Lipardo - Learning Task 7

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Name: Giuseppe Verra Lipardo BTLEd 3-D Score:

Educ 402 (Practice Teaching) SLSU-MC (DTE)

Second Semester, 2021-2022

LEARNING TASK 7 – Writing My First Learning Plan


Performance Task 1: Search a sample lesson plan or a Daily Learning Plan from the internet. Study
each part carefully. Paste it here.


 Apply web design principles and elements using online creation tools, platforms, and
applications to communicate a message for a specific purpose in specific professional
tracks (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ig-h-10)
Identify the ways of creating website using Jimdo.

A. Topic: Creating Your Own Website Using Jimdo
B. References: Visual Materials, laptop, MS Word
C. Other Learning Resources: Empowerment Technology: page 146 – 154
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Recall the Classroom Rules
5. Review on the topic: Creating website using Microsoft Word
1. Motivation
 Did you know that aside from using Microsoft Word to create website, we can
also use other resources online to create a fun and creative websites and one
of that is the Jimdo?
 Today we will going to know the steps in making a website using Jimdo.

 The students will be group into 4 and answer the following questions:
 What is Jimdo?
 What is the difference between creating a website using Microsoft Word and
 What are the ways in Creating a Website using Jimdo?

 How was the activity?
 What are your reflections?
 What weaknesses did you encounter and how did you make it as strength?
 Now let us check if your answers are correct
 What is Jimdo?
 It is a WYSWYG web hosting service. It offers free, professional, and business
web hosting services.
 Ways on creating website using Microsoft Word:
1. Create an account on jimdo by going to and clicking
Create Your Free Website.
2. You will be instructed to choose a template. Pick any template that you
3. Choose a URL for your website. Enter your email and password.
4. Your website will be generated and soon you will end us in the sites
WYSWYG editor.
5. The editor is pretty easy to use. The center shows the preview of your
website. The design tools are located on the right.
1. Hover your mouse pointer over the site navigator. The Edit Navigation
button will appear.
2. Click on the edit Navigation button. Click Add a New Rage
3. Rearrange pages using the tools on the right of the page title.
4. Click Save and done.

 Hovering over a text, image, or any element you see on the website
will highlight the element.
1. Move element up
2. Move element down
3. Delete element
4. Copy element
5. Drag tool
 Clicking an element will show more options regarding on what visual
element you clicked.
1. Header
 If it is a header, clicking the text will allow you to edit the
text and change its font size
2. Image
 If it is an image, several options would also appear. It also
allows you to upload an image directly from your
computer or a Dropbox account
 Sizing Tools
 Align Tools
 Rotate Tools
 View Tools
 Other tools (caption alternative text, allow sharing to
3. Paragraph
 If it is a paragraph, you will be treated to even more
options similar to using a word processor.
 After you edit your website and you are satisfied of how it looks click Save.

 The students will group according to the availability of the laptop inside the
classroom themselves and make a sample webpage using the ways and tips on
making a website using Jimdo that was discussed a while ago.
Direction: Identify the chronological order of the steps/ways in making a website using Jimdo.
1. Your website will be generated and soon you will end us in the sites WYSWYG editor.
2. You will be instructed to choose a template. Pick any template that you want
3. The editor is pretty easy to use. The center shows the preview of your website. The design
tools are located on the right.
4. Choose a URL for your website. Enter your email and password.
5. Create an account on jimdo by going to and clicking Create Your Free

 Prepare all the resources needed for your websites


 Question: Is the learning plan developmentally sequenced to meet curriculum requirements?

Yes. The learning activities described in the lesson plan is a sequential way of easing the students
into creating their own website and applying web design principles as stated in its learning
objectives. It starts with them identifying concepts first, exercising the lower levels of thinking
before increasing in complexity and using higher order thinking skills to finally create the desired
website using Jimdo.

 Insights on the Daily Learning Plan.

The Daily Learning Plan is essential to any aspiring teacher. It is a comprehensive guide to help
you in achieving the required learning outcomes in the best and most efficient way possible.
However, it is hard to find a proper DLP in the internet because most of their formats conflict with
what we were told a DLP is despite having core similarities.

 What is the impact of this to me as a teaching intern?

It impacts me as a teaching intern to be able to look inside the minds of successful teachers and
have a printed evidence of their techniques and routines.
Performance Task 2: Make your Daily Learning Plan (DLP) outline using the given template. Prepare a
developmentally sequenced Learning Plan with learning outcomes aligned with the learning


Topic/Learning MAPEH (Arts)
Learning Competencies The learners…
1. Identify art elements in the technology-based production arts
2. Identify distinct characteristics of arts during in the 21st century
in terms of:
- production
- functionality
- range of audience reach
(A10EL-IIa-2); and
3. identify artworks produced by technology from other countries
and their adaptation by Philippine artists
Learning Outcomes After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. identify art elements in the technology-based production arts.
2. identify distinct characteristics of arts during in the 21st century
in terms of production and functionality range of audience reach.
3. identify artworks produced by technology from other countries
and their adaptation by Philippine artists.
Content Standards The learner identifies new technologies that allow new expressions in
arts using art elements and processes.
Performance The learner creates a tech-based artwork (video clips and printed media
Standards such as posters, menus, brochures etc.) relating to a selected topic from
the different learning areas using available technologies, e.g., food and

Learning Resources  Quarter 2 – Module 1: Technology-based Arts (Computer/Digital

 Laptop
 Visual Aids
 Digital Painting Softwares
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Recall the Classroom Rules
5. Passing of Assignments
6. Energizer
7. Review the previous topic

 What forms of art are you familiar with? (e.g., painting, sketching,
sculpture, silk-screen)
 Have you heard of computer art? If yes, can you give some
The Lesson Proper Activity 1: Identify Me!
Direction: Select the letter of correct answer and write it beside the
a. Mobile Phone Art
b. Digital Photography
c. Digital Painting and Imaging
d. Computer-generated Images
e. Imaging Videos

Activity 2: Where do I belong?

Directions: Identify where the following pictures belong. If the picture
belongs to Traditional Art, write the letter in Column A, if it belongs to
Digital Art, write the letter in Column B.

 Ask students about their general impression of these artworks
and have them explain
their opinions.
 Ask students to point out the characteristics they have observed
in these artworks.
 Ask them how they know the difference between traditional vs
digital art.

Divide the class into two groups. Have them argue over the advantages of
traditional art (Group A) vs digital art (Group B).

1. Mobile Phone
2. Any image (yourself, dream place vacation, etc.).
3. Image manipulation programs or applications. Just use one (Pixlr, Pic
Collage, Picsart, Instagram, etc.)

1. Make sure that your mobile phone has an image manipulation app. 2.
Select images of yourself and your dream destination that you have
captured and/or downloaded.
3. Edit the photos you have selected that will show you are in your dream
place destination.
4. Post in your social media account the edited output, and the raw
images you used. Use the hashtag #TravelPaMore and tag your teacher.

After the Lesson EVALUATION

Have the students reflect on what they have learned.

Do a quick recap before answering the questions below:

Direction: Answer the questions briefly. Write your answer on the space
1. As a young citizen of the Philippines and of the world, how do you
feel about the widespread of digital technology in:
2. How do you personally make use of digital technology in each of
the abovementioned?
3. Specifically in the area of technology-based art, what are you able
to create with the help of the available technology? Cite at least 5
4. Do you find yourself exposed to or involved in using digital
devices and applications in most aspects of your life?
5. What is/are the benefit/s of using digital devices and
6. What is/are the disadvantage/s of using digital devices and

Research online for the works of any two of the following digital
artists who were at the forefront of this field in the early 1960s:
 James Faure Walker
 Geroge Grie
 Manfred Mohr
 Olga Kisseleva
 Ronald Davis
 John Landsdown
 Joseph Nechvatal
 Perry Welman
 Matthias Broegel
 Jean-Pierre Hebert

Select one artwork each by the artists that you have chosen. Give the
basic details of each (title of work, name of artist, technique used, year
created). Briefly explain how the following principles of art are
incorporated or expressed in these particular works:
 Rhythm, Movement
 Balance
 Emphasis
 Harmony, Unity, and Variety
 Proportion

Then write a brief personal reaction that you have to the works you
chose—whether positive or negative. Explain your opinion.

Was there a difference in how Filipino artists first ventured into the
world of digital art? If yes, explain briefly.

Performance Task 3: Write your Daily Learning Plan. Choose your topic from one of your major
subjects. Follow the DLP Format. Write your plan on the space provided.


Topic/Learning Online Safety, Security, Ethics and Etiquette
Learning Competencies CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b-2
The learners apply online safety, apply online safety, security, ethics, and
etiquette standards and practice in the use of ICTs as it would relate to
their specific professional tracks.
Learning Outcomes After going through this lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. name the various online threats and identify the online safety
2. observe proper netiquette when using the internet
3. value the importance of one’s and others’ reputation online; and

Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of: ICT in the context of
global communication for specific professional track

Performance The learners shall be able to: at the end of the 2-week period
Standards independently compose an insightful reflection paper on the nature of
ICT in the context of their lives, society, and professional tracks (Arts,
Tech-Voc, Sports, Academic)

Learning Resources  Empowerment Technologies – Grade 11/12 - Online Safety, Security,

Ethics and Etiquette [p. 2-20]
 Laptop
 Visual Aids
 YouTube Videos
Before the Lesson ROUTINES
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Recall the Classroom Rules
5. Passing of Assignments
6. Energizer
7. Review the previous topic

 The internet has made information easier to access and with it,
creates new possibilities to learn and adapt. However, it also
leads to very serious risk. What do you think are those risks that
come up with the ease of information exchange?
 To those with laptops, have you ever experienced being attacked
by a computer virus?
 The internet is also known as the INFORMATION
SUPERHIGHWAY. And like regular highways, you have to be
careful in navigating to avoid accidents.

The Lesson Proper ACTIVITY

Watch a short video on being safe on the internet:

Ask questions regarding video:
 What was the video about?
 Do you relate to some of the topics the video discussed?
 What important lessons regarding online safety can you derive
from the video?

Type of Information and Risk
1. First name There is a risk sharing your first name. Chances are, a
“hacker” may already know plenty of stuff about you even if you
give out your first name
2. Last name If sharing your first is a small risk, having both your
first and last name is riskier. You will be vulnerable to being
searched for using search engines, which include image search.
Matching a name with a face is a modus to several cybercrimes
like “Identity Theft”
3. Middle name Sharing your middle name alone is probably not
the riskiest of these shared information, but sharing your full
name would be.
4. Current and previous schools Most people who steal identities
study their subject. They can use this information for verification
5. Your cellphone number Your cellphone number should never
be posted over the Internet. The Internet is a public place.
6. The name of your mother and father Risky, yet not as risky as
posting their full names, especially your mother’s maiden name.
7. The name of your siblings Disclosing this is a huge risk.
Strangers may pretend or use their identity to dupe you.
8. Your address Giving the Internet your number is one thing;
giving them your address is a whole other level. It will be much
easier for criminals to find you.
9. Your home phone number This shared information is more
risky than sharing your personal phone number. Scams usually
use this information to deceive you, one of which is when
stranger pretends to know your parents or pretends to be you.
10. Your birthday Letting people know your birthday is probably a
must if you want to get as many gifts as possible. Not having it in
profile makes you vulnerable to identity theft.

The Internet is defined as the “Information Superhighway.” Netiquette

The term “netiquette” is a coined or portmanteau term of network and
etiquette. A netiquette is a set of ideal rules and conduct that a netizen
should observe in communicating and/or publishing information and
materials over the World Wide Web and in ICT in general.

Tips to Stay Safe Online

 Be mindful of what you share online and what site you share it to.
 Do not just accept terms and conditions; read it.
 Check out the privacy policy page of a website to learn how the
website handles the information you share.
 Know the security features of the social networking site you use.
By keeping your profile private, search engines will not be able to
scan your profile
 Do not share your password with anyone.
 Avoid logging in to public networks/Wi-Fi. Browsing in “incognito
(or private) mode,” a feature of the browser, will not protect you
from hackers.
 Do not talk to strangers whether online or face-to-face.
 Never post anything about a future vacation. It is similar to
posting, “Rob my house at this date.”
 Add friends you know in real life.
 Avoid using untrusted websites.
 Install and update an antivirus software on your computer. Use
only one anti-virus software to avoid conflicts.
 If you have a Wi-Fi at home, make it private network by adding a
 Avoid downloading anything from untrusted websites. You are
most vulnerable in peer-to-peer downloads (torrents) as the
download is most likely not monitored by the site owner.
 Buy the software; do not use pirated ones.
 Do not reply or click links from suspicious emails

Conduct a mid-session assessment:

1. What type of information did you share online?
2. Which of these tips have you already followed?
3. Which of these tips you did not follow prior to today?
Internet Threats
1. MALWARE - stands for malicious software.
a) Virus – a malicious program designed to replicate itself and
transfer one computer to another either through the Internet and
local networks or data storage like flash drives and CDs.
b) Worm – a malicious program that transfers from one computer
to another by any type of means. Often, it uses a computer
network to spread itself. For example, the ILOVEYOU worm (Love
Bug Worm) created by a Filipino.
c) Trojan – a malicious program that is disguised as a useful
program but once downloaded or installed, leaves your PC
unprotected and allows hackers to get your information.
d) Spyware – a program that runs in the background without you
knowing it (thus called “spy”). It has the ability to monitor what
you are currently doing and typing through keylogging.
*Keyloggers – used to record the keystroke done by the user.
This is done to steal their password or any other sensitive
information. It can record email, messages, or any information
you type using your keyboard.
e) Adware – a program designed to send you advertisements,
mostly as pop-ups.
f) Ransomware - or ransom software is a type of malicious
software from cryptovirology that threatens to publish the
victim's data or perpetually block access to it unless a ransom is

2. SPAM – unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisements. It can be

used to send malware.

3. PHISHING – its goal is to acquire sensitive personal information like

passwords and credit card details. This is done by sending you an email
that will direct the user to visit a website and be asked to update his/her
username, password, credit card, or personal information.

Protecting Reputations Online

1. Before you post something on the web, ask these questions to
yourself: Would you want your parents or grandparents to see it?
Would you want your future boss to see it? Once you post
something on the web, you have no control of who sees your
2. Your friends depend on you to protect their reputation online.
Talk to your friends about this serious responsibility.
3. Set your post to “private.” In this way, search engines will not be
able to scan that post.
4. Avoid using names. Names are easy for search engines to scan.
5. If you feel that a post can affect you or other’s reputation, ask the
one who posted it to pull it down or report as inappropriate.

Copyright Infringement
If you create something – an idea, an invention, a form of literary work, or
a research, you have the right as to how it should be used by others. This
is called Intellectual Property. In other words, the copyright law includes
your rights over your work, and anyone who uses it without your consent
is punishable by the law. Tips that could help avoid copyright
1. Always assume that the work is copyrighted.
2. Do not copy, share or alter without seeking permission.
3. Review and retain licensing agreements.
4. Consider buying content.
5. Give credit to the original author of the page or information.

Answer the following questions.
1. How does a virus infect a computer?

2. How do computer worms spread?

3. How do fraudsters use social media to steal information?

4. What do fraudsters who practice phishing usually steal?

5. When does copyright infringement occur?

Oral questioning: Share an experience that you have always tend to do

but later did you discover that it is not a standard of ONLINE SAFETY,
After the Lesson EVALUATION

Have the students reflect on what they have learned.

Do a quick recap before answering the questions below:

Identification: Identify the Internet threat described in each number.

__________________1. Jonathan is having a problem because his files were
corrupted. He discovered that most of his folders were replicated.

__________________2. Ken was asked to pay a certain amount of money for

him to retrieve his files. Ken might be a victim of ______.

__________________3. Mari found a good application and she installed it on

her computer. But after the installation some of her files were deleted.

__________________4. Jack is receiving several irrelevant messages every day

and his e-mail account has become almost unusable.

__________________5. The network servers of KNCHS stopped to respond and

it was found out that much of the systems' memory was consumed by the
malicious software. What kind of malware is this?

__________________6. Jewel is using a technique that tries to take information

from the user. She commonly takes things like credit cards, usernames,
passwords, and home addresses using a fake website. What type of threat
is depicted in the scenario?

__________________7. This program can record all you enter on your

__________________8. Eli received an unwanted email that contains
advertisements. What type of internet threat is depicted in the scenario?

__________________9. A kind of internet threat where the attacker uses a fake

website to get your sensitive information.

__________________10. A program that runs in the background without you

knowing it. It has the ability to monitor what you are currently doing.

Case Study: Read the case below and find out what happened. Answer the
questions that follow.

Brian likes downloading music, movies, and video games from a torrent
site. After installing a free software program from that particular site, he
noticed that his computer was slowing down considerably and his screen
was bombarded with pop-up ads.
1. What kind of threat did Brian’s computer encounter?
2. How did it enter Brian’s computer?
3. What will Brian do to prevent this from happening in the future?
My Assessment Tasks:
1. Which is a blueprint of the daily instructional activities of the teacher? Learning Plan
2. Which refers to the materials used to enrich classroom instruction? Learning Resources
3. Which can be given as an optional activity to reinforce student’s learning? Assignment
4. Why is Learning Plan important? It guides the teacher in their activities
5. Which plan is used by teachers who are new in the service or those who have less than a year of
teaching experiences? Daily Lesson Plan
6. Which assessment task is aligned to this competency, “identify a classroom routine”? Give an
example of a classroom routine?


Request three (3) samples of learning Plans from various schools with different format. You may also
wish to surf the net for samples. Acknowledge the source. Paste it here.


Date: February 7, 2022

I. Objectives
At the end of the 60-minute session, the students will be able to: a. Understand the various Educational
Philosophies and their purpose,
b. Explain the importance of an Educational Philosophy that is applied in a classroom;
c. Construct an essay about what Educational Philosophy is applicable in an online class set – up.
II. Subject Matter
Learning Competency: Analyze and describe relationship between teachers, the school and the
families and the community that support the school.
Topic: Society and Education: Philosophical Perspective
Materials: PPT, Class Dojo and Kahoot
Reference: PED 10 Course pack: The School and Community, School Culture, and Organizational
Value (s): Empathy

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Classroom Routine
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Attendance
2. Motivation
The teacher will flash a word on the screen stating “EFFECTIVE TEACHER” and then he will ask the
students to provide word in which they think describes an effective teacher.

B. Lesson Proper
1. Activity

1. Open ClassDojo app or website:
2. Click "Enter Text Code", OR tap "I'm a student" on the app 3. Enter the text code to sign in: CYKCAV

What to do: Draw an object or material that would represent you as a teacher/educator also prepare a
short explanation of you illustration. Then, upload your illustrations on the activity posted.

2. Analysis.
The teacher will ask the following questions:
What personal characteristics did your favorite teacher possess? b) What do you think “good
teaching” is? What does it look like? c) How does this connect to your basic beliefs about learning?

3. Abstraction.
The teacher will discuss the following concepts.
Classical Philosophies

1. Idealism – a philosophy funded by Plato who said that “in order to do something, we need to
withdraw from the use of our senses and rely on a purely intellectual approach”. It centers its
perspective to the notion that ideas are the only true reality which means it is the only thing worth
knowing for idealists believes that ideas and knowledge are capable of changing lives. Its aim is to
discover and develop the abilities of every learner also to uphold full moral excellence among
individuals in order for them to serve the society well.
2. Realism – Basically is the opposite of Idealism which was founded by Aristotle known as the “Father
of Realism” According to the study of Archeampong, in Idealism our thoughts and ideals shapes our
reality, while in Realism reality has an absolute existence independent from our thoughts and ideas.
Thus, simple terms idealism’s perspective emphasizes “what could be” while Realism focuses its
perspective on “what actually is” As a philosophy, Realism stresses the notion that the world where we
are living is made up of real, substantial and material entities, and knowledge is derived from scientific
means. As a philosophy in education, Realism seeks to provide vital knowledge for the learners to
survive the natural world and for them to be prepared in the real-life scenario.
3. Existentialism – is founded by Soren Kiekegaard, a Danish Philosopher, this particular philosophy
sees reality and knowledge in a subjective manner which lies within the individual and varies from one
person to another. It also focuses on individuals freedom, individuals authentic development based on
the individuals choices and standards as well as, defining ones existence for Existentialism believes that
Man is the molder of his/her life. In the field of education, its concern is on helping learners understand
and appreciate oneself as a unique individual by teaching them on defining oneself through various
activities and by exposing them to different kinds of environment that allows them to choose their own
preferred way.
4. Pragmatism – Also known as Experientialism which is the roots of the progressivism and
reconstructionism, which showcases some practical approaches in solving problems. . Pragmatism
highlights adaptation for Pragmatists believes that reality is constantly changing, which means for
individuals to be able to adjust to such changes that is occurring or may occur, they must be able to
think and apply their experiences. Also, in the Pragmatist perspective, they believe that school
curriculum must be a mirror of the society which focuses on the needs and interests of learners.

Modern Philosophies

1. Perennialism - is an Educational Philosophy that falls under the Teacher-Centered Educational

Philosophy developed by Robert Maynard Hutchins which focuses its goals in teaching the learners to
become rational and critical thinkers by utilizing knowledge, ideas and universal truths that have lasted
through many generation or time and space like the Great Books of arts and literature, historical
documents and as well as laws and principles of science which will cultivate cultural literary and
discipline among learners, for according to Mortimer Adler, who is one of the known biggest
contributor to Perennialism that “Great books of ancient and medieval, as well as modern times are a
repository of knowledge and wisdom, a tradition of culture which must initiate on”. As a Teacher-
Centered Educational Philosophy, perennialist classrooms are more likely focused on the teacher than
the students, wherein teachers does not dwell on the interests or experiences of learners, rather
teachers will utilize methods and techniques that are tried and proven like Socratic Method and the
Lecture Method, perceived by perennialists as the most conducive way in disciplining the minds of the

2. Essentialism - Another educational philosophy considered to be a Teacher-Centered Educational

Philosophy is Essentialism which qualities are heavily similar to Perennialism in terms of its aims
wherein part of the aims is to allow learners to think deeply, analytically, flexibly and imaginatively,
teachers concern to learning for learners and the tried and proven methods and techniques in teachings
used. In the other hand, they differ since essentialism believes in the idea of change. Essentialism as an
educational philosophy gives emphasis on the acquisition of essential and fundamental knowledge,
skills and values specifying the 4 r’s namely Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Right Conduct which
necessary for learners to obtain a higher level of learning and those complex skills needed by learners
in preparation for adulthood through programs that are academically rigorous, since as stated by
William Bagley who is responsible in introducing the essentialism to the world that “Essentialist hope
that when students leave school, they possess not only basic skills and an extensive body of knowledge,
but also disciplined practical mind, capable of applying schoolhouse lessons in the real world”.
3. Progressivism - Progressivism is considered as a collective term used in a particular time in history,
but in particular as an Educational Philosophy Progressivism is focused on educating the whole child
and as well as the cultivation of individuality for learners to become enlightened and intelligent
members of a democratic society. In the other hand, John Dewey the Father of Pragmatism and one of
the leading progressivist stressed that Progressivism is focused on the needs to learn by doing, which
views that learners as active recipients of learning, problem solvers and thinkers and who learns
through experiences. Progressivism adheres to the idea about impermanence of life and the
inevitability of change, this means that in the field of education teachers in particular most be able to
adjust and cope on the changes that is happening for the benefit of the learners especially with the
methods and techniques to be utilized, relevant information, learner’s behavior and so on.
Progressivism is considered as a Learner-Centered Educational Philosophy which primarily focuses on
the interest and experiences of the learners which aims to provide learners the needed knowledge and
skills for them to be able to cope with the changing world.
4. Humanism - As a Philosophy Humanism sprouted in the idea of Erasmus who believes on the
individual’s innate goodness, free will, moral conscience, ability to reason and comprehend and
religious instinct which he quoted as “Docta Pieta” or “Philosophy of Christ”. Meanwhile, Humanism as
an Educational Philosophy was developed by Jean Jacque Rousseau and Johann Pestalozzi who also
share the same idea with Erasmus on the individuals innate goodness and, at the same time they also
give emphasis on sense perception and view of education as a gradually and unhurried process which
explains that the human character develops after the unfolding of its nature. Humanism also believes
that learners should be in control of their own destiny for them to become an autonomous individual
who can freely choose and be responsible to themselves. Humanism also gives emphasizes on the
importance of expression by the learners which will help in making the learners becoming a well-
balance and freethinking individual for with such and without constraints imposed to the learners, they
will be able to develop themselves to their fullest potential both academically and morally as stated by

Post Modern Philosophies

1. Social Reconstructionism - is an educational philosophy developed by Theodore Brameld as a

reaction to the devastating World War II, which focuses its perspective on social reformation towards
creating a better society and worldwide democracy by addressing the social questions, issues and
challenges in the society. In the viewpoint of social reconstructionist, they believe that education is a
not a privilege but a right that all must enjoy and that schools as one of the institutions of the society
must be able to examine, analyze and solve issues and conflicts in the society to build a new society and
not just change it. These imply that schools can affect change and could be the source of change in the
society, and therefore schools must focus its attention in molding the students as the agents of change
who will be bring new social order in the society.

2. Behaviorism is an Educational Philosophy is based on psychology which believes that the behavior
of the learners is a product of their environment. This entails that behaviorism is focused on the
modification or reshaping and shaping the behavior of the learners towards the demonstration of a
desirable behavior. Behaviorism is also believed to be linked to empiricism since behaviorism gives
emphasis on scientific studies and observation like the studies of Ivan Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning
Theory, B. F. Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Theory and James Watson’s The Behaviorist Manifesto.

- In a behaviorist environment, teachers arrange the physical environment of the classroom like the
lighting, temperature, visual aids etc and also sets rules for learners to follow so that the desired
responses or behavior from the learners will be attain, rewards system is an example of a useful
method used by most teachers as means of motivating the learners which may lead to a satisfying
aftereffect and as a substitute to punishment, since learners of today are heavily protected from any
form of abuse, harm or maltreatment of the teacher for it may also affect the behavior of the learners.

3. Constructivism- is an Educational Philosophy which asserts that as individuals interact with their
environment they also actively construct their understandings of reality, in relation to this, Jean Piaget
argued that “people produce knowledge and form meaning based upon their experiences”, while Lev
Vygotsky “learning occurs through social interaction with a skillful tutor”. This connotes that as an
individual immerse oneself in a particular environment, such individual then use mental processes,
while experiencing different occurrences through interacting with different individuals in his/her
current environment which as a result enables the individual to understand the dynamics of his/her
environment, thus in the school setup learners must be actively involved in the learning process while
interacting with his/her classmates and teacher for learning to attain. Moveover, Constructivism also
highlights previous knowledge or the prior knowledge as a determinant of learning as explained in the
Theory of Cognitive Development of Jean Piaget.

4. Application

The teacher will give a link to the students that would redirect them to Class Dojo site. The students
need to submit their short essay stating which among the Educational Philosophies is best to apply in
today’s online class set up.

1. Why is it important for teachers to study Philosophy of Education? 2. Why do you teach Philosophy
of Education?
3. How philosophy of teaching influence the personal and professional growth of teachers?

IV. Evaluation
Log in to your Kahoot account and answer 10 items questions posted there. dfda7ce4ad16

1. What is the origin of the word Philosophy?

2. According to Plato, what is knowledge?
3. Who is widely known as the first existentialist, despite never having used the word existentialism?
4. What does tabula rasa mean?
5. Dewey liked best the following definition of Education
6. A teacher believes that all truths come from older pieces of written work, and NOT modern - day
books is probably a?
7. Cooperative learning most closely is associated with:
8. Why is it important to recognize the philosophies of education and identify your own?
9. Which philosophy aims to help learners develop their own values? 10.Which philosophy aims to help
learners develop their own values?

V. Assignment
The teacher will ask the students to create their own Philosophy of Education and they will submit on
their Google Classroom to be passed on February 8, 2022.


Pre-service Teacher, BSED English 4


Cooperating Teacher


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

a. Identify the place and function of gerund and gerund phrase in a sentence. b. Compare infinitives to
other verbals.
c. Justify that the verbs in the sentence are used as infinitive/infinitive phrase.
d. Construct sentences with infinitive/infinitive phrase accurately.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Grammar
Lesson: Verbals: Infinitive and Infinitive Phrase
Materials: Canva, Youtube, Google slide, Mentimeter
• Verbals. (n.d.). Towson. Retrieved March 3, 2022, from %20a
• Shrives, C. (n.d.). Infinitive Phrase | What Is an Infinitive Phrase? Grammar Monster. Retrieved March 3,
2022, from https://www.grammar hrase%20is

III. Procedure

A. Review
Ask the class about the previous lesson
1. What are the three types of verbals?
2. Determine if the sentence uses participle or gerund;
a. Answering tons of activities is exhausting to the students.
b. The broken record isn't worth keeping. (Participle)
c. Don’t risk attempting that move until you are fit. (Gerund)
B. Motivation
• Explain the game to the students
o The students are going to pick a song from the teacher’s selection and listen to it. They have to list
down all the words with “to” and
“verb” beside it.
o The student that will list down more words than other will win.
• Play the game
• Ask the students what they have notice with the words.

C. Abstraction

• Associate the activity with explaining the form of infinitive.

• Give the different functions of infinitives and how to determine it in a sentence.
• Explain infinitive phrase and its modifiers
• Make the students analyze a sentence and determine what is the function of infinitive in the

D. Generalization
• Show a concept map of verbal, including its types and the function of its type.
• Explain the types of verbals briefly.

E. Application

The teacher will play a short film and the students will have to make a sentence using infinitive or
infinitive phrase about what they learn in the story or tell something about the story. The students will
have to explain the sentence that they had made. They will determine the infinitive in the sentence and
identify its function.

IV. Assessment
• The students will be given question about determining the functions of infinitive in the
• The students will have to determine the infinitive in the sentence.

V. Assignment

Answer the quiz in the module.

Prepared by: Zephania U. Jandayan


Date: May 5, 2020 Grade and Section: II – A7 Subject: Math 219 Time: 9:30-10:30 AM

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners must have:
1. identified the key features of the graphs of each function;
2. differentiate the curves of each function;
3. graphed trigonometric functions; and
4. exhibited the values of discipline and cooperation in class.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic : 3.3.1 Graph of y=sinx and y=cosx
3.3.2 Graph of y=asinbx and y=acosbx
B. References :
1. Book Reference: Teaching Guide for Senior High School Pre-Calculus
2. Electronic References:
LC Code: STEM-PC11T-IIe-2
C. Materials : Board and Chalk, Visual Aids
D. Subject Integration: English
E. Values Integration: Enthusiasm in learning
F. Learning Strategies: Discussion
Cooperative learning/Collaborative learning

III. Procedure

A. Daily Routine

1. Prayer
The teacher will ask someone to lead the prayer.
2. Greetings
The teacher will greet the students and the students will respond. 3. Classroom Management
The teacher will instruct the students to pick up the pieces of papers and arrange their chairs
4. Checking of Attendance
The teacher will check the class attendance.
5. Collecting of Assignment
The teacher will collect the assignment, and the students will pass it forward.

B. Review/Recall

The teacher will ask some questions regarding with the last topic discussed.

C. Motivation
The teacher will group the class into four groups and tell them to bring out the materials (printed unit
circle, trig graph paper, scissors, sharpie, pencil and uncooked pasta) that they will used for the activity
entitled “the Spaghetti Incident”. The students will follow the instructions given by their teacher. The
teacher will check the created output by the students.


Needed supplies (one each per team):

∙ Unit circle
∙ Trig graph paper
∙ Scissors
∙ Glue
∙ Marker
∙ Uncooked pasta


1. Line up one end of the uncooked spaghetti on the

2. Use the marker to mark where the spaghetti
meets the circumference at each angle.
3. Cut the spaghetti at the mark with the scissors.
4. Place and glue each cut spaghetti piece at the
corresponding angle. If the piece was cut on the
negative side, place it below the x-axis.
5. Now observe the graph made using the unit

D. Presentation
Relating the activity done earlier, the teacher will ask the students of what they have notice regarding
the graph they’ve done using the unit circle. The teacher can now say that the topic is all about
graphing trigonometric functions.
E. Discussion
1. Defining the key features of the graphs of trigonometric functions.
2. Discussion of graphing the sine and cosine function.
3. Discussion of graphing the y=asinbx and y=acosbx
4. Examples of identifying the key features (domain, range, etc.) and graphing the given functions.
F. Generalization
The teacher will ask the students to generalize the topic based on what they have discussed. The
teacher will ask:
1. How do you get the domain and range, amplitude and period, maximum and minimum value and
midline of a trigonometric function?
2. How do you graph the y=sinx and y=cosx? the y=asinbx and y=acosbx?
G. Application
The teacher will provide additional exercises regarding the topic.
1. Sketch
a) y = 3 sin 2 (x+π4 ) for π4 < x < 2π
b) y = 12cos 2x
2. Determine the amplitude and period for each function:
a) y = 3 cos(-2x)
b) y = 3 sin 2x
H. Evaluation
1. Sketch the graph of the following function.
a) y = sin 4x
b) y = cos (x- π4)
c) y = 3 sin x2
d) y = 2 cos x

I. Assignment
Study the graphs of y = asinb(xc)+d and y = acosb(xc)+d and the graphs of cosecant and secant

2. Determine the equation of each graph and its key features.

Domain: Period: Amplitude: Midline:

Minimum value: Maximum value:

Domain: Period: Amplitude: Midline:

Minimum value: Maximum value:

Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

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