03 112國中英語2下備課 U3 (112f629208)

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Unit 3 核心素養、學習重點、單元目標對應表

A1 身心素質與自我精進 B1 符號運用與溝通表達 □ C1 道德實踐與公民意識
□ A2 系統思考與解決問題 □ B2 科技資訊與媒體素養 C2 人際關係與團隊合作
A3 規劃執行與創新應變 □ B3 藝術涵養與美感素養 □ C3 多元文化與國際理解
學習內容 學習表現
A 語言知識 ◎1-IV-1 能聽懂課堂中所學的字詞。
Ac-IV-3 常見的生活用語。 1-IV-3 能聽懂基本或重要句型的句子。
Ac-IV-4 國中階段所學字詞(能聽、讀 1-IV-4 能聽懂日常生活對話的主要內
說、寫最基本的 1,200 字詞)
。 容。
Ad-IV-1 國中階段所學的文法句型。 ◎1-IV-6 能聽懂簡易故事及短劇的主
◎Ae-IV-1 簡易歌謠、韻文、短文、故 要內容。
事及短劇。 1-IV-7 能辨識簡短說明或敘述的情境
*Ae-IV-5 不同體裁、不同主題之簡易 及主旨。
文章。 *◎1-IV-9 能辨識句子語調所表達的
Ae-IV-6 簡易故事的背景、人物、事件 情緒和態度。
和結局。 ◎2-IV-1 能說出課堂中所學的字詞。
*◎Ae-IV-7 敘述者的觀點、態度、及 2-IV-2 能依情境使用日常生活用語。
寫作目的。 2-IV-4 能以簡易的英語描述自己、家
*Ae-IV-8 簡易故事及短文的大意。 人及朋友。
B 溝通功能 2-IV-5 能以簡易的英語表達個人的需
B-IV-1 自己、家人及朋友的簡易描述。 求、意願和感受。
B-IV-2 國中階段所學字詞及句型的生 2-IV-6 能依人、事、時、地、物作簡易
活溝通。 的描述或回答。
B-IV-4 個人的需求、意願和感受的表 2-IV-7 能依人、事、時、地、物作簡易
達。 的提問。
B-IV-5 人、事、時、地、物的描述及問答 ◎2-IV-9 能進行簡易的角色扮演。
B-IV-7 角色扮演。 *2-IV-12 能以簡易的英語參與引導
*◎B-IV-8 引導式討論。 式討論。
D 思考能力 *2-IV-13 能依主題或情境以簡易英
D-IV-1 依綜合資訊作合理猜測。 語進行日常生活溝通。
D-IV-2 二至三項訊息的比較、歸類、排 ◎3-IV-2 能辨識課堂中所學的字詞。
序的方法。 3-IV-5 能看懂簡易的生活用語。
D-IV-3 訊息因果關係的釐清。 3-IV-6 能看懂基本的句型。
3-IV-7 能了解對話的主要內容。 4-IV-3 能掌握正確書寫格式寫出英文
3-IV-8 能了解短文、簡訊、書信的主要 句子。
內容。 4-IV-5 能依提示寫出正確達意的簡單
3-IV-9 能了解故事的主要內容與情節。 句子。
3-IV-10 能辨識簡易故事的要素,如 5-IV-1 能聽懂、讀懂國中階段基本字
背景、人物、事件和結局。 詞,並使用於簡易日常溝通。
3-IV-11 能藉圖畫、標題、書名等作合 5-IV-2 能掌握國中階段所學字詞及句
理的猜測。 型,適當地使用於日常生活之
*3-IV-12 能熟悉重要的閱讀技巧, 溝通。
如擷取大意、猜測字義、推 ◎5-IV-3 能聽懂日常生活應對中常用
敲文意、預測後續文意及情 語句,並能作適當的回應。
節發展等。 5-IV-10 能讀懂簡易故事及短文,並
*3-IV-14 能快速閱讀了解文章重點 , 能以簡短的句子說出或寫出
並有效應用於廣泛閱讀中。 其內容大意。
*◎3-IV-15 能分析及判斷文章內容 ◎6-IV-1 樂於參與課堂中各類練習活
了解敘述者的觀點、態度 動,不畏犯錯。
及寫作目的。 7-IV-2 善用相關主題之背景知識,以
*3-IV-16 能閱讀不同體裁、不同主題 利閱讀或聽力理解。
的簡易文章。 9-IV-1 能綜合相關資訊作合理的猜測。
4-IV-1 能拼寫國中階段基本常用字詞。 9-IV-2 能把二至三項訊息加以比較、
4-IV-2 能依圖畫、圖示書寫英文句子。 歸類、排序。
9-IV-3 能根據上下文語境釐清不同訊
● 能聽懂對話大意,並重述重點。 ● 能運用推論策略以整合文本資訊。

● 能讀懂文章大意,並重述重點。 ● 能用語調或感嘆詞來幫助聽力理解。

● 能使用使役動詞來表達要求、命令、 ● 能覺察社會中的不公義。

允許他人做某事。 ● 能認識法律的意義。

● 能運用副詞的原級、比較級和最高級

Unit 3 教學建議流程表
節次 教學流程 時間 教學資源 評量方式
1. Warm-up(pp. 47–48)
讓學生討論未來選擇工作的條件。 5' 討論
2. Dialogue(pp. 49–52)
(1)呈 現 插 圖 並 利 用 Pre-Listening 提 4' 電子書 問答
容。 8' CD Player
(2)播放 CD,請學生聆聽對話,並利
一 用 Post-Listening 的提問,提醒學
生聽力時要注意的資訊。 7' 口說
(3)請學生整理及分享聽到的重點。 3' CD Player 聽寫
(4)利用 p. 52 的 B 題目,檢視學生是
否理解。 10' 角色扮演
話。 8' 字彙卡 口說
1. Dialogue(pp. 49–52)
(1)簡單複習對話篇的重點。 3' 電子書
(2)補充「動物農莊」的相關資訊,並 10' 討論
2. Theme Words( pp. 53–54)
(1)播放 CD,讓學生跟讀。 2' CD Player
(2)引導學生看圖描述動物在做什麼, 5' 口說
二 並帶入副詞。
(3)運用字彙閃示卡來讓學生更加熟悉 5' 字彙卡 口說
3. Grammar Focus 1(pp. 55–56)
(1)呈現 A 表格的例句,請學生觀察副 5' 電子書
(2)講 解 副 詞 形 成 的 規 則 , 並 配 合 15' 口說、讀寫
Speak and write. 讓學生練習。
1. Grammar Focus 1(pp. 57–58)
(1)利用 Read. 整理歸納副詞比較級、 3' 電子書 討論
三 最高級的變化。
(2)配合 Speak and write. 與 Write., 10' 口說、讀寫
節次 教學流程 時間 教學資源 評量方式
(3)討論 Read and observe.,歸納形 5' 口說
2. Grammar Focus 2(pp. 59–60)
(1)請學生觀察例句中有上色的字,並 2' 電子書 討論
歸納出使役動詞及 help 的功能與
(2)配合 Speak and write. 讓學生練習 10' 口說、讀寫
三 句型。
(3)請 學 生 利 用 Activity 調 查 三 位 同 5' 口說
3. Reading(pp. 61–63)
(1)討論有關巧克力的知識作暖身。 5' 電子書 討論
(2)請 學 生 閱 讀 課 文 , 並 配 合 While 5'
You Read,提醒閱讀時要注意的
Reading(pp. 62–64)
(1)與學生討論他們不懂的地方。 5' 電子書 討論
(2)提問以確認學生對文本的理解狀況。 10' 問答
(3)請學生整理並說出讀到的重點,並完 10' 口說、讀寫
成 After You Read 的 A 和 B。

(4)配 合 After You Read 的 C , 講 解 10'
Inferring 策略的功能及操作步驟。
(5)補充關於象牙海岸童工問題的資料, 7' 討論
(6)帶學生熟悉閱讀中的單字。 3' 字彙卡 口說
1. Listening Strategy(p. 65 )
(1)教師講解感嘆詞和語調對聽英文對 10'
(2)請學生練習聽感嘆詞和語調,並解 5' CD Player 聽、讀寫

(3)利用 Practice 作練習。 10' CD Player 聽、讀寫
2. Exercise(pp. 66–69)
請學生完成題目並檢討。 20' CD Player 聽、讀寫
Unit 3 The Animals Work Hard
Warm-up Check and say it.

The job makes me feel important.

I want to work in a team.

教師可以請學生思考未來的職涯發展,並逐項檢視 Warm-up 所列的工作條件。

The job fits my personality.

The pay for the job is good.

I don't want to work long hours.

I want to be a lawyer because the pay for the job is


fit [fit] 符合 personality [9pZsEn`AlEtI] 個性

A. Listen and repeat. CD2: 1-2

(Late at night, some animals are talking about Mr. Jones, the owner of the

Ida the Cow: Mr. Jones is mean to us. He makes us work day and night and
seldom lets us take a break. Horses, how many hours a day do

you work?
3 4
Rio the Horse: Over ten hours. We work hard, but Mr. Jones doesn't treat us

well. He never shares fruit with us. We are thin and weak.

應用字彙 CD2: 6
hard 努力地;困難的 well 好地 share 分享 weak 虛弱的
hen 母雞 dirty 髒的 without 沒有;無 mean 刻薄的;兇惡的
make 要…做…;使… break 休息 over 超過 treat 對待
take... down 使某人垮臺;拆除
認識字彙 owner 擁有者;主人 produce 生產
1. 學生能聽懂對話內容,並重述重點。
2. 學生能聽懂用使役動詞來描述要求或命令的句子。
3. 學生能認識情狀副詞的原級、比較級和最高級。
4. 學生能討論並分享動物權益和勞工權益的問題。
The farm animals are not happy with their owner because he treats them
badly. They are talking about ways to fight for their rights.
艾達牛: 瓊斯先生對我們很壞。他要我們日夜工作,又很少讓我們休息。馬兒們
瑞歐馬: 超過十小時。我們努力工作,但是瓊斯先生並沒有善待我們。他從不分
Pre-Reading Questions
參考問題 參考答案
Look at the pictures on pages 49
1 They look tired, sad, and angry.
and 50. How do the animals look?
Look at the picture on page 50.
It wants a better working
2 What do you think the cow wants to
fight for?
Look at the picture on page 52.
3 What are the animals talking Hiring a lawyer.
I know many farm animals in Taiwan
are treated badly. They may have
What do you know about the lives
4 enough food and water, but most of
of farm animals in Taiwan?
them don't have enough space to
move around.
They can feel pain and have fears
5 Why should animals have rights? just like people, so we should treat
them humanely.
1 He makes us work day and night and seldom lets us take a break.
• make 在此表「要…做…;使…」,為使役動詞,有命令、要求的意味;而
let 同樣為使役動詞,表「讓;允許」。使役動詞用法為 A+make/let+B+
原形動詞.。使役動詞的用法詳見 Grammar Focus 2 解析。
例: Kelly made her sister do the dishes.(凱莉要她的妹妹洗碗。)
Mr. Liu sometimes lets his students go home early.
• 時間副詞 day and night 亦可說 night and day,指「夜以繼日;一直;總
是」,意思與 all the time 相同。
• break 在此表「休息;休息時間」,為可數名詞,常搭配動詞 have 或
例: We'll continue in the afternoon. Let's have a break for an hour.
2 Horses, how many hours a day do you work?
3 Over ten hours.
• How+many +複數時間名詞+ a(n) +時間名詞…? 常用來問「一段時間
例: How many months a year do you stay in Taiwan?
• 答句為省略句,完整的說法為 We work over ten hours a day.(我們一天
工作超過十小時。),其中 over 亦可用 more than 代換。
4 We work hard, but Mr. Jones doesn't treat us well.
• hard 和 well 在此皆為情狀副詞,置於一般動詞後修飾動詞, work hard
指「努力工作」,而 doesn't treat us well 則指「沒有善待我們」;well 為
good 的副詞形式。情狀副詞的用法詳見 Grammar Focus 1 解析。
例: They practiced hard for the singing contest.
• 本對話中有數句意思皆為「對我們很糟;沒有善待我們」,教師可以帶學
生一同尋找。除了本句的 Mr. Jones doesn't treat us well. 之外,其他還有
Mr. Jones is mean to us.、Mr. Jones is bad to us.、Mr. Jones treats us

Ida the Cow: Hens, what about you?
Pox the Hen: We work the hardest and produce lots of eggs, but Mr. Jones is
live + a +形容詞+ life 意思為「過著…的生活」。
bad to us. Our house is small and dirty, and we live a hard life.
Ida the Cow: Yes, my poor friends. Mr. Jones treats us badly. We can live
better without him. Let's take him down!

Everyone: Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

艾達牛: 母雞,那麼你們呢?
帕克絲雞: 我們工作最勤奮,生產了大量的蛋,但是瓊斯先生對我們很惡劣。
艾達牛: 是的,我可憐的朋友們。瓊斯先生對我們很壞。沒有他,我們可以過
大家: 抗爭!抗爭!抗爭!抗爭!
5 We work the hardest and produce lots of eggs, but Mr. Jones is bad to us.
• hardest 為副詞 hard 的最高級,置於 work 後修飾,work the hardest 指
例: Bella studies the hardest in our class.
6 We can live better without him.
• better 在此為副詞 well 的比較級,置於 live 後修飾,live better 指「過著
比較好的生活」,用形容詞改寫即為 live a better life。
• without 為介系詞,表「沒有;無」,後接名詞、代名詞或動名詞為受詞。
例: We can't live without water.(我們沒有水就無法活下去。)
They left without saying good-bye.(他們不告而別。)
本對話發想自一本知名的政治諷刺小說《動物農莊(Animal Farm)》。《動物農
威爾(George Orwell,本名 Eric Arthur Blair)於 1945 年在英國出版的託寓小
說。歐威爾表示,此一寓言反映了從 1917 年俄國革命開始到踏入史達林時期的
裁統治之下,仍是過著慘無人道的日子。 《時代雜誌》將《動物農莊》評選為 1923
年 到 2005 年 間 百 大 最 佳 英 文 小 說 之 一 , 它 也 在 20 世 紀 百 大 英 文 小 說
(Modern Library List of Best 20th-Century Novels)裡排第 31 位。在 1996 年
《動物農莊》贏得追頒雨果獎(Retrospective Hugo Award),此外,它也被收
錄在西方世界偉大著作名單(Great Books of the Western World)裡。
CD2: 3-4
Ida the Cow: Rio, you run the most quickly of all. Go tell everybody.

Rio the Horse: All right.

Eddie the Pig: Wait. Everyone, please listen to me. Why don't we

fight for our rights in a different way?

Ida the Cow: How?


Eddie the Pig: The law protects everyone, so we can report Mr. Jones to
the Labor Department. They'll have him improve our lives.

Ida the Cow: We'll need a lawyer, but we don't have money for that.

艾達牛: 瑞歐,你是所有動物之中跑得最快的。去告訴大家吧。
瑞歐馬: 好的。
艾迪豬: 等等。各位請聽我說。我們何不用一種不同的方式來爭取我們的權利呢
艾達牛: 怎麼做?
艾迪豬: 法律保護每一個人,所以我們可以向勞動部舉報瓊斯先生。他們會要
艾達牛: 我們會需要律師,但是我們沒錢請律師。
7 Rio, you run the most quickly of all.
• most quickly 為 quickly 的最高級,the most quickly 置於 run 後修飾,指
「跑得最迅速地」,亦可用 fastest(最快地)換句話說成 you run the
fastest of all。
8 The law protects everyone, so we can report Mr. Jones to the Labor
• report 在此表「舉報;告發」,用法為 report A to B (for something),指
「(因為某事)向 B 舉報 A」。
例: We reported Mr. Green to the police for starting the fire.
9 They'll have him improve our lives.
• have 在此為使役動詞,表「使…」,用法為 A+have+B+原形動詞. 。
have 跟 make 一樣具有命令、要求的意味,但 have 的語氣比較沒有那麼
例: I had Flora get me a clean bowl.
管幅度不大。如 2016 年每週工時約為 43.3 小時,而 2021 年則降至 41.6 小時。
再 觀 2021 年,我國 年 總工 時約 為 2,000 小時,對 照經濟 合作 暨 發展 組織
(OECD)的統計資料,可以發現臺灣的工時偏高(日本 1,607 小時、南韓
1,915 小時)。勞動部指出,年總工時的計算方式是將「全時就業者」與「部分工
1965 年英國農業部的「布倫貝爾委員會」建議畜養的動物的五個基本生存權,
一、 提供適當、乾淨且無害之食物及二十四小時充足、乾淨之飲水。
二、 提供安全、乾淨、通風、排水、適當及適量之遮蔽、照明與溫度之生活環境。
三、 提供法定動物傳染病之必要防治。
四、 避免其遭受騷擾、虐待或傷害。
五、 以籠子飼養寵物者,其籠內空間應足供寵物充分伸展,並應提供充分之籠
六、 以繩或鍊圈束寵物者,其繩或鍊應長於寵物身形且足供寵物充分伸展、活
七、 不得以汽、機車牽引寵物。
八、 有發生危害之虞時,應將寵物移置安全處,並給予逃生之機會。
九、 不得長時間將寵物留置密閉空間內,並應開啟對流孔洞供其呼吸。
十、 提供其他妥善之照顧。
十一、 除絕育外,不得對寵物施以非必要或不具醫療目的之手術。

Eddie the Pig: Have a look at this lawyer's web page. She provides free

Ida the Cow: Really? Pox, could you help me check out this information?

I can't see clearly.

Pox the Hen: No problem. Well, the information is true.

Ida the Cow: Good. Everyone, let's try Eddie's idea, OK?
Everyone: Sure! That's a wise thing to do.
B. Listen and write T or F. 根據對話內容,聽到的描述為正確的寫 T,不正確
的寫 F。CD2: 5
1. ( T ) 2. ( F ) 3. ( F)
應用字彙 CD2: 6
quickly 快地 web page 網頁 service 服務 clearly 清楚地
No problem. 沒問題。 wise 明智的 have 使…
認識字彙 law 法律 labor 勞工 improve 改善 information 資訊
艾迪豬: 看看這位律師的網頁。她提供免費的服務。
艾達牛: 真的嗎?帕克絲,你可以幫我查證一下這項資訊嗎?我看不清楚。
帕克絲雞: 沒問題。嗯,這資訊是真的。
艾達牛: 很好。各位,我們來試試看艾迪的點子吧,好嗎?
大家: 當然!那是個明智的做法。
B. Listen and write T or F. 聽力內容
1. Mr. Jones's horses work more than ten hours a day.
2. Mr. Jones's hens live happily in a large clean house.
3. Ida the Cow sees the most clearly of all the animals.
10 Pox, could you help me check out this information?
• help 後面可接原形動詞,也可接不定詞,用法為 help +人+(to)+原
形動詞,意思為「幫助某人做某事」。help 的用法詳見 Grammar Focus 2 解析。
例: The students helped the old man find his way home.
11 That's a wise thing to do.
• 本 句 that 指 fighting for our rights in a different way 這 件 事 , 亦 即
reporting Mr. Jones to the Labor Department。不定詞(to +原形動詞)
例: Lucy has a lot of homework to do today.

Post-Listening Questions
參考問題 參考答案
Why were the animals not happy
1 Because he treated them badly.
with Mr. Jones?
He made the animals work all the
The animals said that Mr. Jones time and seldom let them take a
2 treated them badly. What break. He didn't share fruit, and he
examples did they provide? forced the hens to live in a small dirty
They decided to take Mr. Jones
3 What did the animals decide to do?
In the conversation on page 51,
They could report Mr. Jones to the
4 what different idea did Eddie the
Labor Department.
Pig have to fight for their rights?
Ida the Cow said, "We don't have
They found a lawyer online. She
5 money for a lawyer." How did the
provided free services.
animals solve the problem?

Theme Words CD2: 7
On the Farm
a hen

a goose

a duck

The duck is swimming quietly.

The hen and the goose are talking loudly.
a goat

a sheep


The goat can climb fast and well, but the sheep and the cow can't.
1. 學生能認識農場常見動物和蔬果的名稱。
2. 學生能認識情狀副詞在句中的位置。
T: Look at the picture. What is the duck doing?
S: It is swimming.
T: Is it talking to other birds?
S: No, it is not.
T: So, it is swimming quietly. The duck is swimming quietly. Repeat after me.
S: The duck is swimming quietly.
papayas a mouse





a grapes


The mouse is eating quickly, but the turtle is eating slowly.
應用字彙 CD2:8
goose 鵝(複數為 geese) duck 鴨 loudly 大聲地 goat 山羊
papaya 木瓜 watermelon 西瓜 guava 芭樂 pear 梨子
tomato 番茄 peach 桃子 grape 葡萄 turtle 烏龜
vegetable 蔬菜 strawberry 草莓 slowly 慢地

Fill in the blanks. 根據兩頁的圖片填空。

1. Look at picture A. The duck swims faster than the goose.
2. Take a look at picture B. The goat climbs higher than the sheep
and the cow.
3. In picture C, the mouse is eating a slice of watermelon , and the
turtle is eating vegetables .
教學補給站 其他常見蔬菜和動物名稱
蔬菜類 動物類
青花菜 broccoli [`brBkElI] 小鴨 duckling [`dQklIN]
花椰菜 cauliflower [`kElE9flaJL] 公雞 rooster [`rustL]
芹菜 celery [`sZlErI] 小牛 calf [kAf]
生菜 lettuce [`lZtIs] 小羊 lamb [lAm]
甘藍菜 cabbage [`kAbIdV]

Grammar Focus 1
A Horses run fast.
The workers work late.
The man drove slowly.

Read. 讀讀看副詞形成的規則。CD2: 9
字尾為子音+y,去 y 加-
直接加-ly 形容詞、副詞同形
bad → badly busy → busily early → early
beautiful → beautifully easy → easily far → far
careful → carefully happy → happily fast → fast
clear → clearly heavy → heavily hard → hard
mad → madly hungry → hungrily high → high
quick → quickly late → late
quiet → quietly 字尾為 le,去 e 加-y 不規則變化
slow → slowly terrible → terribly good → well
weak → weakly
wise → wisely

Speak and write. 根據圖片內容說說看、寫寫看。

Example treat his cat / bad

The man is a bad pet owner.
He treats his cat badly.

1. 學生能熟悉情狀副詞的形成規則,並能區別其與形容詞的差異。
2. 學生能熟悉情狀副詞比較級和最高級的形式變化及其句型。
例: Liz is a sad girl.(莉茲是個悲傷的女孩。)
I don't want to hear anything sad today.
Billy cried sadly.(比利悲傷地哭泣。)
Sadly, her parents died in that fire. ( 遺 憾 地 , 她 的 雙 親 喪 生 於 那 場 火
文法加油站 Adverbs of Manner 情狀副詞
1. 副詞的功能:
修飾一般動詞 She talked loudly.(她大聲地說話。)
修飾形容詞 The house is very large.(這棟房子非常大間。)
修飾另一個副詞 He jumped really high.(他跳得真的很高。)
2. 情狀副詞用於修飾動作的狀態或情況,屬「表達狀態或性質」的副詞,字尾
常有-ly,如 quickly。
3. 程度副詞如 really、too、very、so 等,可置於情狀副詞之前,用來加強語氣。
例: You have to think very carefully.(你必須要非常仔細地考慮。)
4. 情狀副詞在句中的位置:
位置 例句
Kelly was singing loudly.(凱莉大聲地唱著歌。)
Kyle read the book quietly.(凱爾安靜地讀那本書。)
→ quietly 不能放在及物動詞與其受詞中間,即 read 和 the book 之間。
Kevin studied hard for the class.

→ 形容詞與副詞同形(early、late、fast、hard)及不規則變化(well)的
Daniel slowly closed the door.
Miller looked sadly at the doll. ( 米 勒 傷 心 地 看 著 娃
娃。)Ronnie set up the camera quickly.
→ up 為介副詞,與 set 合為可分片語動詞,故 quickly 不可放在 set 和
up 中間。
置 於 句 首 , 並 Sadly, he lost the game.
用 逗 點 與 主 要 (令人傷心的是,他輸了比賽。)
5. 詢問「動作狀態」的疑問詞用 how。
例:How does Nelson dance?(尼爾森跳舞跳得如何?)


live his life / happy

Mr. Temper is a happy old man.
He lives his life happily .

sing / terrible
Pat is not a good singer.
She sings terribly .

get up / early
Little Cherry is an early bird.
She gets up early .

look at the cake / hungry

Jeremy wanted to eat the cake very much.
He looked at the cake hungrily .

paint / quiet
The students do not make a sound when they paint.
They paint quietly.

文法加油站 特殊形容詞和副詞
1. 形容詞和副詞同形的單字有 hard、late、high 等。這些單字的字尾加上-ly 會變
例字 例句
hardly ( 幾 乎
He could hardly see anything.(他幾乎看不見。)
lately(最近) Have you seen Daisy lately?(你最近有遇到黛西嗎?)
Duncan is a highly successful writer.
2. 有些單字雖是-ly 結尾,但卻是形容詞,例如 lovely、ugly、friendly、lonely
教學活動 A Memory Game
教具 字卡數張
活動 動詞/ 形容詞 動詞/ 形容詞
步驟 dance/beautiful move/quiet
sing/good open/slow
work/hard talk/loud
eat/quick walk/fast
drink/fast shout/loud
drive/careful jump/high

(S1 抽到的卡片是 dance/beautiful,S2 抽到的卡片是 sing/good)
T: How does Jack sing?
(此時學生須回想卡片內容:與動詞 sing 搭配的是 well。)
S1: He sings beautifully.
S2: He sings well.
T: S2 is right.
(S1 抽到的卡片是 work/hard,S2 抽到的卡片是 talk/loud)
T: How did Molly talk?
S1: She talked loudly.
S2: She talked fast.
T: S1 is right.

B Kevin works harder than Jason.
Jason works more carefully than
C Kevin works (the) hardest of all.
Jason works (the) most carefully of all the
Read. 讀讀看副詞比較級、最高級的形式變化。CD2: 10
字 尾 為 -ly 者 , 在 前 面 加 carefully → more carefully → most carefully
more、most slowly → more slowly → most slowly
與 形 容 詞 同 形 者 , 在 字 尾 fast → faster → fastest
加-er、-est high → higher → highest
badly → worse → worst
不規則變化 far → farther/further → farthest/furthest
well → better → best
far → farther/further → farthest/furthest
當在描述距離時,farther/further 意思相通,可以互換,如要表達「更多的;另
外的」,則只能使用 further。

Speak and write. 根據圖片內容說說看、寫寫看。

Example dance / beautiful

Lillian dances more beautifully than Judy.

cook / well
Ken's dad cooks better than his mom.

文法加油站 副詞的比較級與最高級
1. 副詞比較級句型為:
主詞 A 一般動詞 副詞 比較級 than 主詞 B(助動詞).
例:Alice runs faster than Luther does.(艾莉絲跑得比路瑟快。)
2. 副詞最高級句型為:
of 數字(≧ 3 ).
主詞 一般動詞 (the) 副詞 最高級
in 地方.
例:Mia sings the best of all.(米亞是所有人裡唱得最好的。)
Sabrina dances the best in our town. (瑟賓娜是我們鎮上舞跳最好
注意!副詞的最高級可以省略定冠詞 the,屬非正式用法;當比較同一人、
事或物在「不同情境中」的狀態時,通常會省略 the,試比較下面兩句:
例:Dan works best in the office.
→ 指丹在其他地方工作都不如在辦公室效率高。
Dan works the best in the office.
→ 指丹比其他在辦公室的人工作效率還高。


jump / high
Brad jumps/jumped higher than Ivy.

the ship / go / far / the boat than

The ship went farther than the boat.

Write. 依例造句。
Example Dora runs faster than Mike. Mike runs faster than Ken.
Dora runs (the) fastest.
1. Carl draws worse than Jill. Jill draws worse than Paul.
Carl draws (the) worst.
2. Eric eats more slowly than Sue. Sue eats more slowly than Amy.
Eric eats (the) most slowly.
3. Hector works harder than Peter. Peter works harder than Brian.
Hector works (the) hardest.

Read and observe. 讀讀看,並觀察形容詞與副詞的位置。

The rain is heavy. It is raining heavily.
Ann is more careful than I. Ann thinks more carefully than I.
Josh is the best player of all. Josh plays baseball the best.
Alex is as loud as Tim. Alex sings as loudly as Tim.

1. 教師可先帶學生複習形容詞的比較級和最高級變化,接著再進入副詞的比較
2. 教師也可利用 Readand observe. 帶學生進行觀察,並加入原級比較的複習。
教學活動 Bet on It
將全班以異質分組,每組 3–4 人。
活動 教師任意提供一個含副詞比較級的問句,如 Who jumps higher?,再
步驟 讓臺上的學生挑戰,並讓全班學生回答。看各組是否猜對,猜對者可
得 10 分。
重複進行步驟 2、3 數次,讓學生練習副詞比較級句子;之後改成挑選

Grammar Focus 2
A Rio's boss makes him work day and night.
Eddie had his friends call the lawyer.
The man lets his animals take a short

Pox helped Ida (to) check the web page.

Speak and write. 根據圖片內容說說看、寫寫看。

Example have
Trisha had her friend call the police for her.

Ken's boss made him work late today.

Mrs. Green lets her daughter watch
TV for half an hour every day.

1. 學生能認識並應用使役動詞 make、have、let。
2. 學生能熟悉 help 的用法。
Causative Verbs 使役動詞
1. 使役動詞用於命令、要求或允許他人去做某事,後接原形動詞。常見的使役
動詞有 let、have 及 make,它們的意思並不相同,說明如下:
意思 語氣 例句
Dad let me go to the party.
let 讓 不具強制性
具強制性,但語 I'm busy now, so I will have my friend
have 使… 氣較 make 和 pick you up at school.(我現在很忙,所
緩,非一定要做 以我會讓我的朋友去學校接你。)
Ms. Lee made Jack stay at school to
make 使…做… 具強制性 finish his homework.
2. 要造使役動詞的否定句,須在動詞前加上否定的助動詞。
例:I didn't make my son do the housework.(我沒有要我兒子做家事。)
help 的用法
help 表「幫助;幫忙」,後可接不定詞、原形動詞或 with+N。
例: Meg helped me to prepare dinner.
=Meg helped me prepare dinner.
=Meg helped me with dinner.(梅格幫忙我準備晚餐。)

Mr. Hook


Ms. Moon had the kids water the
plants .
Jenny helped Luke fix his/the bike.
Activity. Ask and report. 調查並報告。
What do your parents have you They have me take
do every day, Lisa? out the trash.

Name Things to do
Lisa take out the trash

Lisa's parents have her take out the trash every day.

除了運用圖片情境練習 Speak and write. 之外,教師可以鼓勵學生完成 Activity
文法加油站 特殊用法
1. make 接受詞後,也可以接形容詞或名詞,這時候 make 的意思為「讓…」或
「使…成為/變得…」,let 和 have 則沒有這樣的用法。
句型結構 例句
人/事物+make Dancing with Fiona made me very nervous.
+受詞+形容詞 (和菲歐娜跳舞讓我很緊張。)
The nice weather and delicious food make Tainan a
popular place for holidays.
2. have 接受詞後再接過去分詞,意思指「使某人把某事完成」。
例:I had my bike fixed last week.(我上星期請人修了我的腳踏車。)
3. 可表「要他人去做某事」的動詞還包含 ask、tell 等,但這些字後須接不定詞,
例:Mr. Chen asked us to bring our own spoons and chopsticks for lunch.
Ken told the children to be quiet in the library, but they still chatted
loudly. (肯告訴那些小朋友在圖書館要安靜,但他們還是聊得很大
教學活動 Storytelling
教具行動 載具(每組一臺,事先下載好 App —Seesaw)
寫在黑板上,如 A long time ago, there was a girl, and her name
was Cinderella. Her mom died when she was little. Her father
married a woman with two daughters. Cinderella's stepmother
活動步驟 and stepsisters were mean to her.
將全班以異質分組,每組 3–4 人;發給各組一臺行動載具。
續的情節,如 Her stepmother made her do the housework.,並
將其運用 Seesaw 來記錄並上傳。時間到,讓各組分享。


Before You Read

Here are some facts about chocolate. Which surprises you the most?
Chocolate comes from fruit trees; it is made from fruit seeds.
It takes 400 cocoa beans to make one pound of chocolate.
Each cocoa tree produces about 2,500 beans.
More than two million children work on cocoa farms in Africa.
surprise [sL`praIz] 使驚訝
1. 學生能讀懂文章內容,並能簡述文章大意。
2. 學生能用文章中已知的線索作推論。
3. 學生能透過文章反思該如何改變剝削童工的現況。
本頁 Before You Read 的活動介紹了四個有趣的巧克力知識,並且讓學生思考
Before You Read Questions
參考問題 參考答案
1 Do you like chocolate? Yes, I do.
Read the facts about chocolate on
2 page 61. Which fact surprises you the The fourth one.
White chocolate is in fact not
3 What do you know about chocolate?
Look at the picture on page 62. What
4 They're collecting fruit.
are the two kids doing?
The reading is about children picking
How much time they work a day
5 cocoa beans for work. What things
and how much money they make.
about them will you see in the reading?
教學補給 站可可
力是由可可樹果實中的可可豆製作而成。雖然中文都叫可可,但英文卻有 cacao
[kE`kaJ] 和 cocoa [`koko] 的差異。cacao 指「可可樹;可可豆」,用來指尚未加
工過的原料,例如 cacao beans(可可豆)、cacao seeds(可可種子)。cocoa
則指「可可粉」,是由可可豆加工過後的產物,例如 cocoa powder(可可粉)、
cocoa butter(可可脂)。雖然有差異,但生活中兩者都可用來指可可製成的產
品,沒有其中一種用法較正確之說,另於 The New York Times(紐約時報)中
cocoa beans 較 cacao beans 廣泛使用。故,本文為不造成學生閱讀上的困擾,
皆使用 cocoa 來進行敘述。

文化小百科 象牙海岸與童工
繁盛的西非熱帶國家之一,但 1985 年後因政治腐敗及缺乏改革而發生國內的
騷動,另外也在 2002 到 2011 年間發生內戰,致使經濟一蹶不振。
可可為象牙海岸的主要輸出品之一,全球有 40%的可可來自於此。因為貧窮,
重達百磅(約 45 公斤)的可可豆等粗重工作。


child workers 和 child labor

的差異:"Child workers" re
fers to the children who are
working. "Child labor"
refers to the practice of
using children as workers,
not to the workers

CD2: 11-12
Cocoa Children
People love chocolate. Americans alone buy more than 58 million
pounds of chocolate for Valentine's Day, the "sweetest" time of the year. But

for the cocoa child workers in the Ivory Coast, chocolate doesn't taste sweet

but bitter.

Child labor is a big problem in the Ivory Coast. Most cocoa child workers

are between 12 and 16 years old. The farm owners make the kids work 12

hours a day. On the farm, they pick cocoa beans quickly and quietly.

Find out what happened to the children in the Ivory Coast.

應用字彙 CD2: 15
American 美國人 million 百萬 pound 磅
pick 採摘;撿拾 bean 豆
cocoa 可可 alone 單獨地 bitter 苦的
Valentine's Day [`vAlEntaInz 9de] 西洋情人節
Ivory Coast [`arvErI 9kost] 象牙海岸
In the Ivory Coast, cocoa farm owners make children work long hours. They
get little money and don't have a chance to go to school.
While You Read
Reading Task》 搭配課本 p. 62 的 While You Read
Questions & Graphic Organizer
1. What is a big problem in the Ivory Coast?
2. How long do the child workers work a day?
3. How much money do they make a day?
4. Can the children go to school?
5. What do people do to help those children?
The children work twelve hours a day,
but they only get about 65 cents a day.
Child labor is a big
(Questions 2–3)
problem in the Ivory
Coast. They don't have a chance to go to school.
(Question 1) (Question 4)
Some choose not to buy chocolate from
solution these companies, and others tell the
children's stories.
(Question 5)
1 Americans alone buy more than 58 million pounds of chocolate for
Valentine's Day, the "sweetest" time of the year.
• 本句的 alone 表「僅僅;單獨」,作此義時,alone 必須置於要強調的名詞
例: It is an expensive party. The cake alone costs me five hundred
dollars! (這真是個所費不貲的派對。光是蛋糕就花了我五百元!)
• more than 可用 over 代換。
• the "sweetest" time of the year 為 Valentine's Day 的同位語,補充說明
Valentine's Day 的特質;情人節時情人互送禮物或巧克力,所以是「最甜
蜜的」時節。這裡 sweetest 加引號是作者為了提示讀者此為特殊用法,在
此 sweetest 為雙關,除表示巧克力的「甜」之外,也指情人節情人們的
2 But for the cocoa child workers in the Ivory Coast, chocolate doesn't taste
sweet but bitter.
• 本句也使用了雙關,sweet 可以指「(味道)甜的」和「甜蜜的;愜意的」
而 bitter 可以指「(味道)苦的」和「令人痛苦的」。
• 本句和前句做了對比,巧克力吃起來是甜的,但對可可童工們來說吃起
• sweet but bitter 中的 but 為對等連接詞的用法,連接兩個對等的字詞或
子句作轉折。本句 but 連接兩個形容詞,指「巧克力吃起來不甜,反而苦」
They work harder than most adults but only get about 65 cents a day. These

little workers work on the farm for years and spend all their time there. They

don't have a chance to go to school.

CD2: 13-14

This story is sad. The chocolate companies behind the cocoa farms need

to stop using child labor. Now, more and more people are fighting for the
children's rights because they need help. Some choose not to buy chocolate

from these companies, and others tell the children's stories. Let's join them

and make a change.

應用字彙 CD2: 15
cent 美分 chance 機會 choose 選擇
教學補給站 可可果童工
可可果童工一天獲取六十五美分是由 The Washington Post 一則報導推算而來,
原文為 The farmer said he was paying the boy's "gran patron," the "big boss"
who manages the boys, a little less than $9 per child for a week of work and
who would, in turn, pay each of the boys about half of that.。
3 They work harder than most adults but only get about 65 cents a day.
• harder 在此為副詞 hard 的比較級,置於 work 後修飾。work harder 指「工
作得更努力」;get 可用 make(賺取)代換。
4 Some choose not to buy chocolate from these companies, and others tell
the children's stories.
• some 於此作代名詞用,代替 some people,而 others 亦為代名詞,代替
other people。
• choose to V 表「選擇做某事」,而「選擇不做某事」則是在 to 前加上 not。
例: Yesterday I chose not to eat at that new restaurant because there
were too many people.
• 說故事、說笑話(joke [dVok])或說謊(lie [laI])的「說」,英文會使用
例: My aunt is good at telling ghost stories.(我舅媽很會說鬼故事。)

After You Read

Reading Strategies》Inferring 搭配課本 p. VII 策略步驟教學
1. 連結線索:必須從不同的句子中找出相互對應的詞彙或概念,相互連結,形
2. 連結文本內的關係:由文本引導學生分辨合理的各類句型,並說明前後句 /
3. 由文本找支持的理由:作者在文章中提出某個想法或觀點,或是讀者根據文
4. 找不同的觀點:當文章內容呈現出不同立場的不同觀點時,閱讀者要能夠在
5. 連結背景知識:讀者利用己身的先備知識、背景知識等和文本做連結,探討
學生閱讀步驟 教師教學步驟
1. 教師講解什麼是「推論」策略。「推論」策略為讀者用已
1. 找出文本中的重 資訊。
要觀點或論點。 2. 配合 After You Read 的 C 問題,點出本文作者重要的
論 點 為 For the cocoa child workers in the Ivory
Coast, chocolate doesn't taste sweet but bitter.。
3. 詢問學生作者這句話想表達的涵義。
2. 逐段找出支持觀
點 或 論 點 的 理 4. 請學生於課文中找出可以支持該論點的句子。
3. 檢核所找出的理
5. 思考找出的理由是否可以正確推論出該論點。
4. 歸納總結重要觀
點 或 論 點 的 理 6. 整理找出的理由以及論點,並用自己的話重述。

After You Read Inferring
A. Choose the correct 搭配 answer. 根據閱讀內容,選出正確的答案。
p. VII 策略步驟教學
1. ( b ) Which can be another title for the reading? title [`taIt>] 標題
(a) Say No to Chocolate
(b) The Bitter Truth Behind Sweet Chocolate
(c) The Easiest Way to Help the Cocoa Child Workers
 2. ( c ) What can we infer from the reading? infer [In`f3] 推論
(a) Only a few chocolate companies use child labor.
(b) Most adults work longer hours than the cocoa children do.
(c) Chocolate companies make a lot of money on Valentine's Day.
B. Complete the graphic organizer. 根據文章內容,完成組織圖。

Cocoa child workers live a hard life. They work long

hours but make very little money. What's more,
they don't get a chance to go to school.



The chocolate companies: They need to stop using child labor

 C. Think and discuss. 想一想,並和同學討論。
Why People
did thelike
writer thinkme:
you and "For the cocoa child workers in the Ivory Coast,
chocolate doesn't taste sweet but bitter."? Find sentences in the reading to
support your answer.
sentence [`sZntEns] 句子 support [sE`pCrt] 支持
We can stop buying chocolate from these companies
C 大題的設計是為了訓練學生的閱讀及思辨能力,為訓練學生「推論」策略中,
A. Choose the correct answer. 解析
1. 文章描述象牙海岸童工的現況,且由第一段最後一行可知甜美滋味的巧克力
We can tell these kids' stories to others
2. 由文章第一段第二句可知每年的情人節前後巧克力公司販售巧克力的數量驚
C. Think and discuss. 參考答案
People love chocolate. However, chocolate is made from cocoa beans, and
cocoa beans come from the hard work of child workers in the Ivory Coast.
These children are treated badly, so the writer says that "For the cocoa child
workers in the Ivory Coast, chocolate doesn't taste sweet but bitter." Here are
the sentences in the reading that support my answer, and they are all from the
second paragraph.
Line 3 & line 4: The farm owners make the kids work 12 hours a day.
Line 6: They work harder than most adults but only get about 65 cents a day.
Line 7 & line 8: These little workers work on the farm for years and spend all
their time there. They don't have a chance to go to school.
教學補給站 童工
童工在不同的主題下有不同的意思。一般在討論人權時,童工(child labor)是
議題 人權教育、環境教育
參考 1. 道德巧克力源頭。
討論 2. 世界公平貿易。
主題 3. 森林砍伐。
文 章 《 荷 蘭 市 佔 第 一 的 Tony's
相關 Chocolonely,用一塊形狀不規則的
參考 巧克力喚醒你對童工奴隸的關注!》
網站《OKOGREEN 生態綠》 解釋什麼是公平貿易。

繪本《和平樹:一則來自非洲的真實 探討森林砍伐議題以及捍衛國土
故事》 的勇氣。

Listening Strategy│Listening to Intonation and Interjections
Listen and choose the correct answer. 根據聽到的內容,選出最適合的答案。
(a) He is scared of them.
(b) He is in love with them.
(c) He is worried about them.
1. Predict.
• 觀察三個選項,並預測可能會聽到的主題及內容。
2. Listen globally. CD2: 16
• 仔細聽 CD 內容,遇到生字時不要停,先跳過或快速猜測字義。
• 留意說話者的語調及使用的感嘆詞,以助於了解其態度、情緒或想法。常見
表示理解、愉快、痛苦、 說話時停頓或 表示身體上突然
ah hmm ouch
驚奇或注意到某事物 表示不確定 的疼痛
aw 表示同情、失望、不滿等 huh ugh 表示強烈的厭惡
er 表示猶豫、沈吟或思考 ooh 興、贊成、不贊 Uh-huh
表示不贊同、不喜歡或 表示驚訝或後
eww oops wow 表示驚訝或驚喜
厭惡等 悔
3. Organize.
• 組織聽到的內容,並拼湊出大意,得知最適合的答案為(a)。
They're cleaning the house because the relatives are coming. 所以答案為(c)。
聽聽看,選出符合描述的圖片。CD2: 17
( a ) (a) She'll rest at home.
(b) She'll have some steak.
(c) She'll go to a restaurant.
Listening to Intonation and Interjections 聽力內容
B: This place is so dirty. Let's just clean it quickly, and then we can go out to
G: Er... there's a spider on your head.
B: What! Ah, get it off. Get it off.
G: Don't move. Here. Isn't it cute?
B: Eww, kill it. Spiders are the worst thing in the world. Ugh, I'm going to have
bad dreams tonight.
Q: How does the boy feel about spiders?
B: Hey, let's go to Mama's Kitchen. I'm hungry.
G: Er, maybe next time.
B: Why?
G: I'm sick. Ooh, I feel so weak.
B: But I don't want to eat alone. Come on. They have your favorite steak.
G: My body hurts when I move. Ouch, see? I want to be at home.
B: Aw, fine.
Q: What will the girl do?

Exercise│Listening 聽力練習
A. Listen and choose the correct picture. 根據聽到的句子,選出符合描述
的圖片。CD2: 18

1. ( c ) (a) (b) (c)

2. ( b ) (a) (b) (c)

B. Listen and choose the correct answer. 根據聽到的內容,選出最適合的
回應。CD2: 19
1. ( c ) (a) Sam. He is poor at swimming.
(b) Chris. He is the slowest swimmer.
(c) Jenny. She swims the fastest of all.
2. ( a ) (a) Yes, and I enjoyed doing it.
(b) Yes, because I love vegetables.
(c) Yes, I had someone buy them for me.
C. Listen and choose the correct answer. 根據聽到的內容,選出最適合的
答案。CD2: 20
1. ( b ) (a) Watermelons grow the most slowly of all.
(b) Strawberries grow faster than watermelons.
(c) It takes longer than three months to grow strawberries.
2. ( c ) (a) A chance to visit a farm.
(b) An interesting farm animal.
(c) A special service from a farm.
Listening Tips
A. Take notes when listening.
聆聽 A1 時,記錄下 duck walks more slowly 即可判斷答案。聆聽 A2 時,則可
記錄 can't see clearly、without his glasses 作為依據。
B. Listen for keywords.
由 B1 關鍵字 swims faster than you 可知,只有(c) 為恰當的回應。而 B2 題目提
C. Observe the choices.
觀察 C1 選項,可知題目關鍵為 watermelons 與 strawberries 的生長時間,故
聽 到 男 子 詢 問 How about strawberries? 和 女 子 的 回 答 They grow even
faster.,即可選出答案。觀察 C2 選項,可知須注意聽力情境。由 You pay them
and have them raise the hens for you. 得知主題為一項服務,故選(c)。
1. The duck walks more slowly than the goose.
2. Ken can't see clearly without his glasses.
1. Who swims faster than you?
2. Look at all these grapes and pears. Did you pick them?
1. M: Let's try to grow our own fruit. What do you think?
W: Sure. We can grow some watermelons. It takes about two to three
months to grow them.
M: They grow fast. How about strawberries?
W: They grow even faster. Sometimes it takes only a month.
M: Great! Let's grow strawberries then.
Q: What did the woman tell the man?
2. W: What are you doing on your computer?
M: I am looking at my hens.
W: Your hens?
M: Yes. Happy Farm lets you do that. You pay them and have them raise
the hens for you. Then, you can get eggs from your hens, but you don't
need to get dirty. You can also check your hens every day from their
web page.
W: That sounds interesting.
Q: What is the man talking about??
Exercise│Reading 閱讀練習
India is the world's seventh largest country with the world's second
largest population. Its population is growing, but it doesn't have enough
medical services. People in big cities can go to the doctor easily when they
have a health problem, but people in some other parts of the country are not
so lucky. They need to travel a long way to find a hospital. To fix this problem,
three organizations worked together and changed an ordinary train into a
hospital train. They called it the Lifeline Express.


The Lifeline Express travels all over India and provides medical services.
It usually stays at a place for 21 to 25 days and then heads for another place.
People can do a health check, see a doctor, and even have an operation on
the train for free. What's more, the Lifeline Express also offers people medical
training and education. This helps them become helpers after the train leaves.
The Lifeline Express started running on July 16, 1991 and is still in
service. When people can't find a hospital, the hospital goes to them. Thanks
to the hospital train, many people in India can live a healthier life now.

population [9pBpjE`leFEn] 人口 medical [`mZdIk>] 醫療的

organization [9CrgEnE`zeFEn] 組織 operation [9BpE`reFEn] 手術 training [`trenIN] 訓練

Read and choose the correct answer.
1. ( a ) Which is the best title for the reading?
(a) A Moving Hospital
(b) Medical Services in India
(c) The Fastest Way to Build a Hospital
(d) The Truth Behind India's Growing Population
2. ( a ) What does "head for" mean?
(a) Go to.
(b) Stay at.
(c) Go past.
(d) Travel around.
3. ( a ) What do we know about the Lifeline
Express from the reading?
(a) It doesn't stay at a place for over a month.
(b) It provides medical services only to the poor.
(c) It went on its first trip about twenty years ago.
(d) People need to pay to have an operation on it.

Read and choose the correct answer. 解析

1. 本文描述 Lifeline Express 的發展背景與運作模式,故選(a)。(b) 選項雖然在
2. 從前文的 It usually stays at a place for 21 to 25 days,以及下文 This helps
them become helpers after the train leaves.,可知醫療火車會在各地暫時
3. (a) 由文章第二段可知,Lifeline Express 在各地停留的時間為 21 至 25 天,
(b) 文章並未提及上車求診的人有何限制。
(c) 由最後一段可知,Lifeline Express 是從 1991 年開始服役,至今已超過
30 年。
(d) 由第二段可知,人們上車求診是不必付費的。
此文是依據本單元閱讀篇,應用 problem/solution 的架構撰寫。教師可印出下方
1. What is a big problem in India?
2. What did the three organizations in the reading do to provide medical
services around India?
3. What can the Lifeline Express do?
India doesn't have enough .
1. Three organizations created the Lifeline Express, a , to provide
medical services around India.
2. The Lifeline Express offers people medical training and . This
helps them become after the train leaves.
medical services,
hospital train,
教學補給站 遠行偏鄉的救命列車
生命線特快車自 1991 年開始在印度這片廣闊的土地上奔馳,遠行至偏鄉地區
印度鐵路國營公司( Indian Railways)、影響力印度基金會( Impact India

adjective suffixes: 形容詞字尾 -y 和 -

本篇可彈性使用 CD2: 21 ous

Noun + -y = ?
Noun suffix New Word:
noise noisy

dirt dirt -y dirty

rain rainy

Noun suffix New Word:


Noun + -ous = ? fame famous

danger -ous dangerous

humor humorous

danger dangerous

*名詞字尾為 e 時,要去 e 再加字尾變化。

Look it up. 查查看下列名詞的意思,並寫出衍生的形容詞。
1. thirst ( 口渴 ) → thirsty
2. hunger ( 饑餓 ) → hungry
3. adventure ( 冒險 ) → adventurous
4. nerve ( 神經 ) → nervous

word [w3d] 字
教學補給站 更多字尾-y 和-ous 的形容詞
名詞 字尾 組成形容詞
cream creamy(含乳脂的)
ease easy
fun funny
hair hairy(多毛的)
ice icy(結冰的)
juice juicy(多汁的)
luck(運氣) lucky
salt salty(鹹的)
sleep sleepy(想睡的)
taste tasty(美味的)
beauty beauteous(美麗的)
moment momentous(重要的)
mountain -ous mountainous(多山的)
nerve(神經) nervous
space spacious(寬敞的)
Unit 3 單字解析(含課本例句翻譯)
以下搭配課本 p. 159 作「那麼;好吧;嗯;啊;哎呀」等。
Dialogue A: Do you like the cake?
1. hard [hBrd] adv.; adj. 努力地;困難的 B: Well, not really.
課本例句 (A:你喜歡這個蛋糕嗎?)
Albert worked hard and made a lot of (B:呃,沒有很喜歡。)
money. 3. share [FZr] v. 分享
(亞伯特工作勤奮,賺了很多錢。) 課本例句
• 當副詞,表「努力地;認真地;勤奮 I would like to share my stories about my
地」。 days in Australia.
Everyone is studying hard for the test (我想要分享我在澳洲的生活故事。)
tomorrow.(每個人都為了明天的考試 • 當動詞,用法為 share +物+ with +
而努力研讀。) 人,表「與某人分享某物」。
• 也可當形容詞,表「困難的;費力的」。 Gary shared the pie with his sister.
This question is the hardest of all. (蓋瑞把派分給他妹妹吃。)
(這個問題是所有之中最困難的。) 一字多義
The singer lived a hard life before she • 也可當名詞,表「一份;份額」。
became famous. (那位歌手在成名前, Besides doing her share of the work,
過著困苦的生活。) Kate often helps her colleagues.
一字多義 (除了做自己份內的工作,凱特經常
• 作形容詞,也表「堅硬的;堅固的」。 幫助她的同事。)
This ball is harder than that one. the lion's share 最大的部分
(這顆球比那顆球硬。) Dolly makes a lot of money, and she
2. well [wZl] adv. 好地 spends the lion's share of her money
課本例句 on helping people in need.
Dad is old, and he can't hear very well. (桃莉賺很多錢,而她把她大部分的
(爸爸年紀大了,而且聽力不太好。) 錢都花在幫助需要的人。)
• 副詞,表「很好地;令人滿意地」。 4. weak [wik] adj. 虛弱的
Jill plays the guitar very well. 課本例句
(吉兒吉他彈得非常好。) He felt weak when he traveled to India
一字多義 for vacation.
• 也可當形容詞,表「健康的」,常接在 (他在印度度假時身體不舒服。)
be 動詞和連綴動詞後方。 • 當形容詞,表「虛弱無力的」。
What's wrong with Bill? He doesn't I'm feeling weak; I need a rest.
look well.(比爾怎麼了﹖他看起來不 (我覺得很虛弱;我需要歇息。)
太對勁。) • 反義詞:strong
• 也可當感嘆詞,用來引出要說的話或 5. hen [hZn] n. 母雞
表示驚訝、懷疑、不太同意或生氣,譯 課本例句
Mr. Parker is feeding his hens. 活
(帕克先生正在餵他養的母雞。) Stop doing her dirty work. In the
•當名詞,指「成年母雞」。 end, everyone will hate you, not
People raise hens for their eggs. her.(停止幫她做髒活了。最後,
(人們養母雞來生蛋。) 大家會討厭你,而不是她。)
「成年公雞」的美式英語為 rooster 7. without [wI`TaJt] prep. 沒有;無
[`rustL],英式英語為 cock [kBk]。 課本例句
6. dirty [`d3tI] adj. 髒的 I left school without an umbrella, so I
課本例句 got wet when it rained.
Our hands, feet, and clothes were dirty (我離開學校時沒帶傘,所以下雨時我就
after we played soccer. 淋濕了。)
(踢完足球後,我們的手腳和衣服都髒 • 當介系詞,表「沒有;缺少;無」,後
了。) 接名詞、代名詞或動名詞。
• 當形容詞,表「不乾淨的;骯髒的」。 They live without clean water.
Don't sit on that chair. It's dirty. (他們過著沒有乾淨水源的生活。)
(不要坐那張椅子。它很髒。) Tony took my pen without telling me.
• 反義詞:clean (東尼沒有知會我就拿走了我的筆。)
一字多義 一字多義
• 也表「卑鄙的;下流的」。 • 也可當副詞,常與 do 連用,表「湊合;
Josh played a dirty trick on me by 將就」。
telling me the wrong date for the A: Do we have butter for the bread?
party. B: No. We'll just have to do without.
(喬許用告訴我錯的派對日期的卑鄙 (A:我們有奶油可以拿來塗麵包
手段,擺了我一道。) 嗎?)
dirty 的相關片語: (B:沒有。我們只能將就著吃。)
play dirty 欺騙;比賽作弊;耍花招 8. quickly [`kwIklI] adv. 快地
We don't like to play games with 課本例句
Sam because he always plays Bob, don't eat so quickly. It's bad for
dirty.(我們不喜歡跟山姆玩遊 your health.(鮑伯,別吃這麼快。這對你
戲,因為他總是作弊。) 的身體不好。)
give someone a dirty look 怒視…; • 由形容詞 quick(快的)+副詞字尾-ly
對…擺臭臉 組成的副詞。
All the people in the shop gave Come quickly! Grandpa needs our
Ben a dirty look because he cut help.(快來!外公需要我們的幫忙。)
in line.(店裡所有的人都對班怒 9. web page [`wZb 9pedV] n. 網頁
目而視,因為他插隊。) 課本例句
do someone's dirty work 替 … 做 髒 This web page looks terrible. There are
too many colors. 知該如何謝你才好。)
(這網頁看起來很糟。顏色太多了。) in service 在使用中
• web page 由名詞 web(網)和名詞 That plane is the biggest one in
page(頁)組成,亦可簡稱為 page。 service now.(那架飛機是現在
Have a look at this web page. The 服役中最大的一架。)
information is interesting. out of service 無人使用;暫停使用
(看看這個網頁。這些資訊很有趣。) The bathroom is out of service
• page 指「(書報雜誌的)頁、面」,可 now.(廁所現在無法使用。)
以縮寫為 p.,為可數名詞。 11. clearly [`klIrlI] adv. 清楚地
Please turn to page six. 課本例句
(請翻到第六頁。) We can see the fish in the river clearly
10. service [`s3vIs] n. 服務 because the water is clean.
課本例句 (因為水很乾淨,所以我們可以清楚地看見
The hotel provides good service. 河裡的魚。)
(這家旅館提供良好的服務。) • 由形容詞 clear(清楚的)+副詞字尾-
• 指「(公司、商業機構提供的)服務業 ly 組成的副詞。
務」,為可數名詞。 I can't see clearly without my glasses.
The restaurant provides a delivery (沒有眼鏡,我看不清楚。)
service.(那家餐廳有提供外送服 • clear 作形容詞時,表「晴朗的;清楚
務。) 的;清澈的」。
• 意思為「(服務人員的)服務、招待」 , The sky is clear today.
為不可數名詞。 (今日天空晴朗無雲。)
I like Jason's Café. The service is The water in the river is so clear.
good and fast.(我喜歡傑森咖啡廳。 (那條河的水好清澈。)
他們的服務又好又快。) • clear 亦可作動詞用,表「清理;清除」
service 的相關片語: Please clear your things from the
be of service (to someone) 幫 助 table.(請把你的東西從桌上清走。)
(某人) 12. No problem. [no `prBlEm] 沒問題。
A: Thank you so much! 課本例句
B: I'm glad to be of service to A: Can you drive me to the airport later?
you. B: Sure. No problem.
(A:非常感謝你!) (A:你待會兒可以載我到機場嗎﹖)
(B:我很高興能幫助你。) (B:當然可以。沒問題。)
do someone a service 幫助某人 • 指「沒問題。」,用來表示樂意(為某
You really did me a service. I 人)做某事。亦可用來回應他人的感謝,
can't thank you enough. 意思為「沒什麼;不客氣」。
(你真的幫了我個大忙。我真不 A: May I use your bathroom?
B: No problem. • 當形容詞,表「卑鄙的;刻薄的;壞的」。
(A:我可以用你的洗手間嗎?) Lily is mean to her brother. She always
(B:沒問題。) shouts at him.(莉莉對她哥哥很壞。她總
A: Thanks for letting me use your 是對他大吼大叫。)
bathroom. 一字多義
B: No problem. • 當動詞,表「意指;意思是」。
(A:謝謝你讓我借用洗手間。) What do you mean by saying that?
(B:那沒什麼。) (你那樣說是什麼意思﹖)
• problem 為可數名詞,指「(須解決 My family means the world to me.
的)問題或困難」。 (我家人對我來說是一切。)
The girl has a hearing problem. make [mZk] v. 要…做…;使…
(這女孩有聽力困難。) 課本例句
The singer's past caused a lot of Mom made my brother mop the floor
problems for him. and wipe the tables.
(那歌手的過去對他造成許多麻煩。) (媽媽要我哥哥拖地和擦桌子。)
13. wise [waIz] adj. 明智的 Dad made me take out the trash before I
課本例句 played video games.(在我玩電動前,爸
It is wise to think twice before you 爸要我倒垃圾。)
decide to do anything big. 以下搭配課本 p. 160
(做任何重大決定時,三思而後行是明智 break [brZk] n. 休息
的。) 課本例句
• 表「明智的;英明的;聰明的」。 At break, we usually share some snacks
It's wise to save some money every with each other.
month.(每個月都存一點錢是明智 (我們常常在休息時間互相分享一些零食。)
的。) • 指「休息;休息時間;假期」,為可數名詞,
wisdom 智慧 常與 have 或 take 連用。
• wise 與 smart 的比較: They had a short break after working for
wise two hours.(在工作兩小時之後,他們短
指一個人有智慧、有謀略、知識和經 暫的休息一會。)
驗,能明辨是非,老謀深算。 • 也指「(學校的)課間休息、下課」,為不
smart 可數名詞,亦可作 break time。
用來形容人的腦筋很機靈、反應很快, Some students like to play basketball at
或是有許多鬼點子。 break.(一些學生喜歡在下課時打籃球。)

mean [min] adj. 刻薄的;兇惡的 over [`ovL] prep. 超過

課本例句 課本例句

Cinderella's sisters are mean to her. Yesterday, Jerry worked over twelve

(仙杜瑞拉的姊姊們對她很壞。) hours. He looked really tired.

來真的很疲倦。) The king treated his people badly, so
• 表「超過;多於」,意思同於 more than。 they decided to take him down.(國王對
A: Jenny is over 50 years old. 他的人民很糟,於是他們決定讓他垮
B: I can't believe it. She looks so young. 臺。)
(A:珍妮超過五十歲。) 一字多義
(B:我不敢相信。她看起來好年輕。) • 也指「記下;寫下」。
treat [trit] v. 對待 Please take down my phone number and
課本例句 give me a call tonight.
Our teacher treats all the students the (請記下我的電話號碼,今晚打給我。)
• 當動詞,可表「對待」,後面常會接副詞或
The man treats his kids badly.
Victor treats Zac like his own son.
Sam never treats me with much respect.
• 當動詞,也指「治療」。
Dr. Smith and her team are working on a
new way to treat the cold.
take... down [9tek `daJn] 使某人垮臺;拆除
They are going to take the old house
down and build a new one.
• 為可分片語動詞。字面上的意思為「拿下;
She took down all the paintings and sold
have [hAv] v. 使… 課本例句
課本例句 Barbie always speaks the most loudly in
I'll have my secretary give you a call in class.
ten minutes. (芭比在班上總是講話最大聲的那個。)
(我會吩咐我的祕書十分鐘之後打電話給 • 由形容詞 loud(大聲的)+副詞字尾-
你。) ly 組成的副詞。
• 為使役動詞,用來要求別人做某事,但語 The old man told the students not to
氣比 make 溫和。 talk loudly.
Mom had me do the dishes. (老人告訴那些學生不要大聲講話。)
(媽媽要我洗碗。) • loud 為形容詞,表「大聲的;吵鬧的」,
Theme Words 也可當副詞使用。
14. goose [gus] n. 鵝(複數為 geese [gis]) We heard a loud noise from the room.
課本例句 (我們聽到從那房間傳來的巨響。)
The snow goose is dancing beautifully Speak louder, please. I can't hear
on the lake. you.
(那隻雪雁正在湖面上優美地跳舞。) (講話請大聲點。我聽不到你的聲
• 當可數名詞,表「鵝;雁」。也可指其 音。)
肉,為不可數名詞。 out loud 大聲地、loud and clear 清
We saw some wild geese by the lake. 楚明白的
(我們在湖邊看到一些野雁。) Could you read this page out loud?
15. duck [dQk] n. 鴨 (你能大聲讀出這一頁嗎?)
課本例句 A: Do I have to say it again?
The kid can't tell chickens from ducks. B: No. I heard you loud and clear.
(這孩子無法分辨雞和鴨的不同。) (A:我需要再說一遍嗎?)
• 當可數名詞,表「鴨子」。也可指其肉, (B:不必。我聽得很清楚。)
為不可數名詞。 一字多義
The ducks are swimming happily in • loud 作形容詞時,也表「(衣物)過度
the pond. 鮮豔、花俏的」和「(人)招搖的」。
(鴨子正在池塘裡快樂地游泳。) All eyes were on Amy at the party
The restaurant is famous for its roast because of her loud dress.
duck.(這間餐廳以烤鴨聞名。) (派對上大家都在注意艾咪,因為她
一字多義 的洋裝很花俏。)
• 當動詞時,指「(為避免被擊中而)猛 17. goat [got] n. 山羊
地低頭或彎腰」。 課本例句
Duck your head, or you'll hit it on the There are goats living in the mountains
door.(低下頭,不然你的頭會撞到 behind my house.
門。) (有山羊住在我屋後的山區裡。)
16. loudly [`laJdlI] adv. 大聲地 Uncle Ted raises goats on his farm.
(泰德叔叔在他的農場上飼養山羊。) • 指「番茄」,複數形為 tomatoes。
18. papaya [pE`paIE] n. 木瓜 The tomato soup tastes great.
課本例句 (這番茄湯嚐起來很棒。)
Jacky loves drinking papaya milk when ketchup [`kZtFEp] 番茄醬
he gets home from school. 以下搭配課本 p. 161
(傑奇放學回家後喜歡喝木瓜牛奶。) 23. peach [pitF] n. 桃子
Papayas are easy to grow. 課本例句
(木瓜很好種。) I would like some peaches and cream for
19. watermelon [`wCtL9mZlEn] n. 西瓜 my afternoon tea.
課本例句 (我下午茶想來點桃子與鮮奶油。)
You can buy a bottle of watermelon juice • 指「桃子」,複數形為 peaches。
at a very low price at the night market. The peach cake looks delicious.
(在夜市,你可以用很低的價錢買到一瓶西 (這桃子蛋糕看起來很美味。)
瓜汁。) 一字多義
• 由 water + melon(瓜;甜瓜)組成。 • 口語上可稱人或物為 peach,指「傑出
This watermelon is heavy. Can you 的人;極好的東西;特別討人喜歡的
help me move it into the kitchen? 人(或物)」。
(這顆西瓜很重。你可以幫我搬到廚房 Thank you for helping me paint the
嗎?) house, Hank. You're a peach.(漢克,
20. guava [`gwBvE] n. 芭樂 謝謝你幫我粉刷房子。你人真好。)
課本例句 24. grape [grep] n. 葡萄
These guava trees are about six meters 課本例句
tall.(這些芭樂樹高約六公尺。) Dad bought me a cheeseburger and a
Guavas have the most vitamin C of all bottle of grape juice for breakfast.
fruit.(所有水果之中,芭樂含有最多 (爸爸買了一個起司堡和一瓶葡萄汁給我
的維他命 C。) 當早餐。)
21. pear [pZr] n. 梨子 • 單位詞常用 bunch [bQntF](串;束),
課本例句 如 two bunches of grapes(兩串葡
Last year, Melody planted a pear tree in 萄)。
front of her house. I don't like the grape juice. It's too
(去年,美樂蒂在她的屋子前種下了一棵梨 sweet for me.
樹。) (我不喜歡這葡萄汁。對我而言它太甜
We picked pears on a farm yesterday. 了。)
(我們昨天在一個果園採梨子。) grapefruit 葡萄柚
22. tomato [tE`meto] n. 番茄 25. turtle [`t3t>] n. 烏龜
課本例句 課本例句
I love egg and tomato sandwiches. Julie raises a baby turtle.
(我愛番茄蛋三明治。) (茱莉養了一隻幼龜。)
• 表「龜;海龜」;「陸龜」則為 tortoise 詞使用。
[`ˋtCtEs]。 I fell asleep because the movie was
Look! There's a sea turtle hiding so slow.(我睡著了,因為那電影劇情
behind the rock. 拖泥帶水。)
(看呀!有一隻海龜躲在那塊石頭後 Could you drive slower?
面。) (你開車可以慢一點嗎?)
26. vegetable [`vZdVI] n. 蔬菜 Reading
課本例句 29. American [E`mZrIkEn] n. 美國人
Growing fruit and vegetables is Mr. Depp's 課本例句
job. Jack's wife is an American.
(種蔬果是戴普先生的工作。) (傑克的太太是美國人。)
• 表「菜;蔬菜」,口語上可以簡稱為 • 當名詞,指「美國人」。
veggie [`vZdVI],為可數名詞。 We met a few Americans at the
It's not healthy to eat only vegetables beach.(我們在海邊遇到了一些美國
every meal.(每餐只吃蔬菜是不健康 人。)
的。) 一字多義
vegetarian [9vZdVE`tZrIEn] 素食主 • 也可當形容詞,指「美國的」。
義者(的)、vegan [`vZgEn] 不食用 John drives an American car.
或不使用任何動物產品者(的) (約翰開的是一輛美國轎車。)
27. strawberry [`strC9bZrI] n. 草莓 30. million [`mIljEn] n. 百萬
課本例句 課本例句
The strawberry cream pie looks more There are about 23 million people in
delicious than the apple pie. Taiwan.(臺灣約有兩千三百萬人。)
(草莓鮮奶油派看起來比蘋果派好吃。) • 指數字「一百萬」。
• 由 straw(禾稈)+ berry(漿果)組 Peter saved over one million dollars in
成。 the bank.
Grace planted some strawberries (彼得在銀行裡存了超過一百萬元。)
behind the house. Thanks a million. 非常感謝。 、
(格瑞絲在屋後種了些草莓。) millionaire [9mIljEn`Zr] 百萬富翁
28. slowly [`slolI] adv. 慢地 31. pound [paJnd] n. 磅
課本例句 課本例句
Ted runs the most slowly in our class. The pork is on sale this week. It costs
(泰德在我們班上跑最慢。) only two dollars a pound.
• 由形容詞 slow(慢的)+副詞字尾-ly (本週豬肉有特價。一磅僅要價兩美元。)
組成的副詞。 • 表「磅」,為重量單位,其縮寫為 lb。
I walked slowly because my feet hurt. One pound is about 454 grams.
(我慢慢地走,因為我腳痛。) (一磅大約四百五十四公克。)
• slow 為形容詞,表「慢的」,也可當副 一字多義
• 也表「英鎊」,為貨幣單位,其符號為 起來
£。一英鎊約為 35-40 臺幣。 The fire took everything from
Lucy spent 25 pounds on this dress. Ben, but he picked himself
(露西花了二十五英鎊買這件洋裝。) up off the floor and moved
32. pick [pIk] v. 採摘;撿拾 on.
課本例句 (那場大火奪去班的一切,
When we climbed up the mountain, we 但他重振旗鼓,並繼續生
picked some flowers along the way. 活。)
(我們在爬山時沿途摘了一些花。) 33. bean [bin] n. 豆
• 當動詞,指「從…摘下或撿起」。 課本例句
The farmers usually pick vegetables Roast chicken with green beans is the
early in the morning. best dish at this restaurant.
(農夫通常一大早去摘菜。) (烤雞佐四季豆是這家餐館的最佳菜餚。)
一字多義 • 指「豆莢;豆科植物」,為可數名詞。
• 也指「挑選;選擇」。 Sara had a ham and egg sandwich
I picked a gift for my cousin in the with some beans for breakfast.
department store. (莎拉早餐吃了火腿蛋三明治和一些
(我在百貨公司挑了一個禮物給表 豆子。)
妹。) green bean 四季豆、coffee bean 咖
pick 的相關片語: 啡豆
pick someone's brain 請教某人 34. cent [sZnt] n. 美分
Can I pick your brain about 課本例句
something? He works very hard, but he only gets 80
(我能請教你某件事嗎?) cents an hour.
pick someone's pocket 扒竊 (他努力工作,但他的時薪只有八十美
Someone picked my pocket. 分。)
They took my phone.(我遭扒竊 • 為錢幣單位,符號為¢。
了。他摸走了我的手機。) There are one hundred cents in a
pick... up 把…撿起來;去接某人 dollar.(一美元等於一百美分。)
Could you pick me up from 35. chance [tFAns] n. 機會
school today? 課本例句
(你今天能到學校接我嗎?) These kids are poor. They don't even

pick up on something 注意到某事 have a chance to go to school.

I picked up on the strange smell 這些孩童很可憐。他們甚至沒有機會上學。

in the room. (我注意到了房間 • 指「機會;時機」,為可數名詞。

裡奇怪的味道。) Rick didn't have a chance to thank

pick oneself up (off the floor) 振作 Helen for her help in person.
(瑞克沒有機會當面感謝海倫的幫 • 動詞三態:choose —chose —chosen
忙。) • 指「挑選;選取;選擇」,後常接不定
一字多義 詞為受詞,也可搭配介系詞 from 和
• 也表「可能性」,常作可數名詞,有時 between。
作不可數。 Mark chose to go back to his own
Do we have a chance to win the country and work at a small hospital.
contest? (馬克選擇回到自己的國家,並且在
(我們有可能贏得這個比賽嗎?) 一間小醫院工作。)
Is there any chance of talking him out This shirt is a good buy, and there are
of buying that building? five colors to choose from.
(有可能說服他不要買那棟大樓 (這件襯衫很划算,而且有五款顏色
嗎?) 能選。)
chance 的相關片語: It's so hard to choose between
stand a chance 有成功的希望 chocolate ice cream and strawberry
We don't stand a chance of ice cream. I love them both.
winning the game.(我們不可能贏 (好難從巧克力冰淇淋和草莓冰淇淋中挑
這場比賽。) 選一個。我兩種都愛。)
by any chance 可能
Are you American, by any
on the off chance 抱著一線希望
Wendy got to the restaurant early
on the off chance of getting a
fighting chance 一線生機
Victor is dying, but there's still a
fighting chance to save him.
36. choose [tFuz] v. 選擇
Teresa chose a red dress for the
Christmas party.

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