En Islam Is Our Choice

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Islam consist.; o[ God's Guitlnnce ro hunranity. It is not thc religion of .a'y-particular peo-pl^c.-It does not belong to. any specific l1nd. AII prophcts of God, in all ages end ai all pla-ces, preached this very religion. The last, iatest and rcvised edition of this rcligion was revealed to Muhammad of Arabia (peace be upon him). He performed his mission in the best possible manner and established a civilization on the foundations of Islam. Arabs became thc standard-bearers of this ideologl',. and thcy rose ftom oblivion to becomc, by its 'arabia grace' a world power to be reckoned rvith. From tl-,isreligior-lw-asdisseminatbd to other peoples and othcr lands. when Arabs became disregardful of their duty towards the I-grd' other peoples stepped ahead to uphold the banner of E_gyptians,Spaniards, Saljuks, Kurds, Berbers, Turks, ItlT. Indians, Mangols, eic. entercd the fold of Islam, upheld iti banner and servcd its cause. All of them made-a name for themselves, in their own times. Islam is not thc monopory of certain people.. It belongs to the rvhote of humaniti. .a who knows what other pcopletf the East and the west wilt embrace it and become ihe ipear-heacl of Islamic revival ancl the pioneers of a twentieth cintury r.r.orld-renaissance.

Conrcnewgenerations, Proclaim thefght Jor truth ol \ai1e up thc banners inxinciblefoith with 7,ourlife acrosi luild lnidges The gaping tarth b'lasted atith hatrca And march.forward


tunc for spreadingIslam in Japan. Blind pursuit of material pleas,ures norv made the socalledprogressivenations the has victims of spiritual hollowness. Islam and Islam alonc can fill this va.uum in their souls. If proper stepsare now taken for the preachingof Islam in Japan,I feel that within two or three gcnerationithe entire counlry can be brorrght'witlrinthc a folds Jf Islarn. By this conversion,I foresee, great glory for Islam in the Far East and also greaterbtessingfor humanity in that part of the rvorld. .IMUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H.) IN THE GOSPEL'' "Then said thc Priest," How shall the Messiahbe called, and what sign shall revealhis comingl" The n&meof thc Messiahis Adnrirable JesusAnsrvered: for (iod himself gave him the name when he had creeted his soul, and placed-it in Celestialsplendour. God said; wait Muhammad, for thy sake I rvill Lreateparadise,the world, wteieof I T4t thee a and a great'multitdde of creatures.,, prescntl in so much that u'ho so shall blessthee, shall bc blcsLd, and who so shall curse thee, shall be accursed' When I shdl scnd thee into thc rvorld, I shall send thee as my messngerof salvation,and thy rrorld shall be tute, insomuch that heaien and earth shall fail, but thv faith shall nel'er fail." Muhammad is his blessednarne. .Then the crowd lifted up their voices saying:, O God, scnd us thy messcnger' O Muhammad, come quickly for the salvationof thc rvorld: From ITHE GOSPEL OF BARNAf,I,15II Edited and Uensletedfrom the ltalian Manuscript in the Impcrial Library at Vienna' by LONSDALE AND LAURA RAGG

ryaehs bcfore 'Id-ul-Fitr r37e A.H. The first d"y t was in Englurd I went p lVoking Mosque where it was suggcetcd thF! I ehould publicly -declare my faith in Islam on 'Id-dey, which I conscquently did. What espccially appcaled to mc in Islem was, and is, its rationalislq, _Y_oy not asked to bclicve anything without are rcsson. The Holy Qur'an gives us proofs of thc existencc of God that leave nothing further to be wished for. - Another appealof Islam is its universality. Tho Qur'rn docs not tdk about God as the Lord of thc Arabs or of eny spccid people, nay, not even irs thc Lord of thc World, but as tha Lold of the worlds, while earlier rcvealed bootrstdk about "the I-ord of God of lsrael" etc. Furtherrnore,$'e are askedto believc in all the prophctc, whether mentioned in the Holy Qur'an or not. - - Fin4ly, in previous reveletions we find severd prophecics rvhich without the shadow of a doubt prophesy ibout thc peace-and lrop-hct I\{uhammad^(on_whombc 'lSurely, tho blessingr of God).and-iq thc Qur'an God seys: this ilay Wclave co-mpletedOur favour on you, and choscn for you Islam as I religion" and "SurclS thc rcligion with God il Islern".


If it were His Will, Hc could dcstroy you, O ntantin4 rnd'creatc Another rircc: for He Hath power thh to do. ITIIJM.OI'N CIIOI@

($*re IY, Su rg, sau nll tr3


I praise God and pray for His noble Prophet. f bear ryitncss that therc is no god but Allah. He has no partner, and I bear witness that Mubamrnad is His servant and messen-

It lvas about five vears ago when I first c:ilne in contact r*'ith Islam. A very good friend of mine wanted to reed the Holy Qur'an for some reasorL I did not want to be ignorant of that book if he knew something about it, and so I also tried to get hold of Swedish translation. I managed to find one before he did, and started to read it. As I had borrowed it from a library, I could not have it for more than fortnight, but I borror.r'ed it again and again. The rnore I read of it -fruth. So thc more I became convinced that this was the one day in l.{ovember r95o I made up my mind to become a muslim. Onc or two years passed hy. I maintained that I was a '.1\'loharnmedan', but itwas nothing more. Idid notenquire further into Islam till one day I visited the main library in Stockholm. Remembcring that I was a'Mohammedan', I madc up my mind to see if tlie,library had got sorne literature on the 'lllohammedan' religion, and to my astonishment, found some books. I borrowed a few of thern and read them carefully, together rvith Muhammad Ali's translation of the I{oly Qur'an. Now I bccame more convinced than ever of the truth of Islanr, and I also began to practise it. Just by chance, I happened to corne in touch with a 'Id-prayer in Illuslim sssociation in Sweden, and I attended Stockholm for thc first time in rgsz. This was my position when I went to England just a few t12


I was a Roman Catholic before accepting Islam, but I Iost faith in those rites such as the Trinitv, Holy Communion, Consecrarion of the host, mysteries, etc. I did not lose faith in God. No Catholic priest could help me by' explaining thcsc probleml rationally, and the only reply u'as "Mysterils will remain mysteries; Jesus is the last prophet and Muhamrnad is an imposter" (God forbid). M.y faith dwindled in rhst religion until I happened to mix with lots of llluslims in Malaya- I used to idk about rcligion--rvith, them and we sometirnes had heated arguments. Gradually I became convinced that Islam is rational and that Islam is what I know as truth. There is nothing to adore but No images, statues or paintings are found in a moeque. 9qa. It is prayer in a mosque or anywhere that has won me ovcr...


Russell says. . . .

"Our use of the phrase 'The Dark Ages' to cover the period from 699 to r,ooo marks our undue concentration on Western Europe....From India to Spain, the brilliant civilization of Islam flourished. What was lost to Christendom at this time was not lost to civilization,but quite the contrary....To us it seemo that lVest-European civilization is civilization, but this 'iHistory is a narrow view." of lVestern Philosophy", London, 1948, p. +r9).


etheist, for he denies the immortality of the soul. However Brahmanism is distinct on this point. But unfortunately Brahmans are not clear about Brahma. They try to philoaophisc him and in their search to find him through'their sense sight and hearing,they b"gitt to worship God's creation of rather than God himsclf. Islam alone guides us to the Living God, Who is Omnipotent, Omnipresent; Who is neither begotten nor He begoteth anyone and all that is in the heavens and in the earth bclongs to Him. To none should one borv except to Him. Nonc should onc fear and submit but to Him. The JapanescShintoism is deprived of virtues, as it is not stricdy moralistic. It is polytheistic and like the pagans dlor*'s rvorshipof many gods. Islam aloneis the answerto tfie cry and searchof the soul to find the path of Rationality and Truth.


Carlyle has said. . . .

". . . . . . These Arabs, the man Mahomet and that one centurJ,-is it not as if a spark had fallen, one spark on a u'orld of rvhat seemed black unnoticeable sand, but lo, the sand proves explosive pou'der, blazes heavcn-high from Delhi to Grenada: I said: the Great Man rvas ahvrys as lightening out of heaven; the rest of the men waited for him like fuel, and then they too u'ould flame." (Thomas Carlyle in his "On Heroes, Hero-worship, And the Heroic in }Iistory," Everyman's Librar-v, London, r9r8; p. 3rr)




Islam tays great emphasis on the Oneness of God, on Life-after-death, on the Day of Judgment, on Love, on Righteousness,on Virtue, on Truthfulness, on Integrity of character and all that is good in life. Seek the pleasure of Allah--that in truth is the essenceof the teachings of Islam. And in my search for truth, I found it in Islam. - Christianity or for the matter the Gospels, as they exist today, are not the sarne pure revclation as had corne from God. Time and again chanfes have been made therein and its originality is thus distorted. Whereas the Holy Qur'an is a revelation from God and it has remained the same, without slightest change, or alteration Christianity as it has been brought dor,r'nto us is not in a true sensc, revclation from God but only the words and con4y.! 9f Jesus Christ concerning it, ior.esponding to the -is Hadith of Islarn Therefore God's revelation not direct as is in Islanr. The most confusing point about Christianity is the issue 'Trinity'.of It is to be merely believed without being understood, for there is no rational explanation to iL Moreover it is shocking to hear that the punishment of sinners and thereforc non-christians too (as sinner f'or non-belief in christian preachings) is eternal death. If sinners were told that thcy would die for ever, their natural rerction would be to indulgl in all luxury and vice mor deeply to satisfy themselves bicausc when death cornes, it rvould mcan an end for ever, . Th. Jepanase Mahayana Buddhisrn is a product of the orthodox and primitive Buddhism. It resimbles Brahrnanism. It appears from its preachings that Buddha wiul an




At or,e time I really held Islam in abhorrence. I had no IVluslim friends, for Islam was so repulsive to me that I did not want e\.cn to associate w.ith its adherents. Little did I dream that a study of books on Islam rvould make a new man of me. I began to love Islam becauseof its straight and nonmysterious path. It is clean and simple, yet so full of deep studies that I soon felt the inevitable u'as drawing near. The Floly Qur'an, sorne passages rvhich I read, simply of struck me with wonder. for I had the idea that there was nothing to rival the Bible. I found, ho*'cver, that I rvas hopelessly mistaken in this. Indeed, rhe Holy Qur'an is so full of truths, and its teachings so prxctical and free from dogmatic tencts and nrysteries,that I daily driftcd into tlre religion of 'Pcace and Love' u'hich Islam certainly is. l\Iuslim brotherhood, also did not pass me unnoticed. If onc rvantsto see thc true realization of "love thy ncighbour as ye lovc thyself " it can only be found in the I\Iuslim brotherhood, the greatest and truest union of people the world has ever seen. What convinced me further u'es that Islam was not dogmatic. It is ideal and practical, rational and modern. It is also ideal in its conccption of the One God urd in its spiritualitv. Practical in its tencts, modcrn and rational in outlook, it is the one religion for dl humanity. 'I'he


FAROT'K B KARAI (Zanzibar)

The reason of my becoming a Muslim was an inward feeling and my great love and devotion to the holy prophet of IslamMuhammad (May peace and blessings of Allah be upon hi*). I had cherished these feelings in my heart since long quite spontaneously, Furthermore I was living in Zanz.iher where many Muslim friends gave me an opportunity to study and understand Islam thoroughly. I used to read the Islamic literature scretlv for fear of my.relatives. However, in Deccnrber, r94o, I found myself ready fu face the world and I announced about my acceptance of Islam and then began the story of my 'persecution' at the hands of my family members and others of the Parsec community to u'hich I had formerlv belonged. It is a long story of hardships that I have undergone. J\{y family'strongly disapproved of my becoming a Muslim and thev employed all conceivable methods to harass me. Since "lruth' had dawned upon me, nothing could deter me from following my chosen path of accepting One God and prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) as His last Messenger. I stood like the rock of Gibraltar against the innumerable miser ies, misfortunes and calamities *'rought upon me by my family members, one after the other. Ilorvever, the thought that "Allah knou's His ways best" sustained me tJrrough all this. 'I-he Holy Qur'an r,r'hich I studied in Gujrati,, helped me a lot and I can sav u ithout env fear of contradiction that no other religious book can stand equal to ir This is the 'Book' which only is complete in itself teaching simplicity, love, brotherhood, equality and humanity. It is a wonderful Book indeed and guided by its sublime precepts, the Muslims u'ill live for ever.



Islam carrle to me as the spring comes to the cold earth after dark winter. It has warmed my soul and clothed me in beautiful teachings. How clear and fresh are the teachings of Islam and how logical ! "There is but One God and Muhammed is His Prophet". Can there be anything more sub'The Father, the Son lirne than this? None of the mysterious and the Holy Ghost' ritual, which, I suppose,is quite awe-inspiring but is hardly satisfactory to a keen mind. Islam is so modern, so applicable to the world today. Take, for instance, the teachings of the Equality of Man which is taught also in the Christian churches but which, with. them has no nreaning with their Pope and Archbishops and bishops, and so on, all striving for porver and using God's n,une as an excuse. Horv different is Islam from this! How much more sincere are the teachings of Muhammad (peace be upon him) es revealed to hirn by God ! O ye who believe: Cive the good things Which ye have (honouratrly) earned, And of thc fruits of tlre Earth Which We have produced For you, and do not even aim At getting anything Which is bad, in order that Out of it ye rnay give away Something, when ye yourselves Would not receive it Except with closed eyes. And know that God Is Free of all wants, And Worthy of all praise. (Sura rr, .Seca7t ofrtc 267I CTIOIG


T.H. MCBARI(LIE (Ireland)

I rvag brought gp.il the Protestan-t f1ith, and at a very . early age I began to find the teachings of christianity unsatijfactory. By the time I had left school and gone to the univ_ersitythis_suspicion had become a certainty; the christian Chruch, as I had !een_shown it, rneant little or nothing to me. I almost despaired to finding an established creed which would lnclude all ideas I had formulated, and for a long time I tried to satisfy, myself wi-th-vague beliefs of my ownl One day I 'As chanced on a copy of the 6ook: "Islam .n<i Cinilization". I read it I realized that nearly *y beliefs were included in "ll the doctrine the little volurnc expounded. 'Ihc broad outlook of Islam as opposed to the intolerance of thc Christian sects,the learning and culture of the Islamic countries in the i\,Iiddle Ages compared rvith the ignorance and superstition of other lands at that tirne, the logital theory of compensation as against the Christian idea of atonement, were a feu' of the points that firsc struck nle. Later I camc to reilize that here was il farth broad as humanity it"elf, ready for the guidance r-rfrich and poor alike-and able to hreak dou'n all barriers of creed and colour.


They say: "Become Je*'s or Christians if ye r*'ould be guided (To salvatiott)." Say thou: 'jNuy: (I rvould rather) the Religion Of Abraham the True, And he joined not gods with God. TSLAM-OUR CHOICE (Sura rr, .9cc t6, vnsc t35)


J.W. LOVEGROVE (Engtaad)

These few lines are a humble attemPt on my Part to mcet inquirieswhich I receivefrom various quartersasto the reasons for my embracing Islam. I have not to rnake a cese for the Faith. There is-somethingunique about it. It is thc religion of history and its teacheripersondity iq history. . Wc know -as very littll of other religions totheir original teachings;lome scaitcred accounts coisisting of a ferv moral precepts have being admittedly been handeddown to us; thCir genuineness, impeachable. The lives of almost all other teachers tue envelopedin myth and mystery, and do not herlpu.sto read their own teachingi in the light of iheir actions. On the other hand, in the ca*. oJ Islam, n-oone has cver doubted the authenticity of its record. The Book of Islam, the Qur'an is the serne today as.it rvasin the days of the }Ioly Prophet.. His decds -his and sayings in which he translates the various p-repep{ of thc Book,h"ave come to us in their original purity.- I found in them a consolation,which in vain I had safchedfor elscwherc. I wanted a simple, practical religion fr-eefrom dogma and tenets,which I could noi acceptwithout killing my reasoo. To do my duty to God, and my neighbour, y.ndoubtcdly is and oughl to 6e the main object of every r.eligio-ttssyst!fltr but Islim came to give the ma:rim a Practicd shepe. We rrant precept as wcll-as example to meet all the conting.encic* and eiigenciesof life and directions to guide us in our difficult cdlings, T'his I found in Islam.

lslalt-ouB ro+


have now passedsince that event, two of which I havc been a Muslim and I find myself even rrov awatrening the middle of in the.night to hear once more that beautiful ani plaintive chant, and to see again thosc men who displayed the'true attribltes of men who sincerelyseektheir God.



JWrf to,It',tJ?,l',, *, i.d(rlirt (

+ / r|1{,u i *, gt; tf/, Jr,, JnJf;,
t t>;,4 r lLj, tJl,V. 6v i se 1i'
#' tbt ( L.V, J\,,ir( t,t* | 1t'1' (,.8 dti*+t,it,
(Ilasatir No. 14) 'fnexsr.rrrtou

"\\'hen the Persiaus should sink so low in morality, a man rvill be born in Arabia whose followers will uprii their throne, - religion and everything. The mighty siinneckedonesof Persiarvill be overpoweied. The housi which was built (refering-to Abraham building the Ka'ba) and in rvhich ry.ny id_ols have been placed wil be purged bf idols, 1qg people rvill say their prayers facing tbwaids it. His followers will capture the towns of the Pirsis and raus end Balkh and other big placesround about. Peoplewill embroil rvith one another. 'I'lre wise men of Persialnd others will join his ftrllowcrs." ISLAM-OI'R C[rOtCE



The sun had just passed thc meridian. Ar we unlled dong thc hot, dusty road, w'c heard or rathet felt a monotonou$ but strangely beautifut chant fill the air about us. P*PE through igioup of trees, e strenge and wondrous sight b"ft! 'Iherc, on a recently improvised high our unbeliiving eyes. wooden towcr, a blind Arab, clad in spotless rairnants end white turban, seemodto herangue the very heevenswith his fascinating intonation. We sat down with no consciouseffort, hypnotizedby his weird, spirit-likc refrain. The words we did nol undcrstuid feel fascinetinglyupon our ears, Allalru Affim, is the Greatest; Allahu Ahbar: La llaha llla'l-Lah;-God God is the Greatest there is no god but God. i Ihfore thrt wc had becn awareof nothing going on about us, but now we noticed that a greet number of peoplc were bcginning to asscmble. People of all ages,of all manners of -all drcss,of wdks of lifc, weie approachingu'ith a taciturnitv rvlrich betokenedreverenoc. They rprcad long mats upon the ground shich producedan interestingcolour contrast between the greenof the grrs6 and, the, tan of the mats. I{ore and more peopleceme,and indeed,we had begun to wonder rvhetherthe asaembly rvould evcr bc complete. The people took off their shoer and sandds and formed long lines, onc line filling in behind the other. We were amazed, cycn on our silent passivc observation,thet no distinctions of any kind werc to be found in this conglegation, Herc wcrc white mcn, yellow mcn, blact mer\ poor men, weelthy mcn, beggan, and merchants, dl standing oide by side with no thought of race or socid ttetion in life. Not one single pcrson in that whole gathering looked away from the mat immcdietcly in front of him. The fratcrnal spirit displayed by that hetcrogcnousgroup is rn impression which wes indclible, Almo* threc yeen

munists and Fascists wcrc only believed by cut-throets rnd bandits and were not worth_tuppncc. I did buy it, howerer, and I. read and re-readit. In Islam I found all ihet was good ''risms" in Christianity,Communismand rll the othbr; Ii'ith a bit more as well. I inrtantly took out a year'ssubecriptionand a few months later I becamea Muslim. Since that day I have been very happy in my new faith. I hope to learn Arabic if and when I get to the univerIty. -At the present moment, however, I am studying Latin Frenchand Spanish.

T H E H OL Y QU n AN .... Christ the son of'Marv r Was no nrore than An Apostle; meny were The apostlqsthat passedaway Beforehim. His mother Was a woman of truth. 'fhey had both to eat Their (daily food). See how God doth mal.e His Signs clear to them; Yet scc in what weys They are deluded Away from thc tnrth:


(.Surc V, Secro, rcrrc 78) rol

B. DA\IIS (Engtand)
I was born in rgl r end at the age of six went to a boarding left-to go_ the to school. I stayed there tcr seven years, whe_n_I locd County School. I was brought up a Methodist, then an AII the time, however, Anclican ani finallv an Anglo-Catholic. I-nEticed that religion ltt" detached from ordinary life likc the best ruit---only to be displayed on Sundayg- I noticed, too that Christianity was losing its grip, especially over the.rising -seemed-to be unable to deal q'ith generations. Christianity pr.r.nt crisis. It tried to drug its adherents by means of fh. incehse,lights, coloured vestments,longlitanies t9.+. "Saints" rnd all th'e other traPPings of Romanism. It did not trT to concern itself with what went on outside the Church. It was on account of this that I turned to these two Pena' ceas of the present day: Communism and Fascism. As a Communis. I tried to think of the joys of a classless society, etc., but the constant stories of thos who had 'escaped' (ttott can one escaPe from a free landl) from the 'new'democracies' made me see that Communism was just the tool of would-be world rulers, the Russians. I then swung to the other extreme, Fascism. This doctrine promised everything to everybody and I tried to- make rnyself hate people It was only after some months as for iheir iace or iolour. one of lHosley's supporters that I thought of the last war and rll the beatings, eti., donc by the Nazis and I tried to.Pusll thcm out of my mind. I was never haPPy as a Fascist but it sccmed to me the only solution to our difficulties. It was whilst in this frame of mind that I saw a copy of "The Islamic Review" on I bookstall. I don't know what madc me pay two shillings and six pence for a_mlgazine which cxpressed-dictrines that-I had becn told by Christians, Com' roo

lavage state, unclean in person, benighted in mind, inhabiting huts in which it wiu arnark of wealth if there were bulrushes on the floor and straw mats against the wall; miserably fed on beane, vetches, roots and even the bark of trees; ctad in garments of untanned skin, or et the best of leather, psrennid in durability but not conduciveto personalpurity." To the Saraccn,Europe is indebted for mani of its personal comforts. Religiously clean,it was not poroible for them to clothe themselvesaccording to the fashion of thc natives of Europe, in a garment unchanged till it dropped to piecee, a loathsomemassof vermin, stenchand rags. The Arabs, being able to inspire a people to emergt from the slough of despondency,darkness,ignoiance and superstitution and causetheir descendants sit on top of the world, to must have had God with them. God, Muhemmad and the Qur'an changedthe history of the world, and without thern the great wonders of present day rcience would not exist. "Seek knowledge even if you havb to go to China" said Muhammad. "Ashhadu an la illaha illa'l-lah; " A shhadu anna Mulummad-ur- RdsulAilrt l"


It is We Who have Placed you with authority On Earth, and provided You thcrein with means For the fulfilment of your life: Smell are the thanks That y'c givc!

(Sura VII, Sect, ocrsc rol



It was sometirne during rgzo, while in a doctor's officc I saw an issue of the African Times and Orient Review, [,ondon. It contained an article on Islanr. In this article rvhich caught my eye,and I shdl never there wasan expression forget it as it has becomea part of me. The expressionread, Loilaln illa'llah!-There is but one God. This wasa priceless which Muslims carry in their breasts. poosession Soon after I becamea Muslim and reccived the nalne of Saleh-ud-din. I believe Islam is the right faith, for it joins no partners with God and teachesus that no one elsc cen answerfor our sins. Also, it harmonizcswith nature, which on show us therc can't be two bosses a job, rvhctherin the bernyard, pilsture, city, state, nation or thc unirers. Another fact thit convincedme of the truth of the messageof Islam was that it arousedthe Arabs, and out of the mystic descrts surged the sturdv fiollo*'ers of Islam, rvho rvelded thc u'orld into a new cmpire and sang songsof lorc and victorl in the vdes of Andahsia. Thc Muslim Moors-found Spain a jungle, and turned it into a 'Gardcn of Roecs'. I thank God for a milt lite John of W. Dnpcr, ttrho in his The IntellectualDa'elop_mcnt EuW, in givcs thi world the tnrth about the grcat part Islam ple.'"ed-He, -as e matter of fact 6riginating modcrn civilization. dci'lorec tiie way Christien hittoriaru try to Put out of sight Europc'r dcbt to I+|.m. Hcrc it hi! dercription of the nrtivcr of Errrope rr tbc Moon found ttrem: "Ftpm thc barbarirm of the natine people of Errropc' rybo could rcuccly bc lrid to hrvr nncigcd from thc


about Buddhism and dso Christianity. Both teach us renunciation of worldly tigs tq$.put premium on escepc from h.uman society. some BuddhGt sects build temprei on the rJ.o3*.of mountains, where man canr reach only with grcet difficulty. Thus there are many examples in lipanesc, ietigious life rvhere God is made to live nol within the rcach of the comrnon man. And christians also have their monr.steries in far away lonely places. They all separate religiour life from the ordinary huhan life. But, on ihc other frand, our.Islam.provides Masjid in the heart of villagc or town or in business centres of the city. It enjoins lrayer with Jama'at and service of society as a'form of ietigion. Human living is a combination of spirit and mrttcr. Allah has given us soul and body. Therefori, for a full humrn living rve m.ust knit our body and soul together and should not draw a line between the material and the spirituel. Islem acceptg both the spirit and the marter and by putting them ^couer"all in their r-ight places, it builds its philosophy io the aspects of human living. I am a new Muslim. I embraced Islam trvo yoers ego. And, es I have understood it Islam is a brotherhood wJth faith and practice. Today, Japan is the most advanced industrial country in Asia. Our Japanese society has totally changed due to the modern_ technological revolution and its by-pioduct i.e. thc material way of liTe. with the utter lack oi natural resources in Japan, our only asset is hard work. Wc hevc to work hrrd every day and night just to maintain ourselver and heep up our trade and industry. we are busv in a meterialistic world rvhere there is no lign of any spiritual life. Wc struggle only for our worldly gains. lapanese people have no timJio thinir 'I'hey over transcendental problems. have no religin and no -th.y spiritual concepts whatsoever and are just- following the foosteps of materialistic Europe. That is why spirituallf they are becoming poorer and poorer and their well--fed uri well-clad bodies contain u'retched and unhappy souls. I am confrdent that thc prmcnt momcnt is most oppor-


SULEIMAN TAJ{EUCTII (J"p"o) Aasociate,JapaneseSociety of Ethnology MUI{AMMAD

By the grace of Allah I have embraced Islam. Islam attracted me because:(r) (z) I found a dynamic brothr:rhood in Islun. Islam has practical solutions for the .problems of human life. It does not separate religious worship from human living in socicr-v. Instead, the MusIims pray in congiegations.and perform social services to the community in the way of Allah. Islam is a combination of the material and the spiritual in human life.


Islamic brotherhood recognises no national, tribd or etlrnologicalbarriers. It unitei all l\luslims in thc world as brotheri. And, moreover, Islam is not for only a chosen few{t is the religion of the comnron man. It is for all men whether they a.e Pakistanis or Indians, Arabs or Afghans, Chinese or Japanese;in short it is an internationd religion. Islam thrives in the humdrum of life. It is the only Religion of Allah which has survivecl the onslaughts of time. Islemic teachings are here intact as they were revealed to the Prophet fourteen hundred years ago. 4-td, as. lslam is the naturd religion, it has got the necessary flexibility for adjustment to thJneeds of di-fferent people in different ages. Thus during its comparatively shortei hiitory, it has played a magnificent role in the development of human civilisation. In Islam, the road to salvation goes through soclety; tt does not by-pass our corporate living. I know somcthing


thatif .L:-,-I^111-^p."rado.x youncvetgo neara churchnobody ^lfhlng. aboutit. If.you belomea Muslim you erc lllll-^ to be consrdered rrabte
eccentric to say the least. To sum up,.I have become a Muslim because Islam ,, is the only true religiol in theory, in practice and in art other rcspcct. Doubts and misgivings are swept arvay bv a feelinE inside me that Islam is fighi p;;h';fi -unqulstionabry'ih. which we ask God to guide ui and that ii *iiir;;?i; .,.r;.[v the Right Path.



I rr{t Qol'Rr I r rtr 1nrrr11fi 1

!q{T r{ ga;rrrdn dffi | !fr lfdr qfC t frte iil rEilI rgl r r r
Tft trtq ft fd${f F ft"rq sqqd: I o r qr*: w t{it TrHt trdifecilri<w r {fd Tn-{tr llETr-ET mCrlt uI il (rl


rFrdryTE{il Tld'?frfttd r

--w" ,- - "O people,listcn this. emphatically! thc man of praisc (Muhammad)u'ill be among the ieople. take the -raised emigrant in our shelter from sl*ty thousand and enemieswhoseconveyances twenty camelsand the cameli "i".,i are whoseloftinessof position touchesthe heavcn it. "ndlor*"rs IST.A}T.OUN,CHOICB


I heve often wondercd why the Lifc, Dcath end Renrrrection of Jesusmade no immediate impression at the time on the residettt" of Palestirte whether Jews, Romen or othersAr far as sccular history is concernediesus's life ryems to have ercapednotice. At scfiool I was only taught the Bible version. it 4"" took, against strong oppositioh,."".t4 centurics bcfore Christianity spread and Sccame establiahcd. The History of Prophet Muhamm4'(p.""9 [ u;ryn-him) and the triumpti and thi amazingspe+ with which Islam was rpretd *." t",rgtrt at school No-rcference wirc madc to thc rpiritual side of Islarn" Between r9r9 and ry4 | servcd in ships gmployed in Turkish waters.- ttti* stiinllated an'interest in Islam. Thc elementaldeclaration"There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger" compcls ittention- - I bguglt bookr about Islam. Most-of them werc prejudiced againstit. The behaviour of the Catiphs during the previous three . "litrrFics and the corruption of Turkish politicians an-d govcr officials cast ari unfavourablelighf on Islam. Gradudly I i:the matter drop. I retained iprofound faith in God but it was entirely passive. A year or so ago I b"g* investigating the.sgbjqcl $"i"I wrotc to the Musl-im Mission and I u'as supplied with books by Muslims authors. These boolts exposedWestern misconciptions, distortions and inventions-and explained why.and horr they had arisen. They showedthat Islam ig reawakcning and- that there ere .constructivc movements actively restJring Islam to its original purity i1 th9 ligh_t9f present dey progtdssand scientific linowledgewith which Islam is in complcte harmony. by Recently newsprPcrs have been rcporting stateme-nts phltosophers-andauthors to the effect that present religions irc obiolcte. This reflects the scepticism of the mass of Wcstern people in the complexities-and ambiguities of thc -would-bc-reformcru rre -again Christian- reiigion. These maling the saine mistakc as Martin Luthcr madc. Isfam" thc complete tnswer, is still here.


tion was most vicious fslarn, demonstrated its toleriulce. The Turks gave asylum to perscuted Jervs in Spain. 'Ien Commandmentt Jesussaid that we were to obey the given to Moses on Mount Sinai. The First Cornmandment l'l tp the Lord, thy God, thou shalt have none othcr gods but -Loyalty Me"_is,compromised the Doctrine of Atonement. by to Christ is prized more highly than loyalty to God beCaust Christ can intercedefor us on the day of Resurrection. Yet Christians believe that Christ is God Incarnate. My conception-of God has alrvaysbeen that He directs forgiving, merciful and .lust. Illan can therefore be absolutelysuie thet he-will be fair\ judged and that all cxtenuating circumstances will be considered. In this life you acceptto be held responsible your own for behaviour. If you *r" an accountantind falsify your employer's nt" you will be sent to priscn. If yol drjve a "..ot motor car too fast on a trvisting slippery road you will havc an accident and so on. To blame somebodvelse for vour own misdeedsis consideredto be cowardly. i do trot bllieve that we were born miserable sinners. To sentimentaliseabout innocentihildren contradicts. It is my experience that norrnal peoplelike to pleese othersunlessthe anotheris an unpleasant individual. Children value the opinion of their parents and schoolteachers. Adults that of those in authority over them, and they take pleasurein helping their neighbours. There arc times when for some reason or another we are seized by a mutinous impulse and inflict damageon somebody or something. The frequency and degreeof these outbreaks varies. When we do this we sin Organisedgarncsarc anothcr example. If a player breaksa rutc the refiee pendises him. Bearing thesc considerationsin mind thc Doctrine of Atonement becomesconfusing and incomprehensible. fie Second Commandment statts "Thou shalt not *"kg for thyrclf any graven image" and later it rays "thou shdt not bow down nor worchip them." Thcre arc churchcs end cethedrals littered with ihageE bcfore which some people actually do bow down.


I am convinced that the Holy Qur'an is the rvord of God and tftat He chosethe Prophet Muhammad (peacebe upon him) to repeat His Word to the whole rl'orld' Islam harmonises with the life in this world. It is simple anrl straightforward, free from elaborations which cannot be believed.- Its forms of worship reflect honest sincerity. Even so, born and bred a Christian in a Christian country the Christian tradition becomes so firmly embedded that to forsake it requircs considerable persuasion. In this connection I must make it clear that the persuasion came from within myself. Although my _questions were answered, nobody e"e, eten suggested thit I should become a Muslim' The fundamental beliefs of both Islam and Christianity are the same. A further examination is therefore necessary. Bccause he believed that the Christian Church had retained many pngan rites and beliefs, M-aryin Luther. started a rcvolt whic[r leJto the Reformation and the foundation of the Prostestant Church. Qucen Elizabcth I, t*'hen her country was-threatened by Ronran Catholic Spain and, at the same time, Central Europe wirs threatened by'the advancing Ottoman Empire-, identified the cause of Islam with that of Protestantism on the ground of their common hostility to idolatory. Martin Luther, however, aPpears to have been unaware or to have ignored the fact thai $ome nine centuries -earlier, under Divini Guidance, Prophet Muhammed had reformed, purified and perfectcd not oniy the Christian religion but also all other revealedreligions. yet thc Reformation by no means eliminated all the pagafi beliefs and ceremonies from Christianity. What it did was to inaugurate a period of cnrelty and intolerance which to somc extent indures to the Present day. It is noteworthy that at a time when the Spanish Inquisi92


spent mosl of my-life in the-Royal N"ry which ,__, l,have includesserviceat sain both the r9r4 and r9i9 wiuB At sea you -cennot e,scape from the immense forces of naturc even with powerful and efficient twentieth centurv anf apparatus. are . .Simpleexamples fof and;;t;i. *echingg In war-trme there are additional hazards. There is a book in constant used called ,,eueens' Repulations and AdmTalty Insructions". This book a.n".s-"tilc duties of every officer and man. It specifiesthc rewards in the form ol pJom.gtion,awards for good conduct, pay and pensions._ It- details the maximum punishmcnts fot Lf'."..s a.gainst.Sav{ Discipline_and it covirs gvery othcr ."p""i ol life within the service. By obeyingthe instructionscontaincd in this bg,k a large-nu.-F.I of men-irave beenunited to for* happy, cfficient and disciplined scrvice. " -_ . If I .^"y say- so_without disrespect or irreverencc the I{oly Qtt'T is a similar book but on in immeasurably highii plane. It is the-instructions of Almighty God to cvery rnan, woman and child on this earth. the past.elevcn yars I have been e flower-growcr. _, . Ior ?'his happens to be another occupation which demorutrater with Taq:s dependenccon God. If you work in accordance God's orders He helps you and your plane pro$per. If vou -plant di,regard His Larvs, failuris ari thc ri*"rd. TraiireJ men isgue wcather folccasts but not rnfrequcntly they provc incorrcct.



Formerly the Reverend Devid Bengamni Keldani, E.D.

,,My conversion Islam cannotbe attributed to an_y.cause to other i[i" ttt" graciousdirection of Almighty G.od:, Without g.rifi"rr.., all learning, searching"lg. other efforts thi;bi;i". to fina the iruth *"y .u.tt leadone 'stray-._ Th_emoment I in Uetieuea the Abs6lute Unity of God, His l{oly Apostle became the paftern of my conduct and M,rt "-*.4 behaviour."



O ve who believe: Ye are forbidden to inherit Women against their will. Nor should ye treat them With harshness, that Ye maY Take away part of the dower Ye have given them,-excePt Where thEy have been guiltY Of open lewdness; On tire contrary live with them On a footing of kindness and cquity. If ye take a dislike to them ' It mav be that Ye dislike A thiig, and Coa brings lboutThrou[h it a great deal of good.

(Sura IV, Stc r, vasc tz) ISI.AITT.OI,.IR CXIOICE 90

To. my mind it wll be the doctrine of Islam and none . other that undoubtedly offers the much sought solution. Particularly I- am appreciative of the fraternity ii Isiam. Aii 'Muslims are brethren unto one another and God has enjoineJ that.they shou.ldlive in peace and harmonv *'ith each other. I believe that it is this type of 'Brotherhood' which is so vital and needed most by the world todav. Last summer three Muslims visited 'rokushima. Thev had come frorn Pakistan and it was from them thatli r."*i-l gre_ltdeal about Islam and what it stands for. Mr. Motiwala in Kobe and Mr. Mita in Tokyo came to my help and I embraced Islam. Last but not.the least, I eagerly hope thar one day the bonds of Islam will infuse ne* r[irii **L'grt Musiims from and this-great messageof Tey nook and corner of the r.r'orld. God will resound o.nce again w_ithfull grory fiom every Tand, so that the Earth becomes a Heaven to ii*'r in and'God's creatures be really happy-both materiaill' and spiritually elevated as God does iniend.



Say ye: "We believe In God, and the revelation Given to us, and to Abraham, Ismail, Issac, Jacob, apd_ ghe Tribes, and that given To Moss and Jesus, md ihat given To (all) Prophets fronr their hid: We make no differencc Between one and another of them: And we bow to God (in Islam)." ISLIIM.OUR CHOICE (Sura rt, Sec t6, onsc t36)


ALI MLnHAMIYIAD MORI (Jepsa) Sociel \florLet and Preacher AboutrSyearsagolwasinManchuriawhereJapan-was " 'r"." in a desrtnear Piechingthat I stiU ;;itding powcr. It first came acros$a SrouP of Muslims" - fh-ef. were leadittg " ;i;;- lii" and I **i d"ipty impressedby their. way of living attitude ot fif.. it is impressionbecamedeeper ;;fiilheir and deeperas I travelledinto the interior of Manchurta.

I r et ur ne d to J a p a n _ a d e fe a te d c o u n try-i ntheS ummer of tq+6 *J - I found that the situation in Japan had changed th.r. *." tremendouschangi in- the realm of the "i,;J,il. rf the feople. Buddhism rvhich wa-s faith of the ,fri"ii"g of J*panJse'w:rs thoroughly corruptedand instead *ti"ti,i of providing salvationit was exertlng an evll lnnuenceupon society. christianity, after the war had *"9. rapid strides in Iaoan althoueh it existed there for the last 9o years but it a formal religion only. At first Christianity il,;i;;;in"a'.* r.t*"a to be accepted by ihe innocent,-pure and simple .killed'their lovefor Buddhisnr, who in a way fiad ;;;;. people great disapfointment they soo.nfound out that t;;-i?'th;r behind the cdver of ihristianity theie existed the netrvork oi gri,irt and American capiialist interest. Christianity ,"t;.t, har bccn given up in christian countriesis now being capitalisticinterest. usdfor export,ib serve-their between Russia on the JaPanis gcographicatly .located and"A-tiericaon the othcr and both wish to exert orr. ir"hd people'- None. can offer a their influence on the Japanese n"ppy solutionio the spiriiually disturbedJapanese i."li"g ""a people. 88

secondly such peopl-. T. required to do this work whosc own lives set an example before others. unfortunately the _type of Muslim students who come to Japl{. from djfferent Muslim countries are ,,o .*"*pl, foi u, to follow and we- cannot gain any advice or guiJance from them. Most of them havi adoptid the \\'este?n *.ay of rile and they know nothing 1b.9lt Islim due to their being educated in the European ectablished institutions, mostly convents. If Islam is to surceed in Japan, as I am quite sure that one. day it w_ill, all Islam-loving. people should it,inL over the problem and- m-ake sincere and concentrated efforts in this behalf. such of thc Muslims who are true believers and whose lives can be an example to others, should visit Japan and teach the people here. our people- are thirsty fo-r'peace, truth, honesty, sincerity, vittue and- all that is gooa in life, and I am conhdent that Islam and Islam alone can quench their thirst. We need absolute Faith in Him to do the job and we pray to Him to grant Faith to us. Islarn means'peac!'and no other people than the ]apanese r.cauire p.eacemore. Real peace.cln tome to us Uy "l.epting the.relrgion-of peace. Peice r+'ith all men ancl p."..-witf, God. The brotherhood in Islam is a unique princ'iple and in r it -truly lies salvation for the mankind. QUOTATION FROM THE HOLY QURAN Let there be no compulsion 'fruth In religion: stands out Clear from Error: whoever Rejects Evil and believes In God hath grasped The Most trustworthy Hand-hold, that never breaks, And God heareth And knoweth all thingr.


(,Snrcrrr .Sec.34, vase, z96)


IIMAR MITA (Japsn) Ecoaomist, Social Worker and Prcecher

By the Grace of Allah I am leading a happy Muslim life for the last 3 years. The righteou$ way of life as taught by Islam, was shown to me by our Pakistani Tablighi brethern (Missionaries), who visited my country and to whom I am deeply grateful. The majority of our people are Buddhists, but they are Buddhists in name only. They are not practising Buddhists and actuallythey are almost unmindful of their religious knowledge. The main reason for this apathetic attitude may be due to the fact that Buddhism presentsa high sounding and complicated philosophy and gives nothing practical. It is thus beyond the reach of an averageperson who remains busy with the problems of this worldly life. He cannot understand it nor can he implement it. It is not so with Islam. The teachings of Islam are simple, straight-forward and quite practical. It governsall the departmentsof human life, It moulds the thinking of man and when once the thinking becomespure, pure actions will follow spontaneously. The teachingsof Islam are so simple, easyand practical that every one can understandit. It is not the monopoly of the priests as is thc ca*e in other religions. There is great future for Islam in Japan. Some difficulties may be there but the same are not insurmountable. Firstly, an organised steady and vigorous efiort should bc made to acquaint people with the teachingsof Islam. Our people are becoming materialistic day by day but they are unhappy. They have to be told that the real peaceand contentment lie in Islam which is completecodefor life and gives guidancefor all walks of lifc.


instruction, not becauseI adhered. its religious principles to (which admined broadmindedness), -but soml rnoi,rteag;-oi christianirl l'*s. thought neces*ury- e general education. for I think the Principal oflhe schoolwas rather"surprised when at the end of the cuiriculum I handed in a compos'itionin which I confessed *y adherence the Islamic faiti. to My faith in those early days was. however, itrational. It was a convrction,u'hich, thgugh genurne,was not yet armed bI I*T9_Tagainst the first onslau"ghiof the iational materialiem of the West. It is then that tf" question arises: why shourd one chooseIslam! And why riot maintain the reliiion in which one-happensto be born lif any)r rhe is contained in.-thc.question itself: Islam rniitts being at peacewith one"r,**.r" sclf, the world and the God that is, it c;nsisis in submission to the will of God. Though the bcauty and maiesticterseness of the Qur'an is lost in tr:anslation,I'will q;;-Cod's own words: "O soul that art at rest. Return to thy Lord, wellpleased with Him, well-pleasing H#. So enter lpo1g Ty servants. Enter my Garden- the paradise." (Al-Qur'an LXXXIX: z71o) Islam, therefore, is the onry pure rerigiorr not-.a.religion marred by mythology, like christiiniry and=other religroru. Christian doctrine that an infant is recpon-,*,^9:11t11,the of srble for the sins its forbears,with God's consoling*or'dr: "And no soui earns evil but agairut itself, and no bearer of a burden shal bear thc"b*a"" oi-another',. (AI-Qur'anVI: 165). "We do not im.pose-on,lly_soul a duty exccpt to thc I ertent of iu ability." (Al-eur'an VII42).


TAUZI,JDDIN AHMAD OYERING (IIolland) Preacher aad Social Worler

It is difficult to say how my first intcrest in the Eastern world wa$ arouscd. It was purely linguistic at first. I atarted learning Arabic when still at the primary school, when I wes about twelvc or thirteen, som thitty years ago. But as I had no onc to help mq I did not male much headway at fint. It goeswithout saying that by the snrdy of Arabic I came into contact with Islam. I bought several books about it; though ell wcre written by Western authors and, therefore, not ilways unbiased. I became convinced of the uuth of the Prophet'e mission (the pcacc and the blessingsof God be on hir:n). But my knowlcdge about Islam wasrather resuicted, and,.I had no one to guidc me. The book thnt inffuenced me most was E.G. Browne's Hiilory of Prsian Litrature in Modqn Timra. This brilliant 'contains parts of two poems that were decisive for my work conversion:the-Tarji-Band by Hatif of Isfahan, md the Haft' Baftd by Mohtashim Kashan. .At first Hatif's poem appealedto me most. It gives a beautiful visionary picture of a soul in turmoil, in a struggiefor a higher conceptibnof life, in which I discovered on L lower level, of cour# - my own struggle for Truth. Although I cennot agree with some of its couplets, it taught me at least one great Truth: Therc He is One, and there is naught but Hc, That there is no god save Him alone. According to the wish of my mother, and in accordance with my own inclination, I went to a specialschoolfor religiour


$rerm of thc One God., Euro.pe.uras still in thc scmi-barbarism induced by the folt-wdnderings and the ertinction of ^lessic curhrrc b" r narrow ecclesiasticism. The East was thc lsgicd of inspiration, and here Muhemmad (God's bleiings ".itrc bc on him)-arosc seven centuries_afterJesus,rlhen Christo flaganism y* F4y entrcnched in Europe and rational study,'lei alone inspiration, still nine centuries distant. At last I was able to _ncccptMuhammad as an apostle of 9r-ai firstfy,-he was needed; secondly, my own coriclusions had been independent and still coincidgd;-and thirdty, apert from both the former, the realization of the divine qr;dity of the Holy Qur'an and the Prophet's teachings floodid ",ion mc clearly. At the same time, I received and bought more and morc literature_lpoq Islam. An Indian philantf,ropist of Bombey, -What the late Mr. Q.A. lairazbhoy, had sent me & isala.i bl tt.P. l,ovegrove (this is perhaps the most practical expocition that I have read, and meriti wide distribution). Latcr he scnt Maulvi Muhammad Ali's excellent annotated edition of the Holy Qur'an, and various other books and tracts. At Montreal, I was able to pnocure considerable Frcnch literature on Islam, both for and-against, and this helped broaden my sision.

George Bernard Shsw myr. . . "I have prophesicd about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable tornorrow as it is beginning to bc acceptableto the Europe of today." (A collection of Writings of someof the ,.Eminent Scholars" published by the Woking Muslim Mission, England, rg35 edition, p.7il. !sT.TM{}UN CHOICE


THOMAS IRVING (Caaede) Social Worker

In approaching eil account of my conversion to Islam, it r*'ould be as well to relate my personal experience, both before and after coming into contact with iti ideals. This ir not so much to tell a story in itself as to show how the thought of thousands of other young Canadians and Americans-ir evolving and the opportunity that awaits an effective Islamic propaganda. T can remember thrilling, as a very small child, to the Christian interpretation of ]elus's life, but yet I canrot sry that I wasevertruly Christianof my own conviction. Instead of absorbingthe pretty Biblicat talis, I beganwonderingwhy so many in the world were 'heathen', r*'hyJervs and Christians differed on the serneBible, why the unbelieverswere damned when the fault was not theirs, and also why they could practice goodness well as the self-called"higher" nations. as I renrembcr cspccially . missionary returned from India stating how the 'M6hometans' wcri so obduratc in adhering to their religion; that wa.s my first cncounter with Istem, and it rouscd an uncorrscious-rdmiration in mc for their steadfastnc$l to their faith end e dcsirc to lnow morc about thcrc "wichcd" pcople. In my first year oouttc in Orientd litcrature, I hd learned of the progreseionof humen thought in its attempt to pcrfect itr conception of God. Jcsus had culminated the lcaching of e Loving fu. This idce had bccn lost in e cloud of linrrgicel doggerel and atavistic paganicm; a bcneficent, mcrciful deity had bcen obscured by - implecable overlord who could only be reeched through an intcrcaror. Someonc wu necdcd to lcrd mcn bect to tbc founain of tnrth rith iu linpid Erin'


Having travelled in many countries all over the wortd, I have- had good opportuniry to notice how strangers are elerywhere receiverl; whether the first reaction is to help them, and where it is to consider first who they are, ani what advantages may be reaped from such assistance. The followers of no other re-ligion can equal Muslims for hospitality and disinterested kindness to strangers. Economicaliy it ii only in-Is.lamic communities that the gulf between riih and poor is bridged in such a way that the poor will not endeavour to upset the entire srrnrcture 1s, produce chaos. Modern Sovict Communisrn could never havc comc to birth in a Ilfuslim State.

An ertract fton Annic Bcrent't rThe Life end Teechlnge of Muhsnmadtt Madras June rgjz, p. 3. "f often think that woman is more free in Islam than in Christiarrity, Women is more protected by Islam than bv the faith *hich preaches monogeiny. In Al Qur'an the' law about women is more just and liberal. It is only in the last nycntlr years thet Christian Eirgland has recognized the right o-f-woman propertv, while Islam has allowed this right from te dl times. It is a slander to say that Islarn preachesthat women hrve no Eoulr".

Itl,aM-oln cEorcE


An invitation to watch the prayers and participatc in thc 'Id praYcrsonc day in r9+5 lunch after the Saveme the oPPoritrt.rnational ^BrguPbf Muslimt at closc nr"tty to study "tt quaiers. fierl was no group.of Aiabs, no nationdism, but a 'the world's raoes' social classes, rcDrescntatlvc assortmen-tof of skins. Here I met a Turkish prince and dso PJgPt' n.i* These who might practically havc been tcrme {9tgg1*' ft *it down'to lunch together.. No- ill-conceded f"opf, torrh.r..nsion rvas apparent in thJ attitude of the richi no hyprocrisyin the fceling of equality.whichanimatedthe ;"t whiii ririn talfins to their Negro neighbours; no lttgmpt to drarv ^way, to"isolate oneself from other human bcingS; no ridiculous"snobbcrywith primitivc egotism masqucrading as virnre. There is not spacc here to describe dl of the facets of life an for rrhich I found'in Islamic teachings answorwbich had been lacking else*'here. Suffice it to say that after due rcnu"tio", I ias led to cnter this faith, after having studied cvery oih*r important religion in the r*-orld without having decidcd to embrace itThe above erplains why I am a Muslim. It does not altogcther explain i"tty I arn_proud to be one. This feeling was"only to come thiough timc and..gxperience. I snrdied Islarnic'*1rut" at an Erietish'universiry, and lcarnt for thc noi ii*" that it *." pr"*iiely this cultuie rvhich had brought Europc out of the Dari Ago.^ I !*qq, froq lristgryhow man-y of thi world's grcatest eirpires had been Islamic, how much rnodcrn sciend has to ad.inowledge as a legacy of Islam. And when peoph came to me to explain tlar I. had taken a stcp backwitas, t smiled at their ignorance' minglin-g ceys and effect. Is the world only to judge Islam by the fact that quite external factors produ'ced iuG"quent degenracy!. 11 art Rcnaissance less valid becauscabortions are being painted universally todayt Is Chriltianity to be labelled blood-thirsty barbarisni becausc of the medieval inquisitors and Spanish to cooquistadorest It is only necessary remark that.the-g1T; tcst ind most advancedminds of all agcshave ltgen able to tect rop."t for Islamic o.rlturq sulst of tftc pearls of which are ]'et hidden from thc lfee 80

did thcy fail to do ro in ptzcticel The emwcr war that they wcre not for the rnass bui for thc few. Both Christianity ani Buddhism, if undcrstood rs the teaching of thcir founderq qndcd eocial problerns, for they hed no intprcst in them. -ttrc Both Jesru and Buddhe taught iaa of ibandonrng all poosccriona, total annihilation of thc lower self in scarch of erod. 'Resist not cvil' or 'Vairagyant'; 'Take no thought for the motrow' or tte begging-bowl. I have the greatciadmintion for the mcn who-can follow this path. I am surc thet it cen lead them to God. But I am cquilly surc ttret it cannot bc practiscd by the masses,that it cannot bctter the lot of thc ignorant peasang and that for that rcason it has little rocid T"lu". A glorions tcaching for a epiritud giant; a total failnrc for thc russ of humanity. An intellectud satisfactioq yct uscless as e means of rcvolutionizing the mass and bettering their conditione spiritualln mentally and rnateridly, withh i rhort spaceof timc. Itwas perhepo atrangethat, having lived in Arab countrie+ I havc never devoted moie than a supcrficid attention to Islem, and had not given it the minute ex'aminetionI had accorilcd dl thc world's other faiths. Yet when I reflect.that my former introduction to this faith has been mnfined td.readiirg Rodwell's translation of the Qur'an it is not so surprising thd I was none too cnthusiastic. Only later did I come in touch rith a well-Lnown Islamic mibionary in London. Sub scquently I have noticcd thet little is done in mct Anb lendc to interestthe non-mrrstimsin Islam, end to sprrad its teachings where they could bcer good fruit. OnIy too often b thcre euch a mistnrst of the foreiener that onc scesthe charrteristic Erstcrn poli.y of concedmint rather than diftrsion. Under intelligent guidencc, providcd with r Qur'u (tuF mented on 8n translatcil by a Muslim end with much other il' foroativc litcranrrc to sivt mc a tnrc pictrrre of Islln it 'rrc 4st loug bcfore I disco-vcredhcre whit I hrd beea *arctil3 for during msly ycers,
r Ttc rcfer,cnoc,of cour* ir to tro portrril-cf m hb) rr it rppan frorn Chrirtha 6cdo5l-&b*. ttt (F*e fr


of the Jewish synagogues, and took gart in the.m. both, I -eitSei religion. In Roman Catholicism, I never ehbraced too mucfi mystification and subjection to human euthofound rity, often manifeslly displaying frailry inconsistent with the status advanced for the Pope and his henchmen. r.*i-diuine I turned to Hindu philosophy, especidly to the later teachings of the Upanishadi, arnd Vedanta- Ag-ain -l learnt much, respected much, and rejected much. Socid cvils were not solved, and the priestly caste was again favoured with innurnerable priviliges, while none stretched -a helping I*d to the poor outcast] His fate was his own fault, and if he bore it patiintly, a future life might bring hiln soln_ething.better, a convenlent way of keeping the po-pulace in subjcction. Relision seemed tb mean the cieation of an omnipotent hierar' "with God called in to testify that it rras His Will that chv things should so remain. Buddhrsm taught me much about the hurnan mind and its laws. It showed me a method for obtaining cosmic understanding as simple as chemical experiment, provided I made the necEssary sacrifices. Here was reaction against the caste system. But in Buddhrsm, like Hinduism, I found no mord teaching. I learnt how to obtain su-perhumaf porvers, or what the such, but soon I learnt that these were no evi*Irs of spirituality. . Rather they. *.oYtd . the ability to dence"onriders master a serence, a pastime at a much higher tgvef lfan sPor! ethically, a means oi controlling emotions,- of disciplining "Td subjecting all desires, as sought also by the Stoics- But the -There was hardly any quJstion "of Coa did not ariJe at all. ,Lf.t.n.* to the Creator of atl this universe . Ottly a way to be followed for one'$ own salvation, though the Bodhitattva ideal did preach sacrificing one's own salvation, to assist that of others.' In this case, ihete v/as spirituatity, ild not only the control of animal, natural forces. Buddhism could theore tically save the world, as could that basic Christianity of Tolstoy, ieduced to the words of the Prophct fesus, shorn of tater accretions and misunderstandinge. Yct if much bclicfs could save the world in theory, why


IIT'SSAIN ROFE (Eogland) Soctil Rcformer

When people decide to embrace a religion otfier than that in which tte circumstances of their birtE had placed thcm, their motivcq usually have an emotiond, phiiosophicat oi eocial foundation. My tcmperemcnt dernandid a creed which could mcct thc dcmands of the last nro of thesc categoricr, and I did nothing less than decidc tc examinc minutCty the 4"jqo,.ecripturcs and results produccd by "ll thc w6rld'a crucl rclrgroD8. Born of parcnts reprcscnting thc lcrnirh and Cathotic ftl$q arid brought up in Chruch of Engtand traditions, of which I obtaincd e thorough expericnce tfuough yearo of its serviccsin the daily ronrtineof thc Engliih public "t-t"n4i"g achoct, I comraenced early to contrast the dogrnar-and iinrds oJ Judaism gnd Chrislianity. - Intuition lcd me to reject the doctrinee .of Divine incarnation, and vicariorrs atonemeng and the intellcct oould neithcr find satisfaction in manifold Biblicel propoeitions nor in the absenceof a living faitb bascd on rcason which I aorcd in the conventional approach to God of tbe averagc Cttrch of England Christiaa. .In-tudrjsqn, I found a mueh more dignificd conccption of God. though errcn this yaried with the-bootr of thi Bibte. Here wa,sa faith which had retained much of its former ouritv. I learnt much frorn ig but-rejected much. Fottowing At Uic ruler end precriptions would have left trittlc time for altending h ray rccular affain. Thc mind would have had to bc conl ccobrbd on endleu fornu and rinrats. Worst of all, it wns for a ninority *d !4 irnfl,icity ro tbe crcarion of a gulf bctw*a diffcrent roeial grodfis. Ulhih tr witaemd Churcb of F'.gfand nn'ict+ aod thorc

'Allah? There is none other God but Hc, The Living God, the Sclf-subsistentOne: Wearinesscometh not to Him, nor sleep; And whatso is, belongsto Him alone In heaven and in earth lVith Him of dl things secret are the k*yrr; None other hath them, but Hc hath; and sees Whateveris in land, on air, or water, Each bloom that blows, eachfoan-bell on the seas'"




"Moses has revealed the existence of God to his nation, Jesus Christ to the Roman world, Muhammad to t}e old continent,...". "Arabia rvas idolatrous when, six centuries after Jesus, Muhammad introduced thc r*'orship of the God of Abraham, of Ishniael, of lvloses and of Jesus-. The Ayrians and some other sects had disturbed the tranquilliry of the East by agitating thc question of the nxture of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. I\{uhammed declared that there was none but One God lVho had no farher, no son, and that the Trinity imported the idea of idolatry . . ." "I hope the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the rvise and educated men of all the counuies and esublish a-uniform regime based on the principles of the Qur'an which alone arc true and rvhich alone can lead men to happiness. (Bonaparte et I'Islam, bJ, Chufils, r25). Paris, Franee, pp. ro1-



I foun{myslef cerving with thc Indian Army in Mesopotarnie I was lway from the Buddhist lNnds arrd among the Arebs, thc peoplc from whom the Prophet sprang, and in .whosc l"ngn.gc the Holy Qur'an was recorded. The fact that I was among thesc pcople encouraged*y further interest in under*anding Islam. I studied Arabic and made cloeccontact wlth the pcople, admiring the consistencyof their worship of God, till I found myself also acknowleding that God was, indeed, a unity; whereasfrom my childhood I had been rcaredto accept God was e Trinity. It had now bccome patent to me thet God was not a Trinity but a Unity: La ilaha illn'l-Lah - and I was inclined to declare myslef a Muslim. In fact, although. I ceased entirely attending churches, and also only visited moeque when it was my official duty as a police officer to do lo, it was only wher\ in Palestine between the ycar 1935 and rg+z that I took courage of conviction and made an official dedaration of my change of taith to Islam that had been my choicc for so many ycerl. It was grand day when in the Mahhamat al-Shan'ah ful thc city of Jenrsalem,known in the Arab lands by the name of al-guds, meanlng ttre Sacred, tfiat I publicly announced myrclf a Muslim. I was at thc tirne a General Staff Officer, and thie action of mine brought about some unpleasant reactions. Since that time, f have lived and practised the faith of ICrm, in Eglpt and more recently in Pakistan. Islam is the greete8t fraternity--+ome 5,oo,ooo,@o stfongr ald to belong to it is to belong to God, and if I have been able, in reccnt yert!, to give witne$ for Islam by my life and writings, purely r crcdit mark has been inscribed in the register of life for that rimple man whosc piety brought me back to God, and to Islam, for wc erc dl born Mrrslims, and I, in human weaknese,had gonc r8tny. I thsnk God, Al-Iwtdu Ii'LLah, that I am today one of this great brotherhood of Islarn, ed whcn I pray, I always offcr up a aupplication for the soul of the poor boatman, whosc pcrsonel pity lcd me to sek for myself the source of his conristcnt faitb"




Major of the British Atmy

- M1ny years ago, a quarter of a century at least, it rvas part to 9f *y daily ex_p_erience travel along the waterways of Burma by sampan. My sampan-wallah was a Muslim-sheikh Ali from Chittagong (Eryt Pa\istan) a splendid sailor, and keenly observant of the rules of his faith. The consistency witlr which he maintained the hours of prayer and the obvious sincerity of his pious practice n9t gnly gained my respect but stimulated my interest in a faith that could hold suclr a man in pious thrall. Around up were Burmese Buddhists, who also exhibited a great piety, -and who were, as far ,as my experience informed me, probably the most charitable peopll on earth. But there seemed to be something lacking in thlir religious pr-a9tjcg. I knew they attended the pagodas-,because I saw the old folk squatted there, uttering the-formula of their creed: Buddha carana gacchami Dhamma carana gacchami Sangha caraila gacchami, thus,proclaiming that they accepted the joint guidance of the Buddha, the larv, and the order, for the cbnduct of their spiritual lives. It u'as too placid, it lacked vigour, and was toi"lly unlike the practice of Sheikh'Ali, the sampan-usallah. I talked to him as we sailed along the narrow creiks and streams. He was not so.good at telling others of the things that inspired him with pious zeal, as he was a splendid example of thi inspirational power of Islam. I bo_ughtsome books about the history and teachings of Islam. I learned of the life of the Prophet l{uhammad (feace be upon him) and of his great achievements. I someiimes discussed them with some of my Muslim friends. Then the First World War broke out and, like a good nxJry others,


Muhammed Ali. I have found Istam to be congenial to rny mind and to thc ideology in which I was eudcated in my infancy. I have found in Islam a perfect and complete code of life, which code ir able to guide the individual and communiry towards thc Kingdom of God on earth and which is elastic enough to be edapted to modern conditioru. Being a theorist of culture and sociology, I am enchanted by the social instirutions of Islam, in particular by the Zahat, the law of inheritance, the prohibition of usury including interest, the prohibition of aggressive wars, the injunction of the Hajj, and the permission of permitted polygamy, which respectivelyguaranteea right path between Capitalism and Cornmunism, define the right limits of quarrels between States and give a firm, basis to rational pacifism, present an excellent means of educating fraternal solidarity between Muslims, whatever their race, nationality, language,culture and social class may be, and lay solid foundations of marriage, which foundations are irrefutably justified by the biological and social facts and are much sound than the superficial and insincere monogamy of the Western peoples, To closc those confessionsof mine, I thank God for His favour, which He has bestowcd upon me by showing me thc right path'. Holy-Quran:Thou rvilt indeed find them, Of all people, most greedy, Of life,-even more Than the Idolators: Each one of them wishes He could be given a life Of a thousandyears: But the grant of such life Will not savehim From (due) punishment, For God seeswell All that they do. ('saza rt' ^saa rr'oerse gE) E'AM-ortR srorcB


of hurnan society must be based on disciplined freedom or, io other words, on an order which resPectsliberty and tradirion and there must be an adaptation of tradition to actual conditions. No wonder that, having been educated in the spirit 'middle path', I am a'man of the middle of the Path' too, and may be called a'progressive traditionalist'. As an adolescent sixteen years old, I became decidedly sceptical as regards the different dog,mas preached !y..ttt* 'infalliable' Roman Catholic Church. I u'as unable to believe in the Holy Trinity, transubstantiation, mediatorshif o1 priests betwien God-urd man and tite aersa, the infallibility 6f the Pope, and the efficacy of -magical words and ges^tures. I was unible to reconcile myself with the worship of M1ry, saints, relics, pictures, statues and other objects. finally, I lost all my faiih and became indifferent to matters religious. The outbreak of the Seeond World War causeda religious renaissance in me. God opened mv eyes and I perceived that humanity wants ideals, and that she cannot sP:ue those ideals if she wishes to avoid extermination. It was clear to me that only retigion could give such ideals to thc world. But, on the other hand, it was also clear to me that modern rnan cannot be satisfied with a religion the dogmas and rites of which offend the raiional mind. Besides, I felt that mankind could be guided only by a religion which. Presented a perftct and complete code of individual and social life. Seeking for the truth and for the spirirual- fatherland of mine, I studiecl the ideologies of different religions, in parti' cular the hisrory and prinliples of Quakerism, Unitarianism, Buddhisrn and Baha'ism but none of these religione satisfied me entirely. 'discovered' Islam. A smali pamphlet entitled Finally, I fslamo espnantiste rcgardata, written in Espnano by an Englislr Muslim, Mr. Ismail Colin Evans, opened my eare to the voice of Cod in February tg+g. Later, I received e small pamphlet entitled Ishmo chics ieligro from Du aI falygh-al' Cairo, and lr)me worts of Maulane islrrlrt P.O. Box lre 72


(Polaad) Sociologist, Reformer and Social VForter

I was born in Krakow, Poland,on 8th January, r9oo, in a -Mf ffl."ity -which. belongs to the Polish nobitity. father, dl_bqug! an atheist,was tolerant enoughto allow the iducation of:his children in the Roman Catholic religion, which is professed,more or lesssuperficially,by the maJorityof the pdlish pegp.Je, Thus I -and which-was the refigion of my *oih.r. imbibed in my infancy a true iespect foi religion, which I Iooked.upgn-as a factor of cardinal importance-in fhe life of thc individual and of the comrnunity Another feature of the home of my parents was its cosmopolitan atmosphere._My fatheq, yvtr-ena young man, travelled widely in different Euroffi countries ani often talked about his adventurs. ThdGflnosphere gave rise to the fact that racial, national and cultural prejidices were rl*"y: foreign.!o *y mind. I alwaysfelt myseli a citizen of the whole world. The third featureof my homewasthe spirit of the 'middle pathl. My father, although a descendant an aristocratic of family, despisedthe 'leisuied classes'and hated all forms of d.ictatorohipand oppression,but did not approve of revolutionary acts against the public order, He- ippreciated pro-from the past. Eless.basedon- the best traditions inherited 'man of the middle He was a model of a path'. It is not fo Ue wondered at that when I became an independent thinker, interested particu-lady in social problems, i atrvays soughi the middle path leading to the solution of differeni difficirlli3 :f social, political, Lconomic and cultural life. I always felt that extremesare contradictoryto the natureof the majoriiv of human beings,-and_ th-at,consiquently, only a compr6misc cen seve mankind. I dways belicved ihat the organization


asked for a copy of the Holy Qur'an at the Sydnoy Public Library, when I was given the Book and was reading the prer face by the translator, the bigotry against Islam wss so obvious that I closed it up. There was no Qur'an translated by a Muslim available. Some weeks later in Perth, Weqtern Australia, I again asked at the library for a copy of the Qur'an stipulating that the translator must be a Muslim. It is difficult to put into words my immediate response to the first suralr, the Seven Opening Yerses: Then I read something of the life of the Prophet (peace be on him). I spent hours in the library that day, I had found wha( I wanted, by the mercy of Allah. I was a Muslim. I had not at this time met any Muslim. I came out of the library that day exhausted by the tremendous intellectual and emotional erperience I had received. The next experience, I still ask myself : was it true or was it something I had dreamed up, for in cold print it seems impossible to have happened. I came out of the library intending to get myself a cup of coffee. I walked down the street and raising my eyes to a building beyond a high brick wall I saw the words 'You 'Muslim hnw tlu Mosque' I straightway said to my self truth, nwt accept it'. illaha illalah Muhammad ur Rasul Allah' and so by the mercy of Allah I became a Muslim. 'La





Who has made the earth vour couch, And the heavcns your canopy; And sent down rain from the heavens; And brought forth therewith Fruits for your sustenance; Then set not up rivals unto God When ye know (the truth). ISIJII|I.OUR ?o CHOICE

(Surc rr, .Sec. Vusc zz) 3,


MurraMtrAr) JoHN wEBSTtiR pngland)

Preeident, The Englieh Muslin Mlrglon

Born in London I was brought up Christian of the protcstant pcr$uasion. In r93o, in my teens, I was confronted with the problems normd to a rearcnably intelligent younq man. thesc problems h!$ Fr"igly relating to tf,e reloncitring oi cvcryday afi3irs with the claims of rcligion and hcre I dmc lcros{r the first weakness of Christi*tty. Christianity ir r dualism which regards the world as sinful and rceks to nrrn its Sack on the realities of life, projecting its hopes into e funrrr world. As a result of this thire-is crelted a'sunday aninrdc towards religion which has no place in the rest of tf,e sccular week" At this time in England ihere $'ts e $eet deal of poverty and social discontent whi-ch Christianity tade no anempt tb rcsolve. More emotional than knowledgeable,with thd entlrusiasm of youth I rejected the Church and becamc r ComrnUN|sL Comrnunism has e ccrtain satisfaction et aD emotiond adolescentlevel but again it did not take long to redigc tte hateful nature of Communism based upon cl-asswarfare, io itself immortal. Having rejected thc mCterialism of C,omrnunism I turned to the study of philosophy end rcligion. Thc unity which I observed atl-arouird me icd rDG idintifu mvto rclf with what is known es Pentheicq a Deftnl trw religion lVe in thc West find it difficult to rcgneint ourrclf witf, Islem for sincc the days of the christian Crusdcr there her becn either a conspiracy of rilcncc or r ddiberete penersion of blo-ic rDnttcn. enyuny d thc ti"'t living d eumUr f



in . - O.1re-day, the year rgz8, my son rvith tears in his eyes said: 'I do not want to remain a Christian any longcrJ I want to bc a Muslirru 1-'i ;u, too, my mothcr, shoul-djoin this new falth with me.' That was ihe first time I felt tliat I had to link myself with Islam. Years passed before f came in contact rvith tbe Imanr of the Berlin Mossue, who introduced me to Islam. I ceme to recognize that Islam was the tnre religion for me. Bclief in the-Trinity of the Christran faith was impossiblefor me even at my young ageof tlvenry. Af rer -confesiioi, studying Islam I also rejected the holiness and recognition of the supreme power of the Pope, baptism, etc., and thus I becamea Muslim. My ancestorswere all sincere belicvcrs and pious persons. I was brought up in a convent and hence I inheritid a religious attitude towards life. This demandedthat I should associatemyself rvith one religious sptem or the other. I was indced very fortunate and comforted as I decided to join the religion of Islam. Today I am a very hrppy grandmother, becauseI can claim that even my grandchild is a born Muslim. "God guidesrvhom Hc pleases the right path." to

G o e t h e h a d o = c l a i m e d . . . ,r . . . . . . . . . . . "If this be Islam, do we not all live in Islam". (Quoted by Thomas'Hiemry" his "Oh Heroes,Hero-worship and t}e Carlylein (Every man's Library, London r9r8, Heroic in P.r9r). 68


Evcr eince thc Second World War I hsve ben rvetching with restlcsness that our faith in our religion was fast becoml ing week. _We had begun to eccept the American mode of living end I deeply felt rs if something was missing. At first I could not understand so to what it wrs that was missing. It was thc cry of my soul to find an answer to this resdedne88, I rms fortunate to bc acquainted with one Muslim who had been staying in Tokyo Tor sometime. His bchaviour and hie way__o.f worship made mc curious and I arked many qucrtionE. His ans$'ero were vcry grattfyi"g and afiordeil mc qgqh pe.age,ofmind and goul He taugfit mc how one should lead his life as God desires us to liv1. I had never imlgincd before-that the entirc outlook of lifc can change eo suddenln.as did -mi-neby living es a Muslim and feeling 2 sort of unison with thc Cieatcr trimsclf. I.ook et the salutetion of a Muslim. You say ,,Assalzc,tfr'Aloihntr Wa-Rahamatullah Wa-bmahatoln": ' Nlay you have pescg from.Gqd and be h"ppy ever.r This is very untike tg*d morning'- and 'good if'tlrnoon' which simply msenr ygur-mglning pc- good eld yow afternoon bc-good. It sounds all materidistic. There is no eternd wirh, io preyer to invokc God's ble*sings. Through th3t Muslim friend of mine I have leernt mrn lll"gl which a lvluslim believes in and practiss. I lile th-e Musli-q way of life which is pure, simple and esscntially peaceful. f . am convinced thit Islam' alone cen btio! peacein an individual's life as well as in thc collective lifl of men. Islam alone Fn give real- pcaoe_to menkindapece which humanity is so cqger to havc I am happy to harrc-acquiredthispeace andcould like to spread Isliil aE much as possible for me amongst my peoplc.


rn Christianity I had been led to believe that Islam was only something to joke about. Thus all that I then read was a. revelation to me. After a while I looked up some l\{uslims them on someof the points that were not quite and questioned clear to me. Here again there was yet another rdvelation. My questions were all answered promptly and concisely,so different from the frustration I had experiencedwhen questtioning Christianity. After much reading and studying of the religion of Islam both my daughterand myself decided Muslims, taking the namesof Rashidaand Mahmuda to ber:ome respectively. If I were askedwhat impressedme most in the religion of Islam, I would probably say the prayers,because prayersin Christianity are used wholly in begging God (through Jesus Christ) to grant worldly favours, whereas in Islam ihey are used to give praise and thanks.to Almighty God for all His blessings since He knowswhat is necessary our welfare and for grants us what we need without our asking for it.

HUNDRED GREAT SONS OF ISLAM (UnderPrinting. . .In English Urdu) &

Muslims had devoted themselvesto learning with zed and vigour. Islam opened up new avenuesfor the advancementof scientific knowledge. The debt scienceowes to Islam ig so great but for it the world today would still have been living in medievalage conditions. The boof under print is a must for every snrdentof ivorld history because gives full information about the contribuit tion which Islam made tq human progressand civilization. The book is of special value to the Muslim student bccause he hears a great deal about modern personalitiesin differcnt fields of lelrrning,there is no denyingihe fact that the Muslim scholarswere the fathersof presentworld civilization and were far outstandingin their achievementt. Know thy mightv past to build thy glorious future. Available from: International Islamic PublicationsLtd. GenevaCornavin 253, Geneva,Switzerland. c*Ea) Pricc Rr. roi- (Postage ro. sh. ffi


(Australie) Why f embraced Islam? First and foremost I norrld say it was becausefundarnentally I had dways been a Muslim without being awareof it. Vety carly in my lifc I had lost faith in Christianity for meny_ reasons.-ths mrlor one being that wheneverI questibnecl any $lrgiltian, -rvhetherit was a person belonging io the so. oll"4 tloly Orders or a layman, regarding ini point that puzzled-rne in regardto the Church tdachindr,I inviriably rcceived the monot-onousang\r'cr: 'You musinot question the tcachingsof the Church i you must have faith.' I did not hevc thc coungc_in thosc days to eay; 'I cannot have faith in somcthing that I do not understand', and, from my experiencc, ncither do moat of the pcoole who call themsclvesChristians. l4hat I did do was to ldavethc Church (Roman Catholic) and iu tcaching-andto placc my faith in the onc truc god in whom it was much casier to believe, rhan in the three. gods of thc Qfrwch. By contrast with the mysteric and miricles ofthe Ctristian teaching, life toolr on i new and wider meaning, no-longcr cramped with dogrna and rinral. Everynrhere-I loohcd I could ecc God's wolk. And although, in-common with grcatcr minds than my own, I could not understend the miractcs that happencd bcfore my cyes, I coutd stend rnd marrcl et thc wonder of it dl-the trees, flowcrs,birds and rnimds, Errcn l ncw born babc bccame a beautifut mirede. not thc rtmc thing that the Clrurch had taught mc to belictt et all I rcmembered how, whcn r child, I Serr;det acwborn babiee rnd thoughg "It'r dl cowred in blrch-rin', f no lon6ct bclict'ed in uglincu; evcrphing bccrsrc beeutiful. Tlrcn onc &y my deughtcr brought hornc r booft $out lrtem. We trocrmc ro intcrcrtcd in it thrt w followd it p with mrny otfrer boob on ldrrn Wc roon rcdircd thd thi ryrr rcrJly urh$ rrG bdicvGd. D,rtrng tbc ti"r t hd bdiild


nlcn'rber of that huge congregation gathered together from the four corners of thetearth, onthis sacred occasion and on the sacred spot, ancl to join rvith -this mass of humanity, in all humilityl in the glorification of God, is to haYeone's consciousness impressed'-by the full significance of the Islamic ideal, is to. be privilege'd to -participate in one of the most soullnsplnng experlences that have ever been granted- tg human beines. To visit the birthplace of Islam, to tread the sacred gro,.,itd of thc prophet's struggle to call erring humenity back io God, is to rl-live those hil-lowed by the memories of Muhammacl's long toil anc sufferings in glorious years-of sacrifice ancl martyrdoir., is to have one'J soul-kindled by that celestial fire rvhich lighted up the rvhole earth. But this is not dl. The Hajj, above everything else, mak_es for unity aFgng If there is ahything that unifi(- the scattered forilIoslemi. ceslof Islam and imbues ihem with mutual sympathy it is the pilgrimage. It provides them rvith a central point to which inJy rall-y from iU corners of the eerth. It creates for them annually- an occasion to meet and know one another' to exchange ui*,ur and compare experiences and unite their various efforis to the com*bn godd. . Distances are annihilated. Differences of sect are sei aside. Divergences of race and colour cease to cxist in this fraternity of faith'that unites dl Nlloslems in one Breat brotherhood and rnakes them conscious of the glorious heritage that is theirs.

SOME SAYINGS OF PROPI{ET MUHAMMAD be (Moy Alhh's Face and bles$ng on him) Women are twin half of men. God commandeihyou tc treat tvomen well, for they are lour mothers, daughters and aunts. The rights of rvomen are, sacred. See, therefore,that womenare haintained in the rights granted to them. And thc bestof vou are those rvho are kindest to their wives. The rvidorv shall not be married until she is consulted and the virgin shall not b married until her consent is obtained. 6q


I am often asLed when and why I became a Musrim. * oSy ply that I do not know thl precise moment when L the truth of Islam dawned upon me. It seemsthat I havc alwalt_ becn-a Muslim. Thi; is not so strangc when one rememberrsthat Islam is the natural religion lttrt child, left g itsclf, would _develop. Indeed ." western " critic oncc 'Islam "" describedit is ihe religion of commo. ,r*..' The more I read and the more I snrdied, the more convinced I becarne that lelarn was the Tori prl.tior i"iigioi, rnd the one most calculeted to solve the wbrld's many perplexing proble-ms,31dto bring to humanity poace fr"iplnesr. since then I have never-waveredin mf belief that tirire "na ls -but one God; that Moses, fcsus, Muharirmad and otherc be on all of ,h.1n)- werc prophets, divinety intf"t Bp''ed,Qf:". to cyery nlti_on God has sent an apostle,thit we Ihat arc not born in sin, and that we do nol any t.ait"piion, that we do not need anyone t-gintercedeleed betweeri ur *a'coJi whog we can epproach at dl times, and that no one can intcrced tor us, not even Muhammad or Jesus, and that our Ealvatrondepcnds entircty oD oursclvesand on our ections. The word 'Istam' mesns surrender to fu. It arso 'in hermony with the Tcstr! pqcc. A Murlim is one who ir decreesof thc author of thie worrd', one who hu'madc hig pcrcc with God rad Hic crcaturc!.

thing drc it ir r podtivr faith.

(b) the Brotherhood ,{rvr*, -J}J*ii*riiro :1!{_-d cncumbr.lgo tn m rny of theologicel dogma" Above cvcry o
Thc inf,ucnce of thc Hajj cannot be exaggerated. To bc r

I'lam il be'"d on two fundamental truths: (a) thc onencu


tcechings of lelam, end formdly -accepJgd+. fri-+. I did thil wlttr grcat mtirfaction, as I could futff rcalizc thet it wrl no emotional crase of momcnt, but a long PKlce8| of rceroning, lasting nearly two years, through yhidr I went derpite my ernotlons thai p'ulled mc to etrongly the othcr way'

SOME SAYINGS OF THE HOLY PROPHET (Mry Alloh't puc and hhstittgsbc on hin)

KI{OWI,EDGE To spend morc tirnc in learning is better then spending more timi in praying; the support of religion is abotinencc. It is bener to icach *nowledge one hour in the night than to pray thc wholc night. Onc learned man is harder on the devil then a thousrnd ignorent worshippcn. Acquire knowledge. It enableth the Posscor to distingristr- right from irotg; it lighrcth thi way to heaven; it 6 our friend in thc dbscrt, our society in soliilde, our oomprnion when friendlers; it guideth rul to happiness; it srr*eins it is an ornament among fricnds end amorrr us in *hry; egeinst enemict' SccL rftor lnowledgc though it be in Chinr. The learned onct rrc the hein of the Prophctr-they leerrc hnowlcdge ar thcir ioheritaacc; he who iahsritE it inhcriu r grest fornrne. Lcern to tnow th]'!clf. Whflc bonourcth thc lcancd, honouttth mc'


still I pondcred. I read that the eur'm is a quide to thosc who ponder (xvl: 65) -and.that_duubteo ro"tE asked to try and producc.a-chaptei like it {II:23). Surcly, I thoughg il be.possible to produce a bette.-iiuitrg ptin in t95a] tti* Tyrt thrs uthich dates back to r man born inlhe year r i7o c.E.t I set to u'ork, but everyrvhere failed. I No doubt, influencedby the usual condemnationof Islam f.ro1nCfristian.pu_lpits.onthe subject, I picked; ariyg;t: At last I thought I had something; obviously western monogamy Iv{i an rmprovement on this old system. I talked of it to my Muslim friend. He illustrated rvith the aid of newspapcr articles horv much true monogarnythere was in England, -p"lis"-y and convinced me that a limited rvar the enewer to the secretunions that are becomirig so-aistressinglycommon in the west. l\{y own common scme courd s."-t[rat, particularly after a rvar, when women of a certain age grorip far outnumber men, a percentageof them arc degtinio io t"in"in spinsters. Did Goa give tlicm life for that? I recollect that qn the radio programme known as 'Dear sir' an unmanied English girl had called for lawful potygamy, Eaymgehc sanld prefer a shared married life ratheritrarittre i"n*iti"fu to which she semedto be destincd. In Ielern no onc b forced into e polygamousmarriage, but in a perfect rclisoo, thc opportunity must be there to meet thos ciss wherelt is'nece*iary. l'hen about r-ioal.prayers- thoughl I had a point. Surely I pray:q 1epe19d fivc timer e dey murt become jitrt c ncaning: fg habrll My friend hed a {uicL and iltum-inatins anrwcr. 'wJot-"Eut your muric practicc, he rsked, whcre you do scalesfor half an hour evgry^ day whether you feel lite it'or not? of course, it ir not good ii it bcco** i dcad habit-to- bc thinking of rvhet ir being done wil riw crcstcr bencf,t-but even scalcsdonc rvithoutlhhkhq wiflbc b-etterthan not doinc them et a!, and so it ir with frnyerr.' Any music gttrdcni will scc- thc point of thir, pariicdterty if d bcars in mind tnat m rrlam.prayenr erc not said for thc bencfit of God, llrho is ebove Tee4rns them, but for our own bcnefit. as e spiritusr crcrciac, berider other uscs. Thus gr:rdudly I bccemc oayinccd of the uuth in the


mind never strayed far from the religious quest. A letter appearedin the local paper to rvhich I wrote a reply contraof diiting the divinity of Christ from the Biblicai-point- vieu'. This Srought rne in contact with a number of people, one of whom u'as a Muslim. I started discussing Islam with this new acquairrttDCe. On every point my desire to-resist Islam fell down. Though I had thought it impossible, I had to acknowledgethat perfect revelation had come through an ordinary tiuman being, since the best of twentieth centurv governments could not improve upon that revelation, antt ivere themselves continuallv borrowing from the Islamic s)rstem. At this time I met a number of other Muslims and some to of the English girl convertsendeavoured help me, with no since, coming from the same background, they little succEss, rrnderstoodbetter some of my difficulties. I read a number cf books, including Thc religion ,f Islam, Muhammad of and Christ and The sourccs Christianity, the latter showing the amazing similarities betrveenChristianity .ttq the old paganmlths,lmpressed me greatly.. Above all I read -Qur'an. At first it seemedmainly" reFetition. I the Ho[y wasnerrir quite sureif I rvastaking it in or not, but^theQur'an, I found, works silently on the spirit. I'iight after nigh-t I ho*' perfcct could not put it down-. Yet I often r,r'ondered guidance for man could come through imperfect human at Ehannels all. I\{uslims made no claim for Muhammad that he was superhuman. I learned that in Islam. proPhets are men u'ho have remained sinless,and that revelation was no new thing. The Jewish prophetsof old receivedit- - Jesus, too, was iprophet. Still it puzzledme.u'hy it did_nothappen any more in the trx'entieth century. I was asked to look at of o'h"t the Qur'an said: "Nluhammad is tire l\fessenger God and the last of the Prophets." And of courseit was perfectly too. How could there be other prophetsto come reasonable, if thc Holy Qur'an was the book.,. . . explaining all things and verifying that which is *'ith you and if it rvas to remain uncornipted in the world, as is guaranteedin _the Qur'an, end the perfeitly kept so farl "surely We haverevealed Reminder fi.e. tt e Qur'an) and surely We are its Guardian." In that cssc there could be no need of further prophets or books. 60


I was born in r christirtr envirpnmcnt bnptieed in ttc church of England, aod rttendcd r church ;"hfi whcr,e ri r tender- age-I learned the rtory of ferur rs conteined in the lt made egreat emotional impressioDon me, u ebo gTpcl". drd trcqucnt visi'ts to the church, the high altar with cendler the incenrc, _thc robed priese-end the myrtcriour Pl-Tg, lntoning_of .prayers. -I suppoce fir thosc few years'I wrs a fervent christain. Then with the increasc of ochooling, rsd contadt with the Bible and everytt ing thrb. -hd FhE tFn I in TT*t opportunity to thiDt over whet I had the ird end obocrved, practised and believed. soon I bcgln to be dir. sltirfied with many things. , r By the timc I ldr school I was a complete athrrist. Thcn I begrn.P $"{y the othcr mein religiono in thc world. I bcgrn with_pu{dhism. I etudied witL interert the eightfold qfh' .urd fc! that.it contained good aims but wrs trding in direction and details. In Hinduism I was faced not with three, but with hundreds.of go&, the stories of which wcrc too fantastic rnd rovoltng to mGto bGeccepted. I read e littlc of Judaism, but I had already seen cnough of thc old rcctamenCto reelize that it did not it"tta my tcfts of whrt e rcligion must bc. A friend of minc p.o,r"Ara me to 'bcinc conrrdred ?n ay rpiritudiem rnd to sit for the purposc of by qc dircrrnrte epiritr. I,did irot'continuc tFis p.ctic ycry lonf T I * q"itl corrvinced thrt, in *y rnfsry, ""* il E ?Tt"ly r Frt.rcr of relf-h1pnous, rad would bc drnger our 0 crpcflmt huthcr. Tte wu codod. I toot worl in e Loadon offic, but ay


you." (AI'Qv'an, X: ro8). No other religion professcdby a large community hrve I found so compieheniible and encoutagi.ng. .There seemg no bener way toivards uanquillity of mind and contentment in life, no greaterpromise for the future after death.
LAW AND CONSflTUTTON (S ccmd Reviscd E ditilml by Abul A'lr Maudoodi Abned Edited bY: I(hurrhid Is the lrlrmic stete crn there be an Islamic constirution? T'heocratic State? Can Islam rolve the compler problems of modc:t societyt Are the Islamic fuws relic of .antrquitl l Or arc .th..t op' are import'ant 6f establishing I progr.3rive poliry?-These. "Ui" q,r."tiortt. And thcy have been answered, in this book, b-v one of the grcrtest minds of the Muslim World. -Maulena Maudoodi hss the unique quality of ,presenting^Islam si.nptc, scicntific a,rd lucid- wey.- In-'lslamic [-aw and Consti;n " of iution' ht hss dealt with one of thc-most throbbing pro_b_lcrru our Thc Narure and Prospccrs of en Islamic Statc. His apprmch ti-r", ir cendid and reelistic. ..Maudoodi would tppcar to bc rnuch thc most sys-tematic thinkcr .-.4 great many Muslims in Pekistan rnd beof modcm Islam vond who may diffcr from Maudoodi even radically es to the content 6f nit interpre-trtion, hlve come incrcesingly to pre11ri;cthat there ir sn ryitar, of economict, l1 Irtrrrric politicrl lytt33n' rn lrlnmic Ir[mic Conrrinrtion, tnd ro on". Prof. WILFRED C. SMITH' 'Irlrm'in Modcrn Hirtory'. in book reprercntt r collcction of thocc writingr rnd rpcccher "Thir of Abul A'h Maudoodi which throw light on the problemr of lrlemic Itrchief rrrluclier iD thc frct thet it Ilw end Conttirution.... conrdrutcr en ougpokcn clpr63ion of tlrc opinion-r of rn cducrted in thcrc Prgct clqllv conrcrvrtivc. . . . . . . .'fnc pripoeetr Propouldlq from r lincere, oiigttt.t rnd et'en incirive mitd. . " " " Thc "t'ttttt" ir to bc conlTrruhted on r publicrtion of conridcnblc intcrcrt cditor rocl vrlrr. -J.N.D. ONAL AF'FAI RS' Lsrdon' Andcma in INTERNATI ISLAMIC ArnihbL frwr Publicrdoor Ltd. lrlmic Intcrnrtionrt Gcnerr C-ornrvin - rS3, Gcncvr ($ritzcrlrnd) PoaP Rr to/Hc to $. ,,

Ertn ,,


in God and to live happily in a community it is necessarv ro believein Divine messifes. Doesnot a father guide t i, --diljl ren? Does he not o.rslnizehis family's life roih"t it may live togetherharmoniously ? Islam claims _to the only true religion that rehabrbe liutes the truth of its predecessbrs.It clalms that the suidance provided by thi Qur'an is clear, comprehen-ibi" ?;; reasonable By guiding our lvay towards of a "ihi.ve*.nt satrstactory relationshipbetweenthe creator and the created it brings a.lgut a co-operat-ion betweenphysicarand *pi;i,;"r forccs enabling us to lqualize internal itt.f **rcrnal forces in be ?rqcr to ,al. Feacg within ourselves_the most important factor 1o cstablisha harmoniousstate betryeenone liviirg part and another and an important condition tbwnrds our -t?iiirj for perfection. chnstranrty srresses sprrituarsrdeof life; rt teaches the a . [ove.that p*: heavy-burden of responsibility upon every uhristian. The"perfectlove is doomedio failure if iti achieve'ment doesnot lie within the reachof human nature and contradicts reasonand understanding. only someonewho has a deepknou'ledgeof hum"n conhi.t* ^nd combinesit with sympathv, understanding. and-a_sense responsibilitymay of come near to the,perfectionof the christian principleaand l!'!r' ^th9n,he will have to bury his reason^with'his love. S.T.. Colelidg: sals in his Aiis To Refection: ,,He who by.loving christianity better than-Truth rvill proceed P:g,t"t. Dy -lovrnghis own sect or church better than christiaiity,and end in loving himself better than all." Islam teachesus to respect God, to submrt to His laws entitling and encouragingui to use our reasonas rvell as our emotionsof love and understanding. The commandments of the Qur'an, the message God rJr His creatures,regardleis of of race,nation or socialstandard. "Say: O pgoplg,the Truth has indeed come ro you from your Lord; so whoevergoes aright, goes aright only for the good of his own ioul; *rt wh"oever errs, errs only againstit. And I am not a custodianou.i


"Religion rr daughter-of hope and fear .explainingto the ignorance natureof the Unknownable." (Ambrosc Bierce The Deztil'sDictionary) "The body of all true religion consists to be sure, in of to obedience the witl of the Sovereign the world, in a and in imitation of His in confidence His declarations, perfection." in on (Edmund Burke, Reflcctions the Reuolution Francc) "All religion relatesto life, and the life of religion is (Swedenborg,DoctrineOf Lifc) to do good." "Every man, either to his terror or consolation, has (JamesHarrinSon, Oceanal of somesense religion." At one time or another every human being is confronted with the purwith the Unknow'n, lncomprehensible, poseof his existence. Questioninghimself he createsa belief, a conviction-'Religion' in its widest $ense. Why do I consider Islam as the most petfect religion? us First and foremost,it acquaints with the Whole,the Creator: the Merciful; Say: He, "In the name of God, the Beneficent, not, God, is one, God is He on Whom all depend;He begets (Al-Qur'aa,CXII: and noneis like HiI" nor is He begotten; over all I -+). "'Io God is your return and He is Possessor things" (Al-Qur'dn, XI: 4). "I, God, am the bestKnower" (Al--Qur'-an, r). Again and again throughou!tlle Qur'an II: oI *e #e remindedof th""Oneness the Creatbr,"Indivisible", "Eternal", "Infinite", "Almighty", t'All-Knowing", the "All Just", the "Helper", the "Merciful", the- "Compassionate", So the Whole bicomes a reality; again and againwe are asked to establisha satisfactoryrelationshipbetween Him and us; "Know that God gives life to the earth after its death. We have made messagls clear to you that you m1y uqd_erstand]' (AI-Qur'an. LVII; r7). "Sa)' I seekrefugewith the Nourisher of mankind" (AI-Qur'az,CXIV: l). One might argue.that in order to recognize and believe 56

No other religion.professed by a large community have I found so comprehlnsiSle and enc6nregfig. ih; rGernsno better way towardr tranquillity of Eind end contcntment in [tle, no greater promisc for tbe funrre efter death. The huma' bcing ir p"tt of e wholc; mrn cernot claim Inorc than being just i paiticle of creatioir io iu magnfficent pcrtectrorr. As sr1ch,he can-only-futfir his purpose 6f tiving by.carrying ogt his function in relating trim';tito the wholE end to other living parts. It is the hirmonious rclatiomhip between the. parts-and the whole that makes life prrp"*r"{ tlig it nearest to perfection, that helpi e'humen ll11_"T achievc Dcmg to conteritment and happineu. What place does religion_occupy in this relationship bc. tween creator and creationl Herc *e eome people'r opinioru on religion. "A mdl's religion is.the chief fact with regerd to him; the thing e man dois practically believe.]..tfro thi"i . rnan does practically lay to heart and hnow for cerain] concerning his vitst relCtions to this Universc, rnd hii duty and dcrtiny there....that is religion." (Carlyle Haut and Hercwnhipl "Religion is the lcnse of ultimatc rcality of whetever meaning a man findr in hig own erirtcn-ce or thc crirtence of anything else.,, (G.K. Chcrtcrton Co;r To Thirt OI It)


4. The doctrine of brotherhood of Islam, which extcnds to dl human beings, no matter what colour, race or creed. Jslam is the only religion which has been able to redise this doctrine in prectice. Muslims u'hereeveron the world they are, rvill recogniseeach other es brothers. The equality of the whole mankind before God is symbolised significantly in the Ihramdress during the Haddj. 5. The fact that Islam acceptsmatter and mind both as existing values. The mental growth of man is conwith the needsof the body, whereas nected inseparable man has to behave in such a way that mind prevails ovcr matter and matter is controlled by mind. 6. The prohibition of alcoholic drinks and narcotic d-gr. This is in particular a point in respectof which it may be said that Islam is far aheadof its time.
Dr. R. L. Mellcma is thc Head of the Ishmic Section of the Tropicsl Museum, Amstcrdem, and is the author of Wayang Puppets. Grondwet nsn Pal(istan, Een Intcrpretatie van de Islam, etc.

Thoraas Carlyle has said tt......Thesc Arabs, the man lVlahomet and that one century,-is it not as if a spark had fallen, one spark on a world of what seemed black unnoticeablesand, but lo, the sand provesexplosivcpowder. blazes heaven-highfrom Delhi to as Grenada: I said: the Great IIan u'asalrvays lightning out of heaven;the rest of the men waited for him like fuel, and then they too would flrme". (Thomas Carlyle in his "On Heroes-worship,And the Heroic in History", Ever)rynan's Libr ar y , Lon d o n , 1 9 r8 ; p . 3 rr).


and touched me mo$t was thc great warmth all these eyes radiated. At that momenil felt mysclf taken up rn the great Brotherhood of Islam which rit*nd* tt .o"tii out the world. and I was indescribebty heppy. so the peopie of Pahistanmadc me understand that Isla'r acquaintancdwith meny details of the :vas mgre !hT;y*t Larv, that belief in the-moral values of Islain had to come first and that knorvledgeshould he conditional to rcachint faith. what ls now for me the beauty of Islam and rvhat rn pirrtrcularhas lttracted me to this faiih ! I rvill try to give a short {ns$-er on the.s guestlons in 6 points r. The acknowledgement On9. Supreme Being, of uncomplicated and qlsy to,acceptby every ,"r*unrbl. thinking creature:Allah, He on Whom'all depend. Hc bcgctsnot, nor is He begottenand none is lik;'Him. He.represents highest w-isdom,the highest,tr.ngtt, theand the .highest beauty. I{is Ctrarity .,id Mercy-?re unboundless. z. The'relatron betweenthe creator of the unrverse and His creaturcs,of whom man has been entrusied fith the.supreme direction, is a direct one. ft* bchever does not need any mediation; Islarn does not need priesthood. In Islam contact with God deoends on rnan himgelf. Man has to prepare himserf iir this life for the next. Hc is r"rpo"*;ble for fiiu at*Jr, rvhich cannot be compensated'by substituting*".ii" ficeof an innocentperion. No soulshall be t bcyond its capacity. "lJ."*O 3. The doctrine of tcleranccof lslam. so clearlvrnanrferted in the well-known words: There is no iompulrion in rcligion. A Muslim is recommendedto rcrrch for the truth r+herehe may find it; also he is cnjoined to estimatethe good propertiesof other religiotu.


I have felt myself a Muslim from the rnoment that I had to address the people in one of the Lahore mosqucs and had to shake hands with innumerable trew friends and brothers. I wrote about this cvent in an articlc, published iu Pakistan Quarterly, Vol. V. tto. {, I955, the following lines: We were now to visit a much smaller mosque, where the sermon was delivered by a scholar who spoke English fluently and had a position of eminence :rt thc 't' : ['unjab. He infornred the congrcgaUniversity tion that he had delibcrately interspersedrrrore F,nglish words than usual in his sermon, as he thought that their brother who had come from a far country, the Netherlands, would then understand the Urdu discourse rnore easilv. The sermon was followed bv the usual 'of recitation t,'o rak'ahs under the learlership of the Imam. This done a few more rak'ahs were pcrformcd in silenceby those who felt the need to do so. I was about to leave when Allamah Sairib, turrring to me, observedthat the assembly expected me to say a fcw words. He himself rvould translate thcrn into Urdu. I went and stood before the microphone ancl quietly started to speak. I said horv I had comc from a far away countrv wherc only a lew N{uslims live, rvhosegreetings I conveycclto the brothers present in the Mosque, who for the last seven vears were so fortunate as to have their own \Itrslim State. In these few years the new State had succeededin consolidating its position. After a difficult beginning the,r' could undoubtedlv look forward to a prosperous future. I promised-thcm that, back in my country, I should bear witness ro the great kindness and hosipitality it had been my privilege to receive from all sections of the Muslim population in Pakistan. These words having been translatecl into ['rdu had a wonderftrl cffect, for, to my intense surprise, u'ithout even realizing at first what rvas happening, I saw hundreds of worshippers hasten forward to press m1' hands and to congratulate me. Old hrnds and young clasped rnine with the most affectionate cordiality. But what struck 5t

Mr. R. L. MELLEMA (Holtand) Anthropologist, writer and Scholar.

Wlut it for mc tlu Bcauty ol Islanl What las Attracted mc to thh taith? .I began yith my study of eastern languagesat the Uniyerslty of Leiden in r9r9 and attended the lJctures of prof. C. Snouck Hurgronje, fhe well-known Arabist. I learned Arabic, read and translatedat-Baidawi'scommentaryon the Qur'an and al-Ghazali'sreflexions on the Law. I studied the history and institutions of Islam from Europeanhandbooks as was usual in that time. In rgar I stayedih cairo for one month and visited the AI-Azhai. BesidesArabic I studied other _languages such as Sanskrit, Malay and Javanese. In !gz7 | left for_thethen NetherlandsIndies to tlach lavanese lagu$! and, Indian cultural history 'For _at a special secondary school for advancedstudies in Jogyakarta. 15 y"*u i specialised languageand culture-(modern Tys.U.in Javanese and old) and had little contact with Islam and no contact at dl rvith Arabic. After a difficult period which I spent as a prisoner of u'ar, I went back to the Netherlandsin iapanese 1946and found a new tash at the Royd rropicar Institute in Amsterdam. Here I had the opporruniry to t1ke up again my Itydy of Islam, being instructed-to writc a short giliae o'n Islam in Java. I started to study the new Islamic state of pakistan -in which was culminated a journey to pekistanin the winter of 1954/55. Having cotnetb know Islam till now from Europeanwriters only, in Lahore I was confrontedwith quitc another-aspec-t Islam. I askedmy Muslim friends io be alof lowecito take part with them in thi Frrday prayersin the mosqy:s.and from now on I began to discovir ih. great values of Islam.


trinarians. The Qur'an remains as it came to the corrupt polytheistic people of Muhammad's time, changeless as the holy heart of lslam iaelf. Moderation and temperance in all things, the keynotes of Islam, won my unqualified approbation. The health of his people wae cherished by the Prophet, who enjoined them to observe strict cleanliness and specified fasts and to subordinate carnal appetites.....when I stood in the inspiring mosques of Istanbul, Damascus, Jerusalem, Cairc, Algiers, Tangier, Fez and other cities, I was conscious of a powerful reaction the potent uplift of Islam's simple appeal to the sense of higher things, unaided by elaborate trappings, ornamentations, figures, pictures, music and ceremonial ritual. The mosque is a place of quiet contemplation and self-effaccment in the greater rediry of the one God. The democracy of Islam has always appealed to me. Potentate and pauper har,e the same rights on the floor of the sroaque, on their knees in humble worship. There are no rented pews nor specid reserved seats. The Muslim accepts no man as a mediator between himself and his God. He goes direct to the invisible source of creation and life, God, without reliance on saving formula of repentanceof sins and belief in the power of a teacher to afford him salr.ation. The universal brotherhood of Islam, regardlessof race, politics, colour or country, has been brought home to me most keenly many times in my life and this is another feature which drew me towards the Faith.

SAYINGS OF PROPI{ET MTJTIAMIVIAD (Moy Allah's Peaccand blessing on him) be He who leaveth home in scarchof knowledgewalketh in the path of Allah. Allah is gentte rnd loves gentleness. 5o


(Poet, Critic & Author) The simplicity of Islam, the powerful appeal and the compelling atmosphereof its mosques,the earnistnessof its faithful adherents, the confidenceinspiring realization of the millions throughout the world who answei the five daily calls to prayer-these factors attracted me from the first. Bui after I had determinedto becomea follower of Islanr, I found many deeper reasons for confirming my decision.. The mellow concept of life-fruit of the Propiret's combined course of action and contemplation-the wise counsel,the admonitions to charity and mercy, the broad humanitarianism,the pioneer declaration woman'sproperty riehts - theseand otheffactors of of the teachings.ofthe-man of Nlicca were to me among the most obvious evidenceof a practical religion so tersely aid so .Trust Sptly epitomisedin the cryptic words ofMuhammad, ;n Go{ and tie youq 93ae1].- He gave us a religious systemof normal action, not blind faith in the protectioi of an unsecn f9-rc9 spite of our own neglect, but ionfidence that if we do -in !l things rightly and to the-bestof our ability, we may trust in what comesas the Will of God. The broadminded tolerance of Islam for other religions recoilrmendsit to all lovers of liberty. Muhammad admoiished his follorversto treat well the beiieversin the old and New T-estaments; A-b1aham, and Mosesald Jesus are acknowledged asco-prophets the one God. surely this is s"nero* an? of far in aclvance the attitude of other relifions. of The total freedorn from idolatry, . . . is a sisn of the selubrious strength and purity of the Muslim faith." The origind tcachingu oJ the prophet of God have not . becn cngulftd in the w% of change ina raaitioru of doc-


Community. That is more than quarter of a century ago. Since then I havc lived a Muslim life in theory and practiceto the extent of my ability. !!e pgwer and *i*do- and mercy of Gr.,d are boundless. The fielCs of knowledge stretch out ever P:fof.- us beyond the horizon, In our-pilgrimage through life I feel assuredthat the only befitting gaiment *-e can .vear -headgear is submissionand upon our headsthe of praise and in our hearts love of the One Supreme. "Wal-Hamdu lil' Lahi Rabbi 'l-'Alameen'
W.B. BASHYR PICKARD B.A. (Cantab),L.D. (lrcndon) is en euthor of .widc- rcpurc. .Hlt pen-production include: Layla and Majaur, Thc Adomturu of Alcasim,-A Neu World ctc.


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Islamic Literature Trust, P.O. B o x N o . 2 5 5 , 99, Trinity Road, Lcndon S.W. 17 llrorld Muslim Congrcss, 25, Rue Paquisde Paquis, Geneva (Switzerland)


3. P"grT Aisha Barvany - Wakf, P.O. Box No. 4178 Karachi z. (Pakistan) Ltd., 4. Islamic Publications Sh4h Alam Market, Lahore, (Pakistan) 6IAM.OUN



pase thc doctors and, to my relief, donned uniform as a troopcr. Serving then in France on the Western Front, I took patt in the battle of the Somme in r9r7, where I wasrvounded andmade prisoner of war. I travelled through Belgium to Germany where I was lodged in hospital. In Gcrmany f saw much of the sufferings of stricken humanity, especially Russians decimated by dysentry. I came to the outskirts of starvation. My wound (shattered right arm) did not heal quickly and f u'as useless to the Germang. I was therefore sent to Switzerland for hospital treatment and operation. I well remember horv dear even in those days was the thought of the Qur'an to me. In Germany I had written home for a copy of Sale's Koran to be sent out to me. In later vears I learnt that this had been sent but it never reached me.' In Switzerland after operation of arm and leg my health recovered, I was able to'go out and about. I purchased a. copy of Savary's French translation of the (this today is one of my dearest possessions). 'fhereinQur'an I deliglrted u'ith a great delight. It rvas as if a ray of eternal truth shone dorvn with blessednessupon me. My right hand still being useless, I practised writing thc Qur'an rvith my left hand. l\[y attachment to the Qur'an is further evidenced rvhen I say that one of thc most vivid and cherished recollections I had of the Arabian Nights rvasthat of the I'outh discovered alivc alone in the city of the dead, seated reading the Qur'an, oblivious to his surroundings. In thtrse days in Switzerland, I was veritably resigne a la volonte de Llieu (Muslim). After the signing of the Armistice I returned to London in December r9r8 and some trvo or three years later, in r9zr, I took up a course of literary study at London University. One of the subjects I chose was Arabic, lectures in which I attended at King's College. Here it was that one day my professor in Arabic (the laie Mr. Belshah of lraq) in the course of our study of Arabic mentioned the Qur'an. "Whcther you believe in it or not," he said, "you will find it a most interesting book and wcll worthy of study." "Oh, but I do believe in it," was my reply. This remark surprised and greatly interested -y teachei in Arabic, who after a little talk invited me to accompany him to the London Prayer House at l.Iotting Hill Gate. After that I attended the Prayer House frequendy and cafire to know more of the practice of Islam, until, on New Year's day, r gzz, I openly joined the Muslim



BURCMLL BASHYR PICKARI) (England) Author, Poet and Novelist

"Every child is born with a disposition towards the natural religion of obedience (i.e. Islam); it is the parents who make him a Jew, A Christian or a Magian."-a saying of Muhammad. Having been born in Islam it was a good many years before I realized this fact. At school and college I was occupied, perhaps too intensely, with the affairs and demands of the passing mornent. I do not consider my career of those days brilliant, but it was progressive. Amid Christian surroundings I lvas taught the good life, and the thought of God and of worship and of righteousness was pleasant to me. If I worshipped anything it was nobility and courage. Coming down from Cambridge, I went to Central Africa, having obtained an appointmcnt in the administration of thc Uganda Protectorate. There I had an interesting and exciting existence beyond rvhat, from England, I had everdreamt, md was compelled by circumstances, to live amongst the black brotherhood of humanity, to rvhom I may say I became endearingly attached by reasons of their simple joyous oudook upon life. The East had always attracted me. At Cambridge I read the Arabian I,lights. Alone in Africa I read the Arabian Nights, and the n,ild roaming existence I passed in the Uganda Protectorate did not make the East less dear to me. Then upon my placid life broke in the First World War. I hastened homewards to Europe. My health broke down. Recovering, I applied for a commission in the Army, but on health grounds ihis was denied to me. I therefore iut losses and enlisted in the Yeomanry mrneging romehow or othcr to


deepest satisfaction that Islam holds the golden mean between individualism and socialism, between which it forms a connecting link. As it is unbia.sedand tolerant, it always appreciates the good, rvherever it may happen to come across it.
DR. HAMID Rasue, Berlin. MARCUS was,also the editor of Mos[emischc




There have been m,any translations of Holy-Quran by Western Orientalists, but unfortunately none without bias and prejudice.'Here is an authentic translation of Holy-Quran by the renowned Muslim author Maulana Yusrrf Ali.

Availablefrom, International IslamicPublications Ltd. P.O. Box No. e55, 99, Trinity Road, London, S.W.l7. Price rz sh. Postage Extra
Rs. ro r, ;i



DR. HAIVIID MARCUS (Germany) Scientist, Author & fournalist

Ae e child I had fclt an inner urge to learn all I could ebott Islam, and I herl carefully studied an old Qur'an tnnsletion which I had found in the library of my home town and which dated back to rySo. It was the cdition from which Gocthc also drew his knowledge of Islam. Ar that time I had becn deeply struck by the absolutely rationalistic and at thc seme time imposing composition of the Islamic teachings. I h.d also bccn very much imprcssed by thc gigantic spiritud revolution which they evoked in the Islamic nations of that tirne. Later, in Berlin, I had the opportunity of working with Muslims and listening to the_enthusiastic and loge1h.cr inspiring commenteries which the founder of the first German Muslim Mission at Berlin and buildcr of the Berlin Mosque, Beve on the HoIy Qur'an. After years cif active co-operation with this outstanding personality and his spiritual exertions, I embraced Islam. Islam supplemented mv ou'n ideas by some of the most ingenious conceptions of mankind ever thought of. The belief in God is something sacred to the religion of Islam. But it does not proclaim dogmas which are incompatible with moderri science. Thercfore there are no conflicts betlveen belief on the one hand and scicnce on the other. This fact is naturally a unique and enormous advantage for a man who participated to the best of his abiliiy in scientific research. The second advantage is that the religion of Islam is not an idealistic teaching which runs along blindly besidc life zs it is, but thet it preaches a $ystem which actudly influcnces the life of a human being....the laws of Islam are not compulsory regulatione which restrict personal freedom, but directionr end guides which eneble a rvell-contrived frcedom. Tluoughout the years I have noticed tirnc and again with.

saying that all depends on God's u'ill, but_the Holy Qur'an says rGod betteis not the condition of people unless they thit improve themselves'. I built my spcech on tqis^ Qur'anic sentence and rvound up with the praisc of pious life, and the fight against u'ickedness. Then I sat dorvn. I was aroused from the rnagnetic 'AIIahu Ahbar', shouted from trancc of my speech by a loud every nook and corner of the place. The thrill was overwheiining, and I hardly remember anything but that Aslam called mJfrom themimbar, took mc by the arm and dragged rne out of the mosque. "Why this hurry?" I asked. Men stood before me and embraced me. Many a Poor sufrcring fellow lcoked with imploring eyes on me. T!ey_as!1 ed for my blessing and wanted to kiss my head. "O erod! 'don'f allow innocent souls to lift me above thcmt I exclaimid, I am a worm from among the worms of the earth, a wanderer towards the light, just as powerless as the other miserable creatures.' The sighs and hopes of those innocent people ashamed me as if I had stolen or cheated. What e terrible burden it must be for a statesman, in whom feople confide, from whom they hope for assistance and u'hom they consider to be better than themselves!" Aslam liberated me from the embraces of my new brethren, put mc in a tonga and drove me home. The next day and the following ones people flocked to congratulate me ind I gathered so much wermth and spirit from their affection as will suffice me for a lifetime.AL-HAJ DR. ABDUL I(ARIM GERMANUS it g wcll hnown Oricnaligt Lf Ilungary and is a scholar of world rcput . Hc virited tndia between the wars and for rometime wrr aboerrocirted with Iacore's University Shanti Nahetrllr. Lster on hc crmc w Jat*t MiTlic Dclhi. It weshcre that he cmbracedIslarn Dr. Gcrmrnnr ir lineuisi end an authoriry on Turkirh langqege end litcreture rnd it that he cam6 to lslem. __At-prescntDr. *"i lttto,rgh oriental "tuii"r Abdul Kaiim Gcrmenusis working Professorand Hced of thc De"" p.rtr"*"t of Oriental rnd Islamic Studicsat t'he Budrpert Univcrsity' Hungary.


thronging crowC of believers. I wore an Indian drees, on my head a small Rampuri cap, I put on my breast the Turtish orders, presented to me by previous sultetrs. The believers gazed at me in astonishment and surprise. Our small party paced straight on to the pulpit, which had been surrounded by ihe learned, respectable elders, who received me kindly with a loud salaan. I sat dorvn near the minlar (pulpit) and let my eyes gaze on the beautifully ornamented front of the mosque. In its middle arcade wild bees had built their nests and swarmed undisturbed around it. Suddenly the adhan (cdl to prayers) was sounded and the muhabbrrs, standing on different spots of the courtyard, forwarded the cry to the farthest nook of the mosque. Some four thousand men rose like soldiers at this heavenly comrnand, rallied in close rows and said the prayer in deep devotion - I one among them. It was an exalting moment. After the 'Abdul Hayy took me Khutba (sermon) had been preached, hand and conducted me to the mimbar, I had to walk by -y warily so as not to step on someone squatting on the ground. The great event had arrived. I stood at the steps of the m*tfrar. The huge rnflss u1fmen began to stir. Thousands of turbaned heads turned into a flowery meadow, curiously murmuring torvards me. Grey-bearded 'ulama (Savants) encircled me and stroked me with their encouraging looks. They inspired an unusual steadfastness into ffie, and without any fever. or fear I slowly ascend to the seventh step of the mimltar. From above I surveyed the interminable crowd, which waved below me like a living sea. Those who stood after stretched their necks towards me, and this scemed to set the 'Ma'sha Allah' exclaimed some rvhole courtyard in motion. nearby, and warm, affectionate looks radiated from their eyes'. I started in Arabical-Saadaat al-Kiram," "Ay!fr 'I carqe from a distant land to acquire knowledge which I could not gain at home. I came to you for inspiration and you responded to the call'. I then proceeded and s_poke of the task Islam had played in the world's history, of the miracle God has rvrought with His Prophet. I explained on the decline of present-day Muslinrs anci of the means whereby they could gain ascendancy anew. It is a Muslim 12

in order to regain it through inner experience, ennobled in the fire of suffering, as the crude iron which the pain of sudden cold tempers into clastic steel. One night Prophet Muhammad appeared before me. His long beard was reddened with henna, his robcs were simple but vcry exquisite, and an agreeable scent emanated from them. His cycs glittered rvith e noble fire and he addressed me rvith a manly voice, "Why do you worry? The straight path is before you, sefely spread out like the face of the earth; walk on it with trusty treads, rvith the strength of Faith." "O Messenger of God", I exclaimcd in my feverish dream in Arabic, "it is easy for vou, who are beyond, who have conquered all foes when heavenly admonition has started you cn your path and your efforts have been crowned with glory. But I have yet to suffer, and rvho knows when I shall frad rest?" He looked sternly at me and then sank into thought, but after a while he again spoke. His Arabic was so clear that every word rang like silver bells. This prophetic tongue which incorporate.l God's commands now weighed upon iny 'A hm naj'all'l-Arda mihadan breast with a crushing load; -Have We not set the earth as a couch, and the mountains as stakes, and created you in pairs, and made your sleep for rcst....I "I cannot sleep." I groaned wit\ pain. "I cannot solvc the mysteries rvhich are covered by impenetrable veils. Help me, Muhammad, O Prophet of God! help me!" A fierce interrupted cry broke forth from my throat. I tossed chokingly under the burden of the nightmare-I feared the rvrath of the Prophet. Then I felt as if I had drop'Ihe suddenly I arvoke. blood ped into the deep-and knocked in my templcs, my body was tathed in sweat, mI every limb ached. A deadly silence enveloped me, and I felt vcry sad end lonely. The next Friday rvitnessed a ,curious scene in the huge Jurnr' Masjid of Delhi. A fair-haired pale-faced stranger elbowed his way, accompanied by some elders, through the


Their headgear and the unfamiliar costume lent them en air of truculcnce. It u'as n'ith a throbbing heart that I entered the hahu;ehhumeand timidly sat dorvn in a distant corner. The.Bosnians l<mked with curious eyes upon rne and I suddenly remembered all the bloodcurdling stories read in fanaticd books about Nluslim intolerance. I noticed that they were whispering among themselves and their topic was my unexpected presence. My childish imagination flared up in horror; they surely intended to draw their daggers on the in'infidel'. I wished I could safely-getout of this threatruding environment, but I dared not budge. tening In a few seconds the Waiter brought me a cup of fragrant coffee and pointed to the frightening group of men. I turned a fearful face towards them when one made a gentle salaam towerds me accompanied with a friendly smile. I hesitatingly 'foes' forced a smile on my trembling lips. The imagined slowly rose and approached my linle table. What nowlthey oust me? A second my throbhing heart inquired-will salaam followed and they sat around me. One of them offered me a cigarette and at its flickering light I noticed that their martial aftire hid a hospitable soul. I gathered suength and It acted like a addresscd them in my primitive Turkish. magic wand. Their fa.es t;t up in fricndliness akin to affection-instead of hostility thpy invited me to their homes; instead of the fdsely anticipated daggers they showered benevolence upon me. This was my first personal meeting with Muslims. Years had come and passed in a rich variety of events, travels and study. Each opened new vistas before my curious eyes. I crossed all the countries of Europe, studied at the University of Constantinople, admired the historic beauties I had learnt Turkish, Persian and of Asia Minor and Syria. Arabic, and gained the chair of Islamic studies at the University of Budapest. All the dry and tangible knowledg the was hoarded up through centuries, dl the thousands pages of learned books I had read with eager eyes-but my soul I found Ariadne's thread in the books of remained thirsty. learning, but I yearned for the evergreen garden of religious exPericnce. My brain was setiated but my soul rcmained thirsty. I had to divest myself of much of that learning,I had gathered, {o

DR. ABDUL KARIM GERMANUS (Hungary) Profeeeorof Oriental Studies

It was on a rainy afternoon in my adolescence that I wits persrrjsingan old illustrated review. Current events mingIed with fiction, and descriptions of far-off countries, varied in its pages. I turned the leaves indifferently for a while rvhcrr suddenly a wood-cut arrested my eye$. The picture represented flat-roofed houses from among which here and there round cupolas rose gently into the dark sky enlivened by the crescent. The shadow of men squatting on the roof clad in fantastic robes stretched out in mysterious lines. The picture caught my imagination. It was so different from the uiual European fandscapes: it was an Oriental scene, somervhere in the Arabian East, where a story-teller told his gaudy tales to a burnoused eudience. It was so realistic that I fancied I could hear his melodious voice as he entertained us, his Arab listners on the roof and rne, a sixteen-year-old student sitting in a soft arrn-chair in Hungary. I felt an irresistible yearning to know that light which fought with the darkness in the pictuie. I began to learh Turkish. [t soon dawned upon me that the literary Turkish language contains only a small amount of Turkish words. The poetry is enriched by Persian, the prose by Arabic elcments. I sought to master all the three, in order to enter that apiritual world which spread such a brilliant light on humanity. During . suuuner vrcttion I was lucky to trevel to Bosnia, thc nearest Oriental country adjacent to ours. As soon as I scttled in a hotel I dashed forth to see living Muslims, whose Turkish language had only beckoned to me through its intricate Arabic script from the pages of grammar books. It was night, and in the dimly-lit streets I soon discovered a humble cafe in which on low straw stools a couple of Bosnians enjoyed their hayf. -They wore the traditional bulging trousers k-ept straight at the waist by a broad belt bristling with dagger.c.


hampered by conceptsof racialism or sectarianism,be it of nature. linguistic, historic-traditionalistic, or even dogmat_ic 0) This concept of divine fatherly love, however, includes'also the motherly aspect of Divine love, as the two principal epithets of God indicate: Al'Rahman - AI-Rahim, -both beingderived from thc Arabic root rhm. The syrnbolic meaning of this root equais Goethe's Das Ewing'Weibliclu Zieht ins hinan, whilst its primary meaning is womb. In this spirit the Church of Hagia Sophia at Constantinople has been made the principal source from which the griat Muslim architects in the Near East took their insprraiion when building mosqueslike that of Sultan Ahmad or Muhammad Fatih at Istanbul. In this spirit the prophet gave these unforgetableu'ords to his followers: "Paradiselies at the feet of the Mother."
Born as the only eo n of the letc Baron Christian Ehrenfcls, the founder of thc modern structural (Gestelt) Psychology in Austria, Rolf Frcihcrt von Ehrenfcls felt already es a child a deep attraction towards the Esst in gcnerel snd towerds the world of Islam in particuler. His sistcr, the Austrian Doctess Imme von Bodmcrshof, describcd this pheae in hcr contriburion to Islamic Literature, Lahore rgs3. As a young man Ehrcnfels trsvcllcd in thc Balken countrics end Turkey, where he uecd to join prayers in mosques, (though e Christian) and wss hospitably accepted by Turkish Albanian, Greck end Yogoslav Muglims. His interest in lslam increaeed by and by and Ehrenfels accepted lrlam rn t9a7 and took on ljmar s.$ his Muslim natnc. He visited Indo-Pakiatan rub-contincnt in r93z end took particular interest in the cultural-historicel problems connected with the status and position of women. After his return to Austria, Baron Umer apecialised in the atudy of anthropoligical problems of MatiThc Orford Univcrsity Press publishcd lincsl Civilizstions in Indie. his 6ret anthropological book (Osmania Univcrsity Series, Hyderabad, Deccan, r94r) on this subjcct When Austria wes overrun by the Nazis in 1938 Baron lJmar agein wcnt to India, worked in Hyderabad at the invitstion of the late Slr Ahbar Hydari and carried on anthropological field-work in South India snd with the support of the Wenner-Gern Foundation, New Yorh, in Assam. Sincc rg49 he has bcen Hcsd of the Dcpartrncnt of Anthropology at the Universiry of Madras rnd wet ewerdcd thc S.C. Roy Golden Medal for original contributionr to eocisl rnd cultural Anthropology by the Royal Asiatic Society of Bcngrl i. tg+q. His numerous ecientific and lslamic publications elro includc rn illustratcd two-volum e work on Indian and Generel Anthropology, (Anjuman Taraqqi-i-Urdu, Dclhi, r94r) en4 r "Ilm-ul-Agtarr" tribal monograph on the "Kadat of Cochin" (Madras r95z)


DR UI}IAR ROLF BARON EHRENTEI,S (Austrie) Professor of Antbropology

The eesentialfeatures of Islam which impresscd me mo$t and attracted me to this great religion are a,$follows:(l) Ttte Islamic teaching of successiverevelation implies in my opinion the fo[owing: The source from which all the great world religions sprang is one. The founders of these great paths, prepared fol peice;seeking mankind, gave wrtness to one and the $ame basic divine teaching. Acieptrnce of one of these paths meanesearch for Truttiin Lovej (z) fdam, in essence, means peecein submission to the Eternd Law. the . (g) Islarn is, historicalty gpeaking, last rounded among ttre great world religions on this planet. . . (+) fro_phet-Muhammad is the messengerof Islam and is thus the last in the sequenceof great relilious world-prophets. (S) The ac-ceptalge Ielem and the path of the Muslirns of by.a.mgmberof-an-olderreligion thus meansas little rejection q{ \it former religion, as foiinstance the ecceptance Budoi dha's tcachingsmeent the rejection of Hinduism to the Indian co-nationals of Buddhe. Ii was only later that schools of thought within }linduism rejectcd tha Buddhist wey Ns heretical. The differences of religions ere man-made. Thc ynily is divine. The teachingso? the Holy Qur'an stress, this basic ylity: To witness it, meer* accep-tancc a spirituel of fact which is common to all men and women. (6) The spirit of human brotherhood under the dl-encompassing d{vine fetherhood ig much suesscd in Islem and not


before prayers, 1tarl1 -whrsh has arways seemedto me to be agarnst God. For if He h-asgiven us a soul, Hi ll-"]ilt:g-qgiven has also us a body,.which we have"noright to tr.it."r The sam-esilence couli'uc ouscrued, and this time wilh hostititv with regard.tothe physioL;i;"t lii;.i ii,. mixed t u,,* th.ispoint Istam scerned me to be the only to Tlig:_*,1.::T_gT with . rehgronrn accord human mture. The essentid rnd definite element of my conveftion to 'beforc Islem wrs. thc Qur'en. I it, my con. hg*- to__s1udy version,with the critical.spirii of e westJ;hi.ri;"i"rr, owe much to the magnificent work of Mr. M"rl[-g*i"6i, "n]-t entitled Le Phapmcie coraniqtc. which c"nui"..a 'Tirere me gf. iT being. divinely reveared. ..*i* versesof tnls book' the Qur'an, reveded more than thirteen ccnturies "r. ago, which teachexactly the samenotions as the most modern scientific researches do. This definitery conti*.J me, and converted me to the part of the "Ralina, ,-Muhammad --second al-Rasul'al-Lah' (Muhamniao is ihe M;."g;;'of God;. This was my rcason for presenting myself on zoth Febat the mosquein paris, whJre f declaredmy faiih fa;1 l?S3 was ln lslam and registered there as a Musrim by the'Mufti 9f-the Paris Mosqui, and was given the Islam'ic name of 'Ali Selman'. I am very h"ppy in my new faith, and proclaim once again:
"I bear witness that there is but one God, and I bear witness that Muhammad.is God's servant and Messen_ ger.t'

SAYINGS OF THE HOLY PROPHET (M"y Alhh't pr*, *d. hl"singsbc on irrlll KNOWLEDGE
He dieth not who takethto learning. An hour's contemplation better tri* is year'sadoration. " yjrjom (learning) is the stray camel 6f tf,e f"itf,fui; .-,.^ ta{e hold of rt wherever ye come acrossit, l6

TLI SELMAI{ BENOITIT (Francc) I)octor of Mcdicine

As a Doctor of Medicine, and a descendantof a French Cetholic family, the very choice of my profession has gi.ve_n mc r rolid sciehtific culture which had prepared me very little for a mystic life. Not that I did not believe in God, -bu! that the- dogmas and rites of Christianity in generd and of Catholicism- in particular never permitted me to feel His prescnce. Thus my unitary sentiment for God forbade-my accepting the dogma of the Trinity, and consequently of thc Divinity of JesusChrist. Without 1'ct knowing lslam, I was already believing in the first part of the Kalina, La ilah illa 'l-Lah (There is of but One God), and in theseverses the .Qur'an:

So, rt rvas first of all for metaphysical reasons that I adhered to Islam. Other reasons, too, prompted me to do that. For instance, my refusal to accept Catholic priests, who, more or less, claim to pos$es$on behalf of God the power of forgiving the sins of men. Further, I could never admit the Cathotic rite of Communion, by means of the host (or holy bread), representing the body of Jesus Christ, a rire iwhich seems to me to belong to totemistic practices of mitive peoples, wherc the body of the ancestral totcm, the taboo of the living ones, had to be consumed after his death, in order better to a.ssimilate his personality. Another point which moved me eway from Christianity was the absolute silence which it rnaintains regarding bodily clcanlincsE' parti-


Allah, but even rvith that enlightening -times . . "Oh., yes, Rasulbook and unerring guide beforc us, we have had at t6 asi fro-m you advice,pounsel, and instruction, and if you are taken from gs, O Prophet,who isthere to be our guide?" said the companions. "Do as I did and as I havesaid," wasthe reply. after you have gone fresh circumstances "But, O Prophet, may arisewhich c.'rtcl -rot have arisen during thy blessed lifetime; what are we to do then? And what are they to do who lbllow us?" The Prophet slowly raised his illusuious and saintly head, ano with the lurid light of prophecyand inspiration shiningradiantlyfrom his noble eyesexclaimed: "Allah hath given to every man as a personal monitor, a consciencc and as 1 gglde, his reanoa,'then, them in respect of all things u$6 and Allah'sblessing will everguidc you aright."
The Late PROFESSOR HAROON MUSTAPHA LEON, M.A., P h . D . , L L . D . , F . S . P . , a c c e p t e d I s l a m i n r 8 8 2 . H e r v a se F e l l o w a n d Honorary Member of many lcarned societies in Europe and America. He was an able Philologist, and was at that tirne contributing a senes of articles on the "Etyrnology of thc Man's l.anguage" to the '.Is/e of Man Examiwr'. His services to this imponant branch of science had frequcntly been recognised by learned bodies. The Potomac University (U.S.A.) confefred upon him the degrec of M.A. Dr. Leon was also an carnest geologist. He frequently lectured on scientific and litcrary subjects beforc learned and other socieries. Hc occupied the important position of Secretaire-General of "La Societe Internatioaale de Philologic, ct Beaux-Arts" (founded Scic;ccs rSZS) and was the Editor of, "Tlp Philomarte" a scientific magazine, published from London. Dr. Leon receivcd rnany decorationi from Sultan Abdul Hamid Khen, the late Shah, and the Emperor of Austria.


Thc no,blc rad lerrned Crliph, Ittrrt p'fcc) nid:

Ni (on whom bc

"Thc world ir drrtrrcr; tnowlcdf ie light; but lmrlcdge without tnrth is e mcrc lhldow." Murlimr bclicvc drrt lrhm ir r term rynonyraour with truth, end thet undcr thc gloriour end evcr-brillient sun of klrnr, by the light of rceron and Lnowledge, truth cen bc obteined but in ordcr to obtein thet Lnowlcdge, ud thrrr ettein thet tnrth, mn must usc his reeroning feculticr. A moct poignent pronounccment on this question wrr given by our Holy Prophet only a few deys prior to his deCAIG.

Thcrc he lay, the last end gratest of the grend chain of mighty men whorn Allah, in His everlastingmercy and comprscion, had scnt to the world as inspired messcngerof truth end of'righteousness,hio saintly head pillowed upon Hazret 'Ayerha's loving Lnec. The tnre bclievers of Medina, old and young, mcn and womcn-nayf cvcn the children-had gathered, in loving ryrnpathy thcre eround thc met whereon lay N{ustapha Alemin, the chosen,the feithful, ar-Ranl-Allah. Tear-s glistcned in their eyet, and courscd dorvn the cheeksof cven the most grizzlcd and vdiant of the yeterim rvarriors of Islam. Their leader, their friend, their beloved pastor, and, above dl, their Prophet, hc who had led them from the derknessof ignorance and supcrstition into thc radiant brightness of the truth, hed brought them into Islam, the hebitationof peece, was about to passfrom them. No wonder, then, thet their eyct bcceme fountein of tcen, and their hcarts rvcrc hcrvy rnd opprerscd. dmost of despair, In the rgony of distress, one erclaimcd: "O Prophet of Allah, thou art ill, thou mayest die, thcn whet ia to becomc of us?" "You heve Al-Qur'an" said Allah's Messengcr.


One of the glories of Islam is that it is founded upon reason, and that'it never demands from its follorvers an abnegation of that important mental facultl'. Unlike certain other faiths, which insist upon their votaries implicity accepting certain dogmas without independent inquiry, but simply on the authority of. "The Church". Islam courts inquiry and counselsits disciples to study, search and investigate prior to acceptation. Thc Floly Prophet, of ever-blcssed memory, said: "Allah hath not created anything better than reason, the benefits which Allah givetti are on .its account, and understanding is begotten of it." On another occasion he said: "Verily, I tell you, a man may have performed prayers, fasts, charity, pilgrimage and all other good works, but he will not be rewarded but by the manner in which he hath used and applied his reason." 'Talents' narrated by Saiyiddena The parable of the 'fssa', i.e. Jesus (on whom be peace) is in strict accordance 'Prove all rvith Islamic doctrine, as also is the maximum: things; hold fast to that rvhich is good.' The similitude of those who follow blindly and who neglect to use the intelligence which the Divine Giver, of all good, hath -bestowed upon them, is declared in the imperishable pages,of Al-Qur'an 'en ass Asscmbly'l to be that of (Sura 5z: AI-Jumm'a -'Thc laden with bo.oks.'


the epirit of observing the ethical and moral limitations rvithout external compulsfon. For a Muslim knows that, whererrcr he is, he is peing^ observed by Go_d. This belief keeps him away from sin. As man is naturally-inclined towardj goodness, Islam also offers peace of mind and heart-and tf,is is what is totally absentfrom the Western society of today. I have lived under different systemsof tife and have had the opportunity -of studying various ideologies, but have come to the conclusionthat none is as perfect-asIslam. Communism has its attractions, so have secular democracy and Nazism. But none has got a completc code of a noble life. Orly Islam has it, anil that is .ihy good men embraceit. Islam is not theoretical; it is practical. Islam is not a depa.rtrnental affair; it means compllte submissionto the will 'l of God.



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MUHAMMAD AIVIAN HOBOHM (Germany) Diplomat, Missionary and Social Worker

'fhere ar 1'41isus Why Do Westernersenbrace Islam I In the first placc, truth aln'ays has its reasons for it. force. The basic tencts of Islam are so rational, so naturill and so appealingthat an honest truth-seeker cal)not help being impressedby them. To take, for examplc, tlte'belief in tnonotheism. Horv it raisesthe dignity of nran and horv it frecs us from the grip of supetstition!- Horv naturally it leads to the equality oT **n, foi all have been creatcd_by the same God u"a 11f are servants of thc same Lord. For the Gcrrnans, in oarticular, the belief in God is a source of inspiration, a ,ou'... of fearlesscourage and a source of the feeling of security. Then the idea of a life after death turns the tables. Life in this world remains no more the main objective, an{ great part of human energy is dcvotcd to the bcttcrment of the hereafter. The falth'in the Day of Judjgemcnt autolnatically spurs a man to give up misdeeds, for good deeds alone can *'rr.,rr. eternai salvation, although the wrong deeds may Prosper here for a limited period. The belief that none can escape ih. .on*.quences of ttre judgemcnt of a.Just, Impartial and omniseieni Lord makes one think twice beforc one does anWhins wrong and surely this internal check is more cffective thin the" most"efficient police in the u'orld. Another thing that attracts foreigners to Islam is its cmteach one puncphasis on toleranci. Then the daily pra-Y.e.rs iuality and the one month of fasting enables one to exercise self-control over oneself and without doubt punctuality and self-discipline are two of the most important attributes of a good man and a great man. Now comes the real achievement of Isla.m- It is the only rdeology which has succeededin instilling in its follot'ers


present day religion and I concludcd in fevuur of tdJ!, liT.r' leeling cgnlinced'of its truth, simplicity, tolerrtion, rimity and brotherhood. f have now but a little time to live upon thir crrth ud I mcan to devotemy all to Islam. $ir Jebluddin Lcudgr Brunton wer cducrteart orfore uni;nrrirr. Hc wrr rn Englirh Brronctrnd r pubiic^d;f*idc r.dd.

TOWARDS UNDERSTAI{DING By Abut Ala f,{eudoodi and Edited by Khunhid




This smdl book is a conciseand authoritative introduction of Isla* and contains a brief but lucid aiscussi"n ;;;;;h; principles.of.the lllamic_ideology trom the pen of one of the -world. greatestthinkers of the Muslim It brovides all thosc pergons - llluslims and non-Muslims - rvhb have no accero to the original sourcesof Islam, with a comprehensive and alle.mb5aclnq view of Islam as e way of life. The chief merit of tne book ts that it portrays the entire picturc of Islam in onc penpsqive ald above all'does not merily prcsent what MusIrms betieve in and stand for, but dso show$why they beliive in what they belicvc in. It is a first prim.i of-iri""i, . Jo, exposition of lts beliefs,and modes df worship, *d'" lucid prescntation of the basic outliners of Islanric lari. and culturc. The book has_.been pubtished in scvenlanguages ----o-:--' and morc than r,ro,ooo copiesheve been sold so f"r. Available from Intcrnetiond Islamic PublicationsLtd. P.O. Box No. ecs l'rinity Road, London "S.W. ,7. 7th edition Pricc: Rs. a/81- Postage Ertrr

5 sh.


t. 4

Rcalising thc necessity of living up to the Truth and gr?! price", digging deep, so that I may find the "p*lll _of I igain devoted my time to the study of Islam. There rvas sornethingin Islam rvhich appcaledto me at this time. In att obscure and almost unknown corner of the village of Ichhra I was devoting my time end service to God's glory amongs-t society with the eernestdesire to uplift tlre lowest classes-of them to thc knowledge of thc True and only God, and to instil a fceling of brotherhood and cleanliness. It is not my intention to tell you as to how I laboured, amongst these plople, nor what weie the sacrifices I had under-ta'ten nor ih"- extreme hardships I had undergone. I was simply going on with a singlenessof PurPoscto bcnefit both physicdly and morally. these classes I cvcnhrally took up the ctudy of the tife of P-rgphet Muhammad. I kt.t* very little of u'hat he did, but I knerv and felt that the Christiahs rvith one voice condemned the celebratedProphet of Arabia.' I was now determined to -matter without the spectaclesof bigotry and look into thc malice. After a little time I found ihat it was impossibleto doubt the earnestness his searchafter Truth and God. of I felt that it is rvrong, in the extreme, to condemn thic Holy Man after reading his great achievemene for humenity. Peoile who were wildldol-worshippers, living in crime, filth and. nakedness,he taught them how to dress, filth was reaid they acquired personaldignity. 1ng pleced by cleanliness, -religious duty, -their idolr i"tf-topi"t, hospitalitv becanie a were destroyed *d ttt y worship the'frue and only one God. Islam bccamethc most irowerful Total Abetincnce Association in the world. And many other good works wcre eccomplithcd which .re too ,,,rrneroui to be irentioned. In the facc of dl this and his own puriry of mind, horv sad to think that such a Holy Messengetof Goi should be run do*'n by thc Christians. I bc-crmedeJply thoughtful, and dqqng my TbT:.nts of meditation rn Indiari gentl-man namcd Mian Amiruddin carneon a visit, and rtrangily .ttotrgh it was he who fanned the fire of I frndcred over the-mattera grcat dcd; my lifc into a dm;. t*rc other bcarins upon thc Chrisbrbught onc artumcnt "hcr 18

SIR JALALUDDIN I,AUDER IRIJI{TON (England) Statesmanand Baronet

_I am deeply grateful for this opportunity of saying a few words as to why I embraced Islam. I was reared under the influence of Christian parcnts. At an early age I became intercsted in theology. I associated myself with the Church of England, and took an interest in Mission work without an actual active part in it. Sorne years ago I gave my attention to the doctrine of "Eternal Torment" of all mankind except a ferv elect. It became so abhorrent to me that I almost becime a sceptic.- I reasoned that, a God that would use His power to create human beings whom He foreknew and predestinated should be Eternally Tormented. could be neithir wise, just, nor loving. His standard would be lower than that of many men. I continued, however, to believe in the existence of God, but was not willing to accept the comrnonlv understood teachings of God's revelition of Himself to men.- I then turned my attention_to the investigation of other religions, only to feel myself baffied. An earnest desire to worship and serve the True God grew in me. The creeds of Chriltianity claim to be founded o.n the Is it possible .Bjble, but I found these to be conflicting. that Bible and the teaching of Jesus Christ h*ad been' misrcpresented? So, I turned my attention again to the Bible and determined to make a careful study, d t felt that there was "t something wanting. I determined to strike out for myself ignoring the creeds of men,_ I began to teach that m"tr po"*s.sscI a. "Soul", and an "(Jnseen Force" which was immortal, that sins were punished both in this world and in the next, thit God in His Goodness and -Mercy lves ever ready to forgivc our sins if we only were truly repintant.


and requires purity of mind, purlty of action, purity of speech and perfect physical cleanliness. It, beyond doubt, is the simplestand most elevatingform of religion known to man.
RUSSEL WEBB wrs bom in MUHAMMAD ALEI(jc-NDER 1846 at Hudson, Columbia county, New York, Educated at Hudron Hc and New York hc became an csslyist and a short-story writer. Gas.rlt rnd took to joumalism and bccamc thc-editor of St. Ios$h of Missoui Republican. In 1887 he was appoimed United Strtcr 'It Consul at Manila, Phillipincs. was during this assignment thrt he he studicd Islam and joined its fold. After becoming Mwlim extensively toured thc world of Islam and devoted thc rest of hir lifc to Missionary worh. He also became the head of the lslamic ProPlMr. Wcbb dicd on Ist Octobcr 1916. Erndr Mission in U.S.A.

STUDIES IN TIIE FAMILY LAW OF ISLAM Edited by Khurshid Ahmad A scientific exposition of the Marri{e L_awof Islrm and a Critical- Appraisal of the Modernist Atampts to'reform' it. Contributors: Maulana Abul Ala Maudoodi Mian Abdur Idashid Maulana Amin Ahsan Islahivi Khurshid Ahmad PrincessAbida Sultana from: r\r,aialable LtdInternationalIslamic Publications P O. Box No' 255, 'l"rinity Road,I,ondonS.\1'.t7. zrrclEdition. Price: Rs.ro/- PoctagcExtra ro sh. ,, ,, Sil.lM.OUl 26 CEOIGT


Diplomat, .il,uthor & Journalist
I have been requested to tell you why f, ill American, born in e country which is nominilly Chiistian, and t."r.d under the dripptls*,-or more prgpgrly perhapsthe drivelling, ot an ortrodox Prcsbyterian pulrritr came to adopt the faith of Islam as.my- gu.idri i1 !i{e. i might reply prbmptly and tnrtMully- that_I adopted this religion- becausl i rouia, after protracted.s.tudy that it was the best and only system adapted tg t\r spiritud needs of humanity. And heie let me say that r was not born as s_ome boys seem to be, with a fervcntly religious.strain in my.charactei. whcn I reachedthe age of e9, and becamepracticdly my own mester, I was so tirld of the restraint and dullnessbf the church, that I wandered^way from it and never returned to it...Fortunatelv I rvas of "; engu;rjng qT of mind-I wanted a rcason iot e"rtything and I found that neitheq tayggn nor clergy bould give me any rationd explanation of this-faith, but eitfiir told rie that sucL $inqs were Jnysteriousor that they were beyond my comprehension. Aboot eleven years ago-I became-interesied in'the g!"dy- ol.Oriental religions..I law Mill rnd Locke, Kang 'learncd Hegcl, Fichte, Huxley, and many other more or less writers discoursing with e greet show of wisdom concerning protoplasmand monads,and yet not one of them Couldtcll mI what the soul was or what lSecame it after death...f havc of epoken so ^ryu-chof mysclf_in order to show you that my edoption of Islam was not the result of misguidid sentimeni, blind credu]ity, or sudden emotional impukE, but it was born of carnest, ho+est, persistent, unprejudiied study and investigation rnd an intense deeirc to kriow the truth. The esscnceof the true faith of Islam is resignation to thc will of God end its corner stone is preyer. it reaches univcrsd freternity, univcrsel love, and univerful benevolcncq


Thus, in Islam, none cen take a meen suffering to mankind. advantage of another who is less fortunate. . We neither believe in fatalism nor in predestination, but only in pre-measurement; that is to say the fixity of the lau's and the intelligence to follow them. To us, Faith without Action is a dead-letter; for in itself it is insufficient unless we live up to it. We believe in our own personal accountability for our actions in this life and the Hereafter. We must carry our own cross and none can aton for another's sin. Islam teaches the inherent sinlessness of man. lt teaches that man and wornan come from the same essence, possessthe same soul, and have been equipped with equal capabilitics for intellectual, spiritual and moral attainment. I do not think I need say much abotrt the Universal Brotherhood of man in Islem. It is a recognized fact. Lord and vassal, rich and poor, are dl like. I have always found that my brother Muslims have been the soul of honour and Thev have always treated that I could believe their word. me justly, as a man and a brother, and iave extended to me the greatest hospitality, and I have always felt at home with them. In conclusion, I would like to say that whereas Islam guides humanity in the daily workaday life, the present-day so-called Christianity, indirectly in theory and invariably in practice, teaches its followers, it would seem, to Pray to God on Sundays and to prey on His cratures for the rest of the week.
Bart, formerly HAMILTON ARCHIBALD SIR ABDULLAH Sir Charlcs Edward Archibald Watkins Hamilton, embraced Islam on zoth Dccember rga3. A wcll-known English statcsman, fifth.baronet of thc first (r77o) and third baronct of the second creation (r8r9) Sir Abdullah was bom on roth December r876. He was a Lieutinenr in thc Royal Dcfence Corp. end wes also the President of thc $elsy Conrervrtive Association.





Statesman and Baronet

Since arriving at an age of discretion, the beauty and the simple purity of Islam have always appeded to me. I could never, though born and brought up as a Christian, believe in the dogmatic aspect of the Church, and have always placed reason and commonsense abovc blind faith. As the time progressed, I u'ished to be at peace with my Creator, and I foirnd tirat both the Church of Rome and thl Church of England u'ere of no real use to me. In becoming a Muslim I have merely obeyed the dictates of my conscience, anci have since felt a better and a truer man. There is no religion that is so maligned by the ignorant anri the biased as is Islam; yet if people only knew, it is the religion of strong f o r the weak, the rich for the poor. Humanity is divided into three classes. First, those on whom God has, out of His bounty, bestowed possessionsand wealth; secondly, those who have to work to earn their living; and lastly, the great army of the unemployed, or those whc' have fallen by the wayside through no fault of their own. Again Islam recognizes genius and individuality. It is constructive and not destructive. For example, if a landowner who is rich and is not in need of cultivating his land refrains from doing so for some time, his properry ipso facto becomes public. propertj, and according to Islamic Law, passes into the hands of the first person who cultivates it. Islam strictly forbids its adherents to gamble or to indulge in any games of chance. It prohibits all alcoholic drinks and interdicts usury, which alone has caused enough sorrow and


end nothing lacking, rvith the result of an absolute balance and solid composure. Probablv this feeling that everything in the teachingsand postulatesof Islam is "in its proper place," has created the strongest imprcssi,;n on me. There might have been, along with it, other inrpressions also which today it is difficult for me to analyse. Aftcr all, it was a matter of love; and love is composed- of mairy things; of our desires and our loneliness, of our high aims and our shortcomings, of our strength and qrur lvcakness. So it rvas in my case. Islam came over me like a robber r+.hoenters a house by uiglrt; but, unlike a robber, it entered to remain for good. Ever since then I endeavoured to learn as much as I could about Islarn. I studied the Qur'an and the Traditions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); I studied the language of Islam and its history, and a good deal of u'hat has been written about it and against it. I spent over five yearE in the Hijaz and Najd, mosdy in al-Madinah, so that I might experience something of the original surroundings in which this religion was preached by the ,\rabian Prophet. As the Hijaz is the meeting centre of Muslims from many countries, I was able to cbmpare most of the different religious and sociel views prevalent in the Islamic u'orld in our days. Those studies and comparisions created in me the firm conviction that Islarn, s I spiritual and social phenomenon, is still in spite of ell the drawbacks caused by the deficiencies of the Muslims, by far the greatest driving force mankind has ever experienced; and all my interest became, since then, centred around the rrroblem of its regeneration.
MUHAMI\IAD ASAD, Lcopold Weiss, sas born in Livow, Austria (later Poland) in rgoo, end at the age of zz madc his visit to the Middle East Hc leter bccamc an outstanding foreign correspondcnt for the Ftet{ur-trlr ZdtsA, and rfter hir @nversion to . hhm tnvelled rnd worlcd throughout the Mr.ulim world, from North Africa to er frr Erst es Afghrnirtan. After ye,arsof dcvoted study hc bcceme onc of the leading Murlim rcholars of our age. After the ctteblirhment of Pakisten, he war eppointcd the Director of the Dtpartment of lllamic Reconstruction, Wcrt Pur,jab and latcr on bcclme Pakisten'r Alternate Reprcscntative at the United Nstione. Muhrmmsd books are: Islam at the Ctolt' Ared'r two imporant rmdr end Rmd to Mccca. Ht atro produccd a monthty journal Arafat. At prercnt hc fu wortcing upo,rr an Englirh translation of thc Holy Qnr'ro. ,i,

the one and only reasonfor the socid and cultural decayof the Muslims consistedin the fact that they had gradually ceasgd to follow the teachings of Islam in spirit. Islam was still there;but it lvasa bodywithout soul. The very elementrvhich once had stood for the strength of the Muslim world rvasnow responsiblefor its weaknesJ:Islamic society had been built, from the very outset, on religious foundations alone, and the weakeningof the foundations has necessarilyweakened the cultural structure-and possibly rnight cause ia trltimate disappedraRce. The more I understoodhow concreteand how imrnensely practicalthe teachings Islam are, the more eagerbecamemy of cluestioningas to why the Muslims had abandonedtheir full application to real life. I discussedthis problem with many thinking Muslims in almost dl the countries between the Lybian Desert and the Pamirs, betrveen the Bosphorusand the Arabian Sea. It almost becamean obeession which ultimately overshadou'ed mv other intellectual interests in the world all of Islam. The queitioning steadily grew in emphasis-until I, a non-Muslim, talked to Muslims as if I were to defend Islam from their negligencc and indolence. The progress rvas imperceptible to me, until one day-it was in auturnn 1925, in the mountains of Afghanistan-a young provincial Governor said to me: "But you are a Muslim, only you don't know it yourself." I was struch bv thesewords and remained 'But silent. when I camc back to bntop. once again, in 1926, I saw that the only logical consequencC my attitude was to of embracelslam. So much ebout thc cbcumstdtucsof my becoming a Mnslim. Since then I was asked, time and again: "Why did you embrace Islam? What wrs it that attracted you particularly?"-and I must confess:I don't know of any satigfrctory .ruwcr. It was not any partialar teaching that etuacted mc, but the whole wonderful, inexplicably cohercnt stnrctut! of moral teaching and practical life programme. I_couldnot say, eyen now, ufiich aspict of it appealJto me morc dr+ any othii. Islem ippcers to me like i'pcrfect worL of architccine All its peidil ere harmoniously conceived to coopleomt urd rupport eech othcr; nothing is rupcrfluous

MT'IIAMMAD ASAD (Aurtrir) $trterraen, Journdiet end Authod

In rgzz I ,*.1 .,ry nxtive countryr Austria, to travel through Afriia and Asia as a Special Correspondent to some of the leading Continental newspapers, and spent from that year onwarl nearly the whole of my time in the Islamic East. My interest in the nations with which I carrrc into contact was in the beginning that of an outsitl.er only. I saw before me a social 6rder and an outlook on life fundamentdly differcnt from the European; and from the very first there grew in me a should rather say: more eympathy for the more tranquil-I of life, as compared with the hasty, hunian<onception sympatfry This mechanised mbde of living in Europe. gradually led me to an investigation of the reasons for iuch a difference, and I became interested in. the religious teachings of the Muslims. At the time in questio{r, that interest was not strong enough to draw me into the fold of Islam, but it opened to me a new vista of a Progressivehuman society, organisid with a minimum of internil conflicts and a maximum of-red brotherly feeling. The reality, however, of presentday Muslim life appeared to be very far from the ideal possibilities given in-the religious teachings of Islam. Whatever, in IJlam, had been progress and movement, had turned, among the M,slims, into indolence and stagnation;_whatever there had been of generosity and readiness for self-sacrifice, had become, arnong the present-day Muslims, perverted into narrow-mindedness and love of an easy life. Prompted by this discovery and puzzled by the obvious incongruency between Once and Now, I tried to-approach the problim before me from a more intimate point of view; that is, i tried to imagine myself as being within the circle of Islam. It was a purely intellectual experiment; and it revealed to me, within a very short time, the right solution. I realised that 20

And ye1 I am just the same in my beliefs as I was twenty years rgo;.it is the outspoken rrtterance which has lost me their g""d oPrnlon. Having bri-e!v. given . lorne of the reasons for adopting the teachings of Islam, and having expraincd that I consider by that very act a far bctte. eh.istian than I was before, fyself I can only hope that others will follow the exarnple-rvhich i honestly believe.is a good-one--which will briirg happiness to any one looking upon the step as one in adv"ance'iather than one in any way hostile to trui Christianity.
Lord Headley at-Faroog (Rt. Hon. sir Royrgl{ George Altanron) was bor'in 1855.A.D. andwas a leading Brirish p.."1 staterman and author. Educated in Cambridgc, hJbecag,g p.i, il i-dt; "' lerve$. in th-e tl*y. as_a_captainand rater on as Lirut. boronel i" irri Bartalio' of North Minilrcr Fusiliers. Arthough an-t"gi"eer'b; plofessi.on - he had- wide literary tastes. one timi he q", ti. editor of the "salisb'ry Journal". Hi was atso the author of ro".."i ilil; most well hnown amongst them _being: ,{ western ew"'n*ii['-ii Islant. Lord Headley embraced Islam on r6th No*,ember rer a and adop.ted the Muslim namc of snaikh Rahmanrllah al-FerroJq.' Th; I-ord wae a widely travelled man and hc viritcd India itr r9rg.





An Islamic Literature Trust has been formed in England fo-rj.he propagation of Islam particularly through the meiium of distributing islamic Literaiure free or at jubsidised rate. Those who rvish to tal..epart in the propagation of Islan- may kindly send their donation to : The l\Ianaging Trustee, Islamic Literature T'rust, P. O Box No. e55, 99 Trinitv, Road, London, S. W. rZ.



To take one exatrtple: the Athnasian Creed, which treats the Trinity in a very confusing manner. In this Crced, rvhich is very important and deals conclusively with one of the furr'Churches', it is laid dou'n most clearly damentd tenets of the represents the Catholic faith, and that if r*'e do not bethat it lieve it we shall pcrish everlastingly. Then we are told that rrc must thinh if tlu Trhity iJ we want to be saaed 'in other wcrds that the idea is of a God whom we in one breath hail as merciful and almiglrty and in the very next'breath whom 1r'c accuse of injustice and cruelty, quaiities which we r+'ould attribute to the most blood-thirsty human tyrant. As if God, Who is before all and above all, wotrld be in any ivay in'thinks of the Trinity'. lluenced by what a poor mortal Fiere is another instancc of want of charity. I received which the a letter-it was of my leaning torvards Islam-in rvriter told me that if I dicl not believe in the Dir inity of Christ I couLdnot be saaed. Jhs rluestion of the Divinity of Christ never seemed to me nearly so impottant as that otircr question: 'Did he give God's messageto mi'nkind?' Norv if I lrad -any doubt abbut this latter point it lv<;uld llorrY me a great, deal, but thank Gocl, I have no dc'ubts, irnd I hope that my fdith in Christ and his inspircd teacliingsis as firm as that of any other i\{uslim or Christian. As I have often said before, Islam and Christianity, an taught by Christ himselJ, are sister reiigions, only held apa.rt by dogmas and technicalitics rvhich might very well be dispensed with. 'to bccome atl'reistsrvhett In the presnt day men are prone ashedto subscribcto dogmatic anci intolerant beliefs, and there is doubtless a craving for a religion appealing to the intelligence as well as to the sentiments of men. \\;hoever heard of a Muslim turning atheist? There mai' itat'e been some cases, but I very much doubt it. There are thousands of men-and \4'omen, too, f believe -who are at heart Muslims, but convention, fear cf adverse corrunents, ffid desire to avoid anY worrv or change, conspire to heep them from openly admitting the fact. I have taken the stip, though I am q"ite a\r'are ihtt many friends and reletives now look upon me as a lost soul and past praying for.


It is possible some of my friends may imagine that I have . been influenced by Mahomidans; but this is-not the cause, for my present- convictions are solely the outcome of many years of thought. My actual convrsations with educatei Muslims on the subject of religion only. commenced a few weeks ago, and need I say that I-am oveijoyed to find that all my theories and conclusions are enrirely in atcord with Islam. Conversion, according to the Koran, should come out of free choice and spontaneous judgement, and never be attained by means of compulsion. ]esus meant the same thing when he said to his disciples: "And whosoever shall not*receive you nor hearyou, when ye departthere....(St.Mark, vi, z). I have known very many instances of zealous Protestants who have thought it their duty to visit Roman Catholic homes in order to make 'converts' of the inmates. Such irritating and unneighbourly conduct is, of course, very obnoxious, an*d has invairably led to much ill-feeling-stirring up strife and tending bring religion into contempt. I am sorry to think thai 1o_ Christian missonaries have also tried these methods with their Muslim brethren; though, I am at a loss to conceive, why should they try to convert thbse who are already better Christians -than they are themselves? I say 'better Christians' advisedly, because charity, tolerance and broad-mindedness in the Muslim faith come nearer to what Christ himself taught than do the somewhat narrow tenets of the various Christian Churches.


7: Complete


of Teachings


Last, but not the least, is the fact that the teachings of Islam iue prescrved in their original form and God's Guidance is available without the change of a jot or title. The Qur'an is the revealed book of God which has been in existence for the last thirteen hundred years and the Word of God is availablc in its real form. Detailed accounts of the life of the Prophet of Islam and'his teachings are available in their pristine purity. There has not been an iota of change in this unique historic record. The sayings (AhaditA) and the entire record of the life of rhe Floly Prophet have been handed down to us with unprecedented precision and authenticity. Even nonMuslim critics admit this eloquent fact. Professor Reynold A. Nicholson in his "Litcrary History of the Arabs" says : "......the K o r a n i s a n e x c e e d i n g l yh u m a n d o c u m e n t , reflecting every phase of Muhammed's relationship to the outward events of his life; ro that here u)e lnve materiab ,l unique and incontestable authority for tracing tlte origin and carly dnelopment oJ Islam-such mdte"iltb as do not exist in case ,f Bud'\ism or Christianity or any othn ancient rcligiott." (p. t+g) These ar some of the unique features of Islam and crtablish its superiority as the religion of man-the religion of tomorrow. These aspects have appealed to hundreds of thousands of people in the past and the present and have made them affirm that Islam is the religion of truth and the right path for mankind; and this will continue to appcal them in the future. Men with pure hearts and sinccre longingr for truth will always continuc to say; "I afffirm that there is nonc worthy of worrhip exccpt Allah, that He is One, with none to a$lociate with; and I affirm that Muhammad is His Ecrvurt end Hir PropheL" And the following pages present the impressions of romc such persons, unfolding the storics of their pilgrimrgc to Islam.


"Respect the ways of God and be affectionate to the farnily of God." Islam is international in its outlook and approach and does not admit barriers and distinctions of ttre diys of ignorance. It wants to unite the entire humanity under one-bannei and to a world !o5n by nationai rivalries and feuds, it is a message of life and hope and of a glorious future. 6: Permancnce and Change

- - Mr. Justice Cardoza has emphatically declared, and rightly src i.-"that the greatest nced of o,r. iirne is a philoso. phy that will mediate bltween conflicting claims of itability and progress- and supply a principle of grorvth.,' Islam presents an-ideology which satisfi.s ihe demlnds of stability and change both. f)eeper.reflection reveals that neither life is rigid beyond . rl9g., nor it is_changepure and simple. The basic probiems of life remain the sarne in all ages ind clirnes, butihe r,r'ays and means to solve thern and the techniques of handline tlle phcnomenon undergo change with the paslag. of time. iit"* provides for both. The Qur'an and the Sunnah contain the eternal guidance given .!y. $rS L,-rrd of the universc. This guidance comes from GoC Who is free from the limitations of 's-pace'and 'time' and as such the principles of individual and s-acialbehavicur revealed by Him are based on nature and are eternal. But God has given us the general principies only and has endowed man with the freedom to apply them in every age in the way -it is through Trited.to.the spirit and conditions of that age. I!.tilad th.at tbe men of every age try to implement and app-ly divine guidance to the problems of their times. Thus ihi btsir guidance is eternal and pcrmancnt rvhile the method of its applicatioR can change ir accordance with the pecr.rliar needs. of cuery- successive tge. That is why Islaro always rcmains as fresh and modern as the tomorrow morn.

"All mankind is a fold everv mcmber of which shall bc a keeper or shepherd unto every other, and be accountable for the welfare of the entire fold." "Live together, do not turn against each other, make things easy for others and do not put obstacles in each other'g way." "He is not a believer who takes his hll whiie his neighbour starve$.1' "llhe believer in God"is he who is not a danger tq lifc and property of any other." In short, Islam neither neglects the individual nor the society-it establishesa harmony and a balance betu'cen the two and assigns to each its proper due. 5: Universalism and Humanism

The message of Islam is for thc entire hurnan recc. G o d , i n I s l a m , i s t h e G o d o f a l l t h e r v o r l d s( . A l - Q u r ' a n , I : r ) and the Prcphet is a \Icssenger for the ri hole of mankind. In the rvordsof the Qur'an: "O people! I am the Messenger of G<.rcl vou all." (AI-Qur'an VIII: r58), "i\ wa,rnerro all trr the nations." (XXV:'r) and "\\'e have n-ut'r.ttt thee but es a nrerc,vor all the nations." (XX'l: rcz) f In Isla.m all mcn are rqual, u'hatcver be their colour, language, race or nationaiiq'. It addressesto the conscience of humanity and banishcs all false barriers of race, status and wealth. There can be no denying the fact that such barriers have always existed, and do exist even tsday in this so-callcd enlightened age. Islam removed all these irnpediments rnd gave the idea of the entire humanity being the one femily of God. The Holy Prophet said:"All creatures of God form the family of God and he is the best loved of God who loveth best His creaturca." "O Lord ! Lord of my life and of everything in the universe! I afirm that all human beings are brothcn unto one angther,"


and Collectivism 4: Balance between Individualism Another unique feature of Islam is that it establishes a balancd between individualism and collectivism. It believes in the individual personality of man and holds everyone personally responsible and accountable to God. It guarantees-fundamental rights of the individual and does not permit anybne to tamper rvith them. It makes the proper development of the personality of man as one of the prime objectives of its educational policy. It does not subscribe to the view that man must loose his individuality in the social-collective or in the state. According to the Qur'anl "Man shall have nothing but what he strives for." (Al-Qur'az, LIII: 4o) "And rvhatever suffering ye suffer, it is what your (Al-Qur'an, XLII: z9) hands have wrought." "God does not change the condition of a people unless they first change that which is in their hearts." (AI-Qur'an, XIII: 12) "For each is that which it hath earned and against each is onlv that which it hath deserved." (Al-Qur'aa, II: a86) "IJnto us are our deed and unto you are yours." (Al-Qur'an, XXVIII:


On the other hand, it also awakens a sense of social responsibility in man, organizes human beings in a society and a state and enjoins the individual to subscribe to the social good. Prayer, in Islam, is offered in congregation which inculEveryone is cates social discipline among the Muslims. enjoined to pay Zakat and it has been laid dorvn in the Qur'an that: "In their wealth the begger and the destitute have their due-right." (Al-Qur'an LI: rg). Jihad ha.s been made obligatory, which means that the individual should, when the occasion arises, offer even his life for the defence and protection of Islam and the Islamic state. The Holy Prophet said:


ICarn totelly denounces thir concept of religion end dcerty sets thrt itc objectivcs ere purificetion of the soul and thc reform. rrid the rcconstnrction of the society. S"yr tbe Qur'an: "We vcrily sent our Messengerswith clear proofs and revealcd with them the Scripture and tlu Balancc (i.e. the authority to establish justice), tlut runhird may &scnte tln right measure;urd He reveded iron (i.e. coercivepower) wherein is mighty powcr and many uscs for mankind and that Alleh may Bewho helpeth Him and His Messenger though unseen." (Al-pur'an LVII: z5) "The cornmand is for none but AJlah: He hath commandcd that ye obey none but Him: that is the right (Al-Qw'an, XII:4o) Plth." "(Muslime ere) those who, if We give them power in the land, establish the systems of. Saht (preyers end worship) and Zahat (poor-due) *d atjoin virtu and forbid sicc and d)il;' (AI-Qu'an XVII: 4r) The Holy Prophet said:"Every one of you is a keeper or a shepherdand will be questioned about the well-being of his fold. So, tlre Head of the Statewill be questioned about the wellb.ittg of the people of the State. "Every men is a shepherdunto his family and will be qucstioncd ebout the wcll-being of cvcry member of it Every woman is a shepherd unto the family of her husband and will be questionedabout the well-being of every membcr thereof. And every srvantis a shepherd unto his minter and will be questioncd about the propcrty of his master." Thrrr cven a cursory study of thc teachingsof Iglam ehows that it ia an dl-embracing way of life and doesnot leaveout any 6cld of human existence to bc ruled roughbhod by'satanic forccs.' l2

knowledge and power to administer to the comforts of the body, but we left the spirit impoverished." an Islan aims at establishing equilibrium betweenthesc of trl'Daspects life: the nraterialand the spiritual. It saysthat evcrything in thc rvorid is for man-but man himself is for the Lord: his missionin lifc is to tul{il the rvill of God. Its teachings caterto the spiritual irsri ell as thc temporal needsof man. It enjoins man to purify his soul and also to reform the mundane life-individual and collcctive both-and to establish right over might zurdvirtue over vice. Thus, Islam stande lor the middle path. 3: A Complete Way of Life Islam is not a religion in the common, distorted meaning of the word, confining its scope to the private lifc of filan. It is a completeway of life, catering to all the fietds of human existence. Islam provides guidance for all walks of life-individual and social, material and moral, economicand political, legal and cultural, national and international. The Qur'an enjolns ma$ to enter the fold of Islam without any reservationand to follow God's guidance in all fields of life. In fact it was an unfortunate day when the scopeof religion wrs confinedto the prccincu of the private life bf man and itc social and cultural role was reduced to naught. No other pcrhaps, been more important in cawing the decline factor ha.e, of religion in the modern agethan its self-retreat into the realm of the private life. In the words of a modern philosopher: t'Rcligion asksus to ocparatcthingr of God from thorc of Caesr. Sucha jdicial separathn bcttncn the nm -religion is worth litde, if thc flat nacd..., conscience of its followers is not disturbed whea wrr clouds are hanging over us ell end industrirl conhat fictr rre threatening socirl pace. Rcl$in wafuncd ;wnft suiil cmscicnce atd norcl tatitioity by sqtarathg the thing of God trom tfutc ot C&td."

On rnother occasion he raid: "These threc things also enter faith: (a) to help othen, even when one is himself economically hard-pressed: (b) to pray ardcntly for the peace of all mankirrd, and (c) to administer justice to one's own self." Thus Islam does not admit any separation between 'rnaterid' and 'mord', 'mundane' and 'spiritual' lifc and enjoins man to devste all his energies to the reconstruction of life on healthy foundations. It teaches him that moral and materid powers must be r*'elded together and that spiritud salvation can be achieved by using the material resources for the good of man, and not by living a lif'e of asceticism. The world ha-ssuffered at the hands of the "brilliant" onesidednessof mrny a religion and ideology. Some have laid emphasis on the spiritual side of life but have ignored the 'fliey have looked upon the material and the mundane side. world as an illusion, a deception and a trap. On the other hand materialistic ideolcgies have totallv ignorcd the spiritual and moral side of life and have dubbed it as fictitious and imaginary. Both these attitudeehave spelled disaster. They have robhed mankind of peace,contentment and tranquillitv. Even todav the unbalance is manifest. French scientist Dr. De Brogbi rightly says:"'I'he danger inherent in too intense material civilization, to sum up, is to that civilization itseH; it is the disequilibrium u'hich u'ould result if a parallel dcvelopment of the spiritual life were to fail to provide the needed balance." Christianity erred on one extreme; Modern Civilizetion has erred on the other. According to Lord Snell: "We have built a nobly proportioned outer structure, but we have neglectcd the essential requirement of an inner order: we have car.efullydesigned, decorated and made clean the outside of the cup, but the inside was full of extortion and excess; we used our increased

Thus, Islam is a simple, rational rnd pre*ical religion t: Urdty of ltetter rnd Spir

A unique feature of lslam is that it does not divide life into water-tight compartments of matter and spirit. It re-a gards life as unity. It stands, not for ljfe-denial, hut for lifc-futfilment. Islam doesnot believein asceticism. It does not ask man to avoid things-material. It holds that spiritual elevationis to be achievedby living piously in the rough and tumble of life and not by renouncing the world, The Qur'an advisesus to pray as follows: "Our Lord ! Give us the good in thk world and the (Al-pur'an, II: zor) good in hereaJtcr." Allah strongly censure$those who refusc to enjoy his blessings:The Qur'an seys:"S"y (to them): By whoseorder haveyou denied yourself those amenities which God has created for His people and thosegood things to eat end use (which He (Al-pur'az, VII:3a) made for you)." Islam's injunction is: "Eat and drink, but cxceed not (AI-Qur'aa, VII: 3r) (and becomeextr4vagant)." The Holy Prophetsaid: "The Muslim who lives in the midst of society and bears with patiencethe affiictions that come to him is better than the one who shuns society and cannot bear any wrong done to him." He said: "Keep fast and break it (at the proper time) and stand-in prayer and devotion (in the night) and have sleep-for your body has a right over you, and your eyes have a right over you, and your wife has a right over you, and the person who pays a visit to you has a right over you."

ledge" (VI: q8) and "who have understanding" (VI: 99) thal "whosoevei has been given knowledge has indeed been govern(II: 269),thatthey deserved given aq abundant go_od" irent who, among other things, hale phylical strength,coup(II: 249) and that of all things it is knowled with knowledge and has ledge by virtue oT which man is superior to, ang_els beelnmiae the vicegerentof God on ihe earth (II: 3o). The Prophet of Islam said: ttHe who leaves home in search of knorvledge walks in the path of God." "To seek knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim male and female.". "Acquire knowledge, becausehe who- acquires it in the way of the Lord performs an act of piety; he who -of it speaks it praisesthe Lord; he who disseminates bestowsalmi and he who imparts it to others Performs an act of devotion to A[lah." This is horcfslam brings man out of the world of superand initiates him into that of knowledge stition and darkness and light. Then, Islam is a practical religion and does not indulge in empty and futile theorisings. It saysthat faith is not a mere professi6nof beliefs; it is thl ve-rymainspring sf life. Righieous conduct must follow beliefln Allah. Religion is something to be lioed, and not an object of mere lip-praise and lip-service. The Qur'an says: "Those who bclicae and act righteottsly, joy is for them, and a blissful home to return to". (Al-Qu'an, XIV | 29) And Prophet Muhammad (peacebc upon him) said: "God doesnot accept belief,' if it is not exprcssed in deed; and does not accept deed, if it doet not conform to belief." I

only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence -to u'hich can make itself appeal every age. I have studied him-the wonderful man and in my opinion fzr from being an anti-Christ, he musr be called the Saviour of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern *'orld, he rvould succeed in solving its problems irn a rvay that rvould hring it the much nccdcd peace anJ happiness: I have prophesied about the faith ,.'f Muhammad that it would be acceptableto the Errlope of tomorrow as it is begiruring to be acceptable ro rLe EuroPe of todaY-"**r The qucstion is what are those characteristicsof Islam which won innurnerous converts to the faith in the past an,l rvhich make it so appealing to the rnodern age? Sonre of th.' major characteristics Islartr are given in the follou'ing pagcs. of r: Simplicity, Rationalism and Practicalism

Islam is a religion without any mvthologv. Its teachints are simple and intelligible. It is free from superstitutjon:"a;riJ irrational beliefs. Unity of God, Prophethor-.cl Mr.rharrrmad of (peace be up,rn hirn) and the concept of Iife-aftc;'-rJeath are the basic articles of its faith. Thcy are brasecl reason and on sound logic. All the teachings of Islarn follorv from these basic beliefs and are simple and straight-foru,ard. There is no heirarchy of priests, no far-fetched abstractions, no complicated rites and rituais. Everybody is - to directly apprclach the Book of God and translate its dictates into practice. Islam awakens in man the faculty of reason and exh.',,ts him to usc hir intcllcct. It enjoinr him to see things ir .1r ycllow light of reelity. The Qur'rn advises men to "O' my Lord! Advance me in knorvledge" (XX: rr4i. ll: asserts that those who have no knowledge are not an equai to '.hosewho have (XXXIX:9), that those who do not ol:lrrve and understand are worse than cattle (VII: r79), that the rn:anings cf revelation become manifest to those "who have rn-,',,rrrG.B. Shaw, Thc GenuineIslam, Singapurc, Vol. I, No. 8, lg3S

is being judged in it He will have to give an account of all that he does hercin. Life on the Earth *'ill, one day, come toan end, and after that a nerry world will be resurrected. It will be in this life-after-death that man will be rewarded or punished for his deeds and misdeeds. Those who live in the presnt world a life of obedience to the Lord will enjoy eternrl bliss in the hereafter and those who disobey His comrnands will have to garner the bitter fruits of their disobeyal. According to the Qur'an: "And every man's deed have We fastened about his neck: an{ on the Day of Resurrection will We bring forth-with to him a book which shall be profferred to him wide open:'Read thy book: there needethnone but thysel.f to make out an account against thee this d"y." (Al'Qur' an, XVII : r4-r5) "Whosoever will come with a good deed, for him there ghall be the like of it ten-fold, while whosoever will corne with an ill-deed, he shall be requitted with only one like it, and they shall not be treated unjusdy." (Al-Qur'an, VI: l6) Thus the basic articles of Islamic faith are three, ura .'

(") (b) (.)

Belief in the Unity of God; Bclief in t}re Prophethood of Muhammad (peacebe upon him) and in the guidance he gave; and Belief in the Life-after-death and in man's accountability before God on the Day of Judgement.

And all Whoever professes these beliefs is a Muslim. these concepts are epitomised in the Kalima: "Therc u ,to gd bri't Allah; Muhammad is Hh Prophet.'

Maj or Chsracterietice of Islam G.B. Shau onre taid:"l have al*ays held the religion of Muhammad in high bccause of its wonderful vitalitv. It is the $tirirtion

one-and not Bourgeois or Proletariat, White or Black, Aryan or-non-Aryan, Westerner or Eastq,rner. Islam gives the revolutionary concept of the unity of manhind T\e prophet came to unite humanitv on the Word of God and make the dead live again. Allah r"ys, "Hold tight to the rope of God, all together and never again fall out. Remember God's gifts and blessings unto you all. When you were enemies; remembcr how He forged your hearts together in love, and, by His grace, you became brethren." (Al-Qur'afl, III: ro2) _ This concept also enunciates the true position of mrn in the universe. It says that God ig-t}e Creator, the Sovereign; and man is His vicegerent on the earth. This exdts mrn to the noble and dignified position of being Gods' deputy on earth and endowes his life with a lofty pulpose : to fillfi tl* lVill oJ. God on tlu earth. This will'soli.e all thJ pirplexing problems of human society and establish a new order wherein equity and justice and peace and prosperity will reign sUprme. - ^The_starting.point of Islam is this belief in the Unity of God (Taafieed.)-. The se^con4 p"tt of the Kalima, on the other hand, signifies that God his not left man without any quidance for tf,e conduct of his life. He has revealed His biiAince through His Prophets and Muhammad (peace be upon him) was t-he last prophet. And to believe in a prophet means fo believe tl hrj message,to accept the Larv which he gave and to follow the Code of Conduct which he taught. Thus the second basic poetulate of Islam is to bclieve in the Prophethood of-Muhammad (peace be upon him), ro rcccpr the religion which he presented and to follow his commands. This automatically brings us to the third basic postulate of Islam: belicf in tlu hcrealta. The *'orld, according to Islo-, is e place of triel and man

ness a superb, flawless plan in the universe-{an it be without We sec greet enchanting beauty and harmony in e Planneii We obscrvc they be without a Creatorl its wcrking-{an it be without a Designerl wonderful dcsign in naturo<an We feel lofty purpose in physical and human existance---can We find that the it be rvithout a Will working behind itl universe is like a superbly written fascinating novel-can it be without an Author I Tdy, "O, Mankind: u'orship your Lord, who hath created you end those before you, so that ye may ward oft (evil). Who hath appointed the earth a resting place for you, the ahy a cenopy; and causth water to pour down from the heavens, thereby producing fruits as food for you. And do not set up rivals to Allah, whcn (AI-Qur'an, II: zr-23) yc knor+'(better). This is the basic tenet to which lVluhammad (peacebe upon him) asked humanity to adhere to. It is en irnportant metaphysical concept and answers dl the riddles of the universe. It points to the flpranaryf tlu law in the cosmos, the all pervading uniry behind the mrnifest diversity. It presents a unified view of the world rnd offers the vision of en integrated universe. It is a mighty contrart to the piecemed viervs of the scientists and thc philosophers end unveils tlu truth before the human cye. After centuries of groping in the dark man is now coming to rcalise the truth of this concept and nrr:dern scientific thought is moving in this direction.r* But it is not a mere metaphysical concept or just a jumble of barren words. It is a dynamic belief and a revolutionery doctrine. lt means that all mcn arc tlra ctcatwct bued arc all equal. Discrimination one Gd-thcy ,l on colour, clats, race or territory is unfounded and illusory. It is a remnant of the days of ignorance which had chained men down to servitude. Humanity is one single family of God and there can be no sanction for those barriers. Men are
roSee: Francies Mason (Ed.) TAc Great Deign, Duckworth, London.

the earth. Allah has prescribed a cerrain code of life as the correct one for him, but has at the same timc confered on man absolute freedom of choice as to u'hether or not ne this ccde as the code of his life. one who choosesto "dopis follbw the code revealed b-y God becomes a Muslim (believer) and one who refuses to follorv it becomes r Kafr (non-belieufr;.' A . r*_j?ins the fold of Islam by. honestry believing in anti professing faith in the uniry of Goi and tht prorrheth,,odof Ivluhammad (peace be upon him). Both thlse' beliefs are cpitomised in the Kalima

"Thac n no God exccpt Alhh; hoptut;'

Mthammad n His

presents the concept of JA: !.r1 prrt of this Kalina lawlwed (unity of God) and the sec.rnd part of it atlirms the Prophethoociof Muhammad (peacebe upon him). Tawhccd is a revolutionary concept and constitutes the essnceof thr teachings of Islam. It means ttrat there is one Supreme Lord of the r:niverse. He ie Ornnipotent, Omnipresent ancl the Sustainer of the world and of the rnzurkind. Horv can one who observes the inexhaustible creativity of natrrre, its purposefulness, its conscious relativeness, it"s preservation of that which is rnorally useful and destruction of that which is sociallv injurious, fail to draw the conclusion that behind nature lives an A.ll-pervading Mind of whose inccs$ant creative acti'iry the procisses of natu.. are but outward manifestations! The starT scattered through alrnost infinite space, the vast panorama of nature with clarm ancl bcauty stealing into hearts, the planned waxing and waning of the sun, the astonishing harmony of the ,.Lon, and thE dap and nights. the incessant supply of water, the delicate fowery and crystais beneath our feer-all point tor,v;rrdsone f.rct,: thae i.t a God, tlr. Creator, ttte Gwernor" trVe r+,it,

All of them celled humanity t9 thc way of the Lord, the wey of eubmission to Alleh,. All of thcm gave the setnc mcss.gc: all of thcm stood for thc sernc causc: i.e. Islar* Islrrn ic m Arebic word and connotes suhainion, slllnender aurtd&ediatce, As a religion, Islam etands for complete submission and obedienceto Allah--and thet is why it is'celled Islam. The othcr litcral mcaning of the *iri Ishm is "pcace" and this significt that one can achieve reel Pcircc of body "'.1 'lf mind only through submission and obcdience to Allah. Such a life of obediencebringr in pceccof the heart and establishesreal peacein the socicty at lrrgr. "Those who belicve and whosc heerts find rcst in thc thought of Allah-rhdccd, it it k thc fiought oJ Allalt alonc tlnt the heart (of trun) docth rcally fud ratthosc who believe and ect righteously, jo.y ir for thcm, and a biissful home to return to." (Al-Qu'aa,, XIV: 1,9') This message was preached by the prophcts of Gd, who guided man to the right path. "ItBut man not only left the right path again and egain, but dso lost or distofted thc code of Guidance which the prophets gave him. Thet wrr why other prophcte were scnt to rc-prcscnt the origin4 mcssegeand bring men to the right path. Last of thcsc prophctr was Muhammad (pcece be upon him) who prcscnted God'r 'Guidance in its find form and pre*rved it for dl timec to come. It ie this guidancewhich is now known as Islam end ir cruhrined in the Qur'an and the life-cxample of thc Prophct

Buic Porfinlrtcr of lrlrn

The buic Islmic conccpt ir thrt the cntire univenc wrr crerted by God, whom Islrrn cells Alhh rnd Who ir the Lord rnd the Sovereign of thc universc. He is One end hrr no associrtcrryithHim in divinity. He ir the Rulcr of thc univcru, its Susteiner and Meintainer. Hc crertcd mrn end eppointcd for cech humen bcing e fired pcriod which he ir to rpcnd upon ^

In thc nantcof Allah, thc Benifuient, thc Mcrciful.

INTRODUCTION By Khurshid Ahmad

Islam is the religion of God. It is the embodiment of the code of life which God, the creator and the Lord of the universc, has revealed for the guidance of the mankind. For.a proper reconstruction of life on this planet man necdr two kinds of things, viz: (a) inn'merable substances and resources to maintain life and fulfil the material needs of the individual and the socielyi Td (z) knowlege of the principles of individual and socid behaviour to miintain justice and tranquillity in sociery and culture. 'rhe Lord of the universc has provided for both these needs in full measure. To cater to the material needs of man He has provided naturo with ell kinds of resources, which lie at the disposal of man, who can make use of them as he likes. To provide for his spiritual, social and cultural needs He raised Fiis Prophets from among the humankindandrevealedto them the code of life which cail guide manls steps to the Right Path. This code of life is known as Islam, the religion of all the prophets of God,* tltrt faith which He cornmended unto Noah, and that which we intpirc in thee,and that which commended unio Abraham,Mosesand raying: "g5jablish the Faith, and be nor dividcd therein" Je-s_u1 ( A l - Q u r ' a nX L I I : r 3 ) . , in - And *rat: " "Say: Wc believe God, and in that which has been sent dorvn to us, lnd sent down unto Abraham. Ishmail, tlaac, in Jrcob and the tribes. Wc believe all that wasgiven unto M*.r, -distinction Jcsus and other spsrllrt of their Lord. No do we lqakc- bctr+'ecnthem, and unto Him w surrrnder." (Al-eur,an III:8a). Also that: "In truth hath He sent down to thce thc Book which confirmcththosc which precede it." (Al-eur'an, III; a).

Section IV -Reformersr



Social V9orhers Muhammad John Webster (England) Ismail Wieslarv Jazierski (Poland) Major Abdullah Battersbey (England) . . Hussain R,:fe (England) ., Thonras Irving (Canada) Fauzuddin Ahnrad Overing (Holland) . . Umar Mita (Japan) Ali Muhammad Mori (Jap*) Prof. Abdul Ahad Da*ud (Iran) Section V - Other Seekers after Truth H.F. Fellowes (England) Muha.mmad Suleman Takenchi (Japan) . S.A. Board (U.S.A.) B. Davis (England) . . Thomas Muhammad Clapon (U.S.A.). . J. W. I.or'egrove (England) T.H. NlcBarklie (Ireland) .. Devis Warrington'- Fry (Australia) Farouk B. I(arai (Zangibar) .. Mumin Abdur Razzaque Selliah (Ceylon) Abdulla Ucmura (Japan) Ibralrim Voo (Malaye) Muhamud Gunnar Eriksor (Sweden)

69 69 7r


77 8z 84 86 88 90

9r 9r 96 98 roo

ro+ r05 ro6 rel r08 r09


r. II5

Tbe Last \ilord Correction (change of addresc)


Pagc! K,a'ba Prcfacc Introduction by Khurshid Ahmacl Scction I - Statesnen and Diplomats Ift-d Headley d-Farooq (lingland) -.. MuhammadAsad (Austria) Sir Abdullah Archibald Harr,ilton(England) MuhammadAlexander Russel Webb (U.S.A.) Sir JalaluddinLauder Brunton (England) MuhammadAman Hobohrn(Germany)' Scaion II - Scientists, Scholats and lVritere Professor Harcon MusraphaLeon (England) Dr. Ali SelmanBenoist(France) Dr. Umar Rolf Baron Ehrenfelq'(Austria) Dr. Abdul Karim Gernranus (Hungary)' Dr. Hamid Marcus (Gerrnany) William Burchel!BashyrPichard(England) Col. DonatdS. Rockotil 1U.S.e.i Prof. R.L. Mellema (Holland) .. SectionIII - Women at rhe Threshold of Islam Miss Mas'udah Steinmann (England) .. $ayis B. Jolly (England) L_?dy Evelyn Zein{b Cobbold(England) Mrs. CeciliaMahmuda Cannolly(hustria) Miss Fatimah Kazue (Japan) .. Mn. Amina Mosler (Ceimany) ..

vi viii .r
.r \7


23 25 27 3o

32 35 37 39 46

4+ +9 5r
,. 55
.. 55 ,. 59 ., 63 65 .. 67 .. 68

Islamic environments and were unfamiliar with 'fhey were part of the Isalm and its teachings. Western civilization rvhich has such an modern enchanting influence on so many of us. And yet their souli remained unsatisfiei trntil they had PA'I.'H, the path of found the STRAIGH'I Islam. The book is being published with the hope that it would prove of real help to many in their earnest search after'I'ruth.

I"chuary 24, t96r.


tertainments: they are full of shows and 'dances which are chiefly directed at arousing sex-pirssions, so {nuch so that striptease shows have'become one of the most popular forms of presentdgy_entertainment. And'to reap the harvest of all this, fullest ppportunity of uniestricted mixing has been provided to members of both the sexes. In this atmosphere, charged with sensual passions, it has become well nigh impossible for a l"rg9 number of human beingl to exercise their intellect with freedom or to respond to their inner -God-given voice - the voice of their true, nature. Y:r, it is impossible for a large numder of people, who h*yg opened lh_eir eyes in the unheafthy surroundings- created by the contemporary civifization, to think frcely;-but not for itt of them. Even in these perverted surroundings the voice of reason and conscience finds a res onse in the hearts of truth-seekers. Such m^en have the vision wtrich helps thern see the inner rottennesl of the contempo_rarycivilization despite its lustrous exterior. Such people possessed the of "r. true human nature u'hich- hungeis for rcal satisfactiorr and happiness, e_ven ifte. the physical {ppetites have been satisfied. For it is b"iy in discovering and atturring. itself to Reality that human soul can find real peaceand contentment. This book is an account of the discoverv of truth-by som. gf these great people - people who were burning with the disire to discover thb Truth and rvho would be content rvith nothing short of it. These people were born and brought"up in nonrr

principles. Indeed, the revolutign brought about [v it i l{oly Prophet in the history of. religious ilioneht is that he^won over converts not by_rneans oi *Tro"les, but by rational-persuasion. l'stead oi f"rulysing-the intellect of-people, the t'gmana of ihe Holy Quran from man is to olen hrs eyes .*.rcise his rational faculty. For, if man "na that without crippling his mind rvith preao*, iudice. he is bound, with ihe h*lp and guidance 'oi etdn, to discover the Reality which is prepared io ,n"r,iiest itself, to people who do not deaden their hearts and mind;, in literalll' everything in the universe - in thc alternation of days and nights, in the r*'onderful creation of the heavens and the earth, in the amazing order, purPosefulness and rvisdom pervading ttie yniveise reflected in tfie faultless operatioir of the laws of nature, etc., *fti.h point to the fact that this universe is not a prod".t of chance but the result of Divine will. But the human intellect which can discover Reality must indeed be a pure one, not the one bv animal ltrsts and base desires. The ".*.ia.d fronr the prcse.t-da' civilization to manh"ng.r [i"d" is not that it has ser thi human mind free in iln r.u..[ after truth. On the contrarv, the danfrom the fact that it has crippled the q.r"rir.s firrnrun rnind by placing it under the dead-rveight passions. A;d the modern civilization ott ".rin-t*l ;; dearth of tools by which it achieves this. h;, foof at the bookstalls: ihey a'e full of filthy,. almost pornographic literature. Look at the movies: ii;;; [r. f"ii of erotic scenes and portrayals of r.*'-t.furionship. Look at the centres of en-

Quite a few of those here in the Muslim world, who have either seen the Western world from a distanceor through coloured lenses(owing to preconceivednotions and an acute senseof" inferiority), have been taken in by the artificial sheen and glamour of the modern-western civilization. Some of them have been so over-whelminglyimpressedby the West that they look updn'it as the apogeeof man's creative ichievement. For this reason they have_been robbed,more or less,of 'In faith in their own-religion,and principles. its fa9t, they have developed an attirude'of blind adoration for everything western. Therefore, anything in their o1:n yiy of life which appears to be out of tune with the'preceptsor practiies of the-west, is thoughtlesslybrushed urid" as oldfashionedand inapplicableto modern conditions of liv_ing. The queerthing is that althoughthese peoplea-re admirersof a civ-ilization whichJin their view,is based the prirnacyof reason, on they find it absoiutelvunnecessaiy apply tJreir'o*ri minds to -elements to determinewhetherihose of western civilizationu'hich they seekto graft are healthy or not, Some of these people ,dismissall religions, including Islam, as unsuited to the requirements ,,reasdn". of .the present age,.the For, lge of rejrglon' rn thc oplnron of thesenew-tangledintellectuals, a bundle of irrational dogn'ras is and superstitions. Little do thesepeoplecor""to pause for a minute and reflect that .rr^*r if their srarement could-apply to other religions,it could not apply to Islam which is founled upon rational

One requires no exccptional intelligence to oerceive thit the contemporary non-ilIuslim ivorld has to its credit a gooa many solid it impressive achievements: operates on much of energ"y and efficienry than higher level the Muslim rvorld; it has been abie to yoke the forces of nature to the service of humanity in a mannerundreamt of in the past; it has been able to overpower,to a very great extent,the monsterg and ignoranceand has brought of poverty, disease about a tremendousrise-in the standardof living. and All theseare, indeed, great achievements a number of seriousquestionsfor all thinking raise people. Has the modern civilization really been iUte to put man on road to his self-fulfilment? mafl to acheive in Has it reilly succeeded enabling_ the real goal of his existencei Has it been able to provide the bliss and happiness for which human soul has thirsted throughout the ages? Has it reaily beenable to lift up mankind from the in plane of animal existence? Has it succeeded of the enrichmento ennoblement and refinement man's life?

It ir thc only rpot on ttrc clrth wherc prayenr nevr cease. Thcy continuc round thc clock. - .If .""y one wants to have the unique privilg-g:.of.being-the only prson offering pr"yirr at Ka'ba, he will have to wait for years arid'yei.rs and then too he cannot succeed. On the oc-casionof !: tt"jj the greatest congregation of the world ir held around it. It is estimated that more than one million people congregate around it every year liom all the four corners of the world to plrform lI:aii aurrdan equal numbcr visit it to perform 'Umra'._Beyond doubt it is the greateot centrc of rvorship on the earth. . Ka'ba is the place towards which Muslims turn their fp.cein praylr, but it is not the Ka,ha to which th:f ofg worship. Muslims worship no ne but Allah. Thev da not believe in worshippine stones, or animals, or men. Ka'ba only sym Uo[ises the direction towards which Muslims ari to face in their prayers signifying that Muslims all the world over are like the circumference of a circular which has one and on-!y one centre. It is a syrnbol and not an object of worship in itself. Near Ka'ba is situated the famous historic well of Zarn Zam, which sprang forth some five llousand years ago on the occasion Ismael and prophet Abrallajra, the, the son and the wife of ^ ham pented for water in the desert of Arabia Through this well is built up the prosperity of Mecca. And what is more iinportaht the water of this wdl is being used a1l the twelve months of ftg y.*t and by people all over ttrc world. The well.is catering to the nceds of millions of people and knows no exhausion.



(rnor'rr rrcr u.luornrnox )

Ka'ba is the holy mosque, situated in the heart Muslims all the *'orld over of the city of Mecci. offer theii prayers towards the Ka'ba. It is thc rymbol of the uhity of the Umryah: every individual may he be in the East or the West or the ltlorth or the-South, turns his face towards the Ka'&c to offer his prayers. The Islamic fraternity is dways grevitating towards this holy centre. Ka'ba was built by Prophet Abraham scvcrd thousand years ago and has always been revered as a holy-place.- Before the advent of Pr-ophet It{uhamnied pagan and polytheistic tribes of Arabii had installed three hundred and sixty idols in it. But on his triumphant entry into Mecca in 8th of Hijri, thc Prophei of Islam cleared the holy..placc -all'the of false-godsinstalled therein and dedicated it for the worship of one God, Allah, who-has no associate in divGity and for whose worship Prophct Abraharn coftltructed ir The Ka'ba is the place which Muslims from all over the world vieit once a year on the occasion of Haji ndat rny ot-her pcriod of the yeer to perform

DEDICAfiON Dedicated in loving memory of my late ulr-cle.Haji Abdul l-atif Ebrihim Bar+.any (M"y his soul rest in peace)

1413A.H l9g2 G.c

Islam Our Choice

(Abridged Edition)

coMpILtD & sorrno ay:



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