12 Anh

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A. Pronunciation
Question 1. A. confirmed B. maintained C. removed D. dedicated
Question 2. A. classrooms B. pictures C. dentists D. mountains
Question 3. A. nation B. apartment C. payment D. layout
Question 4. A. increase B. kindness C. desire D. mindset
Question 5. A. problem B. develop C. decision D. because
Question 6. A. teacher B. chemist C. children D. chimney
Question 7. A. cloth B. worth C. father D. nothing
Question 8. A. assure B. press C. blessing D. classic
Question 9. A. generation B. gender C. biologist D. argument
Question 10. A. what B. when C. where D. who

B. Stress
Question 1. A. promote B. prefer C. destroy D. handle
Question 2. A. opponent B. dimension C. critical D. commitment
Question 3. A. attack B. soldier C. darkness D. mission
Question 4. A. property B. capital C. transaction D. primary
Question 5. A. mineral B. procedure C. attitude D. preference

Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
A. Word Choice
Question 1. Employers always want job _____ to be able to demonstrate their skills and qualities.
A. employees B. workers C. staff D. applicants
Question 2. The interviewer asked me if I had any _______ experience?
A. relevant B. comfortable C. rich D. excellent
Question 3. A.I. robots are _______ of having human emotions.
A. able B. capable C. efficient D. fond
Question 4. We are preparing a presentation on the biological _______ of the rainforests.
A. similarity B. diversity C. difficulty D. possibility
Question 5. Before we apply for any jobs, we need to prepare a good CV and a/ an _____ very carefully.
A. degree B. job interview C. covering letter D. introduction
Question 6. “_______” are those who continue to live after experiencing great danger.
A. Physicians B. Competitors C. Candidates D. Survivors
Question 7. _______ is a type of book or film showing space travel of life on other planets, based on
imagined scientific discoveries of the future.
A. Epic B. Fiction C. Non-fiction D. Science fiction
Question 8. GPS systems help a lot of people _______ on land, on the sea, and in the air.
A. inform B. interfere C. navigate D. reunite
Question 9. After the power failure last night, the washing machine started to _______ so I had to wash
the clothes by hands.
A. make noise B. malfunction C. operate D. work
Question 10. The biggest fear is that humans might _______ control over robots.
A. gain B. keep C. lose D. take

B. Word Form
Question 1. High intelligent machines can be automated to operate without human _______.
A. intervene B. intervening C. intervention D. interventionist
Question 2. _______ have announced that a major breakthrough has been made.
A. Research B. Researchers C. Researches D. Researching
Question 3. If you're an _______, you have to do what your boss tells you.
A. employ B. employee C. employer D. employment
Question 4. Who is _______ for dealing with complaints here?
A. responsible B. responsibly C. responsibility D. irresponsible
Question 5. They share a _______ that there is life after death.
A. believe B. believable C. unbelievable D. belief

C. Closest in meaning
Question 1. It is firmly believed that books are a primary means for disseminating knowledge and
A. inventing B. distributing C. classifying D. adapting
Question 2. The use of the laser in surgery has become relatively commonplace in recent years.
A. absolutely B. almost C. completely D. comparatively
Question 3. Many parents may fail to recognize and respond to their children's needs until frustration
explodes into difficult or uncooperative behaviour.
A. stays under pressure B. remains at an unchanged level
C. suddenly becomes uncontrollable D. slowly reaches the boiling point
Question 4. You must apply yourself to your work more. Don’t be so easily distracted.
A. improve B. carried out C. did quickly D. concentrate on
Question 5. I’m all in favor of ambition but I think when he says he’ll be a millionaire by the time he’s
25, he’s simply crying for the moon.
A. longing for what is beyond the reach B. asking for what is attainable
C. doing something with vigoror intensity D. crying a lot and for a long time

D. Opposite in meaning
Question 1. The maintenance of the old castle must cost a lot of money.
A. destruction B. preservation C. conservation D. building
Question 2. Winning the first prize in the Math Competition was the highest achievement he got when
he was at school.
A. comprehension B. success C. failure D. completion
Question 3. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
A. became consciousB. went to sleep C. started to sleep D. stayed awake
Question 4. If you are at a loose end this weekend, I’ll show you round the city.
A. indecisive B. occupied C. free D. unhealthy
Question 5. When he passes the entrance exam, his parents will be walking on air.
A. extremely happy B. extremely light
C. feeling extremely unhappy D. feeling extremely airy

Choose the best answer for each of the blanks in the following passage.
A. I’ve just read a really good book. It’s called Eragon and it was written by Christopher Paolini. It’s the
first in a trilogy of fantasy novels and it is set in an (1)……… place called Alagaesia. It was recently
made into a really good film.
It’s the story of a 15-year-old boy (2)……… finds a strange blue stone in the mountains. It’s actually a
dragon’s egg! He and the dragon become friends. It’s a start of an adventure full (3)……… magic, wars
and death. There’s a twist at the end, but I won’t give it away.
I like the book (4)……… the author has created an amazing fantasy world. It contains a lot of interesting
(5)……… and I really wanted to know what was going to happen. I thoroughly recommend it.

Question 1. A. imaginative B. imagine C. imaginary D. imagination
Question 2. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
Question 3. A. about B. in C. with D. of
Question 4. A. so that B. although C. or D. and
Question 5. A. inhabitants B. qualities C. characters D. species

B. It’s quite rare to meet teenagers who don’t like sports. When you are young, you know how important
it is to (1)……… physical exercise if you want to be healthy and strong, and for that reason you often
concentrate on just one sport with so much enthusiasm that in the end you can’t live without it. The
problem is, though, that as you (2)……… you have less and less spare time. (3)……… your age you have
to study harder if you want to get good marks to go to university, with perhaps only one afternoon a week
to do any sport. This happens just when you are at the best age for many sports, such as gymnastics and
swimming. (4)……… you finish all your studies, you will probably be too old to be really good at sports
like those, but if you spend enough time on training while you are young, then one day you will find that
you are good at your sport but too old to study, and you will find it (5)……… to get a good job.
Somehow, it doesn’t seem fair.
Question 1. A. do B. make C. have D. get
Question 2. A. give up B. turn up C. bring up D. grow up
Question 3. A. In B. At C, On D. With
Question 4. A. While B. Since C. By the time D. As soon as
Question 5. A. impractical B. unlikely C. improbable D. impossible

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions.
A. There are thousands of species of animals in the Amazon rainforest, each colored differently. Most
rainforest animals use their colors for survival.
Some animals use color to protect themselves from their predators. An example is the green iguana.
Young iguanas are bright green and hide among the bright green lower leaves of the trees where they live.
As they get older, their color becomes duller. Older iguanas live higher in the trees, where the colors all
around are less bright.
Other animals are predators and use color to hide from their prey. The boa constrictor snake is a good
example. Some boas are gray or brown, and these colors help them hide on branches. The emerald boa is
green and white, so it can easily hide in the leaves. A boa hides in a tree and waits for a bird to fly by.
When one does, the boa grabs the bird from the air and then squeezes it to death before eating it.
Poison arrow frogs don’t try to hide. They want everyone to see them. These colorful frogs can be orange,
red, or green. Their bright colors let everybody know where they are. The bright color warns other
animals that the frog is poisonous, so they stay away. These tiny frogs are very poisonous! One frog has
enough poison to kill 100 people.
The colors of the rainforest are beautiful to us, but to the animals, they are very important. They help the
animals survive.
Question 1. What is this passage mainly about?
A. How colors protect rainforest animals B. How rainforest animals live
C. Poisonous rainforest animals D. Predators of the rainforest
Question 2. What color are young iguanas?
A. Dull green B. Bright green C. Green and white D. Orange, red, and green
Question 3. What is TRUE about poison arrow frogs?
A. They like to hide. B. They are predators.
C. They have bright colors. D. They aren’t very poisonous.
Question 4. What do boa constrictors eat?
A. Birds B. Leaves C. Older iguanas D. Poison arrow frogs
Question 5. Why might a bird fly near a boa constrictor?
A. Because it moves faster than the boa constrictor.
B. Because it can’t see the boa constrictor.
C. Because it wants to eat the boa constrictor. D. Because it isn’t afraid of the boa constrictor.

B. The tae kwon do uniform symbolizes the tradition of the sport, and the belt symbolizes the hard work
and accomplishments of the student. The belt colors represent the growth of the students as they move
through the ranks and develop their skills.
The belt color for the lowest rank is white. This color represents innocence. The student knows nothing
about tae kwon do. The orange belt represents autumn, which is a season of changes. This shows that the
student begins to change as she or he learns about tae kwon do. Yellow represents the earth. Just as a
plant has roots in the earth, the student at this level is creating roots from which to grow. Green represents
growth. The student's skills and knowledge are growing like a green plant. Blue represents the sky and
means that the student continues to grow upward. Brown means that the student's skills are ripening like a
fruit. Red represents danger. It is a warning to the student to use her or his skills and knowledge with
wisdom. Black is the opposite of white. It is a combination of all the colors. It shows that the student has
reached a high level of skill and knowledge.
The tae kwon do belt and uniform should always be treated with respect. This means that, in addition to
keeping them neat and clean, students should only wear their belts and uniforms while practicing or
performing the sport. Treating the belt and uniform with respect is an important part of the practice of tae
kwon do.
Question 1. What is this passage mainly about?
A. The meaning of tae kwon do belts and uniforms.
B. The history of tae kwon do.
C. The origin of tae kwon do belt system.
D. The different levels of tae kwon do.
Question 2. What does a yellow belt symbolize?
A. Change B. Sky C. Roots D. Growth
Question 3. Which color belt represents the highest rank?
A. Brown B. Black C. Orange D. Green
Question 4. How do students show respect for their uniforms?
A. By wearing them all the time.
B. By earning as many belts as possible.
C. By wearing them while practicing or performing the sport.
D. By washing them often.
Question 5. In line 3, in as they move through the ranks, what does the word “they” refer to?
A. Belts B. Accomplishments C. Levels D. Students

Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
A. Tenses
Question 1. I am used to driving on the left because I _______ in Britain for a long time.
A. will live B. am living C. live D. have been living
Question 2. If you had taken my advice, you _______ the driving test yesterday.
A. would have passed B. passed C. would pass D. will pass
Question 3. Gold _______ in California in the 19th century.
A. discovered B. discovers C. was discovered D. has been discovered
Question 4. Trees won’t grow unless there _______ enough water.
A. is B. had been C. are D. was
Question 5. Gary is a voluntary Australian teacher. He ______ English in five different countries so far.
A. teaches B. taught C. has taught D. had taught
Question 6. I was watching an interesting film on TV when Tom _______ in.
A. was coming B. came C. comes D. has come
Question 7. I will report this problem to Mr. Pike when I _______ him tomorrow.
A. will see B. see C. would see D. saw
Question 8. I saw Lisa at the museum when I _______ to the restaurant.
A. were going B. went C. have gone D. was going
Question 9. By the time the boss arrives, his employees _______ for two hours.

A. will have worked B. have worked C. work D. will work
Question 10. I didn’t want to go to the cinema with them because I _______ that film.
A. have seen B. was seeing C. would see D. had seen

B. Phrasal Verbs
Question 1. It was such a great book that I couldn’t put it _______.
A. on B. down C. up D. out
Question 2. I’m on a diet so I am trying to keep _______ fatty foods.
A. up B. on C. after D. off
Question 3. As time goes _______, our memory seems to get worse.
A. by B. on C. over D. through
Question 4. The Second World War broke _______ in 1939.
A. on B. down C. out D. away
Question 5. Because of an accident, my train was _______ for several hours.
A. washed up B. turned up C. held up D. looked up
Question 6. It was only a small fire so I could _______ it _______ easily.
A. put … off B. call … out C. call … off D. put … out
Question 7. You should _______ a sport and then you will be stronger.
A. take off B. catch on C. look after D. take up
Question 8. If you _______ drinking so much, you would get a stomachache.
A. give up B. go on C. call off D. put on
Question 9. We lost him in the narrow streets and had to _______ the chase.
A. give up B. fill in C. take off D. look up
Question 10. I was late for work because my alarm clock did not _______.
A. turn off B. put off C. go off D. send off

C. To Infinitive and Gerund

Question 1. Most children enjoy _______ with their parents and siblings.
A. play B. to play C. playing D. played
Question 2. If you really want _______, you must work hard every day.
A. to succeed B. succeeding C. succeed D. to succeeding
Question 3. Do you mind _______ such a long way to work every day?
A. to travel B. travel C. to have traveled D. traveling
Question 4. He promised _______ his daughter a new bicycle as a birthday present.
A. to buying B. to buy C. buy D. buying
Question 5. These school-leavers are looking forward to _______ good jobs.
A. find B. to find C. finding D. found
Question 6. The government suggests _______ robots to access remote areas that are dangerous to the
lives of militants.
A. designing B. designed C. to design D. design
Question 7. Sandra hated _______ though she didn’t say a word.
A. photographing B. photograph C. to photograph D. being photographed
Question 8. She decided _______ up yoga to help her to lose weight.
A. to taking B. taking C. take D. to take
Question 9. I deeply regret _______ to her so severely last night. She was badly hurt.
A. to speak B. to be speaking C. being spoken D. having spoken
Question 10. I am considering _______ my job. Can you recommend a good company?
A. changed B. changing C. to change D. change

D. Comparison of Adjectives
Question 1. The exam was quite easy - _______ than we expected.
A. more easy B. as easy C. easier D. much easy

Question 2. The speed of light is _______ the speed of sound.
A. faster B. faster than C. the fastest D. as fast
Question 3. The pace of life is much _______ in the country than in the city.
A. slower B. slowly C. more slow D. the slowest
Question 4. I’m quite tall but you are taller. I’m _______ you.
A. not as tall as B. as tall as C. so tall as D. taller than
Question 5. John said that no other car could go _______.
A. so fast like his car B. as fast like his car
C. as fast like the car of him D. as fast as his car
Question 6. Women's employment rate is getting _______.
A. high and high B. higher and higher C. high and higher D. higher and the highest
Question 7. My problems are getting _______. In fact, I feel disappointed.
A. more and more bad B. badly and badly
C. worse and worse D. the worse and worse
Question 8. Air pollution is getting _______ serious in big cities in the world.
A. more and more B. the more and the more
C. the most and the most D. most and most
Question 9. The better the weather is, _______.
A. the most crowded the beaches get B. the most the beaches get crowded
C. the more crowded the beaches get D. the more the beaches get crowded
Question 10. The larger the area of forest is destroyed, _______.
A. the most frequent natural disasters are B. the most frequently natural disasters occur
C. the more frequent are natural disasters D. the more frequently natural disasters occur

E. Articles
Question 1. He learned to play _______ guitar when he was young.
A. a B. the C. an D. Ø
Question 2. Too much rubbish is being dumped in _______ sea.
A. a B. the C. an D. Ø
Question 3. Their daughter’s dream is to become _______ university student in Australia.
A. a B. the C. an D. Ø
Question 4. Many rare and precious species are now on _______ verge of extinction.
A. a B. the C. an D. Ø
Question 5. We had _______ dinner in a very nice restaurant yesterday.
A. a B. the C. an D. Ø
Question 6. Like many findings in _______ astronomy, the discovery of Uranus was by accident.
A. a B. the C. an D. Ø
Question 7. _______ homeless need more help from the government.
A. a B. The C. an D. Ø
Question 8. _______ Africa is much larger than _______ Europe.
A. The – the B. An – the C. Ø - Ø D. Ø – the
Question 9. _______ Paris is _______ capital of France.
A. The – the B. A – the C. A – a D. Ø - the
Question 10. _______ film wasn’t very good but I like _______ music.
A. The – the B. A – the C. A – a D. Ø - Ø

F. Adjectives + prepositions
Question 1. I'm angry _______ him for telling lies about me.
A. in B. about C. with D. on
Question 2. Are you afraid _______ snakes?
A. of B. in C. about D. with
Question 3. Rome is famous _______ its historic monuments.
A. at B. for C. in D. about
Question 4. He is married _______ his best friend’s sister.
A. at B. with C. to D. for
Question 5. Your shoes are similar _______ mine, but they are not exactly the same.
A. to B. in C. with D. on
Question 6. We've got enough to eat. The fridge is full _______ food.
A. in B. on C. with D. of
Question 7. Doctors are worried _______ the possible spread of the disease.
A. about B. for C. in D. with
Question 8. They said that they weren't responsible _______ the debts of the company.
A. with B. about C. for D. on
Question 9. I have to stop to talk to you. I'm a bit short _______ time.
A. in B. of C. on D. about
Question 10. Are you interested ______ football? A. about B. on C. of D. in

G. Participles
Question 1. _______ all money supported by his family, some students started to do a part-time job to
make ends meet.
A. To spend B. Having spent C. Have been spending D. Spent
Question 2. _______ a scholarship, my daughter entered one of the most prestigious universities of the
United Kingdom.
A. To award B. Be awarded C. Having awarded D. Having been awarded
Question 3. _______ for ten hours, the rescue team found the child.
A. Searching B. Searched C. Having searched D. Being searched
Question 4. The ancient houses _______ by the fire are now under reconstruction.
A. destroyed B. to destroy C. destroying D. that was destroyed
Question 5. Tourists like buying the handicrafts _______ by the local people in the ancient town.
A. making B. be made C. to make D, made
Question 6. The bridge _______ 20 years ago is considered the symbol of the city.
A. be built B. built C. that is built D. building
Question 7. _______ in a rich family, she has everything she wishes for.
A. Born B. Be born C. Being born D. To be born
Question 8. Have you visited the temple _______ at the end of the street?
A. lay B. to lie C. lying D. lies
Question 9. The people _______ at the information desk couldn’t get the tickets this morning.
A. waiting B. to wait C. waited D. wait
Question 10. _______ the news every day, we know what is going on in the world.
A. To watch B. Being watched C. Watching D. Watch

H. Connectors
Question 1. _______ John's being usually late for work, he was dismissed.
A. Because B. Because of C. Despite D. Although
Question 2. _______ the windows are noticeably smaller and the ceiling is lower than those in the main
rooms, it is a light, bright space.
A. Although B. Because C. Because of D. Despite
Question 3. Both parents and academic institutions should encourage children to play sports _______ it
helps in creating a healthier generation.
A. despite B. because of C. because D. although
Question 4. They were driving to Dallas _______ they had an accident.
A. when B. while C. before D. as soon as
Question 5. _______ they got married, they have moved the house twice.
A. As soon as B. Until C. Before D. Since

I. Order of Adjectives
Question 1. She bought a _______ dress as a gift for her daughter.
A. beautiful long white B. white long beautiful
C. long white beautiful D. white beautiful long
Question 2. Peter bought a(n) _______ book as a gift for his younger sister on her 15th birthday party.
A. English thick interesting B. interesting thick English
C. thick interesting English D. English interesting thick
Question 3. My parents gave me a(an) _______ toy on my birthday.
A. plastic orange lovely B. orange lovely plastic
C. orange plastic lovely D. lovely orange plastic
Question 4. Tom wanted to buy this _______ car 2 years ago.
A. white luxurious Japanese B. Japanese luxurious white
C. white Japanese luxurious D. luxurious white Japanese
Question 5. The street coffee shop only has four _______ tables.
A. small round wooden B. round small wooden
C. small wooden round D. round wooden small

A. Sentence Transformation
Rewrite the following sentences so that it is closest in meaning to the original one or do as directed.
Question 1. Climate change becomes severe. Wildlife is seriously affected. (Use Double Comparative to
combine the sentences.)
→ ……………………………………………………………………… is affected.
Question 2. I couldn’t open the mail because it contained a virus.
→ If …………………………………………………………………………………
Question 3. “Why don’t we go sailing this weekend?” asked Jack.
→ Jack suggested ……………………………………… this weekend.
Question 4. It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour.
→ It’s better to avoid …………………………………………
Question 5. She last wrote to me three months ago.
→ She …………………………………………………… for three months.
Question 6. I didn’t buy as many books as you.
→ You bought ……………………………………………
Question 7. We know that he understands the problem clearly. We will ask him for help. (Use participle
→ ……………………………………………………………, we will ask him for help.
Question 8. “I won’t do that again.” The boy said. (Use “promised”)
→ The boy ………..…………………………… that again.
Question 9. I felt tired. I went to bed early. (Use participle phrase)
→ …………………………………………… to bed early.
Question 10. I think you should apply to a local college.
→ If I …………………………………… a local college.
Question 11. I think you should know the truth.
→ I want …………………………………… the truth.
Question 12. They left for London but they didn’t say goodbye. (Use “without”)
→ They left ………………………………………………………….
B. Sentence Building
Use the given words to make complete sentences.
Question 1. I / invited / him / party / yesterday / but he / not come.
→ …………………………………………………………………………..
Question 2. If / you / water / flowers / garden / more, / grow / better.
→ …………………………………………………………………………..
Question 3. National parks / built / protect / preserve / natural beauty / land.
→ …………………………………………………………………………..
Question 4. This turtle / lived / this marine park / 30 years / end / this month.
→ …………………………………………………………………………..
Question 5. An automated gate / installed / our house / moment.
→ …………………………………………………………………………..
Question 6. My friend / advised me / find / more information / the company / offering / job.
→ ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Question 7. No one / our class / taller / Dave.
→ …………………………………………………………………………..
Question 8. If / it / not rain / tomorrow, / we / go / a picnic.
→ …………………………………………………………………………..
Question 9. Jane / learned / lot / Vietnamese / while she / Viet Nam.
→ …………………………………………………………………………..
Question 10. Skydiving / becoming / more popular / both men / women.
→ …………………………………………………………………………..
The end

THÀNH PHỐ ĐÀ NẴNG Môn: Tiếng Anh - Lớp 12
Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề có 02 trang)

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
Question 1. A. received B. carried C. designed D. regretted
Question 2. A. danger B. nature C. game D. attack

Choose the word that has a different stress pattern.

Question 3. A. awareness B. survival C. continent D. reviewer
Question 4. A. adopt B. sponsor C. exchange D. combine

Choose the best answer to each of the following questions or do as directed.

Question 5. - Nike: “Would you like something to drink?” - Helen: “……………”
A. For sure. B. Could I have some water? C. I didn’t. D. That’s right.
Question 6. - Nick: “Do you mind my taking this seat?” - James: “……………”
A. No, of course not. B. Yes, take it please. C. Yes, sit down. D. No, you can’t
Question 7. She got so …………… while watching the game that she began shouting.
A. exciting B. excited C. excitingly D. excitedly
Question 8. Many species are threatened in the wild due to habitat …………… by man.
A. restoration B. destruction C. preservation D. protection
Question 9. What is being done to stop employers from …………… young people?
A. exploiting B. cooperating C. remaining D. identifying
Question 10. The government has …………… every effort to cure Covid-19 patients.
A. done B. created C. brought D. made
Question 11. The festival is …………… dependent on sponsorship for its success.
A. heavily B. recently C. respectively D. excellently
Question 12. More people will work from home on computers linked …………… a head office.
A. by B. for C. in D, to
Question 13. Employees who prove themselves to be …………… will usually get promoted quite rapidly.
A. capabilities B. capability C. capable D. incapable
Question 14. What should be taken into consideration before …………… a decision?
A. doing B. making C. getting D. working
Question 15. People living near some nature reserves have to face constant …… to their livestock and crops.
A. questions B. conflicts C. threats D. arguments
Question 16. I was surfing the web when I …………… across the job advertisement for a teaching assistant.
A. came B. was coming C. had come D. come
Question 17. The sharper the knife is, …………… it is to cut something.
A. the more easy B. the more easily C. the easier D. the easier and easier
Question 18. …………… the exams are over, I’m going on holiday.
A. As quickly as B. As far as C. As long as D. As soon as
Question 19. The machine …………… on by pressing this switch.
A. will turn B. can be turned C. must turn D. should be turning
Question 20. This chess game is going to last ages. They …………… it until midnight.
A. Won’t have finished B. hadn’t finished C. haven’t finished D. don’t finish
Question 21. A large hole in the surface of the road ………… the traffic, which made me late for the interview.
A. turned up B. held up C. stood up D. set up
Question 22. Thanks to the Internet, …………… people are turning to online shopping for all their needs.
A. more and the most B. the more and most C. more and more D. most and most
Question 23. “Chewing gum is forbidden in class. Get …………… of it now.”
A. rid B. away C. waste D. throw

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

Question 24. (A)The sooner you (B)leave, the (C)earliest you (D)will arrive at your destination.
Question 25. (A)The airline provided (B)food and drink (C)with passengers during (D)the delays.
Question 26. When he (A)will come (B)back from his office, (C)tell him (D)to phone me.

Choose the word closest in meaning to the underlined words.
Question 27. Many students take to university life like a duck to water.
A. without fail B. very easily C. with problems D. very busily

Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original one.

Question 28. I am sure it was by mistake that he took your calculator.
A. I’m sure he didn’t take your calculator by mistake.
B. He must have taken your calculator by mistake.
C. It was a mistake that he took your calculator.
D. He took your calculator on purpose.
Question 29. In the class of twenty, Jack is the third best student.
A. Two students in the class are better than Jack.
B. No other students in the class are as good as Jack.
C. The class has only three good students.
D. Jack is not as good as most of the other students.

Choose the sentence that best combines the sentences.

Question 30. He will go to the dentist’s. He wants the dentist to pull his tooth out.
A. He needs to pull his tooth out, so he’ll go to the dentist’s.
B. The dentist will get his tooth pulled out by him.
C. He’ll go to the dentist to have his tooth pulled out.
D. Going to the dentist’s, he’ll pull his tooth out.

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each of the blanks from 31 to 35.
Mobile phone company SK Telecom put a robot on the first floor of its Seoul headquarters to observe people
and perform cleaning operations. The company says the robot (31)………… records the body temperature of
visitors and can warn officials when a person’s temperature is too high.
The machine can also disinfect the floor and (32)………… small amounts of fluid for people to clean their
hands. The robot - which SK Telecom helped develop - uses machine learning technology to observe when
people form groups. (33)………… individuals are too close to each other, the robot issues a warning: “Please
take part in social distancing.”
The company says the robot can also identify people who are not wearing face coverings. South Korean
companies have long used robots to carry (34)………… manufacturing and cleaning operations. But the
coronavirus crisis has caused an increasing number of companies to use the technology as a way to slow the
(35)………… of the virus.
Question 31. A. automatic B. automatically C. automated D. automation
Question 32. A. release B. pour C. flow D. relieve
Question 33. A. Because B. Though C. If D. Unless
Question 34. A. on B. off C. over D. out
Question 35. A. effect B. movement C. increase D. spread

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions from 36 to 40.
Are you happy with your present job? This is the question, the answer of which has great significance in your
professional life. If you are happy with your job and even love it, then life becomes much easier and happier
for you. After all, when we love a thing, we enjoy doing it. On the other hand, if you look at your job as a
burden and as a necessity, then you can never attain professional satisfaction and happiness.
Almost each of us works for money. However, money should not be the sole criterion for selecting a job. You
should select a job which gives you inner satisfaction and happiness. You should respect your job and feel
happy doing it as that is the marker of true professional success. Job satisfaction plays a great role in
defining your efficiency and productivity. An employee who is satisfied and happy with his job will have
higher productivity than an employee who looks at his job only as a means for monetary benefits. This is
because job satisfaction provides a person with inner motivation and self-encouragement to give his best to
his job. He will always try to scale new heights of success - an attitude which is not only beneficial for the
company, but also for his own professional success. A person who is satisfied with his job helps in creating a
positive work environment. He always helps boost up the morale of his colleagues and helps in creating a
harmonious relationship at work. After all, job satisfied employees are the ones who truly follow the concept
of “work is worship”. This is because, they believe in what they are doing and the belief and confidence
provide them with the required zeal, passion and motivation to succeed in life.
Question 36. The passage is about the …………… .
A. the necessity of job satisfaction B. the facts that job satisfaction requires
C. the concept of job satisfaction D. job satisfaction and motivation
Question 37. Which of the following is true about job satisfaction?
A. One with job satisfaction is only beneficial for the company.
B. An employee who is happy with his job has the highest productivity.
C. Being happy with your job helps your life become easier and happier.
D. Money is much more important than job satisfaction.
Question 38. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Job satisfaction encourages an employee to work better.
B. Companies get benefits from employees who have got job satisfaction.
C. There are employees who look for a job to earn money only.
D. One only needs job satisfaction and salary is not important.
Question 39. The word “boost up” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to …………… .
A. produce B. raise C. decrease D. maintain
Question 40. The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to ……… .
A. money B. satisfaction C. happiness D. job

The end

THÀNH PHỐ ĐÀ NẴNG Môn: Tiếng Anh - Lớp 12
Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút (không kể thời gian giao
(Đề có 02 trang)

SECTION A (8.0 ms)

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
Question 1. A. improved B. injured C. struggled D. reacted
Question 2. A. special B. successful C. medical D. destructive

Choose the word that has a different stress pattern.

Question 3. A. dependent B. important C. typical D. potential
Question 4. A. control B. argue C. involve D. respect

Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5. - Charles: “I didn’t get the job!” - Kim: “……………”
A. No, of course not. B. Better luck next time! C. Same to you! D. Good heavens!
Question 6. - Daisy: “Is it all right if I use your bike?” - Ann: “……………”
A. Sure, go ahead. B. Oh, forget it. C. I don’t care. D. I accept it.
Question 7. The Vietnamese were very satisfied with excellent performances of the young and ……… athletes.
A. energy B. energetically C. energetic D. energize
Question 8. The …………… for women’s rights began in the 18th century.
A. contest B. struggle C. competition D. war
Question 9. The …………… is the official who controls the game in some sports.
A. referee B. attacker C. captain D. defender
Question 10. The Red List has been introduced to …………… people’s awareness of conservation needs.
A. lift B. expand C. improve D. raise
Question 11. The mission of this organization is to improve the lives of …………… people who are victims of
natural disasters, poverty, etc.
A. vulnerable B. acceptable C. fashionable D. Sociable
Question 12. We have just received her invitation to the birthday party but …………… we can’t go.
A. efficiently B. seriously C. unfortunately D. amazingly
Question 13. I’d like to work …………… the UN because I can live and work in New York.
A. about B. as C. over D. for
Question 14. Helping …………… children’s basic needs is one of the aims of UNICEF.
A. reply B. meet C. dedicate D. contribute
Question 15. This letter …………… be from Japan because it’s got a French stamp.
A. can’t B. needn’t C. shouldn’t D. won’t
Question 16. - “Is my car ready?” - “No, but we …………… by this evening.”
A. will have finished B. would finish C. finish D. have finished
Question 17. We've invited six friends for dinner, so we need a …………… table.
A. more large B. more largely C. larger D. largest
Question 18. They’ve had to …………… their wedding until September because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
A. turned on B. went on C. looked at D. put off
Question 19. Those windows really …………… soon.
A. will need to clean B. need to be cleaned C. must clean D. should be cleaning
Question 20. I usually …………… a book before deciding whether to buy it.
A. put away B. dip into C. pick up D. put down

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

Question 21. He got (A) bad marks in (B) the mid-term tests. He (C) must have learnt (D) harder.
Question 22. We (A) like outdoor activities (B) such as swimming, (C) biking or (D) go on a field trip.

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each of the blanks from 23 to 27.
My name is Carmen and I work as a receptionist in a large hotel. I became interested in a career in tourism
(23)………… I finished school. I worked as a waitress at first, but I (24)………… going out at night with my
friends, so two months later, I started looking for another job. I was very excited when I got the offer for this
one! It’s very interesting because I meet people from different countries. I speak Spanish, English, and
Portuguese, and I also understand Italian when people speak slowly. You need to be polite and
(25)………… when you work in a hotel. I’m also very hard-working. That’s important because the hours are
long and the hotel is always very busy, but I enjoy helping the guests. My colleagues and I reserve rooms for
people and we sometimes tell them about local attractions they can visit. I don’t go abroad (26)…………
vacation, but I always go away with my family in August. We stay at a house by the beach and go swimming
every day. Next month, I’m going to take a training course so I can learn more about social media and
websites. I’m really interested in marketing. I hope I’ll get a (an) (27)………… next year.
Question 23. A. until B. after C. while D. later
Question 24. A. missed B. failed C. forgot D. prevent
Question 25. A. patience B. patiently C. patient D. impatient
Question 26. A. to B. in C. on D. at
Question 27. A. experience B. work C. permission D. promotion

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions from 28 to 32.
Until recently, Shade Ajayi had never gone to school. Now 50, the businesswoman is learning to read and
write alongside students nearly 40 years younger than she is. Ajayi attends a school in Ilorin, in Nigeria. She
wears the same uniform as hundreds of girls at the school: a pink dress and head covering. “I’m
not ashamed that I wear a uniform,” she said. As a child, Ajayi worked in her aunt’s shop instead of attending
school. She now runs her own business making and selling purses and bags. But she believes her inability to
read or write is holding her back.
Ajayi signed up to attend school last year, but the school closed because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Schools reopened in January and Ajayi finally got her chance. She sits in a class with students aged 11 to 13
and raises her hand to answer questions.
Ajayi’s teacher, Nasrat Busari, said she did not appear worried about the age difference with other students.
“She has been coping well with them: playing together, talking together and discussing things together,” he
Ajayi’s daughter, Shola Adeboye, said at first, she was embarrassed that her mother attended school
alongside children. But later, she supported her mother’s efforts.
Ajayi still makes bags and purses after finishing classes. She plans to continue her education for four more
years, saying it will help her business. “People around me can read and write and they are succeeding in their
businesses,” said Ajayi. And she does not seem to care what others may say about her. Ajayi said, “It’s my
duty not to pay attention to what they’re saying.”
Question 28. Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Inability to Read or Write Holds a Woman back
B. Businesswoman Learns to Read and Write
C. 50-Year-Old Woman Goes to School for First Time
D. Education Can Help Women’s Business
Question 29. All of the following statements describe Shade Ajayi EXCEPT …………… .
A. she’s getting on with her tasks at school
B. she is far older than all the other students
C. she wears a pink dress and head covering
D. she’s embarrassed to answer questions
Question 30. She didn’t start school at a proper age …………… .
A. due to the coronavirus pandemic
B. because she worked for her relative
C. to make and sell purses and bags
D. because she ran her own business
Question 31. What does Shade Ajayi attend school for?
A. to hold her back B. to run her business better
C. to sell purses and bags D. to care others
Question 32. The phrase “embarrassed” is closest in meaning to …………… .
A. ashamed B. amused C. excited D. annoyed

SECTION B (2.0 ms)

Rewrite the sentence so that it is closest in meaning to the original one or do as directed.
Question 1. You should wash your shirt right now before that stain dries.
→ Your shirt need ……………………………………………………………… before that stain dries.
Question 2. If we can solve the problem soon, it will be better for all concerned.
→ The sooner ……………………………………………, ……………………………… for all concerned.
Question 3. She will finish her shift soon, then she will hang out with her friends.
→ As soon as ………………………………………………………………, she will hang out with her friends.
Question 4. If I were you, I’d try to combine exercise with a healthy diet. (Use the modal “should”)
→ You ……………………………………………………………… a healthy diet.

--- HẾT ---

THÀNH PHỐ ĐÀ NẴNG Môn: Tiếng Anh - Lớp 12
Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút (không kể thời gian
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC giao đề)
(Đề có 02 trang)
SECTION A (8.0 ms)
Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
Question 1. – Jack: “May I see your passport, Mr Scott?” – Mr Scott: “ ”
A. Certainly. B. No, why not? C. Yes, let’s. D. Great.
Question 2. Optimists believe that life will be better than it is today.
A. very B. really C. far D. lot
Question 3. Communities on the island depended on whaling for their .
A. livelihood B. exploitation C. conservation D. development
Question 4. – Jenny: “ ?” – David: “Oh, I can’t complain.”
A. What do you do? B. How are you? C. What can you do? D. How do you do?
Question 5. It is our responsibility to contribute bettering our own lives.
A. with B. about C. for D. to
Question 6. There are a number of measures that should be to protect endangered animals.
A. obtained B. made C. done D. taken
Question 7. He understands the power education and training can have in helping people to escape .
A. poor B. poorly C. poverty D. poorness
Question 8. In time of peace, the Red Cross gives medical aid and other help to of major disasters.
A. patients B. soldiers C. victims D. leaders
Question 9. Mountain gorillas are not as as they look.
A. dangerous B. nervous C. adventurous D. numerous
Question 10. Susan us very well. She’s an excellent cook.
A. took after B. looked after C. took care D. looked for

Question 11. He his wet clothes and squeezed the water out.
A. turned off B. took off C. set off D. cooled off
Question 12. The car a speed of 60 miles per hour within five seconds.
A. runs B. moves C. travels D. reaches
Question 13. It is important that students develop an awareness of how the Internet .
A. can use B. have to use C. have to be used D. can be used
Question 14. You take photographs in here. It's forbidden.
A. needn’t B. mustn't C. shouldn’t D. won’t
Question 15. Police discovered a large stash of drugs while they the house.
A. are searching B. searched C. were searching D. had searched
Question 16. The you drive, the more dangerous it is.
A. more fast B. more fastly C. fastest D. faster

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.

Question 17. A. reserve B. depend C. eject D. dedicate
Question 18. A. colours B. friends C. goals D. habitats

Choose the word that has a different stress pattern.

Question 19. A. foundation B. conference C. delegate D. agency
Question 20. A. devote B. inspire C. suffer D. create

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

Question 21. (A) The foundation of the International Red Cross (B) was inspired by (C) a Swiss man (D)
calling Henry Dunant.
Question 22. (A) What is (B) the best piece of (C) advise you’ve ever given (D) to someone?

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each of the blanks from 23 to 27.
It’s hard to believe, but a very special recipe book has been bought by an Indian businessman for nearly
$47,000! This (23) book has 1,200 pages and is a work of art. Vikas Khanna, the chef whose idea it was,
said it had taken him 12 years to create! He also told reporters that he was proud that the sale had happened
on his father’s birthday and that in the near future the money would be sent to a children’s charity.
(24) Khanna finished writing the book, it has become very famous. Eleven copies have been given
(25)____ so far. In 2015, one copy was given to Barack Obama, and others to important people around the
world. Khanna explained that when he first thought of the book many years ago, he had planned to give the
twelfth copy to Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, (26) died in 2011. When he heard about his death,
he was very sad and decided to sell this copy at an auction instead to raise money for charity.
In 2017, Khanna was named one of the top ten chefs in the world. He learned how to cook when he was
young and spent a lot of time (27) recipes in his grandma’s kitchen. Khanna used to live in India, but
now he lives in New York. Before moving to the US, Khanna developed his skills by working in several large
hotels in India and now has a very successful career.
Question 23. A. amazement B. amazed C. amaze D. amazing
Question 24. A. Since B. Because C. When D. Though
Question 25. A. up B. off C. to D. away
Question 26. A. who B. which C. whose D. whom
Question 27. A. create B. creating C. created D. to create

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions from 28 to 32.
Regular swimming has been shown to improve memory, immune system and mood. Swimming may also
help repair damage from stress.
Swimming has been long recognized for its cardiovascular benefits. Because swimming involves all of the
major muscle groups, the heart has to work hard, which increases blood flow throughout the body. This
leads to the creation of new blood vessels. The greater blood flow can also lead to a large release of
endorphins – hormones that act as a natural pain reducer throughout the body. This surge brings about the
sense of satisfaction that often follows exercise.
Most of the research to understand how swimming affects the brain has been done in rats. Rats are a
good lab model because of their genetic similarity to humans. In one study in rats, swimming was shown to
stimulate brain pathways and inhibit cell death. The study also showed that swimming can help support
neuron survival and reduce the cognitive impacts of aging. Although researchers do not yet have a way to
visualize neuronal survival in people, they do observe similar cognitive outcomes.
Although the leap from studies in rats to humans is substantial, research in people is producing similar
results that suggest a clear cognitive benefit from swimming across all ages. For instance, in one study
looking at the impact of swimming on mental health in the elderly, researchers concluded that swimmers had
improved attention and memory compared with non-swimmers.
Question 28. According to paragraph 2, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Swimming much may make the heart exhausted.
B. Do exercise to gain satisfaction.
C. To reduce pain throughout the body, one should swim.
D. Swimming is good for your heart.
Question 29. The word “This” in paragraph 2 refers to .
A. the heart B. major muscle groups C. the body D. increased blood
flow Question 30. Why do scientists often carry out experiments on rats?
A. Rats and humans have some genetic resemblance.
B. They can swim very well.
C. Rats are able to produce similar cognitive outcomes.
D. Researchers can visualize rats swimming.
Question 31. The word “substantial” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to …………… .
A. little B. small C. narrow D. big
Question 32. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A. Health Benefits of Swimming
B. Rats Play Important Roles in Science
C. Link Between Memory Loss and Swimming
D. Benefits of Swimming for the Elderly

SECTION B (2.0 ms)

Rewrite the sentence so that it is closest in meaning to the original one or do as directed.
Question 1. You can’t leave the room during the exam. (Use “allowed” to rewrite the sentence.)
→ You ………………………………………………………………… the room till the end of the exam.
Question 2. The food is hot. It is hard to eat. (Use Double Comparative to combine the sentences.)
→ The hotter ………………………………………………………………… to eat.
Question 3. The job offer was too good for me to refuse. (Use “turn” to rewrite the sentence.)
→ The job offer was so good that I couldn’t ………………………………………………………………… .
Question 4. She last visited her parents three months ago.
→ She ………………………………………………………………… for three months.

--- The End ---

THÀNH PHỐ ĐÀ NẴNG Môn: Tiếng Anh - Lớp 12
Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

SECTION A (8.0ms)
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
Question 1. A. protect B. develop C. consider D. adopt
Question 2. A. swallowed B. explored C. recalled D. completed

Choose the word that has a different stress pattern.

Question 3. A. unequal B. marital C. natural D. typical
Question 4. A. honor B. human C. respect D. basis

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

Question 5. (A)The Association (B)of Southeast Asian Nations (C)was found on 8th August, 1967 (D)in
Bangkok, Thailand.
Question 6. (A)For a start, Madame Bovary (B)is (C)the most careful written book in (D)literary history.

Choose the word closest in meaning to the underlined word.
Question 7. The road is bordered by shopping centres, restaurants and other commercial enterprises.
A. widened B. covered C. protected D. surrounded

Choose the best answer to each of the following questions or do as directed.

Question 8. Tony and Steve have just finished dinner in a restaurant.
– Tony: “The food is great. I’ll get the bill.” – Steve: “……………”
A. Don’t mention it. B. It’s nothing. C. No, it is on me. D. Yes, speak to you soon.
Question 9. Hana and Jenifer are talking about the book they have just read.
– Hana: “The book is really interesting and educational.” – Jenifer: “……………”
A. Me too. B. I couldn’t agree more. C. I’d love to. D. It’s nice of you to say so.
Question 10. She was …………… and loved the wild landscape of Colombia with all its beauty and danger.
A. adventurous B. adventurously C. adventure D. adventurer
Question 11. NOTICE: “For ………… reasons, you are requested to keep your luggage with you at all times”.
A. security B. education C. culture D. science
Question 12. With her qualifications and experience, she would seem to be ideally suited …………… the job.
A. with B. about C. in D. for
Question 13. If children are taught to be …………… towards their elders, misbehaviour won't happen often.
A. respect B. respectable C. respectful D. respectfully
Question 14. WHO’s objective is the …………… by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.
A. attainment B. approach C. advance D. requirement
Question 15. You ………… didn't read the instructions. Otherwise, your assignment would have been better.
A. obviously B. strongly C. separately D. closely
Question 16. We expected her at nine but she finally …………… at midnight.
A. brought up B. turned up C. set up D. went up
Question 17. Lucy was late for school this morning because the alarm didn’t …………… as usual.
A. put off B. go off C. get off D. take off
Question 18. Stay calm, …………… your best and remember not to give up hope until the last minute.
A. get B. take C. make D. do
Question 19. By the 20th of this month, Susan …………… here for exactly two years.
A. will work B. will be working C. will have worked D. will have been worked
Question 20. “You …………… be thirsty! You've just drunk a lot of water.”
A. mayn’t B. shouldn’t C. mustn't D. can't
Question 21. A new school …………… . They hope to finish building it next month.
A. is built B. was built C. is being built D. had been built
Question 22. My bag is cheaper than Jane’s, but it is …………… and more attractive.
A. big B. bigger C. as big D. the biggest

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each of the blanks from 23 to 27.
About a year ago, I was walking near a river and I slipped and fell in. I couldn’t swim and I was really
(23)………… . I was lucky because a friend was there and she helped me. So I decided that I needed to
learn to swim. At first, I hated getting into the water at the swimming pool. My teacher told me to take
(24)………… before getting in, so I was already wet. This was a good idea. After that, I found it easier to get
into the water. Then, I started with very easy exercises, like putting my head underwater. I felt a bit stupid.
But my teacher made it fun and we laughed a lot. After a while, I (25)………… it easy to put my head
underwater. Learning how to breathe out underwater was difficult, and it took a long time. Soon, it got easier
and I (26)………… good progress. (27)…………, I learned how to swim. I’m not a great swimmer, but I’m not
afraid of the water like I used to be. And I’m a lot more careful near the river now!
Question 23. A. frighten B. frightened C. frightening D. frightful
Question 24. A. a breath B. a wash C. a shower D. an exercise
Question 25. A. found B. looked C. put D. held
Question 26. A. took B. followed C. assessed D. made
Question 27. A. At the end B. In the end C. By the end D. On the end

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions from 28 to 32.
When I surveyed over 5,000 middle grade students for my book, kids were already reminding me of the
technology gap between them and their parents. They claimed that parents “didn’t have a clue” as to what
they were experiencing on screens. While generation gap is often characteristic of adolescence in any
generation, it is even wider because of rapidly changing technology.
Even the guidelines I prescribed six years ago would be impossible to implement for this generation of
tablets, cellphones and notebooks that travel in children’s backpacks. Setting and enforcing guidelines early
for children is helpful. Taking technology away at bedtime is still possible and at least allows them a good
night’s rest. Cautioning your children about not sharing real names, addresses or phone numbers in
chatrooms or for any emails protects them somewhat. Making sure your hardworking home is balanced by
non-screen family fun can be enormous protection. Beware of over-consequencing and over-punishing for
small problems. We don’t want your children to think of their parents as enemies in a battle of wills.
Tell your children how wise and experienced you are and how much you love them at least five times a week.
They need to know they can count on you in this complex, fast-moving world even if they know more about
technology than you do. Like every generation, your children will grow up and hopefully find responsible
directions for their own lives. Technology skills are valued in the workforce and technology is here to stay.
Learning as much about it as possible will help you stay tuned-in to what your children aren’t saying.
Question 28. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. Technology – a great challenge to parents.
B. Negative aspects of technology.
C. Kids don’t want to talk about their lives.
D. Technology facilitates communication.
Question 29. The word “it” in paragraph 1 refers to …………… .
A. characteristic B. middle grade student C. generation gap D. technology gap
Question 30. What shouldn’t the parents do in order to regulate the children’s use of technology?
A. Confiscating the technology when bedtime comes.
B. Preserving time for activities beyond screens and technology.
C. Warning kids against oversharing on social media.
D. Demanding kids to share with the parents all their passwords.
Question 31. The word “tuned-in” in paragraph 3 mostly means …………… .
A. worried B. alien C. aware D. helpful
Question 32. Which of the following is TRUE about the technology in the modern world?
A. Guidelines for technological parental control are still the same.
B. People can’t live successfully without technical skills.
C. Technology has made community activities more crucial than ever.
D. The detrimental effects of technology are holding it back.

SECTION B (2.0ms)
Rewrite the sentence so that it is closest in meaning to the original one or do as directed.
1. It isn’t necessary for you to go out at this time at night. (Use “need” to rewrite the sentence.)
→You ………………………………………………………… at this time at night.
2. She got nervous as the exam date came closer. (Use Double Comparative to rewrite the sentence.)
→The closer ………………………………………………………… she got.
3. Because of the bad weather, our flight was delayed for several hours. (Use “held” to rewrite the sentence.)
→Because …………………………………………………………………… for several hours.
4. The explosion was devastating. We felt the impact of it a mile away. (… so … that …)
→The explosion was ………………………………………………………… the impact of it a mile away.

--- The End ---


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