Homework Has Positive Effect On Student Achievement Duke Study

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Homework has long been a topic of debate among educators, parents, and students.

Some argue that

it is a necessary part of the learning process, while others believe it causes unnecessary stress and
takes away from valuable free time. However, a recent study conducted by Duke University has shed
light on the positive effects of homework on student achievement.

The study, led by professor Harris Cooper, analyzed over 120 studies on homework and its impact on
student achievement. The findings were clear: homework has a positive effect on student learning
and academic success.

The Importance of Practice

One of the key findings of the Duke study was that homework allows students to practice and
reinforce what they have learned in class. This repetition is crucial for solidifying new concepts and
skills. Without practice, students may struggle to retain information and may not fully understand the
material. Homework provides an opportunity for students to apply what they have learned in a real-
world context.

Preparation for Tests and Exams

Another benefit of homework is that it prepares students for tests and exams. By completing
homework assignments, students are able to identify areas where they may need more practice or
clarification. This allows them to address any gaps in their understanding before a test or exam. The
Duke study found that homework has a significant positive effect on test scores.

Time Management and Responsibility

Homework also teaches students important skills such as time management and responsibility. By
having to complete assignments on a set deadline, students learn to prioritize their workload and
manage their time effectively. This is a crucial skill that will benefit them not only in their academic
career but also in their future professional lives.

Ordering Homework Help

While homework has many benefits, it can also be a source of stress for students. With the
increasing workload and demands of school, it can be overwhelming for students to keep up with all
their assignments. This is where ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔ comes in. Our team of experienced writers can
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The Duke study has shown that homework has a positive effect on student achievement. It allows for
practice and reinforcement of learned material, prepares students for tests and exams, and teaches
important skills such as time management and responsibility. For those struggling with their
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This article discusses 10 such notions that the author believes limit the effectiveness of special
education by impeding the adoption of research-based instructional practices. Heward, W. L. (2003).
Ten faulty notions about teaching and learning that hinder the effectiveness of special education.
However, neither the effects for cognitive learning nor affective learning were homogeneous. That’s
why teachers are all required to have a master’s degree. More Info Does Caffeine Affect Classroom
Behavior and Student Performance. Retrieved from More Info Factors enhancing sustained use of
research-based instructional practices This article reviews key findings from school-reform studies of
the 1980s and explains their relevance to special education. More Info Executive perceptions of the
top 10 soft skills needed in today’s workplace This study identified the top 10 soft skills as perceived
the most important by business executives: integrity, communication, courtesy, responsibility, social
skills, positive attitude, professionalism, flexibility, teamwork, and work ethic. Robles, M. M. (2012).
Executive perceptions of the top 10 soft skills needed in today’s workplace. Besides, customers can
order SMS notifications to track the order execution nonstop. More Info Teacher job satisfaction and
motivation to leave the teaching profession: Relations with school context, feeling of belonging, and
emotional exhaustion. More Info Comparing Reading Research to Program Design: An Examination
of Teachers College Units of Study. More Info Managing conflict in school teams: The impact of
task and goal interdependence on conflict management and team effectiveness The present study
explores conflict management as a team phenomenon in schools. NCEE 2015-4020. National Center
for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance. More Info Teaching critical thinking and problem
solving skills. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31 (10), 1369-1385. This study investigate
the quantity and quality of student engagement in a large CS1 class during the implementation of
TPS activities. In this compilation of studies, metacognitive instruction was found particularly
effective for junior high students (seventh and eighth grades). This overview describes strategies for
how school personnel can respond when disruptive behavior occurs, including (1) negative
consequences that can be applied as primary interventions, (2) functional behavior assessment, and
(3) function-based, individualized interventions characteristic of the secondary or tertiary tiers of a
multitiered system of support. Not one of 25 studies showed results favoring the comparison groups.
A review of the literature and a psychometric critique of instruments assessing time management.
This article reports the findings of two meta-analyses that explored the relationship between teacher
clarity and student learning. These four categories also provide the essential core around which
decision makers can construct teacher preparation, teacher hiring, teacher development, and teacher
and school evaluations. More Info How important are teachers in improving student performance.
These three surveys, the National Education Longitudinal Study, the Beginning Postsecondary
Student Longitudinal Study, and the Baccalaureate and Beyond Study, provide findings about
college access, student characteristics, and academic persistence. Choy, S. P. (2002). Access and
persistence: Findings from 10 years of longitudinal research on students. The article is organized into
three major sections:(a) general principles of instruction,(b) description of classwide peer tutoring
procedures, and (c) review of effectiveness data concerning classroom process (ie, ecological and
behavioral factors) and student achievement outcomes. This study was designed to investigate the
factors affecting academic performance of undergraduate students of uganda christian university
ucu. Nine studies met the criteria for inclusion, five found either mixed impacts or were
inconclusive. National Council on Teacher Quality. (2017). A closer look at student teaching:
Undergraduate secondary programs. More Info Professional Standards for Educational Leaders 2015
This document updates a set of voluntary school leadership standards first developed in 1996, then
revised in 2008 and long known by the initials of the creator of the original document, ISLLC.
Gonzalez, N. (2018). When evidence-based literacy programs fail. Nor did it increase the overall
level of performance of high school students on the eve of their graduation, despite the vast increase
in resources that would be committed to education over the ensuing five decades (see Figures 2, 3,
and 4). Teaching and teacher education, 26 (4), 1059-1069. Partly reflecting the nature of the
document, not all of them agreed on which of the findings to emphasize.
The Journal of Research in Business Education, 50 (2), 90. Maintain contact with them to elucidate
anything, talk about the stage of work on the document, and so on and so forth. The later effects of
the Direct Instruction Follow Through program were assessed at five diverse sites. It also found
evidence for both positive and negative impacts in selected subjects, years, and cohorts of schools,
but, most important, no discernable effect on math, reading, or science achievement. More Info The
debate about rewards and intrinsic motivation: Protests and accusations do not alter the results.
Given this fact, it is important that we first answer the question; do teachers actually make a
significant difference in student learning. Studies also suggest that young students who are
struggling in school take more time to complete homework assignments simply because these
assignments are more difficult for them. More Info Simulation and the need for practice in teacher
preparation. The authors examined the implementation of a blended learning program for literacy
instruction across kindergarten through Grade 5 in a Title I urban elementary school, including a
population of students (18%) who are English learners. The authors did not consider these results to
be socially or statistically significant. Thirty-one studies were located in each of which students and
faculty specified the instructional characteristics they considered particularly important to good
teaching and effective instruction. Feldman, K. A. (1988). Effective college teaching from the
students' and faculty's view: Matched or mismatched priorities. In Education at the Crossroads: The
State of Teacher Preparation (Vol. 2, pp. 1-46). Oakland, CA: The Wing Institute. Journal of learning
disabilities, 33 (5), 445-456. However, this discussion of the findings will deal primarily with the
issues in Newfoundland and Labrador. Dibbon, D. C. (2004). It’s about Time!! A Report on the
Impact of Workload on Teachers and Students. St. John’s, NL: Memorial University of
Newfoundland. More Info How Does Reading Proficiency Correlate With a Student's Socio-
Economic Status. Unfortunately, the WingInstitute finds the bulk of the packages included in this
analysis substituted ineffective components for empirically supported practices that would have
increased the effectiveness of the packages. More Info Relating communication competence to
teaching effectiveness: Implication for teacher education This paper posits that teacher education
should emphasize both content knowledge and communication skills. We find that class size, per-
pupil expenditure, teacher certification, and teacher training—are not correlated with school
effectiveness. This study examined the relationships between poverty and a school's academic
performance (both student achievement and growth). Hegedus, A. (2018). Evaluating the
Relationships between Poverty and School Performance. This analysis looks at the importance of
learning styles impact on student achievement. States, J. (2010). Do we get better results when
teachers match individual learning styles to instructional methods. Research reveals that how teachers
instruct and these interactions with students is the cornerstone around which to build effective
schools. More Info Teaching spelling through prompting and review procedures using computer-
based instruction Computer-based instruction (CBI) was used to teach 3 sets of 20 spelling words to
two 6th graders in a multiple baseline design. Increasingly, school services are being guided by a
problem solving approach and are evaluated by the achievement of positive outcomes. Students and
academic performance of somali higher education students therefore this paper examines satisfaction
of students and academic performance in benadir university mogadishu somalia. Article types Author
guidelines Editor guidelines Publishing fees Submission checklist Contact editorial office Frontiers in
Psychology. The author shares nine teachable competencies that can serve as a principal's guide for
empathy education. Spend more time watching students develop their own games and rules in the
neighborhood. The research was supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Let’s
get on a zoom call sometime so we can see if there’s anything else we can do to make it even more
amazing for you. Empathy involves cognitive, affective, and behavioral components that teachers
believed were manifested in their practice.
More Info Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient Teaching This book gives special and general
education teachers the tools to implement explicit instruction in any grade level or content area. The
research questions addressed the distribution of effect sizes for the relationship and the moderator
variables that could explain any variance found among the studies. Eells, R. J. (2011). Meta-analysis
of the relationship between collective teacher efficacy and student achievement (Doctoral
dissertation, Loyola University Chicago). More Info Managing Classroom Behavior to Maximize
Student Learning This is a detailed guide on managing classroom behavior to maximize student
learning. The findings highlight the importance of considering context and implementation, in
addition to evidence of effectiveness, when choosing an intervention program. Hattie focuses on
schools in the English-speaking world but most aspects of the underlying story should be
transferable to other countries and school systems as well. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee
Value-Added Research and Assessment Center. More Info Does Sugar Affect Student Behavior or
Achievement. At the core of these disparate reforms is the belief that teachers have a significant
impact on learning. Few jobs demand the integration of professional judgment and the proficient use
of evidence-based competencies as does teaching. Results of this meta?analysis research, testing for
a moderator effect, show that support for the overjustification effect occurs only when intrinsic
motivation is operationalized as task behaviour during a free?time measure. Wiersma, U. (1992). The
effects of extrinsic rewards in intrinsic motivation: A meta-analysis. This is something I learned from
Dave Burgess (known for his book “ teach like a pirate ”) on the Ditch That Textbook Digital
Summit hosted by Matt Miller. Students who adopt a deep approach are likely to engage their
homework with the intention of deepening their understanding of the knowledge learned in class. In
Handbook of response to intervention (pp. 223-233). Springer, Boston, MA. In Handbook of
response to intervention (pp. 10-24). Springer, Boston, MA. Journal of Applied School Psychology,
22(1), 109-123. Murphy does not just deliver documents on time, often submitting documents earlier.
This means that Finnish students get more personalized help from their teachers. On the other hand,
research should examine in-depth the use of learning strategies during homework, as well as how
students' motivations at an early age may foster homework completion and increase the quality of
school outcomes. More Info Center on Teaching and Learning (CTL) CTL is research center that
conducts and disseminates research that focuses on practical solutions to serious problems in school
systems. More Info Daniel Willingham - Web Site Daniel Willingham is a resource to help those
interested in issues of education to find practical, helpful information on what works and what
doesn’t. In Handbook of teacher education (pp. 415-432). Springer, Dordrecht. Before Coleman, a
good school was defined by its “inputs”—per-pupil expenditure, school size, comprehensiveness of
the curriculum, volumes per student in the library, science lab facilities, use of tracking, and similar
indicators of the resources allocated for the students’ education. This rule recommends a daily
maximum of 10 minutes of homework per grade level. Yet such studies neglect the primary venue
through which students learn, the classroom. While these findings appear clear, their interpretation
calls for considerable care. The PACT seeks both to measure and develop teacher effectiveness, and
this study of its predictive and consequential validity provides information on how well it achieves
these goals. More Info A blueprint for schoolwide positive behavior support: Implementation of
three components. In the educational setting, whereas learning goals focus on the comprehension and
mastery of the content, performance goals are more focused on achieving a better performance than
their colleagues ( Pajares et al., 2000; Gaudreau, 2012 ). The data were previously analyzed and
individual cases presenting a significant number of missing values were eliminated (2.1%), whereas
the rest of the missing values were replaced by the mean. The consistency in teacher workload across
the country is remarkable (see Appendix 2), and many of the findings in this study are supported by
research in other jurisdictions. It has been linked in the literature to school achievement.
In each experiment, Ss performed an activity during 3 different periods, and observations relevant to
their motivation were made. The team asked students, teachers, principals, and superintendents at
these schools a wide range of questions. Despite the Coleman findings, the claim that money matters
was routinely made in courtrooms in nearly every state, provoking a bevy of research on the effects
of school expenditure on student achievement. Intuitively, the link between teaching and student
academic achievement may seem obvious, but what is the evidence for it. This means that they
recognized fewer words than 99 percent of the other preschoolers. In conclusion, public colleges are
much cheaper than for-profit colleges. Our teachers find their tasks made heavier in that they have
come to deal with pupils individually and not merely in mass. Coleman assumed that family
influences come first, and that school factors are to be introduced into the analysis only after all
effects that can be attributed to the family are identified. More Info Interpersonal expectancy
effects: The first 345 studies This paper general purpose is to summarize the results of 345
experiments investigating interpersonal expectancy effects. Torgesen, J. K. (2000). Individual
differences in response to early interventions in reading: The lingering problem of treatment resisters.
External rewards were given to the experimental Ss during the 2nd period only, while the control Ss
received no rewards. Deci, E. L. (1971). Effects of externally mediated rewards on intrinsic
motivation. Further, the language they do hear is more likely to be “concrete” and literal, as opposed
to abstract and adjective rich. Teaching and teacher education, 28 (8), 1091-1106. The annual
Education Next Survey of Public Opinion examines the opinions of parents and teachers across a
wide range of topic areas such as: student performance, common core curriculum, charter schools,
school choice, teacher salaries, school spending, school reform, etc. I read the book on Blinkist so I
don’t have the full citation though. Homework can be good to a certain extent, to teach students
how to plan ahead, set goals and work in teams as well as independently. Retrieved from More Info
Preservice teachers’ perceived barriers to the implementation of a multicultural curriculum. Put
differently, if we continue to close gaps at the same rate in the future, it will be roughly two and a
half centuries before the black-white math gap closes and over one and a half centuries until the
reading gap closes. The data were collected from 60 purposive samples of new teachers by
interviewing and questionnaires. Students using this approach are more likely to do homework to
fulfill an external obligation (e.g., hand in homework in class and get a grade), than for the benefits
for learning. Random House. More Info Hard evidence on soft skills. This study found a large effect
size of 0.70 for performance compensation in schools, but the study did not include student
achievement measures as was required for inclusion in this analysis. In Handbook of response to
intervention (pp. 10-24). Springer, Boston, MA. More Info On the teachability of communication
strategies. Be aware that some students really want to put in an effort and do homework. It reported
a one standard deviation increase in teacher effectiveness to correspond to an increase of 0.09 to
0.18 standard deviations in student achievement. The problem was to determine the correlation
between teacher clarity and the mean class student learning (achievement gain) in normal public
education classes in English-speaking, industrialized countries. Many students, especially students
from lower socio economic backgrounds tend to go backwards during long breaks, but giving them
homework or keeping them at school maintains their progress. Statistically linked to a majority of
the mandated ESSA accountability measures, the outcome of Gallup's research is two indexes that
measure students' engagement and hope. More Info Early career teacher attrition: Intentions of
teachers beginning This study considered early career teacher attrition as an identity making process
that involves a complex negotiation between individual and contextual factors.
More Info Learner-centered teacher-student relationships are effective: A meta-analysis. More Info
Learner-centered teacher-student relationships are effective: A meta-analysis. Unfortunately,
effective and ineffective teachers have no readily discernable personality differences. More Info A
blueprint for schoolwide positive behavior support: Implementation of three components. More Info
A meta-analysis of single-subject-design intervention research for students with LD This article
summarizes single-subject-design intervention studies that include students with learning disabilities.
Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. This review looks at the impact that caffeine has on student behavior
and academic performance. States, J. (2011). Does Caffeine Affect Classroom Behavior and Student
Performance. More Info Impact of highly and less job-related diversity on work group cohesion and
performance: A meta-analysis. A quantitative synthesis of “metacognitive” studies. The report finds
minimal positive effects from the grants and no evidence that SIG had significant impacts on math
and reading scores, graduation rates, or increased college enrollment. Younger children also have less
effective study habits. Hence, students who pursue a work avoidance goal are likely to avoid
challenging tasks and to put on effort to do well, only doing the bare minimum to complete the task.
More Info Preparing a pipeline of effective principals: A legislative approach Using examples from
states throughout the country, this guidebook from the National Conference of State Legislatures
describes six key areas in which state legislators can take action to improve the quality of leadership
in public schools Shelton, S. V. (2012). Preparing a pipeline of effective principals: A legislative
approach. Homework can be good to a certain extent, to teach students how to plan ahead, set goals
and work in teams as well as independently. In Handbook of response to intervention (pp. 10-24).
Springer, Boston, MA. Hattie derives an effect size of 0.35. Scheerens and Bosker calculate an even
larger effect of 0.42. Rowan, Correnti, and Miller provide an effect size range of between 0.21 to
0.42, depending on grade level and the subject matter being taught. Additionally, 16.4 percent of
parents of low-income children reported behavior problems that lasted longer than three months, a
factor that was reported by 12.7 percent of non-low-income parents in a study published by The
Future of Our Children in 1997. More Info Improving pedagogy in the developmental mathematics
classroom Community colleges typically offer extensive developmental education programs to
students with weak academic skills in order to prepare them for college-level coursework. This
analysis examines the influence of poverty on student reading performance across grade levels. Thank
you for making me sound great on paper and sorry I was such a headache. Students in schools with
performance compensation systems scored 0.03 standard deviations higher in reading in the first 2
years than did their peers in control schools. More Info Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient
Teaching This book gives special and general education teachers the tools to implement explicit
instruction in any grade level or content area. A review of the literature finds few studies on the
impact of Peer Review on student outcomes. Those variables may not be correlated with student
achievement, but that does not necessarily mean that schools are unimportant. More Info Managing
conflict in school teams: The impact of task and goal interdependence on conflict management and
team effectiveness The present study explores conflict management as a team phenomenon in
schools. More Info Executive perceptions of the top 10 soft skills needed in today’s workplace This
study identified the top 10 soft skills as perceived the most important by business executives:
integrity, communication, courtesy, responsibility, social skills, positive attitude, professionalism,
flexibility, teamwork, and work ethic. Robles, M. M. (2012). Executive perceptions of the top 10 soft
skills needed in today’s workplace. Indeed, no analysis of school performance that neglects
differences in family background can be taken seriously. In general, these findings have been
reaffirmed by the scholarly community over the five decades since the report was written. In sum, is
doing homework a good way to acquire competence, improve skills, and outperform. Presented at the
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL, April.
This analysis examines the impact that teachers have on low-achieving student's performance. States,
J. (2011). How important are teachers in improving student performance. Journal of Positive
Behavior Interventions, 15 (4), 205-213. The main meta-analysis included 96 experimental stud- ies
that used between-groups designs to compare rewarded subjects to nonrewarded controls on four
measures of intrinsic motivation. Questionnaire A comparison system using graphs of assessing the
gathered data was used to weigh and balance out the research. Drawing upon studies from implicit
social cognition, human memory research, and legal decisionmaking, I argue that implicit racial biases
affect the way judges and jurors encode, store, and recall relevant case facts. More Info Effect of
think-pair-share in a large CS1 class: 83% sustained engagement. Washington, DC: American
Council on Education, Center for Policy Analysis. Focusing specifically on student engagement, the
study found that schools in the top quartile of student engagement had significantly more students
exceeding and meeting proficiency requirements than schools in the bottom quartile of engagement.
Emerging evidence from this literature highlights the importance of the mentor teacher who
supervises this placement, as teachers tend to be more effective when they student teach with a
mentor who is a more effective teacher. Pew Research Center recently asked a national sample of
adults to select among a list of 10 skills: “Regardless of whether or not you think these skills are
good to have, which ones do you think are most important for children to get ahead in the world
today?” Goo, S. A. R. A. (2015). The skills Americans say kids need to succeed in life. More Info
Effective Teachers Make a Difference This analysis examines the available research on effective
teaching, how to impart these skills, and how to best transition teachers from pre-service to
classroom with an emphasis on improving student achievement. Journal of Economic literature, 37
(4), 1615-1660. It also found evidence for both positive and negative impacts in selected subjects,
years, and cohorts of schools, but, most important, no discernable effect on math, reading, or science
achievement. Our writers have written thousands of papers across several institutions and can extend
this brilliant service to your Duke essay application. More Info What are the critical influences in a
classroom that result in improved student performance. The surface approach is characterized by
learning the contents aiming at achieving goals that are extrinsic to the learning content. The report
cards' measures include a combination of student achievement, student growth, English language
proficiency, high school graduation rates and a school quality or student success measure, which
were selected by each state autonomously. More Info Principal’s time use and school effectiveness.
However, a number of factors inhibit the decision-making process within CSTs. A review of the
literature and a psychometric critique of instruments assessing time management. Pin all of your
hopes on our erudite and extremely proficient authors specializing in each academic area. Articles are
produced by staff and faculty across the university and health system to comprise a one-stop-shop
for news from around Duke. Learn their parents how to engage their children at home in authentic
learning. Nashville, TN: National Center on Performance Incentives at Vanderbilt University.
Teaching and teacher education, 26 (4), 1059-1069. This analysis examines the impact that sugar has
on student behavior and academic achievement. States, J. (2011). Does Sugar Affect Student
Behavior or Achievement. More Info Fast facts: Expenditures Current expenditures for education
can be expressed in terms of the percentage of funds going toward salaries, employee benefits,
purchased services, tuition, supplies, or other expenditures. Although not explicitly written for
educators, it offers concrete examples principals can apply to improve the performance of teachers
and other school personnel so student’s can ultimately be successful. Gilbert, T. F. (1978). Human
competence?engineering worthy performance. This study have sought to investigate teacher success
in Hong Kong. About 2 in 3 students in Finland will go on to college.

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