to the
(57)________of a sick person, even if the patient lives on an isolated farm. It can take police to the (58)
_____of a crime within moments of being notified. Transportation (59)_____teams of athletes to compete in
national and international sports contests. In time of (60)_________transportation can rush aid to . person
in areas stricken by floods, mines and earthquakes.
51. A. happen B. exist C. take place D. establish
52. A. production B. producers C. productivity D. product
53. A. Besides B. However C. Although D. Even
54. A. buying B. taking C. raising D. paying
55. A. related B. limited C. focused D. connected
56. A. makes B. influences C. affects D. effects
57. A. side B. way C. body D. part
58. A. location B. scene C. place D. site
59. A. brings B. gets C. fetches D. enables
60. A. disasters B. wars C. accidents D. problems

Question II: Supply the most suitable word for each blank. (10 pts)


(61)____most people want to have a toned healthy body, not everyone enjoys (62)__________out at the gym.
In fact, many of us would sooner avoid any (63)______ of vigorous exercise altogether, and may not even feel
it is necessary. Over the years, various health experts have assured us that keeping (64)________ simply
requires a total of 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week. (65) ____people believe that a walk
to the shops or some light housework constitutes moderate activity, but it turns (66)________ this may not be
the case.
According to the British Association of Sport and Exercise, it is high (67)_______ more specific advice was
given about what actually constitutes moderate activity. Housework, it seems, does not fall into this category.
Anyone who devotes a great deal of time every day to dusting and vacuuming no doubt wishes that it
(68)________, but research has shown that women who spend over eight hours a day (69)_______housework
actually tend to be slightly more overweight than (70)_______ who do none whatsoever. The association,
therefore, would prefer it if the public were instructed as to exactly what kind of physical activity to aim for.

Question III: Read the passage and choose the best answers to questions below. (10 pts)
Large animals that inhabit the desert have evolved a number of adaptations for reducing the effects of extreme
heat. One adaptation is to be light in color, and to reflect rather than absorb the Sun's rays. Desert mammals
also depart from the normal mammalian practice of maintaining a constant body temperature. Instead of trying
to keep down the body temperature deep inside the body, which would involve the expenditure of water and
energy, desert mammals allow their temperatures to rise to what would normally be fever height, and
temperatures as high as 46 degrees Celsius have been measured in Grant's gazelles. The overheated body then
cools down during the cold desert night, and indeed the temperature may fall unusually low by dawn, as low
as 34 degrees Celsius in the camel. This is an advantage since the heat of the first few hours of daylight is
absorbed in warming up the body, and an excessive buildup of heat does not begin until well into the day.
Another strategy of large desert animals is to tolerate the loss of body water to a point that would be fatal for
non-adapted animals. The camel can lose up to 30 percent of its body weight as water without harm to itself,
whereas human beings die after losing only 12 to 13 percent of their body weight. An equally important
adaptation is the ability to replenish this water loss at one drink. Desert animals can drink prodigious volumes
in a short time, and camels have been known to imbibe over 100 liters in a few minutes. A very dehydrated
person, on the other hand, cannot drink enough water to dehydrate at one session, because the human stomach
is not sufficiently big and because a too rapid dilution of the body fluids causes death from water intoxication.
The tolerance of water loss is of obvious advantage in the desert, as animals do not have to remain near a
water hole but can obtain food from grazing sparse and far-flung pastures. Desert-adapted mammals have the
further ability to feed normally when extremely dehydrated, it is a common experience in people that appetite
is lost even under conditions of moderate thirst.
71. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. Weather variations in the desert B. Adaptations of desert animals
C. Diseased of desert animals D. Human use of desert animals.
72. According to the passage, why is light coloring an advantage to large desert animals?
A. It helps them hide from predators.
B. It does not absorb sunlight as much as dark colors.
C. It helps them see their young at night
D. It keeps them cool at night.
73. The word "maintaining" is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. measuring B. inheriting C. preserving D. delaying
74. The author uses of Grant's gazelle as an example of ___________.
A. an animal with a low average temperature
B. an animal that is not as well adapted as the camel
C. a desert animal that can withstand high body temperatures
D. a desert animal with a constant body temperature
75. When is the internal temperature of a large desert mammal lower?
A. Just before sunrise B. In the middle of the day
C. Just after sunset D. Just after drinking
76. The word "tolerate" is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. endure B. replace C. compensate D. reduce
77. What causes water intoxication?
A. Drinking too much water very quickly B. Drinking polluted water
C. Bacteria in water D. Lack of water.
78. What does the author imply about desert-adapted mammals?
A. They do not need to eat much food. B. They can eat large quantities quickly
C. They easily lose their appetites. D. They can travel long distances looking for food.
79. Why does the author mention humans in the second paragraph?
A. To show how they use camels. B. To contrast them to desert mammals.
C. To give instructions about desert survival. D. To show how they have adapted to desert life.
80. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an adaptation of large desert animals?
A. Variation in body temperatures B. Eating while dehydrated
C. Drinking water quickly D. Being active at night.

PART D: WRITING (20 pts)

Question I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it. (5 pts)
81. “I am sorry that I broke the glass” said Jim.
Jim apologised ___________________________________________________________________________
82. I really think you ought to take some exercises.
It is high time ____________________________________________________________________________
83. While I strongly disapprove of your behaviour, I will help you this time.
84. You won’t reach the station in less than twenty minutes.
It will take _______________________________________________________________________________
85. It is thought that the accident was caused by the human error.
The acident_______________________________________________________________________________

Question II: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it. Do not change the form of the given word. (5 pts)
86. Dickens’ last novel was unfinished when he died. (WITHOUT)
87. John was shocked to hear that he had failed his driving test. (CAME)
88. You can avoid tooth decay by brushing your teeth regularly. (PREVENT)
89. I’m telling you this for you not to make a mistake. (FEAR)
90. She has extensive knowledge of ancient Egypt. (KNOWLEDGEABLE)
Question III: In 150- 200 words, write an essay about the reasons why friendship is important. (10pts)


------------------------ Năm học 2017- 2018
(Đề gồm 05 trang) Thời gian: 180 phút
Ngày thi: 23/09/ 2017

- Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm.


Part I. Complete the extract below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORD OR A NUMBER for each
answer. (5 pts)
1. Reade 2. JDA 2151623 3. 1/ one 4. 1201 5. suitcases

Part II. You will hear a college lecture being interviewed about the subject of her new book sister. Listen
and decide whether each of the following statements is True (T) or False (F). (5 pts)
6. F 7. T 8. F 9. T 10.T

Part III. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer according to what you hear. (5 pts)
11. A 12. D 13. B 14.A 15.C
Question I: Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. (10 pts)
- Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm.
16. B 17. C 18. B 19. D 20.B
21. B 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. B

Question II: The passage below contains 7 mistakes( from 26 to 32). Recognise the mistakes and write
their correct forms in your answer sheet. (7 pts)
26. A => The 27. considerable => considerably 28. raise=> rise
29. At => In 30.with => from 31. amount => number
32. to help => help

Question III: Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate form. (10 pts)
33-34. has been typing; hasn’t finished
35-36. have been working; is being redecorated
37-38. to discover; had lied
39. shouldn’t have told
40. to be introduced
41. are always talking
42. having been told

Question IV: Put each word in brackets into an appropriate form. (8 pts)
43. alternative 44. destruction 45. necessities 46. overpopulated
47. additional 48. commonly 49. accompanying 50. sympathizes


Question I: Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space.
(10 pts)
- Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm.
51. B 52. D 53. A 54. C 55. B
56. C 57.B 58. A 59. D 60. A
Question II: Supply the most suitable word for each blank. (10 pts)
61. While 62. working 63. kind 64. fit 65. Many
66. out 67. time 68. did 69. on/doing 70. those/ women
Question III: Read the passage and choose the best answers to questions below. (10 pts)
71. B 72. B 73. C 74. C 75. A
76. A 77. A 78. D 79. B 80. D

PART D: WRITING (20 pts)

Question I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to
the sentence printed before it. (5 pts)
81.Jim apologised for breaking the glass/ having broken….
82. It is high time you took some exercises / for you to take some….
83. Despite my strong disapproval of your behavior/ the fact that I strongly disapprove of your behavior, I will
help you this time.
84. It will take you at least 20 minutes to reach the station.
85. The accident is thought to have been caused by human error.

Question II: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it. Do not change the form of the given word. (5 pts)
86. Dickens died without finishing his last novel.
87. It came as a shock to John to hear that he had failed his driving test.
88. Brushing your teeth regularly can prevent tooth decay.
89. I’m telling you this for fear that you might make a mistake.

90. She is very knowledgeable about ancient Egypt.

Question III: In 150- 200 words, write an essay about the reasons why friendship is important. (10pts)
- If the contents are not relevant, the composition IS NOT COUNTED.
- If the contents are relevant, ASSESS in accordance with this scale:
- Completion 2 ps (if unfinished, grant 1 p)
- Contents:
+ Persuasiveness 3 ps
+ Accuracy (grammar, expressions, 4 ps (subtract 0.25 point for each mistake)
+ Length (120 – 150 ws) 1p
- Cách quy đổi điểm bài thi về thang điểm 20:
Tổng số câu đúng
Điểm bài thi = 5

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