Druids of The Carnivorous Jungle

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A 5e Compatible One-Shot adventure for new players. Its purpose is to

Written by Rune Foundry give you a foundation upon which to build
your story, so feel free to take what you
want and leave behind the things you don’t
of empires threatens the forested homes of
the Druids. Lumber used to construct cities We recommend downloading the pre-made
and settlements rips away sacred land party pack of all teenage druids for this
becoming more and more scarce. Some fight adventure module, or you can come up with
back to protect their homes, others travel your own.
great distances in search of new territories,
and a brave few adapt to their new habitat Download the free characters here.
in a nearby place not even the most
adventurous settlers would go—the In the next section (titled “The Story So
carnivorous jungle of Fangroot. It’s here you Far”), you’ll find all the information you need
and your fellow teenage druids must quickly to help tell the story of Druids of the
learn a new way of survival or become Carnivorous Jungle. This contains secrets for
someone else’s lunch. you (the DM), so you can give the right
amount to your players as they discover it.
Allow the players to uncover these secrets
OBJECTIVE and mysteries by asking questions to NPCs
Start your journey at the outer edge of the and exploring the setting.
carnivorous jungle and cautiously make your
way into its center where you plan to
establish a new home near The Mother Tree T H E S T O RY S O FA R
for you and your fellow Druid tribe. But All the druids are being forced from their
beware the unpredictable pitfalls and homes due to the continued expansion of
perennial predators along the way, for they the world’s greatest powers. Their options
are many. are few but this group of youngins has
chosen to brave the dangers of the
carnivorous jungle and make it their own.
This guide is intended to act as inspiration Amaris, a quirky but friendly Druid of a
for both new and experienced DMs. It similar age, tells the group she knows of a
provides an adventure that can be used as a place within the jungle that her grandad
standalone one-shot, a side quest for an used to take her when the jungle wasn’t so
existing campaign, or as an introductory infested with noxious weeds. She assures
the group it’s somewhere forever-safe from Post-combat puzzle and reward. Once
empire influence, somewhere they could defeated, the Awakened Tree will fall to the
establish a new home without the need to ground dislodging a strange-looking, metal
move ever again. “My grandad called it, The chest from the canopy of another tree (not
Mother Tree” she says proudly, “It grows at animated). It tumbles down to the
the center of the jungle but she will grant us adventures feet with a loud clang! The chest
refuge and protection from other threats is small, magically sealed, and doesn’t
roundabout.” appear to have a traditional lock. Instead it
has a rusty panel with the shape of an
Only moments after entering the jungle, it animal paw outlined on the front. Have the
becomes very apparent Amaris only sort of players roll a DC 12 Nature check to
knows her way there and is disoriented. So, identify which animal is represented by the
it’s up to the rest of the adventuring party paw print. A successful roll will jog their
to navigate their way to the legendary memories: it’s a Badger.
Mother Tree while avoiding hidden snares,
hungry plants, and oversized critters. Best
of luck and remember what your parents
taught you!


“This way!” she beckons confidently as you

duck beneath a mossy fallen log, “It should be
just around this… AHHH!” [try to startle the
players IRL with your scream]

It’s been just over an hour since you entered

the carnivorous jungle that your tribe To open the chest, one of the druids has to
nicknames, Fangroot. Amaris, a quirky but Wild Shape into a badger and press their
friendly teenager, leads the way but soon paw over the outline. It’ll begin to glow a
becomes disoriented. You’re on your way to vibrant green hue around their paw then
the Mother Tree where you seek refuge from pops open suddenly as if spring-loaded.
the ever-expanding empires that destroyed the Inside they’ll find an old but well-kept
childhood forest you called home. Some journal with a signature on the cover that
grown-up Druids stayed to fight, others fled to belongs to Amaris’ grandad, Jasper Fernlily.
faraway forests, but you and your fellow The pages are made of rough parchment and
Druids decided to establish a new home here, mostly contain charcoal sketches of plants,
a place where no settler would dare to go. And animals, and other jungle species. However,
now you’re beginning to see why… one of the pages near the end of the
notebook has a brief journal entry that
“WATCH OUT!” you scream together as a reads:
large, walking tree swings its branches at you.
The sound doesn’t carry through the dense,
wet brush, but even if it did, no one would be “Strange things are happening in the jungle
around to help. Roll initiative! lately. Almost all the animals that once called
this place home seem to have fled, and a few
new species of plants have sprouted in the
area; plants that require more than just
See the Awakened Tree stat block for this sunlight and water to survive. I’ve discovered
combat encounter in the Creatures section. Banyan trees that walk and observed Orchids
Amaris will cower behind a grouping of that eat insects or even animals. I don’t know
trees while the players fight. She will only how to make sense of it all. Could these events
intervene if the situation becomes even be related? What’s the root cause of it all and
more dire. where do I start to find answers?”
L O C AT I O N S appears to be muddy, marshland. They can
all roll a DC 15 Survival check to orient
THE CARNIVOROUS JUNGLE themselves once again. On a successful roll,
The jungle is densely populated with ferns, you, the Dungeon Master, get to pick “the
vines, and trees making it very difficult to right way” to send them based on your
navigate and progress quickly from point A understanding of their situation and what
to point B. Few rays of sunlight penetrate would be most helpful, or it could come
the umbrella-like canopy, and moisture gets down to your personal preference. On a
trapped beneath it creating a very humid failed roll, the adventurers will not feel
environment. Every detail within the jungle inclined to go one way or the other so the
is derived from some shade of green. Those decision is purely up to them.
greens are then complimented with sporadic
pops of red, blue, and yellow flowers, DM Tip: All paths lead to the Mother Tree
mushrooms, or fruit that grow ever vibrant in the one-shot adventure, however, how
when it’s raining. Use the below table to you get there and which encounters you
determine the jungle weather as the face will be dependent on the direction
adventurers make their way through. The taken.
weather can change suddenly but it’s up to
the Dungeon Master to decide how often to When trailblazing through, the vegetation is
roll for a different weather scenario. so dense the party is required to pass
through in a single-file line. Ask the players
in which order they would like to proceed
(front to back) as this may affect the
1d4 W E AT H E R outcome of certain snares or encounters.

1 Clear, blue skies and sunny Option A: When the party enters the
clearing with the two large, red flowers,
2 Partly cloudy with light rainfall have them all roll DC 12 Perception checks.
On a successful roll, they’ll notice the
3 Dark clouds with heavy rainfall flowers have fang-like edges and sweet
smelling sap that drips down like
4 Dense fog or mist drool—they’re able to avoid a bite from the
carnivorous plants. On a failed roll, that
player or players must make a DC 15 DEX
The jungle is also carnivorous. It wasn’t Save or take 1d6+2 piercing damage before
always this way but in the most recent moving forward into the next phase of the
years, a wide variety of plants that eat jungle.
insects and animals began to grow and
spread quickly, including: human-sized Option B: When the party arrives at the
venus flytraps, pitcher plants, and drosera. muddy marshland, they’ll realize there’s only
Should the characters veer off the path and one way across—swinging on the hanging
into the jungle, you may want to throw a vines. Have each player roll a series of
random Carnivorous Plant encounter at Athletics or Acrobatic checks to see if they
them. This can be done as a combat make it across.
encounter using the stat block provided at
the end of this module, or run it more like a Check #1: DC 10 Athletics or Acrobatics
trap with a single DC 15 Dexterity saving Check #2: DC 11 Athletics or Acrobatics
throw or they take 1d6+2 damage. Check #3: DC 12 Athletics or Acrobatics

TRAILBLAZING THROUGH If successful on all three checks, they make

Have the party decide where to go next but it across the marsh and are granted one
give them a couple options: (A) to their left point of inspiration. If any of the checks are
they see an opening in between the thick, failed, they fall into the mud. They won’t
jungle trees where butterflies flutter around take any damage for the fall, but it’s a great
a grove of impressively large, red flowers; moment to roleplay.
and (B) to their right hangs a series of
looping, questionable vines over what
In addition, they’ll need to roll with Immediately after, have each of the players
disadvantage on their next DEX-related roll a DC 12 DEX saving throw with the
check or saving throw due to the slippery person in the front of the line rolling with
mud they're now covered in. disadvantage. On a failed roll, that player or
players will be snatched up into a makeshift
From either Option A or Option B, have net and suspended off the ground 10 feet
them decide where to go next: (C) to their over a group of man-eating venus flytraps.
left they’ll hear the distant sound of water In swings a mischievous baboon who
crashing down on itself; and (D) to their surprises the adventurers with its ability to
right they’ll hear a low humming sound talk. He’ll start by chanting in a riddle-like
zipping back and forth. They can, again, all manner:
roll a DC 15 Survival check to orient
themselves. On a successful roll, the DM
gets to pick which way to send them saying The name is Babbel,
they feel inclined to go towards C or D, and and I’m a talking baboon.
on a failed roll, the adventurers will need to
simply choose. I like to play games,
like Capture the Buffoon.
Option C: When the group arrives closer to
the crashing water sound, they’ll realize it’s Now that you’ve been caught,
a much bigger river and waterfall than and are trying to break free.
anticipated. They’ll be able to see a cleared
trail running perpendicular to the river on I promise you can go,
the other side along with two wooden posts just answer this riddle please.
where a rope bridge used to exist. They’ll
have to think creatively to get themselves
across or turn around to option D. Useful
materials around them include vines, trees, Riddle 1:
and stones of various sizes. The current is
fast and there are 5-foot ledges on both
sides of the river, not to mention the dense If you squeeze me too hard,
overhanging ferns. I’ll cry tears of red.

Option D: Arriving near the low humming If you cut me with a blade,
noises, the group will realize it’s coming my stone heart stops it dead.
from a swarm of oversized hornets. A dirt
path cuts through the brush ahead right But if you leave me in the sun,
under the hornets’ nest but how to move I’ll shrivel up and die.
past them without getting stung is unclear.
Fifteen feet to each side of the path is a Now this really begs the question,
rocky cliff thirty feet high that blocks any what am I?
chance of sneaking around the swarm. The
swarm will be rewarded with an opportunity
attack if the adventurers get too close. Answer: Cherry
Leave it up to them to figure out what to do
next but reward creativity. If they don’t guess the answer to this riddle
after a few attempts, read the following:
After passing through one of the obstacles
presented in option C or D, the dirt path will
continue for a good while as they make Nope nope that’s not correct,
progress further into the jungle. Off into the I’m sure a tricky one.
distance they’ll be able to make out the top
of a large Kapok tree. With a successful DC But here’s another riddle,
12 Perception check, they adventurers will I hope you're having fun!
know with a certainty that the large tree is
in fact The Mother Tree.
Riddle 2: Option E: The trail on the jungle path winds
around a bend where a small cave is
situated. Have each player roll a DC 12
When the darkness takes control, Perception check. On a successful roll, they
and leaves no light at all to play. notice the cave, otherwise, they’ll just be
able to see the Kapok tree ahead in a little
I come swiftly down to you, more detail.
no matter night or day.
The cave has a narrow entrance but opens
Some fear me when I fall, up to a single 30-foot cavern where there
but love me when I’m tame. appears to be a small hoard of sparkling,
fresh fruit gathered to one side.
I’m sure you’ll get this one, Bioluminescent mushrooms of all sizes glow
my friends, what is my name? faintly of a teal color. If the cave is entered,
those players will need to make a DC 10
CON saving throw or take 1d4 poison
Answer: Rain damage from the mushrooms. If they reach
the specific fruit and eat it, they will each
If either of Babbel’s riddles are answered be granted 2d4+2 HP.
correctly within a few attempts, he will
gladly lower the net and release whoever’s Option F: The boardwalk-like pathway leads
caught. If neither riddle is answered up into the jungle canopy until it meets a
correctly, he will leave them with this run-down treehouse the size of a shed.
thought: From the looks of it, no one has been here
in years but Amaris vaguely remembers this
place from when her grandad brought her as
a young child. Upon remembering, she will
Best of luck in your adventure, immediately search the room and will find a
though my games were much too tough. wooden walking staff–her grandad’s. If the
You hang above a hungry grove, party searches the treehouse further with a
I hear their bite is rough. See ya! successful DC 12 Perception check, they
will be able to find two potions of healing
(2d4+2 HP). With a successful DC 16
Perception check, they will discover a rusty
And with that he’ll be on his way leaving the machete lodged into one of the treehouse’s
group to figure out how to escape. If they outer walls. Otherwise with a failed
fall, they’ll take 1d6 bludgeoning damage Perception check, they’ll only be able to see
from the fall and will need to make a DEX a little bit more of the Mother Tree just a
saving throw or take 1d6 more damage from short distance from there, and a still-trusty
the carnivorous plants below. rope ladder leading them back down to the
forest floor.
After their interaction with Babbel, they’ll
come to a fork in the road where they’ll Grandad’s Walking Staff: Melee, 5 ft. range,
have to decide one last time which path to 1d6+STR bludgeoning damage. It also grants
take, although, both appear to lead to the +2 to any skill checks related to Survival but
tree: (E) to their left is a trail that continues only when wielded.
on the jungle floor; and (F) to their right is a
path of wooden planks and rope that takes
them into the canopy. Just like before, they
can all roll a DC 15 Survival check to orient
themselves. On a successful roll, the DM
gets to pick which way to send them, and on
a failed roll, the adventurers get to choose.
In addition to offering protection, The
Mother Tree will kindly give the last of her
Breaking through the last of the jungle magical, sparkling fruit that provides healing
vegetation, you stumble into a clearing of tall properties like those found in the cave (see
grasses and a bubbling spring. The spring Option E). That is, the last of her fruit for
flows from where you stand to the massive this season. Congratulate the Druids for an
trunk of The Mother Tree herself. But much to excursion well-executed!
your dismay, The Mother Tree appears sickly
and malnourished.
Her leaves look withered, her branches weak,
and her bark brittle. It doesn’t take long before A M A R I S F E R N L I LY
you see the source of her misery. Wrapped Lawful Good
around her base and strangling her massive A free spirited teenager whose
roots constricts a thriving, thorny weed. Two overconfidence originates from her many
viper-like vines release their grip on her to coil treks with grandad before he passed away.
back into striking position and focus on the Amaris has a very bubbly personality who
threat before it… you! Roll initiative. tends to be the optimist of any group and in
most every setting. In this adventure, she
tries her best to lead the other Druids
(players) through the Fangroot to The
Amaris will fully assist the adventurers Mother Tree.
during this fight against the Parasitic Vine. Appearance: Female half-elf, age 15. Amaris
Reference her stat block below as needed. is taller than most half-elves her age so her
The Mother Tree is nearly helpless in this plant-based skirt and tube top appear a size
fight but can speak small, encouraging too small. Around her forehead is a band of
phrases telepathically like, “That’s it my fresh flowers that pairs well with the
child,” “I believe in you,” and “One final blow!” eye-black stripes on each of her cheeks.

Area of effect attacks or spells from the J A S P E R F E R N L I LY

players could possibly impact The Mother Lawful Good
Tree’s overall health. She has an AC of 13 Grandad to Amaris Fernlily. His family
and is down to 35 HP out of 100 when the assumes he’s dead because he hasn’t
combat encounter begins. Healing spells and returned in over 8 years from his last
potions have the same effect on her as excursion. They even had a funeral in his
humanoids, although potions are consumed honor after 5 years of heartwrenching
through the roots. If she drops to zero hit waiting. Jasper was an avid adventurer who
points, treat death saves and medicine often disappeared from home life to spend
checks the same way as any other creature months and sometimes years surrounded by
or character. jungle plants and animals. He would
document them in his various journals,
name them if need be, and collect samples
CONCLUSION along the way. His greatest find? The
Upon defeating the Parasitic Vine, it will Mother Tree where he made it his home.
shrivel up and die. The Mother Tree will Appearance: Male Elf, about 500 years old
telepathically thank the adventurers for but no one really knows for sure (easy to
freeing her from the weed’s choking grasp, lose count). Jasper could typically be found
and proceed to ask what they seek from her. in few clothes, namely a loincloth and
If they express making this place their new poncho if it’s raining. He had a clean-shaven
home, she’ll joyfully offer them protection face with kind eyes and short pin-straight
amongst her leaves and within her trunk. hair the color of sun at noonday. When
This is a good time to ask the players around loved ones, his chuckle mixed with
exactly what kind of treehouse features quick, cringe-worthy snorts brought out the
they would want to build and where. increasing number of wrinkles on his face.
B A B B E L , T H E TA L K I N G B A B O O N C R E AT U R E S & N P C s
He prefers to speak in rhymes and riddles
but isn’t obligated too. Babbel loves to
make mischief as much as he loves to talk,
but he would never harm anyone directly. A M A R I S F E R N L I LY
No one knows how he was given his ability Medium Humanoid, Lawful Good
to talk, perhaps he’s self-taught.

Armor Class. 12
Hit Points. 13
Speed. 30 ft.


8 15 10 13 13 7
(-1) (+2) (+0) (+1) (+1) (+3)

Senses. Darkvision 60 ft.,

Passive Perception 13
Languages. Common, Elvish
Proficiency Bonus. +2

Wild Shape. As an action, you can magically

assume the shape of a beast that you have
seen before twice per short rest. Max CR ¼
THE MOTHER TREE (no flying or swimming speed). Amaris
An ancient Kapok tree with a super wide prefers to Wild Shape into the following
trunk and extremely high canopy. According animals but you can choose whatever meets
to the local druids, The Mother Tree was the aforementioned criteria: (1) giant frog;
planted by Gianna, the Goddess of Nature (2) elk; or (3) constrictor snake. You can stay
herself. Because of this, The Mother Tree in beast shape for 1 hour before reverting
acts as a vessel for the Goddess to channel back to your normal form (or as a bonus
a portion of her magic, will, and wisdom to action earlier or if you fall unconscious,
all creations nearby including the Druids. drop to 0 hit points, or die).
The Mother Tree does this through her
unique ability to communicate telepathically
with others, and will impart her advice on
anyone who asks, or doesn’t ask, just as a ACTIONS
loving mother would to her own child. Dagger (2x). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4+2)
The Mother Tree has seen it all since her piercing damage.
time as a little sapling. Within the last
hundred years or so, she’s painfully watched Thorn Whip. Melee Spell Attack: +3 to hit,
as her beautiful jungle has become infested reach 30 ft., one creature. Hit: 3 (1d6)
with numerous invasive species of piercing damage. If the creature is Large or
carnivorous plants. The land has become so smaller, you pull the creature up to 10 feet
overgrown with them now that they’ve closer to you.
chased away most of the animals and all of
the humanoids. Not even The Mother Tree’s
magical ward has been enough to save her
own bark from the noxious Parasitic Vine
that sucks life away at the roots. She once
produced vitalizing, sparkly fruits that
animals and humanoids could eat to improve
their health, but those too have had their
growth hindered by the carnivorous plants.
Huge plant, unaligned Small beast, unaligned

Armor Class. 13 Armor Class. 12

Hit Points. 59 (7d12+14) Hit Points. 3 (1d6)
Speed. 20 ft. Speed. 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

19 6 15 10 10 7 8 14 11 4 12 6
(+4) (-2) (+2) (+0) (+0) (-2) (-1) (+2) (+0) (-3) (+1) (-2)

Damage Vulnerabilities. Fire Senses. Passive Perception 10

Damage Resistances. Bludgeoning, Piercing Languages. Common
Senses. Passive Perception 10 Challenge. 0 (10 XP)
Challenge. 2 (450 XP)

Pack Tactics. The baboon has advantage on

False Appearance. While the tree remains an attack roll against a creature if at least
motionless, it is indistinguishable from a one of the baboon’s allies is within 5 feet of
normal tree. the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5
10 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6+4) ft., one target. Hit: 1 (1d4-1) piercing
bludgeoning damage. damage.
Medium plant, unaligned Large plant, unaligned

Armor Class. 10 Armor Class. 13

Hit Points. 22 (5d8) Hit Points. 65
Speed. 10 ft. Speed. 5 ft.

10 14 14 6 12 4 14 10 16 1 9 6
(+0) (+2) (+2) (-2) (+1) (-3) (+2) (+0) (+3) (-5) (-1) (-2)

Damage Vulnerabilities. Fire Damage Resistances. Cold

Condition Immunities. Blinded charmed, Senses. Blindsight 30 ft.,
deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone Passive Perception 10
Senses. Blindsight 30 ft., Challenge. 2 (450 XP)
Passive Perception 10
Challenge. 1/2 (100 XP)
Leech Life. On a successful constrict attack,
the parasitic vine can restore hit points
False Appearance. While the tree remains equal to half of the damage given. This
motionless, it is indistinguishable from a effect cannot exceed its hit point maximum.
normal tree.

Multiattack. The parasitic vine has two
attacking tendrils and can therefore make
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach
two slam attacks unless a creature is
10 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) piercing
grappled. If a creature is grappled, it can
only use one constrict attack until the
grapple ends. For example, if the first of the
Tendril. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
two slam attacks is successful and the target
reach 30 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2)
fails their saving throw, then the creature
bludgeoning damage, and the target is
becomes grappled by both tendrils and the
grappled (escape DC 12). Until this grapple
second slam attack is forfeited.
ends, the targt is restrained, and the plant
can’t use its tendrils on another target.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
10 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2)
bludgeoning damage. The target must roll a
DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or become
grappled. That is, if the parasitic vine isn’t
already grappling a creature in both of its
two tendrils already. If the roll is
unsuccessful, the grappled target is
restrained until the grapple ends.

Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,

reach 5 ft., one creature grappled by the
parasitic vine. Hit: 8 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning
Medium swarm of tiny beasts, unaligned Huge plant, unaligned

Armor Class. 12 Armor Class. 13

Hit Points. 22 (5d8) Hit Points. 100 (currently 35)
Speed. 20 ft., fly 50 ft. Speed. 0 ft.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Damage Vulnerabilities. Fire

3 13 10 1 7 1 Damage Resistances. Bludgeoning, piercing
(-4) (+1) (+0) (-5) (-2) (-5) Senses. Passive Perception 10
Languages. Telepathy

Damage Resistances. Bludgeoning, piercing,

Condition Immunities. Charmed, frightened,
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone,
restrained, stunned
Senses. Blindsight 10 ft.,
Passive Perception 10
Challenge. 1/2 (100 XP)

Swarm. The swarm can occupy another

creature's space and vice versa, and the
swarm can move through any opening large
enough for a Tiny insect. The swarm can't
regain hit points or gain temporary hit

Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach
0 ft., one target in the swarm’s space. Hit:
10 (4d4) piercing damage, or 5 (2d4)
piercing damage if the swarm has half of its
hit points or fewer.

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specifically excludes the OPEN Game Content; (f) "Trademark"
means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You
used by a Contributor to Identify itself or its products or the
fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach
associated products contributed to the Open Game License by
within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use,
sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise
create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
"Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the
extent necessary to make it enforceable.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content
that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content
15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright
may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must
2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.
affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No
terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except
System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of
as described by the License itself. No other terms or
the Coast, LLC.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris
Conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content
Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J.
distributed using this License.
Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend,
based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.

4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to

use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual,
worldwide, royalty-free, nonexclusive License with the exact
terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.

5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are

contributing original material as Open Game Content, You
represent that Your Contributions are Your original Creation
and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed
by this License.

6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the

COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the
exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game
Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You
must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright
holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open
Game Content you Distribute.

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