Operating Instructions PANASONIC AG-HMC40

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Before use

This product is eligible for the AVCCAM

3 Year Warranty Repair Program. For
details, see page 5.
Operating Instructions

of parts
Memory Card Camera-Recorder

Model No. AG-HMC40P




Before operating this product, please read the instructions carefully and save this manual
for future use.

F0709U0 -P VQT2H30 (E)
Shooting in progressive mode
Selecting 1080/30P or 1080/24P for the REC
FORMAT option in the setting menu RECORD Note the following when shooting in
SETUP screen (Page 102) enables shooting in progressive mode.
progressive mode. • There may be a slight delay to the start
In 720 mode, the camera always shoots in of recording when you use the 24P mode
progressive mode. because 4 frames are recorded at a time.

30P mode (with 1080 mode):

Shoot 30 frames a second in the progressive
For output and recording, the 30-frame-per-
second signal is converted to 60-field-per-second
This mode gives you high quality images.

30 P A B C D E F G H I J

60 i AoAeBoBeCoCeDoDeEoEe Fo FeGoGeHoHe Io Ie Jo Je

24P mode (with 1080 mode):
Shoot 24 frames a second in the progressive
The video signal will be recorded natively.
However, the external output signal is converted
to a 2:3 format, 60 fps interlaced signal.

24 P A B C D E F G H

60 i AoAeBoBeBoCeCoDeDoDeEoEeFoFe Fo Ge GoHe Ho He

Shooting in manual mode
Set the unit to manual mode when manually
adjusting the focus, shutter speed, iris, gain and When switching from auto mode to manual
white balance. mode:
• Iris and focus are set to AUTO.
You can switch them to manual mode by
Switching to manual mode pressing the IRIS button and FOCUS button.
Move the AUTO/MANUAL switch to the MANUAL • Shutter speed
position to select the manual mode. ( will CAMERA mode preserves the AUTO mode
disappear from the viewfinder or the LCD monitor.) shutter speed. PHOTO mode preserves the
AUTO mode state. You can change the shutter
speed by using the Function Navi.
• The shortest distance from a back-focusing
lens differs depending on the zoom position.
• When using a macro range and AF or MF on
the focus control information display appears
in reverse black and white, zooming may
cause the image to become unfocused.

3 The function allocated to the focus ring can
be changed with the RING switch.
Manual focusing FOCUS:
Adjust the focus.
Focus ring
FOCUS button Adjust the zoom or iris (aperture) setting.
You can change which functions are
assigned from the menus.
The factory default setting is ZOOM.

Temporarily switching to auto focus

You can also use auto focus mode while in manual
mode by assigning the (PUSH)AF function to one
RING selector AUTO/MANUAL switch of the USER buttons 1 to 3. Auto focus mode will
switch be enabled for as long as the USER button is
pressed, and the focal point will be automatically
1 Use the AUTO/MANUAL switch to set to You can also align focus with touch auto focus.
(Page 44)
manual mode.

2 Use the FOCUS button to switch the focus • Auto focus may not work properly if there is
mode. flickering. Select a shutter speed suited to the
Pressing the FOCUS button switches to manual ambient light. (Page 50)
focus mode where “MF” appears on the screen. • If the auto focus mode is set with any format
Pressing the FOCUS button again switches to except 60i and 60P, controlling the focus will take
auto focus mode where “AF” appears on the slightly longer than in the normal focus mode.
screen. • During macro shooting “AF” or “MF” will be
• Holding down the FOCUS button sets the displayed in a frame on the screen.
focal length to infinity and causes “MF95” to
appear on the screen.

Using focus assist Setting the aperture and gain
Pressing the FOCUS ASSIST button enlarges IRIS dial
the center of the viewfinder and LCD monitor
screens, or displays a bar at the bottom center of
the screen. These displays make aligning the focus
easier and are particularly useful in manual focus
mode. The display that appears when the FOCUS
ASSIST button is pressed can be configured with
the FOCUS ASSIST SW item in the setting menu
SW&DISP SETUP screen. (Page 106)


1 Use the AUTO/MANUAL switch to set to
manual mode. (Page 40)

2 Press the IRIS dial to switch the method of

adjustment for the aperture of the lens.
The method switches to AUTO IRIS or
MANUAL IRIS with each press of the dial.

AUTO IRIS: Adjust the iris automatically.
MANUAL IRIS: Adjust the iris manually.
The central part of the screen will be enlarged by 3 Turn the IRIS dial to adjust the aperture of
a factor of about 4 in the vertical direction and by a lens when in the manual iris mode.
factor of about 6 in the horizontal direction. • In the auto iris mode, the lens iris can be
A blue box will appear in the viewfinder and LCD corrected using this dial.
monitor screens during expanded display. Only the • Increase in brightness beyond the maximum
operation status display and counter will appear on aperture (OPEN) is performed via gain
the screen. adjustment (CAMERA mode: 0 to 24 dB;
• The center of the angle of view is shifted slightly PHOTO mode: 0 to 18 dB).
from the center of the LCD monitor. • If further gain adjustment is necessary,
BAR: assign HIGH GAIN to one of the USER
A bar will appear at the bottom center of the buttons 1 to 3. The gain mode switches
viewfinder and LCD monitor screens, indicating the between normal and high with each press of
level of focus alignment with its length. the button.
The peak hold mark (▼) appears over the bar, and Gain can be set to up to 34 dB in high gain
the bar expands to the right as focus is aligned. mode.
In PHOTO mode, switching to high gain
mode is disabled.
• Set the direction of the IRIS DIAL and aperture
control in the setup menus, SW&DISP SETUP
screen, IRIS DIAL.
Focus not aligned Bar expands to right
as focus is aligned
• The lens aperture can be adjusted in the focus
ring by setting the RING switch to IRIS. The
relationship between the direction of rotation
BOTH:  and aperture control is based on the IRIS
Displays both the expanded display and focus bar. DIAL setting in the SW&DISP SETUP screen.
However, as this will make it impossible to adjust
• This function cannot be used while the digital the focus in the focus ring, please set the focus
zoom function is in use. control method to A (AUTO) with the FOCUS
• Press the FOCUS ASSIST button again to return switch. Zoom control can also be assigned to the
to the original screen. FOCUS ring.(Page 40)
• As you shrink the aperture to a near closed state,
resolution will decrease due to light diffraction.
You can prevent this by adjusting the shutter
speed and increasing the aperture size.

Shooting in manual mode (continued)

Adjusting the white balance and black White balance and black balance
balance adjustments
When white balance adjustments are performed, 1 Use the AUTO/MANUAL switch to set to
black balance adjustments are performed at the manual mode. (Page 40)
same time.
2 Set the shutter speed. (Page 50)
White balance
In order to reproduce the white accurately, adjust 3 Place a white pattern in a location with the
same lighting conditions and light source as
the ratio between the three RGB primary colors. If
the subject, then zoom in and fill the whole
the white balance is not adjusted properly, not only
screen with white.
will the white be reproduced poorly but the color
Something white (a white cloth or wall) near the
tones of the entire screen will also be downgraded.
subject can be used instead.
When you are shooting in manual mode, readjust
• Do not include bright spotlights in your shot.
the white balance whenever lighting conditions
You can store white balance adjustments to Ach
4 Press the WHITE BAL button to display Ach
or Bch.
and Bch of the Function Navi.
The mode changes in order from ATW→ATW
You can also use the preset values.
LOCK→P3.2K→P5.6K→Ach or Bch→ATW
Use the settings to suit the shooting conditions.
with each press of the button.

Black balance
Adjust the ratio between the three RGB primary
5 Touch the LCD monitor and display the
Function Navi.
colors to reproduce black accurately. If the black
balance is not adjusted properly, not only will black 6 Touch to display the operation menu.
be reproduced poorly, but the color tones of the
entire screen will also be downgraded. 7 Touch Ach or Bch.
Black balance adjustment is usually not necessary,
but be sure to perform it in the following cases. 8 Press and hold the WHITE BAL button.
• When using the camera for the first time. • Adjustment takes a few seconds.
• When using the camera after extended periods (The following messages appear on the
of disuse. screen.)
• When using the camera after large changes in Message during adjustment
ambient temperature. AWB ABB
• After setting the shutter speed to standard or low ACTIVE
• After switching between progressive mode and Message after adjustment
standard (60i) mode.

• An error message appears on the screen

when white balance adjustment is not

Message when adjustment cannot be


WHITE BAL switch

• White balance cannot be adjusted if the ATW
(Auto Tracking White) function is working.
• Black balance cannot be adjusted during
• White balance cannot be adjusted during auto
mode. Only black balance can be adjusted.
• White balance cannot be adjusted if the
shutter speed is set to less than 1/24.

Using presets
Use this feature when you have no time to make
white balance adjustments.

1 Use the AUTO/MANUAL switch to set to

manual mode. (Page 40)

2 Press the WHITE BAL button.
The mode changes in order from ATW→ATW
LOCK→P3.2K→P5.6K→Ach or Bch→ATW
with each press of the button.
• Guide to the preset values
P3.2K (3200 K): halogen light
P5.6K (5600 K): outdoors

Auto Tracking White (ATW)

Using the ATW function enables the recording
environment to be automatically analyzed and an
optimum white balance to be constantly maintained
during recording.
To use the ATW function, set the white balance to
ATW mode by pressing the WHITE BAL button.

• Depending on the environment, there may be

some error in the adjustment.
• Use the procedure described on the previous
page whenever you need more precise white

Shooting techniques for different targets
Touch auto focus (CAMERA mode • Touch auto focus will not function in the
only) following conditions.
� Dark shooting conditions
You can align focus on a subject by touching the � Fast-moving subjects
LCD monitor. � Excessive camera shake
� Zoom is in use
1 Set the POWER switch to ON. (Page 26) • Touch auto focus will be canceled in the
following cases.
2 Touch the LCD monitor and display the � The camera is turned off or the mode is
Function Navi. switched.
� The focus mode is switched from auto to
3 Touch to display the operation menu. manual, or vice versa.
• The digital zoom and focus assist functions cannot
be used while touch auto focus is enabled.
• If you enable touch auto focus while digital
zoom is in use, digital zoom will be disabled.
The screen display will return to standard
display and switch to touch auto focus mode.

Self-portrait shooting
4 Touch AF .
The active area frame (red) for touch auto Images in the LCD monitor when it is turned 180°
focus appears for about 2 seconds after AF is for self-portrait shooting may appear unusual.
touched. You can make them appear better by reversing
The area inside this frame is active. left and right. Go to the setup menus, SW&DISP
• appears. SETUP screen, SELF SHOOT, and select
• You can make CANCEL disappear by MIRROR. Shooting in mirror mode has no effect on
touching . To make it reappear, touch . what you actually shoot and record.
• If the face detection function is enabled in
AUTO mode, the face detection frames
(orange) will disappear temporarily.

5 Touch the subject on which to align focus.

• In auto focus mode, the focus frame (green)
appears on the touched position and focus
is aligned.
• In manual focus mode, the focus frame
will disappear after focus is aligned on the
touched position. • If you press and hold the DISP/MODE CHK
• To change the position of the focus frame, button when self-portrait shooting, the mirror
touch a different area of the LCD monitor. mode is temporarily disabled and the screen
If you touch outside the active focus area, displays information such as the configuration
the active area frame (red) appears for about status of all recording functions. Release the
2 seconds. button to return to mirror mode.

■ Canceling touch auto focus

Touch CANCEL to cancel touch auto focus.

• Images played back by pressing the REC
CHECK button cannot be inverted horizontally.
• Operation status displays during self-portrait If you press the ZEBRA button while zebra patterns
recording are displayed, a marker appears near the center
No display: Cannot record (no card, etc.) of the display (if you have set the setup menu,
: Recording in progress SW&DISP SETUP, MARKER to ON).
: (Red) Transitioning to recording standby The brightness of the areas near the screen center
mode can be checked as a percentage (0% to 99%).
(Green) Recording standby mode
“99%↑” appears if the percentage is over 99.
: Warning display
• When [ ] is displayed, turn the LCD monitor
back in the direction of normal recording, and
Image level detection
check what the message says.
• Holding down the DISP/MODE CHK button
displays the screen display information.
99% Marker
• Images will be output normally to external
devices. In addition, only operation status Image level
displays will appear on the screen.

Zebra pattern The normal display reappears if you press the
ZEBRA button again.
Pressing the ZEBRA button in CAMERA or PHOTO
• The marker does not appear when the face
mode displays zebra patterns and markers on the
detection function is set to ON.
viewfinder and LCD monitor, allowing you to check
the brightness of a subject.
Parts that may be whited out through over Checking and displaying shooting
exposure are shown as a zebra pattern. status
• Very bright
• Reflecting parts
You can remove most overexposed parts by
adjusting the iris and shutter speed in the manual
mode to remove the areas with zebra patterns.
The display changes as follows each time you
press the ZEBRA button.


↓ If you press and hold the DISP/MODE CHK button
MARKER ON in recording standby mode or while recording, the
↓ configuration status of all recording functions, a
list of USER button function assignments, focus
COUNTER RESET CHK ZEBRA OFF ring function, and all other camera information will
be displayed. Release the button to return to the
normal display.
You can set brightness levels for the zebra patterns
with the ZEBRA DETECT item in the setting menu Pressing the DISP/MODE CHK button during
SW&DISP SETUP screen. (Page 107) recording or while recording is paused will
The zebra pattern cannot be displayed while the remove all displays from the screen except for the
focus assist function (expanded display) is in use. operation status, counter, marker, and safety zone
display. Press the button again to return to the
normal display. (Page 93)
The display mode selected using the DISP/MODE
CHK button is retained even if you turn off the
camera by setting the POWER switch to OFF, or
change the operating mode.

Shooting techniques for different targets (continued)

Record video and audio from three seconds before BARS ZEBRA OIS

the time of the operation to begin recording.

Operation to start Operation to stop DISP/
recording recording COUNTER RESET


Actual recording • This function will not be as effective when the

time vibration is severe or when tracking a moving
PRE REC time subject.

Adding effects to images

1 Touch FREE RUN for TCG in the setting Press the USER button you have allocated to the
menu RECORD SETUP screen.
BLACKFADE or WHITEFADE feature to add fading

2 Touch ON for PREREC MODE in the setting effects to your images. The button’s function is
forcibly canceled during playback or REC CHECK
menu RECORD SETUP screen.
PRE-REC will be displayed on the screen. and also when thumbnails are displayed.
• When the TCG item on the RECORD
SETUP screen has been set to REC RUN, BLACKFADE:
the setting will be automatically changed to Press and hold to fade out to black. Audio also
FREE RUN. fades out. Fade-in starts when the button is
3 Press the START/STOP button. WHITEFADE:
Press and hold to fade out to white. Audio also
Video and audio from approximately 3 seconds
previously will be recorded. fades out. Fade-in starts when the button is
• Recording of the previous 3 seconds of video released.
and audio may not be possible if recording is
started immediately in the following cases. Using the USER buttons
� Immediately after switching from PB mode
to CAMERA mode You can allocate one of 14 features to each of the
� Immediately after turning power on three USER buttons.
� Immediately after changing to PREREC Use these buttons to change shooting settings
MODE item quickly or add effects to the images you are
• The thumbnail for clips recorded using the shooting.
PREREC function will display the image from The following features are allocated to the buttons
when the START/STOP button was pressed. at the time of shipping.
• Video from approximately 3 seconds before USER1: (PUSH)AF
the button was pressed will appear in 1 clip USER2: BACKLIGHT
display. USER3: SHOT MARK
For details, see the setup menus, SW&DISP
SETUP screen, USER1 to 3. (Page 106)
Optical Image Stabilizer
If you press a USER button to which one of the
Use the Optical Image Stabilizer (OIS) to reduce functions has been allocated and then turn off the
the effects of camera shake when shooting by power, the added effect to the image will not be
hand. retained.
Press the OIS button to turn the function on and
off. appears on the viewfinder and the LCD
monitor when this function is on. Turn the function
off when using a tripod for more natural images.

Backlight compensation Adjusting the headphone volume
while shooting
Press the USER button you have allocated to the
BACKLIGHT feature when shooting subjects lit
from the back. 1 Touch the LCD monitor and display the
BACK LIGHT appears on the screen, and Function Navi.
appears at the bottom right of the screen.
Backlight compensation adjusts the iris so the 2 Touch to display the operation menu.
subject doesn’t come out dark.
Press the same USER button to turn the feature 3 Touch .
• This only appears when headphones are
off. (If you perform backlight compensation in
manual iris mode and it is disabled, the camera
switches to auto iris control.)

Color bars
Press the BARS button in the CAMERA mode to
output a color bar screen to a television or monitor

so you can adjust them. Press the button again to
turn the feature off.
• While the color bar is displayed, a test tone
4 Touch or to adjust the volume.

of 1 kHz will be output from the headphone

terminal, the A/V OUT terminal, or the HDMI
5 Touch to close the operation menu.

terminal. There will be no speaker output. 6 Touch to close the Function Navi.
• The color bar can be recorded by pressing the
START/STOP button. Shot mark function
• The BARS button does not work in the PB mode
or PHOTO mode. The marks attached to the thumbnails of clips
• The color bar display is canceled when the power are called shot marks. On the thumbnail screen
is turned off. monitor you can select only those clips with a
shot mark and display them or play them back.
Wave form monitor function During recording, when you press the USER
button to which the SHOT MARK function has
During CAMERA mode, you can display a been allocated, MARK ON appears in the LCD
waveform for an image on the LCD monitor by monitor or the viewfinder, and a shot mark is set
pressing the USER button to which the WFM for the thumbnail of the clip being recorded. If you
function has been assigned. press the button again, the shot mark is released.
Press the button again to return to the normal You can also set or release the shot marks by
display. performing the thumbnail operations for clips.
• Wave forms will not be displayed in the (Page 69)
viewfinder. However, note that you cannot set or release shot
• This function cannot be used while the focus marks during playback.
assist and touch auto focus functions are • INVALID appears when you cannot set or release
enabled. shot marks.
• Wave forms cannot be recorded. • Shot marks are not displayed when the thumbnail
• While wave forms are displayed, use the screen is set to 20 photo display.
viewfinder as well since part of the recording
screen will be hidden by the wave forms.

Shooting techniques for different targets (continued)

Interval recording • Do not remove the battery or disconnect the

AC adapter during interval recording. Doing so
This function allows you to create short videos of may damage recorded image data or result in
scenes that move slowly over long periods of time data loss.
through frame-by-frame recording at specified intervals. • When INTERVAL REC is enabled, the
Single frames are recorded at the specified interval, following setting items automatically change
with 24 frames equaling 1 second of video. as follows.
You can specify the interval in CAMERA mode REC FORMAT: PH 1080/24P
with the INTERVAL REC item in the setting menu TC MODE: NDF
RECORD SETUP screen. • When playing back a recorded video, set the
playback format to 1080/24P.
• Photo shooting is disabled.
MINUTE/2 MINUTES: Change the recording interval. • You cannot change the recording mode while
OFF: Disable interval recording. interval recording is enabled.
• appears on the screen. • Even if you have not met 24 frames when you
• Interval recording will be disabled when shooting stop recording, a 1 second video will be created.
is finished. • Depending on lighting and shooting
• Audio recording is disabled. conditions, color and focus settings may not
• The PRE-REC function is disabled, even if it is adjust automatically. In such cases, make
set. adjustments manually.
• The digital zoom function cannot be used while
Recording Shooting INTERVAL REC is enabled.
Example Video length
interval time • The REC CHECK function does not work after
1 min 15 sec interval recording.
1 30 min
Sunsets to • Clips captured with interval recording cannot
SECOND to 1 hour
2 min 30 sec be deleted with the LAST CLIP function, even
Butterfly if is set.
emerging 10 2 hr to 30 sec to
from SECONDS 4 hr 1 min
Flowers 30 1 hr to 5 sec to
blooming SECONDS 3 hr 15 sec

• The maximum shooting time is 24 hours.

• When recording for long periods, use the AC
adapter to eliminate battery concerns.

Adjusting the shutter speed
1 Set the AUTO/MANUAL switch to MANUAL
to select manual mode. (Page 40)

2 Touch the LCD monitor and display the

Function Navi.

3 Touch to display the operation menu.

4 Touch SHTR.
• The shutter speed appears at the left of the

5 Touch or to adjust the shutter speed.

• As the shutter speed increases, camera
sensitivity decreases.
• With auto iris control, as the shutter speed
increases, the aperture widens and the focal
length decreases.
• Because the focal time increases at slower
shutter speeds, we recommend using a

6 Touch SHTR to close the operation menu.

7 Touch to close the Function Navi.
• With artificial lighting and especially
fluorescent lights and mercury-vapor lamps,
the luminance changes in synchronization
with the power line frequency. When this
frequency is 50 Hz, mutual interference will
occur between the camera-recorder’s vertical
sync frequency (approx. 60 Hz) and the
lighting frequency (50 Hz). This means that
the white balance may change periodically.
Before shooting in areas with artificial lighting
or adjusting the white balance, set the
shutter speed as follows.
Progressive Shutter speed
mode 50 Hz 60 Hz
OFF (60i) 1/100 1/60
30P 1/50 1/60
24P 1/50 1/60

CAMERA mode:
With the 1080/60i or 720/60P formats
Standard (1/60) SYNCRO SCAN 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/15 1/30 1/60

1/2000 1/1000 1/500 1/250 1/120 1/100

With the 1080/30P or 720/30P formats
Standard (1/50) SYNCRO SCAN 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/15 1/30 1/50

1/2000 1/1000 1/500 1/250 1/120 1/60

With the 1080/24P or 720/24P formats
Standard (1/50) SYNCRO SCAN 1/2 1/3 1/6 1/12 1/24 1/50

1/2000 1/1000 1/500 1/250 1/120 1/60

PHOTO mode:
Standard (1/60) 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/15 1/30 1/60 1/100 1/120 1/180

1/2000 1/1500 1/1000 1/750 1/500 1/350 1/250

• Under fluorescent and other discharge tube lighting, horizontal bands may appear on the display.
Adjusting the shutter speed in such cases may resolve the problem.
• When shooting subjects moving quickly across the screen, the image may be distorted. This is a result of
the readout method of the pickup device (MOS sensor), and is not a malfunction.
• White, red, blue, and green spots may appear on the display when using slow shutter speeds. This is not
a malfunction.

Adjusting the shutter speed (continued)

Synchro scan
Adjust the shutter speed to match the frequency of
the television or computer monitor to minimize the
horizontal noise that appears when shooting such
• By switching to progressive mode you can also
shoot PAL system television screens.
• If SYNC is displayed in grey, it cannot be used
with the current recording format. This function
will only operate for preset values for each
recording format.
Valid setting values will appear to the right of the
adjustment value.
1080/60i, 720/60P:
1/60.0 to 1/250.0 sec
1080/30P, 720/30P:
1/30.0 to 1/250.0 sec
1080/24P, 720/24P:
1/24.0 to 1/250.0 sec

1 Set the AUTO/MANUAL switch to MANUAL

to select manual mode. (Page 40)

2 Touch the LCD monitor and display the

Function Navi.

3 Touch to display the operation menu.

4 Touch SYNC.
• The shutter speed appears at the left of the

5 Touch or to adjust the shutter speed for

synchro scan.

6 Touch SYNC to close the operation menu.

7 Touch to close the Function Navi.
• To activate a synchro scan setting, touch
SHTR and switch to SYNCRO SCAN.
(Page 51)
• You can change the progressive mode in
the setup menu with REC FORMAT in the
RECORD SETUP screen. (Page 102)

Adjusting the mic input level
You can adjust the input level for the built-in
microphone or external microphones during

1 Touch the LCD monitor and display the

Function Navi.

2 Touch to display the operation menu.

3 Touch .
• This does not appear when MIC LEVEL SEL
in the setting menu RECORD SETUP screen
is set to FIX.

4 Touch or to adjust the input level.
• Use the audio level meter display to help you
make adjustments.

• Check the recording volume level before


5 Touch to close the operation menu.

6 Touch to close the Function Navi.

• Stereo (2 ch) audio is enabled during external

mic input.
• You cannot eliminate audio entirely when
• When an XLR Microphone Adapter is
connected, the device input is fixed and input
level adjustment does not appear.
Adjust the input volume on the microphone
adapter to adjust the input level.

Using scene files
You can store various scene file setting items for
different shooting conditions within a scene file. • Simply changing the scene file in FILE
By changing scene files, you can recall necessary SELECT will not change the settings. Be sure
settings. to perform LOAD with LOAD/SAVE/INIT.
The following scene files are saved as the factory As current setting values will be changed when
default settings. you perform LOAD, be sure to save them if
Scene 1: Settings suited to standard shooting. necessary.
Scene 2: Settings suited to shooting images with
modulated color hues and contrast.
Setting and saving scene files
Loading scene files You can set the items found in the setting menu
1 Set the POWER switch to ON. (Page 26) SCENE FILE screen. (Page 100)
You can save changed settings as SCENE1 or
• The CAMERA lamp lights red.
2 Press the MENU button.
1 Set the POWER switch to ON. (Page 26)
3 Touch SCENE1 or SCENE2 for FILE SELECT • The CAMERA lamp lights red.
in the setting menu SCENE FILE screen.
2 Press the MENU button.
3 Set the items found in the setting menu
SCENE FILE screen.


in the setting menu SCENE FILE screen.

5 Touch SAVE for the LOAD/SAVE/INIT item in

4 Touch LOAD for LOAD/SAVE/INIT in the the setting menu SCENE FILE screen when
settings are finished.
setting menu SCENE FILE screen.

• The settings stored on the scene file will be 6 Touch YES when the confirmation message
enabled. appears.
• The scene file selected in the FILE SELECT
5 Touch YES when the confirmation message item will be overwritten. To cancel save,
appears. touch NO.
• SCENE1 LOADED TURN POWER OFF” • You cannot restore scene files that have
appears on the screen. been overwritten.
The SCENE1 setting is applied when you
restart the camera.

Initializing scene files
You can return current setting values to their
factory default settings.

1 Set the POWER switch to ON. (Page 26)

• The CAMERA lamp lights red.

2 Press the MENU button.

in the setting menu SCENE FILE screen.

4 Touch INIT for LOAD/SAVE/INIT in the

setting menu SCENE FILE screen.

5 Touch YES when the confirmation message
• The scene file selected in the FILE SELECT
item will be initialized.
POWER OFF” appears on the screen. The
default settings will be applied when you
restart the camera.

Clip metadata
You can add the name of the videographer, ∗1 If there is no information in the metadata upload
shooting location, text memos and other file, consecutive five-digit numbers will be
information to the video data you have recorded on applied to the clips in the order that they were
the SD Memory Card. This data is called the clip recorded, with the first clip to be recorded being
metadata. given the number 0. The USER CLIP NAME
Display clip metadata with the META DATA PROP recording method is selectable. Please refer to
item (Page 103) in the setting menu RECORD the page 57.
SETUP screen. ∗2 When SCENARIO is to be input, you must input
the PROGRAM NAME. You cannot input the
There are two kinds of clip metadata: the data that SCENE NO. and TAKE NO. only.
is recorded automatically during shooting, and the
data in the metadata upload file created on the SD
• Only printable ASCII characters can be
Memory Card which is loaded in the unit.
displayed by this unit.
(Loading method: Next page)
• Due to the limitations imposed by this unit
on the number of characters which can be
displayed, not all the data can be displayed.
What the clip metadata consists of (This does not mean that the data which is not
displayed has been deleted.) Use an AVCCAM
You can set the items underlined below by loading viewer or other program to check all the data.
the metadata upload file on the SD Memory • Metadata can be produced with AVCCAM
Card. All other items are set automatically during Viewer. (Page 119)

This indicates the LOAD DATA (loaded data),
COUNT (counter value), and REC DATA
(recorded data).
This indicates the CREATOR (name of the
person recording) and LAST UPDATE PERSON
(the person who last updated the data).
This indicates the SHOOTER (name of the
videographer) and the PLACE NAME (name of
This indicates the PROGRAM NAME, SCENE
NO. and TAKE NO.
This indicates the REPORTER (name of the
reporter) and PURPOSE (purpose of data
This indicates the OBJECT (target of data
This indicates the PERSON (name of the person
who recorded the text memo).
This indicates the TEXT (contents of memo).

Loading the metadata META DATA REC:
Select this to set whether to record the
You can perform any of the following operations. metadata to be loaded into the unit
If necessary, make preparations prior to simultaneously on the SD Memory Card. Touch
undertaking the operations. ON to set metadata recording.
The META icon appears on the LCD monitor.
Loading the metadata The factory setting for this mode is OFF.
• Insert the SD Memory Card on which the USER CLIP NAME:
metadata is recorded into the unit. (For details The USER CLIP NAME recording method
on contents of the metadata, see the previous is selectable. For details, see “Selecting the
page.) USER CLIP NAME recording method”.
Selecting whether to record the metadata on META DATA PROP:
the SD Memory Card Select this to display metadata that has been
Initializing the metadata inside the unit loaded to the unit.
Displaying information on metadata inside the CLIP COUNTER RST:
unit Reset the COUNT value to 1.
Touch YES to reset.
1 Set the POWER switch to ON. (Page 26) META INITIAL SET:

• The CAMERA lamp lights red. Select this to initialize the metadata which
has been recorded in the unit.
2 Press the MENU button. Touch YES to initialize.
Menu operation (Page 95)
5 Press the MENU button to release the menu
3 Touch the RECORD SETUP setting menu. mode.

4 Touch or to switch pages, and select an Selecting the USER CLIP NAME
recording method
You can select the recording method for USER
CLIP NAME by touching the USER CLIP NAME
item in the setting menu RECORD SETUP screen.
The TYPE1 and TYPE2 options are available for

USER CLIP NAME to be recorded

Read metadata set to the SD Memory Card Uploaded data
If clip metadata has Uploaded
with the camera. + COUNT
been read in data
� Up to 8 metadata files stored on the SD value∗
Memory Card (MTDT00 to MTDT07) If no clip metadata
are displayed in a list. Files with no has been read in Sequential 5- Sequential 5-
corresponding data are displayed in gray. or if the setting digit number, digit number,
for recording clip in order of in order of
metadata has been recording recording
turned off

� When you touch the file you want to read,

a confirmation message appears. Touch
YES to read the metadata. (Continued on the next page)
Clip metadata (continued)

∗ The COUNT value is indicated as a four-digit

number. The COUNT value is incremented each
time a new clip is captured if clip metadata has
been read in and TYPE2 has been selected as
the recording method.
The COUNT value can be reset using the
following procedure.
Touch YES for the CLIP COUNTER RST item
in the setting menu RECORD SETUP screen to
reset the COUNT value to 1.

Using the Counter

Counter display
You can display a counter that indicates how much
time has elapsed during shooting or playback.

1 Press the COUNTER button.

Each time you press the button, the display
changes as follows. (Page 87)
0 : 00. 00 (CAMERA mode only)
Counter value
CLIP 0 : 00 . 00
Displayed when CLIP is selected in the
REC COUNTER item on the settings menu
Values are automatically reset when
recording is started, and counter values are
displayed for each individual clip.
TC 12 : 34 : 56 . 01
Time code value (Display time code frame
digits in 24 frames when 24P is set, and in
30 frames when any other format is set.)
UB 12 34 56 78
User information
No display:
Data is not displayed.

Resetting the counter

Press the RESET button while the counter is

Charging the built-in battery/Setting the time code
Recharging the built-in battery Specifying the time code
The camera’s internal battery saves the date and Set TC PRESET so you can record a value of
time. your choice as the initial setting for the time code
When SET DATE AND TIME is displayed even to be used at the start of recording.
when the date and time are set, it means that the
charge of the internal battery is depleted. Do the 1 Set the POWER switch to ON. (Page 26)
following to recharge it.
Reset the date and time when fully recharged. 2 Touch the TC PRESET item in the setting
menu RECORD SETUP screen.
1 Connect the AC adapter. (Page 23) • Menu operation (Page 95)
• Operations may also be performed
• Leave the POWER switch at OFF.
using buttons on the remote control that
2 Leave the camera-recorder like this for correspond to those on the camera. For
about 4 hours. details, see “Description of parts (Remote
• The internal battery charges during this time. control)”. (Page 20)
• Check the time code and menu operations
after recharging.

If the date and time are not memorized after
recharging, the internal battery requires changing.
Please consult the place of purchase.

Setting the time code

In the setup menus, RECORD SETUP screen, set
3 Touch YES.
the following time code related items. (Page 102)
4 Touch the item you want to set, and touch
or to set the value.

You can reset the time code to zero by pressing

RESET button.

ャモンヴ ・ユャンモ ヰリヴ

ヤヰヶワヵユン ンユヴユヵ ヤラレ


(Continued on the next page)

Charging the built-in battery/Setting the time code (continued)

5 Touch ENTER when all items have been set. You can reset the user information to nothing by
pressing RESET button.
With this unit, the time code value is adjusted in
accordance with the format and frame rate. For
this reason, bear in mind that making a change in
ャモンヴ ・ユャンモ ヰリヴ
the format or frame rate may result in discontinuity
from the last time code value of the previous
recording. ュリヴヱバ
ヤヰヶワヵユン ンユヴユヵ ヤラレ
Time code
Recording format
1080/24P Adjustable in
720/24P 4-frame increments

Setting user information

Setting user information allows you to store 8-digit
5 Touch ENTER when all items have been set.
information in the hexadecimal format.
User information is automatically saved in the
memory and retained after you turn off the power.

1 Set the POWER switch to ON. (Page 26)

2 Touch the UB PRESET item in the setting
menu RECORD SETUP screen.
• Menu operation (Page 95)
• Operations may also be performed
using buttons on the remote control that
correspond to those on the camera. For
details, see “Description of parts (Remote
control)”. (Page 20)

3 Touch YES.
4 Touch the item you want to set, and touch
or to set the value.

Shooting photos
• For details on other screen displays, see “Screen
1 Set the POWER switch to ON. (Page 26) displays”. (Page 86)
• The CAMERA lamp lights red.
■ Shutter chance mark
2 Lower and hold the POWER switch. • The shutter chance mark does not appear in
• The PHOTO lamp lights red.
manual focus mode.
3 Press the REC CHECK/PHOTO button • The shutter chance mark may not appear if the
following occur.
• During auto focus, a shutter chance mark � High zoom ratio
and focus frame appear and focus is aligned. � Excessive camera shake
During manual focus, only the focus frame � Moving subjects
appears. � Backlight
� Nearby and far away objects coexist in the
Shutter chance mark � Low lighting or dark conditions
� Bright areas in the frame
� Subjects consisting entirely of horizontal lines
Focus frame
� Conditions with low contrast

• Shutter chance mark ■ Focus frame
○ (Flashing white): Focusing in progress. If the focus does not align, perform the following.
● (Lit green): Focusing complete. The focus aligns on an
No mark: Focusing incomplete. object with high contrast
(such as a fence) and
4 Press the REC CHECK/PHOTO button fully. the subject is blurred.
Focus frame
• Audio recording is disabled.
• If you press the REC CHECK/PHOTO button
fully without first pressing it halfway, it may
take longer to record the photo.
• As the shutter speed decreases in dark The focus will OR Zoom in or
conditions, we recommend using a tripod or align if you move closer to
reposition the the subject.
center of focus.
• If the shutter speed is 1/30 sec or below, the Shift the center
screen will be dark while the START/STOP of focus.
button is pressed halfway. • The focus frame will not appear in the following
� While face detection frames are displayed
■ Screen displays during photo shooting during auto face detection shooting mode.

: Operation mode status

: Remaining battery display
: Quality
: Recording pixels
R389 : Remaining media capacity (flashes red
when “0” is reached)
ATW : AWB information display
Shooting photos (continued)

Setting the aspect ratio / recording Setting the picture quality

You can select the quality for recorded pictures.
You can select an aspect ratio based on the your Set the picture quality with the QUALITY item in
intended print or playback method. In addition, the the setting menu PICTURE screen.
higher the recording pixel setting, the sharper your : Record photos with high image quality.
printed images will appear. :P rioritize quantity, and record photos with
Set the aspect ratio with the ASPECT RATIO item standard image quality.
in the setting menu PICTURE screen.
Set the recording pixels with the PICTURE SIZE
item in the setting menu PICTURE screen. • When shooting with QUALITY set to ,
photos may appear blurry depending on the
■ Recording pixels subject.
Aspect ratio Recording pixels
3:2 3264×2176
16:9 3328×1872

• If you set the aspect ratio to 4:3 or 3:2, black

bars will appear on the left and right edges of the
• When you print photos recorded with this camera
in 16:9 aspect ratio, the edges may be cut off. Be
sure to check beforehand when printing at a store
or with other printers.
• The recording pixel settings that are available
vary depending on the selected aspect ratio.
• Recording may take longer with higher recording
pixel settings.
• The maximum zoom ratio is x 12.

Maximum number of photos

Aspect ratio 4:3

Recording pixels
3520×2640 3264×2448 2560×1920 640×480
SD 8 MB 0 0 0 1 1 2 33 52
Memory 16 MB 1 3 2 3 3 6 77 120
32 MB 3 6 4 7 7 13 145 220
64 MB 9 15 11 18 19 31 330 510
128 MB 20 32 23 38 39 62 650 1010
256 MB 44 70 51 81 84 135 1380 2150
512 MB 89 140 105 165 170 270 2760 4300
1 GB 180 290 210 330 340 540 5550 8660
2 GB 370 590 430 680 700 1110 11320 17650

4 GB 730 1150 850 1340 1390 2180 22250 34710
6 GB 1110 1750 1300 2040 2110 3310 33850 52800
8 GB 1490 2350 1740 2730 2820 4440 45310 70690
12 GB 2250 3540 2620 4120 4260 6690 68370 106650
16 GB 3010 4720 3500 5490 5680 8930 91200 142280
32 GB 6030 9480 7010 11020 11400 17920 182990 285460

Aspect ratio 3:2

Recording pixels
3984×2656 3264×2176 2592×1728
SD 8 MB 0 0 0 1 1 2
Memory 16 MB 1 2 2 4 4 7
32 MB 3 5 5 6 8 14
64 MB 8 13 13 21 21 34
128 MB 17 28 26 42 43 68
256 MB 38 61 58 92 93 145
512 MB 78 125 115 185 185 300
1 GB 160 250 240 380 380 600
2 GB 330 510 490 770 770 1210
4 GB 640 1010 960 1510 1520 2390
6 GB 980 1540 1460 2290 2310 3640
8 GB 1310 2060 1950 3070 3100 4870
12 GB 1980 3110 2950 4630 4670 7340
16 GB 2640 4150 3930 6180 6240 9800
32 GB 5300 8320 7890 12400 12510 19660

Shooting photos (continued)

Aspect ratio 16:9

Recording pixels
4224×2376 3328×1872 2560×1440
SD 8 MB 0 0 0 1 1 3
Memory 16 MB 1 2 2 5 5 9
32 MB 3 5 6 10 10 17
64 MB 8 14 15 24 26 41
128 MB 18 30 30 49 52 83
256 MB 41 65 66 105 115 180
512 MB 83 130 135 210 230 360
1 GB 170 270 270 430 460 720
2 GB 340 540 560 870 940 1480
4 GB 680 1070 1090 1720 1850 2900
6 GB 1030 1620 1660 2610 2810 4420
8 GB 1380 2170 2230 3500 3770 5910
12 GB 2090 3280 3360 5280 5680 8920
16 GB 2780 4370 4480 7050 7580 11910
32 GB 5580 8780 9000 14140 15210 23890

• The maximum number of photos may vary if both and quality photos are recorded or depending
on the subject.
• The maximum display for the remaining number of photos that can be recorded is 99999.
If the remaining number of photos that can be recorded is greater than 99999, the display will remain the
same until the remaining number of photos is below 99999.

Connecting external units




3.5-mm stereo mini jack

• Sound is no longer heard from the speaker when the headphones (optional) are connected.

External microphone (Stereo mini jack compatible)

Stereo microphone from

other manufacturers



External microphone (XLR Microphone Adapter (optional) compatible)

Super-directional Electret Microphone

AG-MC200G (optional)
XLR Microphone Adapter
AG-MYA30G (optional)


• When an external microphone is connected to both the stereo mini jack and the XLR Microphone
Adapter, the XLR Microphone Adapter is given priority.

Computer (non-linear editing/file transfer)

USB connection cable


Mini-B ヶヴャビハパ


Ferrite core (included)

• For details on the computer’s conditions and other factors, see page 85.
• When connecting the camera with a PC using a USB connection cable,
attach the two ferrite cores (included) to the USB connection cable, one at a
position about 5 cm from the PC terminal and the other at a position about
5 cm from the camera terminal. After attaching the cable as shown in the
diagram on the right, close the terminal so that it clicks and locks into place.
• Always take sufficient care when handling the ferrite core, as it can be easily damaged when dropped or
subjected to other impact.
• Please use a USB connection cable that is shielded and no more than 3 meters long.

Video deck (Dubbing)

Video and audio output will be limited to that from the camera.


Connect these cables
to the terminals on the
video deck.
AV cable (included)

■ When outputting video and audio signals from the camera to an external device, connect to the
input terminals of the external device.

Connecting external units (continued)

Only the output signals from the camera are shown.
Ferrite core

HDMI cable
Connect these


cables to the
COMPONENT terminals on
the television.

Component video cable

Ferrite core
AV cable (included) (included)

■ When outputting video and audio signals from the camera to an external device, connect to the
input terminals of the external device.
• When connecting the camera with a TV/monitor using an HDMI cable,
attach the two ferrite cores (included) to the HDMI cable, one at a position
about 5 cm from the TV/monitor terminal and the other at a position about
5 cm from the camera terminal. After attaching the cable as shown in the
diagram on the right, close the terminal so that it clicks and locks into place.
• If the ferrite core moves along the cable and cannot be fixed in place,
please attach cable ties to either side of the ferrite core to ensure that it
remains fixed.
Adjust the length of the ties by cutting with scissors, etc.
• Always take sufficient care when handling the ferrite core, as it can be easily damaged when dropped or
subjected to other impact.
• It is recommended that you use Panasonic’s HDMI cable.
• HDMI output will take priority if both HDMI cable and VIDEO OUT cable are connected at the same time.
Simultaneous output is not possible.
• This product is not compatible with VIERA Link.
• When connecting the camera to another device using the component video cable, if the terminal on the
device to which it is to be connected is a BNC type, use the pin-BNC conversion plug provided.
■ Output by HDMI output, COMPONENT OUT, and A/V OUT
When an HDMI cable is connected simultaneously with a COMPONENT cable or an AV cable, priority for
output is given in the order HDMI > COMPONENT OUT > A/V OUT. (Simultaneous output is not possible.)

Nonlinear editing
Non-linear editing of video data on SD Memory
Cards can be performed by connecting the camera 4 Perform non-linear editing on the computer.
The contents of the SD Memory Card will
via the USB connection cable to a computer for
appear as a removable disk icon within My
editing. (As for connection, refer to page 83)
Computer or the desktop on the computer
Use a sufficiently charged battery or the AC
screen. (Page 119)
(Example) Windows

The following conditions are necessary for USB

• PC with Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Removable disk (E:)
Windows Vista; Macintosh with Intel CPU (Intel
Mac) (Example) Macintosh
• USB 2.0 (High Speed, Mass Storage Class)
compatibility (not compatible with USB 1.1)
• Only connect to one computer at a time.
• Camera cannot be operated if a hub or other NO NAME
device is connected between the camera and
computer. • When copying files from the camera to a
computer, be careful to ensure that files are
not accidentally overwritten.
1 Insert the SD Memory Card, and move the • For more details, please refer to your
POWER switch to ON. computer editing software’s operating
2 Connect the camera to the computer with • When changing cards, always ensure that
the USB connection cable.
the access lamp is not flashing and that the
Turn the computer’s power on before
card is not currently being accessed.
• You cannot operate the camera when it is
connected to a computer.
• Always perform “safe hardware removal”

when disconnecting the cable.
• The data on the SD Memory Card cannot be
accessed when the SD Memory Card slot
cover is open.

5 Turn the camera’s power off.

3 Touch PC.
• If the camera cannot be correctly recognized
by the computer, this may be able to be
remedied by one of the following methods.
� Turn the power of the camera and the
computer off and back on again.
� Remove the SD Memory Card from the
camera and reinsert it.
� Connect to a different USB terminal on the

Screen displays
Regular displays
For details on 42 information display, 43 mode check information display, and 44 safety zone, see
page 90.

CAMERA mode/PHOTO mode

1 2 3 45 6 7
9 TC 12 : 34 : 56 : 00 1h 23m 22
R 11 h 11m A AF
META 2 D5X 24
13 PH 1080 ATW 25
24P 99% 15dB 26
1/1000 27
17 28
19 R DEC 31 2009 23 : 59 : 59 MF 2 3 30
20 F C
STD F5 . 6 Z10 31

32 33 34 35 36

PB mode
1 37 999 3 5 7

38 TC 12 : 34 : 56 : 00 1h 23m
9 No. 123
39 100-0001
13 PH 1080
15 24P 40

DEC 31 2009 23 : 59 : 59

33 34

During self-portrait recording
5 4 7



1 Time code display*1 3 Recording function display

Each time you press the COUNTER button, the PRE-REC : Displayed when PREREC MODE is set
display switches over to the following data (or to ON. (Page 46)
no indication). : Displayed when INTERVAL REC is
COUNTER: enabled. (Page 48)
Counter value : Displayed when REPEAT PLAY is set to
CLIP: ON. (Page 73)
Counter value for each recorded clip 4 Shutter chance display (Page 61)
Displayed when the REC COUNTER item in 5 Operation status display
the setting menu SW&DISP SETUP screen ●: Recording
is set to CLIP. : (Green) Recording standby
During playback, the time code display : Playback or REC CHECK in
automatically changes to CLIP and counts progress
each clip from 0:00:00. : (White) Playback paused
TC: ( ): Frame-by-frame playback
Time code value. (Frame-by-frame reverse

When the time code value could not be read playback)
correctly from the SD Memory Card, [TC∗] is ( ): Fast forward/fast playback
displayed. (Rewind/fast reverse playback)
UB: Self-portrait recording display
User information No display: Cannot record (no card, etc.)
When user information could not be read ●: Recording in progress, transitioning to
correctly from the SD Memory Card, [UB∗] is recording standby mode
displayed. : (Green) Recording standby mode
2 AUTO/MANUAL switch operation display : Warning display
This display appears when AUTO/MANUAL 6 Touch auto focus display
switch is switched to AUTO. Displayed when touch auto focus is set to ON
A : Auto shooting in the Function Navi.
A : Auto face detection shooting

*1 Will not be output to external devices.

(Continued on the next page)
Screen displays (continued)

7 Remaining battery capacity display 9 Media information display

When using Panasonic-manufactured batteries Displays basic information about inserted SD
compatible with this product, the remaining Memory Card.
battery capacity is displayed (“m” indicates : (White) Playback possible
minutes). (Green) Recognizing card
Time remaining will be displayed after a brief : No card inserted
pause. 10 Metadata mark
• The battery display will change Displayed when the META DATA REC item in
→ → → → the setting menu RECORD SETUP screen is
as battery capacity decreases. will be set to ON. (Page 57)
displayed in red when less than 3 minutes 11 Quality display
are remaining, and will flash when the Displays the image quality during PHOTO mode.
battery is empty.
12 Self-timer display
• Remaining battery capacity may not be
Displayed when the SELF TIMER item in the
displayed correctly when using in high or
setting menu PICTURE screen is set.
low temperatures, or when the battery has
not been used for a long period of time. 13 Recording pixel display
To ensure that remaining battery capacity Displays the recording pixels during PHOTO mode.
is displayed correctly, use the battery 14 Recording format display (Page 102)
completely from a fully-charged state, and 15 Frame rate display
charge the battery again. (Remaining battery Displays recording frame rate.
capacity may still not be displayed correctly if Not displayed when set to 1080/60i.
the battery has been used for long periods in 16 Marker luminance display*2
high or low temperatures, or if the battery has When markers are displayed, the brightness
been recharged a large number of times.) level around the center of the screen is
• The remaining battery capacity display is indicated as 0% to 99%. “99%↑” appears if the
a guideline and may change according to percentage is over 99.
usage conditions.
Marker display:
• The remaining battery capacity display will
During shooting, pressing the ZEBRA button
momentarily disappear when switching
once or twice will display the marker.
between modes, when conducting REC
CHECK operations or when changing the LCD 17 Shutter speed display
brightness since the capacity is recalculated at The shutter speed is displayed here.
these times. 18 Microphone level automatic control display
• Not displayed when using AC adapter. Appears when in the setup menus, RECORD
8 Media capacity display SETUP screen, MIC ALC, you have selected
CAMERA mode: “ON”.
Displays the remaining recording time for the 19 Wind noise reduction display
frame rate set with the REC FORMAT item in Displayed when the WIND CUT item in the
the setting menu RECORD SETUP screen. setting menu RECORD SETUP screen is set
PHOTO mode: to ON.
Displays the number of photos that can 20 Focus bar display*1
recorded under the current quality setting Displayed when the FOCUS ASSIST SW item
for the QUALITY item in the setting menu in the setting menu SW&DISP SETUP screen
PICTURE screen. is set to BAR.
21 Function key display (Page 97)

*1 Will not be output to external devices.

*2 Will not be displayed when the face detection function is set to ON in the auto mode, unless FACE
FRAMING is set to OFF.
22 Face detection frame display 30 Focus control information display*1
Displayed when the FACE FRAMING item in Displays the focus control information with 99 - 00.
the setting menu SW&DISP SETUP screen is In the auto focus mode, AF appears. In the manual
set to PRIMARY or ALL, and FACE DETECT focus mode, MF appears. When the focus control is
ON is enabled. set to a macro range, the black and white of AF or
23 Optical Image Stabilizer display MF are displayed in reverse.
Displayed when Optical Image Stabilizer is ON. 95 (Focal distance: infinity)
24 Digital zoom ratio display :
Displays digital zoom ratio. 00 (Focal distance: approx. 5 cm)
D 2X: 2 x zoom Depending on the zoom position, the macro
D 5X: 5 x zoom range may not be enabled.
D 10X: 10 x zoom Also, depending on the zoom position, the
lower limit value of macro range may be
25 AWB information display
different. Displayed when the LENS STATUS
Displays the information of white balance.
item in the setting menu SW&DISP SETUP
ATW: When ATW is set
screen is set to ON.
LOCK: When ATW is locked
• When using a macro range for the focus
P3.2K/P5.6K: In the case of preset
control, zooming may cause the image to
Ach/Bch: In the case of A/B
become unfocused.
26 Gain display
31 Zoom position display*1
Displays the gain value of the image amplifier
The zoom poison is displayed with Z00
configured. (During the auto mode, AGC is
(maximum wide-angle) - Z99 (maximum zoom).
Displayed when the LENS STATUS item in the
Displayed when the LENS STATUS item in the
setting menu SW&DISP SETUP screen is set
setting menu SW&DISP SETUP screen is set
to ON.
to ON.
32 Timestamp display (Page 49)
27 Histogram display
Displayed in PHOTO mode when the 33 Audio level meter display*1
HISTOGRAM item in the setting menu 34 Date and time display
SW&DISP SETUP screen is set to ON. Month:
28 Focus frame display (Page 61) JAN (January), FEB (February), MAR (March),
APR (April), MAY (May), JUN (June),
29 Shot mark recording display
JUL (July), AUG (August), SEP (September),
OCT (October), NOV (November),
Displayed when you press a USER button
DEC (December)

to which the SHOT MARK function has been
assigned. Day of the month
INVALID will be displayed if an index or shot Year:
mark cannot be attached. 2001 - 2039

mmm dd yyyy hh:mm:ss

• When the timestamp function is ON, the

month display is switched from numbers to

*1 Will not be output to external devices.

(Continued on the next page)
Screen displays (continued)

35 Auto iris control display 44 Safety zone*2

STD: Standard auto-iris control The range of the zone is indicated by the
: Auto iris control for spotlight SAFETY ZONE item (Page 107) on the
: Auto iris control for backlight SW&DISP SETUP screen.
4:3 This indicates the position which is
36 Iris display cropped to 4:3.
Displays F value.
37 DPOF display (Page 79)
38 Clip number display (Page 65) 90% This indicates the range (90%) in which
39 Photo folder/filename display (Page 66) signals can be displayed by an ordinary
40 Monitor audio level meter homeuse TV set.
Displayed during headphone volume
adjustment and speaker volume adjustment.
41 Warning display
Displayed when a warning message appears
Will not be displayed in the LCD monitor or
during self-portrait recording.
viewfinder for touch focus operations when the
42 Information display FOCUS ASSIST SW item on the setting menu
Following information is displayed depending SW&DISP SETUP screen is set to EXPANDED,
on the situation. or when the face detection function is enabled
• Performance of the auto white balance or the and the face detection frames are displayed.
auto black balance
• Warning
• The AWB error message (AWB NG) is
43 Mode check information display
Displayed when the DISP/MODE CHK button
is held down.

*2 Will not be displayed when the face detection function is set to ON in the auto mode, unless FACE
FRAMING is set to OFF.
Main warning displays
The main warning displays appearing on the LCD monitor or viewfinder are listed below. If a warning
display is not listed, check carefully the message displayed.

ALL DATA WILL BE DELETED. The card is full.
Do you wish to format the SD Memory Card CARD LOCKED.
now? Yes/No Unlock the card.

Please check the card.
No use is possible because the standard for the HAS BEEN DETECTED.
data is different. An error has been detected in the control
Clip cannot be deleted.

Clip cannot be deleted. DISCONNECT USB CABLE.
The camera cannot be operated while connected
No playback is possible.
CANNOT PLAY. When switching from one mode to another,
No playback is possible. disconnect the USB connection cable.


 his card cannot be recorded to in PH mode or
CANNOT SET PRE-REC, Recording may not be successful with this card.

CARD CAPACITY TOO LOW. Please check the card.
PRE-REC cannot be set as the remaining card
capacity is low.
No card is inserted.
No further indexes can be set because the NOW ACCESSING.
number of indexes will exceed the maximum PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE
limit. CARD.
Card is currently being accessed. Please do not
remove the card.
Close the card door.

Formatting has failed. The card needs to be

(Continued on the next page)

Screen displays (continued)

■R ■U
NOW WRITING. The card cannot be formatted.
Video recording has been stopped. Data is now
being written to the card.
Error displays
Do you wish to repair clips now? The following messages are displayed when
an error has occurred in the camera or the SD
Memory Card. If the problem is not solved by
■S switching the power off and back on again,
SET DATE AND TIME either change the card in accordance with the
Set the date and time. instructions displayed, or consult the place of

■T ■E
The clip is protected. Please cancel the Displayed when an error has occurred during
protection. recording. Start the recording again. If the
message appears again, please consult the
place of purchase.
• Please switch the power off if the message
Recording will stop. (Continuous recording for 12
continues to appear.
• Please try inserting a different card if the
THE TC MODE IS CHANGED message appears again after restarting
TO "NDF" recording.
NDF is selected as the TC MODE setting.


This battery cannot be used.
THIS CARD CANNOT Displayed when an error has occurred with the
RECORD IN VIDEO MODE. fan. The power then turns off.
The card cannot be used for video recording. Wait a few minutes, and then try turning the
power on again.
An error has been detected in the thumbnail ■S
information. SYSTEM ERROR
Displayed when an error has occurred in the
system. Switch the power off and back on again.
• If this error is displayed when accessing the
SD Memory Card, such as when deleting a
clip, the SD Memory Card may be damaged.
Please replace it with a new SD Memory
• If this error is displayed when repairing the
SD Memory Card, please use the AVCCAM
Restorer content repair software (Page 37).

Setting the DISPLAY items
Display the following items on the viewfinder and LCD monitor by pressing the DISP/MODE CHK button or
by configuring OTHER DISPLAY of the SW&DISP SETUP screen of the setup menus. (Page 98)
: Displayed
x : Not displayed
— : Displayed depending on other settings
Displays DISPLAY
mode mode DISP/MODE CHK settings
button) ON OFF
1 Time code display x —∗1 —∗1 —∗1
2 AUTO/MANUAL switch operation
3 Recording function display —
4 Shutter chance display x — —
5 Operation status display — — —
6 Touch auto focus display x —∗2 x
7 Remaining battery capacity
—∗2 —∗2
8 Media capacity display —∗2 —∗2
9 Media information display —∗2 —∗2
10 Metadata mark x x
11 Quality display x x
12 Self-timer display x —∗2 —
13 Recording pixel display x x
14 Recording format display x x
15 Frame rate display x x
16 Marker luminance display x —∗1 —∗1 —∗1
17 Shutter speed display —∗3 —∗3
18 Mic level automatic control display x x

19 Wind noise reduction display x x
20 Focus bar display —∗1 —∗1 —∗1 —∗1
21 Function key display —∗4 —∗4 —∗4 —∗4
22 Face detection frame display —∗2 —∗2
23 Optical Image Stabilizer display —∗3 —∗3
24 Digital zoom ratio display x x
25 AWB information display x
26 Gain display —∗3 —∗3
27 Histogram display x —∗2 —∗2 —∗2 —∗2
28 Focus frame display x — —
29 Shot mark recording display x —∗1 —∗1 —∗1 —∗1
30 Focus control information display —∗3 —∗3
31 Zoom position display —∗3 —∗3
32 Timestamp display x —∗2 —∗2 —∗2 —∗2
33 Audio level meter display x —∗2 —∗2
(Continued on the next page)
Screen displays (continued)

34 Date and time display —∗2 —∗2

35 Auto iris control display —∗3 —∗3
36 Iris display —∗3 —∗3
37 DPOF display x — —
38 Clip number display —∗2 —∗2
39 Photo folder/filename display x —∗2 —∗2
40 Monitor audio level meter —∗1 —∗1 —∗1 —∗1
41 Warning display —∗5 —∗5 —∗5 —∗5
42 Information display —∗5 —∗5 —∗5 —∗5
43 Mode check information display — — —

∗1 Toggle display with the buttons.

∗2 Toggle display with menu item settings other than those listed above.
∗3 Displayed when the LENS STATUS item in the setting menu SW&DISP SETUP screen is set to ON.
∗4 Toggle display by touching the LCD panel.
∗5 Displayed during warnings.
The item in in the MODE CHECK space appears when you press and hold the DISP/MODE CHK
The item in in the DISPLAY space disappears when you press the DISP/MODE CHK button.

Using the setup menus
Use the setup menus to change the settings to
suit the scenes you are shooting or what you are 3 Touch the item you want to set.


• To return to a previous screen, touch .


4 Touch the setting option.

• To change numerical values, touch or to
change the values.
• To return to a previous screen, touch .

5 Repeat steps 3 – 4 to set any other items.

Using the menus To complete settings, touch EXIT or press the
MENU button.
• The menu items indicated in the gray
characters cannot be changed its settings. 6 Repeat steps 2 – 4 to set any other
To complete settings, touch EXIT or press the

1 When the unit is in other than playback or MENU button.

recording mode, press the MENU button.
The following is displayed on the viewfinder and
LCD monitor.

2 Touch the function you want to set. Displays


• To switch pages, touch or .

Using the setup menus (continued)

Using Quick Menu and Function Navi

Certain items can be set quickly using Quick Menu and Function Navi.

■ Quick Menu
3 Touch the items to set them.
1 Press the Q.MENU button. You can set the following items in Quick Menu.
• The items that appear may vary depending
2 Touch the item. on the mode and settings.

Icon Item Display Page

PH 1080 PH 1080 PH 1080 PH 720 PH 720 PH 720 HA 1080 HG 1080 REC FORMAT CAMERA Page 102
60i , 30P , 24P , 60P , 30P , 24P , 60i , 60i ,
HE 1080

, , , , , , , , , PICTURE SIZE PHOTO Page 104



OFF , , ,




+2 , +1 , 0 , -1 LCD BACKLIGHT CAMERA Page 108


4 Touch EXIT or press the Q.MENU button to

close Quick Menu.

■ Function Navi Initializing the menu settings
1 Touch the LCD monitor. You can return the setting values for each item
to their factory default settings with the MENU
2 Touch . INIT item in the setting menu OTHER FUNCTION

3 Touch the item. screen.

To initialize menu settings, set this item to YES.

Setting values for the following items are not

• Time code values
• To change numerical values, touch or to
select the values.

You can set the following items in Function Navi.

• The items that appear may vary depending on
the mode and settings.

Icon Item Display Page

AF Touch auto focus CAMERA Page 44

, Bch WHITE CAMERA Page 42


Headphone CAMERA Page 47




4 Touch the item when it have been set.


5 Touch .

Setup menu list

Item Description of settings
FILE SELECT CAMERA Selects the scene file.
LOAD/SAVE/ CAMERA Loads, saves, or initializes the scene file selected with FILE SELECT.
INIT LOAD: Loads the scene file settings set on this camera.
SAVE: Saves changed scene file settings.
INIT: Returns current setting values to factory default settings.
NO: Returns to the last screen.
DETAIL LEVEL CAMERA Adjusts the level of the image outline correction (in the horizontal and vertical
- 7…0…+ 7
V DETAIL CAMERA Adjusts the level of outline correction in the vertical direction.
LEVEL - 7…0…+ 7
DETAIL CAMERA Adjusts the level of noise reduction of the detail signal.
CORING - 7…0…+ 7
Set to – for a clearer image. Noise increases slightly.
Set to + to reduce noise.
CHROMA CAMERA Adjusts the chroma level.
LEVEL - 7…0…+ 7
CHROMA CAMERA Makes fine adjustments to the chroma phase.
PHASE - 7…0…+ 7
COLOR TEMP CAMERA Makes fine adjustments to the color temperature.
- 7…0…+ 7
• Enabled when presets, Ach, or Bch are configured for white balance in manual
MASTER PED CAMERA Adjusts the master pedestal (black level of the image) as the basis for images.
- 15…0…+ 15
A.IRIS LEVEL CAMERA Sets the desired AUTO IRIS level.
- 10…0…+ 10
DRS CAMERA Selects the DRS (dynamic range stretcher) function.
It enables the dynamic range to be expanded by compressing the level of the
video signals in the high-brightness areas where overexposure results during
normal shooting.
OFF, 1, 2, 3
• The higher the number of the setting, the higher the compression level of the
high-brightness areas.
GAMMA CAMERA Selects the gamma curves.
HD NORM: This gamma setting is suitable for HD shooting.
LOW: Makes a mellow image using the gamma curve which has a gentle
incline in low-brightness curve. The contrast sharpens.
SD NORM: This is the normal video setting, carried over from the DVX100
HIGH: Expands the tone of dark parts and makes a brighter image using the
gamma curve which has a sharp incline in low-brightness curve. The
contrast softens.
B.PRESS: Makes the contrast shaper than LOW.
CINE-LIKE D: Uses a gamma designed to create cinema-like images.
CINE-LIKE V: Uses a gamma designed to create cinema-like images with
emphasized contrast.
• When you select CINE-LIKE gamma, we recommend setting the lens aperture
lower than normal image level (approximately 1/2) for optimal results.
indicates the factory setting.

SCENE FILE screen (continued)

Item Description of settings
KNEE CAMERA To avoid overexposure, select the compression level (knee point) of the high
intensity video signals received through the pickup device.
AUTO: Sets the level automatically according to the received signals.
LOW: Low setting (Compression starts at approx. 80%.)
MID: Medium setting (Compression starts at approx. 90%.)
HIGH: High Setting (Compression starts at approx. 100%.)
• Not available when a DRS value is set, or when GAMMA is set to CINE-LIKE.
MATRIX CAMERA Selects the MATRIX table suitable for the desired color expression during
NORM1: Suitable for shooting in the open air or under a halogen lamp.
NORM2: Suitable for brighter colors than the NORM1 mode.
FLUO: Suitable for shooting under fluorescent light indoors.
CINE-LIKE: Suitable for cinema-like image.
SKIN TONE CAMERA Switches skin tone details on or off. Select ON to reduce the skin tone details and
DTL soften the skin tone.


Item Description of settings
I.EXPOSURE PHOTO Enables brightness compensation for shooting dark, hard-to-see areas.
• Can only be selected in manual mode.
DETAIL LEVEL PHOTO Adjusts the level of the image outline correction (in the horizontal and vertical
- 7…0…+ 7
CHROMA PHOTO Adjusts the chroma level.
LEVEL - 7…0…+ 7
A.IRIS LEVEL PHOTO Sets the desired AUTO IRIS level.
- 10…0…+ 10
SKIN TONE PHOTO Switches skin tone details on or off. Select ON to reduce the skin tone details and
DTL soften the skin tone.
indicates the factory setting.

Setup menu list (continued)


Item Q.MENU Description of settings
REC FORMAT CAMERA Selects the recording format.
PH 1080/60i
PH 1080/30P
PH 1080/24P
PH 720/60P
PH 720/30P
PH 720/24P
HA 1080/60i
HG 1080/60i
HE 1080/60i
• PH 1080/24P and PH 720/24P represent native recording.
• You cannot change the format during interval recording.
• TCG is set to FREE RUN.
• Cannot be set during INTERVAL REC.
TIME STAMP CAMERA Specifies whether date and time information is superimposed over
recorded images.
ON: Superimposes date and time information on the image.
OFF: Does not superimpose date and time information on the
INTERVAL REC CAMERA Enables frame-by-frame recording at specified intervals to create short
videos of scenes with slow movement over long periods of time. Single
frames are recorded at the specified interval, with 24 frames equaling 1
second of video.
• When INTERVAL REC is enabled, the following setting items
automatically change as follows.
TC MODE CAMERA Selects the correction mode of the internal time code generator when
the time code of the internal time code generator is recorded.
DF: Uses the drop frame mode.
NDF: Uses the non-drop frame mode.
• TC MODE is automatically set to NDF when you set recording frame
rate of recording format to 24P.
TCG CAMERA Sets the mode in which you advance the internal time code generator.
FREE RUN: The time code is advanced regardless of the operation
A slight time error may occur when switching to PB mode if the frame
rate is set to 24P.
REC RUN: The time code is advanced only when recording.
TC PRESET CAMERA Sets the initial time code.
• Set the frame value to 0 or a multiple of 4 when you set recording
frame rate of recording format to 24P. If any other value is set, the
recorded time code will mis-match.
UB PRESET CAMERA Sets the user information.
: Can also be configured in Quick Menu. (Page 96) indicates the factory setting.

RECORD SETUP screen (continued)

Item Q.MENU Description of settings
WIND CUT CAMERA Reduces noise caused by strong wind blowing against the built-in mic.
• When an external mic or an XLR Microphone Adapter is connected,
this setting is fixed at OFF.
MIC ALC CAMERA Sets mic level auto control to ON or OFF (CH1 and CH2
• Set to ON to reduce distortion at high input levels. To adjust the
recording level of audio signals (not related to this setting), adjust the
mic settings in the Function Navi.
MIC LEVEL CAMERA Selects whether to fix built-in mic and external mic input to a standard
SEL level.
FIX: Fixes the input level.
MANUAL: Enables manual input level adjustment.
• Adjust input levels with the mic input level setting in the Function
• When an XLR Microphone Adapter is connected, the camera’s mic
input level is fixed. Adjust the volume on the microphone adapter to
adjust the input level.
META CARD CAMERA Loads the metadata recorded on the SD Memory Card into the unit.
READ Up to 8 metadata files stored on the SD Memory Card (MTDT00 to
MTDT07) are displayed in a list. Files with no corresponding data are
displayed in gray.
• Displayed in gray when metadata is not stored on the SD Memory
META DATA CAMERA Sets whether to record the metadata to be loaded into the unit
REC simultaneously on a SD Memory Card.
ON: Records simultaneously.
OFF: Does not record simultaneously.
USER CLIP CAMERA Selects the method of CLIP NAME recording.
NAME TYPE1: User clip name is the same as the CLIP NAME if there is no
uploaded metadata or data.
TYPE2: User clip name is the same as the CLIP NAME if no
combination of data and COUNT value is uploaded, or if there
is no uploaded data.
META DATA CAMERA Displays the metadata which has been recorded in the unit.

CLIP CAMERA Resets the COUNT value to 1.
META INITIAL CAMERA Returns metadata stored on the camera to factory default conditions.
SET All metadata settings, including ON/OFF settings for META DATA REC,
are cleared.
: Can also be configured in Quick Menu. (Page 96) indicates the factory setting.

Setup menu list (continued)

PICTURE screen
Item Q.MENU Description of settings
PICTURE SIZE PHOTO Sets the recording pixels during photo shooting.
4:3 image aspect ratio:
: 3520×2640
: 3264×2448
: 2560×1920
: 640×480
3:2 image aspect ratio:
: 3984×2656
: 3264×2176
: 2592×1728
16:9 image aspect ratio:
: 4224×2376
: 3328×1872
: 2560×1440
QUALITY PHOTO Sets the image quality during photo shooting.
: High image quality
: Standard image quality
ASPECT PHOTO Sets the aspect ratio.



SELF TIMER PHOTO Sets the self timer.

SHTR SOUND PHOTO Selects whether to enable the shutter sound.
: Can also be configured in Quick Menu. (Page 96) indicates the factory setting.

Item Description of settings
REPEAT PLAY PB When set to ON, supported clips are played repeatedly.
RESUME PLAY PB When set to ON, playback resumes from the video position at which clip playback

Item Description of settings
CLIP PROTECT PB Protects clips to prevent accidental deletion.
YES: Enables clip protection or cancels protection.
• Executing a format of the memory card will delete all clips even if they are
DELETE PB Deletes clips.
ALL CLIPS: Deletes all clips.
SELECT: Deletes only the selected clips. Press the button to perform
• Clips for which CLIP PROTECT is specified are not deleted.

PICT. SETUP screen

Item Description of settings
SCENE PB Protects photos to prevent accidental deletion.
PROTECT YES: Enables photo protection or cancels protection.
• Executing a format of the memory will delete photos even if they are protected.
DPOF SET PB Allows you to write data related to the print quantity of a photo onto the SD
Memory Card.
CANCEL ALL: Cancels all quantity settings.
SET: Sets the print quantity.
DELETE PB Deletes photos.
ALL SCENES: Deletes all photos.
SELECT: Deletes only the selected photos. Press the button to

perform deletion.
• Photos for which SCENE PROTECT is specified are not deleted.
indicates the factory setting.

Setup menu list (continued)


Item Q.MENU Description of settings
IRIS DIAL CAMERA Sets the rotation direction and the aperture control of the IRIS dial. (In
DOWN OPEN: The iris opens when the IRIS dial is turned
UP OPEN: The iris opens when the IRIS dial is turned upward.
USER1 SW CAMERA Selects the function assigned to the USER1 button.
PHOTO INH: No function assigned.
PB (PUSH)AF: Switches to auto focus mode when the button is held
during manual focus mode.
BACKLIGHT: Auto iris control for the backlight compensation.
(Page 47)
SPOTLIGHT: Switches auto iris control for the spotlight on or off.
BLACKFADE: Blackfade (Page 46)
WHITEFADE: Whitefade (Page 46)
ATW: Switches the ATW function on or off.
ATW LOCK: Fixes the white balance value when the button is
pressed during ATW. Press again to perform ATW.
HIGH GAIN: The gain mode switches between normal and high
with each press of the button. Gain can be set to up
to 34 dB in high gain mode. (Page 41)
D.ZOOM: Changes the ratio of the DIGITAL ZOOM function.
Each press of the button changes the ratio in the
following order: OFF (x1) → x2 → x5 → x10 → OFF
(x1). (Page 38)
EVF DTL: Emphasizes outlines of images in the LCD monitor
and viewfinder for easier focusing when the button is
SHOT MARK: Shot mark recording (Page 47)
LAST CLIP: Deletes the last recorded clip. (Page 49)
WFM: Displays a waveform on the LCD monitor (only
during CAMERA mode).
USER2 SW CAMERA Assigns a function to the USER2 button.
PHOTO The setting contents are the same as USER1 SW.
USER3 SW CAMERA Assigns a function to the USER3 button.
PHOTO The setting contents are the same as USER1 SW.
INDICATOR PB Selects whether to display the thumbnail indicator.
ON: Displayed
OFF: Not displayed
FOCUS CAMERA Assigns a function to the FOCUS ASSIST button.
ASSIST SW PHOTO EXPANDED: Displays the center of the screen in expanded view.
BAR: A bar extends to the right as focus is aligned.
BOTH: Enables both expanded view and focus bar display.
RING SW CAMERA Assigns a function to the RING switch.
PHOTO ZOOM: Switch between FOCUS and ZOOM.
IRIS: Switch between FOCUS and IRIS.
AUTO SW CAMERA Sets the face detection function during auto mode to ON or OFF.
PHOTO ON : Enables face detection.
OFF: Disables face detection.

: Can also be configured in Quick Menu. (Page 96) indicates the factory setting.

SW&DISP SETUP screen (continued)
Item Q.MENU Description of settings
SMOOTH CAMERA Selects the method in which zoom operations are stopped.
ZOOM STOP PHOTO ON: Smooth stop.
OFF: Precise stop.
CAM GAIN CAMERA Sets the maximum value for camera gain.
24 dB: Camera gain can be set to up to 24 dB.
12 dB: Camera gain can be set to up to 12 dB.
PHOTO mode
18 dB: Camera gain can be set to up to 18 dB.
12 dB: Camera gain can be set to up to 12 dB.
Sets the detection frame displays when O N is selected in auto mode.
FRAMING PHOTO OFF: Not displayed.
PRIMARY: Displays only the primary frame.
ALL: Displays all face detection frames.
ZEBRA CAMERA Selects the brightness level of the left-leaning zebra patterns on the
105%, 100%, 95%, 90%, 85%, 80%, 75%, 70%, 65%, 60%, 55%, 50%
MARKER CAMERA Select ON to display the marker.
To display the marker, press the ZEBRA button.
GUIDE LINES PHOTO Displays guide lines for confirming level shooting.
OFF, , ,
• Guide lines are not recorded on images.
• Guide lines do not appear when the face detection function is set to
HISTOGRAM PHOTO Displays a graph with the horizontal axis representing brightness, and
the vertical axis representing number of pixels.
You can determine the exposure distribution of an entire image by
viewing the distribution in the graph.
■ Display example

Dark Light
• Adjust the brightness by adjusting the aperture.


OFF, 90%, 4:3
REC COUNTER CAMERA Selects counter operation during recording.
TOTAL: The count continues to increase until the RESET button is
pressed to reset it.
CLIP: Resets the counter at start of recording and counts the time of
each recording session.
• In PB mode, operation is always in CLIP mode.
: Can also be configured in Quick Menu. (Page 96) indicates the factory setting.

Setup menu list (continued)

SW&DISP SETUP screen (continued)

Item Q.MENU Description of settings
VIDEO OUT CAMERA Select ON to output the information displayed on the screen together
OSD PHOTO with the signals from the VIDEO OUT jack.
• Even when set to ON, the time code display, audio level meter
display, focus information display, and zoom position display are not
DATE/TIME CAMERA Sets whether to display the date and time on the screen and whether to
PHOTO output from the VIDEO OUT jack.
PB OFF: The date and time are not displayed.
TIME: The time is displayed.
DATE: The date is displayed.
TIME & DATE: The date and time are displayed.
DATE FORMAT CAMERA Selects the display format for dates.
PHOTO Y/M/D: Year/month/day
PB M/D/Y: Month/day/year
D/M/Y: Day/month/year
LEVEL METER CAMERA Select ON to display the audio level meter.
LENS STATUS CAMERA Sets lens-related displays to ON or OFF (Optical Image Stabilizer,
PHOTO shutter, aperture, zoom, auto iris, and focus displays).
CARD & CAMERA Select ON to display the remaining SD Memory Card recording
BATTERY PHOTO capacity and remaining battery charge.
OTHER CAMERA Select whether additional information is displayed on the viewfinder
DISPLAY PHOTO and the LCD monitor. (Page 93)
LCD CAMERA Adjusts the backlight of the LCD monitor. The brightness increases as
BACKLIGHT PHOTO the setting value increases.
PB +2 , +1 , 0 , -1
LCD SET CAMERA Adjusts the display level of the images on the LCD monitor. (Page 31)
EVF SET CAMERA Adjusts the display level of the images on the viewfinder. (Page 31)
SELF SHOOT CAMERA Selects the LCD mirror mode for self-portrait shooting. Selecting
PHOTO MIRROR displays the left and right side of the LCD monitor image
inverted during selfportrait shooting. (Page 44)
EVF MODE CAMERA Selects the viewfinder display mode.
PHOTO AUTO: Viewfinder display turns off when the LCD monitor is open.
PB ON: Viewfinder display is always on.
EVF COLOR CAMERA Switches viewfinder images to color or black and white.
PB OFF: Black and white
: Can also be configured in Quick Menu. (Page 96) indicates the factory setting.

Item Description of settings
CARD CAMERA Formats the SD Memory Card.
FORMAT PHOTO YES: Formats the card.
CARD STATUS PB Displays the SD Memory Card status.
YES: Displays the card status.
IR REMOTE CAMERA Sets the operations of the supplied remote control unit.
PHOTO ON: Accepts commands from the remote control.
PB OFF: Operations are not accepted from remote control.
REC LAMP CAMERA Sets lighting of the tally lamp.
BEEP SOUND CAMERA Turns the beep sound ON or OFF.
PB If the SD Memory Card becomes FULL while ON is selected, the beep sound is
output. The touch panel operation sound and the warning sound are also output.
When the beep is sounded, the audio signals from the output connector are
muted before the beep sound is output.
CLOCK SET CAMERA Sets the camera-recorder’s calendar.
TIME ZONE CAMERA Adds to or deducts from GMT the time value of -12:00 to +13:00 in 30-minute
PHOTO steps. (Refer to the table below.)
PB +00:00
Time Time
Area Area
difference difference
+ 00:00 Greenwich – 00:30
– 01:00 Azores Islands – 01:30
– 02:00 Mid-Atlantic – 02:30
– 03:00 Buenos Aires – 03:30 Newfoundland Island
– 04:00 Halifax – 04:30
– 05:00 New York – 05:30
– 06:00 Chicago – 06:30
– 07:00 Denver – 07:30
– 08:00 Los Angeles – 08:30
– 09:00 Alaska – 09:30 Marquesas Islands
– 10:00 Hawaii – 10:30
– 11:00 Midway Island – 11:30
– 12:00 Kwajalein + 12:30
+ 13:00 + 11:30 Norfolk Island

+ 12:00 New Zealand + 10:30 Lord Howe Island

+ 11:00 Solomon Islands + 09:30 Darwin
+ 10:00 Guam + 08:30
+ 09:00 Tokyo + 07:30
+ 08:00 Beijing + 06:30 Yangon
+ 07:00 Bangkok + 05:30 Mumbai
+ 06:00 Dacca + 04:30 Kabul
+ 05:00 Islamabad + 03:30 Tehran
+ 04:00 Abu Dhabi + 02:30
+ 03:00 Moscow + 01:30
+ 02:00 Eastern Europe + 00:30
+ 01:00 Central Europe

indicates the factory setting.

Setup menu list (continued)

OTHER FUNCTIONS screen (continued)

Item Description of settings
POWER SAVE CAMERA Selects the power-saving mode when the camera is not operated for about 5
PHOTO minutes while an SD Memory Card is inserted in CAMERA mode.
ON: The camera-recorder’s power is set to OFF.
OFF: The camera-recorder’s power is not set to OFF.
• Even when this setting is ON, the power will not turn OFF when an SD Memory
Card is not inserted, when the camera is in PB mode, or when the AC adapter
is connected.
• Designated operations include button and ring operations, opening/closing/
touching of the LCD monitor, and remote control operations (when IR REMOTE
is set to ON).
QUICK POWER CAMERA Sets Quick Power On mode to ON or OFF. When Quick Power On mode is
ON PHOTO enabled, the camera will enter recording standby mode in CAMERA mode about
1.9 seconds after power is turned ON.
• Startup time will not decrease even if an SD Memory Card is not inserted.
• The zoom ratio will be set to approximately x 1 wide end (Z00).
HDMI OUT SEL CAMERA Sets the output video format of the HDMI OUT terminal.
PHOTO AUTO: Automatically determines the output resolution based on
PB information of connected monitors.
1080i/720P: Fix the output at the recorded resolution. (Output in 1080 interlaced
or 720 progressive mode)
480P: Output in 480 progressive mode.
• Simultaneous output from HDMI OUT, COMPONENT OUT, and A/V OUT is not
possible. The order of priority is HDMI > COMPONENT > A/V.
CMPNT OUT CAMERA Selects the type of component terminal.
SEL PHOTO AUTO: Monitor with D4 terminal (720P/1080i output)
PB 1080i: Monitor with D3 terminal (1080i output)
480i: Monitor with D1 terminal (480i output)
• Cross-conversion is only performed when content recorded at 720P is output at
1080i. Cross-conversion does not take place in other cases.
DOWNCON CAMERA Switches down-conversion output mode.
MODE PB*1 SIDE CROP: Crops the left and right edges.
• Images may extend beyond the boundaries of the screen and be partially
unable to be seen when outputting from the AV/OUT terminal, or when
outputting from the COMPONENT OUT terminal when the COMPNT OUT SEL
item is set to 480i.
LETTER BOX: Adds black bars to the top and bottom edges.
SQUEEZE: Squeezes images horizontally from the left and right.
VIDEO SETUP CAMERA Sets the setup level of video signals.
PB*1 0%: AV/OUT terminal output and recording setup levels will both be set to
7.5% A: AV/OUT terminal output setup level will be set to 7.5%, while recording
setup level will be set to 0%.
AUDIO OUT CAMERA Sets the audio signals output from the A/V OUT terminal.
PB*1 CH1/CH2: CH1 terminal = CH1 signals, CH2 terminal = CH2 signals
CH1: CH1 terminal = CH1 signals, CH2 terminal = CH1 signals
CH2: CH1 terminal = CH2 signals, CH2 terminal = CH2 signals
• When an SD Memory Card containing 5.1 channel content, recorded on other
equipment, is played back on the camera, it is down-mixed to 2 channels when
output through the AV/OUT or headphone terminal.
*1 Only during clip playback indicates the factory setting.

OTHER FUNCTIONS screen (continued)

Item Description of settings
TV ASPECT PHOTO Sets the aspect ratio of the TV that will be connected.
PB*2 16:9 4:3
MENU INIT CAMERA Returns menu settings to factory default settings.
• Returns all items except CLOCK SET, TIME ZONE, and OPERATION TIME to
factory default settings.
SYSTEM INFO CAMERA Displays the version of the system in this camera.
CALIBRATION CAMERA Adjusts touch panel calibration.
• Cannot be adjusted when the LCD monitor is rotated 180°.
LANGUAGE CAMERA Selects the language for menu displays.
PHOTO English
PB Français
OPERATION CAMERA Displays the power-on time (a 5-digit figure).
*2 Only during still image playback indicates the factory setting.


Before calling for service
Power supply
There’s no power. • Make sure the battery and AC adapter are connected properly. P23
Check the connections again.
Power shuts off for no • To prevent the battery from running down needlessly, the camera- P110
apparent reason. recorder automatically turns off when the camera-recorder has
been left in the recording pause mode for more than 5 minutes.
Check the settings in the OTHER FUNCTIONS screen, POWER
Power goes off as soon as • The battery may have run out. P21
it is turned on. If the remaining battery charge display is blinking or
appears, the battery has run out.
Either recharge the battery or replace the discharged battery with a
fully charged one.

The battery runs down • Make sure the battery is fully charged. P21
quickly. Keep charging until the AC adapter’s CHARGE lamp goes out.
• Are you using the battery in a cold place?
The battery is affected by the ambient temperature. Its operating
time is reduced in low-temperatures.
• The battery may have reached the end of its service life. The
battery will become unchargeable. The battery has a certain
service life which varies depending on how the battery is used. If
the battery operates only for a short period even when it is charged
adequately, it has reached the end of its service life.
The battery cannot be • The battery cannot be charged if the DC cable is connected. P21
charged. Disconnect it.
The remaining battery • The remaining battery capacity display is merely a guideline. To —
capacity is not displayed ensure that remaining battery capacity is displayed correctly, use
correctly. the battery completely from a fully-charged state, and charge
the battery again. (Remaining battery capacity may still not be
displayed correctly if the battery has been used for long periods in
high or low temperatures, or if the battery has been recharged a
large number of times.)

Cannot start shooting. • Make sure the POWER switch is ON. P26
Cannot focus automatically. • Make sure the camera is in manual focus mode. You can focus P40
automatically when the auto focus mode is selected.
• You may be shooting a scene where it is difficult to bring the subject
into focus in the auto focus mode.
If this is the case, focus in the manual focus mode.
It may be hard to bring the subject into focus when
� both close and distant objects are to be shot
� shooting through a dirty window
� shooting in a dark place
� there are sparkling or shiny objects around the subject
� the subject is moving fast
� shooting a scene with minimal contrast
Images do not focus when • When using a macro range for the focus control, the zoom is set —
zooming. to the wide end or the telephoto end, and even if the image is
focused, zooming may cause the image to become unfocused.
For details about the macro display, see page 89.

Cannot record even • Is the write-protect switch on the SD Memory Card in the “LOCK” P37
through the SD Memory position? The card cannot be recorded to if the switch is in the
Card is inserted correctly. “LOCK” position.
• Is the remaining memory available on the SD Memory Card
extremely low? Please save contents onto different media and
delete unneeded data from the card, or use a new card instead.
• Has the SD Memory Card been correctly formatted? Alternatively, is P35
the card of a format that is incompatible with this camera? Reformat
the card with the camera.
• 8 MB – 16 MB SD Memory Cards cannot be used for video P12
Recording stops by itself. • Is your SD Memory Card compatible with use for video recording? P12
Always use an SD Memory Card compatible with use for video

Cannot read the data on the • Make sure the SD Memory Card is formatted correctly. P35
SD Memory Card. If it is not, format the card in the unit.
Cannot perform nonlinear • Check the specifications of your computer and connecting cable. P85
Cannot dub onto an • Make sure the external device is connected correctly. P83
external device.

Something is wrong with • The time code display may not register a regular count if a clip is —
the time code display. played in the reverse slow mode. This is normal.

Cannot play even when I • Make sure the PB lamp is on. P70
press the play button. Lower the POWER switch to turn the PB lamp on.
• Is the playback format correct? P73
Make sure the playback format on the camera matches the
recording format for the clip.
Mosaic-like noise appears • This noise is inherent to digital video technology. This is normal. —
when I cue or review a clip.
Images do not appear on • Make sure the input selector on your television is set to video input. —
the television even though Read the television’s instructions carefully and select the correct
I have connected the video input connector for the camera-recorder.
camera-recorder properly.
Cannot hear any sound • You may have turned down the camera-recorder’s volume control P71
from the camera-recorder’s too far.
speaker. Adjust the volume using the + zoom button.

(Continued on the next page)

Before calling for service (continued)

PC connection
Computer does not • Check the operating environment. P85
recognize camera when • If your computer has multiple USB terminals, please try connecting
USB connection cable is the camera to a different USB terminal.
connected. • Switch the camera’s power off and back on again, and reconnect
the USB connection cable.
An error message appears • To disconnect the USB connection cable safely, double-click the —
on the computer when the icon in the task tray, and follow the instructions on the screen.
USB connection cable is

The remote control does • The battery in the remote control may have run out. P26
not work. If the remote control fails to work even if it is operated close to the
remote control sensor of the camera-recorder, it means that the
battery has run out. Replace it with new one.
• Is the IR REMOTE item on the setting menu OTHER FUNCTIONS
screen set to OFF?
There is a rattling sound • This is the sound of the lens moving. This is not a fault. No sound —
when the camera-recorder should be heard when the camera’s power is switched on.
is tilted back and forth.
A clicking sound is heard • This initialization operation is performed when the camera starts up. —
when the power is turned It occurs due to the construction of the camera and is not indicative
on or when the PB mode is of any trouble.
switched to the CAM mode.
The SD Memory Card • The data on the card could be corrupted. Data can be corrupted by —
screen appears strange. static electricity and electromagnetic waves. Please always save
important data to a computer or other storage media.
The SD Memory Card • There could be a fault with the camera or with the SD Memory —
cannot be used even after Card. Please consult the place of purchase. Always use only SD
formatting. Memory Cards of 512 MB - 32 GB with this camera.
The camera does not • Was the inserted SD Memory Card originally formatted with a P35
recognize the SD Memory computer? Always use this camera to format SD Memory Cards.
Card even though it is Please be aware that, when an SD Memory Card is formatted, all
inserted correctly. data recorded on the card will be erased and will not be restorable.
The SD Memory Card is not • Please check that the device is compatible with the capacity or type P13
recognized when inserted (SD Memory Card/SDHC Memory Card) of the SD Memory Card
into other devices. that you are using.
For details, please consult the device’s own operating instructions.

The changeover between clips may not always be smooth when playing back multiple clips in succession.
Video may momentarily pause when playing back multiple clips in succession in circumstances such as those
detailed below.

■ Mixture of different recording formats

Recording mode = PH mode
Playback format = 1080/60i(30P)

Recording format Recording format Recording format Recording format

PH 1080/60i PH 1080/60i PH 720/60P PH 1080/60i

Playback is smooth. Not played back as clip is Video pauses

of different format. momentarily during clip

■ Mixture of different recording modes

Recording format = 1080/60i
Playback format = 1080/60i(30P)

Recording format Recording format Recording format Recording format Recording format
PH 1080/60i HA 1080/60i HE 1080/60i HA 1080/60i HG 1080/60i

Video pauses momentarily during clip changeover. Playback is smooth when changing
from HA mode to HG mode, or from
HG mode to HA mode.

■ Some clips have been recorded using PRE REC function

Normal recording PRE REC recording PRE REC recording Normal recording

Video pauses momentarily during clip changeover. Playback is smooth when changing
from PRE REC-recorded clip to
normally-recorded clip.

■ Some clips have a recording time of less than 3 seconds

Recording time is Recording time is Recording time is
more than 3 seconds less than 3 seconds more than 3 seconds

Playback is smooth. Video pauses momentarily during clip changeover.


Recording format
Frame rate
Recording mode
60 30P 24P
1080/30P 1080/24P
1080/60i 1080/60i
(over 60i) (Native recording)
720/30P 720/24P
720/60P 720/60P
(over 60P) (Native recording)
HA 1080/60i 1080/60i – –
HG 1080/60i 1080/60i – –
HE 1080/60i 1080/60i – –

How to handle data recorded on SD Memory Card
Data recorded in AVCHD format offers excellent
Drive: \
compatibility with computers due to the file type,
but since this format includes not only video PRIVATE
and audio data, but also a variety of important AVCHD
information, the folder structure will consist of file AVCHDTN
associations as illustrated in the diagram on the BDMV
right. If even part of this information is modified or
deleted, the data may no longer be recognized as
AVCHD data, or the memory card may not longer PLAYLIST
be able to be used with AVCHD devices. STREAM
To prevent the loss of any part of the information
when transferring data on the SD Memory Card
to a computer or when copying data stored on a
computer back onto the SD Memory Card, be sure to use the dedicated AVCCAM Viewer.
The AVCCAM Viewer can be downloaded from the following website.
Both a Windows version and a Mac version are available.
(Compatible OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Mac OS 10.5.1/ Mac OS 10.5.2)

■ Concerning the handling of the camera’s metadata

A special manufacturer area in the control file area under the AVCHD standard is employed for the
metadata which is supported by this camera.
If files are deleted or copied, if clip protection is added or removed or if other such editing operations
have been performed using editing software or a camera recorder which does not support this camera’s
metadata, the special area for the metadata will be erased, and the shot marks added by the camera as
well as the PH mode information and other information will be lost. Therefore, before proceeding with
these kinds of editing operations, check whether the camera’s metadata is supported.


[General] Shutter speed settings
CAMERA mode:
Supply voltage:DC 7.2 V
(when the battery is used)
60i/60P mode:
DC 7.3 V 1/60, 1/100, 1/120, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000,
(when the AC adapter is used) 1/2000 seconds
Power consumption: 30P mode:
7.8 W (MAX) : When XLR Microphone 1/30, 1/50, 1/60, 1/120, 1/250, 1/500,
Adapter (AG-MYA30G) is 1/1000, 1/2000 seconds
24P mode:
1/24, 1/50, 1/60, 1/120, 1/250, 1/500,
5.8 W : During stand-alone use 1/1000, 1/2000 seconds
indicates safety information. Synchronous scan settings:
60i/60P mode: 1  /60.0 seconds to 1/250.0 seconds
Ambient operating temperature 30P mode: 1/30.0 seconds to 1/250.0 seconds
0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F) 24P mode: 1/24.0 seconds to 1/250.0 seconds
Ambient operating humidity Slow shutter speed settings:
10% to 80% (no condensation) 60i/60P mode: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30 seconds
Weight 30P mode: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15 seconds
Approx. 980 (2.16 lb) 24P mode: 1/2, 1/3, 1/6, 1/12 seconds
(excluding battery and accessories) PHOTO mode:
Dimensions (W x H x D) 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/100, 1/120,
136 mm × 135 mm × 304 mm 1/180, 1/250, 1/350, 1/500, 1/750, 1/1000,
(5-11/32 inches × 5-5/16 inches × 11-31/32 inches) 1/1500, 1/2000 seconds
(excluding the projection part) Minimum subject luminance
Approx.1 lx (with slow shutter speed of 1/2, and
[Camera] +34 dB gain)
Pickup devices Digital zoom
1/4.1-inch MOS solid-state image sensor × 3 2 x /5 x /10 x (Assigned to the USER button, for
Total pixels switching zoom levels)
Approx. 3.05 million pixels × 3 Operation with the 1080/60i and 720/60P
Effective pixels (video) formats only
Approx. 2.51 million pixels × 3 (16:9) Lens hood
Effective pixels (still image) Large-sized lens hood with wide angle of view
Approx. 2.32 million pixels × 3 (4:3),
Approx. 2.65 million pixels × 3 (3:2), [Recording/playback (video)]
Approx. 2.51 million pixels × 3 (16:9) Recording Format
Lens AVCHD specifications
LEICA DICOMAR Optical image stabilizer lens, Compression method
Motorized 12 x zoom, MPEG-4 AVC/H.264
F1.8 to 2.8 (f=4.0 mm to 48 mm) Recording media
35 mm equivalent (video): SD Memory Card:
40.8 mm to 490 mm (16:9) 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB (FAT12 and FAT16 format)
35 mm equivalent (still image): SDHC Memory Card:
41.3 mm to 496 mm (3:2), 4 GB, 6 GB, 8 GB, 12 GB, 16 GB, 32 GB
40.8 mm to 490 mm (16:9), (FAT32 format)
45.0 mm to 540 mm (4:3) SD/SDHC Memory Cards with a memory size from
8 MB to 32 GB can be used to read metadata.
Color separation optical system Recording format (Recording mode: resolution)
Prism system PH mode:
Filter diameter 1080/60i
43 mm 1080/30P (over 60i)
ND filter 1080/24P (Native recording)
Automatic ON/OFF interlock with iris 720/60P
Closest shooting distance 720/30P (over 60P)
0.9 m 720/24P (Native recording)
Gain settings HA mode:
Video recording: 0 to +24 dB (variable in 1 dB 1080/60i
steps, up to +34 dB when HIGH GAIN is assigned HG mode:
to a USER button) 1080/60i
Still image recording: 0 to +18 dB (variable in 1 dB steps) HE mode:

Transmission rate [Audio IN/OUT]
PH mode: Approx. 21 Mbps (VBR) XLR adapter
HA mode: Approx. 17 Mbps (VBR) Dedicated mini jack
HG mode: Approx. 13 Mbps (VBR) AUDIO output
HE mode: Approx. 6 Mbps (VBR) A/V OUT terminal audio output, 2ch
Output: 316 mV, 600 Ω
[Recording/playback (still image)] Internal microphone
Compression method Stereo microphone
JPEG (DCF/Exif 2.2-compliant), External microphone input
DPOF-compatible -70 dBV (Mic sensitivity: -50 dB equivalent,
Recording media 0 dB=1 V/Pa 1 kHz)
SD Memory Card: Stereo mini jack (3.5 mm diameter)
8 MB, 16 MB, 32 MB, 64 MB, 128 MB, (Not compatible with plug-in power microphone)
512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB
(FAT12 and FAT16 format) HDMI
SDHC Memory Card: 2 ch (Linear PCM), 5.1 ch (Dolby Digital)
4 GB, 6 GB, 8 GB, 12 GB, 16 GB, 32 GB Headphone
(FAT32 format) Stereo mini jack (3.5 mm diameter) × 1
Recording pixels Internal speaker
Aspect ratio [4:3]: 20 mm (round) × 1
3520×2640 pixels, 3264×2448 pixels,
[Other inputs/outputs]
2560×1920 pixels, 640×480 pixels
Aspect ratio [3:2]:
Card reader/writer function
3984×2656 pixels, 3264×2176 pixels,
(no copyright protection support)
2592×1728 pixels
USB Type mini B connector
Aspect ratio [16:9]:
USB 2.0-compliant, PictBridge-compatible
4224×2376 pixels, 3328×1872 pixels,
2560×1440 pixels
Super mini jack (2.5 mm diameter) (ZOOM S/S)
[Video System] Mini jack (3.5 mm diameter) (FOCUS, IRIS)
Video signals
1080/60i, 720/60p
LCD monitor
Video output
2.7-inch wide-type LCD color monitor
HDMI output
(approx. 230,000 pixels)
HDMI (Type A connector)×1
1080/60i, 720/60p, 480/60p
0.26-inch wide-type LCD EVF
(Not compatible with VIERA Link)
(approx. 113,000 pixels)
Analog component output
Mini D terminal × 1 [AC adapter]
Y: 1.0 V [P-P], 75 Ω Power Source: 110 V - 240 V AC, 50 Hz/60 Hz
PB/PR: 0.7 V [P-P], 75 Ω
22 W
A/V OUT terminal video output ×1
Power Output: 7.3 V DC, 1.75 A
1.0 V [P-P], 75 Ω
[Audio System] 8.4 V DC, 1.3 A (Charge)
Compression method
indicates safety information.
Recording/playback: Dolby Digital/2 ch
Sampling frequency Weight
48 kHz 140 (0.31 lb)
Encoding Dimensions (W x H x D)
16 bit

103 mm × 36 mm × 62 mm
Compressed bit-rate (4-1/16 inches × 1-13/32 inches × 2-7/16 inches)
PH mode: 384 kbps
HA/HG/HE mode: 256 kbps

Weight and dimensions are approximate.

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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