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Assignment Python

The document contains solutions to various Python programming questions. These include programs to check if a number is prime, calculate division with two decimal places, convert case of characters in a string, print patterns like multiplication tables and Fibonacci series, perform operations on lists and dictionaries.

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Assignment Python

The document contains solutions to various Python programming questions. These include programs to check if a number is prime, calculate division with two decimal places, convert case of characters in a string, print patterns like multiplication tables and Fibonacci series, perform operations on lists and dictionaries.

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Anuj ThakurYT
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Q1:- WAP that prompts the uses to enter two integer values and displays the result of the

number divided by the second, with exactly two decimal place displayed.


# Prompting user for input

num1 = int(input("Enter the first integer: "))

num2 = int(input("Enter the second integer: "))

# Checking if num2 is not zero to avoid division by zero error

if num2 != 0:

# Performing the division

result = num1 / num2

# Displaying the result with two decimal places

print(f"Result: {result:.2f}")


print("Error: Division by zero is not allowed.")

Q2:- WAP in which the user enter either ‘A’,’B’,’C’. If ‘A’ is entered, the program should
display the word Apple, if ‘A’ is entered, the program should the word Apple, if ‘B’ is entered ,
it display Banana and, if ‘C’ is entered, it display ‘Coconut’.


# Taking input from the user

user_input = input("Enter 'A', 'B', or 'C': ")

# Checking the input and displaying the corresponding word

if user_input.upper() == 'A':


elif user_input.upper() == 'B':


elif user_input.upper() == 'C':



print("Invalid input. Please enter 'A', 'B', or 'C'.")

Q3:- WAP to check if given number is prime or not.


def is_prime(number):

# A prime number is greater than 1 and has no divisors other than 1 and itself

if number <= 1:

return False

# Check for divisors from 2 to the square root of the number

for i in range(2, int(number**0.5) + 1):

if number % i == 0:

return False # Found a divisor, not a prime number

return True # No divisors other than 1 and itself, it's a prime number

# Taking input from the user

num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

# Checking if the number is prime

if is_prime(num):

print(f"{num} is a prime number.")


print(f"{num} is not a prime number.")

Q4:- WAP to print Fibonacci series by taking the length from user.

ANS> def fibonacci_series(length):

# Initialize first two Fibonacci numbers

fibonacci_series = [0, 1]

# Generate Fibonacci series

while len(fibonacci_series) < length:

next_number = fibonacci_series[-1] + fibonacci_series[-2]


return fibonacci_series

# Taking input for the length of Fibonacci series from the user

length = int(input("Enter the length of Fibonacci series: "))

# Calling the function to generate Fibonacci series

result = fibonacci_series(length)

# Displaying the Fibonacci series

print("Fibonacci Series:")

Q5:- WAP that converts lower case letter to upper case letter and vice-versa.


def convert_case(string):

converted_string = ""

for char in string:

# Convert lowercase to uppercase

if char.islower():

converted_string += char.upper()

# Convert uppercase to lowercase

elif char.isupper():

converted_string += char.lower()


converted_string += char # If it's not a letter, keep it as it is

return converted_string

# Taking input from the user

user_input = input("Enter a string: ")

# Calling the function to convert case

converted_result = convert_case(user_input)

# Displaying the converted result

print("Converted String:")

Q6:- WAP to program to print a table of given number.


def multiplication_table(number):

print(f"Multiplication Table of {number}:")

for i in range(1, 11): # Print table from 1 to 10

print(f"{number} x {i} = {number*i}")

# Taking input from the user

num = int(input("Enter a number to print its multiplication table: "))

# Calling the function to print the multiplication table

Q7:- WAP that sums a series of (positive) integer entered by the user excluding all numbers that
are greater than 100.


def sum_positive_integers():

total_sum = 0

while True:


num = int(input("Enter a positive integer (or 0 to stop): "))

if num == 0:

break # Exit the loop if user enters 0

elif num > 0 and num <= 100:

total_sum += num # Add to total sum if the number is positive and <= 100


print("Number should be positive and less than or equal to 100. Ignoring...")

except ValueError:

print("Invalid input. Please enter a valid positive integer.")

return total_sum

# Calling the function to sum positive integers excluding numbers greater than 100

result = sum_positive_integers()

# Displaying the result

print("Sum of positive integers (excluding numbers > 100):", result)

Q8:- WAP to print the following pattern.

2 2

3 3 3

4 4 4 4


def print_pattern(rows):

for i in range(1, rows + 1):

# Print each number i times, from 1 to i

for j in range(1, i + 1):

print(i, end=" ")

print() # Move to the next line after each row

# Taking input from the user for number of rows

num_rows = int(input("Enter the number of rows for the pattern: "))

# Calling the function to print the pattern

Q9:- WAP to print the following pattern

* *

* * *

* * * *


def print_pattern(rows):

for i in range(1, rows + 1):

# Print '*' i times, from 1 to i

for j in range(1, i + 1):

print("*", end=" ")

print() # Move to the next line after each row

# Taking input from the user for number of rows

num_rows = int(input("Enter the number of rows for the pattern: "))

# Calling the function to print the pattern

Q10:- W.A.P to perform the following operations on list

(1) max (6)pop

(2) min (7) len

(3) count (8) return

(4) extend (9) append

(5) insert (10) reverse


def main():

# Initialize a sample list

my_list = [10, 20, 30, 20, 40, 50]

# Display the original list

print("Original List:", my_list)

while True:


print("1. Max")

print("2. Min")

print("3. Count")

print("4. Extend")

print("5. Insert")

print("6. Pop")

print("7. Length")

print("8. Return")

print("9. Append")

print("10. Reverse")
print("Enter 'q' to quit")

choice = input("Enter operation number: ")

if choice == '1':

print("Max Value:", max(my_list))

elif choice == '2':

print("Min Value:", min(my_list))

elif choice == '3':

value = int(input("Enter value to count: "))

print(f"Count of {value}: {my_list.count(value)}")

elif choice == '4':

extend_list = [60, 70, 80]


print("Extended List:", my_list)

elif choice == '5':

index = int(input("Enter index to insert: "))

value = int(input("Enter value to insert: "))

my_list.insert(index, value)

print("List after insertion:", my_list)

elif choice == '6':

popped_value = my_list.pop()

print("Popped Value:", popped_value)

elif choice == '7':

print("Length of List:", len(my_list))

elif choice == '8':

break # Exit the loop

elif choice == '9':

new_value = int(input("Enter value to append: "))


print("List after appending:", my_list)

elif choice == '10':


print("Reversed List:", my_list)

elif choice.lower() == 'q':

break # Exit the loop


print("Invalid choice. Please enter a valid operation number.")

print("Final List:", my_list)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Q11:- W.A.P to perform the following operations on dictionary

 accessing
 updating
 adding
 Removing
 Copy
 Clear
 Declare


def main():

# Declaring a dictionary with the name "John"

my_dict = {

'name': 'John',

'age': 30,

'city': 'New York'

# Display the original dictionary

print("Original Dictionary:", my_dict)

while True:


print("1. Accessing")

print("2. Updating")

print("3. Adding")

print("4. Removing")
print("5. Copy")

print("6. Clear")

print("7. Declare new dictionary")

print("Enter 'q' to quit")

choice = input("Enter operation number: ")

if choice == '1':

key = input("Enter key to access: ")

if key in my_dict:

print("Value:", my_dict[key])


print("Key not found.")

elif choice == '2':

key = input("Enter key to update: ")

if key in my_dict:

new_value = input("Enter new value: ")

my_dict[key] = new_value

print("Updated Dictionary:", my_dict)


print("Key not found.")

elif choice == '3':

new_key = input("Enter new key: ")

new_value = input("Enter new value: ")

my_dict[new_key] = new_value

print("Dictionary after adding:", my_dict)

elif choice == '4':

key = input("Enter key to remove: ")

if key in my_dict:

del my_dict[key]

print("Dictionary after removing:", my_dict)


print("Key not found.")

elif choice == '5':

# Creating a copy of the dictionary

new_dict = my_dict.copy()

print("Copied Dictionary:", new_dict)

elif choice == '6':


print("Dictionary cleared.")

elif choice == '7':

# Declaring a new dictionary

new_dict = dict()

print("New empty dictionary declared.")

elif choice.lower() == 'q':

break # Exit the loop


print("Invalid choice. Please enter a valid operation number.")

print("Final Dictionary:", my_dict)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Q13:- W.A.P to input the integer values in the list & stores in another list only those values
which are even number & desplays the resulting list.


def main():

# Initialize an empty list to store even numbers

even_numbers = []

# Taking input from the user

print("Enter integer values (enter 'q' to stop):")

while True:

user_input = input("Enter an integer (or 'q' to stop): ")

if user_input.lower() == 'q':



number = int(user_input)

if number % 2 == 0:


except ValueError:

print("Invalid input. Please enter an integer.")

# Display the resulting list of even numbers

print("List of even numbers:", even_numbers)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Q14:- W.A.P to show the concept of multiple inheritance.


# Base class 1

class BaseClass1:

def method1(self):

print("Method from BaseClass1")

# Base class 2

class BaseClass2:

def method2(self):

print("Method from BaseClass2")

# Derived class inheriting from BaseClass1 and BaseClass2

class DerivedClass(BaseClass1, BaseClass2):

def method3(self):

print("Method from DerivedClass")

# Creating an instance of DerivedClass

obj = DerivedClass()

# Accessing methods from BaseClass1 and BaseClass2

obj.method1() # Method from BaseClass1

obj.method2() # Method from BaseClass2

# Accessing method from DerivedClass

obj.method3() # Method from DerivedClass

Q15:- Write a menu driven program to add, substract, multiply and divide 2 integer using

# Function to perform addition

def add(a, b):

return a + b

# Function to perform subtraction

def subtract(a, b):

return a - b

# Function to perform multiplication

def multiply(a, b):

return a * b

# Function to perform division

def divide(a, b):

if b != 0:

return a / b


return "Error: Division by zero"

def main():

while True:


print("1. Add")
print("2. Subtract")

print("3. Multiply")

print("4. Divide")

print("5. Quit")

choice = input("Enter your choice (1/2/3/4/5): ")

if choice == '1':

num1 = int(input("Enter first number: "))

num2 = int(input("Enter second number: "))

result = add(num1, num2)

print("Result:", result)

elif choice == '2':

num1 = int(input("Enter first number: "))

num2 = int(input("Enter second number: "))

result = subtract(num1, num2)

print("Result:", result)

elif choice == '3':

num1 = int(input("Enter first number: "))

num2 = int(input("Enter second number: "))

result = multiply(num1, num2)

print("Result:", result)

elif choice == '4':

num1 = int(input("Enter first number: "))

num2 = int(input("Enter second number: "))

result = divide(num1, num2)

print("Result:", result)

elif choice == '5':

print("Exiting the program.")



print("Invalid input. Please enter a valid choice.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Q16:- W.A.P that accepts 3 integer and return true if any of the integer is 0, otherwise it returns

ANS> def check_for_zero(num1, num2, num3):

if num1 == 0 or num2 == 0 or num3 == 0:

return True


return False

def main():

# Taking input from the user

num1 = int(input("Enter first integer: "))

num2 = int(input("Enter second integer: "))

num3 = int(input("Enter third integer: "))

# Calling the function to check for 0

result = check_for_zero(num1, num2, num3)

# Displaying the result

if result:

print("True: At least one integer is 0.")


print("False: None of the integers is 0.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Q17:- write a program to prompt the user to enter a list of words stores in a list only those words
whose first letter occurs within word. The program should display the resulting list?

def filter_words(words):

filtered_words = []

for word in words:

if word[0].lower() in word[1:].lower():


return filtered_words

def main():

# Taking input from the user

words = input("Enter a list of words separated by space: ").split()

# Calling the function to filter words

result = filter_words(words)

# Displaying the resulting list

print("Resulting List:")


if __name__ == "__main__":

Q18:- W.A.P to do following operations on files:-

 Opening
 Copy
 Remove
 Append
 Rename
 Tell

ANS> import shutil # For file copying and renaming

def create_file(filename):

with open(filename, 'w') as file:

file.write("Hello, this is a sample file.")

def copy_file(source, destination):

shutil.copyfile(source, destination)

print(f"File '{source}' copied to '{destination}'")

def remove_file(filename):


# Remove the file


print(f"File '{filename}' removed successfully.")

except FileNotFoundError:

print(f"File '{filename}' not found.")

def append_file(filename, content):

with open(filename, 'a') as file:

file.write(content + "\n")
print(f"Content appended to '{filename}'")

def rename_file(filename, new_name):

os.rename(filename, new_name)

print(f"File '{filename}' renamed to '{new_name}'")

def tell_file_position(filename):

with open(filename, 'r') as file:

position = file.tell()

print(f"Current position in '{filename}': {position}")

def main():

filename = "sample.txt"


while True:


print("1. Copy File")

print("2. Remove File")

print("3. Append Content to File")

print("4. Rename File")

print("5. Tell Current File Position")

print("6. Exit")

choice = input("Enter operation number: ")

if choice == '1':
new_filename = input("Enter new filename for copy: ")

copy_file(filename, new_filename)

elif choice == '2':


elif choice == '3':

content = input("Enter content to append: ")

append_file(filename, content)

elif choice == '4':

new_name = input("Enter new filename: ")

rename_file(filename, new_name)

elif choice == '5':


elif choice == '6':

print("Exiting the program.")



print("Invalid choice. Please enter a valid operation number.")

if __name__ == "__main__":


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