Personal Development - Review Quiz

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Rhozelle Abby Velasco | HUMSS 12 B


_________________1. In the study of ________, in this age of technology and social media, we accept our
differences, especially in how we accept the culture and beliefs of others.
_________________2. A component of self-concept could include components of what our parents have taught us,
what we admire in others, what our society problems, and what we think is in our best interest.
_________________3. The representation of one’s identity which distinguishes him or her from other identities.
_________________4. It is a factor that shapes self-concept which is involved during early childhood, where we
start observing our behavior and drawing conclusions about ourselves. We are aware of what we do; we dislike; can
and cannot do.
_________________5. It is defined as a person’s thoughts and behavior.
_________________6. It is a factor that shapes self-concept which includes parents’ constant approval and
disapproval setting guidelines for what should be or not, shaping and inputting the values and characteristics of the
children, and, later, becoming what they are when they grow up.
_________________7. Refers to how we want to be; an idealized image that we have developed over time based
on what we have learned and experienced.
_________________8. Ability to reflect and think about your thoughts, feelings, and actions/self-assessment.
_________________9. It is described as our reflection of how we think we appear to others.
_________________10. It is the total of who a person is; a person’s central inner force, common to all human
beings yet unique in each, is the source of growth.
_________________11. It is a factor that shapes self-concept which is involved indirectly influenced by cultural
_________________12. What are the two types of comparison?
_________________13. It is a product of biology and the environment.
_________________14. It is defined as the person’s quality.
_________________15. Determining your ________ allows you to know your limitations or boundaries.
_________________16. In _____________, people need to compare themselves with others to gain insight into
their behavior.
_________________17. In identifying your ________, you are more empowered to do developmental tasks and
equipped with skills essential to making wise decisions in life.
_________________18. A person’s subjective description of who the person thinks he or she is; is filtered by your
_________________19. A phenomenon where we can compare ourselves to people who are better than us
“upward comparisons” or worse than us “downward comparisons”.
_________________20. An individual’s subjective evaluation of their worth. It is how we value ourselves, given the
negative or positive feedback we receive.
_________________21. It refers to how people come to understand their attitudes and beliefs based on their
behavior in given situations. People develop attitudes and opinions by observing their behavior and drawing
conclusions from it.
_________________22. Describes the process wherein individuals base their sense of self on how they believe
others view them. Using social interaction as a type of “mirror” people use the judgments they receive from others to
measure their worth, values, and behavior
_________________23. It is self-examination, analyzing yourself, looking at your personality and actions, and
considering your motivations.
_________________24. Refer to the characteristics that we believe we possess; it may include the roles we
perceive we inhabit, the words we use when we describe ourselves, and how we believe others perceive us.
_________________25. Is the union of elements: body + thought + emotions and sensations = ______ or ______.
Rhozelle Abby Velasco | HUMSS 12 B


_________________1. It is a primary sex hormone responsible for the development and regulation of female and
male reproductive system.
_________________2. It is an important part of overall health.
_________________3. It is defined as the changes to the sexual organs.
_________________4. It is the seat of your emotions.
_________________5. __________ people are in control of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. They can cope
with life challenges. It is a period wherein you realize that lessons can be learned from each difficult experience and
that you gain important life skills from each obstacle you can conquer
_________________6. Refers to physical changes in the body as well as the senses and changes in skills related
to movement.
_________________7. It is about your ability to understand and manage your emotions.
_________________8. His theory of cognitive development suggests that children move through different stages of
mental development. His theory focuses not only on understanding how children acquire knowledge but also on
understanding the nature of intelligence.
_________________9. Refers to a person’s intellectual abilities as shown in his/her thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and
values. It means how people think, explore, and figure things out. It is the development of knowledge, skills,
problem-solving, and disposition, which helps a person to think about and understand the world around them.
_________________10. An __________ person has reached a level of self-understanding with regard to their
thoughts and behaviors and then decides how to best approach and cope with situations that might otherwise be
trying or challenging.
_________________11. An androgen that is strongly associated with the physical maturation of boys. Increased
levels of ______ in males are related to changes in height, voice, genitals, sexual desires, and activities.
_________________12. It focuses on the emergence, change, and understanding of morality from infancy through
_________________13. It is about our innate capacity to relate with others, to connect, and to feel a sense of
belongingness. It refers to how people develop social and emotional skills across the lifespan, with particular
attention to childhood and adolescence. Healthy social development allows us to form positive relationships with
family, friends, teachers, and other people in our lives.
_________________14. It is under moral development theory by Lawrence Kohlberg: Hedonistic orientation: Doing
what is right for personal gain, perhaps a reward.
_________________15. It has something to do with the feelings that you experience.
_________________16. It is influenced by an individual’s experiences and behavior when faced with moral issues
through different periods of physical and cognitive development.
_________________17. Estrogen which is strongly associated with the physical development of girls, such as the
widening of hips, breasts, and urine development.
_________________18. It happens from the age of 12 years old onwards when you understand the world through
hypothetical thinking and scientific reasoning.
_________________19. It is under moral development theory by Lawrence Kohlberg: Law and order orientation:
Doing what is right because it is your duty and helps society.
_________________20. It happens at birth until the age of 2 when you understand the world through senses and
_________________21. It happens from the age of 7 years old until the age of 12 when you understand the world
through logical thinking and categories.
_________________22. It is the physical changes that mark adult maturation.
_________________23. It is under moral development theory by Lawrence Kohlberg: Universal ethical principles
orientation: Doing what is right because of our inner conscience which has absorbed the principles of justice and
equality and sacredness of life.
Rhozelle Abby Velasco | HUMSS 12 B

_________________24. It is under moral development theory by Lawrence Kohlberg: Social contract or legalistic
orientation: Doing what is right even if it is against the law because the law is too restrictive.
_________________25. It is under moral development theory by Lawrence Kohlberg: Interpersonal concordance
orientation: Doing what is right according to the majority to be a good boy/girl.
_________________26. It is involved in decision-making, reasoning, and controlling one’s emotions.
_________________27. It is under moral development theory by Lawrence Kohlberg: Punishment and obedience
orientation: Doing what is right because of fear of punishment.
_________________28. It happens from the age of 2 years old until the age of 7 when you understand the world
through language and mental images.
_________________29. It is the expectation that you comply with the norms of your peer group. It implies that the
process influences people to do things that may be resistant to or might not otherwise choose to do.
_________________30. Hormones or chemical substances produced by endocrine glands that actively affect
physical growth and development.


_________________1. It is a period of transition when the individual changes (physically and psychologically —
from a child to an adult).
_________________2. Refers to the specific knowledge, skills, attitudes, and functions that a person needs
to acquire and demonstrate at particular periods in his or her life.
_________________3. It concerns attitudes and behavior toward sexuality and sexual relationships, academic
concerns, group belongingness, health and nutrition, developing and regaining self-esteem, roles, relationships, and
career choice

Identify what stage of adolescence period is the given situation under

EA - Early Adolescence (10-13) LA - Late Adolescence (18-21)

MA - Middle Adolescence (14-17)

_______4. Body changes: may cause both curiosity and anxiety

_______5. Thinking may be egocentric, and children this age may be self-conscious about their appearance and
apprehensive about being judged by their peers
_______6. Adolescents at this stage tend to have concrete, black-and-white, all-or-nothing thinking and a limited
capacity for abstract thought
_______7. Encompasses less physical development and more cognitive developments
_______8. Physical growth and increased sexual interest
_______9. Most have grown their full adult height
_______10. Puberty changes for both males and females continue
_______11. Children may start to set long-term goals
_______12. These changes can start as early as age 8 for females and age 9 for males
_______13. Arguments with parents may increase as teens strive for more independence
_______14. Young people become able to think about ideas rationally, have impulse control, and can delay
gratification and plan for the future
_______15. They explore how to be independent from their family
_______16. Stronger sense of identity and individuality
_______17. Girls may start their period at the age of 12
_______18. Interest in romantic and sexual relationships
_______19. Increased independence, emotional stability
_______20. Children may question their gender identity during this stage
Rhozelle Abby Velasco | HUMSS 12 B


_________________1. According to DSM5 2013 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder), it is
characterized by a persistent disturbance of eating that results in altered consumption or absorption of food and
significantly impairs physical or psychosocial functioning.
_________________2. This refers to diagnosable mental disorders characterized by alterations in thinking, mood,
or behavior (or a combination thereof) associated with distress and impaired functioning
_________________3. It is a state of emotional and psychological well-being in which an individual can use his/her
cognitive and emotional capabilities, function in society, and meet the ordinary demands of everyday life.
_________________4. Anticipating some stressful situations and taking active measures to avoid or minimize their
_________________5. Efforts to modify the unpleasant emotional consequence of stress.
_________________6. Stress that challenges and motivates you to find a creative solution to your concern.
_________________7. Dealing with the stressor itself.
_________________8. It is our body’s reaction to pressures, responsibilities, and threats (real or imagined).
_________________9. Overindulgence of food followed by induced vomiting, fasting, and excessive exercise.
_________________10. It is defined as a loss of contact with reality.
_________________11. This is an eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body weight, an intense fear
of gaining weight, and a distorted perception of weight.
_________________12. Stress becomes overwhelming, and bothersome and leads to a sense of helplessness and
_________________13. It refers to an individual’s state or condition that is free from any mental or emotional
_________________14. It causes panic attacks which are sudden feelings of terror when there is no real danger.
You may feel as if you are losing control. An abrupt surge of intense fear or discomfort. Physical symptoms include
fainting, sweating, palpitations, chest pain, and dizziness.
_________________15. People have recurring, unwanted thoughts, ideas, or sensations (obsessions) that make
them feel driven to do something repetitively (compulsions)
_________________16. Characterized by overeating but NOT followed by efforts to induce vomiting, fasting, and
_________________17. According to the American Psychiatric Association, it is a way of thinking, feeling, and
behaving that deviates from the expectation of culture, and causes distress or problems functioning over time.
_________________18. It is an event, object, or person that causes stress.
_________________19. Irrational fear of a specific object or situation that negatively affects daily activities. -
accompanied by physical symptoms such as trembling and palpitation.
_________________20. Characterized by excessive fear, anxiety, and related behavioral disturbance.
_________________21. Seeing people or hearing voices that are not present.
_________________22. Believing that others are watching or following you.

Identify what type of personality disorder is shown in the given situations below

PPD - Paranoid Personality Disorder

APD - Antisocial Personality Disorder
NPD - Narcissistic Personality Disorder
OCPD - Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
SPD - Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorder

_____23. Pervasive distrust and suspicion of others and their motives

_____24. Exaggeration of achievements or talents
Rhozelle Abby Velasco | HUMSS 12 B

_____25. The expectation of constant praise and admiration

_____26. Envy of others or belief that others envy you
_____27. Unjustified belief that others are trying to harm or deceive you
_____28. Extreme perfectionism, resulting in dysfunction and distress when perfection is not achieved, such as
feeling unable to finish a project because you don't meet your own strict standards
_____29. Disregard for others' needs or feelings
_____30. Disregard for the safety of self or others
_____31. According to DSM5, they are defined as abnormalities in delusion, hallucination, disorganized speech,
abnormal motor behavior, and psychosis
_____32. Aggressive, often violent behavior
_____33. Tight, miserly control over budgeting and spending money
_____34. Angry or hostile reaction to perceived slights or insults
_____35. Often taking advantage of others
_____36. The belief that you're special and more important than others
_____37. Neglect of friends and enjoyable activities because of excessive commitment to work or a project
_____38. Tendency to hold grudges
_____39. Arrogance
_____40. Consistently irresponsible
_____41. Fantasies about power, success, and attractiveness
_____42. Repeated violation of the rights of others
_____43. Unjustified, recurrent suspicion that spouse or sexual partner is unfaithful
_____44. Inability to discard broken or worthless objects
_____45. Failure to recognize others' needs and feelings
_____46. Unjustified suspicion of the loyalty or trustworthiness of others
_____47. Desire to be in control of people, tasks, and situations, and inability to delegate tasks
_____48. Lack of remorse for behavior
_____49. Hesitancy to confide in others due to unreasonable fear that others will use the information against you
_____50. Persistent lying, stealing, using aliases, conning others

Answer Key:

1. Cultural Psychology 11. Cultural Values / Cultural 19. Social Comparison

2. Ideal Self Guidelines 20. Self-Esteem
3. Self 12. Upward Comparison / 21. Self-Perception
4. Own Observation Downward Comparison 22. Looking Glass Self
5. Personality 13. Personality 23. Introspection
6. Feedback from Others 14. Character 24. Actual Self
7. Ideal Self 15. Weaknesses 25. Character / Personality
8. Introspection 16. Social Comparison Theory
9. Looking Glass Self 17. Strengths
10. Self 18. Self Concept


1. Androgen and Estrogen 5. Emotionally Healthy 8. Jean Piaget - Stage Theory of

2. Emotional Health 6. Physiological Changes and its Intellectual Development
3. Primary Sex Characteristics Implications
4. Amygdala 7. Emotional Maturity
Rhozelle Abby Velasco | HUMSS 12 B

9. Cognitive Changes and its 15. Emotional Changes and its 23. Level 3: Post-Conventional
Implications - Cognitive Implications - Emotional Morality Stage 6
Development Development 24. Level 3: Post-Conventional
10. Emotionally Mature 16. Moral Changes and its Morality Stage 5
11. Testosterone Implications - Moral Development 25. Level 2: Conventional Morality
12. Moral Changes and its 17. Estradiol Stage 3
Implications - Moral Development 18. Formal Operational 26. Prefrontal Cortex
13. Social Changes and its 19. Level 2: Conventional Morality 27. Level 1: Pre-Morality Stage 1
Implications - Social Development Stage 4 28. Preoperational
14. Level 1: Pre-Morality Stage 2 20. Sensorimotor 29. Peer Pressure
21. Concrete Operational 30. Androgen and Estrogen
22. Secondary Sex Characteristics


1. Adolescence 7. LA 14. LA
2. Developmental Task 8. EA 15. EA
3. Challenges Experienced during 9. LA 16. LA
Adolescence 10. MA 17. EA
4. EA 11. MA 18. MA
5. EA 12. EA 19. LA
6. EA 13. MA 20. EA


1. Eating Disorder 18. Stressors 36. NPD

2. Mental Illness 19. Phobic DIsorder 37. OCPD
3. Mental Health 20. Anxiety Disorders 38. PPD
4. Proactive Coping 21. Hallucination 39. NPD
5. Emotion-Focused 22. Delusion 40. APD
6. Eustress 23. PPD 41. NPD
7. Problem-Focused 24. NPD 42. APD
8. Stress 25. NPD 43. PPD
9. Bulimia Nervosa 26. NPD 44. OCPD
10. Psychosis 27. PPD 45. NPD
11. Anorexia Nervosa 28. OCPD 46. PPD
12. Distress 29. APD 47. OCPD
13. Psychological Well-being 30. APD 48. APD
14. Panic Disorder 31. SPD 49. PPD
15. Obsessive-Compulsive 32. APD 50. APD
Disorder 33. OCPD
16. Binge-eating 34. PPD
17. Personality Disorder 35. NPD


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