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Assalamualaikum wr wb

good morning everyone

We are from group 11 and we will presents our material titled “marxist
literary critism”..... NEXT
So this is our group member there’s me adi setiawan, brother ahmad
fakhrur rozi, and brother Naseem diniagama NEXT
Marxism is an ideology based on the views of Karl Marx (1818-1883),
along with his collaborator Friedrich Engels. (they are philosopher,
economist, and political theorist.) They both create the most well-
known collaborative book that is called "The Communist Manifesto."
with the main idea or the core concept, that
“whomever owned the means of production (for this example is
factories, eeh but it can also be land, or capital necessary for economic
activities.) in aaa society. So if a person owned all of that they are the
one who controlled the society, as well as its culture and values.”
The Followers of this theory are called Marxists. (So marxist is not a
name of a person but to refered people who adhere to Marxist
principles and theories)
In Marxism, economic structure is the major driving factor underlying
all social circumstances and historical developments. (So Marxism is
grounded in the belief that the economic structure of a society is the
primary determinant of its social and historical aspects. This perspective
is often referred to as economic determinism.)
Marx sees human history as a battle between classes, specifically
between the oppressed and the oppressors. (so According to Marx, the
central driving force of historical change is the class struggle. Human
history, in his view, is a continuous battle between different social
classes with conflicting economic interests. Marx also identifies two
primary classes in capitalist societies.......which is the opressor and marx
called them the bourgeoisie (or the owners of the means of production)
and the second is the oppressed one which marx called them the
proletariat (which is the working class who sell their labor to survive).)
He, karl marx felt that the means of production in society (i.e., the
source of social power) should be placed in the hands of people who
used them. (so Karl Marx advocated for a fundamental transformation
in the ownership and control of the means of production, arguing that
this shift was essential for the creation of a classless society, or
egalitarian society where economic power is decentralized and held
collectively by those actively involved in the production. Which is the
And According to the Marxist view, society is made up of a base (a base
is the material means of production, distribution, and exchange in
society, in short A base is reffered to the economic foundation of
society) and theres alsi a superstructure, which is the "cultural" world of
ideas, art, literature, religion, education, law, and so on. (so bassicaly a
superstructure is a culture in a society)

Marxist literary criticism, like psychoanalytical, feminist, and cultural
criticism, demonstrates what French philosopher Paul Ricouer refers to
as a "hermeneutics of suspicion.“
(hermeneutics of suspicion is a style of literary interpretation in which
texts are read skeptically, to reveal meanings that are considered
hidden. So we make an assumption that there something hidden or
behind the words or text in literary work. So These approaches are
concerned with what the text is hiding rather than what it says in
literary work.)
In marxis literary criticism the material conditions in society govern
thought. So according to marxism Human consciousness does not
determine their existence; rather, their social existence determines
their consciousness. According to Marxist theory, the way we think and
experience the world around us is influenced by how the economy is
(In summary, Marxist literary criticism asserts that the economic and
social conditions in which individuals live have a dominant influence on
their thoughts and consciousness. This perspective emphasizes the
interconnectedness of the economic structure and the cultural and
intellectual aspects of society.))

So the next material marx’s capitalism will be presents by Naseem
Diniagama, eh brader Naseem time is yours
Okay next is Cultural Hegemony

The bourgeoisie imposes their value system on the proletariat through

art and literature (and its called cultural hegemony in marxist term). So
basically the ruling class imposes its values and worldview, making them
appear natural and legitimate, thereby influencing the working class to
accept the existing social order.
This can include romanticizing capitalism, portraying it as the only viable
system, or presenting the bourgeoisie as benevolent leaders.
(Romantisasi kapitalisme, yang mungkin terlihat dalam media dan
budaya populer, dapat menciptakan persepsi bahwa keberhasilan
finansial dan kepemilikan aset materi adalah indikator utama
kesuksesan hidup. Ini bisa mempengaruhi individu untuk mencari
peluang investasi dengan harapan mendapatkan keuntungan finansial
yang signifikan.)
(Dalam dunia keuangan, terdapat praktik-praktik manipulatif yang dapat
merugikan investor, seperti yang digambarkan dalam "The Wolf of Wall
Street". Manipulasi saham, penipuan investasi, atau tindakan-tindakan
ilegal lainnya dapat mengakibatkan kerugian bagi investor khususnya
bagi kelas pekerja.)
(contoh yang lain misalny Pemegang saham besar atau yang disebut
"whales" di pasar mata uang kripto misalnya memiliki potensi untuk
memanipulasi nilai tukar dengan melakukan transaksi besar-besaran.
Tindakan semacam itu bisa mempengaruhi harga secara signifikan dan
merugikan investor kecil atau kelas pekerja yang mungkin memiliki aset
di mata uang kripto. Jadi contoh di indonesia itu ada kasus binomo
misalnya nah bener total scam lah ya, orang borjuis yang memegang
tools atau perangkat2 budaya mereka itu mempengaruhi kelas pekerja
membuat mereka tergiur untuk mengadopsi konsep kapitalisme
sehingga mereka berpikir bahwa mereka kalau ingin cepat kaya itu
harus melakukan tindakan kapitalisme seperti itu yang dimana itu
kebanyakan adalah teknik manipulasi dari para borjuis untuk membuat
kaum proletar tetap berada dibawah kelas sosial seperti itu)
(contoh yang kedua adalah para borjuis juga memegang perangkat-
perangkat budaya dimana mereka memanfaatkan itu semua untuk,
mempertahankan kekuasaan dan membuat citra mereka menjadi bagus
contohnya iklan di televisi yang mempromosikan calon pejabat
misalnya, terus juga ada berita2 media massa yang condong terlalu bias
pada salah satu grup atau partai misalnya, dan apabila berita misalnya
tidak sesuai dengan yang diinginkan oleh borjuis maka mereka dengan
sangat gampang untuk melaporkan dan memenjarakan pembuat berita
tersebut yang bisa kita lihat banyak terjadi di indonesia seperti itu)

The bourgeoisie controls the majority of artistic output because they
are the entity that funds the arts and entertainment, whether through
patronage or sponsorship. (Because the bourgeoisie financially supports
writers and painters by owning the means of production and serving as
primary consumers, the artist must be cautious not to offend bourgeois
Any artist who wishes to criticize the bourgeoisie must do so subtly
(through satire, irony, and so on).
So the film “alangkah lucunya negeri ini” is an Indonesian satirical
comedy drama that released on April 2010, and it is directed by Deddy
Mizwar. And we can see the cultural hegemony in the this film where
the actor used satire or sarcasm to criticize the borguise. And it
manifested in this dialogue
Samsul which played by asrul dahlan said : That is the DPR building
where the individuals representing our voices are working.
Which Muluk replied and muluk is being played by Reza Rahardia, he
replied : Our representatives, whom we entrust to advocate for our fate
With bunch of Kids replied with silly question: Is there any
representative for pickpocket there? and can you pickpocket in there?”
Whick Muluk didn’t response and instead said that : that place is a
place for respectable and educated people.

So from this dialogue The character Samsul, played by Asrul Dahlan,

sarcastically points out the DPR building as the place where individuals
supposedly represent the voices of the people. This satirical remark
implies a critique of the bourgeoisie's claim to represent the interests of
the general population.
The response from the kids asking if there is a representative for
pickpockets humorously underlines the skepticism or disillusionment
with the idea that the representatives genuinely serve the people's
interests. It highlights a disconnect between the rhetoric of
representation and the perceived reality.
The satire in this dialogue exposes the irony of the bourgeoisie's claim
to represent the people and uphold virtues. The use of satire serves as a
tool to criticize the power structures in society, emphasizing the
discrepancy between their claimed roles and the perceived reality.

So I think thats all from our persentation, thank you for your attentation
assalamualaikum wr wb

(The romanticization of capitalism, which may be seen in the media and

popular culture, may create the perception that financial success and
possession of material assets are primary indicators of life success. This
may influence individuals to seek investment opportunities in the hope
of significant financial gain.) (In the world of finance, there are
manipulative practices that can harm investors, as depicted in "The
Wolf of Wall Street". Stock manipulation, investment fraud, or other
illegal acts can result in losses for investors, especially for the working
class.) (another example, for example, large shareholders or so-called
"whales" in the cryptocurrency market, for example, have the potential
to manipulate exchange rates by carrying out large transactions. Such
actions can influence prices significantly and harm small investors or the
working class who may have assets in cryptocurrencies. So for example
in Indonesia there is the binomo case, for example, it's really a total
scam, yes, the bourgeoisie who holds the tools or devices of their
culture influences the working class, making them tempted to adopt
the concept of capitalism so they think that they want to to get rich
quickly you have to carry out acts of capitalism like that which are
mostly manipulation techniques of the bourgeoisie to keep the
proletariat under that social class) (The second example is that the
bourgeoisie also hold cultural tools which they use to maintain power
and make their image good, for example advertisements on television
that promote candidates for office, for example, and there are also
mass media news which tends to be too biased towards one thing. one
group or party for example, and if the news for example is not in
accordance with what the bourgeoisie wants then they can very easily
report and imprison the news maker which we can see happens a lot in
Indonesia like that)

Okay guys is there any question from group 11 about marxist literary
criticism? If so you can raise your hand or you can type in the chat....

Okay any more question? two question more I think... before we


Salsabilla i wanna ask about marxism

Pendapat. Do u think marxist ideology can be still
believed in indonesian people. Because as we know
that marx is to eliminate calss system to become
egalitarian, which is contrast to value to indonesian
Do u think marxist ideology can be still applied in
indonesian people.
Jadi menrut saya Dalam kasus Indonesia, negara ini memiliki populasi yang
beragam gitu ya dengan berbagai perspektif budaya, agama, dan politik.
Di Indonesia kontemporer, mungkin ada individu atau kelompok yang masih
merasa terhubung dengan ide-ide Marxis, terutama dalam konteks keadilan sosial
dan ekonomi. Namun, tidak mungkin ideologi Marxis akan diterima secara
universal, karena dapat bertentangan dengan beberapa nilai budaya dan
pengalaman sejarah.
tapi menurut saya ideologi marxisme yang mungkin bisa diterapkan di indonesia
adalah dihapuskannya cultural hegemony seperti diamerika sana dimana freedom
of speech lebih terlihat seperti itu (atau american values disana), eeeh contohnya
ada film familiy guy simpsons rick and morty dll yang menyinggung pemimpin
disana seperti barack obama, donald trump, george bush dll itu disebutkan dan
disindir secara blak-blakan, sedangkan di indonesia contohnya masih ada seperti
ketakutan apabila kta menyerang partai politik atau tokoh politik secara
blakblakan saya ambil contoh dalam kultur budaya meme atau humor di internet
di indonesia , meme yang menyinggung itu tidak scr blakblakan melainkan secara
implisit saya ambil contoh ada sebutan "partai merah, banteng, cebong, kampret
dll" saya kira seperti itu
jadi intinya ada beberapa pemahaman marxisme yang bisa diterapkan menurut
saya tetapi secara keseluruhan mengadopsi pemahaman marxisme di indoensia
itu menurut saya tidak mungkin
apakah sudah jelas atau yang in11gin menambahkan dari temen2 yang lain

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