Abdul Waheed Et Al - 2020 - An Optimized Dense Convolutional Neural Network Model For Disease Recognition

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Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 175 (2020) 105456

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An optimized dense convolutional neural network model for disease T

recognition and classification in corn leaf
Abdul Waheeda, Muskan Goyala, Deepak Guptaa, Ashish Khannaa, Aboul Ella Hassanienb,
Hari Mohan Pandeyc,

Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India
Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
Edge Hill University, Lancashire, England


Keywords: An optimized dense convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture (DenseNet) for corn leaf disease re-
Artificial intelligence cognition and classification is proposed in this paper. Corn is one of the most cultivated grain throughout the
Deep learning world. Corn crops are highly susceptible to certain leaf diseases such as corn common rust, corn gray leaf spot,
Corn leaf diseases recognition and northern corn leaf blight are very common. Symptoms of these leaf diseases are not differentiable in their
Convolutional neural network
nascent stages. Hence, the current research presents a solution through deep learning so that crop health can be
monitored and, it will lead to an increase in the quantity as well as the quality of crop production. The proposed
optimized DenseNet model has achieved an accuracy of 98.06%. Besides, it uses significantly lesser parameters
as compared to the various existing CNN such as EfficientNet, VGG19Net, NASNet, and Xception Net. The
performance of the optimized DenseNet model has been contrasted with the current CNN architectures by
considering two (time and accuracy) quality measures. This study indicates that the performance of the opti-
mized DenseNet model is close to that of the established CNN architectures with far fewer parameters and
computation time.

1. Introduction leaf diseases remain a challenge for crop production, not only through
scaling down the crop yield but also through the reduction in its nu-
The agriculture sector is adopting artificial intelligence and machine tritional value. Some of the prevalent leaf diseases include common
learning in diverse areas including disease detection, soil monitoring, rust, gray leaf spot, and leaf blight.
weed controlling, diagnosing pests, computer vision and drones for crop These leaf diseases may look very comparable in their nascent
analysis, and weather predictions. Agriculture is the most important phases, hence making it very difficult to detect through the naked eye.
sector of the Indian economy, accounting for 18% of its GDP Detection of leaf diseases through visual observation requires a team of
(PRSLegislative Research, xxxx). The main source of income for a large specialists and constant crop monitoring (Vijai Singh and Mishra,
population of India is agriculture. Hence, India is extremely dependent 2017). Thus, making it very costly, time-consuming and less reliable.
on crop productivity. We can leverage deep learning techniques to conduct automatic, rapid
Corn is a very common crop in India. Corn farming is essential in and more precise leaf disease detection and classification. Several re-
India because it has a high export potential and a vast population of searchers have worked in this region to create a model that can predict
farmers is dependent on it (Kleffmann group press releases, xxxx; the existence of leaf disease in corn plants. We examine some of these
Farmers’ portal, xxxx). Corn is being used in various sectors like cattle researches in the following paragraphs.
feed, poultry industry and food and beverage industries. It has become Zhang et al. (2015) proposed an improved SVM called genetic al-
a primary food in many parts of the world, with its overall production gorithm support vector machine (GA-SVM). The author collected and
exceeding that of wheat and rice. But in India, the yield of corn is al- classified six types of corn leaf diseases. The following steps were car-
most half of the overall global average (Kleffmann group press releases, ried out to classify the diseases: For image processing, the JPEG images
xxxx). One of the reasons for low corn yield is that it is subjected to were transformed into BMP format. Furthermore, the images were
many diseases which significantly reduce the overall crop yield. Certain converted from RGB template to HSI, to extract various features

Corresponding author at: Computer Science Department, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, Lancashire, England.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Waheed), [email protected] (H.M. Pandey).

Received 28 January 2020; Received in revised form 18 April 2020; Accepted 21 April 2020
Available online 03 June 2020
0168-1699/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Waheed, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 175 (2020) 105456

(average and standard deviations of R, G, B and shape features such as correct, for identification and classification.
area, circumference, circularity, height, and width, etc). Then seg- These studies have shown good results but on small image dataset
mentation was implemented to get binary images. Finally, the tech- with an increase in parameters or computation time, which has an
nique of Orthogonal rotation was used to obtain appropriate para- adverse effect on recognition performance. Also, some methods defined
meters for the genetic algorithm. Twenty feature parameters were fed above involve machine learning techniques for feature extraction and
to the model. For classification comparisons between SVM and GA- classification of corn leaf diseases with the help of SVM, ANN, random
SVM, four kernels were selected: linear, polynomial, RBF and sigmoid. forest and so on. For image processing in machine learning, the re-
The author concluded after comparison that GA-SVM has a higher searcher needs to extract the features manually in an image and feed
classification rate (between 69.63% and 90.09% for SVM and between them to the classification model. These workflows are very compli-
88.72% and92.59% for GA-SVM). cated, challenging and time-consuming. Therefore, the objective of this
Alehegn (2017) classified three types of corn leaf diseases (common research is to improve the conventional methods of identification and to
rust, leaf blight, leaf spot) using KNN (K-nearest neighbour) and ANN present an optimized model for corn leaf disease identification with
(artificial neural network) classification algorithms. Images of healthy lesser parameters and computation time.
and corn leaf diseases were taken from Ethiopia farming areas. For Deep learning image classifiers are used for corn leaf disease re-
training and testing, a minimum of 800 images were considered. Tex- cognition and classification. In deep learning, Convolutional neural
ture, morphology and color features were obtained from the images. networks (CNNs) is arguably the most popular architecture. It was
Total 22 features were fed to the classification model of KNN and ANN. specially designed for working with images. Convolutional neural net-
Lastly, the author concluded that ANN had a higher performance rate works are significantly used in image recognition, video recognition,
with an accuracy of 94.4% whereas KNN reached an accuracy of 82.5%. object detection, medical image analysis, traffic control (Jindal et al.,
An improved GoogLeNet and Cifar 10 model was proposed in Zhang 2018) and flow prediction (Miglani et al., 2019), anomaly detection
et al. (2018) for classification of 8 corn leaf diseases (southern leaf (Garg et al., 2019) (Garg et al., 2019) and recommendation systems for
blight, brown spot, rust, round spot, dwarf mosiac, curvularia leaf spot, healthcare (Aujla, 2019). Deep convolution neural networks have ac-
gray leaf spot, northern leaf blight). Total 500 images were collected for complished unprecedented performance in the field of computer vision
9 classes (8 classes of diseased corn leaves and one for healthy leaves). over recent years. For image recognition, models should have a lot of
Data augmentation technique was deployed on the images. The pro- prior knowledge to make up for all the data that we don't have. Con-
posed GoogLeNet architecture had 22 layers and lesser parameters than volutional neural networks (CNNs) are one such class (Krizhevsky et al.,
VGG and Alexnet model. Cifar 10 model was also optimized by adding 2012; Jarrett et al., 2009; LeCun et al., 2004, 2010), but established
more layers and using ReLU function. The performance of the models CNN architectures give a high-performance rate with many parameters
was evaluated on the corn leaf dataset. The precision of GoogLeNet and or high convergence time. By altering their depth and breadth, their
Cifar 10 was 98.9% and 98.8%, respectively. capacity can be regulated, and mostly they make the right assumptions
Kanaka Durga and Anuradha (2019) used SVM and ANN algorithm about the nature of images. CNN's, therefore, have much fewer links
for leaf disease classification in tomato and corn plants. Image dataset and parameters and are simpler to train as compared to normal neural
included 200 pictures with a collection of healthy leaves and diseased networks (Krizhevsky et al., 2012).
leaves like northern leaf blight, common rust, bacterial spot, tomato We have been studying that the most efficient way of enhancing the
mosaic virus, etc. They used the following steps to identify the diseases: performance of neural networks is by expanding their depth and width,
the RGB picture was converted to the grayscale picture and the image but a recent study shows that once the network reaches a saturation
was then segmented by calculating the intensity gradient at each pixel. point, scaling up the depth and width might cause an increase in error
For feature extraction, HOG (histogram of oriented gradients) proce- rate (Zagoruyko and Komodakis, 2016). Moreover, scaling up the depth
dure was used. The extracted features were fed to the SVM and ANN and width has two other main challenges. The first challenge that oc-
classifier models. For corn crops, SVM gave an accuracy of 70–75% and curs with bigger networks is many parameters that makes the network
ANN gave an accuracy of 55–65%. more likely to overfit (Szegedy et al., 2015). Another challenge is that
Bhatt et al. (2019) developed a system for the identification of corn increasing the size of the network increases the use of computational
leaf diseases using CNN architectures (VGG16, inception-v2, ResNet50, resources. Since the computational budget is usually finite, we need a
mobileNet-v1) and applied a combination of adaptive boosting with systematic distribution of computing resources (Szegedy et al., 2015).
decision tree-based classifier to distinguish between diseases that ap- While considering the above discussion, we have proposed a novel
peared to be similar. Four categories of image data included healthy optimized DenseNet architecture for disease recognition and classifi-
leaves, common rust, leaf blight, and leaf spot. Pictures of each class cation in corn leaf. The main contribution to this paper can be stated as
were taken from PlantVillage dataset. The pictures were resized for follows.
image preprocessing according to the necessity of the CNN model used.
Features derived from the CNN models were fed to the classifiers ● We propose an optimized DenseNet architecture for corn leaf dis-
(softmax, support vector machine and random forest). It was observed ease recognition and classification. Further, we have trained four
that inception-v2 gave the highest precision with random forest. From other established CNN models such as VGGNet, XceptionNet,
the confusion matrix of each classifier, the author noted that leaf blight EfficientNet, NASNet for corn leaf disease recognition and classifi-
and leaf spot classes were difficult to differentiate. Therefore, to in- cation.
crease the classification accuracy between them, the Adaptive boosting ● The performance of the proposed model has been analyzed through
technique was applied to the best performing model (based on Incep- rigorous simulations. It is noted that the proposed CNN architecture
tion-v2 and RF). Finally, the model reached an accuracy of ~98%. takes fewer parameters and is computationally cost effective.
Cunlou and Shangbing (2013) used a fuzzy least-square vector Simulation results reveal that the proposed network has 77,612
machine (FLSVM) to classify corn leaf diseases. To segment the diseased parameters and shows 98.06% accuracy as compared to the existing
areas, YCbCr color space technology was used. Then, the spatial grey- CNN models such as EfficientNet, VGG19Net, NASNet, and
level co-occurrence matrix was used to extract the texture features of XceptionNet. Further, these results indicate that the accuracy of the
the region and FLSVM was used to classify the diseases. A total of 12 proposed model is close to existing CNN architectures, but with
pictures of four different diseases were taken. Further, 0 degrees, 45 significantly fewer parameters.
degrees, 90 degrees, and 135 degrees matrix are computed for each
disease. Five texture features extracted were used in training for the The remaining exposition is as follows. Background discussion is
fuzzy least square algorithm. The results were approximately 98% outlined in Section 2. Proposed model is elaborated in Section 3.

A. Waheed, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 175 (2020) 105456

Simulation model is discussed in Section 4. The conclusion and future performance rate in fact it significantly outperformed the Inception V3
avenues are presented in Section 5. on largest dataset. This model replaced the conventional inception
modules with depth-wise separable convolutions (spatial convolution
carried out separately over each input channel) preceded by a point-
2. Background specific convolution (1 × 1 convolution) (Chollet, 2016). The Xcep-
tionNet architecture depicted in Fig. 2 (Chollet, 2016).
CNNs are one of the most important parts of deep learning and are c) NASNet: The need for computing resources grows as the dataset
extensively used in computer vision. CNN's recognize visual patterns increases. Zoph et al. (2017) proposed a method to search for an ar-
with minimal preprocessing straight from pixel images. The recent rise chitectural building block on a small dataset and transferred the block
in popularity of CNN is attributed to its immense effectiveness. LeNet to a larger dataset. NASNET achieved an 82.7 percent top-1 and 96.2
(LeCun et al., 1995) architecture started the history of CNN. The in- percent top-5 state-of-the-art accuracy on ImageNet. Two types of
terest in CNN began with AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) and ZFNet convolutional layers (or cells) are required to build NASNet: (1) con-
(Zeiler and Fergus, 2013) and it has grown exponentially ever since. volutional layers that return same size feature maps (Normal Cells), and
Some popular architectures that have been considered in this study are (2) convolutional layers which return a feature map with its height and
discussed below. width decreased by a factor of two (Reduction Cells). The overall ar-
a) VGGNet: Simonyan and Zisserman (2014) created VGGNet. It is a chitecture is predefined in (Zoph et al., 2017) as shown in Fig. 3.
deep architecture which extracts features at low spatial resolution. d) EfficientNet: Tan and Le (2019) proposed EfficientNet, which
VGGNet has two versions, namely VGG16 (with 16 wt layers) and showed high precision value and, found more flexible as compared to
VGG19 (with 19 wt layers). Large receptive fields in VGGNet have been ConvNets (Google AI Blog, xxxx). Authors (Tan and Le, 2019) had ad-
substituted with consecutive layers of 3 × 3 convolutions with ReLU in dressed the challenges (developed at a fixed resource budget, and then
between. The convolutional stride was fixed to 1 pixel. The padding of scaled up to gain better accuracy) of the ConvNets by suggesting new
convolution layer input was maintained as 1 pixel and max-pooling was scaling method which showed the tendency to uniformly scales all di-
done with a stride of 2 over a 2 × 2-pixel window (Simonyan and mensions (depth/width/resolution) of the CNN. The effectiveness of the
Zisserman, 2014). The pile of convolutional layers was joined with 3 proposed scaling method was demonstrated by implementing it for
fully connected layers and one softmax layer. VGGNet has 144 million scaling on MobileNets and ResNet. EfficientNet-B7 revealed impressive
parameters, of which approximately 124 million are used in the last 3 results as it achieved state-of-the-art result of 84.4% top-1/97–1% top-5
Fully Connected layers. Therefore, if the fully connected layers could be accuracy on ImageNet with 8.4× smaller and 6.1× quicker compared
eliminated, the architecture efficiency could be enhanced. This step was to finest current ConNets (Google AI Blog, xxxx). Fig. 4 presents scaling
taken in subsequent architectures replacing the first Fully Connected model for EfficientNet where Fig. 4(a) and (b)–(d) respectively presents
layer with a node layer using a method called average pooling (Varma a baseline network and a traditional scaling technique whilst Fig. 4 (e)
and Das, 2018). The architecture of VGGNet (VGG16) is shown in Fig. 1 depicts the compound scaling introduced in Tan and Le (2019).
(VGG, xxxx). e) DenseNet: DenseNet connects each layer with every other layer
b) XceptionNet: Szegedy et al. (2015) introduced a new term re- in a feed-forward manner. The feature-maps of all the previous layers
ferred to as an inception network. The main hallmark of the inception are used as inputs for each layer, and their feature-maps are used in all
network was to utilize computing resources inside the network. It subsequent layers as inputs. DenseNets solves the issue of vanishing
eliminates all the fully connected layers and uses average pooling, gradient (Bengio, 1994), strengthen feature propagation, encourages
therefore, the system has only 5 million parameters (Varma and Das, reuse of features, and significantly reduces the number of parameters
2018). Inception module is the building block of inception network, (Huang, 2016). Each lth layer has l inputs, composed of the feature-
which captures parallel paths with distinct receptive field dimensions maps of all preceding convolutional blocks. It passes its feature-maps to
and operations in the stack of feature maps (Szegedy et al., 2015). After all L − l subsequent layers. This introduced L(L + 1)/2 connections in
the tremendous success of the inception network, GoogLeNet (Inception an L-layer network (Huang, 2016). This architecture has a dense con-
V1) was modified to InceptionV2, Inception V3, and Inception-ResNet. nectivity pattern, therefore called a Dense Convolutional neural net-
Inspired by inception network, Chollet (2016) proposed a novel deep work.
CNN architecture called XceptionNet. It has the same number of para- These established CNN architectures have shown high performance
meters (~23 million) as used in Inception V3, but it showed a higher

Fig. 1. VGG Architecture.

A. Waheed, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 175 (2020) 105456

Fig. 2. The Modified Depthwise Separable Convolution used in XceptionNet.

methodology to make the overall concept understandable.

3.1. Flow diagram

Fig. 5 is used to present the workflow diagram of the proposed

model. Here, a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) is used to
construct the classification model. Initially, we have a ‘Total Leaf Da-
taset’ that is divided into two sets, namely training set and testing set
with a distribution of data items as 90% (contains 11,097 images) and
10% (1235 images) respectively. Image preprocessing is performed on
both training and testing sets images. An image is a matrix of pixels
where each pixel is represented by three channels (RGB), thereby
making it a three-dimensional matrix (mxnx3 where m is the number of
pixels in a column and n is the number of pixels in a row). The pixel
values in the images must be normalized using a preferred scaling
technique just-in-time during the training or model evaluation process.
We have implemented normalization by dividing each pixel with 255.0
to bring them in a range of 0 to 1. After normalization, the data aug-
mentation technique is deployed on the images. Such multi-channeled
images are then fed as an input to the CNN model (which has two parts
namely feature extraction and classification). It can take hours, days or
even weeks for deep learning models to train. If the run is suddenly
halted, one can lose a lot of work. Therefore, the weights of the best fit
model are stored in a file (weights.h5), so that they can be trained or
Fig. 3. Scalable Architecture (a) CIFAR10 Architecture (b) ImageNet used later. And finally, the performance of the model is assessed. The
Architecture. general approach model for corn leaf disease recognition and classifi-
cation is shown below in Fig. 5.

rate for leaf disease identification but with an increase in parameters

3.2. Proposed model
and computation time. In this paper, we present an optimized custom
DenseNet for leaf disease identification and classification which has
3.2.1. Why DenseNet ?
fewer parameters and, hence, less computation time than the above
Problems arise with the CNNs as they get deeper because the route
discussed CNN architectures. An important point to note at this stage is
from the input layer to the output layer becomes so large that when it
– “recurrent neural network (RNN) or long short-term memory (LSTM)
hits the other side of the network, the backpropagating gradient dis-
network) have been designed to work differently. The RNN is usually
appears. This vanishing gradient issue was resolved in ResNet (He,
used to work with sequential data, in contrast, CNN is designed to ex-
et al., 2016) architecture by introducing skip connections between
ploit spatial correlation of data and works well on images. CNN was
layers that add outputs from prior layers to stacked layers’ outputs.
specially designed for working with images. The architecture of the
ResNets shortened the stochastic depth (Huang et al., 2016) of the
proposed model is discussed in detail in the next section.
network by dropping some random layers during training which al-
lowed better gradient and information flow. Thus, increasing the ability
3. Proposed model to train deeper networks. Unlike ResNets, DenseNets (Huang, 2016)
links all layers to each other directly and ensures an optimal flow of
This section presents the methodology adapted in the current re- information within the layers with a simple connectivity pattern. Ra-
search. We have presented a step-by-step description of the ther than adding the residual, as in ResNet, all the feature maps are

A. Waheed, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 175 (2020) 105456

Fig. 4. Model Scaling (a) baseline network; (b) and (d) is a traditional scaling technique that increases only one dimension of network width, depth, or resolution (e)
compound scaling, was introduced in the (Zoph and Le, 2016).

Fig. 5. Flow diagram of the corn leaf disease classification model.

concatenated by the DenseNet. Therefore, they can be deeper than achieved state-of-the-art results on datasets (CIFAR, ImageNet). Den-
normal networks and can be readily optimized with this fresh residual seNets have two main advantages: 1) Parameter Efficiency 2) Deep
usage. With very less parameters, this new CNN architecture has Supervision. This network has fewer parameters than standard

A. Waheed, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 175 (2020) 105456

Fig. 6. Proposed Architecture of the optimized DenseNet.

networks because firstly it generates feature maps with a tiny growth single dense block is the concatenation of the output of 5 convolution
rate (the total output feature maps of a layer is growth rate) and sec- layers and thus, it has 5 * 4 feature maps (20 feature maps per dense
ondly it applies a 1 × 1 convolution as a bottleneck layer before each block). The layer between the two adjacent dense blocks i.e. the tran-
3 × 3 convolution to reduce the number of input feature maps (Huang, sition layer changes the size of the feature map by convolution and
2016). Lastly, extreme residual usage produces deep supervision as average pooling. We use a 1 × 1 convolution followed by a 2 × 2
each layer in DenseNet receives more supervision from the loss function average pooling in the transition layer. The proposed architecture has 5
due to the shorter links. dense blocks and 4 transition layers. After each dense block except for
the last one, a transition layer is attached. The last dense block is fol-
lowed by a global average pooling layer and softmax classifier. Table 1
3.2.2. Framework of the optimized DenseNet shows the layer-wise description of the proposed model. Categorical
DenseNet is made by connecting multiple dense blocks. A dense cross entropy is used as model’s loss function and Adaptive Moment
block is a set of layers that are attached to all its former layers. One Estimation (Adam) is used as the optimizer of the model. ReLU is used
layer in the dense block is composed of 4 layers: 1) Batch Normalization as an activation function because it is computationally efficient. Other
2) ReLU activation 3) 3 × 3 convolution 4) Dropout. The layer between functions like sigmoid and tanh are computationally expensive and
two dense blocks i.e. the transition layer performs down-sampling. It is suffer from vanishing gradient problem. The model was trained for 47
made of 1) Batch Normalization 2) ReLU activation 3) 1 × 1 con-
volution and 4) Average Pooling. Fig. 6 shows the architecture of the
proposed model. Table 1
Layered description of the proposed model.
An optimized DenseNet model is trained for leaf disease recognition
and classification. The input given to the DenseNet is multi-channeled S. No Layer Output Parameters
images (each of size 250 × 250 × 3) in a batch of 32. The input is then
1 Input layer 250 × 250 × 3 0
passed through the first convolution layer (Conv2D) that extracts fea-
2 Conv2D_1 125 × 125 × 24 920
tures and outputs a feature map, which is then passed to the first dense 3 DenseBlock_1 125 × 125 × 44 6400
block of 5 convolution layers. Each convolutional layer in a dense block 4 TransitionBlock_1 62 × 62 × 28 1408
is composed of a batch normalization layer, a ReLU (Agarap, 2018) 5 DenseBlock_2 62 × 62 × 48 7200
6 TransitionBlock_2 31 × 31 × 48 2496
activation layer, a 3 × 3 Conv2D layer, and a dropout layer. The first
7 DenseBlock_3 31 × 31 × 68 11,200
convolution layer of the dense block generates 4 feature maps (with 8 TransitionBlock_3 15 × 15 × 68 4624
growth rate = 4) that are further concatenated to the input. Then the 9 DenseBlock_4 15 × 15 × 88 15,200
second convolution layer is added to produce another 4 feature maps, 10 TransitionBlock_4 7 × 7 × 88 8096
which are again linked to the previous feature maps. This concatenation 11 DenseBlock_5 7 × 7 × 108 19,200
12 GlobalAvgPooling 108 432
action is used in all the dense blocks. The convolution layers of a dense
13 DenseLayer 4 436
block must generate feature maps of the same dimension because fea- Total 77,612
ture maps with different sizes cannot be concatenated. The output of a

A. Waheed, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 175 (2020) 105456

epochs with each epoch taking approximately 3.7 min, following which Table 2
we get a validation accuracy of 98.06%. Overall software and hardware specifications.
Name Specifications
3.3. Adam optimizer
GPU 1xTesla K80, having 2496 CUDA cores, compute 3.7, 12 GB
(11.439 GB Usable) GDDR5 VRAM
Adaptive Moment Estimation (Adam) (Kingma et al., 2014) is a
CPU 1xsingle core hyper threaded i.e. (1 core, 2 threads) Xeon
technique used for stochastic optimization. It evaluates adaptive Processors @2.3Ghz, 45 MB Cache
learning rates for distinct parameters. This optimizer brings together RAM ~12.6 GB Available
the benefits of two latest optimizers, i.e. AdaGrad (Duchi, 2012) and DISK ~320 GB Available
RMSProp to provide a technique for handling noisy issues with sparse
OS MacOS version 10.14.5
gradients. It is easy to implement, works efficiently, has fewer memory Development Env. Jupyter notebook environment on google colabs
requirements, invariant to the rescaling of gradient and works with
sparse gradients. Adam uses the average of the second-order gradients
rather than using the learning rates based on the average of the first matplotlib, TensorFlow, and keras. The overall specifications of Cola-
moments. It specifically calculates the gradient and the squared gra- boratory are shown below in Table 2 (Google Colab specifications,
dient as an exponential moving average. Most of the features for the xxxx).
real time datasets are sparse due to which the corresponding gradient Most of the computer vision applications use CNN. Two major dif-
for most instances could be zero and therefore the parameters update is ficulties with CNN are hardware for excellent performance and high-
also zero hence we will not proceed the learning. In order to respond to power consumption of this hardware (LeCun et al., 2004). Therefore,
this problem, the learning rate should be adaptive to relatively sparse high-performance hardware like Colaboratory’s GPU is required. Using
data. The Adagrad, RMSProp, and Adam optimization algorithms are the accelerated runtime of Colaboratory to train CNNs is 2.93 times
based on adaptive learning rates. In Adagrad the learning rate decays faster on average than using all Linux server physical cores (Carneiro,
aggressively and RMSProp has high number of oscillations which might 2018).
delay the convergence, so the best choice is Adam which overcomes
both problems. Algorithm 1 presents the Adam optimizer used in this 4.2. Hyperparameters
The proposed models’ hyperparameters are shown in Table 3 that
Algorithm 1: Adam Optimizer are used throughout the training of the model. The model’s accuracy
can be influenced by changing the initial learning rate. The model is
Input: current weights and bias optimized using Adam optimizer with an initial learning rate of 0.0005
Output: updated weights and bias
which is further fine-tuned to 0.00001. Grid search is used to find the
Initialize Vdw = 0, Sdw = 0, Vdb = 0, Sdb = 0, t = 0
On iteration t: optimal hyperparameter values. The model is trained by grid search for
Use current mini-batch to compute dw, db all combinations by using different sets of hyperparameters. Kernel is
t=t+1 initialized using glorot uniform and bias with zeros. The batch training
Vdw = β1 Vdw + (1 − β1) dw, Vdb = β1 Vdb + (1 − β1) db method is to split the training and testing set into several batches with
(momentum like update with hyper-parameter as β1)
each batch comprising 32 images.
Sdw = β2 Sdw + (1 − β2) dw2, Sdb = β2 Sdb + (1 − β2) db
(RMSProp like update with hyper parameter as β2)
Implement bias correction 4.3. Dataset
Vdw w t b b
corrected = Vd /(1 − β1 ), Vdcorrected = Vd /(1 − β1 )

Sdw w t b b t
corrected = Sd /(1 − β2 ), Sdcorrected = Sd /(1 − β2 )
1. Update parameters Total 12,332 pictures of 250 × 250 pixel dimensions are manually
wt = wt-1 - α (Vdw w
corrected/√ Sdcorrected + ε) gathered from different sources which are divided into 4 classes of
bt = bt-1 - α (Vdbcorrected/√ Sdbcorrected + ε) crops: Common rust (3816 images), Healthy crop (3720 images),
Return wt, bt
Cercospora leaf spot Gray leaf spot (1644 images), Northern leaf blight
Parameters required in Adam optimizer are: (3152 images). A picture of each class is shown below in Fig. 7.
The collection comprises of 12,332 images out of which 11,097
● α : Step size(also called learning rate) parameter (0.001) (90%) and 1235 (10%) images are divided as train and test set. After
● dw, db: weights and bias gradient the dataset split, the data augmentation technique is applied to the
● β1 :The first moment exponential decay rate (0.9) images. The model used batch training with a batch size of 32, in which
● β2 : The second moment exponential decay rate (0.999) the images are processed in batches of the given size. Deep learning
● ε : Fuzz factor; Very small number to avoid division from zero. models are robust when trained on large dataset and training is also
● t: Initial time step stable on large dataset. We have used data augmentation technique to
● Vdw : first moment vector for weights increase the number of samples by creating artificial samples from ex-
● Vdb: first moment vector for bias isting samples which is discussed in the next section. The dataset for the
● Sdw: second moment vector for weights corn leaf disease images is presented by the graph in Fig. 8.
● Sdb : second moment vector for bias
4.4. Data augmentation
4. Simulation model
Deep learning models perform better when the size of the dataset is
4.1. Simulation setup large hence to achieve this, we expanded the dataset by creating arti-
ficial samples from existing samples (see Fig. 9). The technique of
Python language and Google Colaboratory is used to train and test creating artificial samples from existence samples by varying orienta-
the entire model on a laptop. Colaboratory is a free Jupyter notebook tions of original samples is called data augmentation. Data augmenta-
environment that does not require configuration and operates in the tion allows programmers to considerably enhance the diversity and
cloud completely (Colaboratory, 2018). It is pre-packaged with essen- eventually the size of data available to train the models (Berkeley
tial machine learning and artificial intelligence libraries, such as Artificial Intelligence Research, xxxx). It is a known fact that CNN can

A. Waheed, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 175 (2020) 105456

Table 3
Parameter Value Description

target_size 250 × 250 × 3 Size of the image we are feeding into the model
batch_size 32 Number of images in a batch
k 4 The growth rate of optimized DenseNet (see Section 3.2.2)
min_delta 0.01 Required change in the monitored quantity to consider as improvement
patience 3 number of epochs without any improvement in the monitored quantity after which the training will be halted
alpha 0. 0005 Learning rate

Fig. 7. A Sample of each class of corn leaf diseases.

Fig. 8. Dataset partitioning of corn leaf disease images.

handle variations in image and classify items even when they are po- ranges given below in Table 4.
sitioned in distinct orientations (Kang et al., 2020; Pandey and
Windridge, 2019). This is fundamentally the premise of data augmen- 4.5. Results and discussion
tation. To train CNN, substantial data is required so that it can learn and
extract more features. The data collection process is associated with a Initially, the model is trained with a learning rate of 0.001(default
cost that can be in terms of money, human effort, computational re- learning rate of Adam). After training the model for few epochs
sources, and time consumption. Therefore, one may need to augment (monitor = ‘val_acc’, min_delta = 0.01, patience = 3), 96% training
the existing data by making some minor alterations to images like accuracy is achieved. Even though Adam uses exponential decay for the
scaling, rotating, translating, etc. The advantage of generating a greater attenuation of the learning rate, a frequent fluctuation in the accuracy
number of training examples is that it makes the model more robust and is witnessed due to high learning rate hence the model could not be
generalized; thereby improving its accuracy. All images in the dataset considered as stable. Therefore, the training of the model started with
are subject to several steps of data augmentation. 0.0005 learning rate with the same Early Stopping configuration, and
We implemented data augmentation techniques such as horizontal after a few epochs we achieved ~ 98% training and validation accu-
flipping, rotation, scaling, random zooming and translation with the racy. This time sporadic fluctuation is witnessed, so to make it stable we

A. Waheed, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 175 (2020) 105456

Fig. 9. Samples after the data augmentation process.

Table 4 The confusion matrixes are used to summarize the performance of

Augmentation techniques with their range. the proposed classification model (see Fig. 11). In the blue colored di-
Technique Range
agonal of the matrix are the correct classifications, whereas all other
entries are misclassifications. From the validation matrix, it can be seen
Rescale 1/255.0 that the classifier incorrectly recognized 16 images (10%) of class 0 as
Rotation 45 class 3. Images from Class 1 and 2 were classified accurately. Further,
Width Shift 0.2
Height Shift 0.2
six images (2%) of class 3 are misclassified as class 0. High prediction
Shear 0.4 scores in the diagonal indicate that the classifier is returning accurate
Zoom 0.3 results. Besides, it can be seen that the classes 0 and 3 are overlapping
the most. Therefore, we can say that it is difficult to distinguish between
Cercospora_leaf_spot Gray_leaf_spot and Northern_Leaf_Blight classes. A
fine-tuned the learning rate up to 0.00001 and achieved 97.37% comprehensive classification reported has been prepared and drafted
training accuracy with 2.53% error rate and 98.06% validation accu- and in the Table 5.
racy with 1.94% error rate and as we can see on the plot (Fig. 10), the Four other classification models are trained for corn leaf disease
model was quite stable with negligible fluctuation in validation accu- recognition and classification using existing CNN architectures
racy. While training the model, it is observed that a very low learning (XceptionNet, EfficientNet, VGG19Net, and NASNet). Table 6 shows the
rate never progresses, and a high learning rate can cause instability comparative analysis of the proposed model with these models. As we
hence never converges. Therefore, it is important to choose the right can see in the table the validation accuracy of the proposed model is
learning rate for the Adam, else the network will either fail to train or close to the state-of-the-art EfficientNet model and significantly higher
take much longer to converge. than the other models. Also, the proposed model has only 0.0776 mil-
The total number of parameters generated by the model are 77,612. lion parameters compare to the 4.4109 million parameters of the state-
The weights of the best fit model using ModelCheckpoint and used of-the-art EfficientNet model and 21.4194, 20.1891 and 4.5737 million
EarlyStopping to prevent our model from overfitting. In conclusion, parameters of the XceptionNet, VGGNet and NASNet respectively which
after training the model for 47 epochs the overall validation(testing) results in lesser training time. All the mentioned CNN models were
accuracy achieved by the proposed architecture is 98.06%. trained on the same dataset (with same hardware configuration) that

A. Waheed, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 175 (2020) 105456

Fig. 10. (a) Accuracy plot and (b) loss plot.

Fig. 11. Confusion matrix (a) Without normalization. (b) Normalized.

Table 5 we’ve used in our research. It can be seen clearly that the proposed
Classification report. optimized DenseNet with an overall accuracy of 98.06% is better than
Precision Recall F1-score Support
the established CNN models in terms of parameters and computation
0 0.92 0.94 0.93 165
1 1.00 1.00 1.00 383
5. Conclusions and future work
2 1.00 1.00 1.00 371
3 0.97 0.96 0.96 316
Macro avg 0.97 0.97 0.97 1235 In this paper, we have presented an optimized dense CNN archi-
Weighted avg 0.98 0.98 0.98 1235 tecture (DenseNet) for corn leaf disease recognition and classification.
Accuracy 0.98 1235 We showed existing neural network architectures in the background
and comprehensively discussed their strengths and weaknesses. We
presented a step-by-step discussion of the proposed model so that it can
Table 6
be re-implemented for future purposes by other researchers. Extensive
Comparison of the proposed model with other models.
computer simulations have been performed to evaluate the perfor-
Model Accuracy Parameters (in Training Time (avg mance of the proposed network. A robust experimental environment
millions) minutes per epoch) has been developed to conduct the simulations. Tables 2 and 3 re-
EfficientNet-B0 99.84 4.41 4.88 spectively show the hardware and software used with hyperparameters
VGG19Net 96.36 20.18 7.41 utilized to train the proposed network. We used a massive dataset of
XceptionNet 93.52 21.41 10.00 total 12,332 pictures of 250 × 250 pixel dimensions for experimenta-
NasNet 91.9 4.57 6.22 tions. The results achieved by the proposed DenseNet is impressive. It
Optimized DenseNet 98.06 0.07 3.00
has achieved 98.06% accuracy in identifying three types of corn leaf
diseases. The data augmentation method has been used to increase the
amount of relevant data. Hence, it helped in improving the general-
ization of the proposed model. The performance of the proposed

A. Waheed, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 175 (2020) 105456

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