Marxist literary criticism, like psychoanalytical, feminist, and cultural
criticism, demonstrates what French philosopher Paul Ricouer refers to
as a "hermeneutics of suspicion.“
(hermeneutics of suspicion is a style of literary interpretation in which
texts are read skeptically, to reveal meanings that are considered
hidden. So we make an assumption that there something hidden or
behind the words or text in literary work. So These approaches are
concerned with what the text is hiding rather than what it says in
literary work.)
In marxis literary criticism the material conditions in society govern
thought. So according to marxism Human consciousness does not
determine their existence; rather, their social existence determines
their consciousness. According to Marxist theory, the way we think and
experience the world around us is influenced by how the economy is
(In summary, Marxist literary criticism asserts that the economic and
social conditions in which individuals live have a dominant influence on
their thoughts and consciousness. This perspective emphasizes the
interconnectedness of the economic structure and the cultural and
intellectual aspects of society.))
So the next material marx’s capitalism will be presents by Naseem
Diniagama, eh brader Naseem time is yours
Okay next is Cultural Hegemony
The bourgeoisie controls the majority of artistic output because they
are the entity that funds the arts and entertainment, whether through
patronage or sponsorship. (Because the bourgeoisie financially supports
writers and painters by owning the means of production and serving as
primary consumers, the artist must be cautious not to offend bourgeois
Any artist who wishes to criticize the bourgeoisie must do so subtly
(through satire, irony, and so on).
So the film “alangkah lucunya negeri ini” is an Indonesian satirical
comedy drama that released on April 2010, and it is directed by Deddy
Mizwar. And we can see the cultural hegemony in the this film where
the actor used satire or sarcasm to criticize the borguise. And it
manifested in this dialogue
Samsul which played by asrul dahlan said : That is the DPR building
where the individuals representing our voices are working.
Which Muluk replied and muluk is being played by Reza Rahardia, he
replied : Our representatives, whom we entrust to advocate for our fate
With bunch of Kids replied with silly question: Is there any
representative for pickpocket there? and can you pickpocket in there?”
Whick Muluk didn’t response and instead said that : that place is a
place for respectable and educated people.
So I think thats all from our persentation, thank you for your attentation
assalamualaikum wr wb
Okay guys is there any question from group 11 about marxist literary
criticism? If so you can raise your hand or you can type in the chat....