2023 – 2024
Course Outcomes:
CO: 1 Understand the basic concepts components of CAD/CAM concepts of Graphics
CO: 2 Understand the concepts of Geometric representation methods.
CO: 3 Understand and apply Numerical CNC Part Programming methods.
CO: 4 Understand the concepts of Group technology and techniques, production flow
CO: 5 Understand the concepts of FMS and its elements.
Introduction: Definition and scope of CAD/CAM- Computers in industrial manufacturing,
design process Computer Aided Design (CAD)-Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)-
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
Graphics: Data base for graphic modeling-transformation geometry-3D transformations –
Clipping-hidden line removal-Colour-shading.
Geometric modelling Parametric representation of curves, solids & surfaces. Geometric
construction methods-Constraint based modeling- Wireframe, Surface- Bezier , B-Spline
Surfaces and Solid- Constructive Solid Geometry, Boundary representation and Cellular
NC Control production systems: Introduction to NC, CNC, DNC - Manual part Programming –
Computer Assisted Part Programming – Examples using NC codes- Adaptive Control – Canned
cycles and subroutines – CAD/ CAM approach to NC part programming – APT language
Role of information systems in manufacturing Discrete part manufacture-information requirements
of a production organization-manufacturing strategies Integration requirement – Group
Technology-coding-Production flow analysis-computer part programming CAPP implementation
Automated manufacturing systems Flexible Manufacturing systems (FMS) – the FMS concepts
– transfer systems – head changing FMS – Introduction to Rapid prototyping, Knowledge Based
Engineering, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality – automated guided vehicle-Robots-automated
storage and retrieval systems - computer aided quality controlCMM-Non contact inspection
Text Books:
1. P.N.Rao, CAD/CAM: Principles &Applications-3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. CAD/CAM Concepts & applications/Alavala/PHI
Reference Books:
1. CAD/CAM Theory and Practice / IbrahimZeid / TMH.
2. CAD/CAM/CIM Radha Krishnan & Subramanian / New age
3. Principles of computer Aided Design and Manufacturing / Fanlc / Amirouche / Pearson.
4. Computer Numerical Control Concepts and Programming / Warrens & Seames / Thomson
List of PO no. and keyword Competency
CO: 1 PO 1: Engineering knowledge 1.6 1.3.1
CO: 2 PO 5: Modern tool usage 5.2 5.2.2
CO: 3 PO 2: Problem analysis 2.5 2.1.2
CO: 4 PO 5: Modern tool usage: 5.2 5.2.2
CO: 5 PO 7: Environment and sustainability 7.4 7.4.1
Karakambadi Road, Venkatapuram (Vi), Tirupati
Computer aided machining (CAM): CAM can be defined as the use of computer systems to plan,
manage and control a manufacturing plant through either direct or indirect computer interface with the
plant’s production resources.
3D CAD data can be read by CAM software which takes 3D data & CNC machine parameters
as inputs and delivers a tool path that cuts metal as per the part designs.
The tool path so generated can be simulated on the screen to evaluate tool gauging so that the
machining run is perfect.
Computer Integrated manufacturing (CIM):
• Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) is manufacturing supported by computers. It is
the total integration of Computer Aided Design / Manufacturing and also other business
operations and databases.
• Definition: CIM is the integration of total manufacturing enterprise by using integrated
systems and data communication coupled with new managerial philosophies that improve
organizational and personnel efficiency.
• The CIM concept is that all the operations related to the production function in an
integrated computer system to assist, enhance and /or automate the operations.
• The computer system is spread throughout the firm, touching all the activities that support
• In this integrated computer system, the output of one activity serves as the input to the next
activity, through the chain of events that starts with the sales order and finishes with
shipment of the product.
• Customer orders are initial y entered by the company‟s sales force into a
computerized order-entry system. The orders contain the specifications
describing the product.
• The specifications serves as input to the design
• New products are designed on a CAD system. The components that comprise
product are designed, the BOM is complied, and assembly dwgs are prepared.
• The output of design serves as input to mfg. engg, where process planning,
tool design and similar activities are accomplished to prepare for production
• The output of mfg. engg. Provides input to the PPC, where MRP and
scheduling is performed
Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE):
• Computer-aided Engineering analysis (often referred to as CAE) is the
application of computer software in engineering to analyze the robustness and
performance of components and assemblies.
• It encompasses simulation, validation and optimization of products and
manufacturing tools.
• Parts and assemblies designed in CAD software can be „analyzed‟ for their
field performances right on the computer screen.
• Most of the olden-day destructive testing methods have found mathematical
replacements in the modern-day CAE software.
• CAE software delivers results that help analyzing designs.
• Analysis tools are available for
• static stress-strain,
• deflection,
• thermal,
• flow,
• motion,
• vibration
• This allows designers to “design-right-the-first-time”.
• Use of computer systems to analyze CAD geometry
• Allows designer to simulate and study how the product will behave, allowing
for optimization
• Finite-element method (FEM)
• Divides model into interconnected elements
• Solves continuous field problems
Product Cycle (Design and Manufacturing):
The average time spent on each unit of product during its life cycle.
In mass and batch production the T2 and T3 terms can be spread over a
large number of units.
Their relative values, therefore becomes less important as the production
quantities increase. The T1 term becomes most important term.
In job shop manufacturing, the T2 and T3 terms can become significant
because the quantities are so low.
Relationship between CAD/CAM & Automation:
• The goal of CAD/CAM and automation is to reduce the various time elements
in product life cycle.
• With this there is increase in productivity and improve in standard of living.
• The automation technology is concerned with reducing the T1 and T2
Elements, with emphasize on the unit production cost (T1).
• The CAD/CAM technology is concerned with all the three terms but is
perhaps focused on the T3 and T2 terms in the life cycle model.
• CAD/CAM has made important contribution towards integrating the functions
of design and manufacturing
The manufacturing database from CAD/CAM:
In the conventional manufacturing cycle practiced for so many years in industry,
• Engineering drawings were Prepared by design draftsman and then used by
manufacturing engineer to prepare process plan (“Route Sheet”)
• The activities involved in the designing the product were separated from the
activities associated with process planning.
• Essentially a two-step procedure was employed.
• This was both time consuming and involved duplication of efforts by design
and manufacturing personnel
• In an integrated CAD/CAM system, a direct link is established between
product design and manufacturing.
• It is goal of CAD/CAM not only to automate certain design phases of design
and certain phases of mfg., but also to automate the transition from design to
• Computer- based systems have been developed which create much of the data
and documentation required to plan and manage the mfg. operations for the
• The manufacturing data base is an integrated CAD/CAM data base.
• It includes all the data on the product generated during design (geometry data,
BOM , material specifications) as well as additional data required for mfg.,
much of which based on the product design
Application Program
• It controls the storage of data into and retrieves data out of application
• The application program is driven by the user through the graphics package
• The application program is implemented by the user to construct the model of
a physical entity whose image to be viewed on the graphics screen.
• Application programs are written for particular problem areas.
• Problem areas in engineering design would include arch, construction, mech.
Components, ext, chem, aerospace.
• Problem areas other than deign include flight simulators, graphical display of
data, mathematical analysis, and even artwork
Graphics Package
• The graphics package is the software support between the user and the
graphics terminal.
• It manages the graphical interaction between the user and the system
• It also serves as a s/w support between the user and the application software
• The graphics package consist of input subroutines and output subroutines
• The input subroutine accepts the input commands and data from the user and
forward them to the application program
• The output subroutines control the display terminal (or other output device)
and converts the application models into 2D or 3D graphics pictures.
Application data base
• The database contains mathematical, numerical and logical definitions of the
application models, such as electronic ckts, mechanical components,
automobile bodies, and so forth.
• It also contains alphanumeric information associated with the models, such as
BOM, mass properties and other data.
• The contents of the data base can be readily displayed on the CRT or plotted
out in hard copy form.
Functions of a Graphics package:
• Generation of graphics elements
• Transformations
• Display control and windowing function
• Segmenting functions
• User input functions
Generation of graphics elements
• A graphic element in computer graphics is a basic image entity such as a dot
(or point), line segment, circle, and so forth
• The collection of elements in the system could also include alphanumeric
characters and special symbols
• There is often a special hardware component in the graphics system associated
with the display of many of the elements.
• This speeds up the process of generating the element
• The user can construct the application model out of collection of elements
• The term primitive is used in reference to the graphics element
• E.g. sphere, cube, or cylinder
• In 3D wire frame models and solid modelling, primitives are used as building
• Transformations are used to change the image on the display screen
• Transformations are applied to graphics elements in order to aid the user in
constructing an application model
• It includes enlargement and reduction of the image by a process called scaling,
repositioning the image or translation, and rotation.
Display control and windowing
• This provides the user with the ability to view the image from the desired
angle and at the desired magnification
• Another aspect of display control is hidden line removal.
Segmenting function
• Segmenting provides user with the capability to selectively replace, delete or
otherwise modify portions of the image.
• The term segment refers to a particular portion of the image which has been
identified for the purpose of modifying it.
• Storage type CRT is unsuited to segmenting function.
User input output functions
• User input functions constitute a critical set of functions in the graphics
package because they permit the operator to enter commands or data to the
• The entry is accomplished by means of operator input devices.
Constructing the geometry:
• The use of graphics elements
• Defining the graphics elements
• Editing the geometry
The use of graphics elements
The graphics system accomplishes the definition of the model by constructing it
out of graphics elements
These elements are called by the user during the construction process and added
one by one, to create the model
There are several aspects about this construction process.
1. Each new element is being called but before it is added to the model, the user
can specify its size, its position and orientation.
These specifications are necessary to form the model to proper shape and size For
this purpose various transformations are utilized
2. Graphics element can be subtracted as well as added
Another way of saying this is that the model can be formed out of negative
elements as well as positive elements.
• This would produce an alternation in the size of the element by the factor m in
the x-direction and by the factor n in the y direction
• It also repositions the element
• If the scaling factor is <1 , it is moved closer to origin
• If the scaling factor is >1 , it is moved farther from the origin
In this transformation, the points of an object are rotated about the origin by
anangle θ
For a positive angle, this rotation is in the counter clockwise direction
This accomplishes rotation of the object by the same angle, but it also
Moves the object. In matrix notation the procedure will be as follows:
(x‟, y‟) = (x, y) R
Example : Translation
Consider the line defined by,
Suppose the line to be translate in space by 2 units in x direction and 3 units in the y
Example : Scaling
• Apply scaling factor of 2 to the line
Example: Rotation
Rotate the line about origin by 30°
3 Dimensional Transformation
• Transformations by matrix methods can be extended to three dimensional
• The translation matrix for a point defined in three dimensional matrix would
be, T = (m, n, p)
And would be applied by adding increments m, n and p to the respective
coordinates of each of the points defining the three-dimensional geometry
The scaling transformation is given by,
• Single transformations can be combined as a sequence of transformations.
This is called as concatenation, and the combined transformations are called
concatenated transformations.
• During editing process when a graphics model is being developed , the use of
concatenated transformation is quite common
• More than one transformations are usually requires to accomplish the desired
1. Rotation of the element about an arbitrary point the element
2. Magnifying the element but maintaining the location of one of its points in the
same location
• In the first case transformations would be: translation to the origin, then
rotation about the origin, then translation back to original location
• In the second case , the element would be scaled (magnified) followed by a
translation to locate the desired point as needed
• The objective of the concatenation is to accomplish a series of image
manipulations as a single transformation
• The concatenation is the product of the two transformation matrix
• It is important that order of matrix multiplication be the same as the order in
which the transformations are to be carried out.
Example: Concatenation
• A point to be scaled by a factor of 2 and rotated by 45°. Suppose point under
consideration was (3, 1). This may be one of the several points defining a
geometric element
• First accomplish the transformations sequentially,
First consider the scaling,
(x‟, y ‟) = (x, y)S
• Thus, a general homogeneous coordinate can also be written as (h.x, h.y, h).
• For two-dimensional geometric transformations, homogeneous parameter
h to be anynonzero value.
• Thus, there is an infinite number of equivalent homogeneous
representations for eachcoordinate point (x, y)
• A convenient choice is simply to set h=1.
• Each two-dimensional position is then represented with coordinates (x, y, 1)
• This facilitates the computer graphics operations where the concatenation
of multipletransformations can be easily carried out.
• The translation matrix in multiplication form can be given as,
We will use 4-bits to divide the entire region. These 4 bits represent the Top, Bottom,
Right, and Left of the region as shown in the following figure. Here,
the TOP and LEFT bit is set to 1 because it is the TOP-LEFT corner.
There are 3 possibilities for the line −
Line can be completely inside the window This line should be accepted.
Line can be completely outside of the window This line will be completely
removed from the region.
Line can be partially inside the window we will find intersection point and draw
only that portion of line that is inside region.
Step 1 − Assign a region code for each endpoints.
Step 2 − If both endpoints have a region code 0000 then accept this line.
Step 3 − Else, perform the logical AND operation for both region codes.
Step 3.1 − If the result is not 0000, then reject the line.
Step 3.2 − Else you need clipping.
Step 3.2.1 − Choose an endpoint of the line that is outside the window.
Step 3.2.2 − Find the intersection point at the window boundary base on region
Step 3.2.3 − Replace endpoint with the intersection point and update the region
Step 3.2.4 − Repeat step 2 until we find a clipped line either trivially accepted or
trivially rejected.
Step 4 − Repeat step 1 for other lines.
Cyrus-Beck Line Clipping Algorithm
This algorithm is more efficient than Cohen-Sutherland algorithm. It employs
parametric line representation and simple dot products.
is “inside the clip edge” or “outside” the clip edge or “on” the clip edge.
Ni.[Pt – PEi] = 0
D ≠ 0 (P1 ≠ P0)
Shading is concerned with the implementation of the illumination model
at the pixel points or polygon surfaces of the graphics objects. In particular, in Computer Graphics,
Shading is a method used to create or enhance the illusion of depth in an image by varying the amount
of darkness in the image.
Shading is referred to as the implementation of the illumination model at the pixel points or
polygon surfaces of the graphics objects.
Shading model is used to compute the intensities and colors to display the surface. The
shading model has two primary ingredients: properties of the surface and properties of the
illumination falling on it. The principal surface property is its reflectance, which determines
how much of the incident light is reflected. If a surface has different reflectance for the light
of different wavelengths, it will appear to be colored.
An object illumination is also significant in computing intensity. The scene may have to save
illumination that is uniform from all direction, called diffuse illumination.
Shading models determine the shade of a point on the surface of an object in terms of a
number of attributes. The shading Mode can be decomposed into three parts, a contribution
from diffuse illumination, the contribution for one or more specific light sources and a
transparency effect. Each of these effects contributes to shading term E which is summed to
find the total energy coming from a point on an object. This is the energy a display should
generate to present a realistic image of the object. The energy comes not from a point on the
surface but a small area around the point.
The simplest form of shading considers only diffuse illumination:
Epd=Rp Id
where Epd is the energy coming from point P due to diffuse illumination. I d is the diffuse
illumination falling on the entire scene, and R p is the reflectance coefficient at P which ranges
from shading contribution from specific light sources will cause the shade of a surface to vary
as to its orientation concerning the light sources changes and will also include specular
reflection effects. In the above figure, a point P on a surface, with light arriving at an angle of
incidence i, the angle between the surface normal N p and a ray to the light source. If the
energy Ips arriving from the light source is reflected uniformly in all directions, called diffuse
reflection, we have
This equation shows the reduction in the intensity of a surface as it's tipped obliquely to the
light source. If the angle of incidence i exceeds90°, the surface is hidden from the light source
and we must set Epsto zero.
A fast and straightforward method for rendering an object with polygon surfaces is constant
intensity shading, also called Flat Shading. In this method, a single intensity is calculated for
each polygon. All points over the surface of the polygon are then displayed with the same
intensity value. Constant Shading can be useful for quickly displaying the general
appearances of the curved surface as shown in fig:
In general, flat shading of polygon facets provides an accurate rendering for an object if all of
the following assumptions are valid:-
The object is a polyhedron and is not an approximation of an object with a curved surface.
All light sources illuminating the objects are sufficiently far from the surface so that N. L and
the attenuation function are constant over the surface (where N is the unit normal to a surface
and L is the unit direction vector to the point light source from a position on the surface).
The viewing position is sufficiently far from the surface so that V. R is constant over the
surface (where V is the unit vector pointer to the viewer from the surface position and R
represent a unit vector in the direction of ideal specular reflection).
Gouraud shading
Each polygon surface is rendered with Gouraud Shading by performing the following
At each polygon vertex, we obtain a normal vector by averaging the surface normals of all
polygons staring that vertex as shown in fig:
Once we have the vertex normals, we can determine the intensity at the vertices from a
lighting model.
Following figures demonstrate the next step: Interpolating intensities along the polygon
edges. For each scan line, the intensities at the intersection of the scan line with a polygon
edge are linearly interpolated from the intensities at the edge endpoints. For example:
In fig, the polygon edge with endpoint vertices at position 1 and 2 is intersected by the
scanline at point 4. A fast method for obtaining the intensities at point 4 is to interpolate
between intensities I1 and I2 using only the vertical displacement of the scan line.
Fig : For Gourand shading , the intesity at point 4 is linearly interpolated from the intensities
at verticies 1 and 2 .The intenssity at point is linearly interploted from intensities at vertices 2 and 3.
An interior point P is then assigned an intensity value that is linerly interpolated from intensities at
position 4 and 5.
Similarly, the intensity at the right intersection of this scan line (point 5) is interpolated from the
intensity values at vertices 2 and 3. Once these bounding intensities are established for a scan line, an
interior point (such as point P in the previous fig) is interpolated from the bounding intensities at point
4 and 5 as
Incremental calculations are used to obtain successive edge intensity values between scan lines and to
obtain successive intensities along a scan line as shown in fig:
If the intensity at edge position (x, y) is interpolated as
Then we can obtain the intensity along this edge for the next scan line, Y-1 as
Similar calculations are used to obtain intensities at successive horizontal pixel positions
along each scan line.
When surfaces are to be rendered in color, the intensities of each color component is
calculated at the vertices. Gouraud Shading can be connected with a hidden-surface algorithm
to fill in the visible polygons along each scan-line. An example of an object-shaded with the
Gouraud method appears in the following figure
Gouraud Shading discards the intensity discontinuities associated with the constant-shading model,
but it has some other deficiencies. Highlights on the surface are sometimes displayed with anomalous
shapes, and the linear intensity interpolation can cause bright or dark intensity streaks, called Match
bands, to appear on the surface. These effects can be decreased by dividing the surface into a higher
number of polygon faces or by using other methods, such as Phong shading, that requires more
Phong Shading
A more accurate method for rendering a polygon surface is to interpolate the normal vector
and then apply the illumination model to each surface point. This method developed by
Phong Bui Tuong is called Phong Shading or normal vector Interpolation Shading. It displays
more realistic highlights on a surface and greatly reduces the Match-band effect.
A polygon surface is rendered using Phong shading by carrying out the following steps:
Interpolation of the surface normal along a polynomial edge between two vertices as shown in fig:
Incremental methods are used to evaluate normals between scan lines and along each scan
line. At each pixel position along a scan line, the illumination model is applied to determine
the surface intensity at that point.
Intensity calculations using an approximated normal vector at each point along the scan line
produce more accurate results than the direct interpolation of intensities, as in Gouraud
Shading. The trade-off, however, is that phong shading requires considerably more
2023 – 2024
Course Outcomes:
CO: 1 Understand the basic concepts components of CAD/CAM concepts of Graphics
CO: 2 Understand the concepts of Geometric representation methods.
CO: 3 Understand and apply Numerical CNC Part Programming methods.
CO: 4 Understand the concepts of Group technology and techniques, production flow
CO: 5 Understand the concepts of FMS and its elements.
Introduction: Definition and scope of CAD/CAM- Computers in industrial manufacturing,
design process Computer Aided Design (CAD)-Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)-
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
Graphics: Data base for graphic modeling-transformation geometry-3D transformations –
Clipping-hidden line removal-Colour-shading.
Geometric modelling Parametric representation of curves, solids & surfaces. Geometric
construction methods-Constraint based modeling- Wireframe, Surface- Bezier , B-Spline
Surfaces and Solid- Constructive Solid Geometry, Boundary representation and Cellular
NC Control production systems: Introduction to NC, CNC, DNC - Manual part Programming –
Computer Assisted Part Programming – Examples using NC codes- Adaptive Control – Canned
cycles and subroutines – CAD/ CAM approach to NC part programming – APT language
Role of information systems in manufacturing Discrete part manufacture-information requirements
of a production organization-manufacturing strategies Integration requirement – Group
Technology-coding-Production flow analysis-computer part programming CAPP implementation
Automated manufacturing systems Flexible Manufacturing systems (FMS) – the FMS concepts
– transfer systems – head changing FMS – Introduction to Rapid prototyping, Knowledge Based
Engineering, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality – automated guided vehicle-Robots-automated
storage and retrieval systems - computer aided quality controlCMM-Non contact inspection
Text Books:
1. P.N.Rao, CAD/CAM: Principles &Applications-3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. CAD/CAM Concepts & applications/Alavala/PHI
Reference Books:
1. CAD/CAM Theory and Practice / IbrahimZeid / TMH.
2. CAD/CAM/CIM Radha Krishnan & Subramanian / New age
3. Principles of computer Aided Design and Manufacturing / Fanlc / Amirouche / Pearson.
4. Computer Numerical Control Concepts and Programming / Warrens & Seames / Thomson
List of PO no. and keyword Competency
CO: 1 PO 1: Engineering knowledge 1.6 1.3.1
CO: 2 PO 5: Modern tool usage 5.2 5.2.2
CO: 3 PO 2: Problem analysis 2.5 2.1.2
CO: 4 PO 5: Modern tool usage: 5.2 5.2.2
CO: 5 PO 7: Environment and sustainability 7.4 7.4.1
Karakambadi Road, Venkatapuram (Vi), Tirupati
The requirement of geometric modeling is manifold. The conceptual design is the basis of
the generation of geometric model. The choice of the geometric model depends on the
mechanical functions to be performed by it. A valid geometric model is created by CAD system
and its model database is stored. The database of geometric modeling is used for engineering
analysis and for design optimization. Design testing and evaluation may necessitate changing the
geometric model before finalizing it. When the final design is achieved, it is documented and
used for subsequent manufacturing applications, quality and cost analysis.
Good geometric model is designed based in the following important guidelines-
1. Modeling method must be easy to use
2. Completeness of part representation
3. Representation should be able to represent a useful set of geometric objects
4. Model should not create any ambiguity (The ability to express more than one interpretation)
to users. A given representation should correspond to one and only one solid
5. To represent the solid normally there should only unique way. With this one can compare
two identical solid representations
6. A geometric model must be very accurate. There should not be any approximation
7. Geometric modeling should not create any invalid or impossible models
8. The various transformations such as move, rotation, scale etc and manipulations such as
union, intersect, subtract etc should able to be performed on geometric model
9. A good representation should be compact enough for saving space and allow for efficient
algorithms to determine desired physical characteristics
10. Geometric model should have shading and rendering (Generation an image for a model by
means of a computer program) capability to give realistic effect to the model
The geometric models are broadly classified on the basis of geometric construction into the
Following categories
1. Two Dimensional (2D)
2. Three Dimensional (3D)
Wireframe modeling is the oldest and simplest methods of geometric modeling which
can be used to store model mathematically in the computer memory. It contains information
about the locations of all the points (vertices) and edges in space coordinates. Various
wireframe entities are points, lines, planer arcs, circle, curves etc. Each vertex is defined by x,
y, z coordinates. Edges are defined by a pair of vertices and faces are defined as three or more
edges. Thus, wireframe is a collection of edges, there is no skin defining the area between the
edges. This is the lowest level of modeling and has serious limitations. But it some applications
such as tool path simulation it is very convenient to use wireframe models.
Advantages of wireframe models:
1. It is simple methods and requires less memory space
2. It forms the basis for surface and solid modeling
3. Manipulations in the model can be done easily and quickly
1. One of the serious limitations in the ambiguity of orientation and viewing plane
2. Cannot model complex curve surfaces
3. Does not represent an actual solid (no surface and volume)
4. Physical properties such as mass, surface area, volume, center of gravity etc. are not
possible to calculate
5. Wireframe models has no knowledge of surface faces; therefore, it will not detect
interface between two matting components and this is serious drawback especially in
component assembly, kinematic analysis, NC tool and robot arm simulation
2. Renders the model for better visualization and presentation, objects appear more realistic
3. Provides the surface geometry for CAM, NC machine
4. Provides the geometry needed by the manufacturing engineer for mould and die design
5. This can be used to design and analysis complex free-formed surfaces of ship hulls,
aero plane fuselages and bodies
6. Surface properties such as roughness, color and reflectivity can be assigned and
1. Provides no information about the inside of an object
2. Curved surfaces need a fine mesh to be accurate
3. Provides wrong results if mesh is too coarse
4. Complicated computation, depending on the number of surfaces
Solid modeling is the most powerful of 3D modeling technique. This includes vertices
(nodes), edges, surfaces, weight and volume. This model consisting of the complete description
of the solid in a certain form is the most ideal representation, as all the information requires at
every stage of product cycle can be obtained with technique. Defining an object with a solid
model is the easiest of the available three modeling techniques. The model is a complete and
unambiguous representation of a precisely enclosed and filled volume. Solid model contain
bath geometric and available to represent the solid, but geometry two techniques are very
famous, these are constructive solid geometry (CSG) and boundary representation (B-rep)
1. Mass properties such as area, volume, weight, centre of gravity and moment of inertia can
be determined quickly
2. It allows the design engineer to develop and evaluate alternative concepts for parts and
assemblies while the design is still a theoretical model.
3. Solid models are non-ambiguous
4. Easily exported to different FEM programs for analysis
5. It can be used in newly manufacturing techniques; CIM, CAM, design for manufacturing
6. 2D standard drawings, assembly drawings and exploded drawings are generated from the
Not possible to
6. Interference between Can detect Can detect
matting parts detect
a) Explicit form: In this, the co-ordinates of y and z of a point on curve are expressed as
twoseparate functions of x as independent variable.
P = [x y z]
= [x f(x) g(x)]
b) Implicit form: In this, the co-ordinates of x, y and z of a point on curve are related
together by two functions.
F (x, y, z) = 0
G (x, y, z) = 0
Limitation of nonparametric representation of curves are:
1. If the slope of a curve at a point is vertical or near vertical, its value becomes infinity
or very large, a difficult condition to deal with both computationally and
programming-wise. Other ill-defined mathematical conditions may result.
2. Shapes of most engineering objects are intrinsically independent of any coordinate
system. What determines the shape of an object is the relationship between its data
points themselves and not between these points and some arbitrary coordinate system.
3. If the curve is to be displayed as a series of points or straight-line segments, the
computations involved could be extensive.
Parametric form:
In this, a parameter is introduced and the co-ordinates of x, y and z are expressed as functions
of this parameters. This parameter acts as a local co-ordinate for points on curve.
P (u) = [x y Z ]
= [x (u) y (u) z (u)]
Classification of Curves
Curves can be classified as shown below mainly in two categories:
1. Analytical Curves:
The curves which are defined by the analytical equations are known as analytical
Examples: line, circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola etc.
2. Synthetic Curves:
The curves which are defined by set of data points are known as synthetic curves.
Combination of polynomial segments to represent a desired curve is called a
synthetic curve.
These curves can be conveniently twisted, shaped or bent by changing the control
Examples: Cubic spline curve, B-spline curve, Bezier curve etc.
Synthetic curves take up where the analytic curves leave – the latter are not that
efficient at geometric design of mechanical parts.
Need for synthetic curves arise in two occasions:
When a curve is represented by a collection of measured data points,
When an existing curve must change to meet new design requirements the
designer needs a curve representation that is directly related to the data
points and is flexible enough to bend, twist or change the shape by
changing one or more data points.
Some examples of complex geometric design are: Car bodies, Ship hulls, Airplane
fuselage and wings, Propeller blades, Shoe insoles, aesthetically designed bottles
When the curve pass through all the data points, then the curve is known as
Interpolant curve. It sounds more logical but can be more unstable and ringing.
When a smooth curve is approximated through the data points, then the curve is
known as approximation curve. It turns out to be convenient.
(a) Interpolation
(b) Approximation
Synthetic curve pass through defined data points and can thus represented by
polynomial equations.
The parametric form for any synthetic curve is:
P u C 3u3 C 2 u2 C 1u C 0
Consider a line between two given endpoints P1 (x1, y1, z1) and P2(x2, y2, z2) as shown
in Fig. 2.2. The position vectors for these two points would be P 1 and P2. Consider any
point P (x, y, z) on the line P1 P2.
Let a parametric system be introduced such that the point P is represented by the
parameter u such that its values are 0 and 1 at endpoints P1 and P2 respectively.
From ∆OPP1, we can express the vector between endpoints P1 and P as P - P1. This
vector represents the parameter u.
The mapping between the Cartesian and parametric space can be done by the following
P P1 P2 P1
u 1
P P1 u P2 P1
P P1 u P2 P1 where, 0 ≤ u ≤ 1
This equation represents the vector equation of the line in parametric form. In scalar
form, it can be written as:
x x1 u x2 x1
y y1 u y2 y1
z z1 u z2 z1 where, 0 ≤ u ≤ 1
Any point on the above line or its extension can be found by substituting the value of
Parameter u. The tangent vector of the line would be represented by:
P' P2 P1
In scalar form these would have the coordinates expressed by the following equations:
x ' x2 x1
y ' y2 y1
z' z2 z1
It can be seen that the tangent vector is independent of the parameter u, thus
representing the constant slope of the line. Above equations are sufficient to represent
all properties of the line for CAD/CAM representation. The length L and direction
vector n can be calculated using the following equations :
Once the user inputs P1, L and n , the endpoint can be calculated as per the above equation. The
two endpoints can then be expressed in parametric form with values of parameter u as 0 and 1.
Fig. 2.3 Line passing through a point and defined by a Length and Direction
Parallel Lines
Assume that the existing line has the two endpoints P1 and P2, a length L1, and a
direction defined by the unit vector length L2 and endpoints P3 and P4.
The unit vector for the parallel line will be same as unit vector for the existing line.
Distance of a point from line
Example 2.1: For the position vectors P1[1 2] and P2[4 3], determine the parametric
representation of line segment between them. Also determine the slope and tangent vector of
line segment.
A parametric representation of line is
P P1 u P2 P1
= [1 2] + u ([4 3] – [1 2])
= [1 2] + u [3 1]
Parametric representation of x and y components are
x(u) = x1 + u (x2 – x1)
= 1 + 3u
y(u) = y1 + u (y2 – y1)
The tangent vector is obtained by differentiating P(u)
P’(u) = *x’(u) y’(u)+
= [3 1]
The slope of line segment is
A circle is represented in the CAD/CAM database by storing the values of its center and
its radius. In a parametric form, a circle shown in Fig. 2.7, can be represented by the
following set of equations:
x xc R Cos u
y yc R Sin u
z zc
where, 0 ≤ u ≤ 2ᴫ
In this case the parameter u represents the angle measured from the X axis to any point P
on the circumference of the circle. By incrementing the values of u from 0 to 2ᴫ, the
intermediate points on the circle can be worked out.
These points can then be connected by straight lines for the purpose of display. However,
this method of computation is inefficient as it requires trigonometric evaluation of
A convenient method to determine the different points on the circle is to use the
incremental equations. Consider any point Pn (xn, yn, zn) on the circle.
Let the subsequent incremental point be Pn+1 (xn+1, yn+1, zn+1). From the above
equation, we get:
Thus, the circle can start from an arbitrary point and successive points with equal spacing
can be calculated. Cos ∆u & Sin ∆u have to be cal
culated only once, this eliminates the computations of trigonometric functions for each
This algorithm is useful for hardware implementation to speed up the circle generation &
If two endpoints of diameter of circle are given, then the center & radius of circle are
calculated as below.
Mathematically the ellipse is a curve generated by a point moving in space such that
at any position the sum of its distances from two fixed points (foci) is constant and
equal to the major diameter. Each focus is located on the major axis of the ellipse at a
distance from its center equal to (A and B are the major and minor radii).
Circular holes and forms become ellipses when they are viewed obliquely relative to
their planes
Fig. 2.8 Ellipse Defined by a Center, Major and Minor Axes
However, four conditions (points and/or tangent vectors) are required to define the
geometric shape of an ellipse.
Fig. 2.8 shows an ellipse with point Pc as the center and the lengths of half of the
major and minor axes are A and B respectively. The parametric equation of an ellipse
can be written as assuming the plane of the ellipse is the XY plane.
The parameter u is the angle as in the case of a circle. However, for a point P shown
in the figure, it is not the angle between the line PP c and the major axis of the ellipse.
Instead, it is defined as shown.
To find point P on the ellipse that corresponds to an angle u, the two concentric
circles C1 and C2 are constructed with centers at Pc and radii of A and B respectively. A
radial line is constructed at the angle u to intersect both circles at points P 1 and P2
If a line parallel to the minor axis is drawn from P1 and a line parallel to the major axis is drawn
from P2, the intersection of these two lines defines the point P.
x xc A cosu
y yc B sinu 0 u 2
z Zc
Similar development as in the case of a circle results in the following recursive relationships
which are useful for generating points on the ellipse for display purposes without excessive
evaluations of trigonometric functions:
If the ellipse major axis is inclined with an angle α relative to the x axis as shown inFig. 2.8,
the ellipse equation becomes
The parabola is defined mathematically as a curve generated by a point that moves
such that its distance from a fixed point (the focus PF) is always equal to its distance
to a fixed line (the directrix) as shown in Fig. 2.9.
The vertex Pv is the intersection point of the parabola with its axis of symmetry. It is
located midway between directrix and focus. Focus lies on the axis of symmetry.
Useful applications of the parabolic curve in engineering design include its use in
parabolic sound and light reflectors, radar antennas and in bridge arches.
Three conditions are required to define a parabola, a parabolic curve, or a parabolic
arc. The default plane of a parabola is the XY plane of the current WCS at the time of
The database of a parabola usually stores the coordinates of its vertex, distances y HW
and yLW,that define its endpoints as shown in Fig. 2.9, the distance A between the
focus and the vertex (the focal distance) and the orientation angle α.
Unlike the ellipse, the parabola is not a closed curve. Thus, the two endpoints
determine the amount of the parabola to be displayed.
y yv 2Au 0 u
z zv
If the range of the y coordinate is limited to yHW and yLW for positive and negative
values respectively, the corresponding u values become
The recursive relationships to generate points on the parabola are obtained by
substituting un + Δu for points n + 1. This gives
xn1 xn (yn yv )u A (u)2
yn1 yn 2A u
zn1 zn
A hyperbola is described mathematically as a curve generated by a point moving suchthat at any
position the difference of its distances from the fixed points (foci) F and F' is a constant and equal
to the transverse axis of the hyperbola
(x xv )2 (y yv )2
2 2
by utilizing the identity cosh2u – sinh2u = 1.
Conic curves or conic sections form the most general form of quadratic curves. Lines,
circles, ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas are all special forms of conic curves. They
all can be generated when a right circular cone of revolution is cut by planes at
different angles relative to the cone axis-thus the derivation of the name conics.
Straight lines result from intersecting a cone with a plane parallel to its axis and
passing through its vertex. Circles results when the cone is sectioned by a plane
perpendicular to its axis while ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas are generated when
the plane is inclined to the axis by various angles.
Parametric representation of synthetic curve
Analytic curves, are usually not sufficient to meet geometric design requirements of
mechanical parts. Products such as car bodies, ship hulls, airplane fuselage and
wings, propeller blades, shoe insoles and bottles are a few examples that require
free-form, or synthetic, curves and surfaces.
The need for synthetic curves in design arises on two occasions: when a curve is
represented by a collection of measured data points and when an existing curve must
change to meet new design requirements.
In the latter occasion, the designer would need a curve representation that is directly
related to the data points and is flexible enough to bend, twist, or change the curve
shape by changing one or more data points.
Data points are usually called control points and the curve itself is called an
interpolant if it passes through all the data points.
The Bezier curve is defined in terms of (n+1) points. This points are called as
control points, where n is the degree of the curve.
If n=3 control points are 4, as shown in the Fig 2.15.
These control points form the vertices of the control polygon or Bezier characteristic
The control or Bezier characteristic polygon uniquely defines the curve.
Properties of Beizer Curve:
The degree of polynomial defining the curve segment is one less than the no. of
defining polygon points (n-1).
The curve follows the shape of the defining polygon.
Only the first and last control points or vertices of polygon actually lie on curve.
The other vertices define order & shape of the curve. (see Fig. 3.8)
Fig. 2.16 Same data points but different orders for Beizer Curve
The curve is also always tangent to first and last segments of polygon.
The same Beizer curve would be generated, if the sequence of the points is
changed from P0 – P1 – P2 – P3 to P3 – P2 – P1 – P0.
The flexibility of the shape would increase with increase in number of vertices
of the polygon.
It is having global control on the shape of the curve.
Fig. 2.17 Same Typical Examples of Beizer Curve
B-Spline curves allow a local control over the shape of the spline curve.
B-Spline curves allow us to vary the control points without changing the
degree ofthe polynomial (i.e. number of control points can be added or
The degree of the curve is independent of the number of control points
(i.e. fourcontrol points can generate a linear, quadratic or cubic curve).
It gives better control over the shape of curve.
They are more complex compared to Bezier curves.
B-spline curve defined by n + 1 control points Pi is given by
P(u) PiNi ,k (u), 0 u umax (2.28)
i 0
Surfaces and Solid- Constructive Solid Geometry, Boundary representation and Cellular
Constructive Solid Geometry
Constructive solid geometry has a number of practical uses. It is used in cases where simple geometric
objects are desired, or where mathematical accuracy is important. Nearly all engineering CAD packages use
CSG (where it may be useful for representing tool cuts, and features where parts must fit
together).Constructive solid geometry (CSG; formerly called computational binary solid geometry) is a
technique used in solid modeling. Constructive solid geometry allows a modeler to create a complex surface
or object by using Boolean operators to combine simpler objects, potentially generating visually complex
objects by combining a few primitive ones. In 3D computer graphics and CAD, CSG is often used in
procedural modeling. CSG can also be performed on polygonal meshes, and may or may not be procedural
and/or parametric. Contrast CSG with polygon mesh modeling and box modeling. The simplest solid objects
used for the representation are called geometric primitives. Typically they are the objects of simple shape:
cuboids, cylinders, prisms, pyramids, spheres, cones. The set of allowable primitives is limited by each
software package. Some software packages allow CSG on curved objects while other packages do not. An
object is constructed from primitives by means of allowable operations, which are typically Boolean
operations on sets: union, intersection and difference, as well as geometric transformations of those sets. A
primitive can typically be described by a procedure which accepts some number of parameters; for example,
a sphere may be described by the coordinates of its center point, along with a radius value. These primitives
can be combined into compound objects using operations like these:
Combining these elementary operations, it is possible to build up objects with high complexity starting from
simple ones.
Ray tracing
Rendering of constructive solid geometry is particularly simple when ray tracing. Ray tracers intersect a ray
with both primitives that are being operated on, apply the operator to the intersection intervals along the 1D
ray, and then take the point closest to the camera along the ray as being the result.
Constructive solid geometry has a number of practical uses. It is used in cases where simple geometric
objects are desired, or where mathematical accuracy is important. Nearly all engineering CAD packages use
CSG (where it may be useful for representing tool cuts, and features where parts must fit together).
The Quake engine and Unreal Engine both use this system, as does Hammer (the native Source
engine level editor), and Torque Game Engine/Torque Game Engine Advanced. CSG is popular
because a modeler can use a set of relatively simple objects to create very complicated geometry.
When CSG is procedural or parametric, the user can revise their complex geometry by changing
the position of objects or by changing the Boolean operation used to combine those objects.
One of the advantages of CSG is that it can easily assure that objects are "solid" or water-tight if
all of the primitive shapes are water-tight. This can be important for some manufacturing or
engineering computation applications. By comparison, when creating geometry based upon
boundary representations, additional topological data is required, or consistency checks must be
performed to assure that the given boundary description specifies a valid solid object.
A convenient property of CSG shapes is that it is easy to classify arbitrary points as being either
inside or outside the shape created by CSG. The point is simply classified against all the
underlying primitives and the resulting boolean expression is evaluated. This is a desirable quality
for some applications such as ray tracing.
Constructive solid geometry usually starts with a small set of primitives such as blocks, pyramids
spheres and cones .two objects reinitially created and combined using some et operation to create
a new object .this object can then be combined with another primitive to make abother new object
.This process continuous until modeling complete
Boundary representation
In solid modeling and computer-aided design, boundary representation (often abbreviated B-rep or
BREP) is a method for representing a 3D shape by defining the limits of its volume. A solid is represented
as a collection of connected surface elements, which define the boundary between interior and exterior
A boundary representation of a model comprises topological components (faces, edges and vertices) and the
connections between them, along with geometric definitions for those components (surfaces, curves and
points, respectively). A face is a bounded portion of a surface; an edge is a bounded piece of a curve and a
vertex lies at a point. Other elements are the shell (a set of connected faces), the loop (a circuit of edges
bounding a face) and loop-edge links (also known as winged edge links or half-edges) which are used to
create the edge circuits.In solid modeling and computer-aided design, boundary representation (often
abbreviated B-rep or BREP) is a method for representing a 3D shape by defining the limits of
its volume. A solid is represented as a collection of connected surface elements, which define the
boundary between interior and exterior points.
Course Outcomes:
CO: 1 Understand the basic concepts components of CAD/CAM concepts of Graphics
CO: 2 Understand the concepts of Geometric representation methods.
CO: 3 Understand and apply Numerical CNC Part Programming methods.
CO: 4 Understand the concepts of Group technology and techniques, production flow
CO: 5 Understand the concepts of FMS and its elements.
Introduction: Definition and scope of CAD/CAM- Computers in industrial manufacturing,
design process Computer Aided Design (CAD)-Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)-
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
Graphics: Data base for graphic modeling-transformation geometry-3D transformations –
Clipping-hidden line removal-Colour-shading.
Geometric modelling Parametric representation of curves, solids & surfaces. Geometric
construction methods-Constraint based modeling- Wireframe, Surface- Bezier , B-Spline Surfaces
and Solid- Constructive Solid Geometry, Boundary representation and Cellular Decomposition.
NC Control production systems: Introduction to NC, CNC, DNC - Manual part Programming –
Computer Assisted Part Programming – Examples using NC codes- Adaptive Control – Canned cycles
and subroutines – CAD/ CAM approach to NC part programming – APT language
Role of information systems in manufacturing Discrete part manufacture-information requirements
of a production organization-manufacturing strategies Integration requirement – Group
Technology-coding-Production flow analysis-computer part programming CAPP implementation
Automated manufacturing systems Flexible Manufacturing systems (FMS) – the FMS concepts
– transfer systems – head changing FMS – Introduction to Rapid prototyping, Knowledge Based
Engineering, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality – automated guided vehicle-Robots-automated
storage and retrieval systems - computer aided quality controlCMM-Non contact inspection
Text Books:
1. P.N.Rao, CAD/CAM: Principles &Applications-3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. CAD/CAM Concepts & applications/Alavala/PHI
Reference Books:
1. CAD/CAM Theory and Practice / IbrahimZeid / TMH.
2. CAD/CAM/CIM Radha Krishnan & Subramanian / New age
3. Principles of computer Aided Design and Manufacturing / Fanlc / Amirouche / Pearson.
4. Computer Numerical Control Concepts and Programming / Warrens & Seames / Thomson
List of PO no. and keyword Competency
CO: 1 PO 1: Engineering knowledge 1.6 1.3.1
CO: 2 PO 5: Modern tool usage 5.2 5.2.2
CO: 3 PO 2: Problem analysis 2.5 2.1.2
CO: 4 PO 5: Modern tool usage: 5.2 5.2.2
CO: 5 PO 7: Environment and sustainability 7.4 7.4.1
Karakambadi Road, Venkatapuram (Vi), Tirupati
4. Understand the concepts of Group technology and techniques, production flow Analysis.
An operational numerical control system consists of the following three basic components:
1. program of instructions
The general relationship among the three components is illustrated in the figure. The program of
instructions serves as the input to the controller unit, which in turn commands the machine tool or
other process to be controlled. We will discuss the three components in the sections below:
Program of instructions:
The program of instructions is the detailed step by step set of directions which tell the machine
Tool what to do. It is coded in numerical or symbolic form on some type of input medium that can
be interpreted by controller unit. The most common input medium today is 1-in wide punched tape.
over the years, other forms of input media have been used, including punched cards, magnetic
tape, and even 35-mm motion picture film.
There are two other methods of input to the NC system which should be mentioned. The first is by
manual entry of instructional data to the controller unit. This method is called manual data input,
abbreviated MDI, and is appropriate only for relatively simple jobs where the order will not be
repeated. The second other method of input is by means.
Controller unit:
The second basic component of the NC system is the controller unit. This consists
of the electronics and hardware that read and interpret the program and instructions and convert
into mechanical actions of the machine tool. The typical elements of a conventional NC controller
unit include the tape reader, a data buffer signal output channels to the machine tool, and the
sequence controls to coordinate the overall operation of the foregoing elements. It should be noted
that nearly all modern NC systems today are sold with a microcomputer as the controller unit. This
type of NC is called computer numerical control (CNC).
The tape reader is an electromechanical device for winding and reading the punched tape
containing the program of instructions. The data contained on the tape are read in to the data
buffer. The purpose of this device is to store the input instructions in logical blocks of information. A
block of information usually represents one complete step in the sequence of processing elements.
For example, one block may be the data required to move the machine table to a certain
position and drill a hole at that location.
The signal output channels are connected to the serve motors and other controls in the
machine tool from the controller unit. To make certain that the instructions have been properly
executed by the machine, feed back data are sent back to the controller via the feedback channels.
The most important function of this return loop is to assure that the table and work part have been
properly located with respect to the tool.
Sequence controls coordinate the activities of the other elements of the controller unit. The
tape reader is actuated to read data into the buffer from the tape, signals are sent to and from the
machine tool, and so on. These types of operations must be synchronized and this is the function of
the sequence controls.
Another element NC system, which may be physically part of the controller unit or part of
the machine tool, is the control panel. The control panel or control console contains the dials and
switches by which the machine operator runs the NC system. It may also contain data displays to
provide information the operator.
Although NC system is an automatic system, the human operator is still needed to turn the
machine on an off, to change tools (some NC systems automatic tool changers), to load and unload
the machine and to perform various other duties. To be able to discharge these duties, the operator
must be able to control the system, and this is done through the control panel.
The third basic component of an NC system is the machine tool or other controlled
process. It is a part of the NC system which performs useful work. In the most
common example of an NC system, one designed to perform machining operations,
the machine tool consists of the workable spindle as well as the motors and controls
necessary to drive them. It also includes the cutting tools, work fixtures, and other
auxiliary equipment needed in the machining operation.
NC machines range in complexity from simple tape- controlled drill presses to highly
sophisticated and versatile machining centers. The NC machining center was first
introduced in the late 1950’s. It is a multifunction machine which incorporates several
time saving features into a single piece of automated production equipment. First, a
machining center is capable of performing a variety of different operations: drilling,
tapping, reaming, milling, and boring. Second, it has capacity to change tools
automatically under tape command. A variety of machining operations means that a
variety of cutting tools are required. The tools are kept in a tool drum or other
holding device. When the tape calls a particular tool, the drum rotates to position the
tool for insertion into the spindle. The automatic tool changer then grasps the tool
and places it into the spindle chuck. A third capability of the NC machining center is
workpiece positioning. The machine table can orient the job so that it can be
machined on several surfaces, as required. Finally, a fourth feature possessed by
some machining centers is the presence of two tables or pallets on which the
workpiece can be fixtured. While the machining sequence is being performed on one
work part , the operator can be unloading the previously completed piece , and
loading the next one. This improves the machine tool utilization because the machine
does not have to stand idle during loading and unloading of the work parts.
To utilize numerical control in manufacturing, the following steps must be
1. process planning: The engineering drawing of the work part must be interpreted in
terms of the manufacturing processes to be used. This step is Referred to as process
planning an it is concerned with the preparation of a route sheet. The route sheet is a
listing of the sequence of operations which must be performed on the work part. It is
called a route sheet
Because it also lists the machines through which the part must be routed in order to
accomplish the sequence of operations. We assume that some of the operations will
be performed on one or more NC machines.
2.part programming: A part programmer plans the process for the portions of the job
to be accomplished by NC. Part programmers are knowledgeable about the
machining process and they have been trained to program for numerical control.
They are responsible for planning the sequence of machining steps to be performed
by NC and to document these in a special format .There are two ways to program for
In order for the part programmer to plan the sequence
of positions and movements of the cutting tool relative to the workpiece, it is
necessary to establish a standard axis system by which the relative positions can be
specified. Using an NC drill press as an example , the drill spindle is in a fixed vertical
position, and the table is moved and controlled relative to the spindle .However to
make things easier for the programmer , we adapt the view point that the workpiece
is stationary while the drill bit is moved relative to it. Accordingly, the coordinate
system of axis is established with respect to the machine table.
Two axes, x and y, are defined in the plane of the table, as shown in figure. The z axis
is perpendicular to this plane and movement in the z direction is controlled by the
vertical motion of the spindle. The positive and negative directions of motion of tool
relative to table along these axes as shown in figure . A NC drill presses are classified
as either two -axis or three axis -machines, depending on whether or not they have
the capability to control the z-axis. A numerical control milling machine and similar
machine tools (boring mill for example) use an axis system similar to that of the drill
press. However, in addition to the three linear axes, these machines may possess
the capacity to control one or more rotational axes. Three rotational axes
are defined in NC: the a, b, c axes. These axes specify angles about the x, y
and z axes respectively. To distinguish positive from negative angular
motions, the “right hand rule” can be used. Using the right hand with the
thumb pointing in the positive linear axis direction (x,y or z) the fingers of
the hand are curled to point in the positive rotational direction.
For turning operations, two axes are normally all that are required to
command the movement of the tool relative to the rotating workpiece. The
z axis is the axis of rotation of the work part, and x axis defines the radial
location of the cutting tool. This arrangement is illustrated in figure.
The purpose of the coordinate system is to provide a means of locating the
tool in relation to the workpiece. Depending on the NC machine, the part
programmer may have several different options available for specifying this
Manual Part Programming
In manual programming, the part programmer specifies the machining
instructions on a form called a manuscript. Manuscripts come in various
forms, depending on the machine tool and tape format to be used. For
example, the manuscript form for a two-axis point-to-point drilling machine
would be different than one for a three-axis contouring machine. As
mentioned, the manuscript is a listing of the relative tool and workpiece
locations. It also includes other data, such as preparatory commands,
miscellaneous instructions, and speed/feed specifications, all of which are
needed to operate the machine under tape control. The manuscript
is designed so that the NC tape can be typed directly from it on a Flexo
writer or similar tape- punch device. We shall divide manual programming
jobs into two categories : point-to-point jobs and contouring jobs. Except for
complex work parts with many holes to be drilled, manual programming is
ideally suited for point-to-point applications. On the other hand, except for
the simplest milling and turning jobs, manual programming can become
quite time-consuming for applications requiring continuous-path control of
the tool. Accordingly, we shall only concern
ourselves with manual part programming for point-to-point operations in
this chapter. Manual contour programming requires such tedious and
detailed calculations that the space needed for the topic would be more
than is warranted by the basic purpose of this book, which is to survey the
field of automated manufacturing systems.
The difference in the part programmer’s job between manual programming and
computer- assisted programming is this. With manual programming, a manuscript
is used which is formatted so that the NC tape can be typed directly from it. With
computer-assisted part programming, the machining instructions are written in
English-like statements of the NC programming language, which are then
processed by the computer to prepare the tape. The computer automatically
punches the tape in the proper tape format for the particular NC machine.
When utilizing one of the NC programming languages, part programming can be
summarized as consisting basically of two tasks :
No matter how complicated the work part may appear, it is composed of basic
geometric elements. Using a relatively simple work part to illustrate, consider the
component shown in Figure 1. Although somewhat irregular in overall
appearance, the outline of the part consists of intersecting straight lines and a
partial circle. The holes in the part can be expressed in terms of the center
location and radius of the hole. Nearly any component that can be conceived by a
designer can be described by points, straight lines, planes, circles, cylinders, and
other mathematically defined surfaces. It is the part programmer’s task to
enumerate the component elements out of which the work part is formed. Each
geometric element must be identified and the dimensions and location of the
element explicitly defined. Using the APT programming language as an example,
the following statement might be used to define a point :
P1 – POINT/6.0, 1.125,0
The point is identified by the symbol P1 and is located at x = 6.0, y = 1.125, and
z = 0.Similarly, a circle in the x–y plane might be defined by the APT statement
The center of circle C1 is Pi (previously defined) and the radius is 1.125.
The various geometric elements in the drawing of Figure 9.7 would be
identified in a similar fashion by the part programmer.
After defining the work part geometry, the programmer must next construct the
path that the cutter will follow to machine the part. This tool path specification
involves a detailed step-by- step sequence of cutter moves. The moves are made
along the geometry elements which have previously been defined. To illustrate,
using Figure 1 and the APT language, the following statement could be used to
command the tool to make a left turn from line L2 onto line L3 : GOLFT/L3, PAST,
This assumes the tool was previously located at the intersection of lines L2 and L3
and had just finished a cut along L2. The statement directs the tool to cut along L3
until it just passes line L1. By using statements similar to the above, the tool can
be directed to machine along the work part surfaces, to go to point locations, to
drill holes at those point locations, and so on. In addition to geometry definition
and tool path specification, the part programmer also provides other commands
to the NC system. However, let us await Section 9.5, where we will consider a
wide range of possible APT statements.
INPUT TRANSLATION: The part programmer enters the program using the
APT or other language. The input translation component converts the coded
instructions contained in the program into computer-usable form,
preparatory to further processing.
CUTTER OFFSET COMPUTATION: When we described the second task of the part
programmer as that of constructing the tool path, we ignored one basic factor the
size of the cutting tool. The actual tool path is different from the part outline. I is
is because the tool path is the path taken by the center of the cutter. It is at the
periphery of the cutter that machining takes place.
The purpose of the cutter offset computation is to offset the tool path from the
desired part surface by the radius of the cutter. This means that the part
programmer can define the exact part outline in his geometry statements. Thanks
to the cutter offset calculation provided by the programming system, he need not
concern himself with this task. The cutter offset problem is illustrated in Figure 3
The post processor is really a separate computer program that has been written
to prepare the punched tape for a specific machine tool. The input to the post
processor is the output from the other three components: a series of cutter
locations and other instructions. This is referred to as the CLFILE or CLDATA (CL
stands for cutter location). The output of the post processor is the NC tape
written in the correct format for the machine on which it is to be used.
Many programming languages have been developed for part programming. The
first that used Englishlikestatements and one of the most popular languages is
called APT (for Automatically
ProgrammedTools). Many variations of APT have been developed, including
ADAPT (ADaptation of APT), EXAPT(a European flavor of APT), UNIAPT (APT
controller for smaller computer systems), etc.
Machine code
Œ modal, which are active in the block in which they are specified and
remain active in thesubsequent blocks until another program word overrides
• non-modal, which are only active in the block in which they are specified.
Program points
The NC system must know where the part is positioned in the work space. The procedure for
defining the work coordinate system (WPC) is called work piece coordinate setting. Two
important factors deal with work piece coordinate setting,
Œ where the part datum (the origin of the WPC) is situated with
respect to the work piece;
• Where the part datum is situated with respect to the machine tool.
The WPC origin may be located at any part of the work piece, but to avoid
dimensional recalculations and respectively errors, the good programmers will
chose the WPC origin at the point, from where the part features are
The methods for locating the positions of the WPC origin with respect to the
machine tool varies for each machine tool. Some systems use a zero-set button
to set the WPC origin. On other types of NC systems, the WPC is set with a G54
or a G92 code followed by X, and Z dimensions.
The G54 code tells the machine where the position of the WPC measured
from the machine zero point is. Machine zero point (machine datum) is a
fixed point on the machine tool and cannot be programmed or altered.
Fig:5 Setting of WPC
Another important point is the program start point (also tool home position).
This point is selected by the programmer at some distance from the work
piece, not too far to save some time when the tool returns home, and not too
close to allow for safe indexing of the tool turret when the cutting tool is
changed. The program, therefore the new part machining, starts and ends
with the tool at home position, but the tool needs also to be returned to
home whenever a tool change take place during the program execution.
Linear and circular interpolation
A G01 linear interpolation code moves the tool to a position with coordinates
defined with program words in a straight, including angular line at the specified
with F-code feed rate. The command is modal and is active until either a G00, or
G02, or G03 overrides it.
NC system are capable of commanding a circular motion. Arc movement is known
as circular interpola-tion and is carried out with a G02 (clockwise circular
interpolation) or G03 (counter clockwise circular interpolation) codes. The arc
radius is specified either by the incremental dimensional words I and K, which
defines the position of arc centerpoint with respect to the arc start point, or
directly by the radius R-code. In both methods, the program block, which starts
with a G02 or G03 codes must also include the coordinates of the arc end point. If
R-code is used, arcs less than 180o are given a positive radius and arcs more than
180o are given a negativeradius value:
Fig:6 Linear and circular interpolation.
Tool length compensation is instated with a G43 word. Included within the G43 command is an
H-word that specifies the offset number in which the tool length compensation value is stored.
You must also include a Z-word in the G43 command, telling the machine where you want the
tool tip to be positioned.
Cutting tools used on machining centers differ from one another. For one thing,
there are a variety of cutting tool types that are used on machining centers,
including center drills, spot drills, drills, taps, reamers, boring bars, end mills, and
face mills (among many others). Each type of tool requires a different way of
gripping the actual cutting tool in its holder. Some tools (like some straight shank
tools) use a collet system. Others (like end mills) use a set- screw to hold the
cutting tool in place. Yet others (like face mills and taps) require a very special
style of tool Holder–designed especially for the cutting tool.
There are a few special rules that must be applied to the programming method
when using CRC.
1) The point before the CRC approach and exit from the contour cut must be equal to
orgreater than the cutter radius.
4) The use of more than one non motion block in a row is not allowed.
1) The programmer can use point values that are directly along the cutter path rather than
having to calculate the tool center.
2) During production runs, cutters of different sizes can be used such as undersize tools when
the original size tool is no longer available. It is a simple radius offset value change in the
machine control to achieve this. The programming will remain the same.
3) A program section or operation can be used over and over with different tools to create
roughing passes and finish passes. This is done by changing the radius offset value and using
multiple offsets.
During processing of the work piece contour, due to the tool radius, tip and a half
Diameter of the existence of the tool tip and work piece center or
imaginary contours do not coincide. If the digital system does not have
automatic tool radius compensation function can only be converted into
contour programming tool center path, and then processed. When the tool
wear, heavy wear, tool change, to re-calculate the tool center path, modify
the program. However, when the numerical control system with automatic tool
radius compensation function, you can just press the work piece contour
CNC system will automatically calculate the tool center path, deviate from the
contour of the tool with a radius value, even if the tool wear, heavy wear, tool
change, also need to modify the radius of the tool deviate from the
contour value that offsets, tool radius compensation automatically,
without modifying the program.
CNC lathe programming is based on imaginary tip movement; the actual tip
location is a small circular, conical surface and in the turning arc will produce
processing errors. If the use of nose radius compensation, pre-tip to tip radius and
arc parameters such as input to the tool position within the database, according
to work piece contour programming, numerical control system automatically
calculates the tool center trajectory, the control center path for cutting knives
processing, eliminating the tip of the arc caused by processing errors. You can
also modify the value to eliminate abrasion tool wear or tool failure caused by
processing errors.
Similarly, in CNC milling, the tool radius offset pre-register in the specified
register, the use of the tool radius compensation commands, by adjusting the
tool radius compensation value to compensate for tool wear, in order to eliminate
the tool wear caused by processing errors . At the same time even if a
replacement tool or tool re-grinding, as long as the contour is the same,
processing the same coordinate system, you can use the original program. At the
same time as the application can also adjust the tool radius compensation
amount to the same profile using the same procedures under the same
conditions, rough and finish.
The repetitive program (and machining) sequence is called a cycle. Cycles are
classified into two principlegroups,
Canned cycles are an inbuilt feature of the NC system. The usage of canned
cycles makes easier programmingfor threading, drilling holes and other repetitive
machining tasks. The next figure illustrates athread cutting canned cycle:
User sub-routines are useful, when the necessary canned cycle is not available.
The user sub- routine is a NC program, which describes a sequence of
operations, which is often repeated when machining particular part. The sub-
routine is called from the main NC program with a M98 command.
A special type of user-defined cycles is so-called macros, which are generic cycles
with parametric variables. The macro is called from the main program with a set
of numerical values for these variables. This allow to use one and the same macro
to machine different in size, but similar in shape components. Programming with
macros is often referred to as a parametric programming.
Mirror Image
Parametric Programming
Many companies have excellent applications for custom macro and don't even
know it. Of course, if you don't even know you have an application for something,
it's impossible to even consider using it. While these applications are covered in
much greater detail during our video course and CD-rom course, applications for
custom macro fall into five basic categories.
To stress what can be done with parametric programming, we show a simple
example written incustom macro B for a machining center application. It will
machine a mill a hole of any size at any location. Notice how similar this program
is to a program written in BASIC.
O0001 (Program number)
#100=1. (Diameter of end
mill)#101=3.0 (X position
of hole) #102=1.5 (Y
position of hole)
#103=.5 (Depth of counter
bored hole) #104=400 (Speed in
#105=3.5 (Feed rate in IPM)
#106=3. (Tool length offset
#107=2.0 (Diameter of counter bored hole)
G90 G54 S#104 M03 (Select abs mode, coordinate system, start
spindle) G00 X#101 Y#102 (Rapid to hole center)
G43 H#106 Z.1 (Instate tool length compensation, rapid to
approach Z position) G01 Z-#103 F[#105 / 2]
Y[#102 + #107 / 2 - #100 / 2] F#105
G02 J-[#107 / 2 - #100
/ 2]G01 Y#102
The API language was the product of the MIT developmental work on NC
programming systems. Its development began in June 1956, and it was first used
in production around 1959. Today it is the most widely used language in the
United States. Although first intended as a contouring language, modern versions
of APT can be used for both positioning and continuous- path programming and
continuous-path programming in up to five axes.
COMPACT II. This is a package available from Manufacturing Data Systems, Inc.
(MDSI), a firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The NC language is similar to SPLIT
in many of its features. MDSI leases the COMPACT II system to its users on a
time-sharing basis. The part programmer uses a remote terminal to feed the
program into one of the MDSI computers, which in tum produces the NC tape.
ADAPT (ADAPTATION OF APT). Several part programming languages are based directly
onthe APT program One of these is ADAPT, which was developed by IBM under Air
Forcecontract. It was intended to provide many of the features of AFT but to utilize a
significantly smaller computer. ADAPT is not as powerful as APT, but can be used to
program for bothpositioning and contouring jobs.
EXAPT (EXENDED SUBSET OF APT). This was developed in Germany starting around 1964
and is based on the APT language. Itere are three versions: EXAPT I designed for
positioning (drilling and also straight-cut milling), EXAPT ll designed for turning, and EXAPT
III designed for limited contouring operations. One of the important features of EXAPT is
that it attempts to compute optimum feeds and speeds automatically.
After the part geometry has been retrieved, the usual procedure is to label the geometric
elements that will be used during part programming. These labels are the variable names
(symbols) given to the lines circles and surfaces that comprise the part. Most systems
have the capacity to automatically label the geometry elements of the part and to display
the labels on the dias.
If the NC programmer does not have access to the data base, then the NC Programming
must be defined. This is done by using similar interactive graphics techniques that the
product designer would use to design the part. Points are defined in a coordinate system
using the computer graphics system, lines and circles are defined from the points,
surfaces are defined, and so forth,
to construct a geometric model of the part. The advantage of using the interactive
graphics system over conventional computer assisted part programming is that the
programmer receives immediate visual verification of the definitions being created. This
tends to improve the speed and accuracy of the geometry definition process.
Tool path generation using CAD/CAM:
The second task of the NC programmer in computer assisted part programming is tool
path Specification. The first step in specifying the tool path is to select the cutting
tool for theoperation. Most CAD/CAM systems have tool libraries that can be called by
the programmer to identify what tools are available in the tool crib. The programmer
must decide which of the available tools is most appropriate for the operation under
consideration and specify it for the tool path. This permits the tool diameter and other
dimensions to be entered automatically fortool offset calculations. If the desired cutting
tool is not available in the library, an appropriate tool can be specified by the
programmer. It then becomes part of the library for future use.
The next step is tool path definition. There are differences in capabilities of the various
CAD/CAM systems, which result in different approaches for generating the tool path. The
most basic approach involves the use of the interactive graphics system to enter the
Commands one by one, similar to computer assisted part programming. Individual
statements inAPT or other part programming language are entered and the CAD/CAM
system provides animmediate graphic display of the action resulting from the
command, thereby validating the statement. A more advanced approach for generating
tool path commands is to use one of the automatic software modules available on the
CAD/CAM system. These modules have beendeveloped to accomplish a number of
common machining cycles for milling, drilling andturning. They are subroutines in the NC
programming package that can be called and the Required parameters given to execute
the machining cycle.
In the CAD/CAM approach to NC part programming, several aspects of the procedure are
automated. In the future, it should be possible to automate the complete NC part
programming procedure. The proposed system is an automated system where the input is
a geometric model of a part that has been defined during product design and the output
is a NC part program. The system possesses sufficient logic and decision making capability
to accomplish NC part programming for the entire part without human assistance.
This can most readily be done for certain NC processes that involve well defined, relatively
medium complex part geometries. Special algorithms have been developed to process
the design data and generate the NC program.