Noosphere Technology Center - Brazil

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Boris Petrovic

Braslia, Brazil November 2011

Living matter gives the biosphere an extraordinary character, unique in the

universe... Cosmic energy determines the pressure of life that can be regarded as the transmission of solar energy to the Earth's surface... Activated by radiation, the matter of the biosphere collects and redistributes solar energy, and converts it ultimately into free energy capable of doing work on Earth... A new character is imparted to the planet by this powerful cosmic force. The radiations that pour upon the Earth cause the biosphere to take on properties unknown to lifeless planetary surfaces, and thus transform the face of the Earth... In its life, its death, and its decomposition an organism circulates its atoms through the biosphere over and over again. Vladimir Vernadsky, Biosfera, 1926 THE VISION

Planetary Whole System Design

According to Vernadsky, the biosphere became a real geological force that is changing the face of the earth, and the biosphere is changing into the Noosphere. In Vernadsky's interpretation (1945), the Noosphere, is a new evolutionary stage of the biosphere, when human reason will provide further sustainable development both of humanity and the global environment: In our century the biosphere has acquired an entirely new meaning; it is being revealed as a planetary phenomenon of cosmic character... In the twentieth century, man, for the first time in the history of earth, knew and embraced the whole biosphere, completed the geographic map of the planet earth, and colonized its whole surface. Mankind became a single totality in the life on earth... The Noosphere is the last of many stages in the evolution of the biosphere in geological history. The Earth is a whole system consisting of various interactive and interdependent spheres. The operating dynamic governing the whole from the lithosphere to the magnetosphere does not recognize political boundaries. The sum of the whole system operations that make the Earth what it is possesses integrity to which all the subsystems contribute and support each other. Jose Arguelles, Planetary Whole System Design Science, 2010

THE GLOBAL CRISIS The peaking of world oil production presents an unprecedented risk management problem. As peaking is approached, liquid fuel prices and price volatility will increase dramatically and, without timely mitigation, the economic, social and political costs will be unprecedented.

Peak Oil Fossil fuels are not the only important resource rapidly depleting. In this century we will see an end to growth and a decline in all the following areas: Population, Grain production (total and per capita), Uranium production, Climate stability, Fresh water availability per capita, Arable land in agricultural production, Wild fish harvests, Yearly extraction some metals and minerals (including copper, platinum, silver, gold, and zinc) The general picture is one of mutually interacting instances of over-consumption and emerging scarcity. We are today living at the end of the period of greatest material abundance in human history.

This critical forking the bifurcation of the evolutionary trajectory comes when fluctuations that were previously corrected by self-stabilizing negative feedbacks within the system run out of control: they break open the systems structure. Then the system enters a period of chaos. Its outcome is either the disintegration of the system to its individually stable components {breakdown), or rapid evolution toward a kind of system that is resistant to the fluctuations that destabilized the prior system (breakthrough). Ervin Laszlo, Paths to Planetary Civilization (2006)

We are witnessing a social implosion where we are no longer able to keep up with, much less assess, the effects of every new technological innovation on our psyche and social life, which are already spinning out of control. The sum effect of these two accelerating factors precipitates the global crisis. The inability of the human to do anything about climate change is the more or less externalized symptom of the inability of the human to control the chaos of its consumption, which further manifests in the increase in violence, terrorism, war and social insecurity. In the whole system analysis the factors bringing about the global crisis are inseparable. One cannot deal with the issue of global climate change as if it were a political football apart from the degenerative process of the human social order that sustains the consumer philosophy and its unjust division of the world into rich nation-poor nation. Aspects of the crisis are thoroughly enmeshed in profit technologies. The NOOSPHERE LIVING SYSTEMS provide solutions through whole system analysis and self-organization for functional integrity. Addressing the economic, social, and political problems ensuing from the looming peaks requires an enormous collective effort. That effort must educate and motivate people at a massive scale, and the motivation must come from a positive vision of a future worth striving toward. Most of the peaks that are before us cannot be avoided, but there are many things we can do to navigate down and around them so as to enhance human sanity, security, and happiness.

Nature's Strongholds: Biosphere Reserve Location Map Brazil

Renewable energy comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat, which are renewable (naturally replenished). About 16% of global final energy consumption comes from renewables, with 10% coming from traditional biomass, which is mainly used for heating, and 3.4% from hydroelectricity. New renewables (small hydro, modern biomass, wind, solar, geothermal, and biofuels) accounted for another 2.8% and are growing very rapidly. The share of renewables in electricity generation is around 19%, with 16% of global electricity coming from hydroelectricity and 3% from new renewables. Brazil has one of the largest renewable energy programs in the world, involving production of ethanol fuel from sugar cane, and ethanol now provides 18% of the country's automotive fuel.

Brazil Map of Wind Potential

Brazil Map of Solar Irradiance

In 2001, the first Brazilian wind atlas was published, estimating Brazils wind power potential at around 143 GW at 50m. In 2008 and 2009, new measurements carried out in several states indicate that the real potential is considerably higher, at more than 350 GW. This compares to the countrys total power generation capacity of 113.4 GW at the end of 2010. Large unpopulated land areas, a coastline of 9,650 km and excellent resources help secure Brazils prime position as a potential wind energy giant. Brazil is home to the world's largest waterway system in terms of volume: the Amazon River is 4,087 miles long, more than half of which is located within Brazil's borders. The waterway carries about 20 percent of the world's freshwater discharge to the Atlantic Ocean, and the land area covered by its tributaries nearly triples in size over the course of a year. The Guarani Aquifer, located beneath the surface of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, is one of the world's largest aquifer systems and is an important source of fresh water. Named after the Guarani people, it covers 1,200,000 km, with a volume of about 40,000 km, a thickness of between 50 m and 800 m and a maximum depth of about 1,800 m. It is estimated to contain about 37,000 km of water.

GOALS INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE REFERENCE CENTER IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT BASED ON GEOSTRATEGIC ADVANTAGES OF BRAZIL o Establishment of a privately funded, international technology reference center where around 50 people to be able to live work and research and develop together o Development of projects promoting scientific and technological advances of humanity in response to challenges of sustainable development o Development of projects using alternative technologies according to the Noosphere paradigm o Promotion of the results of the Noosphere Technology Center through participation in seminars, conferences and symposiums o Initiation of an international task force of investors, scientists, futurists, architects, engineers, ecologists focusing on new human habitat development RESEARCH AND IMPLEMENTATION OF INTEGRATED LIVING SYSTEM MODELS WITH EFFECTIVE USE OF RESOURCES o Research and development of self-sustainable habitat technologies o Creation of a test bed for self-replicable, integrated, easily distributed, decentralized living systems solutions o Research of new habitat models o Development and application of closed eco-system models o Theoretical foundations of complex systems and application of whole planet system design o Research and implementation of innovative therapeutic applications TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND INNOVATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY o Research of water consciousness and living water energizing methods o Development of innovative water treatment technologies o Development and implementation of clean, new energy technologies based on renewable resources o Development of the regional hybrid energy systems market o Development of seed banks and other technologies for preservation of the 6 Brazilian Biomes: Atlantic Rainforest (Mata Atlntica), Amazon, Pantanal, Cerrado, Caatinga and Pampa INTEGRAL EDUCATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY o Regional integral education center with curriculum based on consciousness-energy-living systems synergy o Organization of practical water consciousness courses o Introduction to the planetary consciousness model o Organization of international seminars and technological cooperation conferences o Cooperation with regional academic institutions and cooperative organization o Promotion of new living habitat models and locations o Promotion of innovation and development of alternative technologies

o Production and dissemination of information on new scientific methods


The centers management, and strategic is centered on the Board of Directors, constituted of the Founding Institutions supported by the Board of Trustees, constituting an international advocacy body of influential persons in science, business and technology. The centers operating structure is divided into departments of Research and Development, Therapeutic Space, Education, Sales and Marketing, Outreach and Administration. To simplify the centers administration, operational body revolves around the Managing director and the Heads of departments.


The centers Research and Development department focuses on the workings of the following laboratories: BIOSPHERE LIVING SYSTEMS LABORATORY WATER RESEARCH LABORATORY TESLA ENERGY LABORATORY Sustainable funding of the research laboratories is to be provided through: Products and integrated systems development based on a market strategy Provisioning of services on the Brazilian market International and national institutional sponsors Private investments The Biosphere integrated model test-bed offers an opportunity innovative technology companies to show practical results by providing sponsorship through: Installing equipment at the locality Providing know-how Providing workforce

Research of integrated models:

Closed eco-systems Self-sustainability

Research focus of the BIOSPHERE LIVING SYSTEMS LABORATORY Water o Water retention o Water purification and treatment o Water energization o Oxygen and Ozone applications Energy o Solar Power o Wind Power o Hydro Power o Hybrid Systems Alimentation o Permaculture o Hydroponics o Aqua Farms Waste o Waste treatment o Waste to energy Habitat o Community and Environment integration o Community and Social Innovation o Wellness and health in biosphere living systems

Closed ecological systems are ecosystems that do not rely on matter exchange with any part outside the system. In a closed ecological system, any waste products produced by one species must be used by at least one other species. If the purpose is to maintain a higher life form, such as a a human, waste products such as carbon dioxide, feces and urine must eventually be converted into oxygen, food, and water. Chances of long-term humanity survival are greatly increased if not all are dependent on the same ecosphere that encompasses the entire planet. The best way to increase chances of survival is to develop closed self-sustainable ecosystem habitats of the smallest possible size, taking the Earth as a model and downsizing as much as possible. Energy is captured from the Sun by plants and is passed through ecosystems. Energy collected by the Sun by plants is consumed by animals (which can be consumed by other animals) and used for metabolism, growth and reproduction. Plant and animal waste and biomass created from this energy is broken down by decomposers into constituent parts, which can be used by plants to create more tissues. In this manner, ecosystems are cycles and, aside from the addition of sunlight

and water, can be self-sustaining.

Space Plantation

Self-sustainability is the ability to manage life by having sufficient resources including Water, Energy, Alimentation, Community Self-sufficiency attained with the help of electricity, heat, and fuel from renewable energy in combination with energy saving behaviors is seen as the one way to establish a sustainable energy system. Many communities and regions in different countries have accepted these challenges and have created the objective of reaching energy self-sufficiency through the use of renewable energies. In the end, self-sufficiency should be reached on a global scale. The Eden Project United Kingdom change of the energy system to a more decentralized structure based on renewable energies is characterized by different elements like new technological opportunities, greater citizen involvement, regional energy supply, the chance for added value created in a region, increased employment, as well as by political decision-making processes that are increasingly taking place in local governments. Therefore for the implementation of renewable energy self-sufficiency to be successful, numerous ecological, economic, technical, and social factors have to be taken into consideration, making an interdisciplinary analysis indispensable. Some challenges for regional self-sustainability in Brazil: Provide new technological approaches can help to increase the decentralized use of renewables towards energy self-sufficiency? Provide innovative concepts for rural electrification based on renewable energy Provide improved water reclamation techniques, better contamination control methods, superior solid waste management technologies, advanced crop productivity techniques, as well as application to green building technologies Understand how to utilize limited resources as efficiently as possible


Water crystal photography Water consciousness research Water energy research Living water products Living water applications

Dr Masaru Emotos hypothesis: Human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Water is the most abundant substance on the surface of the earth and is the main constituent of all living organisms. The human body is about 65 percent water by weight, with some tissues such as the brain and the lung containing nearly 80 percent. The water in our body is almost completely tied up with proteins, DNA and other macromolecules in a liquid crystalline matrix that enables our body to work in a remarkably coherent and co-ordinated way. Everyone, including our future scientists, is taught that water is simply H2O two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen and nothing more. However, the scientific researchers who delve deeply into the study of liquid water continue to be puzzled by the complex and unusual ways in which water molecules bond with each other under differing circumstances. Despite understanding waters fundamental molecular simplicity, they have yet to understand how the molecules combine to form structurally unique clusters. The crystal photographs that Dr Emoto started taking proved to be extremely eloquent. Crystals emerge for only twenty or thirty seconds as the temperature rises and the ice starts to melt. This short window of time gives us a glimpse into a world that is indeed magical. His central premise put forward is that human beings can affect the shape and molecular structure of water just through conscious intention. He demonstrates this in two ways: first by showing images of water molecules from the Fujiwara Dam, before and after they have been blessed by a Zen Buddhist monk. He then shows the impact of labeling bottles of distilled water with thoughts. Some bottles feature positive thoughts, while others feature negative ones. He then freezes contents from each bottle and photographs them at sub zero temperatures using a high powered microscopic camera. The resulting shape, color and structure of the water crystals shows marked variation. Water from bottles that were labeled with positive messages has intricate structures and shiny, diamond-like reflective qualities. Those that were labeled with negative thoughts have deformed collapsed structures with black holes and yellow tinged edges.

The water measurements based on Dr Masaru Emoto science of water energy and consciousness are conducted in a refrigerated area using a microscope. Frozen water is prepared for microscope imaging using a digital camera.

The bio-electrography process of measurement using Gas Discharge Visualization technique developed by Dr Konstantin Korotkov. Dynamic electrophotonic analysis is developed as a method of monitoring water properties. It is based on measuring water by using computer processing programs to assess how the water surface has been stimulated by electromagnetic field photon emissions.
Korotkov, K. : Analysis of Stimulated Electrophotonic Glow of Liquids

Examples of EPC glow of different samples of water. a distilled water; b tap water; c structured water.

GDV Water Measurement at Citates, Itiquira


Research of ozone applications in living systems Ozone generator production Water purification using ozonation processes Research of new energy technologies

All oxygen therapies, including ozone, work because they flood the body with Nature's single oxygen atoms. Singlet oxygen and its by-products are very energetic oxidizers - they "burn up" waste products, pollution, and microbes.

High voltage ionization and ozonation Tesla Energy Laboratory Ozone is both a strong oxidizing agent as well as a strong disinfectant. Dielectric-barrier discharges (DBDs) are used in Ozonized water generators and comprise of specific class of high-voltage, gaseous discharges that typically operate in the near-atmospheric pressure range.

Combination of 100 parallel DBD units

Ozonized Water Generator

Ionization, ozone and oxygen treatment applications in wellness Bioelectrography and life energy diagnosis Hidrotherapy and water Cymatics treatment

Aura measurement is often used in retreats, natural therapies and workshops conducted by Color Vibrations. The electro-photonic glow is recorded around all ten fingers and this can give an amazing amount of information about the level of balance and harmony within an individual. 'Before' and 'after' measurements can be recorded to quantify the effects of various energy balancing techniques, as well as during a natural therapies consultation, providing a visual representation of response to certain therapies, and the effects the treatment has had on various organs and systems of the human body. This Kirlian technology uses a computerised GDV camera (Gas Discharge Visualisation) for bioelectrography, and is based on the Kirlian effect - first discovered by Russian scientist Semion Kirlian.


A water therapy technique whereby, as a participant floats in water with the assistance of foam floatation devices, they approach a person's body while playing floating crystal bowls resonating with frequencies correlating to the correct energy centers, as practiced in vibrational medicine. As the vibrations influence the molecular structure of the water in the pool, they also influence the person in the pool receiving the treatment, as performed in the field of cymatics. Recipients of the treatment experience transformative effects on their mood and energy level which reportedly last for several days after the treatment. It is of specific interest to determine the power of this type of treatment on a number of various physical, emotional and mental maladies. In cancer treatment, for example, directing crystal tone vibrations through water tuned to the correlating frequency of the affected organ could potentially diminish and/or eradicate the existence of cancer cells. This would be without the use of radiation or electronic devices, but with the simple tools of water, tuning forks, crystal bowls and applied knowledge.

Ambient ionizing effects of waterfalls negative ions per cm3 50,000+ Pure air; very stimulating and relaxing; germs cannot live in this air. 5000 Exceptionally fresh, clean and invigorating air. Waterfalls After a storm

1000-5000 Generally the range found for "country fresh air" Mountain air The minimum level one should sleep, work and live in. 500-1000 Normal air found indoors where pollution is low and Urban Air the building has open windows and few synthetics. 0-100 Dead Air, oppressive, difficulty of concentration; viruses and germs can flourish counter-productive Air-conditioned room

when working for any length of time.

Development of Ecological thinking Courses and international seminars on the Noosphere transition Brazil-wide university outreach

The explosion of creative energy demonstrated by the people of science, culture and education is determined by the demand of harmonization both in value, spirituality and practical relationships between people and the environment. Only deep awareness of the current changes in the common world-view, as well as mastering both the new methodology and instruments for its realization, will allow man to enter the new phase of our planets spiritual evolution: NOOSPHERE. The transition to holistic ecological thinking is a turning point in the history of humanity on its way to Noosphere, the sphere of reason and is the essence of Noosphere transition.

Maslova Noospheric Education The type of thinking is a conscious orientation of preferred use of brain functions. Ecological thinking (synonyms: harmonious, natural, universal, biospheric, healthy, holodynamic) is determined by conformity with the natural laws of the Universe, i.e., both cerebral hemispheres are involved in work. Such thinking does not cause any disturbance in the biosphere. The Noosphere concept provides a feasible conceptual base to build an Integrated Conceptual Framework for Education for Sustainability and to create a team of diverse educators who are attempting to integrate sustainability into their curricula. We apply the health concept to the Noosphere idea and use the resulting Sanosphere (Healthy Biosphere or the sphere of health) concept as an integrating concept for our research and other activities. Noospheric development is consciously controllable value-oriented codevelopment of man, society and nature when living needs of the population are satisfied without detriment to the interests of future generations and Universe.


Practical application of laboratory research and services The research laboratories have as goal practical application of measurements of quality of WATER and SOIL. Both water crystals photography and bio-electrography provide effective ways of providing energy information of waters used in industrial and food production processes. The centers marketing plan is based on services to businesses and food processing cooperatives. Providing certification for within processing of liquids, as well as research of innovative water purification and energization methods for application in the regional Brazilian market, as well as global. Product development Many agricultural products are stored after harvest, prior to packaging and sale. Gas phase ozone, applied properly with attention to concentration, relative humidity, and exposure times, can maintain low microorganism and insect levels on the products during storage, thus increasing storage life while maintaining high product quality resulting in less product loss during storage. Water is an essential processing agent in agriculture and food processing. It can be used in many instances to carry the ozone. Since water contacts foods, it is critical that it be as clean as possible. Due to the ever-rising costs of treating potable water, increasing economic pressure is being placed on reuse of processing water in food and agriculture applications. Ozone has a long and proven history of application in treating water and wastewater, and thus has many potential applications in agriculture and food processing facilities. Water containing ozone is being used in many food processing plants currently to spray or wash food products, and to wash processing and storage equipment.

Investor relations Public relations International relations Academic relations

Council of finance Legal advisory

The NOOSPHERE TECHNOLOGY CENTER development is proposed at the private property of CITATES (Cachoeiras do Itiquira Agroturismo Ecologico E Show Ltda). The 3000 ha area lays above the Salto Itiquira in the State of Gois of Brazil, located near the town of Formosa, 110km north of the capital Braslia. The coordinates of the existing retreat center structures are 15 deg 23 South, 27 deg 28 West.

State of Gois, Brazil

The Salto Itiquira is a waterfall in Brazil, located 34 kilometers north of Formosa in the state of Gois and 115 kilometers from Braslia on a paved road. The falls have a height of 168 meters, making them possibly the highest accessible waterfall in Brazil and the second highest overall. The falls are formed by the drop of the Itiquira River from the higher central plateau north of Formosa into the deep Paran River valley. The waters are unpolluted and a bottling plant named Indai is located on the river above the falls.

CITATES resort, above Salto Itiquira

Noosphere Center Founding partners

CITATES CACHOEIRAS DO ITIQUIRA AGROTURISMO ECOLOGICO E SHOW LTDA Instituto Itiquira Instituto Oca do Sol The Tesla Science Foundation The Noosphere Forum The LifeBoat Foundation Formosa, Brazil Jose Pereira Pintos

Formosa, Brazil Braslia, Brazil Philadelphia, USA Oregon, USA Nevada, USA

Daniel Magalhes Maria Consolacion Udry, Snia Ferraz Boris Petrovic

Partner research institutions

International Scientific Research Institute of Cosmic Anthropoecology Korotkov Water Research International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography Tamera Solar Village HADO LIFE EUROPE The LifeBoat Foundation The Noosphere Forum The Tesla Science Foundation Synergy Moon Inc. Google Lunar X Prize Team The Herman Group The Brazilian Ecovillage Movement Novosibirsk, Russia Atlanta, USA Portugal Liechtenstein Nevada, USA Oregon, USA Philadelphia, USA Mojave, USA Texas, USA Braslia, Brazil




08.964.916/0001-73 MATRIZ







01.62-8-99 - Atividades de apoio pecuria no especificadas anteriormente


93.29-8-99 - Outras atividades de recreao e lazer no especificadas anteriormente 55.10-8-01 - Hotis 93.19-1-01 - Produo e promoo de eventos esportivos 90.03-5-00 - Gesto de espaos para artes cnicas, espetculos e outras atividades artsticas 08.10-0-06 - Extrao de areia, cascalho ou pedregulho e beneficiamento associado

















Aprovado pela Instruo Normativa RFB n 1.005, de 08 de fevereiro de 2010. Emitido no dia 19/9/2011 s 09:37:22 (data e hora de Braslia).

Boris Petrovic. Whole Earth System Scientist and Noospheric Philosopher. engineer of teleautomation systems, a researcher into Tesla's "World system", Earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere and magnetic reconnection. Boris is an associate of The Serbian "Nikola Tesla" Society in Belgrade, the Tesla Science Foundation in Philadelphia and founding member of the Noosphere Forum. He worked in a number of embedded tech and automation systems start-ups as a software engineer and architect. As a founding member of the Google Lunar X Prize Team Synergy Moon, he is involved in private space exploration, focusing on outer-space settlement. Through cooperation with the International Scientific Research Institute for Cosmic AnthropoEcology in Novosibirsk and the Foundation of the Law of Time in Oregon he works on the study of cosmic consciousness, access to intensified consciousness and altered states, including nonlinear time and telepathy. Research of Teslas wireless energy transfer, in his Belgrade laboratory, uncovers the potential energy field of instantaneous locality that underlies our reality, and facilitates communication with Earths cosmic neighborhood. Currently, he is involved in ecological and cultural projects in biosphere design and self-sustainable communities, promoting the integrated model of self-sustainable habitat in Portugal the Tamera Solar Village and working in Brasilia through the Brazilian Ecovillage Movement focusing on new models of living systems and long-term survival of the human species and civilization. [email protected]

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