Secondhand Stress

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What is secondhand stress

and how do I get rid of it?

Studies have shown that stress can be contagious. So, how do we stop
the secondhand stress before it spirals and we feel overwhelmed?
Writing | Bonnie Evie Gifford

tress. It can be how can we get rid of secondhand Of course, being there for those
overwhelming, can’t it? stress for good? we care about when they’re
As a nation, as many going through a challenging time
as three in four (74%) What is secondhand is important, but it’s essential
of us have felt overwhelmed stress and anxiety? we’re able to do so without
and unable to cope in the past The terms secondhand stress it costing our own mental
year, according to figures from and secondhand anxiety refer to wellbeing, by finding a way to
the Mental Health Foundation. when you begin to feel stressed or maintain a balance between
Whether it’s financial worries, anxious, because someone else is supporting someone without
relationship difficulties, or showing signs of stress or anxiety. taking on their stress.
feelings of being overworked and Essentially, our minds and bodies
underappreciated, unfortunately, are wired to keep an eye out for How do you know if
it’s not just our own stress that’s potential danger or threats. When someone is stressing
keeping us up at night. we see someone else having a you out?
Research has shown that, stress or anxiety reaction, we can There are a number of different
thanks to emotional contagion, unconsciously end up mimicking signs and symptoms of stress
it’s possible for us to ‘catch’ stress, this, as a natural form of self- that we can keep an eye out for.
anxiety, and other emotions defence. These can include emotional
from people, as demonstrated We’re able to pick up symptoms (feeling frustrated,
in a study published in Research secondhand stress by seeing quick to anger, anxious,
in Organizational Behaviour. others’ facial expressions, hearing overwhelmed, teary, or avoiding
Just watching someone else their voice frequency, and even others or social situations) or
showing classic signs of stress recognising specific scents or physical symptoms (trouble
can be enough to trigger a stress touches. What’s more, we’re more sleeping, feeling dizzy, excessive
response in us, which can lead likely to experience secondhand sweating, chest pains or
to further feelings of exhaustion, stress from someone we know, palpitations, digestive problems,
worry, and even starting to avoid rather than a stranger – meaning or seeking comfort from food,
certain colleagues, friends, family, our colleagues’ or loved ones’ drugs or alcohol). But there are
and loved ones. stress levels, and how they react also signs to watch for that can
So, what can we do to spot the to and express those feelings of indicate being around someone
signs of secondhand stress before stress, can have a serious impact else may be causing you
it starts to take hold of us? And on us. secondhand stress, including:

78 | Issue 73 |
When we see someone else
having a stress reaction, we
can unconsciously end up
mimicking this, as a natural
form of self-defence

▲ Stress eating or drinking

when they are around (e.g.
eating more when you’re
around someone, as a way to
self-soothe or cope with how
you are feeling).

▲ Checking your phone

or avoiding eye contact
while talking to others.
This can be a sign that you
are feeling uncomfortable
with what is being shared,
or are experiencing stress
and overwhelm (though
it’s worth noting that not
everyone is comfortable with
prolonged eye contact, so
this isn’t always a clear sign).

▲ Fidgeting (e.g. tapping your

feet, bouncing your leg,
clicking a pen, or drumming
your fingers) or biting
your nails can both be
common ways to cope with
stress, anxiety, or general
feelings of nervousness. If
you find yourself doing this
frequently around the same
person or situation, it could
be a sign. >>> | Issue 73 | 79

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